A demanded specialty in remote work. The Internet will always offer a large selection of earning options, both for beginners and experienced professionals, and working online provides unlimited opportunities for absolutely all people

In the era of the ubiquitous spread of the Internet, professions that provide an opportunity to earn money on a remote basis are becoming more and more popular.

On international and domestic freelance exchanges (Upwork, Freelancer, Youdo, FL.ru, etc.), every day there are many offers for remote work - both one-time projects and long-term cooperation.

We invite you to consider the most promising professions for making money on freelance.

1. Designer

There are several design professions suitable for remote work. Here are some of them.

To work as a web designer, it is desirable to have a specialized education, but this is not a mandatory requirement. You can start your career in this field with a set of basic skills, mainly, of course, knowledge of graphic editors (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, etc.). You can master these programs on your own using a huge number of free lessons that are easy to find on the Internet.

The level of earnings in this profession is on average from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. The most typical orders in the field of web design: website design and other web graphics.

This is a narrow-profile specialist whose main task is to make navigation on the site user-friendly.

The most frequent customers in this area are firms specializing in website development, design studios and private companies.

An interface designer needs to know the principles of usability, master the HTML language, as well as graphic editors at a high level. Knowledge of programming languages ​​is also encouraged. The income of a professional in this field is from 30 to 150 thousand rubles. and higher.

The Internet provides great opportunities for artists to work remotely. In addition to artistic skills, it is important for an illustrator to have his own unique style, as well as be able to find a common language with customers.

Literature, computer game development, animation, advertising - in all these areas, the work of an illustrator will be in demand. The salary of artists varies greatly depending on what projects they are involved in.

A graphic designer is a person who specializes in creating an individual style for a company, including developing a logo and custom font, choosing a color scheme, designing iconography, preparing advertising brochures, etc.

You can learn this profession on your own with the help of training materials available on the web. Various Internet sites are used to sell their works, such as Shutterstock, iStock, Fotolia, etc. A graphic designer's earnings range from 25,000 to 120,000 rubles.

2. Video editor

The next profession in demand on the Internet is a video editing specialist. His duties may include scoring video recordings, removing unwanted noise and bad shots, adding special effects, titles, etc.

For video editing, you need a powerful computer with a high-quality video card. A person working in this area must have good skills in working with specialized programs (Sony Vegas, After Effect, Adobe Premiere, 3D MAX). You can learn the basics of installation in a short time (about a month), then gradually improve your skills. The salary of such a professional ranges from 30 to 80 thousand rubles. and higher.

3. Photographer (description of the profession)

The undoubted advantage of this profession is that it is a creative activity. This specialty is in demand in various fields: reportage photography, art photography, wedding or family photography, advertising photography, shooting in the modeling business, etc.

For successful work, a photographer needs to know the theory of photography, the basics of composition, and be able to work with photographic equipment. An important skill is also the ability to communicate and win over people.

It should be noted that the level of competition in this profession is very high and it can be difficult to find clients at first. The photographer's income ranges from 25 to 70 thousand rubles. per month or more.

4. Working with texts

The Internet provides great opportunities for working with texts. Below we will outline the most common professions in this area where you can work as a freelancer.

This is a modification of the finished text so that you get a unique material. This is a fairly affordable way of earning money that does not require special skills, but for this job it is desirable to have a good knowledge of the language and a rich vocabulary.

Such work is paid modestly: about 35-70 rubles per 1000 characters. Rewriting can be a good start to a career for those who want to work with texts.

A copywriter is responsible for writing articles, news items and other texts. Several sources are used to prepare the material. At the same time, if you have deep knowledge in a particular area, then you can create author's material. Professional copywriting can also include other tasks: coming up with headlines and slogans, writing "selling texts", etc.

Copywriting is a more difficult job than rewriting, and is priced more expensive, 70-350 rubles. for 1000 characters and above.

SEO copywriting

The peculiarities of the work of an SEO copywriter is that he creates materials intended specifically for distribution on the Internet, so that they meet the requirements of search engines.

A copywriter must know the rules set by SEO specialists for texts, be able to use hypertext, be able to design TITLE and META tags. Knowledge of HTML and CSS and proficiency in programs designed to optimize text (semonitor) are also encouraged.

Due to the high competition in the labor market, the cost of such work is decreasing. The average price is about 150-250 rubles. for 1000 characters.

Professional translator services are always in great demand, and modern technologies provide an opportunity to work without leaving home. If you are fluent in one or more foreign languages, then this can be a great earning opportunity. The translator receives on average from 30 to 80 thousand rubles. per month.

5. Work in the IT sphere

Another in-demand area for freelancing is IT. Below we highlight the most popular destinations in this area.


The main functionality of such a specialist is "turnkey" website development, which implies a whole range of tasks: communication with a client, drawing up a technical task, design development, layout, etc.

Such work presupposes the presence of multidisciplinary skills in several areas: this is the ability to create design, knowledge of HTML + CSS (necessary for layout), knowledge of the principles of the engine, and more. The webmaster earns from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. per month or more.

Layout is the process of designing web pages. Such a specialist makes sure that the pages are displayed correctly in most popular browsers, and that all elements of the site work without errors. In order to become a layout designer, you need to learn two main technologies: HTML markup and CSS styles, which can be learned in a short (three to four weeks) time frame. A professional in this field earns from 30 to 100 thousand rubles. per month.

This is the specialist responsible for the development of the site's user interface. Its main task is to make a website or mobile application as user-friendly as possible.

In addition to knowledge of HTML and CSS, this specialty requires knowledge of JavaScript, as well as skills in working with libraries (jQuery, etc.). A front-end developer's earnings range from 60 to 200 thousand rubles. per month.

The tasks of a web programmer include the development and creation of programs for managing sites and Internet services.

This requires a good specialized education, which includes programming languages: HTML, JAVA, JAVAScript, PHP, CGI, Perl, as well as knowledge of the editors Dreamviewer, Flash and Coldfusion.

The work of a web programmer can be compared to the work of an architect, only in relation to the creation of websites.

Main customers: web studios, individual entrepreneurs, webmasters.

This is a promising and highly demanded profession on the Internet. The salary of this specialist can be on average from 50 to 150 thousand rubles.

In times of crisis, it is more important for business than ever to look for new directions of growth. The analyst who will do this does not need to sit in the office at all. Working remotely makes it easier to look at work from the outside, find weaknesses, track how his proposals are being implemented, and build relationships with other companies. The range of salaries for managers and business development directors is large and highly dependent on experience, but a reputable specialist can claim a high salary, even by Moscow standards, and a convenient schedule.

More and more companies are willing to keep their sales managers remotely. The main thing is that a person finds clients, and he can contact them from home. Earnings depend entirely on the quantity and quality of contracts concluded: the manager receives interest from them. The most talented can expect to receive a salary comparable to the salary of the colleagues who come to the office every day.

The demand for programmers is not falling, and there is a lack of good programmers. Therefore, many employers are willing to allow the employee to stay at home if he is constantly in touch and disciplined to complete tasks. The spread in programming languages ​​and development environments is not so large: if you know something more or less in demand, be it JavaScript, C # or Ruby, then you will almost certainly find a suitable job with a high salary.

Of course, not every translator can count on a high salary. Several factors must converge at once: extensive work experience, positive recommendations, a not too standard foreign language and a generous employer who needs this language at all costs. At the same time, translation is an ideal work for the home, which allows you to change the daily routine to suit your needs.

A specialist who monitors the stable operation of servers does not need to sit next to them at all - almost all problems can be solved remotely. Another thing is that this is a stressful job that requires being on the alert 24 hours a day, and it is clearly not suitable for everyone. Those who are willing to take risks will receive a solid salary that will not be inferior to the salary of system administrators in the office.

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests!

We discussed the pros and cons of working remotely from home in previous articles for each category of the population: from students to retirees.

But how to choose profession for remote work to do this business with pleasure? After all, absolutely every person is tormented by the question: what if it won't suit me or I won't be able to work remotely?

Choosing a profession, you need to understand - what do you want to get? Maybe there are preferences or starting skills?

Of course, you can try all directions, waste a lot of time on it. Or you can think about choosing a remote job and start earning and developing.

Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the main factors with which you associate your future profession:

Income level.

The list goes on. Among the factors, select those that your future profession must necessarily have. Several factors may remain desirable. Thus, you will get a "portrait" of your future remote work.

It should be borne in mind that often the profession is perceived differently than it really is. For example, advertising professionals are thought to be creative individuals. But in fact, in this direction, an analytical approach is more important than a creative moment.

Or prestigious work as a personal assistant is a hell of a job, not a simple job that is beneficial in terms of financial reward. And so you can walk through all kinds of remote professions.

Before deciding on your future professional work, you must at least have an idea of ​​it. It is enough to communicate with those who are already developing in this direction, ask questions of interest, clarify working points.

Steps for future work

And only when you decide, further actions are very simple:

  • Get basic education. Read books by profession, visit specialist forums. The best option that will save time is to take quality courses in the profession.
  • Create your portfolio. These can be works, both to order, and made specifically for showing to potential customers.
  • Register on.

You need to be prepared for the fact that at first it will be very difficult. Motivation is important here. Each person has his own. And upon receipt of the first order, its payment - the motivation to continue will only increase.

So, after registering on the freelance exchanges, fill out and publish your portfolio with high quality, submit applications for your favorite orders.

In order not to waste time, involve your friends, acquaintances, work colleagues in the search for the first clients. Use different connections. Create one that will be your business card.

And remember that in remote work, only the result is paid, and not the time spent on the execution of the order. You must have knowledge and skills.

Learn constantly and put everything into practice. Thus, you will grow professionally and your income will increase. This has been tested and works.

Remote work is permanent education and moving forward. There is no other way. Therefore, it is very difficult for people who do not have any special knowledge, but want to earn money, to find a remote job. It is easier for them to grasp any offer on the Internet than to undergo training and start working steadily.

In each profession there is a certain average earnings, or even a ceiling, above which it is unrealistic for a beginner to start.

It can be overcome, but difficult enough. Moreover, specialists of one profession can receive different income, depending on many reasons.

Estimated income remotely

These figures are indicative and relate more to the income of professionals. Don't be confused by such low data. Anyone can start earning a lot more if they just put in the effort and develop their skills.

Motivation at work

Another point when choosing a future profession at remote work is motivation. Do not think that the main factor in choosing is money and the desired level of income. This is a misconception.

To be successful at remote work and be a sought-after specialist, you need to find a specialty that you like. You must love what you do. Agree that remote work is different from working in an office, where you will be forced to work anyway.

Remote employment means that the employee will plan the time himself. How can you force yourself to do an unloved thing? This is not only difficult, but also fraught with disruptions to plans, bad mood and terrible health.

You know, no matter what profession you choose, whatever you do at remote work, you can make money on the Internet, regardless of the level of average income in the chosen specialty.

Good copywriters may have higher incomes than bad programmers. Although, on average, the latter get more. Everything depends on you.

I like to translate - become translators, I like to write texts - try yourself as a copywriter, I like creativity - become designers.

It is important not to be afraid to try new things, learn and master a profession. Remember that all costs will pay off. After all, the first rule of a remote worker is: to be successful, you need to work on your education.

To start making money on the Internet remotely, remember two more important rules:

  1. There is no free money on the Internet. To make money, you need to make efforts - training, professional development. This is the same work as a regular office job.
  2. You can't make money by reading letters, viewing mail, sponsoring or participating in pyramid schemes! This is a waste of time, nerves and money.

So, which profession to choose for remote work is up to you. It is not always possible to communicate with representatives of remote professions. Therefore, in my next articles, I will briefly focus on the most demanded areas.

Friends, readers and guests of my blog! Write, and what do you think on this topic of the article? I would be interested to know your opinion and thoughts on this matter!

Best regards, Alexander Gavrin.

Remote work or just freelancing looks more than attractive. At a time when working from home on the Internet is already a familiar phenomenon for some, others only dream of leaving the office and transferring their workplace to their home (as an option, to a coworking center).

There are not so many specialties that allow you to make money at home using a computer and the Internet (although no, in fact, there are many). But, in the same turn, more than enough to have the opportunity to choose, to choose something to your liking. Below is, if not a comprehensive list, then at least the most popular freelance jobs.

Journalism, working with text

Copywriter. It is not enough to say that this concept is very loose. In any case, it implies working with the text, but it differs both in the level of complexity, therefore - remuneration, and in the direction of activity. So, there are:

1. Rewriters

A great way to join the world of frantic, because even schoolchildren can do this job. It consists in modifying the finished text (article), using, in the worst case: replacing synonyms, rearranging words; it is better if it is a “retelling” of sentences, paragraphs in your own words, like retellings in school in a language lesson. The price of such work is not high: customers pay about 0.5-1 USD. for 1 thousand characters, which, nevertheless, with high labor productivity, can bring up to $ 10 per day. But it can be a good start, an experience.

2. Copywriters

The profession involves writing articles and other "texts". Similar to abstract writing: multiple sources of information are used to write articles. However, if you have good knowledge in a particular area or just want to express your thoughts - no one will forbid to write "from the head". Copyright implies articles with a quality higher than rewriting, therefore they are priced more expensive - $ 1-5. and higher. The prospect of earnings is from 300 to 2000 USD. per month.

3. Professional copywriting

In another sense of the word, copywriting is a creative work that requires knowledge and experience. Not just a mechanical compilation of articles, but: compilation of headings, slogans, writing "selling texts". This also includes naming. This work can hardly be called primitive, not everyone can cope with it, as noted above, the specialty requires knowledge and professionalism. In this case, the price of the work goes far beyond $ 5 per 1K, but quite often it is not measured in symbols.

4. SEO copywriting

The so-called SEO copywriting is distinguished. Nothing special, besides the ability to knock on the keyboard, will require superficial knowledge in the field of site optimization for search engines, understanding the meanings of words: title, titles, keywords, etc. If the customer declares that the article is optimized for a certain keyword or simply notes that it is a "SEO article", it automatically becomes 20-50 percent more expensive.

5. Journalist

If in order to master one of the above freelance professions, you only need the ability to quickly type and the skill of expressing your thoughts in writing in any qualitative way, then journalism is an occupation of a fundamentally different kind. A number of sites (reputable magazines, professional media, etc.) make high demands on the quality of articles. Yes, and they need content too. And, of course, they are ready to pay well for it. So, the wages are immeasurably higher - about $ 20 per 1,000 characters. Do you have a specialized education or work experience? In this case, it will not be difficult for you to find a good remote job on the Internet.

6. Translator

The need for the work of a translator is enormous. And if you know a foreign language well enough and want to work on the Internet at home, it’s a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity. Due to the fact that a minority can boast of knowledge of the language, the work of a translator is highly valued.

Graphics and design

Is this a creative person about you? Have a love of graphics? This means that there will certainly be a job for you on the Internet. Do what you love, create, and get paid for it. One of the few cases that allows you to make money on a hobby.

7. Web designer

Specialized education is good, but not necessary. You can start with minimal knowledge, first of all - by mastering a graphic editor (Photoshop, of course). A lot of free lessons, it only takes time and perseverance: a month or two of practice and you can try your hand. There is work for a master of any level. Of course, you will hardly be able to earn a lot on the "first couples". But, with the growth of professionalism, in 1-3 years you can reach the income level of $ 1-3 thousand dollars. You will have to "draw" site designs and other graphics for the WEB.

8. Interface design

A job that is equally well done at home, but will require much more knowledge. Do you know how to do it? You can earn good money, because this job is paid at a decent level. The trend towards the growth of "mobile" interface users, the rapidly growing popularity of applications for smartphones - all this indicates prospects.

9. Illustrator

Today is the golden age for the artist. If just 10 years ago it was not so easy for an artist to find a job, today there is more than enough of it and, most importantly, you do not need to leave your own home for this - everything is done remotely. Websites, computer games, advertisements, printed materials - all this needs beautiful illustrations, and therefore those who can do it.

10. Graphic designer

In this case, this subtitle means, first of all, a person who specializes in the development of logos and corporate identity, in other words, the company's identity, including the creation of a font, selection of a color scheme, etc.

11. Printing designer

Everything related to printed products, and this: catalogs, business cards, posters, booklets, posters, packaging, book covers, etc. In everything where the printer appears, in everything that must be prepared for printing and printed, where the word "Mock-up" - here you cannot do without a printing designer. The work, of course, requires good specialized knowledge.

12. 3D graphics and visualization

The further you go, the higher the need for 3D graphics. This is, first of all, modeling and visualization of objects. Creation of characters for computer games, environments, game items; visualization of interiors, landscapes - it’s not enough to say that all this is in sufficient demand on the market today. The development of 3D graphics is appreciated, perhaps more than any other, requires a large amount of knowledge, the work is quite laborious, and therefore well paid.

Website development, programming

And there is a job for a techie on the Internet. You don't have to be a programmer for this. However, even programmers engaged in product development that have nothing to do with the WEB can work remotely with the same success.

13. WEB-master

The main task is the creation of sites, most often on a turnkey basis, that is, the implementation of the entire range of work: from communication, preparation of technical specifications, design development, to layout and delivery of the finished product to the client. They require extensive knowledge in many areas at once: the ability to "draw" a design, which will be quite difficult to do without; knowledge of a bunch of HTML + CSS (layout), knowledge of the engine, the ability to customize it to fit your needs. Yes, you can create websites on a professional level without knowing how to program, although knowledge of some basics will not be superfluous. The possible scope of earnings is quite wide - from 500 to 3000 USD. per month, depending on the level of skill and the ability to effectively organize their work.

14. Layout designer

The process of creating a website from scratch can be divided into 3 clearly defined types of work: design, layout, software. Layout has nothing to do with creativity, in the guise of the work of a designer it is a mechanical work, although it is certainly interesting, at the same time, it is not as difficult to learn as programming. Knowledge of only 2 technologies is required: HTML - markup and CSS - styles, which can be mastered at a sufficient level to get started in less than a month.

15. Front-end developer

Something like an advanced level coder. In addition to a thorough knowledge of the above 2 technologies, it requires knowledge of JavaScript, and this is programming in its purest form, even if the language is not particularly complicated. The ability to work with libraries, in particular, jQuery - will increase your level, as a result, and the cost of your labor on the market. It will not be superfluous to have an understanding of Ajax technology.

16. Programmer

Rare sites, even those that are created on the basis of ready-made solutions (engines) do not require the intervention of programmers to expand the functionality for the needs of the customer. Programming is one of those professions, mastering which on your own is not an easy task, if not to say: almost completely unbearable if you intend to become a high-class professional. Programmers' salaries are perhaps the highest on the market.

17. Project manager

In fact, this is a webmaster who understands the entire range of work required to create sites, not superficially, but does not require deep skill in each area. Its main task is organization: the ability to find the right specialist for a specific stage of work (programmer, designer, layout designer) and organize their work in order to ultimately get a finished product. Clients are willing to pay more for turnkey website development. In addition, few customers, not having the slightest understanding of the process of creating sites, will independently search for performers. A project manager is a kind of remote web-studio consisting of one person, which is not at all necessary for the client to know.

Internet marketing, advertising, promotion

As in the previous 3 cases (working with texts, design and "site building"), also here: a promotion and promotion specialist may know everything that one way or another relates to this topic at a basic level, but you can focus on a narrower niche.

18. Optimizer or SEO

Optimization of a site for search engines in order to increase its position in natural search results and thus attract visitors or potential customers to the site. One of the most demanded professions with good earning potential. There are several ways to join the ranks of SEOs:

  • Self-study and personal experience, practice on our own sites. However, in this case, you are unlikely to want to work for hire instead of doing your own projects;
  • Training courses. The amount of necessary knowledge is not so great that it is necessary to study to be an optimizer at the university, and hardly any university can offer training in this specialty. But it would be very nice to take some courses for a beginner in SEO.
  • Work experience in a company specializing in promotion. Just a couple of months of teamwork is enough to know everything you need to go out to sea and start working on the principles of freelancing. But in order to get a job in such a company, you must already have at least basic knowledge in the field of promotion and promotion.

19. Specialist in contextual advertising

Anyone can set up a company in one of the ad networks, pour money and successfully spend it, thereby attracting the target audience to the site. But not many people know how to do it competently and effectively. The job of a contextual advertising freelancer is to achieve maximum results at the lowest cost. The ability to competently compose an ad, reduce the cost per click, attract the maximum number of users - you need to be able to do this.

20. Website promotion specialist

Actually, this profession implies extensive knowledge in the field of website promotion, which includes both optimization skills, skills in working with contextual advertising, and web analytics (which can be distinguished in a separate category), the ability to attract visitors from other sources (direct advertising, aggregators, etc.), including the search for contractors (link managers). Including, you need an understanding of SMO and SMM. However, more on that separately ...

Social media

Where is today without them? A complete and very powerful business tool, which is a sin not to use for your own purposes.

21. SMM

There are not as many good social media marketers as we would like, but the demand for true professionals in their field is large enough. SMM implies a whole range of activities aimed not only at attracting customers, but more at promoting a brand, creating an image, expanding the target audience and working with them, of course, using social networks.

22. SMO

A narrower specialty than the previous one, in the same turn, their goals and objectives are completely different. No, the ability to create groups in VK, Facebook, YouTube channel and Tweeter account as well as filling with content is just the tip of the iceberg. The main task of an SMO specialist is to attract visitors to the site, primarily from social media. networks and blogs. This includes: creating relevant content, distributing it, attracting links to the site.

23. Community administration

This is the kind of work that most people understand as SMO and SMM. Does not require the work of the brain, deep knowledge and understanding of the topic. You can master a profession in just a week, and become a good specialist in a month. Creation of communities and accounts, their design, but most importantly - their maintenance, filling them with content: searching for information, posting, in some cases - working with community members, working with graphics at the minimum level will also not be superfluous, the ability to attract subscribers / members - only plus to your karma.

Administration, etc.

24. Content Manager

Something in between a copywriter, designer, webmaster and layout designer. It is not always necessary to understand everything, sometimes elementary skills of mouse control, typing, knowledge of the key combination Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V are enough - just to fill in the fields in the administrative part of the site or online store. You can raise your value in the market as a specialist (and it's easier to find a job) by mastering several related professions. Namely: be able to search for information, "rewrite" text, write articles on your own, have minimal skills in Photoshop (at the level of cropping a photo, wiping someone else's watermark and inserting your own), knowledge of the basics of HTML and CSS will also not be superfluous.

25. Moderator, administrator, support

Inherently primitive, remote work, which requires virtually no additional knowledge or skills. To keep order on the forum or on the site, to maintain a discussion, to answer questions from site users or potential buyers of an online store. Not a bad option as an additional income; as the main one - you won't make much money on this.

This article will provide the most complete list of Internet professions, for some, explanations will be given, as well as in some places it will be told where and how to earn with their help.

We will try to avoid streamlined and not particularly meaningful, but beautiful-sounding names like "internet coach" or "moneymaking specialist". Because moneymaking literally means making money, so this is generally any person who makes money with the elements of a deal, and I don't really know what a "coach" is, but just in case I keep away from people who voluntarily call themselves "a coach" away.

Structure. The profession will either simply be listed, or brief explanations will be given, or links to which to read in more detail. Or both.

General. For every profession there is a freelance job, you can read about this phenomenon. This link is implied in each of the following paragraphs. If something is additional, it will be indicated additionally.

  1. SMM specialist. A person promoting a product or service on social media.
  2. Admin / moderator of a forum, group, community.
  3. Arbitrazhnik. The bottom line is to buy cheap traffic and merge somewhere into a plus.
  4. Assessor. A remote (usually) employee of the search engine (as a rule, it is the search engine) who evaluates the quality of the search.
  5. Blogger.
  6. A web designer is a person who draws a website. Not buttons, icons, game characters.
  7. Web programmer (java, php, html + css).
  8. Website layout designer. These are the people who make a working website out of the picture. I recommend those who are interested to read it.
  9. Guarantee. To guarantee various transactions (that is, received payment, received the goods, sent the payment, sent the goods, if the guarantor is reputable and the seller and the buyer do not know each other - an absolutely necessary service) for a percentage of these transactions.
  10. Game developer.
  11. Gamer. Yes, you can make money. Read it.
  12. A designer (including Information, interfaces, Technical, Graphic, printing 3D-designer) is a person who does not draw a website, but, depending on the focus, buttons, icons, game characters.
  13. Journalist. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this and with this.
  14. Illustrator.
  15. Investor. As a rule, bankrupt in the medium term.
  16. Infobusinessman. Sells courses about everything. I recommend reading about divorce on info-courses, it is very common.
  17. Cybersquater. Buy domain cheap - sell expensive,.
  18. Clicker. Clicks on links, advertisements, etc., in more detail.
  19. A consultant in a store (not the same as a TP employee, a TP employee is obliged to solve the client's problems, a consultant - to talk about goods and services).
  20. Content manager. Monitors the content of the site.
  21. Copywriter, SEO copywriter. Writes texts, if interested - it is useful to read this and this.
  22. Corrector. Corrects a mistake in other people's texts.
  23. Link manager (obsolete, now all these link exchanges are more a minus than a plus). A person who exchanges links with different sites. It is now obsolete, but it was the same.
  24. Changed. Changes money for money, for example webmoney for bitcoins, PayPal for Yadengi and rubles for dollars. As a rule, it has an exchange service. I recommend reading about currency exchange fraud, it may come in handy.
  25. Video editor.
  26. Neymer. The person who comes up with all sorts of names, selects sonorous domains, etc.
  27. Cashier. The person who buys your electronic money with cash.
  28. Organizer of joint purchases.
  29. Translator (including technical, games, videos, films).
  30. Review writer. A person who writes reviews about products and services. Both by direct order and from the heart, you can read how to monetize from the heart.
  31. Mediator. A whole article is devoted to this phenomenon, this one.
  32. Poster. In the sense of a person who posts something ordered and paid on blogs, forums and other sites.
  33. Salesman. Not in the sense of a consultant in an online store, in the sense of choosing a product, making a website (landing page) for it and selling this product.
  34. Interviewer. Yes, you can take surveys for money, more about this and specifically about this.
  35. Registrar. For example, domains. Everything is serious here, officially and legally.
  36. Editor. It is necessary to edit other people's texts, and not only in terms of grammar and spelling, but also in terms of semantic content and style of presentation.
  37. The tutor is remote.
  38. Rewriter, Rewriter on the news feed. A rewriter is a person who retells a text in his own words. You can read in more detail, you can read about potential places of work.
  39. Reseller. This is essentially a junior partner of a real official hosting and or registrar. Slightly less formal, but much more client-oriented in terms of working with small clients.
  40. Remote problem solver and diploma writer.
  41. Surfer. Surfing sites, read more in this article.
  42. System administrator (admin).
  43. Sloganist. Comes up with all sorts of slogans, mottos, etc.
  44. Technical support employee.
  45. Spammer (we are against but he is).
  46. SMO Specialist (Social Media Promotion). A person who promotes a site, group, community on social networks.
  47. PPC advertising specialist.
  48. Website promotion specialist.
  49. Tester. You need to test and catch errors games, sites, services.
  50. Transcriber (Record decryptor). A person who converts text from audio-video recordings into electronic-printed form.
  51. Trader. Trades forex.
  52. Flasher. Creates games, applications and websites for flash.
  53. Photographer.
  54. Hoster. Provides hosting sites, officially and legally.
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