How to withdraw money from Steam with minimal losses. Withdraw money from Steam.

On Steam, each registered user is offered their own wallet, which can be replenished from the card or from the sale of items earned in a particular game. The service provides an opportunity to only increase the account at the expense of own funds, but there are still methods for withdrawing money from Steam. They are described in detail below.

Is it possible to withdraw money from Steam

A service called Steam distributes only licensed programs and games for the computer. The withdrawal of funds from a personal wallet is prohibited in it, but users have found several methods to transfer them to QIWI or Webmoney electronic currency. Using them, you can get about 80% of the available amount. In general, the methods of how to transfer money from Steam to QIWI are divided into 2 categories - you must either directly negotiate with a person or look for intermediaries who carry out this operation themselves for a certain percentage.

How to withdraw money from Steam to QIWI

If you are concerned about the question of how to withdraw money from Steam to QIWI or WebMoney, then further instructions will help you. There are several options for withdrawing funds accumulated in games:

  1. Use the services of exchange points at which the intermediary, for a certain percentage, finds both parties who wish to exchange the purchased game for banknotes, real or electronic.
  2. Go to one of the trading floors where to buy things for a certain game, for example, Dota or Counter-strike. Then sell them on one of the forums
  3. Tête-à-tête. Less expensive will be the withdrawal of funds through a person who was found independently. He is sent the activation code of the purchased game for a certain contractual payment.

Withdraw money from Steam through exchange offices

If you look at forums or special sites, you can find someone who is committed to bringing 2 people together, one of whom needs a game, and the other a sum of money to a QIWI e-wallet. Just pay attention exclusively to those accounts that have a high rating or reputation. In this situation, the risk that a person will deceive you is reduced - it is unlikely that he will risk being earned in the field of exchange of authority. The disadvantage of this method is that the intermediary takes a commission that is significantly higher than other transfer options.

Through the trading floors

The problem of how to withdraw money from Steam can be solved in another way. There are special trading platforms where you can sell items purchased on the Steam Market. On the example of DOTA 2 game things, the withdrawal instructions are as follows:

  1. Buy one of the popular products for the specified game.
  2. Go to the DOTA virtual market address -, register there and synchronize the inventory that is in the Steam account.
  3. Post a sale of your in-game items.
  4. Without leaving the trading floor, proceed to the withdrawal section.
  5. Transfer funds in any convenient way.

The nuance in the application of this method is that things purchased in the official Steam community may have a higher value than the same ones sold by trading floors. In this situation, there may be some losses, but most of the amount can still be transferred to QIWI. In addition to the above trading platform, there are several more:


According to the recommendations of gamers in Counter-strike, it is better to buy keys, because they are not deleted from there. For this reason, these items are one of the real ways to earn money and then transfer funds to the QIWI wallet. In addition to selling game items through virtual markets, you can do this in the way described above - to find the person who needs them. If you are afraid of fraud, you always have the right to use the services of a guarantor. This is a special service that ensures the safety of transactions.

Direct agreement with a person

The last way, how to transfer money from Steve to QIWI, requires confidence and considerable activity. You have to independently look for a person who needs a particular game or its items. Often the owner of the Steam account acquires a game for another, after which he must transfer the activation code to the buyer. The second party sends the payment to the electronic wallet after receiving a combination of characters and numbers. In addition, you can immediately negotiate with the buyer that he will transfer the funds:

  • on the bank card;
  • Yandex;
  • WebMoney
  • another convenient system for you.

Video instruction: how to withdraw money from Steam

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How to withdraw money from Steam

Popular payment systems and ways to withdraw money from them:

How can I withdraw money from Steam - a question that worries all players who have a Steam account, have accumulated a decent amount of money and wanted to cash it out. Funds in Steam are acquired in countless different ways: luck can occur in the form of a dragon hook, you can sell gems, various items, earn money on the trading floor.

Money is credited to the account and equated to the present.

According to Steam’s internal rules, funds entered and accumulated are not subject to withdrawal from the account. They spend on games, subscriptions, gifts to friends, but you can not transfer to your wallet.

So can you somehow extract them or not? It is customary to say unequivocally to this question: "No!"

Options for withdrawing finance from Steam

The general opinion that has developed on the network is: “You can’t get money from Steam from your wallet.” The best option: spend them in games, in the Steam store: on new game, the necessary additions, beautiful little things, keys and other necessities.

There are several options for using money in a slightly different way.

1. Exchangers  they are always ready to exchange anything for anything with a “brutal” commission, which “devours” from half to two thirds of the total withdrawal amount (after all, the money has been accumulated effortlessly, without much difficulty!). You can cash out funds through them if the amount is very large and will allow you to “survive” such large commission costs “painlessly”.

2. Professional Traders Method. During the event in Dota 2, bonuses (+ 400%) to the battle points for the whole amount are purchased in the store. After the event, they are sold to resellers with a 30% mark-up for wmr.

3. Sale of keys  as a good way to share. Surplus funds are useful to spend on the purchase of keys in csgo. They are always in demand, do not depreciate, they are easy to sell for cash and webmoney.

4. You can transfer money from Steam to another account on Steam  in the following way. The account owner, in need of subsidies, which he does not have in the game, puts up for sale the most unnecessary thing for sale. A friend buys it, payment for the purchase is transferred to the seller. For the service rendered, they are settled in ordinary or electronic money.

5. Cash exchange with friends. If friends and acquaintances need something in the game for "real" money, you can buy them a gift (gift) for your game funds, and take the cost in real money from them.

6. Buying popular Steam games. This is a profitable method that allows you to buy two times cheaper, and then sell for the real price, two times more expensive and for ordinary cash.

7. How to transfer money from Steam to Webmoney and Yandex-wallet. On the Steam trading platform, you need to buy things for the amount that is supposed to be received in your WebMoney wallet. Then, go through the steam account to the website (, log in with things, select the “Sell” option and click the (+) button. After the sale, go to the withdrawal page, select payment system, indicate the number of your account, the amount of money to transfer, send a request that can be processed for several days (up to seven and a little longer). After that, the funds will be sent to Webmoney with a commission of 0.8% or to Yandex with a commission of 0.5%.

8. Steam Cash Service  Positions itself as the most profitable Steam market. After optimization and completion of technical work on the server, its creators promise to reduce the commission by 10% (from 50 to 40%) and make a conclusion instantly.


On Steam it is forbidden to buy (sell) items for real money from other players (other players). If you have been deceived, then you should go to arbitration only if the rules have not been violated by you. When payment is made through Webmoney, you can file a complaint with the arbitration.


We examined all currently existing ways to get money from steam. In the near future, new ones should appear, because this topic is very relevant, and the requests of the players will certainly be satisfied by the Valve development company.

On the withdrawal of banknotes from other sites, read the articles.

Many users of the most popular playground are interested in the question - is it possible to withdraw money from Steam? This is especially true if you got any expensive item and you sold it. As a result, you have a pretty large amount on your Steam account. Read on to learn how to withdraw money from Steam.

  With the withdrawal of money from Steam, everything is not so simple. Yes, you can return the money you spent on a game you didn’t like. You can read about how to return money for a game on Steam. At the same time, you can return the money not only to the Steam wallet, but also to a credit card. If you want to withdraw money from your Steam wallet, I will expect some difficulties.

There is no direct transfer of money from the Steam wallet to any electronic payment system accounts or to a bank account on the site, so you will have to use the services of intermediaries. They will transfer the required amount to your wallet, and in return will require a transfer within Steam. You will need to transfer inventory items, thus making a peculiar transfer from wallet to Steam wallet.

Withdraw money from Steam

You can read about how to withdraw money from your Steam wallet. It describes the process of withdrawing funds to a QIWI electronic account. In case you use others electronic systems  or by credit card, then the process will be generally similar. You will also have to add the reseller as a friend on Steam, then transfer items to him for a certain amount of money. In addition, there is an option with the purchase of an item from an intermediary for a certain amount.

After that, the intermediary (company or person) will transfer money to your account outside of Steam. You should bear in mind that such transfers are usually subject to a rather large commission, which depends on the desire of intermediaries. Typically, the size of the commission varies between 30-40% of the transaction amount (which is quite a lot). You can find an intermediary who is willing to work on more favorable terms. We hope that over time Steam will introduce the ability to withdraw money from the wallet without unnecessary difficulties. In the meantime, only intermediary services can be used - there is no other way.

Now you know how to withdraw money from Steam. If you know about other ways to withdraw money from Steam, then write about it in the comments.

So, today we will see with you how to withdraw money from Steam, and also try to figure out how real our idea is. The thing is that many users are puzzled by this issue. So let's quickly figure out this difficult and interesting matter.


Now people are wondering how to withdraw money from Steam. Suppose that you replenish the balance, and here is a discount on the selected game. Naturally, after your transaction you will still have some “extra” ones in your account. If you don’t plan to go broke anymore, you would like to get the rest back. But how to do that?

By default, this is not possible. And will not be. If you are thinking about how to withdraw money from Steam, you will have to stock up on time, nerves and energy. After all, we now will need to look for the so-called "workarounds." Fortunately, they are. This is not a full refund. Rather, a trick that you can use. Let’s get to know how to transfer money from “Steam”, let’s say, to your electronic wallet.


Our first option is costly in itself. Both in time and money spent. Now we will talk with you about such a thing as the resale of game items in online toys. If you are not afraid, then we can move on. Otherwise, you can see what other methods exist.

Our method is based on the purchase of game items on the Steam trading platform with their subsequent sale. Many users will gladly buy them from you. The main thing is to know what and for which toy to purchase. Exactly this method  will help you figure out how to withdraw money from Steam.

If you don’t really want to understand the rating of modern toys, then it is best to give preference to “Dota” and “Counter Strike”. Buy a variety of items, and then put them up for sale on trading floors  "Steam." Each game has its own. So, after some time, you will return the funds to your electronic wallet.

At this method  there are disadvantages. For example, your losses for trading. They can reach 20-40% of the total sales. Not the best outcome. But when there is no more way out, then it will do. And if you also understand games whose subjects you trade in, then it’s generally wonderful. Then you know for sure that now users are literally ready to “tear off with their hands”. not a very fast option. There are more interesting tricks that we will discuss now.

Output system

How to withdraw money from "Steam"? For example, you can use a specialized withdrawal system. It is called the "Flea marketer." True, we hasten to upset you - the minimum amount for withdrawal is 700 rubles. Plus, you will be charged a large commission. Approximately 35% of the total. If these numbers do not scare you, then let's see what we need.

Contact the hosting staff using Skype. There they will explain what needs to be done. The whole task is to buy certain games and give them to a specific user. In the note to the letter you should indicate your account (name). After checking the data, you will be transferred funds to any electronic wallet.

Honestly, if you’re thinking how to withdraw money from Steam, it’s better this option. Firstly, the commission is huge, and secondly, you can stumble upon scammers. So let's now look at the last way that might help.

Sell \u200b\u200bgifts

If you think about how to withdraw money from “Steam”, then you can very well start reselling the purchased games. For example, agree with a friend that you will give him a game, and he will pay you real (or electronic) money for this.

This option is especially relevant after the sale. On them you can buy goods in "Steam" for "pennies", and then resell them for a great price. So "get enough", and "wash your money."

It is preferable to “give” toys to well-known people. Or, for example, do this only after paying for the "service provided". A great option that will suit all outgoing and friendly users.

And now a little about the prices. If you decide to resell some kind of toy, then it is most preferable to put the price tag lower than the game is currently in “Steam”, but also slightly higher than you purchased it. So you can not only return the funds, but also get some interest "on top". Now you know how to withdraw money from Steam.

"How to withdraw money from Steam?" - a question that is often asked by all users of the system. Especially it becomes relevant when the account "Steam" is used. Let’s talk about whether this can be done and how.

Electronic money

The question of how money is withdrawn from Steam appeared because this client uses e-commerce. For example, like the same WebMoney system. With it you can withdraw and cash out conveniently and simply for those who prefer to earn with the help of Internet technologies. But can this be done with Steam? How to withdraw money from Steam and cash it out?

This topic is quite difficult to understand and master even for those who have been using Steam for a long time. The whole problem is that the replenishment of the wallet in this system is provided. Moreover, it is described very colorfully and clearly. But the withdrawal operation has no details. So let's figure out what you can do in Steam at all.

For purchases, but not for cash

So, it’s not a secret to anyone that Steam is a program where you can buy any electronic applications and games. To do this, you can use several one of which - using the built-in account "Steam".

If a person made a purchase and he had extra pennies in his account, he immediately begins to think about how to withdraw money from Steam. This issue is especially relevant when the amount in the account remains impressive. The user comes with questions in support, to forums and to acquaintances, but here he will be disappointed. Nowhere is anything written about the withdrawal of funds. About the account replenishment - as much as you like, about the purchase - too, but about the pressing issue - nothing. The thing is that Steam does not have any opportunities to withdraw and cash out funds from its account. That is, the question of how to withdraw money from Steam is not relevant. Nevertheless, many claim that you can bypass the system. Let's see if this is true.

Caution, cheating!

Quite often, on the Internet, you can find many offers to withdraw funds from the Steam client. Thus, people offering such services say that they know and know how to cash electronic money directly from your account in "Steam".

The Internet is literally teeming with such ads. Unknowing people with great joy start sending requests so that they can quickly get their money back. But they will be disappointed - users will not receive any money back.

Such messages from people who supposedly know how to withdraw money from Steam is the most common scam designed to be unaware of the client’s capabilities. People literally give their money and accounts to scammers. In the end, they don’t have any games already bought, or the ability to buy any applications using the remaining funds. Not the most successful outcome. True, human greed and desire to return the remnants of money played a cruel joke here. If you do not want to become victims of scammers, try not to be fooled by offers to withdraw money from Steam.

So, you should remember that it is best to replenish your wallet with the amount that you really need. Otherwise, the rest can be spent on something else.

There are also scammers who say they know on Steam and cash them out. This is also a hoax. Let's see what actually can be done with Steam.

Earnings and cashing legally

The only way that you can at least somehow get your money back into your hands is to try to earn money on Steam. But there is only one way to do this - through the sale of "gifts." This is especially true for those who have many friends.

All you need to do is find the person to whom you could buy and give the game from the Steam client. After that, he will have to transfer to your account the necessary amount of money that can be cashed. Any other type of payment may also be selected. This should be agreed individually. They can transfer money to you personally or do it through a money transfer. The main thing is that this is the only way to cash out and earn money that you can use.