Whatsapp date error. How to set up time on WhatsApp

Like any software, this messenger is not without its unique problems and malfunctions. WhatsApp often has a problem with the fact that the time on the devices of the two interlocutors does not coincide, so an incomprehensible thing is happening in the dialogue: you receive a message later than you answered it. In this article, you will learn what to do if WhatsApp says "the date on your phone is incorrect." If you need, then check out our helpful tips for resolving this error.

WhatsApp: “The date on your phone is not correct”

Many users of the messenger complain about the periodic appearance of this notification when working with the application. The fact is that the program itself does not set the time that stands by the standard in your device. To solve the problem, you need to set all the time parameters to those that are relevant in your time zone. This problem can have a number of reasons:

  • an incorrect date in WhatsApp appears due to movements between time zones;
  • lost settings;
  • oS update or hard reset;
  • change of winter or summer time.

As a result of such malfunctions, you receive messages in Votsap in a chaotic manner. They are difficult to understand and put in the right sequence, so it is better to solve the problem right away. Now you know why Vatsap writes that the date on the phone is incorrect. Let's figure it out.

Step-by-step instruction

You can remove the error in Vatsap “Date on the phone is not correct”, as follows:

  • open, check if there are date and time settings, synchronization with a smartphone, if everything is configured, then go to the next item;
  • then go to the date and time settings section of your smartphone;

    • you can manually select your time zone and set the time, or entrust this setting to the smartphone itself;

  • now restart the software.

If the error persists, then try restarting the smartphone so that the parameters update themselves after turning on the device. Reinstalling the messenger from the store may also help. play apps   Market or App store   depending on the platform of your smartphone.

On our portal, fully dedicated to working with the Vatsap messenger, you can find a lot of useful information on fixing various errors and malfunctions. For example, you can read an article that talks about.

Probably, many of you have encountered the problem of incorrect display of time in the whatsapp program. When you see the wrong numbers in your messages, you probably worry about the thought - and how to set time in whatsapp. We will tell you how to do it and why it happens.

What could be the reason for the incorrect display of time?

The fact is that whatsapp program   “Takes” time not from the global Internet, but from your device, that is, your phone. If the time on the phone is wrong, then in the program it will not be displayed correctly. Then how can I set the time in whatsapp? It depends on your operating system.

So, if you have a standard Android, then you will need to go to Settings, from there “Date and time” and find the item “Choose time zone” there. For iPhone, go to the same settings, look for the “Basic” item there, then you will need to find the item “Date and time”. For Windows background, go to the settings and find the item “System”, then “Date + time”. It is clear that there are other operating systems, but they are not used very often and for sure if you are the owner of that, you know the phone settings and find how to change the time. Our operational ones are the most common on modern smartphones, so we think that you will not have problems setting the date and time.

Another thing is that you may not know corny what your time zone is and what the correct time needs to be set. Well, anything can happen.

How to find out the time and time zone correctly?

This is much easier. You need to go to http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/. Here you can easily find your time zone and easily check the current time to use it for installation.

Now you know how to set the time in whatsapp. To do this, you just need to correctly set the time on the phone itself, and how to do it depends on your operating system. Now you should have no problems with incorrect time display in whatsapp.

And so, periodically with whatsapp app   errors occur, in particular, periodically gives an error with a signature - The date on your phone is not correct WhatsApp.

And everything would be fine, but the real confusion begins in the history of messages, since dates and times differ and the type of messages loses its meaning. That is, the answer came to you much earlier than you asked the question - this interferes with the perception of the message history.

Causes of the error: WhatsApp date on your phone is not correct

And so, if your phone is working, there are only a few reasons for the error - the wrong time zone and the wrong date on the phone. And the solution to the problem is much simpler - fix the system date on your phone.

5 reasons for this error

  • Move between time zones
  • The phone has been completely discharged for a long time;
  • Randomly changed the tinctures of time;
  • Completed full reset   settings to factory settings;
  • Automatic time conversion from summer to winter and vice versa.

But this error is corrected in a few taps. Just go to the phone settings and use the "Use network time" option. After setting this flag on the WhatsApp error parameter, the date on your phone is not correct no longer occurs.

Why WhatsApp is much more profitable than other messengers?

Everything is very simple - I use the application What's up   you do not pay for each message how it is charged mobile operator. You pay only for Internet traffic.

But now there are problems with the Internet on cell phones   not available and you can always pick up your Internet tariff for yourself according to the feed. Three leaders cellular communications   - MTS, Megafon and Beeline, now there are Internet tariffs starting from 50 rubles per month for 1 GB.

Paying only Internet traffic you save your budget! In addition, you can correspond with relatives or colleagues, even if they are on the other side of the earth! This is a real find for people who want to always be in touch, regardless of their location at the moment.

The modern world is hard to imagine without a huge amount social networks   and messengers that allow us to always stay in touch with friends and dear people. One of the most popular apps   for communication is

Unfortunately, sometimes when using this messenger crashes occur.

Most often, a situation arises when the date and time of sending messages do not match. For example, you correspond with a friend and ask him a question. After receiving his answer, you notice that you received the answer in time before you asked the question itself.

Why is there a problem with the wrong date when using WhatsApp?

One of the reasons may be a malfunction of the smartphone. But if everything is in order with the phone, then most likely the matter is in the incorrectly set time zones. Perhaps you recently returned from another country and forgot to change the time?

Let's try to return the usual time on your phone.

  • To do this, open the smartphone settings and select the Date and time item. And then edit the time as you wish.
  • In order not to set the time manually each time, you can configure the phone to automatically set the date and time. In this case, your smartphone using the Internet provider will set the exact local time.
  • This method will not work if the phone is set to switch from winter to summer time, and in your city the seasonal clock hands are canceled. Then you need to return to the manual time settings . Select the desired time zone. If in doubt, include the city nearby and compare the time with the clock in the apartment. If there is a difference, simply adjust the time zone to a decrease or vice versa.