Key not fixed on acer laptop. How to insert a button on a laptop? The button fell out of the laptop - what to do? Fixing buttons on a laptop

When using the keyboard for a long time, the buttons may squirm. But some breakdowns can be eliminated without resorting to the help of specialists, but on their own at home.

The keyboard on laptops in one piece does not differ from the keyboard of a regular personal computer.

If suddenly your button on your laptop is broken, you can easily fix it by following the instructions below.

For work you will need: the laptop itself, a paper clip, a button.

Progress of work.

First you need to remove the old button. Take the violin, straighten it, then you need to pass the paper clip under the bottom of the key, and then pull it towards you. Work with care. In almost all cases, the keys are easily removed. Once you have discarded the old key, you can easily insert a new one.

To do this, you need to place the newly made button in place of the old one and press it lightly, it will rise by itself and be fixed with plastic fasteners. Labor is ready!

And now we will look at how to make a space button on a laptop.

For work you will need superglue and a flathead screwdriver.

First, we must pry the old key from below on both sides with a screwdriver or a non-sharp knife and slightly pull it up. The button should pop off on its own. Malfunctions in operation could be required by a breakdown of the system itself. If the system is really broken, then you need to select some other button, for example Ctrl, Shift, CapsLock and reset it.

Carefully disconnect the spring mechanism, which ensures that the button is pressed, and put it in place of the gap. After the work done, return all the buttons to the item.

If suddenly the button refuses to work due to the fact that it is broken, you need to take superglue and fasten the parts of the button. Glue is applied to both surfaces in a tiny amount. The parts must be pressed against each other and held for 10-15 minutes. It's also a good idea to remove excess glue before it dries, so you don't have problems with it afterwards. Ideally, you should wait 12 hours before going back to work on your laptop.

On almost all laptops, the buttons are repaired equally, but still different manufacturers has its own subtleties and nuances. Now we will consider them.

Acer laptops.

The buttons on Acer laptops are organized as follows: inside there are two frames that connect in the middle and form the so-called clamshell. Two protrusions are also attached there, which serves as the fastening of the button to the keyboard. Button designs are simple.
You may have such a situation that the connection of the two frames is broken.

To allow given problem, you need to take a thick needle, with which you will push tiny pins into the recesses. After the work done, you need to put the button in its old place. To do this, you should fix the bed in a slightly elevated position, you can do this with a paper clip.

Asus laptops

In principle, Asus laptops are very similar to Acer laptops in terms of the external and internal construction of the keys, no serious differences were noticed. Therefore, when repairing buttons, you can be guided by the recommendations written by the taller.

Lenovo laptops.

These laptops have one feature. To fix the key, you need to find a folding mechanism on it, install it on a metal base and bring it first under the large, and then under 2 small ears, slightly pressing on them. If suddenly your elements of this mechanism are separated from each other, then they should be collected. After that, you should follow the steps listed at the beginning of the article, that is, fix the key in the old place, press lightly and that's it. She will set up on her own and be ready for use.

Laptop repair service centers are often contacted with such a problem as a broken or dropped button. Even one key that is out of order can cause problems with the operation of the computer. How to fix a button acer laptop may differ from laptops from other manufacturers. This is due to the fact that keyboards differ in design in different models of laptops. Therefore, at first you must, and then you can only look at how to attach keys on the Internet. However, there are also general recommendations how to fix a key without resorting to the services of specialists.

Possible causes of failure

The keyboard on a laptop is usually quite thin, and its buttons have little travel. Due to this this item on a laptop is very susceptible to mechanical stress. Most common cause breakdowns - spilled liquid. In this case, the conductive paths fail, and one or more buttons, and sometimes the entire keyboard, stop working.

In addition, the keys are clogged with dust, pet hair, dirt, etc. in this case, you need to properly. When the user starts cleaning the keyboard on their own, often the button falls out as a result of some wrong action. It's annoying, but it's fixable. And you can find out how to clean the keyboard without consequences without consequences for it from this. Well, then let's take a closer look at how to fix the button on asus laptop or models from other manufacturers.

What to do if the button on the laptop is broken

Despite the fact that laptops differ from each other, the way they attach buttons is usually the same. In fact, the key is a rubber base with a built-in contact. When the button is pressed, the contact is in contact with the circuit, as a result of which the desired action occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to restore contact, make sure that it is correctly established.

Before you fix the button on an hp laptop, like on other laptops, you should understand the cause of the breakdown. If the key is stuck, then you need to try to pull it back or just remove it. For this operation, you will need a special screwdriver or a thick needle. Place the end of the tool under the button and gently pull up. You do not need to apply a lot of force, the action is done smoothly, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the key, and it will be quite difficult to find a replacement part. As a result of manipulations, the button should pop up.

Before proceeding with the repair, you should inspect the key. It may not work due to mechanical damage. If the button cannot be restored, then replacing it with a new one cannot be avoided. You can buy a separate part of the keyboard in repair shops. In the case where the key can be glued, you can use super glue. It is important that the contact ends up in the same place where it was, otherwise the button will not work anyway.

If the key has fallen out, then the following actions should be performed. First you need to understand the button fastening design, which is usually the same. On the reverse side of the key there are latches and grooves in which there are “ears” of the rocker, the purpose of which is to connect the entire keyboard with the cover of a separate button. In the case when the key fell out along with this rocker, they should be separated. Next, the rocker is installed directly, on which the button cover will be placed. These two elements are connected to each other by grooves that are located on them. Before proceeding with the manipulations, in the opened niche, remove all the dirt with a napkin, the surface you are working with must be clean.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to repair the button on your own, if you first understand what is the cause of the breakdown. However, when a liquid is spilled, it is not always possible to handle it yourself, since it is quite difficult to restore blurry contacts. In this case, you will either need to contact service center or you can. And it will not be difficult to install the dropped button in place even for a beginner who has encountered this for the first time.

09.02 2017 09-02-2017


If you have broken a button from your laptop keyboard, you can contact Service center Notebook OFF in order to install it back (even if the button is lost). The cost of replacing 1 button is 50 UAH(provided that the metal fasteners on the keyboard case are intact). To find out the availability of a suitable donor keyboard, it is better to contact our specialists.

To understand the processes and determine the names of all the nodes of the button, as well as to install it, let's start with a video.

The button mechanism includes (Figure 1): the button itself (1), the mechanism for holding the button, the so-called "elevator" (2), the spring element for raising / lowering the button, let's call it a "spring" (3), films with metal pads and tracks (4) and a metal case (5). Pay attention to the areas marked with red circles. In these places, the elevator is attached to the button, and each of the two parts of the elevator is attached to the button in two places.

Figure 1 - The structure of the keyboard: (1) - button, (2) - elevator, (3) - "spring", (4) - films, (5) - case.

You will need a thin, flat tool, like this one:

Laptop Keyboard Button Removal Tool

  • Remove the button from the elevator installed on the keyboard. The need for this arises if there is a need to regularly disassemble the keyboard by first removing the buttons from it, then the elevators and removing the films, separating them from the metal base. As you can see from Figure 1, the elevator is attached to the button in four places marked with red circles. Figure 2 shows how IT IS FORBIDDEN remove the button, as the applied force bends the elevator and can lead to a break in the place where its two parts are fastened together.

  • Figure 2 - Such efforts can cause damage to the "elevators" .

    Figure 3 shows how to remove the push button: first insert a tool between the attachment points of the push button to ONE lift, and twist slightly to snap ONE part of the lift away from the push button. Then raise the button and similarly snap off the other elevator by inserting the tool between the other two button mounts to the other elevator.

    Figure 3 - The sequence of actions to disconnect the button from the "elevator".

  • Remove the elevator from the button(in case you have popped up a button along with the elevator). First you need to remove the elevator, insert the elevator back into the keyboard, and only then install the button on the elevator. The elevator is removed in the same way as in the previous paragraph: first, one part of the elevator is snapped off from the button, then the second (see Figure 3).
  • Remove lift from base. Depending on the design of the keyboard, the elevator can be removed in different ways, but most often it is done this way: the elevator moves forward to one of the mounts in order to disengage it. For easier and faster removal of the elevator from engagement with the body, you can use the tool. An illustration of this operation is in Figure 4.

    Figure 4 - Detaching the "elevator" from the keyboard case.

    Install an elevator. The elevator is installed in the reverse order: first, we engage one part of the elevator with the body, and then we snap the second part by pressing it (Figure 5).

    Figure 5 - Installing the "elevator" in the keyboard case.

    Set the button on the elevator. Installing the button on the elevator is probably the easiest procedure. It is important to remember only two rules: firstly, find on the fastening button where the antennae-mountings of the elevator are fed horizontally, and where they snap into place. It is extremely important to do this BEFORE installing the button, because if you start to press the part of the fastener into which the fasteners need to be fed, you will simply bend them inward, which may lead to the impossibility of installing the button in the future. Secondly, start snapping first at the part into which the lift needs to be applied, and only THEN into the one where you need to snap.

    Figure 6 - Installing the button. Top right and left - photo incorrect installation buttons. In the center - the correct positioning of the button. Then pressing first on the moving part of the button and only then on the latching part.

  • And finally, instructions for installing a button with a stiffener (space / space, shift "s, etc.)

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Using in Everyday life laptop, users sometimes encounter a problem: a key on the keyboard “broke off”. Any factor can be the reason: cleaning the keyboard, using a vacuum cleaner for cleaning, a crazy cat (yes, even this happens), a small child who is interested in everything around and accidentally plucked a key, and much more. But not everyone knows that this little trouble is easy enough to fix.
I will tell you how to put the button back without loss.

(carefully! a lot of photos)

Trouble has happened, and your laptop keyboard looks like this:

Laptops are all different, but most often they have a similar mount (the principle of fastening).
The key from the back side looks like this:

We see two pairs of mounts:
- two latches;
- two grooves for the ears of the rocker.
The key cover is attached to the keyboard using a special rocker, which consists of 2 parts connected by a hinge in the middle and forming the letter X (ha).

It often happens that the key "breaks out" along with the rocker. In this case, you must first disconnect the rocker from the key cover, install the rocker on the keyboard, and only then return the key to its rightful place.
To do this, take the key, snap off the latch, on one side of the key, and display the antennae of the rocker and grooves, on the other side:

We get 2 parts: a key cover and a rocker.
There are 3 lugs on the keyboard for mounting: one larger and two smaller.

If for some reason these mounts are bent (for example, a heavy object fell on the keyboard, as a result of which the key jumped out), they must be bent into the correct position. Be careful, these fasteners cannot be strongly bent, because. they are made of aluminum and break off easily, after which the repair will become much more complicated.

Installing the rocker on the keyboard:
- we start under the big ear of fastening

With a light touch, we start the rocker on 2 small fasteners

After the rocker is installed, you can put the key cap back on.
- we start the protrusions on the rocker into the grooves of the lid

Here you need to act carefully and not miss the mark :).
Next, making sure that the ears are in the grooves, by lightly pressing the top of the key, we fix the key cap,
a slight click will be heard.

Ready! key in place.

Large keys (Tab, Shift, space, enter), in addition to a plastic rocker, can have a metal stabilizer for uniform pressing.

There are two extra tabs on the keyboard backing to secure this stabilizer. The rest of the design is the same as described above.

First we start the ends of the stabilizer.

Then we put the lower "antennae" of the rocker into the grooves and lightly press the button into place.

The space key (and sometimes other long keys) rests on two rockers and a stabilizer.

In principle, the installation is no different from the above-described setting of the Shift key.

Above, the internal arrangement of the keys of a Hewlett-Packard laptop was considered.

I almost forgot. If the rocker, consisting of two parts, was dismantled during an emergency, do not despair. Using a needle, toothpick or other suitable object, it is easy to assemble it. We get one side into the groove, and to install the second side we use our auxiliary item.

Now, dear users, you will have no questions:
- how is the laptop keyboard arranged?

How to replace the key cover?
- what to do if a cat pulled out a key on a laptop?
and so on.

P.s. Because there were too many photos, an additional part of the article can be viewed on my blog (if someone is interested in this topic), where, for example, you can see the key devices of Asus and Apple laptops, some differences and similarities are described.

Sometimes as a result of improper handling of the laptop or due to hard hit keys fall out. If the keyboard for desktop computers it is easy to put it in place, then skill is required here. If you are not ready to put the key in place yourself, then you should contact the service center. Specialists will be able to perform all the necessary actions within five minutes. And the cost of this service does not exceed 100 rubles.

They can fall out for several reasons. Here are the main ones:

  • a strong blow to the laptop or keyboard;
  • an independent attempt to pull out debris from under the buttons. As a result, some of them may fall out;
  • excessive pressure on the keys while working with a laptop;
  • fluid ingress.

There are several options for the inoperability of the keys. Depending on this, it is worth doing the repair yourself or contacting specialists. If the reason is short circuit or damage to the cable, then you should definitely contact the specialists.

Important! The button has so-called antennae. If one of them broke as a result of external influence on the keyboard, then it is necessary to completely change the button. Otherwise, it will constantly fly out. Keyboard replacement is required when the matrix is ​​broken, as a result of which it is impossible to restore the full functionality of one or more keys.

What is required for self-repair

If you decide to insert the key yourself, then you will definitely need a needle and a paper clip or items that can replace them. If necessary, make minor repairs additionally take a soldering iron, a knife, a screwdriver, glue and small tweezers.

Important! Incorrect actions may necessitate a complete replacement of the keyboard on a laptop. Therefore, if you do not have the skills to repair computer equipment, it is better to contact specialists.

What is a keyboard button on a laptop

Here are the elements of a button on a laptop:

Important! Make sure that the swing is attached to the plastic part completely, otherwise it will fall out.

The process of installing a button on a laptop

Before installing the key, you must carefully examine the swing for their integrity. If any part is damaged, then you will need to change the button from specialists or order it yourself in specialized stores.

The installation process is as follows:

Important! If the cover fell out together with the swing, then these parts must be installed separately from each other, as indicated above. If you do not disassemble these two parts, then there is a high risk of damage to the antennae, for which the button clings to the keyboard.

The installation of large buttons occurs as on a conventional keyboard. There is a small metal stabilizer that needs to be inserted into the grooves on the keyboard. And then you need to lift it in order to install the cover strictly on it. If the installation is incorrect, there will be no spring effect.

If the tendrils of the key are broken, but you managed to find them, then you can use super glue to fix them.

Video - How to insert a button in a laptop