How to get rid of "Press F1 to Resume" error on boot. On boot - CPU Fan Error - what to do

Often having collected new computer, often users are faced with the fact that after turning on the computer beeps and displays the message Cpu fan error Press F1. In addition, the Cpu fan error error can also occur on computers that are already running for a long time. In this article, we will analyze the main reasons that can lead to this error, and also show you how to solve it.

Cpu fan error is a problem with the cooler on . If you are experiencing this error, then you need to focus on troubleshooting your CPU cooler. We present several possible scenarios below.

In order to check if the cable is blocking the rotation of the cooler, you need to remove the side cover system block and turn on the computer. Watch the CPU cooler while the computer is running. Pay attention to the cooler power cable, as well as other cables inside the system unit. If something blocks the operation of the cooler or does not allow it to rotate at full capacity, then turn off the computer and fix the cables inside the system unit so that this does not happen.

The cooler is not directly connected to the motherboard. If you connect the processor cooler through any adapters, then you should not be surprised if you see the message Cpu fan error Press F1 when you turn on the computer.

It is not uncommon for a processor cooler to be connected to a special information panel in front of the system unit. Such a panel displays information about the speed of rotation of the cooler and other parameters of the computer. With this connection, a wide variety of problems are possible, including the Cpu fan error.

The cooler is connected to the wrong connector on the motherboard. Modern motherboards have several connectors for connecting a cooler. For example, the connector for connecting a fan on the case of the system unit may be called Chassis Fan, and the connector for connecting the CPU cooler Power Fan Speed. If you confuse these connectors, then the computer may report a Cpu fan error.

To exclude this possibility, carefully study the motherboard and the instructions for it. Make sure you plug your CPU cooler into the correct slot.

The cooler is not correct. A malfunctioning cooler is a fairly rare occurrence, but, nevertheless, you should not completely rule it out. this option. If you have tried everything, but you can’t get rid of the Cpu fan error, then you should go to the store and purchase a new cooler.

If nothing helps. As a temporary workaround, you can disable given error V . To do this, find the CPU cooler control functions in the settings and disable them.

You can also disable waiting for pressing the F1 button. In this case, all such errors will be ignored.

It should be noted that disabling notifications in the BIOS is only worth it for a short time, since a cooler malfunction poses a potential threat to the processor.

Standard situation, the user turns on the laptop, but instead of regular boot, receives the message "Fan Error", which means "Fan Error" in translation.

2 ways to solve the problem of CPU Fan Eror

Over time, the fan bearing deteriorates. When this happens, the fan starts to spin more slowly than it should and therefore the "Fan Error" error occurs. To solve the problem, during switching on, the proponents of this method use a vacuum cleaner, which, when connected to the hot air outlet, creates a vacuum, which leads to the spinning of the fan.

We change the fan to a new similar one - this is more correct solution Problems.

Cause of the Fan Error

The reason for the “Fan Error” error is the low level of tachometric pulses that the electronic filling of the fan produces. The amplitude of the pulses is much smaller on a broken fan. Therefore, the laptop circuit does not “see” them, hence the “Fan Error” error occurs.

How to disable CPU Fan Error

An error may appear when installing a passive cooling system, without a cooler. To disable the CPU Fan Error error on the motherboard in the BIOS

  • we find PC Health status, there is a CPU fan warning, put Disabled on it.
  • Disable the cooler stop warning in the BIOS menu. It is called in the style of "CPU Fan Error" (Enable / Disable) or CPU Fan Warning (Enable / Disable).
  • Some coolers have their own built-in thermal control circuit ... Then all speed control in the BIOS must be turned off.
  • Also, many simply put in BIOS setting"Wait For 'F1' If Error" to Disabled and the operating system will boot with this error, but without first pressing the F1 key. The consequences are eliminated, but the disease itself remains.

CPU fan error press "F1"

If the CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 error is displayed when you turn on the computer, but the cooler works well, you can connect the cooler to the connector with the inscription (next to the textolite) CPU_FAN, and not CHASSIS_FAN, etc. Of course, such a warning is associated with the processor fan and, first of all, you need to pay attention to it.

We check the power plug of the processor fan, it must be inserted into its connector on the motherboard with the name "CPU Fan", since there are several more connectors with the word "Fan", for example "Chassis Fan" and "Power Fan Speed", there are even assemblers of new computers are wrong.

So that it does not burn out at extreme temperatures, we can only hope for an emergency shutdown of the computer, or we need to use programs that monitor the temperature of components inside the system unit.

Sometimes on motherboards there are 4-pin connectors for connecting a processor fan, they also insert a 3-pin fan, this often leads to a similar error - CPU fan error press F1.

And sometimes there is only one connector on the motherboard for connecting a processor fan and nothing is inserted into it at all, our error will naturally occur. Where is the CPU cooler connected? We remove the side wall of the system unit and see that the processor fan is connected to the wires leading to the front panel of the system unit, where, in turn, they are connected to a small round screen that reflects the fan speed.

We insert the plug into its native place and the error CPU fan error press "F1" disappears forever. In other cases, you can try to change the BIOS battery or reset its settings to default, read our default BIOS for how to do this.

Usually, with this message, the system informs the user about the changed BIOS settings. In some cases, it is enough to simply go into the BIOS and confirm saving the settings without changing anything. To enter the BIOS, press the DELETE key or F2 for a laptop, then press F10 to save the settings and restart the computer.

2 step

If it does not help, then the problem may be in the battery powering the CMOS chip. The output message is usually CMOS Checksum Bad! Press F1 to continue.Confirmation of this may be dropped system time And BIOS settings. You can read how to replace the battery.

3 step

Another reason for the error may be a faulty or incorrectly connected processor cooler. In this case, the error will be like this - CPU fan error press “F1”. Check the cooler, if it is broken replace it. If it is not connected there, then either connect it correctly, or switch the CPU fan speed parameter in the BIOS to ignore mode. This will cause the motherboard to not track the state of the CPU cooler. Also, sometimes this error is caused by connecting a three-pin cooler to a four-pin connector.

4 step

If you are too lazy to delve into the settings, then you can translate the parameter Wait For 'F1' If Error to Disabled mode. This will cause the computer to boot without pressing F1, ignoring any errors. But you do this at your own peril and risk. After all, in this way only the symptoms are eliminated, and not the cause of the problem.

  • Do not change settings in the BIOS that you do not know.
  • The author of the instructions is not responsible for the use of the above recommendations by unskilled users.

- this inscription appears on a black screen at the very beginning of the computer boot. Until you press the F1 key, nothing happens, but then the computer boots up and works fine. What could be the reason for such a message?

If you literally translate this error, then the translation will sound something like this: "PROCESSOR FAN ERROR, PRESS F1." From the message it is clear that something is wrong with the CPU fan, but how to fix it?

First of all, you need to look into the system unit of the computer and see if the fan is really not spinning. To do this, turn on your computer removed cover system unit and make sure that the fan on the processor starts working immediately after pressing the power button on the case. The fan must rotate freely without extraneous sounds and seizures. If this did not happen, that is, the fan remained motionless after turning on the computer, then you definitely need to look for the cause inside the computer.

First, pay attention to the cleanliness of the fan. It is quite possible that it is already so clogged with dust that it cannot rotate. It also happens that something got into the fan and jammed it. I had a similar situation when a small holder broke off inside the laptop as a result of a fall, which got into the fan and jammed it.

If the fan is clean and nothing prevents it from rotating, then check that the fan is connected correctly. Perhaps you did some manipulations inside the case and accidentally disconnected the fan power cable from motherboard or plugged it into the wrong jack. If everything is fine in this regard, then try connecting the fan power cable to a different connector on the motherboard. As a rule, there are several such connectors and you can find more detailed information about their location in the manual from your motherboard. Thus, problems with motherboard, because for some reason the power connector itself may not work.

The next step is to replace the CPU fan. You need to carefully remove the fan and go to the computer store with it and pick up an analogue.

Well, what could be the cause of the “CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1” error if the fan rotates when the computer is turned on? This question is difficult to answer, but I can assume that perhaps due to the low fan speed, the system considers it insufficient and issues a warning. In this case, it is worth trying to replace the fan with a new one.

There is another way to get rid of this error, but I don't really like it. The fact is that some BIOSes have a system monitor - that is, a section in which computer parameters are displayed. This section is usually called Power or Hardware Monitor. You can turn off fan speed monitoring in it and the error will disappear immediately, but this does not mean that everything will be fine, the system will simply stop monitoring problems with the processor cooling system. Once again, I want to emphasize that not all BIOSes have such settings, so for more detailed information, refer to the manual from your motherboard.

I also wanted to draw attention to the fact that reinstalling Windows when CPU errors FAN ERROR PRESS F1 won't help. I have repeatedly encountered the fact that users are trying to get rid of the error by reinstalling operating system but they are just wasting their time. This error appears before Windows starts loading and the operating system has nothing to do with it.

In addition to the CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 error, there are other messages that also suggest pressing the F1 key to continue booting the computer. I talked about some of these messages in the note ""

A number of operating room users Windows systems(especially for users of the rather archaic Windows XP) may encounter a situation where, when trying to load the operating system, an error message “Error loading operating system” appears. Restarting the computer in such a situation usually does nothing, and the person does not know and has no idea what to do next in this situation. In this article, I will tell you what to do with the Error loading operating system error, introduce the reader to a list of reasons that cause this problem and also explain how to fix it.

Usually, the Error loading operating system error occurs when the computer is turned on, when the latter tries to load the operating system (most often Windows XP). A black screen appears before the user with one line “Error loading operating system” (translated as “error loading the operating system”), and then nothing happens. Restarting the computer usually only leads to a repetition of the indicated situation.

Causes of the Error loading operating system error can be as follows:

When you turn on the PC, other texts with errors may also appear, I have already described several of them on

  • What to do if after loading only a black screen on or .

How to fix operating system boot error

chkdsk /P/R

and press enter. Wait for the process to finish, type exit to exit and restart your computer. Often this helps in the question of how to fix Error loading operating system;

  • We fix the boot option of the OS. As in the previous case, we enter the recovery console using the "R" key, write down the number of the OS we need (usually it is 1). Then, one by one, enter following lines, remembering to press Enter after each command:



After that, we type exit again to exit and restart our computer.

In operating systems more modern than Windows XP (for example, Windows 7), another similar command operates - Bootrec. Type the following command data into command line without forgetting to press "Enter":

bootrec /FixMbr

bootrec /FixBoot

bootrec /ScanOs

bootrec /rebuildBcd

then restart your PC.

  • You can also try updating your BIOS, this may be quite effective in solving the problem in question.

How to use a special system recovery disc

In the decision Error problems loading operating system can also help us special discs For disaster recovery your operating system. For example, I would recommend Easy Recovery Essentials - a versatile, powerful and automated product for restoring Windows from XP to Windows 10. The program itself is distributed in an image boot disk, which must be written to the "blank" and used when the boot problems on your computer.

When booting from such a disk, just select the option " Automated repair"(Automatic repair), then decide on the disk you need to restore, and click on" Automated Repair "at the bottom again. The program will do everything else itself, and as a result, the user usually gets a stable working system. And although this product has a paid basis, it is worth it.


If you are thinking what to do with Error loading operating system, then I recommend that you follow the tips I have described above to correct the situation. I recommend starting by changing the BIOS settings, then take advantage of the opportunities CHKDSK commands, and if all else fails, then you should consider using special disks for emergency system recovery, they usually give a very effective result.

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