Learn another adagam. Rustem adagamov and his pages in social networks

Hello! Within the rubric Blogging and SEO I am starting to review popular bloggers and blogs. This series of publications opens with an article about Rustem Adagamov, known in Runet under the nickname Drugoi. Why do I start with it? It's simple: Adagamov repeatedly topped the lists of popular bloggers in Russia, or simply got into the TOP.

Who is Drugoi?

FULL NAME: Adagamov Rustem Rinatovich

Place of Birth: Kazan, USSR

Citizenship: Russia/Norway

Adagamov owes a non-Slavic surname to his Tatar grandfather, so even the blogger himself is a tata frame does not apply. He grew up in Moscow, where he graduated in 1985 from the Moscow Institute of History and Archives, now the Russian State Humanitarian University. After studying, Adagamov worked as an illustrator for various publishing houses,worked as a manager in advertising agencies, and at one time held the position of chief artist in the Soros Foundation publishing house. From 1994 to 1996, Rustem studied at the Polygraphic Institute (now it is the Moscow State University of Printing Arts).

1996 was a turning point for him. On the one hand, this is the end of retraining at the institute. On the other hand, this is a steep turn in my career and a move to Norway. This turn was facilitated by the competition of artists in Brno, where Rustem took part. It was there that representatives of the advertising agency drew attention to him. Saatchi & Saatchi, who invited him to move to Norway. So Rustem ended up in this country.

During the years spent in Norway, he made a good career as an advertiser and received citizenship, although he retained Russian citizenship.

I note that Adagamov did not focus on one career: he participated in the project of Anton Nosik Evening internet , together with Alexander Borzov, created a forum for viewers of the NTV channel in 2000, and after the closure of the old NTV, he moved the site to another site under domain name www.kommunalka.org.

But the circle of interests of the blogger did not close on this either. In early 2012, he became one of the organizers of the League of Voters, and in October he was elected to the Opposition Coordinating Council.

But, if Adagamov's blogger career did not end, then not everything worked out in the political field. In January 2013, he resigned from the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, after a statement from the minister. So, Vladimir Medinsky said that he wants to exclude the blogger from the council due to the fact that he does not attend meetings. Adagamov, in turn, said that he had never been invited. Such is the story...

Well, at the end of February 2013, the blogger even announced his move to Prague, for which he was criticized by the opposition.

Blog in LiveJournal (Drugoi)

Rustem Adagamov owes his fame to a blog created in LiveJournal at the suggestion of Anton Nosik in 2002. In an online diary (nickname Drugoi) he posted translations of articles from Norwegian newspapers, his own stories about life in Norway. Also, his diary is interesting for photography lovers: the blogger posts photos of foreign photo agencies with his own comments.

According to LiveJournal statistics, since 2008, his blog has always been in first place in terms of the number of subscribers. At the present, however, the palm has passed to another blogger, but the second place is cool.

Allegations of pedophilia

In December 2012, the ex-wife of blogger Tatiana Delsal accused Adagamov of sexual crimes against a minor 15 years ago. The blogger called this accusation “nonsense”, noting that he would not sue a loved one.

In January 2013, the investigating authorities began checking this accusation.

It should be noted that opposition bloggers and the media sided with Adagamov, declaring the accusation a fabrication with the aim of discrediting it. Despite the fact that the hype subsided over time, many are alarmed by the fact that the blogger unexpectedly moved to Prague, which makes it impossible (or hardly possible) for him to participate in opposition activities in the Russian Federation. It is also difficult to judge how the issue between the blogger and Tatyana Delsal was resolved, since there are many opinions, no less words, but the participants in the conflict themselves know the facts.

Well, and possibly the competent authorities.


Rustem Adagamov is a famous Russian blogger and publicist. His personality causes a lot of controversy among residents of the CIS countries, and his position on many political issues is at odds with the generally accepted among politicians and public figures.


The future blogger was born in Tatarstan in 1961. His ancestors are Tatars, although Rustem himself considers himself Russian. The mixture of Tatar and Russian nationalities largely determines his character as an "eternal revolutionary".

The guy spent his childhood and youth in Moscow, where his parents moved shortly after his birth. My father worked as a power engineer and was considered quite a valuable asset in the Soviet Union. Here he studied at school, and then entered Moscow University.


After graduating from the university, Rustem immediately got a job as a printing designer and book designer. In parallel, he began to study at the Moscow Institute of Printing.

A talented guy with a good sense of taste was invited to participate in the competition, which was held in Norway. There he met the right people from an advertising agency, and in 2000 Rustem moved to Norway and got the position of creative director of one of the Norwegian advertising agencies.

After working for several years, Rustem Adagamov decided to organize his own business in the advertising field. He managed to do it. In addition, he received Norwegian citizenship without losing Russian.

After returning to Russia in 2005, he also worked in advertising. And a year later, the company in which he worked - "SUP" received the right to manage part of LiveJournal. Adagamov began to control the photographic materials of the site and at the same time to blog on this site.


Rustem Adagamov began his activities on the Internet back in the 90s. He participated in all conferences dedicated to Internet resources. In 2000, he organized his own website "kommunalka".

All this time he was friends and worked with Anton Nosik, also a well-known public figure and journalist. It was he who advised Rustem to start blogging on LiveJournal. But first he registered under the nickname rustam. But there was no particular success on his page, and after 2 years he began to maintain a new blog under the nickname drugoi. It was this name that made him famous.

At first he published his stories from life in Norway, he also posted his personal photos with comments and statements.

Within a few years, his blog gained 80,000 subscribers. The blog of the “other” began to create serious competition for well-known Moscow publications. Rustem Agdagamov was accused of copying foreign news and pictures. In his defense, the blogger replied that this is the work of an editor: to select important and useful information from the mass.

For some time, Rustem Rinatovich collaborated with Dmitry Medvedev and covered all the events that took place around the president and key politicians.

Personal life

Rustem Adagamov lived with his first wife Tatyana Delsal for 20 years. In marriage, the blogger had two children - a son and a daughter who live in given time in Norway. Not so long ago, Rustem Rinatovich became a grandfather.

For some time he lived with his common-law wife and her daughter. But the situation developed in such a way that he was accused of sexual harassment of his stepdaughter. After this, he had to leave the country. But perhaps the reason is completely different, and the press is just trying to warm it up.

Now Rustem Rinatovich is in the Czech Republic. You can read about it on his blog and in social networks.

Social media

The first thing I would like to start with is Rustem Rinatovich's blog in LiveJournal - http://drugoi.livejournal.com. By last entry it becomes clear that the blogger no longer blogs and no longer publishes any entries on this page.

Twitter - https://twitter.com/adagamov. Here the blogger is read by 460 thousand people. Here Rustem Rinatovich regularly publishes tweets and photos.

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/adagamov. Here he has 180 thousand subscribers who follow the news and latest publications.

In Kontakte, Adagaev also has official page - https://vk.com/public78021508. Here he also publishes interesting posts and reposts his own tweets.

Unfortunately, neither personal nor official pages We couldn't find it on Odnoklassniki and Instagram.

Rustem Adagaev is a well-known blogger whose personality has been repeatedly discussed in the media and online publications. He was repeatedly accused of plagiarism and attributing other people's merits to himself.

Adagamov Rustem Rinatovich is an authoritative Russian blogger who is very popular among residents of the CIS countries. Known on LiveJournal as drugoi.

The childhood of Rustem Adagamov

Adagamov Rustem was born in Tatarstan. Later he moved to Moscow, where he grew up and received an education. After school, he entered the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute at the faculty, as he himself said of NTI (scientific and technical information).

By nationality, Rustem considers himself Russian, although Tatar blood flows in a quarter of him. According to the blogger, his grandfather was a Tatar, although his grandmother and mother are Russian. However, he does not regret this mixing of nationalities at all, on the contrary, he even likes it.

Rustem Adagamov's father has been involved in energy by profession for more than thirty years.

Rustem Adagamov's career

After graduating from the university, Adagamov got a job in the field of advertising and printing, also engaged in book design and graphic design. After some practice, he went to advanced training at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts.

In 1996 he was invited to take part in a graphic artists' competition in Brno. Here he was lucky to meet the top managers of an advertising agency from Norway. It was they who invited a talented artist to work in a Norwegian advertising company as a creative director. Adagamov gave his consent and moved to Tromsø, where he lived until 2000.

He liked Norway, therefore, having gained experience, Rustem Adagamov decides to create his own advertising agency in this country. He moves to the south of the country and finally receives Norwegian citizenship, while not losing his Russian one.

Adagamov became different

In 2005, Adagamov returned to Moscow, where he continued to do his usual business in the field of advertising. In October 2006, the SUP company received permission to manage one of the LiveJournal segments. Anton Nosik was appointed head of blogging, and Adagamov took over the post of control over the company's photo services. His task was to follow the photo content of LiveJournal. In this position, Adagamov could simultaneously engage in his own blog.

Rustem Adagamov at the beginning of 2012 became one of the founders of the League of Voters. And in October 2012, he was elected a member of the Opposition Coordinating Council.

Activities on the Internet Rustem Adagamov, LiveJournal

Already in the 1990s, Adagamov began to be active on the Internet. For the first time, he became a participant in an Internet conference called "Evening Internet", the author of which would be Anton Nosik. And in 2000, together with Alexander Borzov, he designed and created a forum for NTV viewers. Later, after the closure of the old TV channel, he created his own website with the name "kommunalka".

At the suggestion of Nosik, in May 2001, Adagamov first registered on LiveJournal under the nickname rustam, but practically did not update it. And only a year later, on March 2, 2002, a user under the nickname drugoi was registered in LiveJournal. It was under this nickname that Adagamov became known to the public. When asked about the reasons for choosing such a pseudonym, Adagamov at first replied that it was easy to write it in Latin letters, and later began to explain it a little differently. It turns out that Rustem often felt superfluous in various companies, not like everyone else, which is why he is “different”.

In 2003, Adagamov began publishing stories about his life in Norway, as well as short articles from local Norwegian newspapers.

A little later, the blogger began to post various photos on his page, while adding his comments or expressing his opinion.

Already in 2008, Rustem Adagamov's blog traditionally ranks first in terms of the number of subscribers (more than 80,000 regular readers). As Rustem Rinatovich himself reports, there are actually several times more readers than the number of subscribers. Then he became the editor-in-chief of the multimedia blogging service of the SUP company. Some well-known and authoritative publications of the weekly issue of electronic newspapers have seriously thought about how much competition they have with the blog of the "other". These were the leading Russian newspapers Vedomosti, Kommersant, Izvestia and others. Rustem Rinatovich himself in several interviews repeatedly expressed the opinion that his blog had already begun to play the role of mass media. He also defined the status of his blog as a "news photoblog". This definition became really accurate, because the page consisted of a variety of interesting pictures with no less interesting comments on them. It was really fascinating and informative for a reader of any age.

The fact that Rustem Rinatovich used pictures from Western news sources gave rise to criticism by many readers. For example, a no less active blogger, Maxim Kononenko, openly expressed his dissatisfaction, saying that Rustem Adagamov “showed everyone an example of how to become popular without creating anything, but copying.” To which Adagamov noted these accusations are stupid, because he simply selects something necessary from a heap of unnecessary. This is the same work as an editor, only on a blog.

The “other” photoblog was repeatedly accused of hidden advertising, which Adagamov himself categorically denied. He states that he writes on his blog about what interests him. If he is interested in advertising, he will write about it.

Life of great bloggers: Rustem Adagamov (drugoi)

To finally remove all doubts about the presence of hidden advertising on the blog, Adagamov introduces an open advertising campaign. In 2011, the “other” blog signs a contract with MegaFon, according to which Adagamov is obliged to post photo reports on the page about interesting events related to the company cellular communication. In exchange for this, sponsorship was provided to the "other" blog.

Rustem Adagamov now

In 2009, RusHydro invited a well-known blogger to make a photo essay about the tragedy at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. The press immediately began to appear next accusations against Adagamov that all his reports were bought. To which representatives of the press services of the company replied that the invitation of the blogger was due to the fact that false information about the scale of the tragedy began to appear on other personal pages of LiveJournal. And Adagamov himself denied all the accusations.

In September, Adagamov was invited by the press service of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev for blog coverage of the event, which will be attended by the head of state. Adagamov was allowed to go where only personal photographers of the president are allowed, and that said a lot. Rustem Rinatovich also accompanied Medvedev to other events a little later.

Personal life of Rustem Adagamov

Despite being active in the public sphere, Rustem Rinatovich found time for his personal life. Adagamov was married to Tatyana Delsal, who in 2009 occupied the highest levels of the rating of people in the printing market. After 20 years of marriage, the marriage broke up. From the marriage there was a son and daughter Rustem, who now live in Norway. Recently even had a granddaughter.

Adagamov now

Adagamov is in a civil marriage, his wife's name is Ekaterina. Recently, Rustem Rinatovich announced that he was going to move to Prague in order to continue making photo reports there.