We solve the problem with blocking pages by Avast antivirus. Downloading a file blocked by antivirus How to check what antivirus is blocking

After much trial and error, I noticed the "Check for viruses" function, indicated on the installation Windows disks. If the antivirus can be overcome even before the operating system has loaded, it will not have to be installed from scratch along with the loss of content hard drives and lots of time. On the site of the beloved Doctor Web, I downloaded the disk image, then used Nero and burned the CD. When the image was deployed to disk, it was possible to start working with the antivirus itself. After that put in BIOS boot from the drive and pressed Start to start the scanner. When the scan was over, I selected everything that DrWeb found and removed the "enemies" from hard drive. After returning the BIOS settings and rebooting the system, I realized that the goal was achieved and it was possible to remove malicious files from startup via Start-Run-msconfig.
Alas, it is very often impossible to root out cunning viruses from a running OS, but the proposed method will certainly work with any virus threats to the Windows family.

In general, DrWeb is a completely universal product. In combination with “straight hands”, he is able to treat OSes hopelessly eaten away by viruses. There is another convenient way to remove malicious viruses without fiddling with the BIOS and burning blanks. The program Dr. Web Cure It, which does not need to be installed - just run the *.exe file. The program can be taken on the official website of the product.

Solving the problem of a virus that does not allow you to install an antivirus

So, to start fighting the virus, you need to start the OS in safe mode by holding F8 while turning it on. After Windows boot you need to run the DrWebCureIt.exe executable file and wait until the application finds malicious files. You will have to stock up on many hours of patience, but it will pay off. It is advisable to follow the progress of the search: Doctor Web will show different files and offer options for dealing with them. Delete found files with caution, non-specialists should consult with experienced people so as not to demolish part operating system. If the OS does not allow you to delete files through the antivirus, you can try sending them to the Recycle Bin manually. If, when trying to get rid of a file, a window pops up saying "file in this moment is in use and cannot be deleted!”, you need to reboot again into safe mode and repeat the procedure.

Having returned Windows to its native full mode, you need to go to the Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Delete) and turn off non-system processes one by one. But even here you don’t need to get inflamed and delete everything in a row, otherwise Windows may simply refuse. When the extra processes and services are cleaned out, you need to try again to delete the harmful file.
Slightly more advanced users who tend to create checkpoints prior to the appearance of problems with the OS, they may try to restore the system to its clean state before the appearance of viruses.

The most enlightened computer owners meticulously install Windows and all their favorite applications on a clean and pre-partitioned HDD, remember the image of the system disk (using the Acronis software) and, if necessary, replace the virus-infected system disk its original way.

It often happens that the antivirus blocks sites that are quite reliable, for example, in contact or classmates. Everyone can do this: Kaspersky, Nod (eset), Avast (avast), Avira, Avg and others. Why is this happening and how to fix it.

If the antivirus mistakenly blocks sites, then you may not be mistaken. The fact is that in contact or classmates, where you want to enter, in fact, they may turn out to be dummy.

Almost the same address (one letter changed) and the same content, but they were created by scammers to steal passwords.

These sites in contact and classmates (not only) are almost indistinguishable from real ones. , nodes, avast, avg know about them - so they block them to protect you from stealing passwords or viruses.

If you are completely confident in the reliability of blocked sites, then this can be fixed without disabling antiviruses. Everyone has such opportunities. Since I now have a node installed, I will show how this is done using its example.

In order for the antivirus to erroneously no longer block sites that you think are trustworthy, you need to manual mode add to its database. To do this, by clicking on it at the bottom of the tray, launch it and click settings. See picture:

Now look at the picture and add sites (in contact, classmates) to the database that the antivirus should not block.

You can add as many as you want, the main thing is not to be mistaken in their reliability.

You can do the same with other antiviruses that, in your opinion, mistakenly block sites. Everyone has these mechanisms. I showed Eset as an example, since I currently have it installed. In this way, you simply add the site to the exceptions.

You can also add files (programs) to exclusions in the same way so that the antivirus does not block them, only the settings are slightly different (you need to select other options). Of course antivirus, but it’s better not to do that and never send SMS.

You can drive a phone number, and sometimes you need to, but you can’t send SMS in any case. The phone number is entered so that you can later recover the password. Such functions have classmates, vkontakte, emails, skype, banking sites and the like.

There is nothing wrong with this, but on the contrary, it is even better, because then no one can change your password without your knowledge. Sorry, I digressed a little from the main topic of why the antivirus blocks trusted sites.

However, there is nothing more to write about. Antivirus programs block what, in their opinion, is very dangerous for you, if in doubt, they simply warn you, although it often happens that developers quite consciously make sure that their antiviruses block reliable sites and programs.

They have their own reasons (they protect their interests), then manually add sites and files to exceptions, using the method described above, or simply disable them for a while, although disabling does not always help. Good luck!

In this age of new technologies, an antivirus for a computer can be compared to a virus vaccine for a person. If your antivirus does not work well, then most likely the PC will not live long. But it also happens that after installing the antivirus, you cannot access the Internet. This situation is often encountered in the operation of Avast antivirus.

Avast is blocking the internet

Users may have encountered a situation where Avast blocks access to the Internet. It does not allow you to open any page in any browser. Avast Antivirus is blocking all network connections.

This situation can be caused by many reasons. Therefore, each of them will have to fix the problem, respectively.

Important! Most often, blocking occurs on a PC with Windows XP.

Looking for a way out

You can do like most users and just with. You can say goodbye to Avast at any time, so let's first figure out how to solve the problem and leave the antivirus (read about removing Avast antivirus).

First of all, you need to understand two things - why Avast blocks all sites and why Avast blocks the Internet. If the program blocks only one site, then it is probably really infected with a virus (you can read how to add a site to Avast exceptions).

But if when you launch all browsers you get a notification about the blocking of malicious screens, then you should proceed differently:

After you do everything according to the instructions, the problem with accessing the Internet will be fixed. Now you can solve the problem "Why is Avast blocking the browser?"

It happens differently

In cases where even these steps did not help fix the problem, it suggests that your computer did catch a virus. In this case, it is better to show it to a specialist and not puzzle over how to fix the situation. Why? Because if you are not an expert, you can make it even worse (for example, delete important system files). Therefore, do not immediately believe everything that you find on the global network.

Be attentive to notifications on the computer screen, listen to advice.

I hope this information was useful to you. All good luck!

Hello dear readers of the blog site. In this short article I will try to talk about what to do if the antivirus blocks the Internet. Very often in my work I came across a situation where, after installing an antivirus, a client complained about the Internet being disconnected and started calling technical support provider with a question why the Internet was gone.

After a remote scan, the reason associated with the blocking by the antivirus program is usually not detected. And you have to call a specialist to fix the problem. As you understand, the departure of the master is paid, and who wants to pay extra money and waste their own time, if everything can be done on their own.

Before calling technical support, be sure to check all the settings and check the installation instructions to see if you did everything correctly. If you are connecting via , then also first check if network access is blocked on any other device (tablet, phone, laptop).

I want to say right away that you don’t have to delete anything. Everything is quite simply solved by changing the settings of the computer and the antivirus itself. If you still uninstalled the security program and don’t know, then I advise you to read an article on this topic.

So, let's look at several options for solving the problem associated with blocking the network by antivirus.

Disabling the antivirus filter blocking the Internet

After installing the security program, the properties of your network connection are automatically added additional parameter network filter. It is he who, with an illiterate setting, turns off the Internet. To remove such a filter, you need to go to the network control center and public access. Then in the left column select "Change adapter settings" .

You will be transferred to the section " Network connections» , where we will continue to make further changes. On the shortcut of the connection through which we access the Internet, right-click and select "Properties" from the menu that opens. ».

After the performed operations, the connection properties window will open. There it will be necessary to uncheck the box next to the filtering component, which just blocks the network.

Then we press the OK button and for the full entry into force of the new settings, we restart the computer. Most often, this method helps to remove the blocking of access to the Internet associated with the operation of the antivirus. But there is a situation when this method Does not help. You have to go into the settings of the security program and remove the blocking of connections manually.

Now I will try to briefly talk about what settings need to be changed in the antivirus program. As an example, I chose the most popular Kaspersky antivirus.

If the Internet is disconnected after installation, then it is enough to change some parameters. The first thing to do is go to the Kaspersky settings. To do this, in the lower right corner of the monitor on the antivirus icon, right-click and select "Settings ».

You will see a window in which you need to select a tab Setting and in In the "Workstation Control" section, select the "Web Control ». If your network is blocked, first uncheck the box next to "Turn off Web Control". Then check if the connection is working. If everything is in order, you can try deleting the access rules and re-enable Web Control. In my opinion, this parameter is not particularly important when working on the Internet. It can be safely disabled, as it is done on my computer.

Actually, on this I would like to end my story about what to do if the antivirus blocks access to the Internet. There are many antiviruses that can disable the Internet connection. If I talk about the settings of each of them, then I simply do not have enough time and nerves. I hope that after reading the article there are no questions left. However, if there are any, then feel free to leave them in the comments.

When you run some programs in Windows 10, you may encounter a User Account Control message: This app has been blocked for protection. An administrator has blocked this application from running. Behind additional information contact the administrator. At the same time, the error may appear in cases where you are the only administrator on the computer, and User Account Control is disabled (in any case, with).

There are several ways to run a program for which you see a message that "The administrator has blocked this application from running."

Using the command line

The safest way (not opening "holes" for the future) is to run the problematic program from command line running as administrator. The procedure will be as follows:

Using the built-in administrator account in Windows 10

This way to fix the problem is only suitable for an installer that has problems starting up (because every time you turn on and off the built-in account administrator - not convenient, but keeping it always on and switching to run the program is not the best option).

This can be done with a small free application File unsigner:

This will remove the app's digital signature, and it will run without admin block messages (but sometimes with a warning from SmartScreen).

That seems to be all the ways I can suggest. If something does not work, ask questions in the comments, I will try to help.