Find out the volume label command line. What is a volume label? Using a Windows installation flash drive

The most important disk information is the amount of free and used space. To obtain this information, open the My Computer window by double-clicking on the My Computer icon, then right-clicking on the icon of the required disk and select Properties from the context menu. The General tab displays the amount of free and used disk space, volume label, disk type and file system.

What is a volume label?

A volume label is an alphanumeric label up to 11 characters long (NTFS up to 32 characters) that indicates the name of the drive. This label is displayed along with the disc icon. A disk label is not required, but it can often help when tidying up floppy or removable disks.

How do I change the volume label?

Opening the My Computer window by double-clicking on the My Computer icon, right-clicking on the required disk icon and selecting Properties from the context menu. On the General tab, you can enter a volume label in the box at the top of the window. In addition, the volume label can be set when formatting the disk.

14.4. File systemWindows 7 ( windows-7 -file- system.htm )

Windows 7 uses the file system NTFS, which, today, is one of the most common in the world.

NTFS is based on MFT (Master File Table). In fact, it is a file of a special format, which is located in a special MFT-zone of the section. This zone is accessible only to the operating system utilities or special utilities that access the hard drive directly. The MFT provides a table listing all files with basic security attributes and settings. But not only. In the MFT, for each file, the addresses of the sectors in which its contents are located are stored. This is very important information, because without it, the system simply would not know where the requested object is and where it is necessary to move the reading head of the hard drive.

In Windows 7, there are a number of folders called service folders. By default, they are the same for all users of this OS. It is advisable not to touch some of them, because this can lead to malfunctions in Windows 7. The content of others can be changed without any fear.

Without a doubt, it is the most important folder located on the active partition of the hard drive. It contains all the executable files of the operating system, drivers, modules, etc. And therefore, it is strictly not recommended to delete something from this folder. It should be noted that in some cases it may have a different name.


Old operating system folder. Occurs on the hard disk if Windows 7 was installed without formatting it. For the overwhelming majority of users, it is not needed, and therefore can be deleted completely calmly.

Folder for storing user profiles. By default, it is located at the root of the operating system disk. Contains a number of standard folders, as well as one folder for each account. They contain "custom" subfolders, including Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Favorites, etc. Their content is completely dependent on the person. Other subfolders are used to store service information of various applications, browsers, etc.: AppData, ApplicationData, Cookies, Local Settings, etc. They are hidden, and manually changing their contents is not recommended.

The folder where all boot files for the operating system are located. It is hidden, you should not make changes to it.


Another very important hidden folder. Applications installed in the operating system store their data, installation files, etc. Naturally, you do not need to remove anything from it.


The folder that contains the image required to enter the recovery environment. Again, it is hidden, you cannot change it.

$ Recycle.Bin

In fact, this folder is the "Recycle Bin" of Windows. All deleted information is moved to it. The folder is hidden, however, you can delete both it and its contents. In essence, this will be tantamount to emptying the Trash or part of it. Please note that each section of the hard disk has its own $ Recycle.Bin folder, which stores files that were deleted from it.

what is a volume label?

  1. Convert Convert FAT and FAT32 volumes to NTFS volumes.

    convert volume / fs: ntfs / v / cvtarea: filename / nosecurity / x

    The stub file must be created before running the convert command with the fsutil file createnew command. The convert command does not allow this file to be created. This command only overwrites the given file with NTFS data. After conversion, all unused space of this file is reclaimed. For more information on the fsutil file command, see the See Also link.
    / nosecurity
    Setting free access to security settings of converted files and directories.
    / x
    Dismount the volume before converting, if necessary. All open volume descriptors are invalidated.
    Notes (edit)
    You must set the drive conversion when you restart your computer. Otherwise, there is no way to convert the current disk.
    If the convert command cannot lock the drive (for example, the system volume or the current drive), you are prompted to convert the drive the next time you restart your computer.
    The Master File Table (MFT) is located differently on volumes converted from a previous version of the NTFS file system, so their performance may be inferior to volumes converted from Windows NT.
    Volumes converted from the FAT file system to NTFS are slightly inferior in performance to volumes directly formatted with NTFS. In converted volumes, the Master File Table (MFT) may become fragmented. Also, NTFS access permissions on converted boot volumes are invalid after volume conversion.
    Examples of
    To convert the volumes on drive E to NTFS format and display all messages, enter the following command:

    convert e: / fs: ntfs / v

  2. Volume label is a textual designation of the disk.
  3. The name of the disc is. 🙂
  4. Disc name!
  5. Volume label is the name of the disk.
    It's really convenient to give meaningful names.

    C: SYS in "my computer" will be SYS (C :)
    D: DATA

    X: RM-HDD

  6. it's like the name of the disk, as a flash drive is used after all). It doesn't matter what to indicate
  7. Well, in theory, this is the letter that the disk will have (C, D, E)
  8. it's just a disk or volume name ...
    do not confuse it with the drive letter.
    the volume label is needed in order not to confuse the disks ... for example, in my PC there are several hard drives and several. flash drives ... one I want to pull out. ... how can I find out which piece of iron from which nickname? that's why they give names to disks))
    when you have more than 5 of them. ... then you will understand))

Volume label is the descriptive name of the volume to which the drive letter is assigned. Its size cannot exceed 11 characters (including spaces) and is displayed when accessing the disk with various utilities such as Windows Explorer. You can change or remove a volume label with the LABEL command.

The syntax for changing the volume label is: label disc: label

where drive is the drive letter followed by a colon and label is the description to assign.

Expanding disk partitions with Diskpart

If the partition you created is too small, sometimes you have to expand it. Previously, you could expand partitions using third party utilities. DiskPart now allows you to expand existing partitions like this: when you need to expand the last partition of a disk, you can do it with the EXTEND command. The last partition is the only one that can be expanded regardless of whether it is a primary, secondary, or logical drive. But you cannot expand the boot or system partitions; in addition, only NTFS partitions can be expanded.

Example of disk expansion command Diskpart

Follow these steps to expand the last partition on your disk.

  1. Start DiskPart by typing diskpart at the command prompt.
  2. List the disks with the list disk command and check for unallocated space.
  3. Select the desired disk, for example disk 2, for which enter select disk 2.
  4. List the partitions of the selected disk by entering list partition.
  5. Select the last section on the list. For example, enter select partition 6.
  6. Expand the section with the command extend size = JV, where N is the size of the added space in MB, for example:

DISKPART> extend size = 1000

Imagine a situation when you purchased a system unit or laptop from your hands and after starting the system, you find that the disks are named with some phrases. In other words, the volume label of the partition has been changed, and you can write anything there. Here's a screenshot as an example.

How do I change the volume label on a partition?

I will not describe the meaning of this concept, because everything is clear anyway. In Windows 10, I'll show you how to change the volume label of any partition. Moreover, having administrator rights, everything can be done in a few seconds.

So, open the "Computer" folder and click on any section that you need to rename. Click on it with the right mouse button and click on the item "Rename".

A message will appear that you need to have administrator rights, but since we have them, click "Proceed".

That's all.

How to change the volume label in the Disk Management utility

You can also change the volume label using another method. To do this, right-click on the Start menu and click on the item "Disk Management".

Select the desired experimental section, right-click on it, and then on "Properties".

At the top there will be an input field where you can enter whatever you want. Don't forget to just click Apply.

In fact, you can go to the properties of the disk from the "Computer" folder.