Keys windows xp pro fresh series.

Windows XP   - largely legendary operating system. Released back in 2001, it is still installed on some computers. True, Microsoft itself has not supported it for a long time, but this is absolutely not a problem. During its existence, Windows XP has managed to become so sophisticated and secure that it is used today as an operating system for ATMs, payment terminals and other devices where the absence of software vulnerabilities is important.

But for ordinary users   “Defensive” windows features   XP is completely unimportant. Convenience and speed are valuable to them. Windows XP is characterized by extremely reasonable resource consumption, so it can run even on older computers with less than 1 GB random access memorythan modern operating systems cannot boast they are more demanding on the hardware of the computer. Based on this, Windows XP is ideal for older computers - those that still work on Pentium IV and other "antediluvian hardware". It shows them better performance than, for example, Ubuntu and other alternatives.

But with modern equipment, this operating system can often conflict. Windows XP does not have native support for 64-bit architecture. As a result, it is “scared” of more than 4 GB of RAM, modern processors, and even peripheral equipment of the latest generations. That is why this operating system is strongly discouraged from installing on modern laptops, especially those that ship with Windows 8.1 or later. There is a risk of turning the device into a inefficient and almost inoperative brick. And this, apart from the fact that Windows XP belongs to Legacy-systems, and with UEFI the BIOS will not start at all.

Why then do you need Windows XP in the modern world of 64-bit architectures and at least 8 GB of RAM? Of course, for installation on old computers! The ones that even have uSB ports   2.0 are rare in the amount of 1-2 pieces per motherboard. With such computers, even playing humanly will not succeed. However, Windows XP is absolutely not the operating system that gamers dream of. The fact is that it supports exclusively DirectX 9.0 - a rather outdated graphics library. Games for it ceased to be released back in 2006, with the release of DirectX 10.0 and the Windows 7 operating system.

Currently, Windows XP is well suited for installation on workstations where only office applications such as MS Office or 1C will be installed. This operating system currently shows poor performance even in web surfing. The reason, again, is purely technical - the 32-bit architecture does not support more than 3.4 GB of RAM (even if you stick more voluminous “dies”, no more than 3.4 GB will be available), and modern Internet pages thanks to Flash, HTML5 and other technologies Ajax PHP is able to "eat" about 200 MB of RAM each!

But the main advantage of Windows XP is its familiarity. Over the long years of its existence, it has become practically “native,” and any PC user is able to carry out any system operations with her eyes closed or simply open the Start menu. Not like on Windows 8! In addition, this operating system offers wide possibilities of customization - from individual interface elements to “internal libraries”. You can customize it appearance, as you wish. And finally, its low resource consumption allows you to install it on low-power devices like navigators and other portable electronics.

If you suddenly wanted to get this largely outdated operating system - well, or somewhere in the corner dusting an iron "dinosaur", which needs to be reanimated - then you should not look for all kinds of assemblies from craftsmen. It’s better to download the original image by Microsoft itself!

After unpacking the downloaded archive, the image file of Windows XP Professional SP3 VL must be written to a CD, preferably at a minimum speed, followed by verification. You can use the program to record the image. Also in the archive there is a file "Keys.txt" which contains license keys for windows installation   XP Professional SP3 VL.

Checksums for checking the integrity of the downloaded image:

IMPORTANT!!!   When installing the bootloader, additional software is installed, if it is not necessary, uncheck the installation process of the bootloader.

In this post, we will consider one of the options for removing authentication in Windows XP, in other words, how to activate the Windows XP operating system. I will say right away that a little registry manipulation is required here.

Attention! Use caution when working with the registry. Improper parameter values \u200b\u200bcan lead to system inoperability.

Less idle talk is more business. Go!

1. Open the "Registry Editor": Start -\u003e Run.

2. In the window that opens, enter "regedit" (without brackets naturally).

3. We pass along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / WindowsNT / CurrentVersion / WPAEvents. The main thing is not to be confused.

4. Click on “WPAEvents” and the parameters should appear in the right window.

5. Right-click on “OOBETimer” and select “change”.

6. Change the number 71 to 72. Click OK.

7. Close the registry editor. Again, "Start -\u003e Run." Enter:

8. A window will open windows activation   xp. Select the 2nd item. Click "Next", then select "Change Product Key." Enter the key for Windows XP:


9. Reboot the computer.

10. Check whether Windows XP is activated or not. Open "Start -\u003e Run" and write:

   % systemroot% \\ system32 \\ oobe \\ msoobe.exe / a

The activation window will notify you that your operating windows system   already activated.