Paid blog posts. To have or not to have? Where to create a blog: paid and free options, what to choose Cons of paid services

Finally, that day has come, and you are thinking or have already decided to create your own blog. A huge number of topics and ideas have already appeared in your head, how and about what to write about, but you do not have the slightest idea about where to create a blog or create a personal page. Do not be discouraged - in our time it is easy and fast. Read on for this article with my recommendations.

What is a blog and the purpose of its creation

An Internet blog is a place where everyone can express their thoughts in any way they can. The blog has become a diary of the twenty-first century, having acquired an electronic form from paper, which greatly expanded the range of human capabilities.

When choosing a place to start a blog, it is very important to consider what it will be intended for.

The main goals of creating a blog:

  • Traditional application or blog "for the soul". Here a person can write whatever comes into his head on a variety of topics. The most common of them are: travel, vacation, personal life, work, home, garden, vegetable garden, beauty secrets, cars, fashion and many others. You can share your thoughts, experience, knowledge with the whole world, while, if you wish, you can remain completely anonymous.
  • Earnings and advertising. For example, your blog might be about a specific product or company. Accordingly, it should be designed for the target audience and placed on sites that are more relevant on this topic, etc. If your goal is to earn as much money as possible, then the main task will be to promote your blog, and to attract visitors - the more popular it is, the more income it will bring.

Criteria for creating

If the goal is clearly defined, then it's time to establish criteria that are important to you during your blog creation.

Payment is one of the most important criteria. There are a million different free and paid blogging options out there, so, as they say, the owner is the master. Do not want to pay, for you the option is free blogging hosting, this is LJ and liveinternet and from Google. We'll talk more about this below. It's one thing if you decide to simply express your thoughts and share your plans and dreams with like-minded people, it is quite another thing if a blog is created to attract income. If you have serious intentions in terms of work and earnings, then I would recommend that you fork out.

The reasons for the fear of paying for a blog are also different. For example, a person first decided to take up this business and is afraid that he will not succeed, or he will get bored in a month or the fear of transferring money to nowhere. There are many different free hosting services for you, which are used by thousands of people around the world. Including me too.

What do you need

I started an intstagram. I show the life of a copywriter, make fun of a story, let's be friends! GO TO INTSAGRAM

Hosting is a service that allows you to host a resource on a web server, or else provides the placement of someone else's web server on your site.

Free services:

Google is one of those that provide free blogging services. The most famous of these is The service was not originally owned by Google, but was released by Pyra Labs back in 1999. But already in 2003 it became part of Google. It is by far the most famous service with powerful and reliable servers and very easy to use. A blog is created in literally three minutes, and the advantage is that its appearance can be easily customized. If you choose it, then be prepared for your blog to have a third-level domain ending in This is common for free services.

Another Google product is a social network Despite the fact that this is still not a service, it is by no means inferior to them. Although it does not have so many text formatting features, the network is created for communication, which will draw the attention of many more people to you. By the way, I am there too, add to the circles.

The next one of the most famous and popular services is or as it is called simply LJ. You can also buy a paid account here, but even that doesn't entitle you to a domain. By the way, it will also not be higher than the third level, as in all similar services.

Just as popular is where you can post both paid and free blogs. Here you can also get a second-level domain, but it will already be paid. or, as the people say, just a lyre. This is a fairly simple service known for collecting statistics for websites. Most often, it is simply used as a "diary" in which people share their news and thoughts. You won't make much money in it, and the abundance of advertising sometimes discourages you from entering it altogether.

Twitter... A well-known and very popular among young people (as well as celebrities, stars, politicians) microblogging service. The length of messages is strictly limited here.

Well, for those who like to photograph themselves, of course

I am in all these networks, come and add to friends.

Pros of free services

  • No fees;
  • A blog is created in minutes;
  • Any person can use it, even without deep knowledge of programming;
  • Easy to find in search engines.

Cons of free services

  • You can't make a lot of money here;
  • Hosting puts clear restrictions on the use of your blog, that is, you cannot do whatever you want;
  • The user receives a third-level domain;
  • Third-party users trust sites on free services much less.

Where to create a paid blog

If you decide to spend money and create your own hosting, then there is nothing difficult about it. By the way, do not be afraid of the word "paid", it is not as expensive as you think.

Where can I get a domain and hosting?

No blog can exist without a domain name and hosting. We register the domain in REG.RU... The hosting sites that I have come across and I recommend this to everyone for beginners and firstvds when you realize that blogging is yours and traffic starts to grow. You can transfer your sites from hosting but hosting, in search of the best for you, it is not difficult.

Also popular among paid hosting are and is a paid hosting provider that is currently developing very rapidly. In Russia, it is already included in the top five most popular due to its excellent operational support and its rich functionality. The fee for such hosting can be quite small, from 99 rubles per month, and up to 450 rubles. Accordingly, the range of services provided varies slightly from this. The popular hosting is also designed for different paying capacity of its customers, the more you are willing to pay, the more disk space you are provided with. Look at these options, too, and many others. Those that I personally recommend, I wrote above.

Important features of paid hosting:

  • If you are using paid hosting, then you have the opportunity to make yourself a subdomain on your blog.
  • Paid hosting has unlimited traffic.
  • All paid services support PHP and MySQL databases.
  • Paid hosting can provide the client with additional functions to improve the blog (various scripts, etc.), so the user does not even need to delve into the intricacies of programming.

When choosing a domain, it is important to consider the audience for which you intend to work. For example, if the audience is Russian, then it would be better to Popular for the West are addresses that end in .com To facilitate the complex procedure of choosing a domain name for a website, think of it in advance. Also, you will definitely need to give your passport details and assign the DNS server of your hosting. How to do it and what it is, read my article about it.

Which engines are the most convenient to use?

DataLife Engine is a paid engine that is very popular with bloggers. You can just get acquainted with its capabilities and it will immediately become clear whether it is worth using it. It is very convenient that it is possible to create almost any web page on its CMS, and when you understand the basic level, you can download additional modules.

I had a website about forex on this engine, I didn't really like DLE.

For newbies, I recommend using WordPress, it's simple to use, and literally anyone can figure out how it works. In this article, read how to make a website on WordPress.

Joomla is an engine used by professionals, despite the fact that it is not the best in functionality, and personally I do not like it either.

Pros of paid services

  • With competent work, you can earn money on them.
  • You can do whatever you want from your page, both stylistically and functionally.
  • Second level domain.
  • The site does not depend on outside resources.

Cons of paid services

  • Long creation time.
  • Payment.
  • To build a website, you need certain knowledge.
  • In the first months of site development, it will not be in the first place in search engines.

A beginner can create his blog on a paid or free basis, it all depends on what goals he invests in its creation. But remember, the main thing about a blog is what it says, not where it is.

This Google-owned platform is very easy to use. You can create and customize a blog to fit your needs in minutes. Hosting and subdomain ( service provides free of charge.

On the other hand, the customization of the look and feel of blogs is limited. Only a small number of themes and a simple editor are at your service, although knowledge of HTML and CSS will make the design more or less unique. But you cannot expand the capabilities of your blog with add-ons and plugins.

Google has been slow to develop and maintain the service. Therefore, Blogger looks outdated compared to some of the alternatives.


WordPress service is a flexible platform that is perfect for both hobbyist and professional. You can create and design a simple blog in a few simple steps. The WordPress directory has a huge number of ready-made themes for every taste. But if you need something a little more serious, the service offers tons of options for customizing the design and functionality.

Basic platform features, including subdomain ( and 3 GB for hosting, are available free of charge. But the service also has paid tariff plans that open access to advanced options up to self-development of design and plug-in connection. To use the full potential of WordPress, you need to understand web technology.

Price: free, and with your own domain - from 200 rubles per month.

Opening a blog on LiveJournal is no more difficult than registering on a forum. But the main advantage of the service is in the social component. A blog created on this platform becomes part of a large community with a Russian-speaking audience. As a result, bloggers get additional tools to attract new readers.

The disadvantages include the unsightly interface of the service and the scarce possibilities for the design of blogs. You cannot sharpen the functionality for yourself, as in WordPress. The user gets a free subdomain ( and only 1 GB for hosting files. After completing a paid subscription, you will receive more customization options and 100 GB of available server space.

Price: Basic functions are free, the domain must be registered and paid for with a third party service.

4. Ghost

Simple blogging platform, nothing more. An intuitive interface and a large number of stylish themes (free and paid) in the built-in store of the service make Ghost visually appealing to both bloggers and audiences. The service allows you to deploy a blog on your own (paid) or third-party web hosting.

In addition to the stylish design of Ghost, it is worth noting the high speed of work and a convenient control panel. This is where the benefits of the service end. Advanced settings of templates and functionality are available only to those who know how to layout and program for the web.

Price: from $ 19 per month (domain connection is included in the package).

Weebly can be used to create blogs and even simple online stores. The service has a convenient visual constructor that allows you to build pages with the necessary functions in real time, brick by brick. To do this, you just need to customize and drag and drop site blocks within the selected template.

To use a personal domain, you can register it within the service (the .com, .net, .org zones are supported). It is also possible to connect previously registered domains. The free plan only includes a subdomain ( and 500 MB of disk space. More space and opportunities to control the site - in paid tariff plans.

Price: Free, with a custom domain - from $ 8 per month.

A free platform where blogs form a kind of social network. Readers can subscribe to updates of their favorite authors and repost their publications to their toggle switches or other services.

Tumblr is more suitable for microblogging. The ideal publication format for this service is a minimum of text, a maximum of multimedia files: music tracks, pictures, videos and gifs. There are no broad opportunities for customizing the look and functionality of blogs.

Price: Free, but the domain must be registered and paid for with a third-party service.

Do paid reviews while earning and promoting your site. But how to do paid blog reviews, I'll tell you in detail in this article.

But first, about why you need to do paid reviews and why you need it at all.

So, a paid review is a way to get an indexed link from a site of related topics and referrals of targeted visitors who read the article with the review and follow the link to the site that is described in the review article.

Paid Reviews: Why You Need Them

If you post a paid review on your site, telling about any Internet service or a separate site in it, placing a link to the review source in the article, then in this way, you earn with the help of your blog, charging a fee for writing and posting a review on your site. on the site, and the Customer receives an indexed link and transitions to his Internet resource.

If you post paid reviews on blogs and pay money for it, then in this way, you are promoting your own site to raise its visibility in search results on many issues and attract traffic.

  • You can do both at the same time. But to implement the second method, there are specialized article exchanges, in which you need to add your site.
  • But I personally know several blog owners who work independently, without the help of all kinds of article exchanges. And they charge much more for the review than on the exchanges. the same is beneficial for the customer, since there is no need to pay commissions and all kinds of fees.

The only condition on which the flow of customers will depend is the high puzomerki and the equally high traffic that your blog should have. If both are not there, then you should not even do this, since no one will post a review on your blog. How, read.

Paid Blog Reviews: Needed or Not

If you want to post your paid reviews on blogs, then look for such blogs for all queries related to your topic.

Blogging platforms have long been one of the most popular means of disseminating information on the Internet, and blogs compete quite successfully with established information channels such as the media. Many Internet users who carry the title of "bloggers" have gained very wide popularity and have managed to earn good money on this "craft". In this review, the Dear Reader will receive answers to the following questions: what is a blogging platform in principle, what popular blogging platforms exist, and which blogging service is preferable to choose. Who knows, maybe soon, thanks to the Internet browser, a “new star” will shine in the blogosphere 🙂. So, let's begin.

Blogs. Background

The prerequisites for the creation of the term "blog" appeared in the Internet environment in 1997, with the filing of Jorn Barger, an American programmer, one of those who stood at the origins of "web logging" (from the English "web" - network, "logging" - logging). By publishing his daily recordings under the name "Robot Wisdom", Barger pursued the goal of "gaining an audience that can see the connections between his interests." Apparently, being a creative person, he did not want to call his activity the already established concept of "Web publishing", and gave this process the name "Weblog". Two years later, in 1999, a joking version of this term appeared on the website: Peter Merholz introduced the spelling "we blog". This playful "letter game" was very much liked by a number of advanced people in the IT sphere, for example, the programmer and IT entrepreneur E. Williams (who was directly involved in the creation of and Twitter), and rather quickly the word "Blog" entered circulation. Now, 17 years later, the concept of "Blog" and the process of blogging are so firmly intertwined with Internet life, Internet culture that many use it as a matter of course, without burdening themselves with the question “Where did this word come from” 🙂.
The main distinguishing characteristics of a blog are chronological order of posts and publicity. The second aspect is especially important, since blogging is usually very closely related to the "audience": responses and comments are perhaps the main indicator that the reader is interested in the activities of the author-blogger.


The blog posting options depend on the preferences of the author himself. If you want to give your blog an individual look, have a transformable interface and customizable functionality in any way, then in this case the blog is created in the form of a personal website. If it is the convenience of posting and managing their publications that is important to the author, then the choice falls on specialized sites that provide all the tools necessary for convenient and easy blogging. Such sites are called " blogging platforms", Or, in another way, blogging services.
The blogging platform has the following beneficial properties from the user's point of view:

  • ease of "deployment": since blogging services are tools for "mass distribution", the main component on which the blog will work - the so-called "engine", is made, which is called "turnkey". Those. it is the same type for all users of a certain blogging platform, and does not require modifications;
  • since modifications are not required, then the user does not need to understand programming and improve the "engine";
  • the main labor costs come down to mastering the blogging service, which is obviously much easier than developing and configuring your own platform.

However, blogging services certainly have their drawbacks:

  • lack of "flexibility": setting up a service is possible only within the framework of its functionality;
  • Some blogging services sometimes have problems with user-generated content: in some cases, information posted by a blogger on a certain blogging platform legally belongs to the resource owners, and not to the content author.

These nuances are usually reflected in the "User Agreement", therefore, when choosing a blogging platform, it is important to read this document, and not mindlessly "agree with everything." Typically, such "ownership issues" will result in the editing or deletion of information posted by the user, if this is contrary to the "Rules" of the blogging service.

Types of blogging platforms

  • professional blogging platforms: the blog engine when choosing such a blogging service will be individual, modified and customized according to the requirements of the blogging user. Usually, a bonus is the provision of hosting for files + the ability to run scripts required by the user (although often this function is provided in a very truncated form). Usually such services are paid;
  • semi-professional blogging platforms: when choosing such a service for blogging, the user leases the engine (or several engines). Such a service excludes the possibility of customizing "By yourself". Files, as in the first case, can be uploaded to the provided hosting. Usually paid, like professional blogging platforms;
  • massive blogging platforms: here the user only gets an account and uses the server resources of the chosen platform. The blogger does not have direct access to either the posted data or to the "internals" of the engine - all interaction is carried out strictly within the framework of the functionality provided by the blogging platform.

That's enough "theory", let's move on to the direct consideration of blogging platforms.
The most demanded in the Internet environment are the following services:
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With them, we will begin a detailed review of blog services (Reader, get ready - there is a lot of text ahead).

Without a doubt, almost all more or less active Internet users have heard about this resource. Many artists, politicians, organizations and communities are registered and blog on LiveJournal. Many blogging authors have become famous and very popular precisely because of their publications on
This blogging service belongs to the mass blogging platforms: the user creates an account and can use the tools provided by the service. Also a very significant feature of Livejournal is the possibility of multiple social links between accounts and blogs: that is, like in social networks, you can “add as friends”, follow the updates of other users, leave comments, etc. Due to these features, LiveJournal is very often referred to the category of social networks, although the primary activity, of course, on this resource is blogging.
This massive blogging platform was formed in 1999, like many successful Internet projects, has American roots; Founding Father is Brad Fitzpatrick, an American and life programmer. LiveJournal was originally created to entertain Brad's friends, but it turned out that such entertainment can be interesting not only to Fitzpatrick's friends, but also to friends of his friends, and so on by chain. In general, the project that is called "went viral" and became megapopular. In the course of its history, "Live Journal" managed to change the owner, but not "jurisdiction". It is paradoxical, but true: although the owner of the blog platform is the Russian company Rambler-Afisha-SUP, the resource servers are located in the USA and LJ is subject to American laws.
Let's go back to the issue of popularity. boasts 150 million monthly visits and the 25th most popular on the Russian Internet. The world positions of LJ-shechka are also quite good: it is worth a lot to break through among all projects, all Internet giants to the 241st position.

The main flow of visitors, as usual, falls on the CIS countries, with an overwhelming "preponderance" of Russia over the rest:

And this can be called one of the most important aspects in favor of choosing LiveJournal as a platform for a blog.
Livejournal functionality is divided into free and paid. Free features are assigned to the basic account, which, according to the support service itself, is fully functional. Those. a blogger user can create his own blog page, which will have the name “”, Post your posts on this page, comment on other people's posts, add other users as“ friends ”, in general, be active in LJ-shechk as you like. Among the inconveniences: the basic account has such limitations as the inability to upload more than 6 user pictures and the inability to subscribe to more than 25 notifications about the activity of interest to the blogger in the Live Journal.
Paid accounts also have their own gradation. Accordingly, the more expensive the account, the more it is "pumped" - in terms of advanced design options, analysis of statistics, filtering parameters, the amount of available space for uploading your own content, etc.
And, importantly, there is no forced ads in paid accounts. Alas, in 2012 the owners of developed a "thirst for money" and, following the example of many competitors, began to insert ads into free-to-run blogs.
The last thing worth noting is the radical changes in the interface of the 2016 sample. LiveJournal has acquired a "tiled look", like many of its foreign counterparts (Tumblr, Pinterest). Whether this will benefit the blogging platform remains to be seen.
Be that as it may, it is the blogging service that has been and remains the "haven" of the majority of top Runet bloggers and a "reading room" for millions of Internet users. He is very good "friends" with search engines (they consider LiveJournal an "authoritative resource" and are happy to index). Therefore, novice bloggers with ambitions and far-reaching plans should pay close attention to this blogging service.

Blogging platform, along with LiveJournal, has become the driving force behind the popularization of Internet activities such as blogging. Launched in March 1999, this massive blogging platform quickly became very popular due to the simplicity, convenience and, most importantly, the free blogging platform for its users. By the time Internet giant Google bought the blogging service (yes, it is Google that now owns Blogger) in 2003, the number of its monthly visits reached an impressive 300 million. Now, in order to use the described blogging platform, it is advisable to have a Google account. But since many people who are at least somehow familiar with the Internet (for example, uses Google mail), or is a user of technology running Android have it, then all such users have the opportunity to become a blogger on 🙂. Although you may not be a "Google adept", but use a blogging platform, however, in this case, "threatens" with the curtailment of functions:

The disadvantages of this blogging platform can be attributed only to the fact that it is a BLOG-PLATFORM, without a touch of "sociality", as in the same LiveJournal. Here the blogger creates and develops a personal project, and not "friend" and "comments" to attract attention, as in LJ. And to the pluses - of course, much more advanced and convenient functionality. The years "under the wing" of Google have not passed just like that - the blogging service, like many other Google products, is an example of high technology.
By the way, there is no, but there is still a link to social networks - publications created on your blog can be easily "repost" in Google Plus - a social network that is not quite popular, especially in Russia (perhaps the only vivid example of Google's failures).
And now it's time for statistics from SimilarWeb: blogging service is expected to rank well. 148th place among the largest Internet resources in the world, 69th in the "niche" rating.

The number of monthly visits to the blog platform in question is quite impressive and ranges from 191.5 to 242.5 million. While the graph reflects the declining popularity of, it is likely “seasonal” fluctuations. One way or another, even if we assume that this trend continues, then Google's blogging service will still be a top Internet resource for a long time.

Distribution by country reveals the leader in the “producing country” of the blogging platform - the United States. However, the service is in great demand in many other regions as well. For Russia, statistics on the domain will be more accurate and correct (it is on this domain that Russian-language blogs are started). Well, 39.4 million monthly is also a very serious figure!

This means that the blogging platform can be recommended to Runet users due to the obvious technological advantages of the service, and also because there is an opinion that the Google search engine loves its “ward” very much, indexes and ranks well 🙂.

Blog platform

The next blogging platform that certainly deserves the attention of internet users looking to blog is

This blogging service was created due to the desire of the creators of the eponymous engine (WordPress) to make their development even more accessible and easy to use. Those. If, when working with the CMS WordPress, the user needs to independently figure out its deployment and configuration, then on he is relieved of such, even small, difficulties. The development team regards the additional advantages of its platform as being optimized for "search engines" (this is a very important aspect for the development and promotion of a blog), constant updates, improvements and improvements to the blog platform, etc.

As proof that is one of the most convenient and effective tools for creating websites and blogging, the following "inconspicuous" statistic says: 26% of sites IN THE WORLD powered by CMS WordPress.
Almost all the functionality of the blogging platform is free. By purchasing a paid "Premium", a blogger expands his capabilities to design his own blog, gets increased storage for uploaded files, relieves himself of mandatory advertising, etc.

Let's analyze the positions of the blogging platform in the Internet world. Based on the statistics provided by SimilarWeb, we get the following picture:

45th position in the global rating, 31st position in the "profile". Solid positions, right? This once again proves the applicability of the blogging platform and its "convenience" for Internet users. For all this, users-bloggers, webmasters and others “vote with their feet”, visiting almost a billion times every month.

The most active, of course, are those who belong to the English-speaking segment of the Internet. But in Russia too, is visited more than 190 thousand times a month. This means that more than one thousand Russian-speaking bloggers and webmasters have appreciated the advantages of this blogging platform and are actively using it.

Blog platform

Next in the queue "for parsing" is another service, which is more often referred to as a social network than a service for blogging. The name of this service is - a large mass-scale blogging platform, which made its slogan the phrase "The easiest way to blog", i.e. "The easiest way to blog." Maybe this is the easiest way, but it will not suit everyone. The fact is that lovers of "long stories", i.e. large, detailed texts, on Tumblr just do not expand ... This blog platform is designed specifically for short, colorful and laconic publications, divided into categories "Text", "Photo", "Gif", "Quotes", "Links" , "Chats", "Audio", "Video", "Questions".

On the other hand, keeping in mind that now is the era of “fast information”, and people have stopped assimilating large amounts of text data, preferring video content, pictures or short texts, you can try to “reformat” and start creating content in accordance with user requests - bright, colorful, short 🙂.
A little about the project itself: 2007 is considered the year of creation of the blogging service Tumblr. The creators are 2 Americans: David Karl and Marco Arment. It quickly gained popularity on the Internet thanks to the proposed format and implemented versions for mobile devices. In 2015, was acquired by Yahoo Corporation for $ 1.1 billion. In general, another success story of an Internet project on a global scale. And how do these Americans manage to do this over and over again ?!

If you believe the statistics of SimilarWeb (and you can trust it), the blogging platform is one of the most successful world Internet projects (27th place in the global Internet rating).

The statistics of visits to the resource should also delight investors and Tumbler owners: almost a billion visits every month is an impressive result.

If you look at the "demand map", you can see that is dearly loved by the American continent and a couple of European countries, but in Russia it is not very popular yet. But it was not completely ignored either: in the Russian segment of "Social Networks", this blogging service is ranked 25th.
In general, can be recommended for bloggers targeting a young, active Internet audience who is not going to waste time on long "canvases" of articles.

Perhaps, this could be the end of the review of popular blogging platforms, since those that were considered are not in vain the most massive, visited and demanded. All other Internet blogging services, to put it mildly, just fall short of the level of LiveJournal, Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr.
But still, we will provide the Reader with a list of blogging platforms, which, if desired, could be paid attention to.
Blog platform website builder is a semi-professional blogging platform, or in other words, a website builder. This service is not designed exclusively for activities as a blogger - with the help of the proposed tools, you can create not only a blog, but also a business card site, the so-called landing-page, an online store and sites of other formats. In any case, this platform is quite suitable for creating your own blog. It no longer belongs to the "mass" - an individual approach to the requirements of the Customer prevails here. And for such, as usual, you have to pay. rates for any wallet: from $ 8 to $ 25 per month. There is even a free plan, but it is heavily "cut" in terms of options and functionality.

In 2007, blogging service (and not only was included in the "50 Best Websites" rating, which already speaks a lot about the quality of this platform.
At the moment, the positions of this blogging platform in the world Internet ranking are as follows:

5th place in the world rating of web hosting (and therefore, blog hosting as well) - this is very serious!
In terms of incoming traffic, also ranks at the top with 122.5 million visits every month. Those. the resource is in great demand on a global scale.

The greatest interest in the platform is in the United States, much less in other countries. In Russia, it seems that they are generally poorly informed about this resource.
Should bloggers take a closer look at this service? Perhaps yes: firstly, this is a world-class blog hosting, secondly, it has support for the Russian language, thirdly, it allows you to "build" a truly individual blog, and fourthly - all this is not so expensive ...

Blog platform

This service is popular abroad, but the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet somehow ignores it. As, incidentally, Typepad itself ignores Russian speakers: if you want to work with this blog service, then learn English. Also, this blogging platform is not suitable for those who would like not to pay for hosting their blog: creating it on Typepad is only for money (4 tariff plans: Plus, Unlimited, Premium, Enterprise). The minimum plan costs $ 8.95 per month.
But for the money and the service is different: the blogger is guaranteed personal technical support, a unique design and many other bonuses.
Otherwise, it is a paid semi-professional platform that does not require the blogger's intervention in the code, but allows you to customize the interface, design and everything else in accordance with the requirements of the "Customer".

Most of all, the blogging service is in demand in the United States, whose users generate almost half of the resource's traffic (the total number is almost 21 million monthly visits).
In general, if the Reader is fluent in English, and even more so if he is going to blog in English, being at the same time willing to pay for the support and development of his blog, then the blog hosting can be recommended to him.
Of the proven, truly convenient platforms that make sense to "cover", perhaps everything. Of course, there are still many projects, both foreign and Runet, that allow you to keep diaries and blogs, but they have no obvious advantages over the blogging platforms already considered - rather, on the contrary, they are all less popular, less convenient and less functional.
Who was left behind:

  • a very young (but very ambitious 🙂) blogging platform that does not have a Russian-language version.

Not very popular (about 700 thousand monthly visits). Judging by the reviews, it is still quite "raw". Although it already has its adherents. May be interesting for those who have already tried other blogging platforms and are looking for something new.

  • Is another alternative mass blogging service.

Of the pros: free; you can set up broadcast / import from more popular sites, such as Livejournal or WordPress. Of the minuses, it is not very popular. About 300,000 monthly visits, in the rating of Runet resources, the positions are far from top (13,009 place among Runet sites), and you can't really play enough with a limited number of styles. Although, maybe someone will like it.

  • Blog platform straight from Kazakhstan.

As stated on the website itself, Yvision is “the communication center of the Kazakh Internet”, which means that the blog created on this resource has at least 17.5 million readers (let's say, everyone in Kazakhstan uses the Internet 🙂). In fact, this blogging platform is visited on average 1.7 million times a month. Which is very good for a regional platform.

  • service-heir to the ancient "Lirushechka".

Wikipedia refers to him as "one of the largest blogging platforms on the Russian Internet." The statistics of visits partially confirms this: about 44.5 million times are visited monthly on LiveInternet. In terms of its "ideological" concept and technical implementation, it is a competitor to Livejournal. Only here blogs are called canonical "diaries". This service was not included in the extended review for subjective rather than objective reasons. Despite its rather serious popularity, the LiveInternet service leaves an ambiguous impression: its interface looks complicated, and with it, the user's blog-diaries. In addition, all this is abundantly "seasoned" with advertising, a myriad of menus and counters.

Maybe some of the readers will master this interface and start a successful blog here. If this happens, you simply have to report your "Success Story" in the comments to this review!

Probably, either the most patient, or those who write a report on the topic of blogs and everything related to them, have read to the end. Thanks to both! I hope that for each of you, dear readers, there was at least something useful in the review. Best wishes, Vadim (aka Netobserver).

Article Blogging platforms: an analysis of the most popular blogging services was modified: Dec 22nd, 2016 by the author Netobserver

What is a blog and how to create one? Where is the best place to blog your personal blog? Is it possible to create a blog to make money on the Internet for free?

A blog is not only a way to tell the world about everything that worries you, but also a promising platform for making money. Thousands of people are making money with their blog right now... Do you want to join them? Read this article!

With you Denis Kuderin is an expert on financial topics of the HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to create a blog and why is it needed, how to competently organize the monetization of your resource, what is domain and hosting and how Yandex and Google will help us in promoting the blog.

That's not all: the most patient will have an overview of the best blog sites on the network plus tips, how to avoid common mistakes of neophyte bloggers.

1. Blogging - a way of self-expression or good money?

Blogs are websites whose main content is regular posts with posts, pictures, videos, and multimedia content.

As you can see, the definition of a blog is quite broad and largely arbitrary. Full-fledged author's sites and accounts on Instagram and Twitter are called blogs. A typical example of a blog is a page in LiveJournal, the author of which periodically publishes records of what is happening in his life, in the city, in the country, in the world and gives all this a personal assessment.

How is a blog different from a regular website? By and large, nothing. Is that the blog is more focused on live communication with readers and tied to chronological order.

Anyone has the right to comment on blog entries, argue with the author, praise him or criticize him.

I will highlight the most popular goals for creating a blog:

  • income generation (monetization)- public blogs, which are visited by thousands of visitors every day, bring their owners decent money;
  • promotion of your own brand and promotion of services- Blogs are owned by freelancers, individual entrepreneurs, owners of online stores and everyone who is interested in attracting a client audience;
  • search for like-minded people and friends- Blogs are among gamers, travelers, young mothers, philatelists, cooks and translators from Hindi;
  • improving self-esteem: having a blog is a kind of self-identification and individual therapy.

You don't have to be literary or any other talent to become a successful blogger. All it takes is patiently, purposefully and competently blog, which is interesting to readers.

Blogs are created on special platforms - website builders or based on ready-made services such as LiveJournal or Blogger. The easiest way is to start a blog on a social media page, for example, on Instagram.

There are text blogs, photo blogs, video blogs. Some bloggers write serious analytical articles on a given topic, others post several lines a day, and still others publish recipes, life hacks, travel reports.

If you are interested in a question, read a special article on our website.

It's hard to say which topic is more suitable for monetization - almost all areas have a prospect in terms of making a profit... It is not so much the topic of the site that is important, but the presentation and competent promotion. It is easier to achieve success if the topic worries you personally, and you are professionally versed in the issues that you are talking about.

Experts recommend start with narrowly thematic niches, and then gradually expand your audience coverage... There is less competition in specific topics, so it’s easier to get to the top of the SERPs. Nobody will forbid you to choose a popular "mass" topic either, especially if you are able to present it in an original way.

I have a friend who writes a blog about sports betting. There are such sites on the network - a train and a small cart. But he chose his own format - a critical attitude to earnings in bookmakers.

In his posts, he exposes the philistine myths about making money on bets and for this business he sells a subscription to his copyright, non-standard predictions for football.

The most profitable niches for subsequent monetization are still blogs about construction, repair, cars, real estate, travel, beauty and health.

But in order to succeed in these topics, you need to invest a lot of time, effort, and even money in your blog - if you choose paid promotion methods.

2. How to create your blog for making money - step by step instructions

First you need to clearly define your goals. What is the ultimate goal of your blog? Who will read your posts? Who, besides you, is interested in the subject of the site?

If there are reasonable and definite answers to all these questions, feel free to start creating a resource.

To make it easier and easier follow the expert step-by-step guide.

Step 1. Determine the topic

A topic that is close to you will itself stimulate you to develop. You will be interested in discovering new aspects, delving into details and solving complex problems.

Making a blog with a focus on making a profit is the wrong approach. First, fill your site with quality content, attract your target audience, study the experience of successful bloggers. Opening a blog without having decided on the direction is a common mistake of beginners.

Step 2. Choosing a domain and hosting

Domain In simple terms, this is the name of your blog, or rather, the address of your resource on the Internet. A domain consists of a name and a zone in which it is located. For example, "site" means that the site is targeted at a Russian audience.

Here are some tips for choosing the right domain:

  1. The name should be original and easy to remember: do not use hackneyed phrases and linguistic stamps.
  2. The name should reflect the essence of your blog.
  3. Do not take too long a name - 12-14 characters is enough.
  4. Come up with several dozen variants of the name and check if the name you have chosen is free using a special service.

Hosting Is a service for the physical placement of a blog on a server that has a permanent connection to the network. This is actually where your site is located.

Paid hosting gives you more freedom, but implies monthly expenses for blog maintenance. However, most sites do not require expensive and powerful servers. On average, paid hosting costs 100-1500 rubles monthly.

The good thing about paid platforms is that the blog will belong to you and only you as the legal owner. At any time you can move to another hosting with all the content, "tie" interactive functions to your blog.

Besides it is easier to make money on such platforms- your site will be open for traffic and indexing by search engines immediately after launch.

A successful blogger should be a bit of a webmaster and understand the principles of the site and search engines. Or you have to hire a specialist to do all the work for you.

But even in this case, it is worth at least in general terms to understand how a blog works, how readers find it and what to do to get more visitors.

Step 3. Select and install the website design

The appearance of the blog largely depends on the capabilities of the server, but which it is created with. The platforms offer several ready-made themes or templates that you can use as layouts.

Choosing a design from scratch is always difficult, especially if you are not a designer at all. To make it easier, research the blogs you like and target them.

You shouldn't engage in direct borrowing, but you don't need to get hung up on looking for a super-original idea either - it's better to spend time on content (content) rather than form.

Step 4. Setting up the blog

The designed blog is, in principle, ready to launch, all that remains is to customize it. Necessary make the permalinks to your blog readable (url)... If you do not do this, the addresses of your entries will look like unreadable gibberish.

Understand the functionality of the website building platform you are using. This will make it easier for you to add posts, set up monetization and promote your resource in search engines.

Step 5. Create a content plan

Posts (records) should be published regularly. Therefore, it is advisable to draw up a plan for the publication of publications in advance. Since content is at the heart of a blog, you have to spend a lot of time creating it.

The release of posts can be configured automatically. For example, write 5 articles per day and make them appear in the next five days every day at the same time.

Step 6. Publish content

Shorter articles are less promising in terms of search engine optimization. Systems love detailed publications with pictures, videos, graphs, tables.

The blog should stand out from the rest, while not losing its functionality and remaining convenient

Maintain feedback with your audience. Respond to comments, do not be afraid to engage in polemics with readers. The blogger needs to know who he is writing for.

A separate moment is the promotion or promotion of a blog or a page on a social network. Natural methods of promotion are good, but too tedious. Even super interesting and original content does not guarantee getting into the TOP of search engines and attracting the target audience to the site.

The way out is to use special servers. If your goal is to gain followers on social media, I recommend the site. This resource guarantees a safe promotion on all popular social networks. Suitable for video bloggers, owners of commercial accounts on Twitter and Instagram.

Another popular service is. Created specifically for those who have an Instagram account and are engaged in monetizing it. Do Insta guarantees 50,000 unique views per month and at least 6,000 new subscribers over the same period.

Step 7. Monetizing the site

The most enjoyable moment is the reward for the work, earning income from your blog. There are many monetization options... The more readers you have, the more ways you can make a profit are at your disposal.

Start small and never quit your job if your initial income seems paltry. All of the now successful bloggers, who make hundreds of thousands on their websites, started out with penny profits. This is a mandatory stage.

3. Where is it better to create and maintain your blog - an overview of the TOP-3 popular sites

There are dozens of sites for creating a blog, but not all are convenient and understandable for beginners.

I suggest review of the top three most reliable and popular resources, which are successfully used by thousands of Runet bloggers.

1) Ucoz

Free website builder, time-tested. Its main advantages are - convenience, availability and performance... Even those who have no idea how web sites are created will understand how this is done if they use the simple and effective functionality of Yukoz.

To get started, you need to register, select the type of site from the proposed categories and follow the further instructions. Free functionality is enough for blogging. There is also a paid plan: if you switch to it immediately after creating a blog, get 50% discount.

2) Wix

Free service to create your dream website. Vicks is based on visual editor- this means the pages of your blog will have to be drawn up manually. But a beautiful and original design is guaranteed to you.

Add to this reliable hosting, 24/7 support, an intuitive builder without any coding, and you have an ideal platform for launching and maintaining an author's blog.

3) WordPress

The most popular platform in Runet for creating blogs, websites, online stores, information magazines. Our portal "HeatherBeaver" was created precisely onWordPress.

There are several thousand templates here, all free, as well as powerful support and help tools to help you create a blog with zero knowledge of how it works.

« Wordpress "love search engines: with promotion, if you configure it correctly, there will be no problems.

Comparison table of sites:

4. How to monetize your blog - 5 proven ways

Among newbies, there is an opinion that you need to choose one way to get profit from a blog and use only it. This is fundamentally wrong. Almost all sources of income are available to bloggers at the same time... The main thing is to be able to use them.

Let's consider the most popular options.

Method 1. Earnings on contextual advertising

This is the easiest way available to everyone. Even if you only have 10 visitors a day, you have every right to connect contextual advertising. Another thing is that the income from it with such attendance will be small.

Method 2. Earnings on teaser and banner advertising

Method 3. Selling links

There are services that buy / sell temporary and eternal links... The higher the traffic to the blog, the more expensive the links are. The link trading process is automated, all you need to do is set it up properly.