How to recruit people in contact. How to promote a VKontakte group, a Facebook page, an Instagram account - to gain subscribers? Be patient, routine awaits you

Publication date: 22-03-2019 2466

“I only make original content, but I only have two hundred subscribers, and that public with button accordions is gaining so many per hour! - the administrator of the public "Lamp Republic" is perplexed. - The network is flooded with consumers who do not need food for thought! Give them funny pictures and…”

Here we interrupt the fearless hero of the keyboard and mouse, until he finally lost faith in humanity, and ask the question: how much have you, dear man, invested in advertising in order to get VK followers? Quickly “realizing” that the conversation turned to finance, the lamp Republican was already preparing to declare that he was a poor student, but the question was not at all about investing money. " How to get subscribers on Vkontakte for free? What nonsense! - immediately dismissed the administrator.

And in vain: there are many ways to quickly gain Vkontakte subscribers, without investing a penny in the promotion of the group. Of course, these methods will not allow you to build a public millionaire from scratch in one day, but they are ideal for recruiting the necessary starting base, from which the community will gain an aura of trustworthiness in the eyes of potential subscribers.

So, how to get subscribers to the VK group for free, quickly and without remorse?

How to get subscribers Vkontakte

Let's face it: you can be a natural genius writer, but not have a single reader, and then all the genius goes out the pipe. Life has failed, the person has failed, and the shelves of bookstores are filled with waste paper.

And so with everything. Even the greatest talent, even the best prices, even the highest quality products, will do no one any good if no one knows about them. Social networks have made a small revolution in the promotion of goods and services, and in order to express yourself, you do not need to buy a newspaper page, billboards or airtime.

In the CIS, the most popular social network has been and remains beloved by many Vkontashechka, where more than four hundred million pages are registered. A huge number of creative people, private entrepreneurs and companies have official page VK, and maintaining large communities in itself has become a profitable business.

Before a person who decides to declare himself to the world with the help of Vkontakte, three questions inevitably arise: “How to get VK subscribers?”, Since an empty group will give absolutely nothing; “How to get a lot of VK subscribers?”, because the more people learn about his business, the more feedback; and “How to get VK subscribers for free?”, because at first there are often no funds that could be invested in the promotion of the community.

These questions are answered by five time-tested ways with which you can gain a lot of subscribers in the VK group and spare your wallet.

How to quickly gain VKontakte subscribers: the first way

Surely you have already opened a personal to your friends and relatives for their entry into your “young, dynamically developing” VK group and already have twenty to thirty people in subscribers. But usually you have much more friends in VK.

Most likely, you have never seen most of them in person, you don’t know many of them by correspondence, and you even forgot when and why you added them as friends. It doesn't matter. The Vkontakte service makes it possible to send invitations to a group of “friended” users with one click, carrying out mass mailing in a couple of minutes without fear of losing the page due to spam complaints. The set limit of 40 invitations per day should not confuse you: friends will simply run out in a week.

Do not forget to constantly add new "friends" with a subsequent invitation to the group. This method will allow you to quickly recruit subscribers to the Vkontakte group, because a person is more willing to respond to an invitation received from a page that he himself added “as a friend”.

How to get VK subscribers: method two

A favorite among community administrators in a narrow topic is the answer to the question "How to get subscribers to the Vkontakte group for free." The essence of this method is to search for groups of the same or at least related to your subject, followed by a proposal for cooperation.

The list of community contacts often contains a separate administrator who deals with issues of cooperation and advertising. If this does not appear, it is better to offer cooperation to the chief administrator of the public. It will be much more pleasant for him to accept an offer of cooperation (usually expressed in mutual advertising through reposting) from like-minded people, especially if the theme of your groups suggests the idea of ​​​​consolidation, and getting a part of the audience of another group of the same direction in itself gives vitality to the public.

Thus, mutual advertising of groups devoted to literature (especially if they involve the literary activities of the subscribers themselves) is practiced everywhere, and sometimes large publics agree to cooperate with those that are seriously inferior in the number of participants, moreover, completely free of charge. Sometimes such cooperation develops into the creation of real clusters of communities.

Importantly, this method allows you to gain live subscribers to the Vkontakte group, because people will come to you out of personal interest, so you just have to not disappoint your new audience.

In the open spaces of VK, there are a lot of groups specifically designed to search for those who want to exchange advertising. In such communities, you can simply agree on a mutual repost.

Unlike the previous method, this one will give a smaller influx of subscribers, since advertising is given in a group of a different topic, which reduces the chances of finding people interested in your group among a foreign audience, and explain to your own subscribers what Vasya is reposting in the group of the artist with a community of fishing enthusiasts is not easy. But this method does not involve any extra steps. The contract is concluded - get it, sign it.

How to get a lot of Vkontakte subscribers? With the help of daily mailings of invitations. How to quickly gain subscribers in VK? Entrust mailings to a robot! There are several VK bots created to automate the same type of processes, such as sending friend requests and group invitations.

Developers of such programs often let users try their creation for free for a certain period, after which they will have to subscribe, but at least a couple of weeks you will be freed from the routine and will be able to focus on filling the group with quality content.

Of course, one cannot ignore third-party sites specializing in the promotion of accounts and groups in social networks, including VK. Usually, the mechanics of these sites is based on the "karma" system: you collect points for performing certain actions, such as putting "likes" on a certain photo or joining a designated group, and then spend the accumulated points by setting up your own tasks of the same kind.

It is unlikely that with the help of such services you will be able to gain many live subscribers, but even "dead souls" can form the foundation of a community. The fact is that publics numbering large quantity subscribers, in the eyes of most people they have “weight”, because if so many people have subscribed to the public, then there is definitely something worthwhile here.

But it is very important to ensure that not only the composition of the community is “promoted”, but also posts - “I like” marks. A group of tens of thousands of people who don't get a dozen "likes" on their posts is more likely to alienate a potential audience.

You can supplement the methods discussed above with several others, elementary and somewhere even obvious:

  • If you lead several groups (and even in different social networks!) or have your own website, YouTube channel, LiveJournal account, make them work as a team. In the video on the channel, leave a link to the public VK, and in it give a hyperlink to your Instagram account.
  • Even in the 21st century, barter remains relevant. If you are able to work in graphic editors, agree with a large public about the design of the header in exchange for advertising, you know how to write - ask for a repost for an interesting article of your own preparation.
  • If you want to take a risk, advertise your group wherever possible: bombard strangers with requests to join the public, give links in the comments under the posts of third-party communities, and do not regret anything when your account is blocked due to numerous requests from workers.
  • Communication in the comments “on behalf of the community” looks less aggressive, if possible. However, this behavior is often frowned upon by the administrators of the groups in which you choose to advertise.

Using the methods described above, you can quickly and, importantly, get subscribers to the Vkontakte group for free, but you should remember that it’s not enough to get a subscriber, you also need to keep him.

Communities whose content hasn't been updated in weeks will inevitably start to lose people as people start to lose interest in the ballast hanging dead weight in the "My Groups" list.

How to recruit members to the Odnoklassniki group quickly through various programs? How to recruit people and subscribers without fear for your page - read the article.

The social network Odnoklassniki strongly advises its users to form groups. This direction is one of the most relevant on the site today. The goals of such communities may differ significantly. These are hobbies, joint leisure activities, organizing events, exchanging news and useful information, as well as charity, creating the image of a person or company, developing a business and making a profit, expanding trade - only 8 types of communities.

It is very easy to start a group activity in Odnoklassniki. How to create your own group, and then, if necessary, delete it, we will teach you. And for those who want to become an ordinary member of the community, we will show you how to join an Internet association and leave it if necessary.

But, as experienced Internet entrepreneurs assure, uniting people is only the initial stage, it is much more important and more difficult to find effective ways how to get subscribers in Odnoklassniki in a group. We will talk about this.

The site has simple mechanisms that allow you to independently attract group members. But keep in mind: ordinary community members and administrators have different rights. In some groups (although these are rare), ordinary users are not allowed to invite new people. But most associations welcome and even encourage activity. Although an ordinary participant has the right to send an invitation only to his friends. But the administrator to any user.

Let's figure out how to recruit people to a group in Odnoklassniki by accessing the site through a computer. This method is also suitable for ordinary users and for administrators:

    Open the "Friends" section;

    Then hover over the photo of the person to whom we plan to send an invitation to join the group;

    In the menu that opens, mark the line "Invite to group";

    We end the process by clicking the "Invite" button, in the newest versions, confirmation of the action is not even required, the invitation "flies away" immediately after selecting the group.

Although there are misfires. An invitation cannot be sent if this action is prohibited by the administration of the group. Or your friend in the publicity settings marked the item that does not allow inviting him to communities.

And now we will tell you how to invite a friend to a group using mobile version Odnoklassniki, that is, on the phone:

    Go to the user profile;

    Under his main photo with right side find three points and click on them;

    In the menu, select the option "Invite to the group";

    We mark the group to which we invite a friend;

    To send the invitation, click on the "Send" button.

The manual method of adding participants cannot be called super-fast. But you can speed up the process.

We suggest you not to waste time and recruit a member to the Odnoklassniki group is not only fast, but also very cheap - this will be a great start for the development and promotion of your project or idea.

Read the instructions on how to quickly recruit a group in Odnoklassniki:

    Go to the group page, in the menu under the main photo, find the option "Invite friends", click on this line;

    Then a list of people with whom you have already made friends will open;

    Choose who you want to invite, or check the box next to the “Select All” command;

    To confirm your decision, click on the large "Invite" button at the very bottom of the page.

But pay attention: you should not abuse the "Select All" function. Although it is she who helps to solve the problem of how to quickly recruit a group in Odnoklassniki. The site administration warns that mass mailing can be qualified as spam. So if your list of friends does not consist of dozens, but of hundreds of people, you should not send invitations with one click to everyone in a row. Do this in parts, about 20-40 messages per day. Otherwise, your profile may be blocked.

Now let's talk about how to invite new members to the group if they have not yet become your friends. Such an action cannot be performed by ordinary "classmates", but only by administrators. If you have created your own community and want to invite people to it, follow these steps:

    Go to the user profile as a guest;

    Under the main photo of the owner, check the option "Other activities";

    Select the "Invite to group" function;

    Specify the association where you want to invite this user;

    Confirm the action by clicking on the "Invite" button.

On a phone or other mobile device group administrators can also send invitations to all users without exception, and not just friends. To do this, you need to apply the algorithm of actions described earlier.

We examined the methods of how to recruit members to a group in Odnoklassniki, proposed by the site itself. They are one hundred percent safe and reliable. Unless you get too carried away with sending out invitations. As soon as you exceed the limit set by the administration of the social network, problems may arise. This means that it will not be possible to develop a very high rate of acquiring subscribers. But there are other ways to attract people to a group in Odnoklassniki. For example, force them to be added to your community. How to achieve this, we will tell a little later.

By the way, you won’t make any group and you won’t find subscribers when your social network doesn’t open. In our articles “What to do if Odnoklassniki blocked” and “Why the Odnoklassniki website does not work” you will find practical tips that will help correct the situation and circumvent possible bans.

If you plan to communicate or do business not only on Odnoklassniki, but also on other social networks, check out the website. There are many collected useful information about 9 online communities.

More than a million groups already operate on Odnoklassniki. Even the administration of the site does not know the exact number, some communities appear, others close. With such huge selection it will be very difficult to find your subscribers. Therefore, it is important to patiently and constantly work in this direction. With all security measures in place, things are moving slowly. Although some tricks on how to recruit people to a group on Odnoklassniki will help, without violating the rules, to make the process faster.

Try to get an audience of already promoted communities. For example, for an online store, you need middle-aged, predominantly female subscribers. It is believed that these users most often purchase goods online. So, you should pay attention to the pages on the topics of cooking, home economics, parenting and the like. How to attract members from other groups to your own:

    Go to your profile, then - to the "Groups" section, select desired topic and a community where there are already many members, and subscribe to it;

    As a subscriber, go to the group page, look at the latest publications, select those that have received a lot of classes and reposts, these actions are performed by the most active members, you need to make friends with them;

    A list of subscribers of this group will open, go to their profiles and invite them as friends, everyone needs to send a personal message, you won’t be able to make friends with everyone at once, there is no such option in Odnoklassniki yet.

But when these people become your friends, you can invite them to your group with one click, we described the algorithm above.

next safe and effective option how to recruit people to a group in Odnoklassniki is to establish a mutually beneficial exchange with other communities. Look for those that are approximately the same as yours in terms of the number of participants, and contact the administrator. It is not difficult to find it, you just need to look at the information on the left side under the main photo in the “About the group” section. Sometimes the creator of the group is hidden, but there is a list of moderators who can become intermediaries in the negotiations. Invite the leaders of the association to start cross-PR. You advertise this group on your page, and in return you get the same service. You can share posts, videos, links.

Just the Internet address (link, ID) of the group is another tool for the safe acquisition of subscribers. There are a lot of options for placing IDs: insert them into personal messages, comments, statuses, signatures, posts, on pages in other social networks, order their printing on souvenirs. For those who do not know how to make a link to a group, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our material.

I must admit that no matter how much you PR and spread information about your group, there will be no sense if the group page is dull and empty. The basis of the community's success is constant and "appetizing" publications. It is not enough to take care of how to recruit members to a group in Odnoklassniki, they must be interested and retained.

Of course, a successful group needs not only its own audience, but also the visible activity of the participants, so you have a chance now order likes to Odnoklassniki with bulk discounts and various top-up options.

There are tricks to help you accomplish this task. First, prepare bright, catchy texts. If you don’t know how to write yourself, assemble a team or order work from a specialist. Secondly, post twice a day, at least once, around lunch and after 7 pm, when the site is more active. Third, if the test is large enough, divide it into portions. Cut off the story at an interesting place to create intrigue, and promise to continue, for example, in a day. Many will return to find out the ending. The same method is good for cross-PR: you give a fragment in a foreign group with a link to your community and offer to go to read the final.

When posting materials, do not forget about interactivity, involve group members in games. For example, you can add a topic poll to a post. Users usually respond well to short questionnaires that accompany a text, photo, or video. Coming up with a question and three possible answers is easy, and such a publication will help to interest your audience.

Works on the development of interactivity and new tool- test. The Odnoklassniki website advises to actively use it to develop groups and gives detailed instructions for creating them.

Testing will help determine the inclinations of users, find out their preferences. Probing the audience will be useful for both online store owners and public figures. Plus, the test is fun. Time their publications to coincide with some day, give themed tests for holidays, and come up with a reward for the most active users.

Another type of game that works effectively for popularity among subscribers is a contest. In the virtual version, it is easy to conduct it. And the distribution of elephants will hook any even slightly gambler. Choose a theme and form. The simplest is a photo contest or for the best signature, for the original status (we will tell about memorable and beautiful statuses separately). Then open the appropriate section and fill out the form.

Please note: the organizer of the competition must be honest, and the rules of the competition must be clear. The timing, summing up and awarding prizes - all important stages must be determined before the start so that there are no problems. The competition can be a great advertisement for your group. But if it is done incorrectly, it will have the opposite effect.

And finally, a safe, but not at all free way to recruit subscribers to a group is advertising. You can order it on the same site or on third-party resources. The topic is extensive, so we devoted a separate article to it "Advertising in Odnoklassniki: how to place and set up a campaign."

We have reminded you of only some of the methods on how to recruit people to a group in Odnoklassniki. In fact, there are many more. Trying to achieve popularity, everyone finds his own ways and techniques that work best for him. There is no general recipe, use our recommendations and try something new. And to understand what attracts your audience, be sure to look at the statistics in your group.

And we want to remind you that in Odnoklassniki you can not only develop your group, but also make money on your personal page, we will share how to do this. And we can also reveal the secret of how to download free music from Odnoklassniki and how to download videos to your computer or phone.

How to recruit members to a group in Odnoklassniki using programs

We told you how to recruit members to a group in Odnoklassniki on your own and completely in safe ways. But some users are convinced that without specialized programs it will not be possible to achieve a high result. We will not argue, perhaps for someone this option is the best. But will it be safe? Installing on a computer software from an unknown author, you always run the risk of downloading viruses. In addition, the service will not be provided to you for free. The average cost of downloading is 20-35 dollars. A little, but there is no guarantee that the money will be worked out. For those who have firmly decided to get acquainted with programs for recruiting subscribers to a group in Odnoklassniki, advice: look for reviews of software buyers. And we will not give estimates, but simply give a few options that are most mentioned on the network:

Changes happen almost every day in this market. Something new appears, and something else becomes obsolete. Before you finally choose a program, it will be useful not only to read the reviews, but also to test its trial version.

Programs for acquiring subscribers in Odnoklassniki (and other social networks) have worthy competitors. These are services that offer similar services. We will give some practical recommendations on how to recruit members to a group on Odnoklassniki without throwing money away. Signs of a reliable service:

    The site is already popular in the network, earned positive reviews from customers;

    The company is not the first month on this market, a solid experience inspires confidence, but a year or two is a sufficient period;

    The customer is not required to register;

    The service works with a proven payment system;

    The company provides guarantees, they are directly stated;

    Service staff quickly and efficiently answer your questions.

According to our estimates, the DoktorSmm service deserves attention. He worthily passed the test of time and customers. But to test this judgment, it is worth placing a minimum order there. In this way, you will be able to form a personal opinion about his work at almost no cost.

A well-known aphorism: “The road will be mastered by the walking one,” should be adopted by those who seek to gain popularity in Odnoklassniki through their community. We talked about different ways, allowing you to dial a group. Achieving your goal will not be so easy, but if you constantly take steps in the chosen direction, you will certainly achieve the result.

And we recommend that you read other articles on this topic "Group and page promotion", "How to make friends and classes in Odnoklassniki". There you will find simple instructions and good advice.

The circle of acquaintances of each person is limited, as a rule, to two or three hundred people, although there are exceptions. Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to contact all this audience with the usual everyday methods, namely: to meet, call up, go to visit. After all, if you see each comrade at least once a year, subject to the presence of 300 friends, almost every day will be busy with this. In this case, social networks come to the rescue, where you can add all your friends and communicate with them, which will not take much time.

However, not for all people, the number of users in "Friends" determines the circle of acquaintances. Often there are strangers there. For some, this is a hindrance, and they try to get rid of strangers as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, have learned to benefit from this. Moreover, now many of those involved in social media promotion are trying to replenish their VKontakte friend list. How to get 10,000 friends on this social network will be discussed in this article.

Why you need a lot of friends

As mentioned above, many people involved in advertising find fertile ground for promoting their product or service on social networks. In order to learn about the product, you must first resolve the issue of how to quickly recruit friends on VKontakte. In other words, the updates that appear on the seller's wall are duplicated in the news section of his friends, where out of several thousand, someone is sure to pay attention to the advertisement and become interested.

Some will repost for their friends to see, and so on. Thus, in order to effectively sell your product, you need to know how to quickly get friends on your VKontakte page.

Ways to win friends

In general, there are several ways to increase your friend list. Nevertheless, it should immediately be noted that the administration of "VK" is struggling with cheating in every possible way. Therefore, a limit was set on the number of outgoing applications, namely no more than 50 per day. However, it is worth noting a little trick: the limit is reset every 8 hours, that is, every quarter of the day you can send up to 50 applications to people. And this is already 200 per day. Knowing such a moment, it is easier to answer the question of how to make many friends on VKontakte quickly.

The easiest ways

As many have already guessed, the most affordable way to increase the number of friends is to send requests to other users on your own. As noted above, up to 200 invitations can be sent per day. Even if 100 of them respond, it will be very good.

There are also various groups for self-promotion, in which the same users ask to add them as friends. You can also place your request there. However, to improve the result, it is necessary to do this repeatedly. Since the messages are posted in the comments, which are updated extremely quickly. This is due to the fact that many are trying to resolve the issue of how to quickly gain friends on VKontakte. By the way, this method allows you to increase your friend list several times a day.

Cheat exchanges

This versatile tool allows you to significantly increase the circle of your friends and subscribers. In addition to cheating likes, reposts, subscribers to groups, exchanges make it possible to add friends. This requires an internal currency, on all services it is called differently: "points", "hearts" and so on. You can earn it using the same actions, namely, liking and reposting posts on tasks, joining groups and adding friends. For the received currency, you can order the wrapping of your friend list. Exchanges such as Turboliker, Olike, VKTarget and others allow you to resolve the issue of how to get friends on VKontakte. By the way, for many services there are automatic bots that make it easier to earn points. Nevertheless, their use should be approached very carefully. Since when automatically earning "hearts", the actions of your account can be regarded as cheating, which can lead to a page freeze.

Who to add as a friend

When adding a stranger as a friend, you need to be careful. Firstly, for the reason that a user whose goal is not a reciprocal cheat is likely to reject your application. And this means that the number of unspent outgoing offers will decrease, which is undesirable to allow without the appearance of a result.

For this reason, the first thing to do is to pay attention to those who are engaged in mutual PR, and their acquaintances, who are also very likely to do the same. Placing an ad in groups dedicated to cheating friends will allow the right people to find you on their own. These tips will help you avoid common mistakes and learn how to quickly make friends on VKontakte.

little secrets

There are several tips on how to increase the efficiency of replenishing your friend list. The first concerns page content. In "VK" there is still a so-called rating, but it is not visible to anyone except the owner of the account. So what is it for? Few people know that it allows you to display the page in the TOP friends of a particular user. For example, you went to someone's page, and those six friends that are displayed in the block under the avatar are the people with the highest rating.

You can dial it by filling in personal data. "VK" will offer to do it. Do not neglect filling if you want to make friends. The second point is related to the announcement in groups about mutual PR. A "big" message is much more effective. That is, more people will pay attention to a comment with a picture or graffiti than to a one-line text. Using these secrets, you will know how to quickly make friends on VKontakte.


In fact, it is not difficult to gain friends and subscribers in VK, because the audience of the project is huge. Thousands and even tens of thousands is far from the limit. After all, for example, on the pages of stars there are hundreds of thousands of subscribers - potential friends. It is only required to correctly build a strategy to increase the friend list. And all the main ways of how to make friends on VKontakte were outlined in this article.

If you have a VKontakte group or community, then you are probably interested in seeing the number of its members grow.

For this to happen, you must meet a number of conditions. Post interesting content, interact with your audience, etc. Let's talk about this in more detail.

So, how to recruit people or members to a VKontakte group?

Video lesson: how to wind up participants in a VK group

Recruitment of participants through quality materials

This method, although the most difficult, but the most correct and effective. What is its essence?

You should post materials in your group that are directly related to your topic as often as possible. Here is an example.

If we are talking about a community in which jokes are published, do not be lazy and post 10-20 new, funny jokes during the day. What will you get as a result?

If your participants like them, they will like and repost the entry (see).

What does repost mean? It's simple - all friends of the user who made it will see the material in their news. They will surely like it, they will go to your group and join it.

How to get subscribers to a VK group

You can go the way of mutual exchange. are you on VK a large number of communities where people leave their ads, about mutual joining a group, liking (see), reposting (see), etc.

We can contact such people and offer them mutual entry into our group. How to do it?

In search we write "Mutual Entry". Next, go to the "Communities" section, and select an open group from the list. We go into it.

Here we look at the wall - we need to find an ad in which the user offers mutual entry into the group. Here is a similar one.

Now we go to the page to our user, and write to him in a personal message that we have joined his group. We send him a link to ours, and ask him to do the same (see).

The person will read the message and subscribe to our group.

Cheating people into a VKontakte group using services

The network has a large number of services that offer services for the promotion of your groups. What is the principle of their work?

In the personal account of the service, find the menu "Groups". Then click Unroll.

We'll move on to filling out the form. Here you need to specify the following data:

If you need users that meet certain criteria, set up targeting. When everything is filled in, click the "Order" button.

And again, a big hello to everyone! Today is Saturday and I ... in the morning went to the subbotnik. The trumpet is calling, as they say. But now I'm back and ready to write for you new article. Where did we stop? Oh yes. We are with you. Well, now you can call the people, so I will show you how to get subscribers to the VKontakte group for free.

Today the site holds a strong position and is in the top three most popular sites in Russia. Thousands of new groups are created every day. Some break through, others bend. But the bottom line is that in today's realities it has become much more difficult to bring the community to the top.

It takes a lot of work to recruit members. But you still need to pick them up. And how to do it, and even for free? I doubt that someone will enter a completely empty group. Only spammers come in who offer to promote the group, but after their promotion it is not a fact that your group will not be banned. In general, let me show you what free methods we will recruit people at first.

Invite friends

The very first way that comes to mind is to invite living friends. Do you have friends on VK? Ask them to support your project.

There is indeed a limitation. You will not be able to invite more than 40 people per day to your community. So if you have 200 friends, then this method of invitation will take you 5 days.

In addition, be sure to click on "Tell friends" in your group and choose "Friends and Followers". Write in the comments please "Support my group by joining it". Then a post with a link to your group will appear on your wall, and your friends will see it in the news.


This method smacks a little of spam, but you can use it at first. Now the main thing for us is to give at least a little weight to our group so that people can join.

Find groups with an open wall, or at least the ability to comment and post in threads. Just look for something close to your subject. No need to shove the group's advertisement about the creation of sites in a group of hookah lovers. In general, for this, enter the groups.

Write a word in search line, which matches the search for a similar group, for example, if you are looking for a group on the topic "Humor", then in the search you can use words such as laughter, positive, humor, jokes, etc. After that press search and you will see groups that match your search.

Go to different groups (public only!) and leave comments with a link to your community on the wall, in comments or in topics. But just try not to make it look like spam. Write some comment (if you comment on a cool photo), like "This is not the first time I see such jokes)) Cool."

Then go to your group, go to desired entry(let it be a photo or a picture) and copy the link of this particular entry into the comment form. It will turn out that an active link will be placed in the comment and the picture that is visible on this link will be automatically attached.

Of course, this is not a cool way, and the flow of subscribers will not go, but those who follow the link will go and join - they will be really alive, not bots. And this is already a big plus. I know from my own experience that such links are clicked.

Mutual PR

Mutual PR is also very good way attracting subscribers to the group. The bottom line is that you find a community and negotiate with it (in the sense of an administrator) about mutual PR. You post with a link to his group, and he posts a link to your group. Thus, some people from you join him, and some of his subscribers subscribe to you. So to say mutually beneficial cooperation.

Only I would advise starting such mutual PR when you have at least 1000 participants (And even more is better), even if many of them are inanimate. But there is one BUT. Subscribers of another group can also be mostly cheated. But all the same, you need to do this and not with one group.

But how to choose a group by the number of subscribers? There is no such thing in the standard search by groups. But kind people came up with a wonderful service that will help us with this. I already mentioned this service in an article about which topic to choose to create a group on VK. This is a service Very good service for those who use contact not only for entertainment purposes. In general, enter it.

Since I show on the example of an entertainment group, then I will look for groups of an entertainment nature. And imagine that we already have 1000 people. Have you visited the site? Well done.

It turns out that you repost one of his posts to your group, and accordingly he does the same only from his side.

Like service

And finally, I will show you one service that will help you recruit members into the group. True, in this way you will mostly recruit bots and second accounts. But we, as I said, need to gain weight and get fat, so they will come down for extras.

And besides the fact that these are low-quality visitors and bots, there are a couple more disadvantages:

But in general, at the initial stage, you can use this method. You have to survive somehow. Everyone wants to eat. Is it true?)

  1. In general, enter the service Similar and click on "Login with Like".
  2. A window will open for you, where you must enter the address of your personal page (not the community !!!). To do this, being on your page, copy it from address bar, For example After that, paste this value and click on "Let in".
  3. And to enter, you will need to immediately complete the task. To do this, click on "Click and put Like" and you will see a post or photo.
  4. Put a heart on this photo. This will mean that the task has been completed. After that, close the window and you will be allowed into your Personal Area. If you look, it's a pretty extensive service. Here you can do a lot of things with different social networks so remember it. But us on this moment Interested in recruiting to the VK group.
  5. You can order a minimum of 100 subscribers, but you need 200 points for this. Well. Let's get started. Press "Click and Like" and do everything in the same way as they did above, i.e. like and close. For this we get 1 point.
  6. Now let's join the group. Press "Click and join the group". You will be transferred to some community. The essence is the same to enter (subscribe) and close. For this you will get 2 points.
  7. You can also repost, but I don't like it. Therefore, I manage only those two points. You can also buy points, but here I still consider the free method.
  8. After you have scored 200 points, go to the menu "Subscribers to the group".
  9. In the first column, leave 100, in the second you will see how much it will cost points, and in the third should be your link to the group. Therefore, go to your group and copy the link from the address bar, then paste it.
  10. Now you need to paste the group authorization link. Yes, yes, this incomprehensible rubbish. Copy it, then go to your community. There will be a "Links" section. Press "Add Link" and paste the copied set of letters.
  11. After that, return to Olike and click “I agree with the rules. Order".
  12. And then during the day, your 100 subscribers will catch up with you, though a small part will leave the group before the last member enters, so get ready for the fact that you won’t have even a hundred.

Well, in general, in this way, you can use it at the initial level, and even further. The main thing is to watch the dogs, as I gave up on that. As a result, my group was blocked. So in subsequent times I followed this and there was no more such garbage.

These skills can come in handy if you want to not only manage your community, but also become an administrator of other groups for a fee. It's better to pass professional training where they will teach you everything and show you on your fingers how to do it. By the way, training is not only about contact. There is very big choice!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.