One day on a zoological expedition. Bots, what are they and why are they dangerous? What will happen next

My name is Marat, I am a senior researcher at the laboratory of arbovirus infections at the Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focal Infections.
In the past 2013, we worked in the forest zone of the Omsk region - in the southern taiga zone, I bring to your attention a review of one day of our September expedition.
September 10, 2013 Zoological expedition of the Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focal Infections. Znamensky district of the Omsk region. There are 46 photos under the cut.

1. Rise at 6:55 - it's still dark, I wake up in my tent. Before going to bed, I take off my watch and hang it above my head in a flashlight loop:

2. In September, it is quite cold in these places at night - a little above zero, so our sleeping bags are warm, and oh, how you don’t want to get out of it:

3. I quickly get dressed in a cramped but cozy tent, it's cold outside, so I always put on thermal underwear and a woolen jacket under the "encephalitis". And only after that I unzip the entrance zipper - it immediately pours cold damp air over me. My "berets" and swamps are hidden under the awning:

4. There are three of us on the expedition, everyone has their own task this morning, everyone checks "his" trap-line. We leave for the check without having breakfast, but before leaving, our graduate student Zhum decided to fill up the diesel fuel tank so that he could immediately put the kettle on upon his return:

5. Valery Viktorovich leaves on a boat - his trap-line is located far upstream of the river on the opposite bank of the Shisha. In the morning it is very uncomfortable on the river, the boat is damp, cold, and when you go with a motor, only a down jacket saves. I went down to the river to take pictures while the engine was warming up:

6. Washing in the morning is not entirely pleasant - the water is icy, but it invigorates very well, the dream immediately disappears:

7. We collected everything necessary for checking the lines in backpacks, I put on my storm kit over the encephalitis, after all, it is very damp in the forest. At 07:30 we leave the camp:

8. We go out onto the road, it is already dawn, the fog over the meadow begins to dissipate

9. The Zhuma trap line is located in the floodplain of the stream near the camp itself. The beginning of the line (so as not to miss it) is indicated by a notch on the tree trunk. Zhum has a backpack with spare live traps, oats and bait behind his back:

10. About 3 km to my line. Nice morning walk along the forest road. It’s good in the morning in the taiga, it smells thickly of rosemary and fir, nutcrackers are cracking, woodpeckers are clattering, hazel grouses and chipmunks are whistling:

11. On the way, a light breakfast of bone and lingonberries:

12. At 08:15 I reached my line. In order not to miss and turn off the road in the right place, I also made a mark on the tree, here you need to turn and go deeper into the forest:

13. The line is not far from the road - several hundred meters. I quickly reach the first point - you can see a notch on a tree and a live trap installed below:

14. I quickly went along the line to check the live traps, the procedure is simple: make sure that the bait is not dragged away overnight (bread soaked in vegetable oil). In total, there are 100 live traps on the line, spaced at intervals of about 5 meters. The first catch was at the 20th point, it can be seen that the door of the live trap is slammed shut:

15. In general, despite the nature of our work, humane treatment of animals is very important for us. In the live trap, in addition to the bait, there is a nesting chamber with dry hay, food (oats), the live trap itself is protected from rain and sun. The animal, attracted by the smell of the bait, goes inside and, when it tries to gnaw on the bait (bread), a mechanism is triggered that slams the door. In these places, the main object of our research is forest voles. If you look closely, in the photo you can see the eyes of the animal, which, looking out of the trap - at first glance - this is a red-backed vole ( Clethrionomys rutilus), we will define the species exactly in the camp:

17. I go further along the line, on the 30th again the capture! This time I tried to take a picture of the animal, but the mesh of the trap gets in the way:

18. In total, 6 animals were caught on the line. I got to the hundredth (last) trap at 9:14 - I checked for an hour - I fiddled a lot with photographing))

19. Walked along the line back to the road, picking up bags of traps along the way and carefully placing them in a backpack. I quickly went out onto the road and to the camp - after all, I didn’t have breakfast, I really wanted to eat. He returned to the camp at 9:46, and Zhum and V.V. were already there:

20. The first question is who caught how much. V.V. - 3 pieces, Zhum has one, I am the champion today)). Next, it is important to water the animals, for this I carefully put them in the shade, untie the bag so that the air passes and put juicy stems into the trap:

21. Zhum and V.V. they prepare breakfast in our wardroom - a large tent in which there is our kitchen table, solar gas and all products are stored (those that do not spoil):

22. And here is the solar gas itself - our very important fellow traveler, we protect it. For many years we have not cooked food on a fire, it is much more convenient to do this on solar gas, it does not look important, but it works well, it stands right in the tent, even during rain you can safely cook. The only pity is that he is alone - we heat the kettle, food, stew, etc. - everything in turn:

23. Since we were talking about everyday life, I decided to take a picture of our camp, the big tent on the right is the wardroom, and the one on the left is our field laboratory, we work in it:

24. Inside is a work table, electric lamps (yes, we now have a generator), anti-plague suits and all the necessary reagents, instruments, etc.:

25. While breakfast is being prepared, I need to sign the sample tubes:

26. Breakfast is ready at 10:50 - this is such a tough regime))

27. I will describe our English taiga breakfast Bread, bacon, cheese, butter, vegetables (8th day of the expedition)), potatoes with stew (cooked last night)

28. We ate, cleaned up and got to work: V.V. and I sat in the laboratory for the morphometry of animals and the collection of materials, Zhum went to the summer area behind the old woman to look for nests of voles (to collect material for his dissertation), V.V. it was 11:40:

29. We work in natural foci of dangerous viral infections, so it is important to follow all precautions, in the photo I take blood for serum, there is still a lot of work ahead, photographed by V.V .:

30. A lot of work, Zhum returned at 14:50 with two nests, in order to find them he had to stir up several dozen old dry stumps, remnants, rotten logs - a very hard job. I couldn’t take a picture of him with nests - he was in full dress - you can’t leave the laboratory, you can’t take a camera, etc. We finished our work at 16:10:

31. While we were working, Zhum boiled the kettle, so almost immediately, at 16:25, we sat down to eat:

32. Almost immediately after a snack, V.V. moved to his trap-line for an evening check. He went out early to take pictures of the hazel grouses, I did not have time to go down to the river, so the photo shows a boat going around the bend at the bend of the river:

33. Time is still early - almost five:

34. Sat down to fill out a field diary:

35. While writing, the midge bitten, in general, in September there is almost no midge, but sometimes the midge gets it, so I decided to perform the traditional ritual of "prayer":

36. Then, in the trees above the camp, a noisy flock of polonovniks (long-tailed tits) appeared, I wanted to photograph them, followed them for a long time, but I didn’t get a good shot. We began to gather with Zhum for the evening check of the lines, at 18:40 we leave the camp:

37. Zhum again went down to the stream:

38. I got to my line at 19:10

39. There was only one catch on the line:

40. At 19:35 I finished the check and immediately back:

41. Returned to the camp, watered the vole, at V.V. - zero, Zhum has 2 catches. It was already dark in the wardroom, so immediately upon my return I went to start the generator. We have it under a small awning down by the river, at 20:20:

42. At 20:25 they started preparing dinner, and to make it easier to wait, I decided to have a snack with an apple:

43. V.V. he opened the stew and stuck a knife in his hand, I had to stop his bleeding, treat the wound and make a bandage, since we have everything we need in the laboratory. While he was bandaging it, Zhum in the wardroom continued what he had begun and undertook to open the same jar - he cut his finger. Made him a bandage. Now it's my turn to deal with the knife and the jar. Under jokes and gloomy forecasts, he opened the remaining cans of stew - without bloodshed. In the photo we are waiting for the rice to be cooked:

44. At 22:10 dinner was ready: vegetable salad, rice with stew:

45. After dinner and evening conversations over tea, we went to our tents to sleep. Brushed their teeth in the light. I went down to the river to turn off the generator at 23:02:

46. At 11:19 pm I hung my watch in its place. It began to rain lightly, steam came out of the mouth. I turned off the flashlight and zipped up my sleeping bag. Above the meadow, one could hear how the bearded owl hooted deafly - she was taking her shift, now it was her turn to catch voles.

So passed a typical day in our September expedition.

Facebook bots, Telegram bots, Slack bots; they take away the jobs of call center operators, help order a taxi, download a movie, and replace a psychologist for someone

We asked the chief editor of a technology site Apparat Andrey Brodetsky explain what you need to know about bots - the most discussed (and, perhaps, very overheated) direction in IT.

Why is everyone suddenly talking about bots?

The mobile app market is stagnating. One and a half million applications are fighting for the attention of users in the AppStore, in Google Play- even more. At the same time, people are not that eager to try something new. Back in 2014, most Americans didn't download a single app (at the end of the month). And, according to ComScore, users spend 80% of their time on just three apps. Top stores have been occupied by large players, and the cost of promoting most applications simply does not pay off. Getting into the smartphones of users for beginners has become almost impossible.

But there is a segment of this market that continues to grow rapidly - we are talking about messengers. WhatsApp recently passed the one billion user mark, Facebook Messenger 900 million, WeChat 700 million. The combined audience of the four most popular instant messengers overtook the most popular social networks in November.

In parallel with the decline of applications and the explosive growth of instant messengers, artificial intelligence technologies, natural language processing and cloud computing.

Bottom line: developers began to understand that not all tasks need to be written in a separate application. Instead, you can get the user in those programs that he has already installed, and solve the same tasks with the help of lightweight software (bot) built right into the chat. Thus began the bot revolution.

What are bots?

Bots are programs that interact with the user through a conversational interface. For the user, it looks like a chat with an ordinary person (hence the other name - chatbot). Someone finds it the most convenient on this moment interface with a computer: you ask a question or report your need (“Where is the nearest Italian restaurant?”, “Is there any news about Apple?”, “I need a taxi”, “I need a sad gif”, etc.), and the program gives an answer, fulfills an order or recommends you a gif, a link, a translation of an unfamiliar word, and whatever.

There are different ways to interact with online services - you can place an order through a separate application or place it on the site, you can write or call the support service. Facebook Messenger lead developer David Markus is confident that the best we can do is replace all of this with text messaging.

What can bots do?

Pretty much everything you need from internet services. Ordering a ticket, calling a taxi, choosing clothes, shopping, payments and transfers, search, weather, news, maps and routes, downloading movies and music - bots will help you with all this.

Theoretically, a bot can replace the customer support of any business. Sony Pictures is already replaced 70 chatbot operators from startup. Gradually, the turn will reach the state clerks - why spend the budget on them, if the program can check and issue documents according to the given rules? (Bot written by a nineteen-year-old Briton, helped save drivers $3 million filing appeals against incorrectly issued parking tickets.)

Tina from Iran is the most popular bot on Telegram. She has over 2.6 million subscribers. Tina can report last news, send music on request, give advice, just chat.

Chinese chatbot Microsoft Xiaoice, which imitates the behavior of a seventeen-year-old girl, is a real star of Chinese social networks. Xiaoice communicates with tens of millions of Chinese people on WeChat and Weibo messengers. She knows how to sympathize, joke, can be cunning and avoid conversation. Many correspond with her to brighten up loneliness, even knowing that this is a program. Sounds like a Black Mirror episode, but it's real. Developers call Xiaoice the largest Turing test in history. Her Japanese sister Rinna is less popular - she has only two million subscribers on Line (also a messenger). Users mainly correspond with her about anime. But the experiment with Tay, Microsoft's English-language chatbot, didn't work out: trolls from the anonymous 4chan forum made Tay repeat Nazi slogans, glorify Hitler and the Holocaust in just a day.

Silicon Valley startup X2AI has developed a psychotherapist bot to help Syrian refugees in Lebanon. There are more than a million internally displaced persons there, about 20% of them experience psychological problems. In small Lebanon, there are not enough doctors and volunteers to help all these people. Bot is enough for everyone.

Where are the bots?

The first full-fledged messenger platform was Chinese WeChat. Thanks to the integration of many applications and the ability to pay directly inside WeChat messenger became incredibly popular. Twenty million Chinese companies operate on it in an app-in-app format through so-called official accounts.

The first Western messenger that discovered the potential of bots was Kik , founded by Canadian Ted Livingston. It has 275 million users, mostly in the US and Canada. Kik is wildly popular among teens, with 40% of American teens using it. livingston believes that the future of instant messengers is in bots, and not in artificial intelligence: it's all about speed, not complexity, he believes. The main owners of Kik bots are big brands and fast food chains. They use simple automated bots without processing human speech - mainly for commerce. At the end of March, Kik opened its bot store and API for their development.

Messenger Telegram, founded by Pavel Durov, opened a platform for creating bots last year, and recently updated it. It already has thousands of bots. The Flibusta pirate library bot helps you find any book and send it directly to your phone. The bot of the blocked RuTracker searches and downloads the torrent. With the help of bots in Telegram, you can find out the weather and news, play games, translate words, download movies, add pictures, gifs and music directly to the conversation.

At the end of March, its platform for bot developers Microsoft. The company lost the battle for mobile applications to competitors from Google and Apple and is now trying not to miss a new stage, making a bet on smart bots with integration into mail, Office, Skype and other services.

The corporate messenger stands apart Slack. Manager bots running on Slack can schedule and help run meetings, manage tasks, take snapshots of important discussions, automate workflows, and order food right from a chat. Slack can be set up for more than just work tasks. One Swedish programmer integrated Slack in family life and with its help manages the family calendar, monitors the movements of children and buys groceries.

The most anticipated event of the year was the opening platforms Facebook for bots. Now any developer can create a bot for their business. I tested the first bots available in the Facebook store. Cute cat Poncho told me the weather forecast in my city, CNN after two iterations began to give out news relevant to my interests, and the Spring online store helped me choose inexpensive sneakers in a few clicks. (It's a pity that this store is located in New York.)

Why are bots bad?

Many tasks are more convenient to solve through the graphical interface of the site or mobile application than through the bot's step-by-step text interface. Pressing multiple buttons (for example, choosing food from a restaurant menu) is faster than typing on a keyboard. Developers are trying to solve this problem with the help of hybrid interfaces that combine graphical interactive elements (buttons, links, photos) with regular text chat. But even with this approach, using the bot can be confusing. (Testing many Telegram bots, I started to get confused in the tree of options after a few iterations. Where did I go? How to go back? At such moments, I want to return to the site’s clear GUI, where all the navigation is in plain sight.)

Chatting with a bot not very comfortable psychologically. Despite all the impressive advances in the processing of natural speech, we still have not taught the computer to understand it one hundred percent. Entrepreneur and investor Andrey Khorsev( believes that artificial intelligence is now in a state of "uncanny valley" - asking a question, we are not sure that we will get the right answer and that our question will be correctly understood. Inappropriate use of the text interface of companies can even ruin the product - because of the negative effect it creates.

Besides, not all applications can be replaced by bots. Even such a standard process as buying a ticket turned out to be too complicated for a text interface, says the head mobile development AVIASALES Ivan Kozlov. The company's attempts to sell tickets through bots were unsuccessful - people still find it more convenient to use the application for this.

How will the bot market develop?

Bots have become such a hot topic that everyone has rushed to do them and is not too lazy. The excitement of developers is fueled by daily news about millions of investments in startups working on artificial intelligence. Silicon Valley investors joke that bot-related startup pitches are as high as 100%.

But the bot market can saturate even faster than the app market, as bots are an order of magnitude easier to develop. The winners will be those who were among the pioneers, and those who will be able to offer the user something incredibly convenient. Much depends on how the bot ecosystem develops. Obviously, the most popular will be bot shops belonging to the platforms themselves, that is, messengers. Horsev predicts: “Things will evolve much faster than with app stores.”

“The problem of promoting bots is already acute now,” says Viktor Kokh, investor and VP for business at VoxImplant. - I think that in six months bot engine optimization will appear, and with it - BEO-specialists (similar to SEO - search engine optimization ) ».

What will happen next?

Bots will most likely not take over the entire Web and kill applications, as the big headlines promise. But they will definitely take away the work of many support staff and operators taking orders. E-commerce, information services - in these areas, bots will take a significant part of the traffic from sites and applications. Just as applications did not kill, but supplemented the Web, so bots will not take over all the functionality of sites and applications and instead supplement them. The niche that bots will occupy may turn out to be very modest. "Bots can retrace the path smart watch", - says Kozlov from AVIASALES.

The most interesting and difficult to predict question is: what can be done with the help of bots, what could not be done with the help of a website or application? Perhaps the gold mine is here, and not in the transfer of existing models to new channel. In any case, the transition from apps to bots looks less revolutionary than the transition from the web to apps.

Mankind strives to free its life from unnecessary problems as much as possible. Therefore, he comes up with various robots that are ready to perform any programmed work. Sometimes it turns out so well that you can only gasp! However, many do not understand what is at stake. "Who is a bot?" they ask. Consider who or, rather, what it is, what "it" is intended for and summarize the data.

1. What is it all about?

As already mentioned, at the moment there are many robots (abbreviated as bots). They can do so much work that a human could never do. However, they have a significant drawback. They still, thank God, do not know how to think. And, therefore, directly depend on the person. That is why, the question: "What is a bot?" slightly wrong, as there is currently no artificial intelligence.

2. What are they for?

The Internet is a huge network in which people not only can free time, search necessary information and entertain, but also to carry out commercial activities. As a rule, in order to have successful business in the virtual space, it is necessary to notify

other Internet users about your site. To automate this process, special programs have been invented. For example, there are bots for "ICQ". Their tasks are simple. First, they are added to several thousand users, then they send them messages of the same type. Several recipients can follow the link, so the task of the program will be completed. There are, of course, similar things for other purposes, but they are less popular. These include the autoresponder for the ISQ agent. No less popular is the translator bot. True, so far only a small part of users is ready to resort to its services. The fact is that the quality of the translation leaves much to be desired. It is worth saying that large financial resources are involved in this direction, so the situation should soon change for the better. Do not forget about all kinds of online games, the developers of which, in order to recreate a realistic atmosphere, create rival robots, whose actions are calculated by the computer.

3. Position of bots on the Internet

It was previously mentioned for what purpose these obscure, mysterious wards of the computer were introduced. After all, five years ago, no one knew who a bot was. However, now most people know that it is scammers who use the services of such programs. Yes, do not forget that someone else writes them and gets paid for it. With the help of such assistants, you can quickly raise your level in the game, automatically put hearts in in social networks, translate some texts, download music, earn money by automatically clicking on links and much more. There is a completely justified opinion that evaluates all the actions of automatic programs with the lowest score. And we should not forget that the Internet was originally created for the exchange of information between people. But when a programmed machine works under the image of a person, which absolutely does not care what to do, then the original task, as they say, is reduced to nothing.

Now you know what a bot is. In short terms, this special program; its goal is to make life easier for some people, however, sometimes other Internet users may suffer because of this.

"See Fig. 1 Possible Solution Between the marks 22 cm and 25 cm there are 24 small divisions, so the price of one small division. Then the length of the worm. Note: ...»

Task 1. Unknown worm.

(Zamiatnin M.)

Zoologist Bot, while on an expedition, took a photograph of a worm previously unknown to science.

While sorting out expedition materials at home, Bot accidentally spilled coffee on the photo (Fig. 1).

As a result, part important information gone. Determine the price of a small division of the ruler and

find the length of the worm unknown to science.

see Fig. 1 Possible solution There are 24 small marks between the 22 cm and 25 cm marks, so the price of one small mark. Then the length of the worm.

Note: since the worm's tail is between two divisions, the answer for the worm's length of 2.625 cm can also be considered correct.

Evaluation criteria Found the number of divisions between the marks 22 cm and 25 cm

The price of a small division is found

Worm length found

Task 2. Long road.

(Zamiatnin M.) The car drove the first part of the way at a speed of 2, and the second part at a speed.

As a result of the entire movement, the average speed of the car turned out to be equal. How many times longer is the second part of the journey than the first?

Possible solution Method 1 Let the first part of the path be covered in time, and the second part in time.

Path relation:

Method 2 Let - the path traveled at speed (the time spent on this is equal), and - the path traveled at speed (the time spent on this is equal).

By definition of average speed:

XLIX All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics Municipal stage (Moscow region) from where Evaluation criteria For each part of the path, the law of uniform motion is written

An equation is written that is equivalent to the definition of the average and speed and allows you to find the desired ratio of paths

The equation is solved and the correct answer is received

Problem 3. Overcut cube.

(Zamiatnin M.) A symmetrical body is a cube, from each corner of which a small cube is cut out with a side equal to one third of the side of the large cube (Fig. 2). Whole body weight, side of small cube. Determine the density of the material from which the body is made and the mass of the small cut cube.

–  –  –

Possible solution The big cube consists of 27 small cubes. After cutting out 8 small cubes, there are 19 cubes left. This means that the mass of one small cube is equal to the volume of a small cube. Desired density.

Evaluation criteria Showing that the body consists of 19 small cubes

Found the volume of the body or the mass of one small cube

The desired density is found

Task 4. Paving slabs.

(Karmazin S.) A traveler rolls a suitcase on wheels at a speed along a path paved with square paving slabs in a direction perpendicular to the joints between the tiles. In this case, the wheels tap at the joints with a frequency of n = 5 hertz (5 knocks per second). What is the size of paving slabs?

Possible solution The time between two successive knocks of the wheel on the joint is equal.

During this time, the traveler travels a distance equal to the size of paving slabs:

Evaluation criteria A formula or similar has been obtained

XLIX All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics Municipal stage (Moscow region)

–  –  –

Solving the system of equations, we get:,.

Rice. 3 Evaluation criteria Equilibrium condition written (1)

The equilibrium condition (2) is written

The equilibrium condition (3) is written

Density found

Density found

Task 3. Average power.

(Zamiatnin M.) The tank with water was heated first with the help of a heater with power, and then with a heater with power. It took a while to warm up.

What power should the heater have, with the help of which this tank can be heated for the same time? Heat loss can be neglected.

Possible solution Suppose that for heating the tank, it is required to report the amount of heat on it. Then the total heating time in the first case is: In the second case. Equating, we get.

XLIX All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics Municipal stage (Moscow region) Evaluation criteria Relationship between temperature change and heat supplied

Expression for the heating time in the first case

Expression for the heating time in the second case

Answer for power

Numerical answer

Problem 4. The creation of Michelangelo.

(Varlamov S.) The famous sculptor Michelangelo carved the sculpture "David" from marble

watching the sitter. The height of "David", the height of the sitter.

The density of marble, the average density of the human body.

How many times is the sculpture of David heavier than the sitter?

Possible solution The height of the sculpture is twice the height of the sitter. Hence, the volume of the statue in times more volume sitter. The ratio of the masses of the sculpture and the sitter is Fig. 2 Evaluation criteria It is indicated that the ratio of volumes is equal to the cube of the ratio of linear dimensions

The correct formula for the mass ratio is obtained

Got a numerical answer

XLIX All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics Municipal stage (Moscow region)

–  –  –

Note: if you do not use the approximation, then the answer will include the radius of the Earth, which is not given in the condition.

Evaluation criteria An expression is obtained for the distance at which a person sees the horizon or similar

Approximation used and answer received

Correct numerical answer received

Task 2. Throw from the 17th floor (Plis V.

) The experimenter Gluck investigated uniformly accelerated motion. To do this, he threw pebbles vertically upwards from the balcony of the 17th floor. With what speed did he throw a stone if the length of his path for the first flights turned out to be equal?

Acceleration of gravity. Ignore air resistance.

Possible Solution

An attempt to calculate the movement of a stone in time from 0 to:

leads to an answer

–  –  –

From here we find the time, and then the value of the initial speed:

Thus, two variants of the throw are possible: with a speed and with a speed of 0.2 = 20 m/s. In the first case, after a while, the stone will be lower than Gluck, and in the second case, it will be higher.

Evaluation criteria It is shown that after a while the stone is already flying down

Path expression (4) or similar written

Found speed (two options)

Problem 3. Empty refrigerator (Zamiatnin M.

) If there is only one jar of jam in the refrigerator, its compressor in the steady state turns on every one and works. If you put 11 jars of jam in it, then in steady state it will turn on every time. How often will an empty refrigerator turn on? Find the compressor running time when there are 11 jars of jam in the fridge and the compressor running time when the fridge is empty.

Note: The controller sets the temperature t inside the refrigerator in a small range.

When the temperature becomes equal, the refrigerator turns on, when it drops to, the refrigerator turns off. Consider the power of heat exchange with the environment to be constant.

Solution Let - the heat capacity of the refrigerator with the contents [J/kg], and Cv - the heat capacity of the jam jar [J/kg].

Note that, since the power of heat inflow and removal is constant, how many times greater is the heat capacity of the refrigerator with the contents, so many times longer is the heating time and then the cooling time, and hence the entire cycle.

Therefore, three equations can be written:

for a refrigerator with one jar (here a constant proportionality factor) (С + Св)=T1 with 11 banks (С+11Св)=T2 and an empty refrigerator С = T3 11T1 T2 Solving this system, we get =18 min.

Similar relationships are also valid for the compressor operating times:

–  –  –

Where, a.

Evaluation criteria The paper contains a statement about the proportionality of the cycle period of the heat capacity of the refrigerator and its contents

Found the time

Found the time

Found the time

XLIX All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics Municipal stage (Moscow region)

–  –  –

second resistor third resistor To get resistance, you can connect resistors in parallel (thus getting a resistance of 5 kOhm), and connect a resistor to them in series.

Since the power dissipated in the resistor is determined by the formula, the resistor with the smallest resistance will heat up the most. In 1 hour, heat will be released on it Evaluation criteria Found resistances and

Proposed 15 kΩ circuit

It is indicated that the greatest power will be released on the resistor

The released heat is found

–  –  –

Possible solution The distance from the theorist to the mirror decreases with speed, the distance from the mirror to the image decreases with the same speed. This means that the image moves to the north (against the movement of the theorist and the mirror) with speed.

Evaluation criteria The speed of the theorist relative to the mirror is found

It is indicated that the speed of the image relative to the mirror is equal to the speed of the theorist relative to the mirror and is oppositely directed

Found the value of the image speed (relative to the ground)

Correct direction of speed

XLIX All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics Municipal stage (Moscow region) Grade 10 Task 1. If you like to ride, love to carry sleds (Folklore) Experimenter Gluck decided to ride a sled, pulling himself up to the wall with a cable and a system of blocks (Fig. 6). Unfortunately, the snow has not yet fallen, so Gluck has to apply a sufficiently large force F = 240 N to the cable so that the sledge rides on asphalt. Gluck mass M = 75 kg, sled mass m = 5 kg, coefficient of friction between sled and asphalt = 0.5.

With what acceleration will Gluck go on the sled?

What is the force of friction acting from Gluck on the sled?

Gravity acceleration g = 10 m/s2.

–  –  –

The subscript at the symbol corresponds to the mass of the sector Fig. 9 in units of m.

Evaluation criteria The absence of the torque of the Archimedes force is stipulated

A relationship has been established between the densities and masses of the parts of a cylinder

Moment equation

Angle found

Counted 1

Counted 2

Counted 3

Counted 5

XLIX All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics Municipal stage (Moscow region)

–  –  –

Evaluation criteria An equivalent circuit is given

Found the value of the equivalent resistance

Correct answer received

XLIX All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics Municipal stage (Moscow region) Grade 11 Task 1. Pulling up (Zamiatnin M.) A metal bar with mass m = 1 kg rests on a horizontal steel sheet with an initially undeformed spring attached to it. A horizontally directed gradually increasing force is applied to the free end of the spring. After a while, the bar begins to move slowly. The dependence of the work of the applied force on the displacement of the application point is given in the table.

x, cm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A, mJ 0 22 82 178 319 481 640 800 Determine the spring stiffness coefficient, the bar displacement and the bar friction coefficient on the table surface.

Possible solution According to the table, we will plot A(x). It can be seen from it that the dependence A(x) consists of two sections. Initial - parabola, then linear.

The transition occurs exactly at the point x0 = 4 cm. At this moment, the elastic force becomes equal to the friction force and the bar begins to move. Since the maximum displacement of the free end of the spring is 7 cm, the bar moved by 3 cm during the experiment. Using the angular coefficient of the linear section of the graph, we find the stiffness of the spring (when the bar moves, the spring no longer lengthens and all the additional work of the external force goes to overcome the friction force) A A = mgx, whence 1.6. The stiffness coefficient mg ​​x is found from the condition for the start of slip mg mg = kx0. k =400 N/m.

x0 Note. When determining a numerical answer, errors of up to 10% are possible.

Evaluation criteria Graphing

Identification of two sections and their correct interpretation

Finding the displacement of the bar

Finding (formula)

Numerical value

Finding k (formula)

Numerical value k

Task 2. Rocket slide A smooth slide of height h with a constant angle of inclination is moved at a constant speed relative to the Earth (inclined plane forward) along a horizontal surface.

A small puck of mass m begins to slide from it (without initial velocity relative to the slide).

Calculate the work that, during the entire descent, the slide reaction force N will do on the puck (in the reference frame associated with the Earth).

XLIX All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Physics Municipal stage (Moscow region) Possible solution In the frame of reference of an accompanying slide and moving uniformly at a speed relative to the ground, the normal reaction force of the slide is always directed perpendicular to the instantaneous speed of the puck and therefore does no work. In this frame of reference, the law of conservation of energy for mu 2 puck looks like this: mgh, where u is the speed of the puck relative to the slide at the end of the descent.

In the ground reference frame, the speed of puck 1 can be found using the law of cosines. According to the law of addition of speeds 12 u 2 2 u cos. In this frame of reference, the law

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Evaluation criteria Recorded Newton's second law for a skydiver

It is indicated that with steady motion

The expression for the desired acceleration is given

Numeric response received

Task 4. Gas pressure In a closed vessel there is an ideal monatomic gas, the density of which is = 1.8 kg/m3.

Root-mean-square velocity of gas molecules q = 500 m/s. Calculate the gas pressure.

XLIX All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics Municipal stage (Moscow region)

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Problem 5. Electric bridge with capacitors A circuit was assembled from two uncharged capacitors with capacities C1 and C2, two ideal batteries with EMF E1 and E2.

After equilibrium was established, an ideal voltmeter was included in the circuit (Fig. 1). What voltage will it show?

–  –  –

Solving the resulting system of equations, we find E1C2 E2C1 U.

C1 C2 Evaluation criteria It is indicated that the charges of the capacitors are equal

Two independent equations are written that relate the charge of capacitors, the readings of the voltmeter and given in the condition of the value

Answer received

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Tasks for the school round of the Physics Olympiad for grade 7.

Part A.

For each of the tasks 1-10, 4 answers are given, of which only one is correct.

1. Time intervals are measured:

1) beaker;

2) thermometer;

3) stopwatch;

4) altimeter.

2. The navy uses a non-systemic unit of length called the pound. Knowing that 1 futu corresponds to the distance in 304.8mm, estimate the distance between the ship's keel and the seabed referred to in the expression "7 feet under the keel".

1) ≈ 22m; 2) ≈ 2.5 cm; 3)≈2.2m; 4) ≈ 2.2 dm.

3. What state is the substance in if the molecules in it behave like passengers in an overcrowded bus?

1) in solid;

2) in plasma;

3) in liquid;

4) in gaseous.

4. The law of inertia established:

1) Copernicus;

2) Galileo;

3) Tsiolkovsky;

4) Pascal.

5. In a vial 0.0006m 3 there is a magic elixir of success. If it is divided equally between 24 students of the 7th grade, then each student will get:

6. Weight of the same body on different planets:

1) the same if the body is at rest;

2) different, since the coefficient g on different planets is different;

3) is different, since the reaction force of the support is different;

4) is different because the planets have different sizes.

7. Why is it difficult to drink juice from a glass bottle for a long time, but it is much easier to drink from a bag?

1) there are fewer preservatives in the package;

2) the air pressure in the bottle decreases as the amount of liquid decreases, and the outside air prevents the liquid from pouring out. The flexible walls of the package come together, and the pressure loss is compensated.

3) the bottle is more difficult to hold, as it has a large mass;

4) in a bottle, usually 0.5 l juice, and in the package - 1l.

8. Determine the diameter of an olive oil molecule, if a drop of oil with a volume of 0.002 cubic mm spread over the surface of the water, forming a spot of 200 sq. cm, the thickness of the oil layer is equal to the diameter of the oil molecule.

1) 0.000001mm 2) 0.0000001mm 3) 0.00000001mm 4) 0.000000001mm

9. Of course, you know the expression "Seven spans in the forehead." Knowing that a span is a measure of length, equal to the distance between the ends of the stretched fingers of one hand (thumb and forefinger), is from 18 before 23cm, estimate the boundaries in which the length of the cerebral convolutions is enclosed.

1) 25 – 30cm; 2) 11 - 16cm; 3) 1.26 - 1.61m; 4) 5 – 41cm.

10. Water is poured into the measuring cup. Specify the volume of water, taking into account the measurement error.

1) 70 ml; 2) 70.0 0.5 ml; 3) 70 5 ml; 4) 70 10 ml.

Part B

1. Treasure.

A record about the location of the treasure was found: “From the old oak, go north 20 m, turn left and go 30 m, turn left and go 60 m, turn right and go 15 m, turn right and go 40 m; dig here. What is the path that, according to the record, one must go to get from the oak to the treasure? How far from the oak is the treasure. Complete the task drawing.

2. Cockroach Mitrofan.

Cockroach Mitrofan makes a walk around the kitchen. For the first 10 s, he walked at a speed of 1 cm/s in the direction to the north, then turned to the west and walked 50 cm in 10 s, stood for 5 s, and then in the direction to the northeast at a speed of 2 cm/s, traveled a path of length 20 see Here he was overtaken by the foot of a man. How long did the Mitrofan cockroach walk around the kitchen? What is the average speed of the cockroach Mitrofan?

3. Unknown worm.

Zoologist Bot, while on an expedition, took a photograph of a worm previously unknown to science. While sorting out expedition materials at home, Bot accidentally spilled coffee on the photo (Fig. 1). As a result, some important information was lost. Determine the price of a small division of the ruler and find the length of a worm unknown to science

Job number

1 Solution.

Evaluation criteria:

    Drawing of the trajectory plan, taking the scale: in 1cm 10m - 2 points

    Finding the path traveled - 1 point

    Understanding the difference between the traveled path and the movement of the body - 2 points


Evaluation criteria:

    Finding the time of movement at the third stage of movement: - 1 point

    Finding the distance traveled at the first stage of the cockroach's movement - 1 point

    Writing a formula for finding the average speed of a cockroach - 2 points

    Mathematical calculations - 1 point


Between the marks 22 cm and 25 cm there are 24 small divisions, so the price of one small division = cm = 0.125. Then the length of the worm is 2.6 cm.

Note: since the worm's tail is between two divisions, the answer for the worm's length of 2.625 cm can also be considered correct.

Evaluation criteria

Found the number of divisions between the marks 22 cm and 25 cm .................................. 2 points Found the price of a small division ................................................. ............................ 4 points The length of the worm was found .............. ................................................. ............................4 points