Six applications recognizing who calls you. Mobile application under iOS will find a person on the phone number of the number of numbers on the iPhone

Hello everyone! It turned out that I have been using the identifier of the numbers on the iPhone for several months. I somehow turned on, I was glad and did not even write about it, as I thought it was all used ... Now it turned out that I am mistaken and even advanced users of the iPhone do not know about such a cool chie as a number determinant! Now I will tell you and you are ash, how simple it is! But for the beginning ...

Download the program to your favorite iPhone or update the program if it is not updated. The function of the number of the number on the iPhone appeared long ago and I don't even remember why I didn't pay attention to this ... The identifier information appeared or in the 2GIS update tab in the App Store, or after the next program launch.

Why exactly 2GIS? Yes, just because the base of the service phone contains almost all organizations in the city, and therefore, if someone calls you from "Romashki LLC, for example, you will immediately find out about it! Yes, spammers or calls from other cities / countries The number identifier does not show, but already thanks for this 🙂

By the way, this method I checked on iOS 10 and on previous versions, in my opinion, does not work. But if I am mistaken and you have earned it on iOS 9, please write in the comments below!

How to enable the identifier number on the iPhone

After installing the 2GIS program on the iPhone, you need to go to the app and download the urgent city for you:

After the city is loaded, it will be necessary to exit 2GIS and go to the settings of the iPhone itself. They scroll down the phone down there, enter it and after clicking on the "block. and Identif. Call "(I was written on iPhone 6 this way). After that, you will be taken to a new window in which there will be a cherished switch opposite the 2GIS program. By the way, there will also be a big (or not very) a list of contacts blocked on your phone:

So on this screen and you need to translate the switch to the green state, next to the inscription 2GIS. Everything, if you call from some company that is registered in the 2GIS directory, you will know who exactly calls you! The line under the phone number and will mean that the function determinant is on the iPhone in action:

Well, if somewhere we saw a phone number, then it can be tried to calculate it, writing it with it in the row of a set of numbers:

It seems to be so easy to configure the identifier of the number on the iPhone, but few people know about it. I hope that the article will be useful for you and you will be happy to share it in social networks, and also join the group in

Missed an important call or spam? Potential employer or survey service?

The application "Who called" contains about 150 thousand numbers in the database and uses the little-known feature of iOS 10 for filtering and blocking calls. The option is enabled in the settings:

Settings → Telephone → Lock and Identification

The software is distributed at a discount of 60% and costs 75 rubles. In the App Store.

After activating the utility, most incoming and missed calls appear a hint.

Developers periodically update the database, and the user has a personal "black" list to reset the incoming spammers calls.

website Missed an important call or spam? Potential employer or survey service? When I see the missed call from the city phone, I drive the number in the search engine. Sometimes, call from the bank, sometimes from the courier service. But more often is spam. For breakdown, the room takes 2 minutes and a bunch of extra televitations: copy, start the browser, choose the search results, read reviews, call back or score ....

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. And suddenly the person needs you?

On the screen of your smartphone, the inscription "Call from the Unknown Numbers" appears.

Many such calls come from companies that are engaged in telemarketing, that is, they are trying to sell you services or products that you do not know anything.

Often such companies are located abroad. However, it happens that the real person calls, the number of which you forgot to enter the list of contacts. Therefore, you click the "Reply" button and hear the recorded text of the telemarketing company.

This is a typical situation, but she has a solution. We found six applications that solve this problem.

1. TrapCall

This application is designed for Apple and Android operating systems. It was created by Teltech from New Jersey, and although it is free for download, for the service for identifying the incoming number you need to pay - about $ 5 per month.

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. Call may be from a person whose number you forgot to enter the contact list

It works as follows: when a call from an unknown number comes to your phone, it can be rejected, double-clicking on the "Hang Tube" button. The app immediately sends you a text message with the phone number from which you called. It will also determine if this number is connected with a specific address.

In addition, it offers the ability to block numbers.

"We all want to know who calls, and to have the ability to choose - to answer the call or not," says President Teltech Meir Cohen.

2. TrueCaller

The Swedish company True Software Scandinavia AB, which created this application, claims that the number of its subscribers is 85 million worldwide.

The application uses a database into which millions of previously identified phone numbers are entered. The program instantly recognizes them and provides the user with the ability to lock them.

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. Many calls come from telemarketing companies

It also conducts a search on the Internet for all information related to a specific number - for example, reviews, photos and ratings.

3. Contactive.

This free app was created by Spaniard Inyaki Berenguer, the founder of Klink. He recently bought a British company ThinkingPhones.

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. All these programs automatically search for information on the Internet.

Program developers argue that it is able to recognize more than 600 million phone numbers. It automatically searches for all the information associated with a specific number on the Internet. For this, it is drawn not only to existing databases, but also to social networks.

4. Track Caller Location

This is a product of SmartLogic, which has departments in the United States and Britain. This free application can be downloaded from October last year.

To use it does not require an Internet connection. In addition to the following functions, this program has the ability to determine the location of the caller, provided that it uses the GSM mobile network.

5. Whoscall

Right holder illustration ThinkStock. Image Caption. These applications use huge databases to determine the incoming number.

The Taiwanese Gogolook company, which developed this application, argues that through its filters up to 20 million calls per day, and half of them are recognized as spam.

The program has all the familiar already functions and is able to block both calls and texts.

6. Whos Calling?

This application company Badaix works as well as the previous one. Its strength is the ability to analyze data on social networks, especially WhatsApp and Facebook. The application also allows you to create lists of unwanted addressees.

- Hello? Hey! I learned (a)? - Hello! Sure! (Not…)

Ask who calls, embarrassing, and I want to know. What if you were called with an unfamiliar room, and would guess who it was, is not possible? For such and similar situations, the Detector online application was developed. With the help of Appa, you can find not only a photo, but also contact information about the person of interest.

Detector features

Providing foreign personal information about a particular person is prohibited and punishable by law. Yes, users are unlikely to appeal to the services of mobile operators and social networks fully, if their personal data were at risk of disclosure.

However, it provides for finding only publicly available information. All data are drawn from social networks to which the phone number is tied.

To get the material of interest, you need to download Detector with the App Store, open the APP and enter the number in the appropriate string. You can find:

In addition, there is also a search also on the databases of unwanted subscribers and stationary numbers. In this case, the general, but the hidden information will not be displayed. "Detector" is a search engine that displays data from the Internet. Personal information is not going to the appendix, since the developers took care of the safety and personal space, customer comfort.

Another novelty: In the last update, it was possible to search for the bases of foreign countries.

For ease of operation, the apple is provided with the possibility of insertion from the clipboard and the history of searches. Using neural networks, quick finding details that cannot be provided by other sources - distinctive features of a mobile application.

Possible modifications

Despite the interesting functionality Detector, in it, as the Nastmobile team managed to notice, there is their inaccuracies. Search and collect details is carried out on social networks to which the number is attached. This means that the information about a person can be false. For example, fake or old inactive pages will not be able to provide the right photos and contacts. And the accuracy of the location, email will also be in doubt.

To download the service, you must pay a small amount, although in the future there may be a free version. Nevertheless, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "detector" itself is very interesting and in refinement can be quite successful.

In the meantime, this APC is in the improvement stage, Nastmobile offers the creation of mobile applications for iOS with the most efficient functionality. Development and promotion of projects for us is not a problem. To learn the details of cooperation and payment, please contact us convenient for you.

About service

Sometimes, calls or SMS messages from unknown phone numbers are received on the mobile phone. In order for you to find out from which region they called or sent SMS, we developed this service.

Enter the phone number or its first 5 digits in the field on the left to determine its belonging to the cellular operator, the region to which it is attached or the city (for stationary phones).

Place the form of the region's definition by phone number on your site

Copy the shape code from the field below and paste into any page of your site:

Together with the specialists we developed a widget. Now you can add a regions definition program by number to the main page of Yandex.

Add to Yandex.

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