The align command in autocad does not work. AutoCad Lessons - Aligning Objects

Before moving on, it is necessary to digress and comment on how the desired effect was achieved when positioning the labels relative to the lines. The fact is that single-line labels, regardless of how many characters they consist of, are single objects, the positioning methods of which are in many ways similar to the block positioning methods. True, unlike blocks, text objects do not have an insertion point, but alignment point.

With this point, a text object can be snapped to a drawing object using the tool intersection. When using the command Dtext or Text, as noted above, the left-aligned mode is used by default. However, considering that AutoCAD allows you to align text not only horizontally, but also vertically, it should be noted that the default text is aligned not just to the left, but to the lower left point of the baseline - an imaginary line along which text characters are located.

As you already know, if after running the command Dtext or Text in response to a prompt to enter alignment, AutoCAD prompts you to select one of the following alignment modes.

Set option

Most of the alignment modes listed in this prompt are shown in Figure 1. 10.13.

Rice. 10.13 Points at which single-line text objects are aligned

Modes Inscribed And Width differ from other alignment modes in that they determine not only the location of a single-line text object, but also the angle of its rotation.

Note. In mode Inscribed AutoCAD prompts you to set two points and then align the text between them. The angle of the line formed by these two points determines the angle of rotation of the text object. Since the horizontal size of the entered text is exactly adjusted to the distance between the specified points, AutoCAD does not offer to set the font height in this mode, since it is determined automatically. In mode Width AutoCAD also prompts you to specify two points that define the rotation angle of the text object. However, unlike the regime Inscribed, AutoCAD in mode Width prompts you to enter the height of the text. The text is then transformed by thinning or compacting so that the entire text object fits exactly between the two specified points.

In practice, modes Inscribed And Width You'll use them much less frequently than the other alignment modes, so let's take a closer look at them because there are some pretty important nuances to using them.

In the mode you already know Center AutoCAD prompts you to specify a point around which the text will be centered horizontally. In other words, in this mode, the text object is aligned so that the midpoint of the baseline is at the given point. Mode middle like a regime Center with the only difference that the text object is aligned not only horizontally, but also vertically. In this case, both superscript and subscript elements of letters are taken into account - in other words, in the mode middle vertical alignment is carried out according to the height of the text object as a whole.

Often alignment in modes middle And SC(considered below) gives the same result, however, in the general case, the corresponding points may not coincide, which is shown in Fig. 10.13. Mode right similar to the default left justification mode, but unlike the latter, the selected point defines the right border of the text, not the left. After the command is completed, the text object is in mode right lies full length to the left of the given point.

Modes VL, VTS And VP are the alignment modes for the top elements of the text (Top) on the left border, on the center and on the right border, respectively. When one of these modes is selected, AutoCAD aligns the text so that the top elements of the text are flush with the specified point with the appropriate horizontal alignment mode. Modes SL, SC And joint venture are designed to align text vertically in the middle of the height of the letters (Middle). Inline elements are not taken into account, therefore, as noted above, in the general case, alignment in modes SC And middle may lead to slightly different results. In modes NL, NC And NP the text is vertically aligned with the bottom points of descenders. Mode NC which is in the list alignment palettes Properties called Down center, was applied by us in order to "raise" the text above the strokes of the section line.

By now you should be able to understand why the letters in the main view moved inward after applying the alignment mode. Down center. Indeed, you need to apply the alignment mode to the right letter down left, and to the left letter - alignment mode Down right. Guided by Fig. 10.13, try to solve this problem yourself, using the palette again Properties.

The first column of the table contains the English name of the AutoCAD command. The second column is the Russian analogue of the team. In the Russian version of AutoCAD 2011, you can enter both English and Russian. Please note that not all teams have a Russian variant! When entering a command, the character case does not matter. The English command name must be preceded by a non-breaking space character "_", for example: _array or _ARRAY. Make sure that there is no space character when writing the command.

AutoCAD Team AutoCAD team Team Description
3D Building a network in the form of a standard surface.
3Dalign Alignment in 3D space.
3Darray 3-array 3D array.
3Dclip 3-secpl Cutting plane adjustment.
3dconfig Setting up 3D graphics
3Dcorbit 3-porbit 3D viewing of an object (in this case, the object is constantly rotating).
3Ddwf Create and view a 3D model in a DWF file.
3Ddistance 3-dist View mode of three-dimensional objects (zoom in or out).
3D face 3-face Construction of a three-dimensional polyhedral surface of uneven shape.
3Dfly Flight of the 3D model.
3Dforbit Model viewing in orbital mode.
3Dmesh 3-network Creation of three-dimensional mesh surfaces.
3Dmove Moving objects in three-dimensional space.
3Dorbit 3-orbit Interactive viewing of objects in three-dimensional space.
3Dorbitctr Interactive viewing of three-dimensional objects with the assignment of a point of rotation.
3Dpan 3-pan 3D panning.
3Dpoly 3-line Create a 3D polyline from individual line segments.
3Drotate Rotate an object in 3D space.
3Dsin import3ds Import from 3D Studio Max
3Dswivel 3-hinge Simulates the effect of turning the camera.
3dwalk Traversal of a 3D model.
3Dzoom 3-show 3D scaling of a 3D scene.
ABOUT INFO AutoCAD version information.
ACISIN IMPORTTEL Import an ACIS file into the current drawing.
ACISOUT EXPORTTEL Export of AutoCAD solid models to an ACIS file.
ADCCLOSE TSUTCL Closing the dialog box of the AutoCAD Control Center.
ADCENTER CCWCL Opening the dialog box of the AutoCAD Control Center.
ADCNAVIGATE SUPERGO Setting the file search path for the AutoCAD Control Center.
AECTOACAD Converting substitutes for AEC-objects of architectural and construction applications into AutoCAD objects.
AI_MOLC Sets the layer of the selected object as current.
ALIGN ALIGN Alignment of objects.
AMECONVERT ROCKCONVERT Converting AME models (AutoCAD R12) to AutoCAD 2000 solid objects.
ANIPATH Animation recording.
APERTURE APERTURE Change the size of the object snap's crosshair.
APPLOAD ZAGPRIL Loading / unloading applications connected to AutoCAD.
ARC ARC Building an arc.
AREA SQUARE Calculation of the area of ​​closed figures and regions.
ARRAY ARRAY Creating arrays.
ATTACHURL URLLINK Adding a hyperlink.
ATTDEF ATOPR Formation of the attribute definition of the created block in the dialog box.
ATTDISP ATECR Set the visibility of the blocks attribute.
ATTEDIT ATRED Block attribute editing.
ATTEXT ATEXP Retrieving attribute values.
ATTREDEF PEREATR Redefining a block with updating all its attributes.
ATTSYNC ATRORENEW Synchronization of attributes.
AUDIT CHECK Checking the integrity of drawings.
BACTION Adding an operation to the selected block.
BACTIOSET Formation of a set of objects participating in the dynamic block operation.
BACTIONTOOL Adding an action to a dynamic block.
base BASE Sets the base point for inserting pictures.
BASSOCIATE Associating an operation with a dynamic block parameter.
BATTMAN DISPATBLC Calling the Block Attribute Manager.
BCLOSE The command to exit the block editor.
BCYCLEORDER Changing the order of enumeration of handles for a dynamic block.
BEDIT Calling the block editor.
BGRIPSET Changing the set of dynamic block perimeter grips.
BHATCH KSHTRIKH Drawing associative hatching inside a closed area.
BLIPMODE MARKER Marker visibility control.
BLOCK BLOCK Formation of a block from a group of selected objects.
BLOCKICON BLOB SAMPLE Creating preview samples for blocks created in earlier versions of AutoCAD.
BLOOKEPTABLE Calling the lookup table of dynamic block properties.
BMPOUT EXPORTTBMP Saving the selected objects as a bitmap in .bmp format
BORROW LICENSE ZAIMLITS Borrowing a network license.
BOUNDARY CIRCUIT Creates a region or polyline from objects that represent a closed path.
BOX BOX Creation of a three-dimensional solid model of a parallelepiped.
BPARAMETER Adding a parameter to a dynamic block.
BREAK RIP Construction of a gap between two points of an object.
BREP Removing topological history from a 3D solid.
BSAVE Saving a dynamic block definition.
BSAVEAS Saving the dynamic block definition under a different name.
bvhide Applying an invisibility state block to an element.
BVSHOW Applying a visibility state block to an element.
BVSTATE Editing the named visibility state of dynamic block objects.

Once again, colleagues from the technological department turned to me with a request to simplify their lives when aligning the pipeline supports located on the same base. They did not find a ready-made tool, and again OARX and .

In general, the task looks like this: to place the selected objects of the MvPart type relative to their base point on one straight line, or rather, a plane.

As a result, the MEPMvPartAlign application was born (for AutoCAD MEP 2012 and 2013). Let me briefly explain what it does and how to use it. So...

There are a number of supports in the model that need to be aligned along one imaginary straight line passing through the middle of the base.

First of all, after calling the command, you must select the objects to be aligned.

The next step is to specify the points that form the alignment plane. You must specify at least two points that form an imaginary line.

The third point can be omitted and press Enter, then the orientation of the plane in space will be based on the current coordinate system. If it is very necessary to indicate the third point forming the plane, there is no problem.

As soon as we have decided on the third point, the team will immediately begin to align the objects. The alignment protocol will be displayed on the command line. You can also verify the successful result in the plan view.

The protocol for working from the command line is given below.

Command: MvPartAlign

Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 8 found

select objects:

Specify first point of align line:
Specify second point of align line:
Third point for plane or none for current Z:

89 T13.07 moved on 24.2327904682606
57 T13.04 moved on 53.9367274744436
108 T13.07 moved on 55.7566428608261
273 T13.19 moved on 4.35665730945766
273 T13.19 moved on 19.0338690225035
108 T13.07 moved on 62.9153513084166
108 T13.07 moved on 12.0487855602987
32 T13.01 moved on 0.745859129354358

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Aligning objects

Team ALIGN carries out alignment objects relative to other objects in 2D and 3D space. The command is called from the drop-down menu Modify -> 3D Operations -> Align.

Align command prompts:

Specify first source point: - specify the first source point

Specify second source point: - specify the second source point

Specify second destination point: - specify the second destination point

Specify third source point or: - specify third source point or continue

When specifying only one pair of source and target points, the selected objects move on the plane or in space by the distance specified by the points.

By specifying two pairs of source and target points, the selected objects can be moved, rotated and scaled in a plane or in space. The first pair of points defines the base alignment point, the second pair of points describes the rotation angle. After you enter the second pair of points, you are prompted to scale the object. The distance between the first and second target points is taken as the reference length for scaling. Scaling is only available when aligning with two pairs of points.

By specifying three pairs of source and destination points, the selected objects can be moved and rotated in space. First, the objects are moved along a vector drawn from the source to the target, then the source object is rotated to align with the target object. The source object is then rotated one more time to align with the target object.

Team 3DALIGN carries out alignment objects relative to other objects in 3D space. The command is called from the Modify -> 3D Operations -> 3D Align drop-down menu or by clicking on the 3D Align icon on the Modeling toolbar.

3DALIGN team requests:

Select objects: - select objects

Select objects: - press the Enter key to finish selecting objects

Specify source plane and orientation ... - source plane and orientation

Specify base point or : - Specify base point or copy

Specify second point or : - Specify second point or continue

Specify third point or : - Specify third point or continue

Specify destination plane and orientation ... - destination plane and orientation

Specify first destination point: - specify the first destination point

Specify second destination point or : - specify the second destination point

Specify third destination point or : - specify the third destination point

You can specify one, two, or three points for the source object. You can then specify one, two, or three points for the destination. The selected object is moved and rotated so that the base points and axes match X And Y the source object and destination are aligned in 3D space. The 3DALIGN command works with a dynamic UCS so that you can dynamically drag selected objects and align them to the face of a solid object.