Bondarchuk's wife's Instagram. The real Instagram of Svetlana Bondarchuk is a030aa: new photos and videos

There is such a profession - to be a secular lady and an icon of style. Svetlana Bondarchuk (in Instagram - a030aa) perfectly mastered this art. As such, we know her. Svetlana does a great job of being a worthy daughter-in-law of Sergei Bondarchuk and the wife of Fyodor Bondarchuk, no less glorious today. Let her not act in films and write scripts: Svetlana Bondarchuk is herself a work of art, both an author and a masterpiece.

Svetlana (at that time Rudskaya) was born in 1968 in Moscow. And who then could think of a modeling career for a Soviet girl! Instead, she practiced swordsmanship and achieved considerable success, becoming a candidate master. However, times have changed, and at the time of meeting Fyodor Bondarchuk, she was already a fairly well-known model.

For some time after the wedding in 1991, Svetlana went to the family and disappeared from the media radar. But after that, she returned to the spotlight. Now in the status of a style standard. She appears at social events, flaunts in the frame, flaunts tasteful things, and shares her understanding of style. Not bad for a lady with grandchildren already growing up!

Some of her "aristocratic" statements can be regarded as trolling. For example, Svetlana states that quality goods should be expensive and not accessible to everyone. In our time of crisis, such an expression is perceived, to put it mildly, ambiguously. But that's what aristocracy is for.

Svetlana Bondarchuk: Instagram - photo as an example of style

Almost the most interesting of the fashion projects that Svetlana Bondarchuk is engaged in is Instagram. Photos of Svetlana are updated almost every day. They reflect what is usually neutrally called "lifestyle".

The house, interior, flowers, a small dog, mirrors and frames - everything that surrounds Svetlana - is presented in her blog with a light retro flair. Svetlana herself willingly poses in various clothes and accessories, with different hairstyles and makeup. She has a lot to learn if you want to look beautiful and sophisticated. It is no coincidence that in March 2015, more than 210 thousand people signed up for Svetlana Bondarchuk's photo on Instagram (a030aa, if you didn't have time to remember).

Not everyone likes her approach to style and appearance, some decisions seem too bold for her age or aesthetically questionable. But mostly commentators speak positively about Svetlana and her style.

Official celebrity accounts on Instagram are no longer a rarity. Most media people consider it their duty to start their own page. At the same time, the goals differ: some want to get closer to the fans, someone pursues commercial motives: you can make good money on Instagram.

Actress, model, socialite and editor of the fashionable women's magazine "Hello" Svetlana is simply obliged to bring her life into the lens of the public, reporting on the most significant and interesting, in her opinion, events.

Svetlana Bondarchuk (a030aa) uses her Instagram to introduce her own ideas and visions of various aspects of life to the masses. Bondarchuk is known for her ambiguous provocative statements, causing a wave of criticism against her. Words do not always resonate with a wide audience, but the blonde does not strive for this, touching on a particular topic.

Svetlana Bondarchuk turned Instagram into an analogue of a fashion magazine with personal overtones: elegant, catchy, tasteful. An Instagram account is an opportunity to publish what, when and how you want, what Sveta is successfully doing.

On her blog, you can find photos from social events, ordinary selfies, shots from professional photo shoots, photos of animals, flowers, nature - everything that fell into the lens and was to your liking.

Svetlana Bondarchuk is considered a “style icon”, she is looked up to and admired, so many fashionistas follow her Instagram for tasty and fresh ideas. More than once in an interview, she spoke about her participation in the selection of a costume, an image for the appearance of her husband at the next premiere. The fashionista posts photos in various bows, even in a swimsuit, which is ambiguously perceived as applicable to her age (49 years old).

A photo of Svetlana Bondarchuk without makeup caused controversy among her subscribers. Some were sure that the woman looks great, others insisted that there are much more flaws than advantages, and the celebrity looks just awful. The discussion was heated, but did not lead to anything: everyone remained with his own, and Bondarchuk ignored the opinion of the public about her appearance, leaving no comment.

Photos and videos from travels are a must-have attribute of a star's Instagram. Getting on vacation or traveling for work, Sveta will certainly take a couple of shots for the page.

Where without advertising posts? Although we said that there are not many of them, they still have a place to be: basically, we are talking about clothing stores, shoes, various cosmetic and medical procedures. The plus is that Bondarchuk projects a moderately healthy, unrestrained lifestyle, which Instagram lacks.

Instagram Sveta Bondarchuk: new photos and videos

New publications appear on the page of the star @a030aa regularly: it has already run into more than 5 thousand.

Recent photos and videos of Svetlana are dedicated to a trip to Georgia (obviously, on vacation). There are a lot of photos with the dog Fannyla Bradoodle - an incredibly cute creature, which is impossible not to fall in love with.

Instagram page "Svetlana Bondarchuk" (a030aa) reminds that spring has already come, creates a light spring mood: beautiful flowers and bouquets are the dream of any woman.

Periodically, photographs of working everyday life appeared: rest is rest, spring is spring, and work is scheduled.

A lot of frames and videos with Sveta's chosen one - photographer Sergey Tabunov. It seems that the couple is always together, they smile, laugh and enjoy life.

Biography of Sveta Bondarchuk

Unlike many wives of famous people, and Fyodor Bondarchuk is objectively one of them, there is also something to tell about Svetlana. At 49, she has achieved success in many endeavors: she built a family and managed to make a career in various fields.

The life path of Svetlana Rudskaya began on December 17, 1968 among the Moscow intelligentsia. The girl was successfully engaged in fencing, having received a sports category - CCM.

The closest person during childhood and youth for Sveta was her grandmother, who persuaded her tall, thin granddaughter to take part in the casting of one of the European modeling agencies. The tests were successful, and for some time the girl traveled around Europe.

A career in the modeling business quickly went up, but Rudskaya decided to learn a new profession by switching to television. For a long time she hosted various fashion shows, became the heroine of a talk show. This was facilitated by marriage with the famous actor and director Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Caught up in a wave of success, Svetlana took the position of editor-in-chief at Hello magazine, and also made a successful attempt to create her own elite magazine for a narrow circle of readers. By the way, in an interview, Bondarchuk said that she believes that branded items are the property of the elite.

During her life, Sveta organized private parties, acted in films, returned to the modeling business again, but to this day she works in the magazine mentioned above.

Personal life of Svetlana Bondarchuk: latest news

The family life of Svetlana Bondarchuk is connected with the famous Russian actor and director Fyodor Bondarchuk. The acquaintance of the future spouses took place when she was 16, and he served in the army. Fedor's parents did not approve of the choice of their son, so for a long time they did not accept the daughter-in-law, and the youth lived with a friend of Bondarchuk.

In the family of Fedor and Svetlana, two children were born: Sergey and Varvara. The elder one studied in the USA as a director and has already given Sveta the opportunity to become a grandmother. The youngest girl was diagnosed with Down syndrome, but she receives no less parental love.

In 2016, the couple broke up, and peacefully: without swearing and mutual dirt in the press. Fedor found a new passion, but Svetlana not only worked. Six months after the divorce, it became known about the new chosen one Bondarchuk. The photographer was Sergey Tabunov. The couple is still together to the envy of all ill-wishers.

If you are interested in Svetlana Bondarchuk (Instagram-official site - @a030aa), subscribe to her page and follow the news.

After analyzing Maxim Galkin's microblog, psychologists diagnosed the artist with "prima donna syndrome". And what about the social networks of other celebrities? the site found this out together with conflict psychologist Valery Sokolyuk

Svetlana Bondarchuk

Very often, star characters accompany their photos with great quotes or poems (also strangers). For example, this can be seen on Svetlana Bondarchuk's Instagram. This suggests that a person is in some confusion, in search of some kind of landmarks. Like a rock climber who is looking for something to cling to with his hand.

Maksim Galkin

Any Internet page says more about its owner than perhaps he himself would like. Because you can immediately see what is happening inside a person. For the same Maxim Galkin, the family really comes first. Of course, it is far from a fact that an idyll actually reigns in their family, but he actively wants to demonstrate this. That is, it is very important for him personally.

If we see a lot of blurry photos on Instagram or not just a portrait, but some fragments - a hand, lips, an eye - then this indicates that a person wants to show himself as a more creative, sort of extraterrestrial being. There are a lot of such posts, for example, the actress Svetlana Ivanova. In my opinion, there is some posturing here. And at the same time, such pictures can be regarded as uncertainty. After all, usually when a person is calm and confident, he has the same calm and confident style of Instagram. He uploads photos of approximately the same format, gives intelligible comments. If there is an abrupt movement, it means that a person is trying to find something more original, interesting. I see the message of the actress: she really wants to seem like an interesting girl. She is most likely flirting with someone. Because women often use the language of Instagram, the language of social networks, to convey something to another person.

Many people remember the story of how Victoria Bonya published a photo of her new home in America, and then in the comments someone noticed that this house was just for rent and the picture was clearly taken while visiting it with a realtor. I want to say that lately this is a very trendy story. Such an American fashion is to throw out a super-super-successful story on social networks, as if to yourself, in order to attract a real equivalent to your life. But this again suggests that the real state of affairs leaves much to be desired, so a person tries to catch luck by the tail in this way.

The surname "Bondarchuk" is associated with a well-known artist in the modern arena of cinematography. Not everyone knows that the ex-wife of a talented actor and director Fyodor Bondarchuk is not just a celebrity past. Svetlana is a self-sufficient person who has achieved a lot, not at all thanks to her eminent spouse. She managed to prove herself in many roles and even now she is developing her own PR agency and working as an editor for the famous Hello! glossy magazine.


Sveta was born into a Moscow intelligent family in 1968. There is a mansion in her family nest now, and then the girl was very fond of walking surrounded by ancient buildings of the Christmas Boulevard.

The girl's parents worked in the aviation industry and raised their daughter in strictness from childhood. Famous personalities often visited their house, and although Svetlana was a very shy girl, she only watched and absorbed everything in herself.

Sveta was very close to her grandmother and shared secrets with her. At school, the student was engaged in fencing and even achieved the title of Candidate Master of Sports in this sport. After school, Svetlana chose a rather modest profession for herself and graduated from the Institute of Culture. But she never worked at the library.

Modeling career

At school, Sveta was very thin, and with a height of 177 cm, she weighed only 50 kg. Because of this, she was very complex, but her grandmother persuaded her granddaughter to go to the casting of models, which was organized by the popular magazine Burda Moden. Despite her shyness, Sveta passed the casting and won this competition.

Working as a model helped the future celebrity to gain self-confidence, which she lacked so much. She was also able to see the world and participate in fashion shows in Europe and America.

After the 90s, a long break came in the modeling career. And only in 2007, Svetlana again appeared in the video of the Oriflame cosmetic brand. So soon the woman became recognizable and famous.

A television

In parallel with the modeling business, Svetlana tried herself on television. Already at that time she was a fairly well-known socialite, and her outfits were always recognized as the most refined and well-chosen. The girl tried herself as a fashion expert on a talk show.

Then Bondarchuk was invited to the popular Russian channel Domashny, where she hosted several programs about fashion and style. And when the reality show “You are a supermodel” started on STS, she was invited as a host, and then as a member of the jury.

publishing business

In 2006, Svetlana was a fairly well-known person, and therefore it is not surprising that she was invited to head the Hello! She holds the position of editor-in-chief of this gloss to this day.

And two years later, Svetlana decided to implement her own project and released the first sample of the Icons magazine. But, unfortunately, during this period the economic crisis began and it had to be closed.

Film career

Also, Svetlana has acted in films more than once. She first appeared in a short film in 1989, A Midsummer Morning Dream. This film was shot by Svetlana's husband, then a novice director Fyodor Bondarchuk, who also starred in this tape with his wife.

And then, only 17 years later, she again appeared in the credits of the film “Heat”, directed by her husband. But here the actress limited herself to the position of director of costumes.

Svetlana played her main role in the comedy film Love with an Accent. Here, on the same set, the stars of Georgian and Russian cinema starred. The film was released in 2012.

Personal life

Svetlana Rudskaya (maiden name of the girl) Fyodor Bondarchuk met her future and so far only husband at the age of 16. Then a young soldier came on leave and dropped in on a visit to one of his school friends, with whom Svetlana was visiting.

For a couple of years of friendship, the relationship grew into love, and in 1990 the couple got married. Together Fedor and Svetlana lived 25 happy years. During this time, they had two children - a son and a daughter. Son Sergei followed in his father's footsteps and became a film director. Daughter Varvara is constantly abroad for treatment due to a birth injury, nevertheless she grows up as a very cheerful and inquisitive girl.

For fans of the couple, the news of the divorce was a real blow, and many did not fully believe, rejected these rumors. But when public information about the breakup appeared on the pages of the Hello! magazine, everyone realized that the Bondarchuks were no longer together.

After some time, photos with new young people began to appear on Svetlana Bondarchuk's Instagram, but this was not serious. Not so long ago, she really began a serious relationship with the official make-up artist of the Lancome cosmetics company, Alexei Molchanov.

Daughter of the Bondarchuks - Varya

On May 5 of this year, Svetlana finally posted a photo of her daughter, Varya, on the network, congratulating her beloved child on her birthday. Many followers joined in the congratulations. But opinions about the mother's behavior of women were divided. Half of the subscribers heatedly criticized the star mother, complaining that it would be better if she was with her on her birthday and, in general, would spend more time with Varya. Instead of exhibiting photos in the company of friends from various parties. Apparently, harsh comments strongly hooked Sveta Bondarchuk "to the quick." So the next day, the woman posted a post in which she criticizes people for "poking their nose into other people's business."

It is worth recalling that Varya Bondarchuk was born in 1999 ahead of the time prescribed by doctors. Because of this, she began to develop developmental problems, and at some time the girl was sent for rehabilitation abroad. According to star parents, Varya lives and studies there almost all the time. As Varia's mother first said in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak (back in 2012), there are more specialists and opportunities to help treat a child. Earlier, Svetlana stated that taking care of Varya “strengthened” the Bondarchuk family even more. Her brother often plays with the girl. But after the separation of the star couple, the former spouses managed to reconcile again because of their daughter.

The Bondarchuk couple hid that their daughter had autism for 13 years. Today the girl is 18, she is cheerful and happy, according to Svetlana.

Social media

The film actress and business woman is actively sharing her life with fans on social networks. And, despite his no longer young age, he looks very good and does not hesitate to brag about it.

Svetlana Bondarchuk on Instagram - shows everyone what she was able to achieve in life. This is the official Instagram of the actress, so here you can see photos and videos from the film sets of projects in which Svetlana is filmed.

Personal page of Rudskoy-Bondarchuk VKontakte - On the wall of the account there are not only personal photos, but also family pictures with her ex-husband and granddaughters - the daughters of Sergei's son.

By request with the name of Svetlana on Facebook, we were unable to find the personal pages of the model and actress, but there are several videos from advertising companies of famous European brands. Svetlana is still actively acting in commercials.

Unfortunately, we were unable to find her pages on the social networks Twitter and Odnoklassniki, but Svetlana regularly amazes the Internet with the length of her legs. Various online publications write about her beautiful legs and impeccable appearance, which rely on photos posted on Instagram by Rudskoy-Bondarchuk.

Now the famous socialite leads an active lifestyle and takes responsibility for new business projects. Fans really hope that soon Svetlana will meet a worthy person with whom she will connect her fate and be happy. And most importantly, many hope that the woman will finally take her daughter to her place, to Russia.