How to make the background transparent in Photoshop. How to make a picture have a transparent background in Photoshop

Today's issue will tell you how to do transparent background in photoshop.

Why do we need a transparent background at all?

It happens that one image needs to be superimposed on another, but when overlaying the image, it remains White background... See example below:

In this article, we will discuss three ways to get rid of this background. The result should be like this:

I hope everyone gets the point now. And we get down to business!

In the example below, we will insert the sun into the picture of the meadow. Obviously, the current look is not attractive. Therefore, we will try to correct this point. We are not removing the white background, but only making it invisible.

But first, of course, you must not insert a picture with a white background. Start with a drawing without the sun.

Three ways to remove background in Photoshop

1 way to make a transparent background:

Everything, the background has disappeared. I hope everything was clear.

2 way to make the background transparent:

On a note! The above two methods can be applied if the background has the same color. Otherwise, use the third method.

3 way to remove the background in Photoshop

1. Remove the background in Photoshop using the quick mask tool. The mask is located at the bottom in the left vertical menu:

2. After clicking on the quick mask, select "Brush" and paint on the object (not the background), the sun, in our case. Do not touch the background while doing this.

Use different brush sizes to paint. To do this, use the second horizontal menu. More on the screenshot: 3. After the sun is completely painted over, click on the quick mask again. Then the Delete button to delete everything around the object.

Everything was whipped up as an example, so the boundaries are not very precise. However, if you try, everything will be fine. The main thing is not to waste your time and use brushes of all sizes rationally.

Now you know how to make a transparent background in Photoshop. Let's move on to solving another problem. Namely, to preserve a transparent background. Often, users are successful in removing the background, but they cannot save the image in this form. Do you have the same problem? Then read on!

How to save an image with a transparent background

I will immediately note an important point. Maybe only these words will be enough to solve your problem. If you save the image in JEPG format, then the transparent background disappears, the same will remain White color... It is required to save in PNG or GIF format. Related articles:

So that is all. Now, if we insert the sun into the clearing, the picture will take on an attractive appearance:

The article provides a way to get rid of the background by selecting and moving the image onto the created transparent file. The selection is done manually with a stylus. The lesson is intended for a beginner audience and therefore all four steps are accompanied by detailed screenshots with red explanatory notes.

Step 1. Enlarge the object. To do this, click on the Zoom Tool (Z) and move the cursor over the image. The cursor turns into a plus sign and the picture enlarges with each click. After we work with the image, change the value of the tool back to Zoom Out at the top of the settings bar and decrease it again with the cursor turning into a minus. The Zoom Tool (Z) draws a magnifying glass. In this example, we enlarged the picture with two clicks, this will be enough to neatly outline the object.

Step 2. Select an object. To do this, click on the Pen Tool (P). Pay attention to the ruler settings at the top.

When hovering over the image, the cursor should turn into a pen. Start tracing the object you want to clear the background with the pen point by point. The moment the circuit closes, you will see that the object is outlined with a solid line. Now hover over this solid line and right-click. In the window that appears, select the line Make Selection, that is, selection.

In the next dialog box, set the radius.

The contour of the picture flickers - it means that we have selected the object.

Now let's use the magnifying glass to scale back the object as described in step 1.

Step 3. Create a transparent background. Duplicate the image first. To do this, select the Image - Dublicate - Ok sequence from the menu.

Now we need to select our entire duplicate using the Rectangular Selection Tool.

Now double click on the lock icon on the right and OK. With this action, we unlocked the layer. Press the Delete key on the keyboard. The image has acquired a checkerboard color, which means transparency. This is our transparent background, onto which we must drag the previous selected image.

Step 4. Move the image to a transparent background. To do this, click with the cursor on the previously selected picture and then click the Move Tool (V) button. Hold it down with the left mouse, and, after dragging the object onto the transparent background, release it. The goal of changing the background to transparent has been achieved.

This is one of several possible ways freeing the image from the background.

Save your picture to png format... It should be noted that there are other ways to change the background to transparent. But more on that in other lessons.

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28.01.2015 27.01.2018

Making a transparent layer on an image in Photoshop is as easy as shelling pears. This short explanatory note contains comprehensive information on this subject. Therefore, I hope you will not have any difficulties.

What is a transparent layer or background for? So that one image can be superimposed on another.

The default transparent layer in Photoshop is displayed as a checkerboard. This is what the transparent layer looks like:

And this is how the list of layers looks like

We can place another image layer above the transparent layer. This is what an apple looks like on transparent layer in photoshop.

Such an image will have a transparent background under the apple, so you can insert it on the site on any background.

You can create a new layer under the apple in Photoshop itself and fill it with any background. The result will be the same.

You can also adjust the transparency of the layers. This may be needed for different purposes - for example, create translucent background or make the image transparent.

You can reduce the transparency for a layer in the layers panel. You activate the layer you need and reduce the opacity percentage.

Hopefully the purpose of the transparent layer in Photoshop is now clear to you!

The only question you might have left is how to make a transparent background in your image. To do this, you need to select the part of the image that you want to keep, and delete the rest of the selection. You can find out how to do it correctly and how to select complex objects in my free video course "How to select in Photoshop". To teach him, fill out the data in the left panel on the site and the course will come to your mail.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog!

I recently needed remove background from the picture, I'm not particularly friends with photoshop. And I'll tell you that I don't even have it on my computer. (Well, it's generally correct why I need something with which I do not know how to work).

But the background from the picture had to be removed somehow, I began to surf the Internet, in search of a solution to my problem. There are a lot of options, in fact, but I was looking for something easier)). I found a very easy and simple way to remove the background from the picture.

And so, let's get started. We'll need photoshop, but the way I don't have it. I use online Photoshop... A very handy thing, I'll tell you. And of course the background image we want to make transparent.

I will show you with an example, here is such a picture, we will remove the white background

We go into online photoshop. I used this one PIXLR

We choose: Load an image from a computer.

Now on the right in the window "LAYERS" need to open the lock

Click on it 2 times with the left button mouse, a check mark should appear in the box.

Now go to the panel on the left, select the tool "Magic wand" and set the tolerance to 21.

That seems to be all, but I am not completely satisfied with the picture, there are still remnants of the background, I again click on the place that I want to remove. Then "edit" ---- "clear". And so on until you remove everything you need.

Hello dear visitors. In this tutorial I will show you how using Photoshop you can remove background and make the photo transparent. You will not need special knowledge of this Photo Monster, since everything is very simple here. The main thing is that you have Photoshop installed and you repeat all the steps after me.

So how to make a transparent background in Photoshop?

Launch Photoshop and open the experimental photo. Click the File - Open menu and specify the location of the image.

Great, the photo is open and let's start cropping the background. First thing we need to do is unlock the layer. Pay attention to the lower right corner of the program. There you will see the main layer of our photo and small lock.

It is necessary for this lock to disappear, that is, the layer is unlocked. To do this, right on the lock make one click with the left mouse button... And the lock is gone!

Now we need to remove the background. To do this, we take some kind of selection tool, for example, Magic wand .

We press the tool on the background in the photo, thus selecting the object we do not need.

Appeared dotted line(running ants). It remains to press the DELETE key on the keyboard and the background will be removed. See how it happened:

Super! Now deselect the selection by pressing the keyboard shortcut CTR + D.

Well, in general, how make a transparent background in Photoshop we figured it out and now it remains to save this photo correctly.

To do this, click the File menu - Save for Web. Or just use ALT + SHIFT + CTR + S.

You will see a window in which we must select the PNG-24 format and only then click the Save button.

Now look what happened and what became:

Finally, it should be said that in some cases when you decide to make a transparent background in Photoshop on some picture, then you may have to use other selection tools, for example, Pen or Magnetic Lasso... I used the tool Magic wand, since in my photo it was easy to separate the person from the background. Removing the background from complex images can be a bit of a sweat.

That's all for today, I wish you good luck!