Calibrating the screen of an android smartphone. Calibrating the Android phone screen (touchscreen sensor)

Like any device, the phone sooner or later begins to break down and glitch. There are a large number of problems that can arise on Android. One of them is the inadequate response of the screen to pressing. If the sensor of your Android device does not correctly perform the tasks assigned to it, then, most likely, the screen calibration settings have gone astray on the phone.

What does “screen calibration” mean on an Android smartphone or tablet

Screen Calibration is the touch screen settings of the device. That is, if you swipe the display with your finger or stylus, then it should display your movements with great accuracy. In the event that your actions and what ultimately happened on the screen are different, you should calibrate the device again. Calibration issues can occur when replacing a screen, changing device settings, or software and physical damage to the device.

Calibrating the Android screen - step by step

There are several ways to calibrate Android devices. Some lead through the programs that are initially included in the phone, while others will require downloading special applications from the Play Market. Let's start with the ones that require as little action as possible.

Through device settings

Since users often have problems with calibration, the developers have added the ability to calibrate the device through the device settings:

Calibrating the Android touchscreen through the engineering menu

On Android devices, there is a special menu, thanks to which you can do many things that are not available in normal mode.

Via Touchscreen Calibration app

In the Play Market, you can find many applications responsible for screen calibration, one of them is Touchscreen Calibration.

Via Quick TuneUp App

This application performs the same tasks as the previous ones, but in a different way.

Video: how to increase or decrease the sensitivity of the sensor

How to set up an accelerometer or G-sensor

Also, all modern devices have an accelerometer that determines the position of the phone relative to a flat horizontal and vertical surface. This feature is used in many games, most often in racing, when you control a car by turning your phone, and in some other applications.

Through a dedicated application - GPS Status & Toolbox

You can calibrate the G-sensor using a free application from the Play Market:

Via Engineering Menu

There is a second way to calibrate the G-sensor - through the Engineering Menu:

Video: setting up the G-sensor on Android

What to do if the sensor triggers spontaneously

Sometimes it happens that the screen at some points starts to press by itself. This can happen if the touch glass has been damaged, due to which in certain places it is too tightly attached to the display. In this case, you need to take the device to the service and ask to replace the glass with a new one. There are two types of touchscreens:

  • Resistive sensors are sensors that respond to pressure changes, that is, they are triggered when pressed. You can work on such glass with a fingernail, stylus and other objects.
  • Capacitive sensors are sensors that only respond to finger touch.

If the screen no longer accurately displays what you want to do, then it is time to re-calibrate the display. If the phone reacts incorrectly to a change in its location in space, then it is worth calibrating the G-sensor. And only if all the previous settings did not help, then you should think about changing the touch glass, which could break or get scratched.

How to increase sensor sensitivity on Android?

Android smartphone users often complain about poor screen sensor sensitivity, even on high-end mobile devices.

There are several reasons why the touchscreen of a smartphone has become unresponsive to pressing. One of the reasons is hardware, while the other is software. If the problem is in the hardware, then the touch panel needs to be repaired and replaced. But, if the reason for the poor sensitivity is related to the software, then various patches, adjustments and calibrations will allow you to return the previous sensitivity of the touch screen without the help of a service center.

We've prepared some tips and tricks to help you increase your Android's sensor sensitivity.

Updating software and firmware

Responsible manufacturers often release updates for their smartphones that improve performance and fix various bugs. Therefore, as soon as you find poor touchscreen sensitivity, you should check for an update and, if available, install it. Chances are the Android sensor sensitivity issue will be fixed.

Touchscreen patches and fixes

If your smartphone manufacturer does not release updates, you have to rely on your own strength. In other words, look for new updates, fixes, patches, fixes, and more in specialized forums such as or XDA Developers.


Some smartphones have a touch screen calibration feature. If after some time after purchasing your smartphone, you notice that the display has become less responsive to pressing, you should calibrate the touch panel. Most often, this function is located in the smartphone settings.

Remove apps

If you have an entry-level or mid-range smartphone, you must understand that it will not work at the speed of lightning. However, many people forget about this and install a huge number of new applications. Many applications run in the background, thus reducing the performance of the smartphone.

To increase the sensitivity of the sensor on Android, try uninstalling apps that you rarely use.

Clean the touchscreen

If your smartphone screen is dirty with fingerprints, dust, or any other sticky material, you should wash it thoroughly.

Use protective film or glass

Today there is a wide range of protective films and glasses for your smartphone. What's more, many new smartphones come with a pre-pasted screen protector. Use this feature to increase sensor sensitivity on Android.

Avoid bumping and dropping your smartphone

As obvious as it sounds, don't hammer in nails with your smartphone. They are not meant to be. If you carry a large smartphone in your skinny jeans pocket, take it out before you sit down. Also, try not to drop or throw your smartphone on the floor.


Most modern high-end smartphones are designed to be operated with gloves. A useful option for cold countries like ours, when seals are a must for every person on the street.

Not surprisingly, manufacturers are trying to make smartphone touchscreens glove-compatible. Moreover, some smartphones, such as the Samsung Galaxy S5, have a dedicated glove function. To activate it, go to Settings - Display and at the very bottom select the "Increase sensor sensitivity" option.

Calibrating the screen sensor on Android: why and how to do it?

If your Android phone's screen stops responding after being dropped, submerged in water, or due to technical malfunctions, the screen may need to be calibrated. Well, in case of a problem in determining the position of the phone in space, it will be necessary to adjust the accelerometer.

What is screen calibration

Screen calibration is fine tuning the sensor of your device. It may be required if the screen partially or completely stops responding to pressing. And it is also possible that the sensor is triggered in the wrong place where you touch with your finger. In any of these cases, calibration should help, unless, of course, the screen is damaged. Also, calibration may be required after replacing the device screen.

How to calibrate the screen

There are different ways to calibrate the screen of an Android device. It will be helpful to consider each of them.

Calibrating the screen through device settings

It is possible to carry out calibration without installing third-party applications. For this:

It is also worth knowing:

Unfortunately, some Android devices do not have a built-in touchscreen calibration feature. In this case, it can be carried out by other methods.

Calibration of the screen sensor through the engineering menu

The engineering menu is a menu of hidden phone settings. They are intended only for the most advanced users, as they offer quite detailed customization of the phone. If you are not careful, you can harm your device. All changes in the engineering menu you make at your own peril and risk.

The way to get into the engineering menu also differs depending on the specific phone model, but usually this requires entering a special combination of characters. Search for your phone model and type in the appropriate command. For example, for Samsung devices, this can be the command * # * # 8255 # * # *.

After you find yourself in the engineering menu, you must select the "Touch screen" item.

Select the section "Touch screen"

It is in this section that you can check the current sensitivity, as well as make detailed settings for the screen of your device and how it reacts to pressing.

Calibrating Android Screen Sensor Via Computer

If the screen of your phone does not work at all, or after the calibration there was a serious error and now the sensor does not respond to pressing, calibration via a computer can save the phone and save time on going to the service center. To complete it, you need to install the MSP RemoteAlignment program.

By installing this program and following the instructions, you can do the following:

  • calibrate your device from a PC without having to press anything from your phone;
  • save the results of the performed calibration to a computer;
  • "Align" the picture with the device screen and also save these settings.

This program is very easy to operate. Pressing the Skip button will automatically calibrate, skipping the rest of the steps. The Retrive button will load the previously saved calibration results, and the Alignment button will enable manual calibration on your phone.

Pressing the Skip button will start screen calibration

Android Screen Sensor Calibration Apps

If you cannot calibrate the screen without using third-party applications, or if you want to have more options for setting and controlling the sensor of your screen, you should use the applications designed for this.

Calibration apps can help, but they won't do wonders. They will come in handy as a last chance before contacting a service center if the rest of the screen calibration methods have already been tested.

Touchscreen Calibration App

Touchscreen Calibration is a fairly simple solution and has an extremely minimalistic interface. After you press the only active Calibrate key, the sensor tuning will begin directly.

Click the Calibrate button to start the calibration process

It will be necessary to do a few very simple actions like swiping the screen or double-tapping.

Swipe is a special gesture when you put your finger on the screen of a smartphone or tablet and move it in the desired direction across the screen.

Once you have completed all of the above steps, the software will evaluate the accuracy and complete the calibration. This is a really very simple application that can give you everything you need if your device does not have a calibration function.

Touchscreen Calibration is a very easy to use application

Display Calibration app

The Display Calibration app works in a completely different way. You don't have to manually align the sensor. All that is required is to launch the application and set the brightness slider to a certain position. Thus, the center of the device screen and other coordinates will be determined, from which the program will be based. Next, you need to click the Calibrate button, which is the only one on the screen. After a few seconds, the calibration is complete.

How Display Calibration works is extremely simple

What else can be done to tune the sensor

If you tried all the methods available on your version of the device and did not achieve the result, all that remains is to contact the service center. After all, the problem with the screen may not be in the sensor settings at all, or it may not be solved in such a simple way. At the very least, you will know that you have done everything possible to restore the sensor of your device.

Configuring the accelerometer of a phone based on android OS

The accelerometer of the phone determines its position in space or the applied acceleration when it moves. It is essential for the following device functions:

  • changing the page orientation when turning the phone;
  • calculating the distance traveled when using the device as a pedometer;
  • determination of the position of the phone in various applications;
  • control the phone by shaking or tilting.

You will not be able to set up a gesture to accept a call, comfortably use the browser and other phone functions if the accelerometer settings are out of order. In this case, it is necessary to calibrate it, which will help special applications for this.

Accelerometer allows you to determine the angle relative to the position of the phone

GPS Status & Toolbox App

Let's take a closer look at how to calibrate the accelerometer using the GPS Status & Toolbox application. After launching the application, follow these steps:

Video: Calibrating the Accelerometer Using the GPS Status & Toolbox App

Clinometer App

The Clinometer software can determine the angle to the surface with an accuracy of ten degrees. But we are interested in it for another reason - it can be used to calibrate the accelerometer, because it is with its help that the angle is determined. This program is simpler than the previous one, but it quite satisfies our requirements.

Clinometer software has everything you need to calibrate the accelerometer

Unexpected problems may occur while calibrating the screen or accelerometer. However, they will be easy to deal with if you follow the advice.

Root rights required

If you want to calibrate the device through the engineering menu, you may not succeed without root rights on the device. Root rights provide full access to device settings and are needed just to protect inexperienced users from dangerous changes. But getting them is not that difficult and, in fact, there are two options:

  • on the Internet you can find many programs that will easily allow you to get the necessary rights. All of them are extremely easy to use and will open you access in one click, so all that remains is to give the names of some of them. Programs such as Universal AndRoot, Unlock Root, z4root and others can help you;
  • the second method will require you to install the modified firmware on your phone. In many custom firmware, root-rights are initially open, or they can be opened extremely simply.

After this installation, you should have no problems accessing the engineering menu and you can calibrate the device.

Rooting software is easy to use

The screen sensor works by itself, involuntarily

The self-response problem of the screen usually points directly to a problem with the device sensor itself. If the calibration does not help, before contacting the service center, you can try the following:

  • install a protective film between the sensor and the display of the device;
  • make sure that there is no physical misalignment of the device sensor.

If all this does not help, then all that remains is to replace the sensor.

There are many ways to calibrate a device's touchscreen, and there are also apps that you can use to adjust the accelerometer. Now you can configure your device yourself and solve your problem with the screen or gyroscope.

Sensor calibration on Android - adjust the sensitivity of the tablet or smartphone screen

Many owners of Android devices consider the sensitivity of the sensor to be a pain point of their gadgets. It happens that the screen of a phone or tablet does not respond correctly to taps. For example, the user clicks on the lower left of the screen, while the sensor interprets this as a tap in the upper right corner.

But the emerging problem is not at all a reason for despondency and an urgent trip to the service. It is possible to try harnessing your sensor at home by applying screen calibration.

What is calibration

Screen calibration (aka: sensor calibration / sensor calibration) refers to adjusting the display, the purpose of which is to optimize the operation and improve the response of the sensor to taps and touches with fingers or a stylus.

And although sensor calibration on Android is generally not necessary, it is recommended for all users of devices, both with resistive and capacitive touch displays. It is advisable to calibrate the resistive screens immediately after purchasing the device. With a capacitive sensor, the situation is somewhat different, since it is possible to check whether calibration is necessary, or the display will work clearly and without such an operation.

To do this, remove the film from the screen of the gadget, wipe it with a damp cloth (preferably a special one), and then check the reaction of the sensor. The best way to check is by typing a text message. If there are frequent typos when typing, this is a sign of the need to calibrate the touchscreen. It should also be noted that it is quite possible that this procedure will have to be done more than once.

Before proceeding with the screen calibration procedure on Android, you need to find out what caused the sensor to malfunction.

  • It is possible that the pie eaten with tea left you a reminder of yourself in the form of traces left on the screen when you answer an urgent call.
  • Proximity sensor or Air Gesture is not working properly.
  • Using custom (not official) firmware.
  • Installing applications from questionable sources.
  • Dropping, hitting, or getting wet on the device.
  • Replacing the touchscreen, etc.

As we well know, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, not the effect. Obviously, if your smartphone has "left" firmware installed, which caused the failure, you can calibrate the sensor before the "carrot corral", but the desired result in this case, alas, will not be achieved.

Nevertheless, even if the device does not need to be calibrated, its owner will not hurt to know the intricacies of setting up the touchscreen, since this is a fairly simple manipulation that does not require much time, and even more so a huge layer of knowledge.

How to calibrate a sensor on Android

To calibrate the screen of any device running on the Android operating system, you can use special programs and utilities, of which there are a sufficient number, moreover, absolutely free. You can also refer to the standard services found in the device menu.

Manual setting

Here it is necessary to clarify that the setting options, including the screen sensitivity, differ greatly depending on the model of your gadget, and it is quite possible that it will not work in your case. The fact is that manufacturers of mobile devices over the standard settings of the Android OS, as it were, install their own shell, changing (or completely excluding) the possibility of one or another setting. The calibration method for devices with standard settings is described below:

  1. Go to the settings menu.
  2. Select the item "Phone settings".
  3. Go to the "Calibration" menu, where a window will open in the form of a cross-target with a dot inside
  4. Press the center of the target three times
  5. Calibration completed. Next, you should check the sensor using the manipulations indicated earlier.

If these steps are not relevant for you, then you need to check on the manufacturer's website exactly how you can calibrate your device, or use a special application (read about this method below).

Application of special software

At the moment, there are countless utilities and programs to help customize the touchscreen of an Android device. Of the proven programs that really helped many users, the following programs can be noted:

Touchscreen Calibration is a simple and free tool that can help you calibrate your sensor quickly and easily. Step-by-step actions:

Download the application, open it, press the "Calibrate" button:

Then, we start the calibration process by clicking on the gray field in the screen:

After that, in the gray field, we execute the commands that appear in the green squares:

Unfortunately, the utility is not Russified, but what and how to do it is shown quite clearly. Just in case, we suggest you watch the video again.

* Recommended to upload a 720 * 312 image as the cover image

Article Description

Hello Mi-fans !!! I think that many have encountered such a nuisance as lowering the screen sensitivity. Your phone's touchscreen becomes unresponsive in two main scenarios: a hardware failure or a software problem. Hardware problems are not easy to fix and usually require replacing the entire touchscreen. If the problem is with the software, then it can be fixed by following some simple rules, applying patches or some tweaks. Let's take a look at some tips to improve touchscreen sensitivity: 1. Using calibration in the engineering menu. Almost all manufacturers provide a calibration tool in the phone's engineering menu. You can easily re-calibrate the screen yourself if over time you see that your smartphone has lost sensitivity. Various factors affect the performance of our touch screens, follow the instructions provided with the calibration tool to get it right. Recalibration is not a complicated procedure and you can easily perform it. In most cases, this will improve the performance of your screen. Useful: Xiaomi engineering menu-how to enter and configure 2. Upgrade to the latest firmware version. Updates provide fixes for some problematic parts of the software that previously caused the smartphone and its screen to function not working or malfunctioning. Updates are released to improve phone performance and debug code issues. If you have any problems with touching on your new phone, check for an update and, if available, apply it. If the problem is software related, chances are good that the manufacturer has released a solution for it. Check for update: settings → about phone → system update. Useful: If you are not getting updates from MIUI8 to MIUI9.3. Clear the phone screen. There are also simpler reasons. For example, there are drops of grease and dirt on your screen that have accumulated during its use. Keeping your phone screen clean can also affect its performance. Clean it regularly with a soft cloth and touchscreen liquid. This way you can keep the screens clean and sensitive enough to your touch. Useful: Screen cleaning spray 4. Use good quality (thin) safety glass. There are a great variety of protective glasses on the markets now. I agree that thicker glasses give additional protection to your screen, but ... Choose a glass with a golden mean, that is, thick enough for protection, but not affecting its sensitivity (performance). It is important to choose one that will not reduce the sensitivity of the screen and while protecting your display from damage. Helpful: How to protect our screens 5. Avoid bumps, falls and other tests for strength :) I think it's no secret that the phone is not designed for hammering nails, a table leg stand for balance, etc. Smartphones with a large diagonal display, it is better not to put tight jeans or trousers in the pockets. Make sure you take it out before sitting down. Your actions can bend, damage the phone and the screen. If you drop your phone frequently, consider 360-degree protection for your phone. And if you nevertheless damaged the display, then this automatically turns into a hardware failure, which we talked about above. Helpful: How to use a phone with a broken sensor. Today we have discussed with you several reasons affecting the sensitivity of the touch screen. What other problems with the display do you know and their solutions? You can also say in the comments if my advice was useful. See you in the open spaces of MiCommunity.

Notice a drop in screen sensitivity and responsiveness? Are there non-working areas or areas requiring increased effort? Do not rush to get upset, run to a repair shop or for a new Android smartphone. Maybe the touchscreen needs to be calibrated.

What is calibration

Calibration refers to a set of measures aimed at setting up the display, in order to restore performance and troubleshoot.

When and Why Calibration Is Needed

The registration of commands by the user is monitored by built-in sensors. A malfunction or faulty settings lead to unpredictable consequences, up to a complete failure of the touchscreen. Falls, shocks, moisture ingress, electrostatic discharge, or improper factory settings can contribute to this. Often, loss of sensitivity or inactive areas appear after gluing glass, film or changing the screen module. Therefore, calibration, in most cases, helps to fully or partially correct the incorrect operation of the sensors.

Calibration Preparation and Troubleshooting

  1. Clean dust, moisture and greasy fingerprints from the screen with a dry cloth.
  2. It is required to remove the protective film / glass, as the dust caught under the edges, the screen perceives for pressing by the user. Glass or film often degrades sensitivity.
  3. Remove covers, jewelry, and accessories. The metals, alloys and magnets used often have a negative effect on the sensors.

After each step, check if the problem is gone. If not, proceed with calibration.

Calibration methods

The procedure is free of charge and does not require additional equipment. It is performed using the engineering menu and / or applications.

Calibration through the engineering menu

To edit the operation of sensors, a hidden section with settings is used. To enter, you need to enter a combination of numbers and symbols in the window with the dialing of the phone number, in the format: * # * # хххххх # * # * or * # хххххх # * or * # * # хххххх * # *, where хххххх is a set of numbers. The combination and digital code is different for each manufacturer. Therefore, you need to set a search query on the Internet. For owners of devices with SoC MediaTek, the MTK Engineering Mode Start application is available, which launches the engineering menu without the need to enter a code.

Important! The changes made in the engineering menu are saved even after a reboot. Therefore, you should not change other settings without proper knowledge and preparation.

After going to the engineering menu, you need to perform several simple steps:

  1. At the top of the screen, select the "Hardware Testing" section.
  2. Scroll down the list and select the "Sensor" item.
  3. Among the suggested options, click "Sensor Calibration" and then "Gsensor Calibration".
  4. Next, you need to clear the calibration values ​​by pressing the "Clear Calibration" button.
  5. Then carry out the calibration by pressing "Do calibration 20% tolerance" or "Do calibration 40% tolerance". After that, the calibration of the sensor is considered complete. It is recommended to start with a lower value, otherwise try the second option.

Calibration by application

This method is suitable in case you failed to enter the engineering menu or the calibration did not give the desired result. Then you need to download one or more calibration applications.

Touchscreen Repair

The program divides the working area into 4 sections, determines the response time and builds one value. It also shortens the response time.


The utility adjusts the screen sensitivity, and also allows you to ignore the touch of the palm. This is useful when drawing or entering information with a stylus. Requires superuser rights to work.

SGS Touchscreen Booster

The app changes the sensitivity values, registration time and minimum touch. The maximum multitouch value is also configured. There is a shortcut to enable / disable settings.

Touchscreen Calibration

Calibration requires six simple steps: single and double tap, long press, etc. At the end of the test, the program will assess the accuracy of the work and make the appropriate changes.


Self-calibration saves time and money, saves you the trouble of going to the repair shop and postpones the purchase of a new device. And the simplicity of both methods does not require significant knowledge or experience. If the calibration did not give the desired effect, and the problem persists, then you will have to carry out additional diagnostics or contact a specialist.

Calibrating the sensor on Android - adjusting the sensitivity of the screen of a tablet or smartphone Many owners of Android devices consider the sensitivity of the sensor to be a pain point in their gadgets. It happens that the screen of a phone or tablet does not respond correctly to taps. For example, the user clicks on the lower left of the screen, while the sensor interprets this as a tap in the upper right corner. But the emerging problem is not at all a reason for despondency and an urgent trip to the service. It is possible to try harnessing your sensor at home by applying screen calibration. What is calibration Screen calibration (aka: sensor calibration / sensor calibration) refers to adjusting the display, the purpose of which is to optimize the performance and improve the response of the sensor to pressing and touching with fingers or a stylus. And although sensor calibration on Android is generally not necessary, it is recommended for all users of devices, both with resistive and capacitive touch displays. It is advisable to calibrate the resistive screens immediately after purchasing the device. With a capacitive sensor, the situation is somewhat different, since it is possible to check whether calibration is necessary, or the display will work clearly and without such an operation. To do this, remove the film from the screen of the gadget, wipe it with a damp cloth (preferably a special one), and then check the reaction of the sensor. The best way to check is by typing a text message. If there are frequent typos when typing, this is a sign of the need to calibrate the touchscreen. It should also be noted that it is quite possible that this procedure will have to be done more than once. Before proceeding with the screen calibration procedure on Android, you need to find out what caused the sensor to malfunction. It is possible that the pie eaten with tea left you a reminder of yourself in the form of traces left on the screen when you answer an urgent call. Proximity sensor or Air Gesture is not working properly. Using custom (not official) firmware. Installing applications from questionable sources. Dropping, hitting, or getting wet on the device. Replacing the touchscreen, etc. As we well know, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, not the effect. Obviously, if your smartphone has "left" firmware installed, which caused the failure, you can calibrate the sensor before the "carrot corral", but the desired result in this case, alas, will not be achieved. Nevertheless, even if the device does not need to be calibrated, its owner will not hurt to know the intricacies of setting up the touchscreen, since this is a fairly simple manipulation that does not require much time, and even more so a huge layer of knowledge. How to calibrate the sensor on Android To calibrate the screen of any device running on the Android operating system, you can use special programs and utilities, of which there are a sufficient number, moreover, absolutely free. You can also refer to the standard services found in the device menu. Manual setting Here it is necessary to clarify that the setting options, including the screen sensitivity, differ greatly depending on the model of your gadget, and it is quite possible that it will not work in your case. The fact is that manufacturers of mobile devices over the standard settings of the Android OS, as it were, install their own shell, changing (or completely excluding) the possibility of one or another setting. The calibration method for devices with standard settings is described below: Go to the settings menu. Select the item "Phone settings". Go to the "Calibration" menu, where a window will open in the form of a cross-target with a dot inside. Press the center of the target three times. Calibration is complete. Next, you should check the sensor using the manipulations indicated earlier. If these steps are not relevant for you, then you need to check on the manufacturer's website exactly how you can calibrate your device, or use a special application (read about this method below). Application of special software At the moment, there are countless utilities and programs that help customize the touchscreen of an Android device. Proven programs that have really helped many users include: Touchscreen Calibration is a simple and free tool that can help you calibrate your sensor quickly and easily. Step-by-step actions: Download the application, open it, press the "Calibrate" button: Then, start the calibration process by clicking on the gray field in the screen: After that, in the gray field, execute the commands that appear in the green squares. Unfortunately, the utility is not Russified, but what and how to do it is shown quite clearly. The principle of operation in all existing applications is the same (go into the application - perform the proposed actions - check the result), so there is no point in describing how this is done in one case or another, so we will just mention the most popular utilities. In addition to the already familiar Touchscreen Calibration, these are SGS Touchscreen Booster, Touch Accuracy, and Display Calibration to improve display shades. Choose a tool that is convenient for you and solve your problem quickly and easily. Important: some programs require ROOT rights. If the calibration did not help If the described methods did not bring results and the screen continues to react incorrectly to pressing - most likely, the problem lies in a factory defect that occurred during the assembly of the device, and serious damage cannot be ruled out, which cannot be eliminated at home. In such a situation, you should contact the service center for the help of a qualified technician. Considering that the main element of the vast majority of Android smartphones and tablets is screens on which even the buttons work with the help of a sensor, poor display settings can turn using the device into a real torture. Of course, you can immediately send the device to the service center, however, having figured out the reason, in some cases, independently applying the touchscreen calibration, you can try to do it yourself. This simple, quick and absolutely energy-efficient procedure is likely to help optimize the display's performance, and at the same time increase the usability of the entire device.

Calibration of the sensor of a mobile device is one of the priority items in the setup. It is clear, after all, that the incorrect operation of the screen when calling any command or procedure, clicking buttons or links, at best, is annoying and a waste of time, so it is better to initially spend a few minutes to customize the screen depending on your needs. This is done quite simply.

When and why is sensor calibration required?

Today, there are two types of screens in Android devices - resistive and capacitive. The first type is used in outdated devices, and on all modern gadgets, the second type is used, since it is more reliable in operation.

Based on this, it is easy to conclude that resistive screens require calibration of the sensor more often (about once every 2-3 months).

Nevertheless, we can also give a list of situations when the question of how to calibrate the sensor on Android will have to be decided in the first place. There may be several reasons. Among them are the following:

  • mechanical damage to the screen;
  • ingress of moisture and dust;
  • sticking or removing protective glass and film coating;
  • buying a used device from hands, etc.

How to calibrate a sensor on Android: basic methods

As for the calibration itself, this can be done in several ways:

  • make the necessary settings yourself using the tools of the Android operating system;
  • calibrate the sensor using specialized utilities;
  • take the device to a service center.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Manual calibration using Android

In the simplest case, the problem of how to calibrate the sensor on a tablet or smartphone is easy to solve.

To carry out a preliminary test on the device, you need to use the settings menu, where the tilt sensitivity section is selected. The new menu has a special test button, which you need to press.

The calibration setting is located in the phone (tablet) settings section, where there is a corresponding line. When you enter this menu, a cross with a red dot inside will appear on the screen, which should be pressed as accurately as possible (3-4 times is enough), then save the settings changes and check the gadget for operability. If you notice that some of the controls are not functioning correctly, the setting should be repeated.

In addition, you can adjust not only the force of pressing or the accuracy of hitting a point on the screen, but completely customize any sequence of actions (stretching the image, single or double clicking, dragging the screen, etc.).

Please note that the built-in program for the sensor "Android" -devices, depending on the version of the operating system itself, may be located in another menu, for example, in the display settings. In addition, the setting of pointer speed parameters in most cases is done in the language and input section, so be careful.

Using specialized utilities

If the sensor calibration program is not found in the system menu or causes some difficulties in use, you can use the installation of additional utilities, among which the most popular are the following:

  • Bubble;
  • TOPON;
  • GPS Status & Toolbox;
  • Clinometer and the like.

In any case, you can go to the official Google Play service to look for the desired utility there. If the programs for "Android" found there do not suit the user with something, something similar can be found on the Internet, only then they will have to be installed manually, allowing the use of installations from unknown sources. In addition, you can even install special utilities for the same Windows systems (along with the Android emulator) and configure using them.

Contacting the service center

Programs for "Android" systems are good. But what if none of the above methods gives the desired result? Apparently, the problem is that a serious breakdown has occurred in the device itself, due to which the application of software methods does not work.

In this case, the problem of how to calibrate the sensor on Android is solved only by handing over the gadget to an authorized or private service center. Naturally, this will entail cash costs, but specialists will be able to identify and eliminate the cause of the problem. In addition, it all depends on what exactly broke. In this case, as it is already clear, internal intervention in the components of the device itself will be used.

What's the bottom line?

That, in fact, is all that concerns how to calibrate the sensor on the "Android". In terms of the preferred methodology, in the simplest case, it is best to use the built-in tools of mobile devices. If their application does not give results or accurate calibration cannot be performed for some reason, you should try to use third-party applications.

Do not forget that not everything and does not always depend on the software. As already mentioned, the impossibility of using such methods may be associated precisely with the breakdown of the device, but here you cannot do without the intervention of specialists. In addition, the device may still be under warranty, and you should not disassemble it yourself (you can lose it this way). Finally, if the owner of the gadget does not have the knowledge necessary to carry out repairs or maintenance, it is also not worth trying to experiment with the device.

For the rest, provided that everything is in order with the device itself, we recommend that you turn to third-party utilities, since most of them allow you to fine-tune, and some also have built-in testing modules, allowing you to prompt the user to set the recommended parameters at the end of the test.