What is CPU_FAN on the motherboard? Eliminating the cpu fan error press f1 error What is cpu fan error on a computer.

As the name suggests, the program SpeedFan (English Speed \u200b\u200b- speed, Fan - fan, cooler) is focused on adjusting the speed of coolers in the system unit, but the developers have included many other useful functions. The list of program features can include analyzing the state of the hard disk, adjusting the frequency and voltage of the motherboard, presenting the received data on a graph in real time, writing data to a file.

Also, one of the most useful features of the program is the Events function - these are various actions (e-mails, application execution, signal or pop-up message) if the assigned parameter is not normal. The simplest example would be a pop-up message when the processor gets "hot" (its temperature has risen above the specified parameter).


  • cooler speed control;
  • analysis of hard drives based on data from S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology);
  • function "events".

Principle of operation:

SpeedFan is a program that reads temperatures, fan speeds, voltages, and so on from your computer and displays them. So this data is no longer hidden inside the PC.


  • online database of hard drives to compare the received data with the factory data;
  • adjustment of system bus frequencies, cooler speed;
  • SpeedFan can access information about the status of IDE, SATA, SCSI hard drives;
  • can display voltage, fan speed and temperature;
  • there are options for starting from the command line;
  • cooler speed adjustment depending on the temperature inside the PC;


  • receives data and regulates it at the lowest level, this is not suitable for every equipment;
  • the manufacturer is not responsible if SpeedFan causes any damage to the system;

SpeedFan is an extremely powerful tool. The program can be very useful, it can help you find the reasons for unpredictable reboots or warn when it is time to replace the hard drive. SpeedFan can help you significantly reduce noise at work or while watching a movie. But it requires access to many resources on the motherboard, not every equipment "likes" this kind of access.

I salute everyone who reads today's article. When you turn on your computer, the BIOS checks each device and later compares the results with the parameters that are entered into the system. He does the analysis, including the cooling system. It is an essential system that keeps your equipment running smoothly and keeps it from overheating.

If you get an error when you turn on your computer CPU fan error press f1 then this signals to you that the computer has a cooling problem.

CPU fan error Press F1

This warning occurs when the processor heatsink cooler is simply not working. A cooler is, as you guessed it, a fan, whose task is to cool the equipment.

Clogged or broken cooler?

So what should you do if a similar problem occurs? First you need to inspect the problematic cooler, conduct a superficial diagnosis. This is done quite simply:

You need to open the wall of the system unit of your computer. Next, turn on the power and see: is the cooler working? So the cooler is not working. Don't be in a hurry to despair. It is quite possible that the whole thing is in the accumulated dust, which prevents the device from working as it should. If you see that the fan is completely clogged with dust, then you should take the following steps:

Or rather, clean your computer, here's an article by the way:

1.With great care, open the cooling system latches (important: you need it to be disconnected from the connectors or board)

2. Remove the cooling system. Again, with great care: do not damage anything there!

3. Unscrew or remove the fan itself.

4. Disconnect and purge the radiator. In this case, it is best to use a special vacuum cleaner. It is possible without it, but it will be safer with it.

5. We clean thoroughly.

6. We assemble the fan by connecting it to the radiator. We attach the fan back to the cooling system.

8. We look: did it help?

If it did not help (although you did everything correctly), it means that your fan is broken. The most correct in this case would be to replace it with another. Believe me, it will be better this way. I attach a video to this article in which you will clearly see how to properly remove and install the cooler from the processor.

By the way, the warning CPU fan error Press F1 may also appear because you connected your fan to the wrong connector. For example, you made a mistake and connected it not to the CPU Fan (as I advised you above), but to connectors such as Chassis Fan or Power Fan. As a result, the BIOS simply cannot "see" your cooler gives an error.

Therefore, before you conclude that the fan is broken - check, maybe the reason is your error?

System error

Another reason for the CPU fan error is an error in the program that controls the fan speed. If it is configured incorrectly, then the equipment can overheat and break down, or in the best case, it can crash.

How can I check this? I’ll tell you not so difficult, dear friends.

2) We are looking for Hardware Monitor.

3) Look at the rotations / revolutions of the cooler. If it is very low, then the equipment can overheat even before your fan starts working.

Of course, you can always turn off BIOS control. Just turn on "ignore" (here: CPU Fan Speed \u200b\u200b/ Hardware Monitor). Depending on the motherboard model. In my case, I go to the boot section (BOOT) and change Enabled to Disabled:

But keep in mind that then you will have to independently monitor your cooler and processor temperature. This should be done at your own peril and risk, because it is not so easy to keep track of these indicators and then there will always be a risk of equipment breakdown due to overheating.

Concluding today's post, I hope that the above tips will help you figure out what is wrong with your hardware? However, if you doubt the results of your repair, it is better to entrust it to a specialist. Do not risk your hardware in vain.

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Those who have at least once examined the surface and connectors of the motherboard with their eyes must have paid attention to the 4-pin connector, which is signed as CPU Fan. In this article we will tell you what this connector is for and what is connected to it when assembling a computer.

What is a CPU Fan for?

The purpose of this connector is almost completely disclosed in its name. You just need to translate it from English. So CPU stands for processor and Fun stands for cooler or fan. Putting everything together, we get a cooler (fan) for the processor.

From the above, we can conclude that the CPU Fan connector is designed to connect the processor fan.

Despite the fact that the CPU Fan is 4-pin, 3-pin fans can be connected to it.

Connecting 3 and 4-pin processor fan

Some may mistakenly plug a CPU cooler into the socket designed for case fans -. However, this is not correct. The processor cooler of course will spin, but the computer will not know this and most likely every time it starts, it will ask for and display an error

Standard situation, the user turns on the laptop, but instead of the usual boot, he receives the message "Fan Error", which means "Fan error".

2 ways to solve the problem of KPU Fan Eror

Over time, the fan's bearing deteriorates. When this happens, the fan starts spinning slower than necessary and therefore a Fan Error occurs. To solve the problem, during switching on, the proponents of this method use a vacuum cleaner, which, when connected to the hot air outlet, creates a vacuum, which leads to the spinning of the fan.

Changing the fan to a new similar one is a more correct solution to the problem.

Cause of Fan Error

The cause of the "Fan Error" error is a low level of tachometric pulses, which are generated by the electronic filling of the fan. The amplitude of the pulses is much less on a broken fan. Therefore, the laptop circuit does not "see" them, hence the "Fan Error" error occurs.

How to disable CPU Fan Error

The error may appear when installing a passive cooling system, without a cooler. To disable the CPU Fan Error on the motherboard in the BIOS

  • we find PC Health status, there is a CPU fan warning, put Disabled on it.
  • disable the warning about stopping the cooler in the menu. It is called in the style of "CPU Fan Error" (Enable / Disable) or CPU Fan Warning (Enable / Disable).
  • Some coolers have their own built-in thermal control circuit ... Then all speed control should be turned off.
  • Also, many simply set the parameter “Wait For‘ F1 ’If Error” to Disabled and the operating system will boot with this error, but without first pressing the F1 key. The consequences are eliminated, but the disease itself remains.

CPU fan error press "F1"

If the CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 error is displayed when you turn on the computer, but the cooler works well, you can connect the cooler to the connector with the inscription (next to the PCB) CPU_FAN, not CHASSIS_FAN, etc. Of course, such a warning is associated with the processor fan and you need to pay attention to it.

We check the power plug of the processor fan, it must be inserted into its connector on the motherboard with the name "CPU Fan", since there are several more connectors with the word "Fan", for example, "Chassis Fan" and "Power Fan Speed", there are even assemblers of new computers are wrong.

So that it does not burn out at an exorbitant temperature, we can only hope for an emergency shutdown of the computer or we need to use programs that monitor the temperature of components inside the system unit.

Sometimes motherboards have 4-pin connectors for connecting a processor fan, they also insert a 3-pin fan, this often leads to a similar error - CPU fan error press F1.

And sometimes there is only one connector on the motherboard for connecting the processor fan and nothing is inserted into it at all, naturally our error will occur. Where is the processor cooler connected? Remove the side wall of the system unit and see that the processor fan is connected to the wires leading to the front panel of the system unit, where in turn they are connected to a small round screen that reflects the fan speed.

We insert the plug into its original place and the CPU fan error press "F1" error disappears forever. In other cases, you can try changing the BIOS battery or resetting its settings to default, how to do this read our BIOS by default.

Many users, faced with this system message, immediately turn to search engines for help, hoping to find out what error they have and type in the request "how to fix CPU FAN ERROR" fearing the worst - breakage at the hardware level.

But in most cases, such fears are in vain, and they can be easily dispelled if you learn more about the meaning of this message and its possible causes.

What does the message CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 TO SETUP mean?

CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 TO SETUP, which means “error in the cooler.

This menu appears at startup a few seconds before the operating system welcome screen.

In the normal state, messages about the successful connection of certain hardware elements flicker in it, but in the situation under consideration, this menu will be highlighted until you press the proposed key.

This function is programmed by the manufacturer of the motherboard (it is on this part that the BIOS is recorded) so that the user will surely see such important alerts.

It is worth saying a few words about the role of a cooler in a computer. This part is an auxiliary element, the purpose of which is to service the processor.

The processor is the heart of any computer, it is on it that most of all computing processes fall, as a result of which it gets very hot.

Its temperature can reach 100 degrees, which is fraught with physical destruction.

For this purpose, modern computers are equipped with a cooling system, the simplest and most common type of which is a cooler.

From a technical point of view, this is a regular fan that directs airflow towards a hot processor.

Depending on the load and signals from the operating system, it can decrease or increase the number of revolutions to cope with the fluctuations in the rate of operation of the cooled element.

But its complete stop for any reason can lead to rapid overheating of the processor and its burning.

Therefore, in order to avoid such sad consequences, it is necessary to carefully understand the causes of the occurrence of CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 TO RESUME.

Reasons for the inoperability of the cooler

This component can fail for a number of reasons, namely:

  • Large accumulation of dust. As a result of work, a large amount of dust settles on the cooler, which can seriously interfere with its operation up to a complete stop.

  • Other objects, such as a power cord, can also stop the cooler from falling between the blades.
    This malfunction is the most common, but also the most easily eliminated: it is enough to clean the cooler from dust, remove interfering objects and lubricate the hinges, and it will be able to perform its functions again.
  • Inoperability of intermediate connection elements. Sometimes the cooler can be connected to the motherboard in a non-standard way, which means the use of some kind of intermediate component.
    Most often, this is an information panel that collects detailed information about the operation of the processor's cooling system. But due to model or software incompatibility, the cooler may not support this operating mode.
    Therefore, when a CPU FAN ERROR occurs, you must try to connect it directly to the motherboard.
  • Using the wrong connector. Most motherboard models have multiple headers for coolers, which allows you to increase the performance of your cooling system by adding new fans.
    However, coolers can be installed not only on a processor, but also, for example, on a video card. For this, there are different connectors for the processor fan and all others.
    The manufacturer in most cases writes (marks) the first type as CPU-FAN and most often has 4 pins, the second is called PWR-FUN and in most cases has 3 pins.
    In case of problems with the cooler, you can try to either disconnect and reconnect it, or try to install it through a different connector.

  • Complete breakdown of the cooler. If none of the above reasons takes place, then, most likely, the cooler has physical damage or faulty electronics.
    In this case, it will be quite problematic to carry out repairs at home, so the only solution is to purchase a new cooler.

Advice! As a rule, coolers are sold together with a radiator grill, forming a single cooling system. But if you are sure that it is the fan that is faulty, then you can try to find a replacement for it.

Disabling the CPU FAN ERROR message

Sometimes such a notification appears even when the cooler is working normally.

This may be due to a low-level software glitch or a conflict between the BIOS and some software elements.

In this case, you can get rid of the annoying message when loading in several ways.

The first thing to try is to disable the system fan speed check.

Since different BIOS versions are installed in different models of motherboards, it is impossible to give clear instructions on how to find these settings.

But as a rule, they are located in the Power menu and include the words CPU FAN, Control, Speed \u200b\u200bor Setting.

If these settings could not be found or disabling the cooler speed check did not give the desired result, then you can disable the system boot stop in case of important system warnings.

Important! In addition to CPU FAN ERROR, at the stage of loading the startup window, the BIOS often writes other notifications, which, if this option is disabled, will not be visible to the user.

Here, too, there is no universal algorithm, but most likely this function will be located in the BOOT tab and called Wait for ‘F1’ if error or something similar.

It must be set to the Disabled position and be sure to save changes to the BIOS settings.

This article explained in detail what the CPU FAN ERROR is, but it is still better to fix the problem, rather than ignore it.

If the computer runs for a while with a broken or ineffective cooler, the processor will probably burn out soon.

And this problem will be much more serious, since it will be impossible to disable the notification about its occurrence.

Thematic video:

Black screen and CPU fan error

How to fix “cpu fan error” cooler error - Reliable options