Saving document to excel. How to save documents in Excel using the keyboard

Writing Excel spreadsheets to a computer is called saving. This is a process in which we make a file from a table and add it to the Local Disk. Then the file with the table can be opened on a computer, transferred to a USB flash drive, or sent over the Internet.

How to save an Excel spreadsheet

1 . Click on the inscription "File" in the upper left corner of the program.

If there is no such inscription, click on the round button with colored squares. She is also in the upper left corner of Excel.

2. Select "Save As" from the list.

3. A small window will open. Through it, you need to select a place on the computer where the table should be written. This can be done through the left side.

Then I open the "Reports" folder.

If the required folder is not there, you can create it right in the window. To do this, click on the "New folder" button at the top.

I check if the location for saving is correct. It will be written at the top of the window.

4 . Type a name for your file or leave it as the computer suggests. The name can be changed at the bottom, in the "File name" line.

The window will disappear - this will mean that the file with the table has been written to the specified location.

Now you can close Excel and try to find the recorded file on your computer. To do this, open the location that you chose when saving. There should be a file with the specified name or the standard name "Book 1".

Important! When compiling a table, it is better to save it from time to time. To do this, use the following button in the upper left corner of the program:

By clicking on it, the table will be overwritten. That is, the previously recorded version will be replaced by a new one. This is necessary in order not to accidentally lose data. After all, if a failure occurs in the computer (freeze, power outage), then there is a high probability of losing the table.

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Save and Save As commands, and you will also learn how to save a workbook in compatibility mode. Excel 97-2003, and how to save the book in the format PDF.

Whenever you create a new document in Excel, you need to know how to save it for later access and editing. Excel allows you to save documents in several ways.

To use the Save As command:

To use the Save command:

If you are saving the workbook for the first time and choose Save, the Save As dialog box appears.

To use Autosave:

Excel automatically saves your workbooks as you work to a temporary folder. If you forget to save your changes, or Excel has a crash, you can restore the autosaved file.

  1. Open a book that was previously closed without saving.
  2. Click the File tab and select Details from the pop-up menu.
  3. If autosaved versions of your book exist, they will be shown in the section Versions... Click on the file to open it.
  4. A yellow warning appears under the tape of the book. To restore this version of the workbook, click Restore and then OK.

By default, Excel automatically saves the workbook every 10 minutes. If you worked with the table for less than 10 minutes and closed it without saving, or if there was a crash, Excel will not have time to autosave.

If you do not see the file you are looking for, or are looking for a file that does not have previous versions, then you can view all autosaved files by clicking the Version Control button and selecting Recover Unsaved Books from the drop-down menu.

To save the workbook in Excel 97-2003 Workbook format:

To save a file in PDF format:

Saving your workbook in the Adobe Acrobat Document format, called PDF, can be especially useful if the recipients don't have and don't use Excel. Saving in PDF format allows recipients to see the contents of the book, although they will not be able to edit it.

By default, Excel only saves the active sheet. If you have several sheets in your book, and you want to save them all in one PDF file, then click the Options button. The Options Dialog Box appears. Select Entire Book and press OK.

XLSX and XLS formats
  • main toolbar Save in other formats ... File>Save document as>Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Workbook.

Advice. Save>XLSX dialogue Settings(menu Service>Settings…).

Document execution

The choice of the layout saving mode depends on how you will use the created document in the future:

  1. Formatted text

The resulting document will retain the font style and size, paragraph breakdown, but the position of objects on the page and line spacing will not be preserved. This will result in a solid, left-aligned text. For text in which the reading order is from right to left, the alignment will be right.

Comment. Any text with a vertical orientation in this mode will be displayed horizontally.

  1. Plain text

Text formatting will not be preserved in this mode.


  • Save numeric data in "Numbers" format

Specifies that when saving recognized text in XLS format, numbers will be saved in Numbers format. This format is used in Excel to perform arithmetic operations on cells containing numbers.

  • Save headers and footers

Check this option if you want the header and footer text to be preserved. If this option is disabled, the text of the headers and footers will not be saved.

  • Create a separate table for each page (XLSX only)

Picture quality

When saving to XLSX format, you can also save illustrations. If the recognized text contains a large number of illustrations, the size of the final file can be very large. The quality of the images and the size of the resulting file depend on the selected value in the drop-down list Picture quality.


  • In order to set the parameters for saving pictures, select Custom ...... In the opened dialog box Custom settings select the required values ​​and click the button OK.
  • If you do not want to save illustrations in the recognized text, make sure that the option Save pictures (XLSX only) not marked.

CSV format

  • Click the arrow next to the save results button on the main toolbar and select the save format from the list. If the format you want is not listed, select Save in other formats ..., and in the opened save dialog select the required format. You can also save documents using the menu command File>Save document as>CSV Document.

Advice. If necessary, you can configure additional saving options on the bookmark Save>CSV dialogue Settings(menu Service>Settings…).

This tab contains the following groups of settings:

Text saving options

  • Ignore text outside the table

Specifies that only tables will be saved to the file.

  • Separate pages with end-of-page character (# 12)

Specifies that when the recognized text is saved in CSV format, the pagination will be the same as in the original document.

  • Delimiter

Specifies the character that will separate columns of data in a CSV file.


ABBYY FineReader automatically selects the code page. If you want to change the code page, select the required value in the drop-down list in the section Encoding.

In most cases, you will most likely save your books in the current file format (XLSX). However, sometimes you might want to save the workbook in a different format, such as for an earlier version of Excel, to a text file, or to a PDF or XPS file. Just remember that whenever you save a workbook in a different file format, some of its formatting, data, and functions cannot be saved.

The list of formats (also called file types) you can (and cannot open or save in the Excel 2013 file that appears at the end of this article.

Convert an Excel 97-2003 workbook to the current file format

If you've opened an Excel 97-2003 workbook but you don't need to store it in this file format, just convert the workbook to the current file format (XLSX).

    On the menu File select team Intelligence.

    Click the button Convert.

Excel Supported File Formats

In Excel 2013, you can open and save project files in the following formats.

Excel file formats




Excel workbook

The standard Excel 2007-2013 file format based on XML. You cannot save Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro code and Microsoft Office Excel 4.0 (XLM) macro sheets in this format.

Strict Open XML Book

The ISO Strict version of the Excel Workbook (XLSX) file format.

Excel sheet (code)

Excel 2007-2013 XML-based format with macro support. VBA macro code and Excel 4.0 macro sheets (XLM) can be saved in this format.

Binary Excel workbook

Binary File Format (BIFF12) for Excel 2007-2013.

The standard Excel 2007-2013 file format for Excel templates. Does not allow saving VBA macro code as well as Microsoft Excel 4.0 (XLM) macro sheets.

Template (code)

Macro-enabled file format for Excel templates in Excel 2007-2013 applications. VBA macro code and Excel 4.0 macro sheets (XLM) can be saved in this format.

Excel 97-2003 workbook

Excel 97 - Excel 2003 Binary File Format (BIFF8).

Excel 97- Excel 2003 Template

Excel 97 - Excel 2003 Binary File Format (BIFF8) for storing Excel templates.

Microsoft Excel 5.0 / 95 workbook

Excel 5.0 / 95 Binary File Format (BIFF5).

XML Table 2003

The 2003 XML Table File Format (XMLSS).

XML Data

XML data format.

Microsoft Excel add-in

The Excel 2007-2013 add-in file format is XML-based with support for macros. An add-in is a program that provides the ability to execute additional code. Allows the use of VBA projects and Excel 4.0 Macro Sheets (XLM).

Excel 97-2003 Add-in

Excel 97-2003 add-in, an add-on program for executing additional code. Supports the use of VBA projects.

Excel 4.0 workbook

Excel 4.0 file format that only saves regular sheets, chart sheets, and macros. In Excel 2013, you can open a workbook in this format, but you cannot save an Excel file in it.

Text file formats




Format for Lotus, space delimited. Saves only the active sheet

Saves the workbook as a tab-delimited text file — for use on another Microsoft Windows operating system — and ensures that tabs, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet.

Text (Mac)

Saves the workbook as a tab-delimited text file — for use on the Mac operating system — and ensures that tabs, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet.

Text (MS-DOS)

Saves the workbook as a tab-delimited text file — for use in the MS-DOS operating system — and ensures that tabs, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet.

Unicode text

Saves the book as text in Unicode encoding, a standard character encoding developed by the Unicode Consortium.

CSV (comma delimited)

Saves the workbook as a comma-separated text file - for use on another Windows operating system - and ensures that tabs, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet.

CSV (Macintosh)

Saves the workbook as a comma-separated text file - for use on the Mac operating system - and ensures that tabs, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet.

Saves the workbook as a comma-separated text file - for use in the MS-DOS operating system - and ensures that tabs, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Saves only the active sheet.

Data exchange format. Saves only the active sheet.

Symbolic Link format. Only the active sheet is saved.

Note: If you save the workbook in any text format, all formatting will be lost.

Other file formats




dBase III and IV. Files of this format can be opened in Microsoft Excel, but Microsoft Excel files cannot be saved in dBase format.

OpenDocument table

OpenDocument table. Excel 2010 application files can be saved in a format that allows them to be opened in spreadsheet editors that support the OpenDocument spreadsheet format, such as Google Docs or Calc. ODS tables can also be opened in Excel 2010. Formatting may be lost when saving and opening ODS files.

PDF. This file format preserves document formatting and allows file sharing. The PDF format ensures that when the file is viewed on a computer and when it is printed, the original format is preserved and the file data cannot be easily changed. The PDF format is also useful for printing documents in a typography.

XPS Document

This file format preserves document formatting and allows file sharing. The XPS format ensures that when the file is viewed on a computer and when it is printed, the original formatting is preserved and the file data cannot be easily changed.

File formats using the clipboard

If you copied the data to the clipboard in one of the following file formats, you can paste it into Excel using the command Insert or Paste special (home > Clipboard > Insert).



Clipboard type identifiers

Pictures in Windows Metafile (WMF) or Windows Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format.

Note: If you copy a Windows Metafile (WMF) from another program, Microsoft Excel inserts the picture as an Enhanced Metafile (EMF).


Pictures saved in bitmap format (BMP).

Microsoft Excel file formats

Binary file formats for Excel 5.0 / 95 (BIFF5), Excel 97-2003 (BIFF8), and Excel 2013 (BIFF12).

Symbolic Link format.

Data exchange format.

Text (delimited by tabs)

Tab-delimited text format.

CSV (comma delimited)

Comma delimited format

Formatted text (separators - spaces)

RTF. Only from Excel.

Embedded object


Microsoft Excel objects, objects of correctly registered programs that support OLE 2.0 (OwnerLink), and Picture or other presentation format.

Linked object


OwnerLink, ObjectLink, Link, Picture or other format.

Office drawing object

Office Drawing Object Format or Picture (EMF)

Display text, OEM text

Single file web page

Single file web page (MHT or MHTML). This file format combines inline pictures, attachments, linked documents, and other supporting elements that are referenced in the document.


HTML format.

Note: If you copy text from another program, Microsoft Excel will paste that text in HTML format regardless of the format of the original text.

File formats not supported in Excel 2013

The following file formats are no longer supported, so you cannot open files in these formats or save files in these formats.

To work with book data in a software that is no longer supported, try the following:

    Find a company on the Internet that makes file converters for formats not supported by Excel.

    Save the book in a different file format that you can open in another program. For example, save the workbook to an XML spreadsheet or text file format that may be supported in another program.

You can save an Excel 2007 workbook and later in the format of previous versions of Excel, as a text file, and in other formats such as PDF and XPS files. Usually, saving is in XLSX format, but the default file format for saving can be changed. If you use the command often Save as, you can add it to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Saving an Excel workbook in a different file format

Important: If you save a workbook in a different version of Excel file format, formatting and features that are unique to Excel 2007 and later will be lost. For more information, see Use Excel with earlier versions of Excel.

    Open the workbook in Excel that you want to save in a format suitable for use in another program.

    In the tab File select team Save as.

    Accept the name suggested in the field File name, or enter a new name for the book.

    Dropdown File type select a format suitable for use in another program.

Use the arrows to scroll through the list and display more formats.

Note: Depending on the type of active sheet (book sheet, chart sheet, or other sheet types), different file formats will be available for saving.

Save a different file format in Excel 2007 and later format

Any file that opens in Excel 2007 and later can be saved in the current Excel workbook format (XSLX). This way you can take advantage of new features that are not supported in other file formats.

Note: If you save a workbook created in an earlier version of Excel in the Excel 2007 and later workbook format, some functionality and some formatting may be lost. For unsupported Excel 97-2003 features, see

A new document during its creation is in the computer's memory, and if it is not saved to disk, then after closing the application (in this case Excel) this document will disappear and it will be impossible to restore it. Sometimes a document can really be "one-time", that is, it is created only in order to use it once (for example, to print). However, in most cases, the created document must be saved in order to be able to work with it in the future. In addition, as a rule, it is required to save a document that already exists on disk, if changes have been made to it. To save the document, do one of the following: - select the Save S tool of the Standard panel; - press the combination Ctrl + S (Save) or Shift + F12; - execute the command Save (File).

If the newly created document is saved for the first time, a save window appears, in which you need to: »1) select the disk where the file will be saved, for which you should open the closed Folder list and click on the line with the disk name; 2) go to the directory where the file will be saved; 3) in the File name input field, enter the name of the file to be saved; 4) press the Enter key or click the Save button. To go to the required directory, you can use the following techniques: entering a directory - double-clicking on a directory (by name or by a picture) in the list of directories and files; exit from the catalog (transition to a higher-level catalog) - clicking on the Up tool or Alt + 2 combination; »Return to the previous (last) directory - click on the left section of the Back tool or Alt + 1 combination; “Return to one of the previous directories - click on the right section of the Back tool and click on the selection of a directory in the list that appears. It is not necessary to type the file extension when entering a name, it will be assigned automatically. The Excel workbook file will have the xls extension.

To specify the name of the saved file, you can use the closed File name list, in which the previously typed document names are saved. Properties a form in which the list is presented in the form of a list, and when you click on a file from the list, a short description of its properties appears to the right of it (see section 3.2.5). You can also select the presentation form by clicking on the left section of the View tool or by pressing Alt + b. The presentation forms will change sequentially. The most commonly used and convenient form is the List. The Forms Table and Properties are applied as needed.

The use of other forms is of little practical interest.