Determine the coordinates of the phone by number. How to find out where a person by phone number

There are cases when you need to set a mobile phone location by digital code. Almost all operators provide such a service. Users options may be parents who are worried about the favorite child or vice versa, children experienced for older relatives. Learn how to track your mobile phone quickly and without unnecessary trouble.

What is geolocation

To calculate a person on the cellular number using radio signals, you need to know how the system works. Everything is very simple: geolocation is the process of determining the position of the subscriber in the geographical space online. When calculating the position of a mobile mobile, all the leading operators apply the same principle of operation (the LDCS platform using the Cell ID method). This service is paid and you can activate it only with the consent of the tracked subscriber. A few more important points about geolocation should be known:

  • the accuracy of the geolocator determination may be limited (from 50-200 m in the city, up to 1 km in rural areas);
  • coordinates can be requested in a period of at least 5-7 minutes;
  • the location when the device is turned off is not tracked.

How to determine the location of a person by phone number

Each of the leading mobile operators in Russia provides its programs and conditions, thanks to which you can find out where the mobile phone is located. Information about the movement of the monitoring device of the providers is sent as an SMS or graphically (on the map), however, it is necessary to install a special application (for iPhone, android or computer). You can download the utility from the company's online portal providing communication services. Learn how to determine the location by phone number using the services of the leading operators.

Geolocation by phone number MTS

In the company Mobile TeleSystems LLC, the possibility of determining the location is provided by the service "Locator". For this option, no special, complex settings are required. The obvious advantage is the fact that the definition of geolocation by MTS phone number can work with other networks, that is, to see where the tracked person can be located if the Beeline or MegaFon operators are connected. The first connection is free for 14 days. The monthly cost of the option "Locator" is 100 p. per month, and for correct work requires a GPRS connection.

To activate the option you need:

  • Send an online USSD request - * 111 * 7883 #.
  • Send SMS with the number of the subscriber tracked at 6677.
  • Call the operator to number 0890.
  • Geolocation by phone number2

    This service ("GEOPOIS") can be connected exclusively to tele2 subscribers, since other operators are not supported. This fact is a big minus as the one that the tracked subscriber must be in the home region during the search. Instructions for connecting geolocation by phone number tele2 can be obtained in the cabin-store, from the operator or via USSD request * 119 * 01 #. The cost of "geopaic" - 60 p. per month. After the option is activated, you can use functions:

  • To start tracking, press * 119 * 1 * Digital code (format - 7xxxxxxxx) #.
  • In order to find out the location information dial * 119 * 2 * Digital code (format - 7xxxxxxxx) #.
  • Geolocation by phone number Beeline

    Another location detection service is "coordinates" from Bilain. It has the same minus that geolocation from tele2 is the inability to calculate subscribers of other operators. To connect geolocation by phone number, the Beeline requires mandatory confirmation of the detection of the detection from the source cell owner (calculating up to five people at a time). The service fee is 1.7 p. per day after the free first week of use. Activate "Coordinates" is possible in two ways:

  • An empty short text message (with the name and numbers of the cellular) 4770 (for example, Oleg 79657654321).
  • Call 0665.
  • Look at the company's website.
  • You can manage the service using text commands by sending them to 4770:

  • The location data request is the "where" command, and after the "name".
  • Delete from the list of monitored - command "Delete", and after the "name".
  • Disable service - the "Off" command.
  • Geagolocation by phone number megaphone

    The last operator who can help find the necessary subscriber is a megaphone, and the service is called "radar" (with the application-application named) and is divided into three versions:

  • Light: use for free, tracking one user, the ability to determine once a day.
  • Standard: Use 3 p. per day, tracking five subscribers, the possibility of unlimited definition per day.
  • Plus: Use 7 p. per day, tracking up to five people, the possibility of unlimited definition per day + tracking route.
  • Thanks to geolocation by phone number MegaFon, you can find out where the tracked person is even if he has a Beeline or MTS network. The option is controlled by several simple commands:

  • Connection: Light - * 566 * 56 #, Standard - * 566 # or * 102 #, Plus - * 256 #.
  • Control: Light - No, Standard - * 111 * 3 # or * 505 * 192 #, plus - * 566 * 9 # or * 505 * 3790 #.
  • Location by phone number without the consent of the subscriber

    Those who are surrounding a person without his permission will have to confirm the service with secret, since all operators are not allowed to issue access without the knowledge of who is installed online check. For example, you can take a cellular at the moment when anyone will not and confirm the possibility of determining the location by phone number without the consent of the subscriber. However, if the second user suspects something, it can easily check anyone with access.

    If there is a desire to trace, you can resort to third-party means - various spyware, GPS receivers, satellites, other technical means. For example, bracelets / key chains with built-in movement sensors are sold on the store websites. However, such a way of finding unlike secretive and often applies to identify the location in the space of elderly relatives, children, pets or vehicles.

    Video: How to find out the location by phone number

    Hello everybody! In this article, I decided to describe how to track the location of the person by phone number. In ordinary life, various situations occur when it is necessary to locate a person.

    For example, many people care about their relatives, older people or children. In addition, it concerns business, so here also tracking just to the place: managers need to control the work of their employees.

    Until recently, only special services (FSB, police) could track people, now such a specific service is available to ordinary people. Usually, it requires his consent to successfully perform the search for the location of a person, but there are such options when it can be done without his knowledge. It is possible to locate a person by phone by various options. I will consider them below.

    How to track the location of a person by phone number?

    There are quite a lot of methods by which you can track the location of people. Almost all current telephone devices, tablets have GPS, Wi-Fi and communication. If the GPS is directly related to a function that helps accurately find out the location, the Wi-Fi and GSM / 3G / LTE can also indirectly act in this area.

    It is only necessary to make this information for us to further determine the location of the person on the map.

    So, for such purposes you can use: telephone, computer, GPS, special sites and applications.

    • GPS navigation. With this navigation, you can follow the people who are very often photographed with a place of place where the picture is taken.
    • Specialized programs. Using access to an account in Google, you can easily install software on your smartphone.
    • Global network. On the Internet there are many different sites that help keep track of a person. Yes, the result will not be so accurate, but the approximate location is still possible to find out.
    • GPS tracker. The module is built into mobile, with the help of it you can follow the smartphone.

    Liseline mobile phone

    On the expanses of the global network there are many programs that help track the conversations of a person through the phone, both on android and other devices. Such programs have their own capabilities:

    • wrix records will be transmitted to you on a computer, smartphone or iPhone;
    • in a separate folder, you can view the subscriber call log;
    • all messages are intercepted and transferred to your device;
    • all emails with electronic can be redirected to your address;
    • it is possible to locate.

    The most primitive option that will be suitable for everyone - contact your mobile operator.

    1. Beeline offers its subscribers the Mobile Locator service. To take advantage of the service, you need to call 06849924 and send a message with the text "L" to number 684.
    2. MegaFon called such a beacon service. You can connect the service by calling the phone number 466.
    3. To determine the location of the MTS subscriber, you can use the Locator service. To connect it, you need to call MTS 6677.


    Another good way is GPS navigation, that is, tracking on transmitting towers. Yes, with the help of such navigation, you can easily find out the location of the person, and completely free. Why is this method so primitive? The thing is that many programs and applications request from the user its location. I think everything is clear here.

    Special programs

    There are many applications that have been developed specifically to determine the location of a person. The iPhone 5S has even special application development, and Apple has the Find My Friend application. In this application, everything is simple: just send a request to another person. In the case of an agreement, the program will be able to give you the result.


    There is another option - the use of various sites. On the Internet, there are actually a lot of services, some of them are paid, and some and free. If you use free services, the result may not be so accurate. For example, the site is It is with the help of it you can find out the location of a person most accurately.

    We find out where there is a man on Vaiber

    If you decide to apply this method, then you need to take into account that the application determines using Wi-Fi access points, so it may be an error from 1 to 120 meters. This method allows you to show your location using geolocation. What is this sense? Now you will understand everything yourself.

    So, how to include geolocation in Viber? To do this, go into correspondence with the right person and click on the sending message icon.

    After sending your message to this interlocutor, an alert will appear with your coordinates. To disable this feature, you need to click on the same button.

    IMPORTANT: Coordinates are sent only to the yowser with which you activated geolocation. Your location will not see anyone else, except for this person.

    Using iPhone.

    Tracking a person possible by iPhone. To do this, install "Find My Friends" to make a person tracking without its consent will not work, since the operation will be carried out on both devices.

    Log in. All the required steps are in your account. After logging into the account on your screen, a list of friends will appear. Friends who have fallen into this list have discovered access to their location. Select the desired friend.

    If you just started to configure the connection between the iPhone, then you want to click on «+» , enter other information and choose Send.. A person needs to notify about making it in his list, so that there were no problems in the future.

    If you intend to make this person to the list on a non-permanent basis, then select "Temporary" mode. Now go to the menu and see where you are, and who can watch you. Look there look at your friends.

    On this I will finish and submit a small result. This article describes how to track the location of the person by phone number. You can choose any way and use it. By the way, almost all of these methods are effective. Thank you all for your attention, so far and ask questions in the comments!

    So, you have already ordered a printout of SMS and the details of calls, but everything was empty and so decent that it was hooked at a glance. But the heart is still not in place and tells something wrong. And, indeed, in the past time, when people directly wrote: "I kiss you, my pupsik," and then removed SMS and slept calmly, passes.

    Now, when anyone can order and understand that under the "Pupse" was not he, everything changed. Now the love correspondence is masked and successfully under the business, or is not conducted at all, so the wrongness has become more difficult. The necessary new methods. Your husband or wife says that it sits at work late, went to a girlfriend, friends, that's where we will give them.

    Location of the subscriber on cellular tower

    Thanks to a cell phone that constantly lies in your pocket, we can track every point where there was a mobile owner throughout the day. It is not necessary to invent anything, this is possible thanks to the cellular technology itself, which is officially with the help of equipment, tracks the location of any person and displays where and how much the subscriber was on a particular day and an hour.

    You did not think about why a cell phone is called? Everything is simple, the keyword here "honeycombs" like the bees. If you are more attentive to look around, it is easy to notice that the towers of mobile operators are always surrounded in the city - on the roofs of buildings, on masts, and even in the subway. To make it easier for them to see them. Photo.

    The more the tips, the better the signal, so they are posted as often as possible. The order of arrangement appears to the hexagon cells of bees, in order to maximize the uniform distribution of the signal level. As a result, you are always in the zone of actions of several steps.

    The mobile phone constantly sends the signals and holds the "connection" with base stations, showing, near which tower it is located. This allows the "see" operator that the mobile device is actively and is on the network, as well as when entering an incoming call, automatically transfer the signal to a nearby tower, which in turn will transmit it to the cellular.

    We think that the reader began to understand if the phone constantly refers signals about his location, it is enough just to track next to what the step it was seen, and build a travel route in the city on the basis of this.

    Accuracy of determining the coordinates of human geolocation

    The current human location technologies have reached their appeal. The accuracy of the definition in the city is 50-70 meters, for example, this is the size of the yard of a small five-story building. For the limit of the city is 120-150 meters, which is also a very big precision direction finding. Earlier to achieve such results was impossible. According to such coordinates, you can determine the location of the subscriber until the exact street and the address of the house. The technology has long been beyond the search for search activities and is successfully used for household purposes - to identify her husband or wife, where a person has lost and even find out the thief that has stole your smartphone.

    In the picture below, you can see an example of how the file looks like with the indication of all geographic points on the map where the subscriber was during the day.

    Determine the location of the person when the phone is turned off

    An important point - the phone always signals about its location in space, even when it is turned off. Yes, simple shutdown does not affect it. While the battery is in the compartment - the smartphone continues to "work", albeit in the passive phase, without taking calls and SMS messages, so it goes less frequently into the network, not every 3 minutes, and 1 time in 10-15 minutes. From this a little suffers the accuracy of detection, but still enough for detailed location recognition. If you go beyond the city or hide in the mountains, you are still on control. Yes, the interaction with the towers is minimized, but now even in the deaf forest, it will definitely be pregnant at least one station and this is enough to find you. Of course, in search events, this is an indispensable help, because when you need to save someone, the speed is important than ever. But for ordinary people, this is a big find. Detect your husband or wife during working hours at the neighboring dacha, what can be more beautiful?

    Alternative phone location tracking methods by number

    Now we will move a little from the topic and dispel modern myths.

    1. Program delayer for phone

    It is generally a children's bow, no more than for entertainment, it is not even necessary to write about it, it is a meaningless spending time.

    2. Location detection through satellite.

    Also complete nonsense. This myth appeared under the influence of magical words about space, spy detectives, in which special agents of different countries were observed directly from the satellite for "earthly" people and was visible everything, including a match box and matches themselves. We assume that Martians have long been monitored for human civilization. Believe it? Probably, it gave the soil for the "omnipotence" of this technique. But once again it is a myth. No satellite can intercept a signal from your cell phone, due to the fact that the geostanism orbit of 99% of satellites passes above the equator at an altitude of 35 thousand km. Yes, so high. And, as we previously wrote, ties put in the city on every corner, since the signal from the mobile is very weak and takes only a few kilometers.

    3. Pass the subscriber on GPS technology

    Yes, it works. But, the first on the phone of the person you want to track must be a GPS module. If he has an ordinary outdated push-button device, then the module is missing there.
    The second, it should be included, and many to save batteries - turn off it.
    Third, you need to put a spyware program on a mobile phone, which will record all the data on user geolocation, and then this information from the phone is to take and send you, or you need to adjust the duplication of SMS and calls. In this case, the information will be in real time distributed to several devices.
    In the fourth, with fast ride, parking, in a house with "thick" walls, the GPS signal suffers greatly and becomes too weak.
    And last, you will never know what man did yesterday, last month, etc. Information will be only about future movements.

    As you can see, despite the fact that the GPS delaying technology works, it is not very reliable: it requires knowledge and skills from the user, it is also necessary to install the appropriate on the phone that is not 1 ruble. Therefore, the easiest option is to simply order the service location of the subscriber at a mobile phone number, especially since the prices of humans, the subscriber never recognizes anything and will not see you in surveillance and espionage.

    Find out the location by phone number free online

    We can't pass by this question, especially since he constantly "pops up" from our customers.

    No confidential information is free to find for free. Judge yourself, if access to such closed information will be available to everyone and everyone, and even online that it is not necessary to go anywhere, and everything is free, what is this secret info? Of course, cellular operators are interested in loyalty to their customers who would not like that all information about them and their actions were opened to third parties. Therefore, any cellular giant accepts all accessible security and data protection measures. Consequently, the free definition of the location of the subscriber is impossible by the phone number.

    All information about the subscriber, its calls, SMS, movement is confidential information that is stored in reliable sources with limited access. Therefore, services bypassing blocks, extracting them and issuing you, cannot cost 500 rubles.

    Find a person by phone number without his consent

    In our service, no service requires the consent of another subscriber. Our equipment allows you to be hidden to produce any manipulation without direct contact with an interested phone. Therefore, we guarantee all our customers a complete anonymity of the services and the confidentiality of your appeal to the service. A person will use his gadget, as before, without noticing that a surveillance began behind him, it will last until you tell him about it. Our service detects any movement, even outside the metropolis. Determine the location of the subscriber by the phone number can anyone interested person. It does not require any knowledge. Controlled does not recognize that someone reads it SMS, studies calls and thoroughly knows where he was at 12 o'clock 15 minutes on August 2, 2017.

    In order to find close to the mobile number exist Various methods. In this article we will touch each of them.

    Geolocation will help

    Most people today know what geolocation. This is determining the exact location of a particular object with various technologies, such as satellite networks (GPS or GLONASS), as well as LBS. (Location Based Service) - Determination of the location of a mobile phone according to the signals of base stationsusing the method of reverse geodesic serif. In the case of a person's location by definition, this option is usually used.

    Help to find a person by a mobile phone number will be able to geolocation

    The main advantage of such a geolocation method is no binding to satellite systemsHowever, there is a disadvantage: it is not possible to determine the location of the desired apparatus. It depends on the type of network, and a certain point of coordinates may be erroneous, and the error here is not 200 meters, but a few kilometers. Although, maybe you are lucky.

    Grandpa who went beyond mushrooms

    you will not find

    Of course, the more around the base stations, the more accurate the system can determine where the owner of the desired number is located, but, for example, a grandfather who has left mushrooms, you will in this way find: if around the forest massif 2-3 stationsAnd he himself covers the area in a hundred kilometers, certain coordinates will be very and very inaccurate.

    Of course, the phone where the phone number can easily locate communication operator itselfHowever, he will only make it on request from the police or other competent authorities, and how these organs work in our country, we all know. During the time they shift the papers from one stack to another, and the phone will discharge, and the attacker will hide.

    However, mobile service providers offer special servicesTo find out the location of a person who does not violate the legislation, that is, with the consent of the owner of the room.

    What are offered by operators

    As we said, each mobile operator considers the debt to provide room Indication Service. Traditionally, these services are provided. paidHowever, the cost of them is not very large.

    Such services are connected using USSD requests, using IVR, through your personal account on the operator's website or in store salons. Do it can legally only with the consent of the subscriber himself, However, it is possible without it, if a minute to hold his phone in his hands. You can find out the data on the location of a person by getting them on your mobile phone in the form of an SMS or installing a special application.

    Service "Radar" from megaphone

    Service "Radar" from MegaFon

    To connect the service you need to send from a mobile USSD request *140# or on the site Find out where there is a searching phone, you can, or with USSD request * 140 * 7xxxxxxxxxx # (where 7xxxxxxxxxx is the phone number of the desired subscriber). The cost of the service is 3 rubles. / day. Tracking you can also subscribers from other networks.

    Connecting Geopoisk services from tele2

    Tele2 also provides a similar service.

    *119*01# . To turn on tracking you need to dial * 119 * 1 * 7xxxxxxxxxx #. For information on where the phone is located, type * 119 * 2 * 7xxxxxxxxxx #. The cost is 3 rubles. / day.

    Connecting the "Locator" service from Beeline

    Beeline also allows its subscribers to track loved ones

    To connect this service, send an empty SMS to the number 5166 And download the app "Locator". The cost of the service is 7 rubles. / day. You can track up to 5 numbers.

    Connecting the service "Locator" from MTS

    Does not lag behind competitors and MTS

    The service is activated by USSD request. *111*788# . To add tracked subscribers you need to send SMS to a short number 6677 For example: "Dob daughter 89157654321". Service cost 100 rubles per month. Tracking you can also subscribers MegaFon.

    Here you have to understand one important thing: When granting this service, mobile service providers use the same gEOLOGATION ON BASIC STATIONS, that is, problems will be the same. Coordinates will be issued with a big error, and if in the center of the city, where there is a lot of highs, it will be only 100-200 meters, then outside the city - in a forest array or a promsion to find a person no longer seemed possible. Plus, if mobile for one reason or another is turned off, then the service "Locator" will not work, and determine the location of the person in this way can not be more common than once every five minutes.

    Search via Google accounts or Apple

    Find out the location of a person by his phone number (or find the gadget itself, if it is stolen or lost) online With the help of special f google and ICloud. One minus: all these features work only if on the phone is included geolocation and the possibility of remote control. However, in the case, for example, with a child, whose accounts have parents by default, use these services makes sense - This is indeed very convenient.

    Here's how, for example, it happens using Google Services. You must make everything 4 steps:

    1. Enter the search engine on any browser;

    2. Select the menu and click on My Account;

    Enter the search engine and choose "My Account"

    3. Scroll down the page down;

    Choose "Phone Search"

    4. Select "Phone Search".

    The system will ask for access to Google Account - Enter your password. After that, the service will determine where is the gadget. However, as always, there are certain conditions. Firstly, the phone number must be associated with the account, and secondlyA GPS must be enabled on the device, otherwise, unfortunately, it will not be possible to find it.

    Applications to find a person by the location of his phone

    It must be recognized that there is a lot of such software. We describe only some programs, because otherwise just drown. I hope this sample will help you.

    The first of the applications chosen by us makes it possible to create a certain group (for example, children or kierov), members of which can see where everyone else is, as well as the history of them

    Find My Friends.

    A completely free app, which is very easy to use, gives a lot of opportunities to track people by phone number. In addition, people entering the circle created to you will not only see each other, but also be able to correspond with each other.

    LIFE360: Be in a family circle


    This is not a simple software, but a whole social cross-platform system where you can create groups of users and track their location. In addition, the application supports fucations messengerand also makes it possible to evaluate battery state on the

    telephone you are interested in.

    Which is very important for parents, so it is an opportunity to allocate locations, for example, school, house, work, and so on. When entering or output from it, the program will give you a signal.

    Very important is also alarm button function. When the user who fell into a difficult situation clicks on it, then all included in its circle receive a corresponding message.

    More recently, it would be possible to say that there is nothing special in this program, because everything was like everyone else: the SOS button, the GPS search of people by phone number, the messenger - however in the summer of 2016, the developer was not so much technological How many marketonal breakthrough: the program has learned to send relatives data on departures and landings of aircraft, which, of course, is sometimes very important.

    A very pleasant impression is performed by the GEOLOCATOR application, which, besides what is able to track the movement of the child (or adult), can even turn into a radio-nanny (that is, to carry out the feedback function) or the Internet radio. Separately, I would like to mention the excellent work of the Soft support team.

    Of course there are and spyware for closing the phone, however, you should clearly realize that the use of such software illegally and violates human rights. However, such applications can be easily found and purchase through the Internet. Ideal hide, not displayed in the system processes of gadgets, Thai collect data on the location of the subscriber and thus make it possible to find a person location by a mobile phone number.

    These applications include programs Talklog, Hellospy, "Alignment for Phone"However, these are the most popular of them, in fact, they are much more. As we have already spoken, viewing installed programs find it impossible, however some mobile antiviruses This is capable of it.

    What should be worried

    Beautifully designed sites with modern discreet design offering for a little money to find by phone number is free Or for symbolic money, should be avoided. Repeat again: If a special software is installed on your phone or computer, special service is not connected from the operator, or the subscriber is not interested in the internal affairs bodies, find the location of a person by mobile phone number is impossible. Those who offer it to do fraudsters wishing to steal your money.

    On the other hand, determine by prefixWhich region includes an unfamiliar number from which, for example, an unfamiliar call came to your phone, not only legally, but also quite real.

    So let's summarize: How to find the location of a person, we told you, however, as you can see, just driven the number in the browser's search bar and see all information about my wife or subordinate can hardly succeed. Of course, there are situations when finding close quickly is simply necessary, but fortunately, they occur not so often. In the rest of the same cases, it is better to trust those surrounding: it's nerves and money will save.


    Sometimes there are situations when we urgently need to determine where our loved ones are currently being. How to find out the location of the subscriber of the tele2, and whether it is possible to do this without the consent of the subscriber himself - you will learn about all this in our today's material.

    Briefly on the topic

    • You can determine the location of the client of the TV2 using the GEOPOIS service
    • Connection * 119 * 01 #
    • Request for search * 119 * Phone #
    • Disconnection * 119 * 00 #
    • Cost - 3 rubles per day

    To track the location of the person by phone number Tele2, using the GEOPOIS service, which provides this cellular operator. For this, the search for, and the desired must be tele2 subscribers - this is the most important condition.

    Methods of connection

    To determine where the subscriber is located by phone number, you must first connect the service. You can do this in several ways:

    • By typing a short command * 119 * 01 #
    • After completing the registration on the Web portal
    • Download and install the GEOPOIS application and go to authorization in it

    By phone number

    Here's how to determine the location of a person by phone number Tele 2:

    • Dial the command * 119 * phone number # And click the call button. The phone should be registered through the seven, here in such a format: "79 *********". Sightly you will receive an SMS message that contains geodata of the desired person.

    Through the Internet

    You can find out where a person is on the telephone number of the telephone.

    • To do this, register with the Web portal using your phone number - and all the desired people will be displayed on the map. How to find on a map of a person by telephone number2? Yes, very simple. Enter this very number in a special window and click Search.

    Mobile app

    Another way to find the location of the phone through the satellite is to take advantage of a special mobile application, which is called "Geopoisk". While the application is available for the owners of smartphones and tablets on the two most common operating systems - Android and iOS. The principle of the application is approximately the same as the Web portal.

    • To find out the location of the right person, write its phone number in a special column and click Search.

    Subscriber's consent to the search

    To find out where there is a telephone subscriber2 without its knowledge is impossible. Before you have to receive consent to the search.

    When you send the first tracking request, the desired person will go in the form of an SMS request of this content:

    "Requested the definition of your location from the number 79 *********. To confirm, send (confirmation code), send for a ban (prohibition code) ".

    Many customers of this cellular operator ask how to trace the person without his consent. However, we are forced to warn you that the surveillance of a person without his consent is illegal. More detailed about then read in another article.

    The only option to trades the phone by tele2 via the Internet without the consent of the owner to activate the service on the device without the knowledge of its owner.

    If you are interested to know, - go through the link and read another article.


    After connection, you will have a subscriber board - 3 rubles per day (prices are indicated for Moscow and the Moscow region).

    How to disable

    Team to turn off the service - * 119 * 00 # Plus call key.

    Alternative options

    If you do not want to pay extra money, you can use an alternative option - download in the online game of games and applications on your smartphone a special search program. Fortunately, choose from what:

    And this is only a small part of all possible suggestions. But, establishing control over a close person, nevertheless, ask his consent - after all, you need to trust each other!