NFS does not work on iPhone 6. Why doesn't Apple Pay on the iPhone - Solution

Apple Pay - New mobile system For payments, the creators of which did everything so that she could start using immediately when starting the service in Russia. As soon as Apple Pay began its action in our country, the block of Apple Pay began its work in this application, and if it is not there - it's only worth rebooting your smartphone.

What models support Apple Pay shopping system

Apple Pay, unfortunately, are able to maintain not all devices from Apple. Moreover, on many devices, payments are possible only on the Internet. With all the list of supporting iPhone, Mac or Apple Watch models, you can find it in the article.

List of supporting iPhone versions. What an iPhones freely running Apple Pay? :

  • iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6S.
  • iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
  • iPhone 8 and 8 Plus
  • iPhone X.

iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S boards. Apple Pay system is also supported. In this case, the NFC module works in the phone, however, since the smartphones are not specifically equipped with the NFC module and you can pay in a pair of Apple Watch.

  • Apple Watch Series.
  • iPad.
  • iPad Air 2.
  • iPad 4.
  • iPad Pro.
  • 12.9 iPad Pro.

iPhone 6 Plus on Yandex Market

iPhone 6S on Yandex Market

iPhone 7 Plus on Yandex Market

iPhone 8 Plus on Yandex Market

iPhone X on Yandex Market

Does it work without internet

Does the Apple Pay system work without the Internet? This parameter should be considered if you do not work Apple Pay payment system and to know how NFC works. To execute transactions by Apple Pay Internet communication on the device is not needed - when you pay, the data comes through the connection in the terminal. In this case, all the data of the owners cards are not transmitted to the beneficiation recipients. For each operation, a new identification code is generated, which is encrypted and is then stored exclusively on a personal device. This will provide additional safety.

Connection failure

Quite often, for this reason, Apple Pay does not work on the iPhone 6 or, if Apple Pay does not work on the iPhone 6S, and NFC does not work on other devices.

How to treat?

  1. Forcibly restart the device.
  2. Erase the settings (settings - the basic parameters - reset the settings).
  3. Resetting the settings in the iPhone.
  4. Reinstall the firmware. After checking the device, without restoring your phone from the cut. copies.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Here the hardest thing is to check whether it earned this system? Although you can use MacDonalds and terminals.

Why NFC does not work

Most frequent reasons

NFC chip failed. Apple Pay program is used by the NFC chip. Such a module rarely fails. More often in it trite disappears between the antenna. The bracket of communication that is responsible for the transmission is located in the right corner. It is a jumper.

This jumper has bad contact with the C-antenna, which is why the payment service often refuses to work. It is enough to press a pair of screws denser and the problem itself is solved. Sometimes the contact hinders the dried dust and rubbish, then you need to unscrew the jumper by reading the contact and install the item. In some cases, a drop of glue and plastic interferes with high-quality grip, which was left when assembling.

  1. You can find the item in service centers and workshops who are engaged in buying aniple.
  2. You can order a jumper. There is nothing more technological there.

NFC antenna breakdown

Another reason why Apple Pay payment system does not work. For the same reason, an Apple Pay connection may occur.

For the connection of the smartphone and data transmission, the iPhone responds to the NFC module. Accordingly, it depends on its performance - whether you can make a purchase with the iPhone.

If the warranty period of the iPhone has not expired, it is not worth the "picking up" yourself in your device - pass it under warranty.

However, on official gadgets, such breakdowns appear quite rarely. More often this is subject to repaired (for this reason the NFC iPhone) and the "handicraft" restored iPhone (and, more precisely, the "jumper" connecting the board in the housing) is sometimes simply "forget."

On NFC communication problems, it is indirectly able to specify iTunes error when updating or when restoring the firmware. Why exactly indirectly? Because there is a lot of examples when Apple Pay does not work, and the iPhone easily flashes without errors.

That's what you should pay attention to

No internal antenna. Screws "Grounding" - often they could simply do not touch (it is worth trying to tighten them gently, but do not twist - there is a chance of damage) or forget to put.

The failure of the NFC is also solved by replacing. What is nice, the price of the spare part will be relatively small - 300 rubles. Of course, if you do not understand the technique and strong in the disassembly of the iPhone, all these manipulations should trust the specialists.

A small output

If you have failed to configure in the Apple Pay payment system or the Apple Pay card failure failed - in this case, we are dealt with iOS and other points (banks, terminals).

If payments do not work everywhere, and the above-described manipulations are fully fulfilled, then problems with NFC.

You have your own Sberbank card, or you want to download it into a separate application, but nothing happens. That is why this can happen:

Sberbank is currently working only with payment system from Master Card, and if your Visa card or world is this service It will not work.

Apple Pay works with almost all the cards from Sberbank. Here is a list of working maps that are supported by the service:


  • Master Card Standard.
  • Master Card Credit Momentum.
  • MasterCard Gold.
  • Youth Master Card Standard.
  • Master Card Standard Momentum.
  • Master Card Master Card.
  • Master Card Standard contactless.
  • Master Card Standard with an individual design.
  • Master Card Gold.
  • WORLD MASTER CARD Sberbank first.

Attempting to pay a purchase is not in your terminal

Although today to find the terminal who independently conducts contactless payments, it will be practically not difficult, you may encounter such a problem. Carefully look, whether there is on your box office, in which we pay, a special icon.

If you did not find this, this terminal with Apple Pay does not work. The same applies to applications and sites. Before paying for payment, look for the Apple Pay payment sign.

There were no conditions for registering in Sberbank online.

Pretty frequent problem Why Apple Pay and NFC does not work. Also here you need to find out what phones Apple Pay works. If you have a Sberbank card, you can independently download it to the payment application 2 ways to choose from. Or through Wallet wallet and through Sberbank online. In case you have chosen to register a second way to download cards in Apple Pay, an error when setting can occur due to the fact that you have not been connected to the Sberbank Mobile Bank service. In this case, it is enough to connect the service in the nearest branch of Sberbank.

Configure Apple Wallet software application to work with the EPL Pey system:

Apple Pay system is needed for digitization and subsequent storage of debit, credit, bonus, shopping cards, tickets, and tickets.

Map World and Apple Pay

The release of pension cards has already started, this is also a large amount of emission, despite the long-term transfer period (the transition should be completed by the middle of 2022.

National SSPK payment cards and World Communication Card Operator, and Samsung Electronics provided users with the ability to connect the World Maps to the Apple Pay system, referred to in the NSPC release.

The pilot project involves the Opening Bank, Bank Rosselkhozbank, Center-Invest and Celindbank. IN currently Such a technological solution will be available to banks - participants in the "World" payment card system for large-scale implementation in 2022.

As previously reported, in 2022, the NSPK can offer the market to the market for payment by the World Card using the phone.

When will the EPL be engaged with the "Peace" cards?

The beginning of the joint work of these systems was expected in mid-2017. Users, of themselves, appreciated the speed of work and the convenience of this service after the start of this cards.

How to tie a map world to Apple Pay and why can it not work?

The payment system of Eppl Pey allows some failures in synchronization and in the future promises to eliminate them. When stable work becomes possible, the instruction will not differ from the classic addition of any other card:

Adding a map

  1. On iPad: "Settings" - "Wallet or Apple Pay".
  2. On the iPhone: Find Wallet
  3. Click on "add a payment card";
  4. Enter Apple password;
  5. Scan the map and enter data manually;
  6. Next, when checking may require additional data.
  7. Go to "Settings" - "Wallet Apple Pay";
  8. Map added!

Everything! Now you can pay for purchases with Apple Pay payments and enjoy the convenience of the service.

Thanks to modern technologies, you can completely refuse ordinary paper money by purchasing your smartphone iPhone.. It became possible thanks to the new Apple Pay technology used in phones. apple companies. However, there is nothing perfect: any program and equipment can fail. Therefore, sometimes when applying for a smartphone to the terminal, you cannot pay the bill. Sometimes this is due to problems from the bank, or the case of the device has created an interference for data transmission. But if the Apple Pay problem occurs constantly, you need to take some action.

Consider the reasons and ways to eliminate problems with Apple Pay:

1. Problems in the IOS operating system as a cause of Apple Pay

To make sure Apple Pay refuses to work because of the internal problems with the device OS, you need to perform a few simple steps:

The most unpleasant and difficult in this procedure is to constantly walk to check the performance of wireless payment technology. You can try to do it in the nearest mcdonalds.

2. Apple Pay Disability due to external factors

Problems can be caused not only by problems with software, but and some external factors, to which can be attributed:

  • Neoriginal cover produced by a little-known Chinese brand.
  • Problems in the online banking system, with a payment card. First you need to try to pay for the purchase in another store. If the problem did not disappear - contact the Bank's employees.

3. Hardware problem associated with non-working capacity or absence of NFC antenna

The NFC module installed in devices is designed to transfer data to the terminal. If he failed to make a purchase using non-contact payment technology will not work.

On new devices, the problems with the NFC module are extremely rare. Most often, he refuses after repair produced by unqualified masters. Sometimes when flashing the iPhone, an error "56" may occur, indicating the availability of problems with the NFC chip. But this signal does not always apply the device.

If it was decided to independently disassemble the smartphone, you need to carefully inspect the main fee and perform the following steps:

1) Check for NFC antenna.

2) Ensure that grounding screws were twisted to the end. It is necessary to do it especially carefully so as not to damage the scheme.

3) Replace the module new.

Taking into account the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • If Apple Pay Technology is working at times, and sometimes no, the reason lies in the software, or there is a problem of the bank itself (with a payment card, terminal, database).
  • If you pay a contactless way to pay, even after the actions performed above, most likely the problem with the NFC module itself.

Whatever it was, to disassemble the iPhone itself is extremely not recommended. Without experience and required tools, it is possible to damage the main details of the device, and the only way out will be purchased a new smartphone. It is better to entrust this work to professionals who are employees of our repair service. We will quickly perform the diagnostics of the device, detect the cause of the problem and, if necessary, spend high-quality repairs at an affordable price.

Why do Apple Pay and NFC do not work?

Apple Pay is a new mobile payment system, the creators of which made everything to immediately start using it at the start of service in Russia. As soon as Apple Pay began work In our country, this application began a block with Apple Pay, and if it does not exist - you just need to restart your smartphone.

What models support the payment system Apple Pay

Apple Pay, unfortunately, can not support everything apple devices. Moreover, on many devices, payment for the purchase is possible only on the Internet. With all the list of supporting iPhone, Mac or Apple Watch models, you can find in this article.

List of supported iPhone versions. What iPhone does Apple Pay? :

  • iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6S.
  • iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
  • iPhone 8 and 8 Plus
  • iPhone. X.

iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S. The Apple Pay system is also supported. In this case, the NFC module runs on the phone, but since the smartphones are not specifically equipped with the NFC module, you can pay for it using an Apple Watch clock pair.

  • Apple Watch Series.
  • IPad.
  • iPad Air 2.
  • iPad 4.
  • iPad Pro.
  • 12.9 iPad Pro.

Does he work without the Internet?

Does Apple's payment system work without internet? This option should be considered if you do not have an Apple payment system and you know how NFC works. To perform transactions via Apple Pay, you do not need to connect to the Internet on the device - when you pay, the data arrive through the connection in the terminal. At the same time, all the data of the owners cards are not transmitted to recipients. For each operation, a new identification code is generated, which is encrypted, and then stored exclusively on a personal device. This will provide additional safety.

Connection error

Quite often for this reason, the apple fee does not work on the iPhone 6, or if the Apple board does not work on the iPhone 6S, and in general, on other NFC devices also does not work.

How to treat?

  1. Cut the device to reboot.
  2. Erase the settings (settings - General settings - Reset settings).
  3. Relieve the settings in the iPhone.
  4. Reinstall the firmware. After checking the operation of the device, without restoring the phone from the permission. copies.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. The most difficult part is to check whether the system works. Although you can use MacDonalds and terminals.

Why NFC does not work?

The most common causes

NFC chip failed. The NFC chip is used to run the Apple Pay payment program. Such a module rarely fails. Most often, the contact between the antenna is banal. The bracket of communication that is responsible for the transmission is located in the right corner. This is a jumper.

This jumper is not in contact with the antenna, because of which the payment service often refuses to work. It is enough to press several screws denser, and the problem is solved independently. Sometimes the contact delays clogged dust and trash, then you need to unscrew the jumper, clean the contact and install the item. In some cases, a drop of glue and plastic, left during the assembly, prevents the quality of the clutch.

  1. You can find parts in service centers and workshops who are engaged in buying an iPhone.
  2. You can order a jumper. There is nothing technological.

NFC antenna failure

Read the same way

Another reason why Apple's payment system does not work. For the same reason, the connection to payment of Apple may fail.

For connecting smartphone and transmission iPhone data Replies to the NFC module. Accordingly, it depends on its performance. You can shop with the iPhone.

Apple does not work for iphone 6

Equipment for searching the items of history we go on a motorcycle Izh Camping.

IPhone 6 Apple Pay. Does not work. Fast repair iPhone 6

If the warranty period for the iPhone has not expired, then you should not "choose" on your device. Return it under warranty.

However, on official gadgets, such failures appear quite rarely. Most often, it is corrected (for this reason, the nfc iPhone does not work), and the "craft" restores the iPhone (or rather, the "jumper" connecting the board in the housing) is sometimes simply "forgotten."

Read the same way

For problems with the NFC bond indirectly may indicate error iTunes. When updating or restoring the firmware. Why indirectly? Because there are many examples when Apple Pay does not work, and the iPhone easily stitches without errors.

That's what you need to look

No internal antenna. Grounding screws. Often they can be simply not screwed (it is worth trying to tighten them carefully, but do not twist them, there is a chance to damage) or forget to place it.

Refusal from NFC. Also solved by replacement. What is good, the price of the spare part will be relatively small. 300 rubles. Of course, if you do not understand technology and strong in the disassembly of the iPhone, all these manipulations should be trusted by specialists.

A small output

If the Apple payment system failed, or the Apple payment card was added abnormally. in this case. Understand with iOS and other things (banks, terminals).

If payments do not work everywhere, and the above-mentioned manipulations are fully implemented, then problems with NFC.

You have your own Sberbank card, or you want to download it into a separate application, but nothing happens. That is why it can happen:

Sberbank is currently working only with the payment system with Master Card, And if your Visa or World card, then this service will not work.

Apple Pay works almost with all Sberbank cards. Here is a list of working maps that are supported by the Service:


  • Master Card standard.
  • Master Credit Credit Momentum.
  • MasterCard Gold.
  • Standard youth main card.
  • Master Card Standard. Momentum.
  • Master Card Master Card.
  • The Master Card standard is non-contact.
  • Standard Master Card with an individual design.
  • Master Card Gold.
  • World master card "Golden".
  • World Master Card Sberbank First.

Attempt to pay for the purchase is not included in your terminal

Although today it will not be difficult for you to find the terminal that independently conducts contactless payments, you can also encounter such a problem. Carefully see if there is a special icon on your drawer, where you pay.

If you did not find it, then this terminal with Apple Pay does not work. The same applies to applications and sites. Before making an order for payment, find the "Apple Pay Pay" sign.

Conditions were not respected when registering in Sberbank Online

Quite often there is a problem why Apple Pay and NFC do not work. Also here you need to find out what phones the applet works. If you have a Sberbank card, you can download it yourself in the payment application in two ways. Or through a wallet wallet and through Sberbank online. If you decide to register for the second way of downloading cards in Apple Pay, the installation error may arise due to the fact that you have not been activated by the Sberbank mobile banking service. In this case, it is enough to activate the service in the nearest branch of Sberbank.

We configure Apple Wallet software to work with the Apple PEI system:

Read the same way

The Apple Pay system is necessary for digitizing and subsequent storage of information on debit, credit, bonus, card shops, travels, and tickets.

World map I. Apple Pay.

The question of pension cards has already begun, it is also a big problem, despite the long transmission period (the transition must be completed by the middle of 2022.

The NSCK's NSCK and Samsung Electronics Communication Map Operator and Samsung Electronics provided users with the ability to connect the World Maps to the Apple Pay system, the NSCP message says.

In the pilot project Bank Otkritie, Rosselkhozbank, Center-Invest and Celindbank. On the this moment Such a technological solution will be available to banks. Participants in the Mir payment cards system for large-scale implementation in 2022.

As previously reported, in 2022, the NSPC can offer the market on the own decision to pay the world map from the phone.

When will Apple be able to interact with the World Maps?

The beginning of the joint work of these systems was expected in mid-2017. Users, of course, appreciated the speed and convenience of this service after the start of this card.

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Thanks to the technology of contactless payments, you can forget about wallets and cash. You can pay in stores by means of a smartphone by simply attaching it to the terminal. For iPhone users, special apple service Pay. But, sometimes the owners of smartphones of this brand are faced with problems. Consider why Apple Pay does not work, and how to fix errors?

In order for the official service of contactless payment to work correctly and without interruptions, it is necessary to correctly function not only the operating system, but also the NFC chip itself. It is important that the smartphone supports the function of contactless payments, and there were no problems with the bank card.

There are several reasons due to which problems with the connection of Apple Pay are observed. Below in more detail we will study the question and ways to solve.

IPhone does not support Apple Pay

Why doesn't Epl Pey? Perhaps your phone does not provide support for contactless technology. Not all iPhone models have a NFC chip. For example, in the old versions of the smartphone - to the iPhone 5, the presented technology has not yet existed. NFC began to be actively used in further models, starting with iPhone 6, 6 S, SE.

It is worth noting that the work of the payment service is slightly different on the iPhone X. To confirm the payment, you must double the button on the side, look at the front chamber, and then bring it to the payment terminal. This procedure is related to Face ID function.

If your phone does not support this technology, I will not fix it. Additionally, the module does not work. The only solution is to purchase a phone with NFC.

IOS failures and malfunctions

If a program is compatible with the device, but it hangs periodically, slows down, flies, then the system fails to be fault. Users also note that the phone ceases to notice the payment terminal or for a long time Loads information, and as a result rejects the money transaction. It is necessary to check the operation of the operating system and the application itself.

Problems with the map

If Apple Pay¸ has unexpectedly stopped working bank card. In this case, the device will be detected, the system will not slow down, but during the payment the refusal will come. Check if there is money on the account, you may have exceeded the daily limit, or the invoice has been blocked. Often, users accuse me troubleshooting, forgetting about the bank card.

Defective NFC chip

One of the common problems is a malfunction of the NFC chip. Fix the breakdown can only be replaced by the part to the new one. Contact B. service centerIf not confident in your own experience. Experts will check, disassemble the apparatus, and then install a new chip.

For the transmission of the signal corresponds to the bracket installed in the upper part of the case. If Apple Pey refuses to connect, then the antenna was damaged. It is necessary to eliminate dirt from the transmitter and clamp the bolts that hold the bracket. If it does not help, then contact specialized repairs.

It is not recommended to start an independent disassembly of the smartphone. IPhones are characterized by a high-quality assembly, because of which an inexperienced user can apply additional damage and create new breakdowns when trying to disassemble the phone. Remember - if the device is under warranty, its independent disassembly automatically cancels the warranty period.

External factors

What to do if apple pay does not work? Pay attention to other problems. The device may be in order, and the program is functioning normally. Perhaps the payment terminal in the store may be faulty, or the bank has technical problems. Then you need to customize yourself.

Also, external factors include a cover that creates interference or blocks

Why Apple Pay does not work on the recovered iPhone

Some of the sake of savings acquire phones not in official stores, but from hands or in various services where broken smartphones restore. Buying a restored device, you risk acquiring not a mobile phone, but "tree bar". No one will give guarantees on correct work All systems and components in the phone.

In such gadgets, there may be no important details or another operating system. For example, today you can order the 10th iPhone, where Android is installed in place IOS. Therefore, if the contactless payment does not work, then the NFC chip and other important components for contactless payments are probably not installed in the phone.

Methods Fixing errors

The instruction for eliminating the problem depends on the cause of its appearance. Let us study the ways to solve errors:

If the program does not work, then try to rearrange the firmware by activating dFU modeprovided for correcting system problems. Instruction:

  1. Enter iTunes, after connecting the mobile phone to the PC.
  2. Turn off your smartphone.
  3. At the same time, clamp two buttons - switching on and home.
  4. After 10 seconds, release the switching key, but continue to clamp home.
  5. As a result, the gadget will launch recovery.

When it boosts check out the application for contactless transactions.

Some users are also interested, can a slow connection with the Internet affect the functioning of Apple Pay? No, the work of the program is carried out without online. Signal transmission occurs through the identification key stored in your smartphone.

Now, to go shopping in the store, no longer need to take with you paper money or credit card, it is enough to have an iPhone or Apple Watch. Since 2014, the owners of "apple" devices acquired useful apple function Pay, which allows you to pay for the exposed score using a smartphone or clock.

Unfortunately, some users complain that they do not work Apple Pay. In this case, the previously tied Visa or MasterCard card will be completely useless. Let's learn more about the function itself, and its possible faults.

  1. You bought a restored instance. In 90% of cases, the NFC chip is removed or damaged during recovery.
  2. There is not enough money in the account.
  3. Pin has been replaced by a credit card.
  4. Module malfunction or antenna.
  5. IOS or Watchos glitches.
  6. Problems with terminal.
  7. Not correctly added card.
  8. Make sure your iPhone is older than 5 models. Support for contactless payment began only with 6 models.

Independent diagnosis

For self-diagnostics, go through the test. A virtual assistant will define a malfunction and tell me what to do.

iPhone exactly older than 5 models?

Right! Not right!

Models up to 5S, do not lead contactless payment
If the model is older than 5, click the "Continue Diagnostics" button.

We continue diagnostics \u003e\u003e

Is there money on the account?

Right! Not right!

Check out the availability of money to accounts, in 80% of cases the problem is in this.

We continue diagnostics \u003e\u003e

Remember, maybe change pin code card?

Right! Not right!

If so, only the card renovation will help in the Wallet settings.
If it does not help, click the "Continue Diagnostics" button.

We continue diagnostics \u003e\u003e

Time and date on the phone are exhibited correctly?

Right! Not right!

Stop the current time and date.
If all is set correctly, click the "Continue Diagnostics" button.

We continue diagnostics \u003e\u003e

Checked the region in the settings?

Right! Not right!

Sometimes the region of finding is fully soaked correctly and problems begin. Setting is located there, where and time.
If the region is faithful, click the "Continue Diagnostics" button.

We continue diagnostics \u003e\u003e

Tried to update iOS?

Right! Not right!

Sometimes it helps solve program errors.
If updated, click the "Continue Diagnostics" button.

We continue diagnostics \u003e\u003e

Did the phone fall or subjected to repair?

Right! Not right!

When falling or repairing may damage the NFC chip or antenna module.
If not falling, click the "Continue Diagnostics" button.

We continue diagnostics \u003e\u003e

Apple Pay does not work

Start rebel!

How to fix

  1. Restart the device.
  2. Forcibly reset the network settings.
  3. The wrong time or date is set.
  4. Change the region to any other other than your country finding.
  5. Remove and re-tie a map.
  6. The system has malicious or antivirus programs.
  7. Other failures in software.
  8. The NFC chip has failed or fell off the antenna of the module - only repair in the service.
  9. Reinstall or update iOS.

Masters jicely answer what will be enough to replace the iPhone or Apple Watch. Jokes jokes, but if you do not work with epple drink, please contact the service center. If the NFC is antenna all over the wines, then you will not even have to come to your senses how it will be replaced. But it is not necessary to worry, due to problems with the module, the repaired chip operates at the level of the factory analogue. The range of action is very rarely suffering, decreasing up to 5-3 cm.

Even being owner iPhone Any. Models or smart watches, it is impossible to insure from an unforeseen failure software. Well, because of the defect in software, the basic functions of the NFS, which begin to incorrectly transfer information from the device incorrectly.

How to use Apple Pay function

Let's start with the fact that on the iPhone Apul Pay appeared relatively recently. Therefore, it is not worthwhile to wonder the owners of smartphones or clock from the "apple" brand, which only get acquainted with new technology Payment.

It is supported on all devices equipped with NFC, such as, such as iPhone 6S or Watch Series. But it happens that payment does not always behave correctly. This can be attributed to problems with contactless payment due to the cover or malfunction of the terminal itself.

By the way, compared to credit cards, where you need to enter your PIN to confirm payment, this feature is on the phone via Touch ID. But the payment will be held only in the presence of fingerprints in the instant device.

However, before you go for shopping, you should bind a map. To do this, use the Wallet program. Here, for your convenience, you can confirm the credit card (the code for SMS will come), which you have already paid in iTunes.

Another unconditional advantage of the application, you can call a convenient management that allows you to delete all the cards from Wallet at any time. Just remember, make purchases when aid iPhone It's really cool!

What is NFC and why he need

A possible reason why Apple Pay stopped working could be a NFC chip malfunction. However, before considering the troubleshooting methods, let's figure out why it is needed.

First of all, this is a communication module. It is used to read or transfer data. It may be as a indication key, a travel ticket, or credit card. Now even the subway and buses have equipped with this technology.

Data transfer occurs by the NFS antenna. And to confirm the consent on the exchange of data on the latest models of gadgets, enough fingerprint. After that, there is a connection with the terminal. This technology is available on the SE iPhone.

Therefore, before purchasing an "i-device", you need to check the performance of NFC, because if it is damaged, difficulties may occur when connecting to the payment terminal.

It is necessary to recall that iPhone models up to 5S inclusive, do not work with the contactless system. For owners of obsolete equipment, it is possible to connect Apple Watch equipped with an NFS chip.

IOS failures and malfunctions

Reviews of the user who assure that IOS has not been so stable, as before, are heard from everywhere. And this is true, because the oversupply of additional functions lead to a periodic violation in software, because of the Apple Pay setting failed.

So, here are some ways to solve the problem if PayPass stopped functioning normally:

  • The device must be restarted.
  • Forced to reset the network settings (settings - basic - reset - reset network settings).
  • If when paying, the glitch is noticed, go to the Wallet application, delete and re-tie the card.
  • When the phone put the phone to the terminal, and he did not respond, it should be tried to change the region of the smartphone to the one where the contactless calculation works. For example, by choosing the country UK (settings - the main language and region).
  • As a last resort, if the above methods did not give the result, reinstall iOS, or at least update the firmware. Then, check the contactless payments, without resorting to restoration backup phone settings.

Learn whether the function of EPL Pei has earned, only after purchase. In this case, the device writes ready, as soon as money will be written off from your account.

NFC chip failed

After finding that Apple Pay does not work, it is worth thinking about the health of the NFC chip. In most cases, the module itself always remains better, which you can not say about periodic problems with the antenna contact of the smartphone. As a result, we have problems in working capacity when making any purchase.

The bracket itself responsible for the transmission of the signal is located in the upper corner of the case. Another reason why NFC can come weak signal - It fell inside the device dust or trash. To solve the current problem, it will be enough to disassemble the phone, remove everything too much and squeeze the bolts of the bracket, thereby removing the "Nedokonakt".

Suppose the chip is correct, the garbage is removed, and the gadget continues to show errors to complete the payment. Then, once again, pay attention to where the NFC module is located in the iPhone or Apple Watch, perhaps to make a payment hinders it. After all, it can directly influence the operation of the module. Especially negatively affect the conductivity of the signal, the so-called "bumpers" and aluminum covers.


So, as we found out if you stopped working with EPL Pei on the phone or hours, problems can come from the side of the software or hardware. In some cases, payment does not always work due to the presence on the telephone dense cover.

Need to remember, the technology has become supported only with the 6th models iPhone., earlier, 5, 5s, 4s, 4 do not support the contactless payment for goods and services.

Another option, why the payment does not pass, the terminal itself can become. And also should not discard the possibility that everything is marina apple settings Pay, in particular - the credit card is not correctly added or the PIN code has been changed.
