Doesn't catch gps what to do. What to do if the phone does not see satellites or does not connect to them

i will try in this post to systematize the information that I have collected on the topic of accelerating GPS on Android. I will say right away that most things are relevant if you have root and S-OFF (I immediately stitched custom RcMix 3d Runny firmware on my smartphone). The post does not claim to be complete coverage of the issue - I just share my experience.

Previously, I waited 20 minutes - the satellites were never caught. Now, as a result of applying the tips described below, the coordinates are determined in 2-3 minutes with a cold start, and about 30-40 seconds with a hot one.

1) Use the ClockSync time synchronization program (you need root, found):

- before starting the Navitel (or other navigator) through the ClockSync program, synchronize the time on the phone;
- after starting the Navitel through the ClockSync program, synchronize the time on the phone.

2) Edit the file gps.conf (needs root): in the parameter NTP_SERVER prescribe his location.

It is convenient to use the FasterFix program for editing.
For example, I had


but for Ukraine it was necessary to register


Accordingly, for Russia


Then reload apparatus.

3) Advanced editing of gps.conf (needs root, found).

In this case, it is convenient to use the FasterGPS program for editing. This program is also able to do what is described in item 2.
You need to add the following to the file:

NTP_SERVER \u003d - if you did not do this in step 2, then be sure to do it now (as you understand, this is the setting for Ukraine)

SUPL_HOST \u003d
SUPL_PORT \u003d 7276
SUPL_SECURE_PORT \u003d 7276
CURRENT_CARRIER \u003d common

Then reload apparatus.

For good reason, you can edit gps.conf by hand (for example, via RootExplorer), FasterGPS is just a frontend for editing. But it's calmer with him, tk. you cannot leave spaces at the end of a line and empty lines in gps.conf.

4) Use a program that helps to determine the coordinates as soon as possible. Of the several I tested (GPS Status, GpsFix, GPS Test), the most effective and functional was GPS Status (root is not needed). Turn on GPS, turn on mobile Internet, start GPS Status, and there:

Menu -\u003e Tools -\u003e A-GPS Data -\u003e Download

Lyrical digression:
when you watch the GPS Status confidently catch satellites one by one
(involved / caught: 0/1…. 1/2… .. 3/3 and so on),
waiting time passes much faster.

By the way, this program also has the "Radar" function: you can mark the place where you are now and then return to it.

Also remember about simple things:

  • After turning on the GPS, turn on the mobile Internet immediately - this way the smartphone will determine the coordinates much faster, after which the mobile Internet can be turned off.
  • GPS drains the battery, but it drains the battery even faster. Always-on screen. At the same time, if you block the phone, then the GPS is turned off. If you want GPS to work longer (for example, walking around an unfamiliar city), reduce the screen brightness to the required minimum.
  • GPS in smartphones is initially weaker than in GPS navigators
  • GPS does not work indoors - only outdoors
  • In some smartphones, the GPS antenna is located at the bottom of the device. You can try to speed up the search for satellites by flipping the smartphone 180 degrees. Or not hold it in your hands, but put it, for example, on a bench.
  • If you still need to use GPS indoors, you can go to the balcony, or go to the window. The same trick works in minibuses - you just need to sit near the window.
  • In cloudy weather, the signal is picked up worse. Among high-rise buildings, it is also worse caught. Sometimes it is enough to move 100-200m away from 16 floors - and the result becomes noticeably better.
  • With a cold start on the move, the signal is picked up worse than standing still. Force yourself to stop and wait for the smartphone to catch the satellites (start the GPS Status and admire it deftly catching them one by one) - in the end, you will spend less time this way than trying to do it on the go.
  • In theory, you need to catch 3 satellites to determine the coordinates, and 4 to determine the coordinates and altitude. In reality, the GPS Status determines all parameters when 6-7 satellites are caught. The maximum that we managed to catch was 9-10.

PS - I also want to recommend a good review of programs for working with GPS - Practical work: we use GPS on Android to the maximum - be sure to look, there is a lot of useful information.

PPS - from what I myself use from this review, I want to recommend the excellent profile manager Llama.

Strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with GPS:

A special feature of Llama is that it does not use GPS to determine coordinates, but relies on cell towers. Nevertheless, it was decided to include it in the review as an alternative to GEO-Tasker.

The program obtains location data using data on the operator's towers, and depending on this, it can switch profiles. For example, at home - normal during the day, quiet from 23 to 6, leaving the house - loud, in church - no sound, at work - quiet, and so on. By combining zones and events, you can prescribe absolutely everything for yourself, and forget about manually switching profiles.

Speed \u200b\u200bup GPS on Android - 2

In the first part of the article, I described programs and techniques that speed up GPS performance on Android devices. There was also an example of an alternative file gps.confspeeding up the process of determining coordinates. For comparison - earlier on my HTC Inspire 4G satellites were caught for a few minutes, after using it - 30-60 seconds. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but I did not stop looking for an even faster solution. And today I can present to you a new gps.conf file synthesized from several found on the Web, with which the process of determining the coordinates takes 5-10 seconds. Those. by the time the navigation program is completed, the coordinates have already been determined. The file is adapted for Ukraine, but it is easy to remake it for other European countries - in the first few lines we change “ua”, for example, to “ru” - we get a file for Russia, etc.

NTP_SERVER \u003d NTP_SERVER \u003d NTP_SERVER \u003d NTP_SERVER \u003d NTP_SERVER \u003d NTP_SERVER \u003d europe.pool. NTP_SERVER \u003d NTP_SERVER \u003d NTP_SERVER \u003d NTP_SERVER \u003d XTRA_SERVER_1 \u003d / data / xtra.bin AGPS \u003d / data / xtra.bin AGPS \u003d http: // XTRA_SERVER_1 \u003d http: // XTRA_SERVER_2 \u003d http: // xtra2 / xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_3 \u003d http: // DEFAULT_AGPS_ENABLE \u003d TRUE DEFAULT_USER_PLANE \u003d TRUE REPORT_POSITION_USE_SUPL_REFLOC \u003d 1 QOS_ACCURACY \u003d 50 QOS_TIME_OUT_STANDALONE \u003d 60 QOS_TIME_OUT_agps \u003d 89 QosHorizontalThreshold \u003d 1000 QosVerticalThreshold \u003d 500 AssistMethodType \u003d 1 AgpsUse \u003d 1 AgpsMtConf \u003d 0 AgpsMtResponseType \u003d 1 AgpsServerType \u003d 1 AgpsServerIp \u003d 3232235555 INTERMEDIATE_POS \u003d 1 C2K_HOST \u003d C2K_PORT \u003d 1234 SUPL_HOST \u003d SUPLOST lbs. \u003d 7276 SUPL_SECURE_PORT \u003d 7275 SUPL_NO_SE CURE_PORT \u003d 3425 SUPL_TLS_HOST \u003d FQDN SUPL_TLS_CERT \u003d / etc / SuplRootCert ACCURACY_THRES \u003d 5000 CURRENT_CARRIER \u003d common

Recently, the case when on a smartphone gPS does not work, especially for Chinese smartphones from not very popular brands. Today we will sort everything out on the shelves and, as a result, we will solve this problem. So what to do? How to set up GPS and why does the new Android not catch GPS?

Why is GPS not working?

In fact, there are various sources of the problem, which should include the following:

  • Bad GPS module (purely hardware issue, you won't do anything);

  • The case covers the GPS antenna;

  • Incorrect GPS.conf data in the system;

  • A software problem (in the firmware, for example).

Defining the problem

To determine what problem prevents you from using GPS normally on your smartphone or tablet, you need to remove the cover, go out into an open area and turn on GPS in the settings. Next, run GPS Test and wait 10 minutes (and such a crust can happen).
Check in the section "About the phone" (section "Settings", what firmware is installed on your device, if it's custom, then you can try to go to the official one.

GPS configuration via GPS.conf

GPS.conf is a GPS configuration file that can only be edited by advanced users who understand which line is responsible for what. And for ordinary users, it would be more reasonable to simply copy the working GPS.conf file.

  • File manager (or);

  • GPS Test;

  • GPS.conf file.

Installing GPS.conf

First you need to go to the file manager and move the GPS.conf file to the / system / etc folder, agree to replace the system file. Of course, you also need to set permissions (as shown in the screenshot).

Run GPS Test, in the settings select "Clear AGPS" to clear the cache. Reboot your smartphone.
Run GPS Test again and check the operation of your GPS module.

How to set up GPS via FasterGPS

The program itself edits GPS.conf, saving you from the plus signs with a tambourine. Of course, the utility requires root rights to function.

So, the program itself did all the necessary manipulations with the GPS.conf configuration file. Now the GPS module should work correctly, use it to your health. But don't forget that a smartphone is not a navigator.

The iPhone's GPS functionality can hardly be overestimated - it makes it easier and easier to get to your destination using the software navigation, it is indispensable when playing Pokémon GO and allows apps to track the user's location. However, like any other system, GPS can fail.

Why did GPS on iPhone suddenly stop working?

The most common problems with GPS:

  • No GPS signal;
  • GPS does not update current location;
  • GPS shows incorrect location;
  • The compass is pointing in the wrong direction;
  • Apps cannot determine your current location.

Of course, the list goes on, depending on how and where you use your iPhone. In addition, applications that use the GPS function differently can cause problems. Sometimes the error message does not appear at all, which makes it much more difficult to find and fix the cause of the problem.

  • Find Friends, or how to view the location of friends on iPhone and iPad.
  • Orientation with iPhone: How to determine bearing in the Compass app.

How to fix the most common GPS problems

Below are some solutions to some of the most common iPhone GPS issues.

Check GPS signal

A good radio signal is required for the GPS function to work properly in applications. GPS problems can occur if you are in a building, basement, or other location that does not transmit radio signals. In this case, you need to leave the building or move somewhere else so that the device can receive a signal from the satellite.

Check if apps have been granted permission to use location services

Very often, users simply forget to activate the Geolocation function in applications. For example, you will not be able to see your location on Maps or other mapping services if the application has not been given permission to use the geolocation function.

To check if the apps have the appropriate permission, go to Settings -\u003e Privacy -\u003e Location Services.

You can prevent some applications from using geolocation services. You can also allow apps to receive location data always or only while they are running (including in the background).

Please note that some applications require permission to use permanent location services. If you select the option to only receive data when the program is open, the GPS function will not work correctly. Make sure the settings are correct for each application.

Turn location services off and on again

Sometimes the problem with the GPS function is just a small glitch in the software. In this case, you need to disable and re-enable location services. To do this, go to Settings -\u003e Privacy -\u003e Geolocation Services and move the switch to the left and then to the right again.

You can also turn off and on all wireless services by deactivating and activating Airplane Mode in Control Center.

Reset all geolocation and network data

If none of the above methods work, then the problem is related to geolocation and network information. In this case, it affects not only the GPS function, but also the cellular communication.

You can fix the problem by going to Settings -\u003e General -\u003e Reset and clicking on "Reset network settings" and "Reset geo settings".

Each time you click on "Reset" you need to enter a password, after which the information will be completely deleted. Next, you should reconnect to the Wi-Fi network and set all the necessary settings for accessing the wireless network.

Reboot or restore your device in iTunes

In some situations, the only solution to the problem is to restart the iPhone. Even if the method described above did not work, all that can be done is to restore the device via iTunes (instructions).

The presented methods should help solve GPS problems. In case of failure, it is worth contacting the service center, perhaps in your case there is a hardware problem.

Based on materials from yablyk

Many Android smartphone users often complain about GPS problems. Some argue that it can take forever for a smartphone to determine their location, while others may argue that GPS is not working at all.

Most often, users who have flashed their smartphone or owners of brand new Chinese gadgets face similar problems. However, some people note that they have problems with GPS on new gadgets from trusted companies.

In today's article, we will look with you for what reasons the GPS on a smartphone may start to work poorly or stop fully functioning, and we will also consider several solutions for these problems.

Ok, let's talk about the reasons why the navigator and GPS may not work well on Android. There are several reasons for this:

  • deactivated GPS module;
  • disgusting custom firmware for a smartphone;
  • damaged GPS module;
  • inappropriate GPS Almanac;

Has GPS stopped working on Android? Try the recommendations below!

Solutions for problems with GPS on Android

GPS module activation

So let's start with the simplest solution, which you probably already got to. Do not forget to activate the GPS module before using the navigator on your smartphone. When starting some navigators, this module can be activated automatically, however, in some cases, the user needs to do it himself. Make sure the GPS module is activated and try navigation again.

Firmware change

However, what if this module seems to work, but geolocation still doesn't work? If you recently reflashed your smartphone, then the reason may just lie in the firmware. Read the reviews of other users about this firmware version and see if they have similar problems. Install some proven Android firmware on your smartphone, where GPS works normally.

Almanac rewriting

But what if the GPS module is working and you haven't reflashed your device? As we mentioned in the reasons, Chinese smartphone owners often complain about poorly working GPS. For example, on the net you can find many users of Meizu smartphones with a similar problem. Let's assume that you have about the same apparatus.

The reason for the problems with GPS in Chinese smartphones is that they often contain an irrelevant Almanac for our hemisphere. An almanac is one of the types of data transmitted by a GPS satellite, which contains the orbit parameters of all other satellites. To fix the GPS problem in this case, you will need to rewrite the Almanac. This can be done by following the steps below:

  • activate A-GPS and then GPS in the settings of your smartphone;
  • then enter the Android engineering menu by entering the code * # * # 4636 # * # * in the dialing menu;

    The note: if the specified secret code does not work, then you will need to find out the code for your smartphone on the Internet. Owners of smartphones with an MTK processor will generally need to use the MobileuncleTools utility.

  • once you open the engineering menu, go to the tab called "YGPS";
  • now take a look at "Satellites" and check if signal signs appear;

    The note: if they do appear, the theory with the wrong Almanac has been confirmed and you can continue to follow the steps below.

  • go to the “Information” tab and alternately press the following row of buttons: full → warm → hot → cold;
  • then you need to click on the "Start" button in the "NMEA Log" tab;

    The note: this step will ensure that the new Almanac is recorded for your region.

Modern gadgets are already so sophisticated that you can determine your location without resorting to the help of GPS navigators anymore. Sometimes this is necessary for the correct operation of applications, sometimes - to create the correct route. When GPS does not work on Android, it becomes difficult. What could this be related to and what should be done to solve this problem?

Any device does not pick up well or does not pick up a satellite signal at all, if it is in a closed room. Therefore, it is better to deal with determining your location on the street. Ideally, the space should be free of even tall buildings and trees, so that the sky is completely open, so that nothing prevents the gadget from looking for a working signal and connecting to the right satellites.

Incorrect GPS setting

All devices are endowed with two GPS modules. One is a standard receiver that can be enabled in the settings (General - Location - Mode). When choosing mobile networks or Wi-Fi, the device will determine the location from the towers without connecting to the GPS satellites. This method is the fastest, but it does not always give an accurate result.

When you select GPS Only, your phone or tablet will connect to satellites, but the device will take some time to do so. In this case, it is desirable to be on the street in an open area, or at least put the gadget on the windowsill. It is for the operation of the second module that the correct setting is needed. How to check if the device picks up a signal? To do this, you will have to download and install GPS Test - a diagnostic application.

After starting the program, select Update only in the AGPS settings, and Keep Screen On in Settings. Now you need to return to the main window of the program, the GPS test will begin on your tablet or phone. It is important, however, that Wi-Fi and mobile data should neither be enabled in the Location settings nor used at the moment.

If the diagnostics showed that the device does not find satellites, then you should check if the GPS setting on Android has been done correctly. How to set up GPS? To do this, you must first download any application that can process a GPS signal. If it does not help, you need to check the settings of the communicator COM port.

Unsuccessful flashing

After not the most successful attempts to flash a gadget or specifically a GPS module, not only the system can stop functioning, but also just its individual parts, for example, geolocation. It is also common to see GPS stop working on a Chinese device.

To fix this situation, you need to enable AGPS in the location and GPS settings. After that, you need to enter the engineering menu through the dialing window (for all phones, the combination is different). If you cannot enter it, you will have to use any special program, but already with root rights. The order of actions in the Android engineering menu:

  • on the Satellites tab of the YGPS tab, check if there is a signal, i.e. does the phone or tablet try to find satellites at all;
  • go to the Information tab and press the full, warm, hot, cold buttons there in order (this is necessary to reset the previous settings);
  • on the NMEA Log tab, click start;
  • return to the Satellites tab and wait from 5 to 15 minutes until the device finds the maximum number of satellites and the GPS signal scales turn green;
  • back to the NMEA Log tab, press stop.

This method is shown in more detail in the video.

Initial binding and calibration

It so happens that the device is located in some remote area. In this case, it is advisable to put it in an open area for a long time and wait until the search and binding takes place.
Sometimes navigation may stop working because the compass calibration is wrong. Such a phone or tablet will be mis-oriented, resulting in a GPS problem on the device. To calibrate, you need to download a special application, GPS Essentials. After installing and running it, you need:

  1. Click on the compass icon.
  2. Choose a smooth, flat surface, put your communicator on it and remove all electrical appliances from it.
  3. Turn the device smoothly around each axis 3 times.

After that, you need to try to connect again and, if necessary, repeat the calibration.

Problems with the device itself

If the gadget, checked and configured in accordance with all the rules, still does not catch satellites, check the GPS settings and find the reason for you only at the service center. It may be that the problem lies in the device itself.