Galaxy s4 screen calibration. Display problems on Samsung galaxy s4 phone

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Today we will talk with you about the negative points when buying a Samsung Galaxy S4 phone. Well-known journalists do not talk about them in the reviews, but they are talked about on many Internet portals, in particular and xda-developers.

Since May, I have already changed 4 Samsung Galaxy S4 phones for various reasons. Below I will tell you about what I personally had to deal with and what others face. It was this smartphone that made me scrupulous when choosing smart devices. Before him, I, without looking at the little things, took the pipes of the middle class, wore them for my pleasure and they were really without jambs (maybe lucky?)

One this information  it may seem just nit-picking, others can choose the hassle-free Samsung Galaxy S4. So let's go!

The first thing we will focus on is the well-known and publicized

SuperAmoled Screen

And here we will not talk about the notorious PenTile technology (although from a part it is involved in features) and the toxicity of the screen. The conversation will be about something else.

The first thing a lucky owner may encounter is a striped screen. . It looks like this:

In this case, the Galaxy Nexus is presented (photo taken from here). On S4, the same bands appear, only they are located vertically. This problem is clearly visible on gray tones and on a white background. This is well demonstrated by the example of PS Vita with amoled screens in this video.

What is the reason for this?

To begin with, white and gray are problematic for all displays. In this case, the nuances of calibrating the display are manifested. With white, the RGB value of the pixel palette is 255 255 255 (that is, red, blue, and green have the same value). With a gray background, the values \u200b\u200bare also the same, but equal to any other numbers.

When calibrating the matrix, it is very important that all these values \u200b\u200bcoincide on each pixel, otherwise we can see an uneven color distribution.

"Strip" everything samsung screens  Galaxy S4, but every second device this problem is clearly expressed. When using variegated images, you will not see this problem, but as soon as you go to your browser, Gmail, Twitter and it will immediately begin to make your eyes sore.

The second problem is the “violet” or “green” screen.

This nuance is also quite common and is also associated with the features of amoled displays, as well as incorrect calibration. These examples are made with your own hands and are not photographs or screenshots of the original displays. It looks something like this:

In the browser you will receive the following picture:

Not entirely pleasing to the eye, is it? And imagine when two problems meet together. Here joyful emotions completely disappear. Most importantly, such screens do not always recognize marriage! And the most popular return phrase is “This is a feature of Amoled Displays.” And indeed it is…

How to protect yourself from such a purchase?

Download on microSD card  images below. When buying a phone, insert it, set the brightness to 20-30%, open the images and you will immediately see everything. In the middle is a white image.

Build defects

Now let's talk about defects in the assembly of the phone. They are no longer attributed to marriage as such, but to the peculiarities - “fitcha”. For all its time, 3 dozens of brand new Samsung Galaxy S4 passed through my hands for various reasons, and more than half had these features.

So, in order:

The gap between the glass and the edging

It is very common on many phones, but on S4 it looks special. Most often on S4, a 2-3mm gap is at the top. The edges of the glass are treated with sealant and the slit casts white, which is why it catches the eye. When dust gets into this gap, then everything looks just awful.

This example shows my previous Galaxy S4. Water got into it and I had to sell it. It was not possible to photograph it from that perspective when all the dust is visible, since the camera did not want to focus, but the gap can be seen. In this case, it saves only the cover that covers the entire border, but not always. Neo Hybryd in this case does not cope with this task.

Edging Defects

Here such a defect came across to me once:

This is a bent border. It is rare, but it occurs. I came across two devices with such a problem.

A slightly chipped edging or vice versa with a tubercle is also often found. Pinned - most likely it was damaged when assembling the phone. The tubercle appears most likely when painting the edging, when a grain of sand or dust sits on it randomly. In confirmation of my words, you can read the topics of marriage on the popular forum. Such situations were mentioned there.

What to do with it all? Just reconcile or try to return to the store.

Weaknesses of Samsung Galaxy S4 9500 in relation to 9505

This is the first time that a Samsung-made processor is worse than a Qualcomm processor. Although it may actually be really more productive, the Koreans to this day have not been able to saddle it in full.

I will not talk about the problems of old firmware. I will indicate those that have remained at the current moment in 9500:

  1. Microlags while scrolling. Contacts are clearly visible in the native application.
  2. The camera still thinks longer than in a similar device 9505
  3. The phone may think for a second different anywhere
  4. Some applications are buggy. For example, Instagram. To this day, a glitch occurs when using the X-Pro II filter and a couple more. They simply do not apply and produce a corrupted image at the output.

At the same time, there are no problems with filters on 9505:

Perhaps some of the problems are related to the TouchWiz shell or not optimized software. But the fact remains: on 9505 everything works much better

Otherwise, 9500 and 9505 are approximately equal. And you really notice the difference only when you take both phones in your hands.

A fat plus of 9500 is a musical component. It is really better, and even native headphones with the tuned Adapt Sound and equalizer sound great. The phone on Qualcomm cannot boast of such a sound

Have you bought a phone? Here is what else you may encounter in the future:

Bloating battery

Marriage is common and if you took a PCT phone, then change it without problems. It appears after prolonged use.

Web on display

Unpleasant phenomenon. For no reason, the glass of the screen begins to crack. The process cannot be stopped and more and more will crack. It is very difficult to prove your guilt in the service. It is treated only by replacing the glass.

In this image, there is also a visible gap between the glass and the edging at the top. Photos taken from this topic.


I really found fault with what I could. In this article I tried to state all the popular samsung problems  S4. Knowing them, you can safely come to the store, inspect the device and if you do not find anything like it, then gladly buy a phone.

Of course, many things can be reconciled. But often from the flagship you expect something unique, perfect execution and work. And it’s very disappointing when you save up to half a year on your phone, buy a flagship and see these problems.

Now I use the Samsung Galaxy S4 9505 Brown Autumn with Gold and I want to say that in general I am satisfied with it and I still like it. It has everything for everyday use: a good camera, good looking, smart work, manufacturer support, etc., but to find the very phone without flaws, I really had to work hard.

Here on such a positive note I finish my nitpicking. I hope my material will play a good service for you! If there are still points that can be supplemented, write them in the comments. If possible, add them to the article.

A lot of flattering words are said about the Samsung Galaxy S4, but for some reasons it cannot be called perfect, and each user sooner or later faces various problems and incomprehensible moments in the operation of the device.

Super Amoled Display Technology

Owners of galaxy s4 over time begin to notice numerous stripes, clearly visible on a white or gray background image. They can be both horizontal and vertical positioning. The disadvantage, although not global, however, makes us pretty nervous.

Why is this happening?

It is worth starting with the fact that gray and white color is considered problematic for any other phones. Proper calibration can solve the problem. It is worth noting that for white, the RGB color palette has a certain value of 255-255-255, which means the same parameter for green, blue and red. The situation is similar with gray, only here are different numbers. Therefore, it is important that the parameters of each pixel match perfectly, otherwise the color distribution will turn out to be uneven.

Almost all Samsung galaxy  s4 have similar defects, which are clearly manifested when opening a browser or visiting twitter, while with variegated tones they are absolutely not visible.

Violet and green shades

Another exciting moment is the greenish or purple hue of the screen. It is also considered a consequence of the features of amoled screens and inaccurate display calibration. As can be seen from the above images, such a picture is not very pleasantly perceived. If you contact the warranty department, you will hear an amazing and, at the same time, popular phrase that this is a technical feature of the device.

What to do when buying?

It is recommended to upload a “black screen” image to the memory card, which must be opened in the purchased phone. Set the picture brightness to 30% and look carefully - if there are white artifacts, ask for another device.

Assembly defects

Despite the high build quality of the Samsung galaxy s4, the model still has some defects, which are also considered features. Unfortunately, this will also have to be put up with. Below we will talk about some of them.

The gap between the edging of the phone and the glass

To a greater or lesser extent, such a nuance is in every device, but in this model it is pronounced. At the top of the screen, the gap reaches up to 3mm. Due to the processing of the end part of the glass, the corresponding transition is very striking, and when foreign elements and dirt get into the gap, it looks disgusting.

Edging Problem

Often it is necessary to observe a damaged and bent edging, significantly worsening the presentation of the Samsung galaxy s4. The chipped surface and all kinds of tubercles appear either as a result of assembly, or from low-tech painting, when dust and tiny grains of sand are processed on the surface. In this case, you will either have to ignore the defects, or return the phone back to the store, unless of course it is still possible to do so by the deadlines.

Glass crack

In Samsung galaxy s4, very unpleasant things are also found, namely, it is not clear for what reason the screen glass is cracking, while stopping the process neither by drilling nor by other methods will work. Most likely, there should be defects in tempered glass, however, it is often difficult to prove their case and get warranty service in specialized centers. Thus, the user will have to change the damaged glass at his own expense.

Many may find the described problems as nit-picking, but for the flagship model this is overkill, especially since the device is purchased for permanent use, so if you find any of the above problems, we recommend contacting a service center for help.

Samsung Galaxy S6 is a fantastic device, and so much so that it exceeds the internal sales targets set by Samsung itself. The device was raised to a whole new level of design due to better assembly and preference for metal over plastic. The result was a device that could well compete with its main competitor - iPhone 6 and restore Samsung's first place in the US market.

Despite such popularity, this does not mean that the Galaxy S6 has no problems; in fact, there are even a lot of them, and they interfere with the daily operation of the device, but we made a list of the most common problems and some simple tricks to fix them.

1. Performance issues

Perhaps sometimes the device starts to work slower than usual after prolonged use. No problem, it’s easy to fix by resetting without the risk of data loss.

1. Turn off the Galaxy S6
2. Press and hold the home, power and volume down buttons simultaneously until the device vibrates.
3. When the Samsung logo loads, release the buttons.
4. Press the volume down button until you see the option “erase the cache section’. (Wipe Cache Partition)
5. Select it using the power button and press ‘yes’.
6. Reboot your Galaxy S6 after the process is complete.

2. Problems with overheating

After prolonged use, does your device literally “burn” in your hands? Or maybe you just did backup  all your photos from the rest and now the device needs a break?

Just reboot your device in safe mode  and leave him alone for a few minutes. This should help to quickly reduce the temperature of the device, since in safe mode only the necessary processes are started.

3. Problems with screen rotation

Unfortunately, this problem is not so easy to fix. You need to contact the Samsung service, as they recognized the problem:

Samsung has reported a problem with screen rotation on a very limited number of Galaxy S6s, and a solution is already available. Owners who believe that their device has problems with rotation should call Samsung for support.

However, just in case, reboot the device or reset the settings to see if the problem persists.

4. GPS problems

Some Galaxy S6 have problems with GPS lock shortly after purchasing the device. This is most likely not hardware related, and the smartphone just needs calibration.

Here's what you need to do:

1. Go to the Galaxy S6 settings.
2. Go to the “personal” section and select “privacy and security”.
3. Go to ‘location’ and then ‘location method’.
4. Once there, select ‘GPS only’.
5. Now change it to ‘GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile networks."
6. Now the GPS should work fine.
7. If this does not help, try restarting.

5. Battery problems

Samsung has decided in its infinite wisdom to remove the removable battery, which we all loved in previous models of the Galaxy line. Unfortunately, this led to a number of problems for some experienced users, and even ordinary users  complain of a fast battery drain.

Unfortunately, there is no single solution to the problem, only tips and tricks:

1. Make sure your Wi-Fi is off when you don’t need wireless network. Your device will still try to connect, which is wasting a charge.
2. Use GPS only when needed - otherwise disconnect.
3. Turn down the screen brightness - this is pretty obvious.
4. Use the energy-saving mode - this will significantly extend the life of the battery.

6. Problems with WiFi

There may be a number of reasons for this, for example, because of your router, so please reboot it.

If all else fails, go to the Wi-Fi settings and select “advanced”. There, make sure that the ‘Scan Always Enabled’ feature is turned off and that “turn off Wi-Fi in sleep mode” is set to “always”.

There are a number of good Wi-Fi analyzers on Google play  - Most likely, your slow Internet access on the Galaxy S6 is caused by a bad signal from the router.

7. Bluetooth problems

This problem can be solved by putting the device in safe mode and deleting previously connected devices.

1. Turn off the power to the device. Then, press and hold the power and volume down buttons.
2. Once it boots up, you can release the power button, but keep the volume key pressed.
3. In safe mode, you will see text in the lower left corner of the screen.
4. Go to the Bluetooth settings and long press on each device and select “forget”.

Other cases

We probably missed a few cases that were with other users; if so, please feel free to write your question or comment in the comments below, and we will certainly try to help!