Butterflies from discs for kindergarten. What can be done from disks. Cup coasters

From year to year, more and more new equipment appears, methods of recording information, computers are improved. CDs are hopelessly outdated, replaced by flash drives and fast internet. You can try to sell old discs, or just throw it away. But why? We offer you options for what can be made of disks.

Be that as it may, you are sure to find something you want to try here! Turn them into beautiful rainbow guitars with a pick! Read the tutorial to find out how she made them resist spills. It is just a genius and has a beautiful, polished look.

Put them in children's bedrooms, creative and handmade design, to save money and cause envy. A beautiful item made with the art of recycling! Coffee breaks are charming, super healthy and of great importance when it comes to meeting your friends or guests at home.

Of course, reworking any unnecessary things is an excellent occasion to take a creative look at the surrounding reality.

This may be one of the ideas that may take a little longer, but the end result will be very special. You can also add the accessory you want, let your artisan creativity expand! With paper or cloth, make various pets, flowers, any design you want.

Now see the image and assemble your own to your liking! It's always cool for a capricor in decorating Christmas at home, and this idea goes to someone who loves to make a differential! Just cut a few pieces with sharp scissors, and then glue it to put the Christmas balls you already have at home.

For example, from old discs you can make a wonderful vase that emphasizes your personality and creativity. To realize this is quite simple with the help of scissors (we cut the blanks with them), a base vase and glue, with which we fix the fragments. And the result is impressive.

Extraordinarily interesting lamps of different types can be either a starting point for creating an interior, or just a great addition to it.

To find out how, visit specifically for this item. Add stones or beads, accessories and accessories will give life and color! Who is risking this? Great recycling job! Then you just need to glue everything with hot glue until you have your owl.

It will also require more time and work, but in the end you will get a beautiful super original work! A beautiful holder for storing and organizing your bijoux. With ideas ready and keeping in mind the objects you want to transform, now just separate everything you need and continue working with the crafts.

A table lamp with a fluorescent lamp inside looks especially original. With your own hands you can also make an ordinary photo frame or mirror, a photo frame with a magnet, and an entire album for photos.

Photo Albums

It’s a good idea to make several such albums, each of which will correspond to one year in life or correspond to a certain topic (wedding, motherhood, pets, a trip abroad).

Extravagant use of disks

Like all “specific” sectors, vinyl records also use specifications. One of the reasons why these terms are used is to describe the features of the drive. For the purpose of describing “objectively”, characteristics of vinyl, abbreviations or terms that are generally recognized and understandable are used. Another feature of technical terms is to describe the storage conditions of vinyl. Many of them, in fact, are intended to describe any defects that give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of disk storage; the disk is obviously used.

The young princess will like a small mirror that catches sun bunnies and adds a fabulous atmosphere.

For this we need:

  • mirror from powder or cosmetic bag;
  • braid;
  • lace braid;
  • white outline;
  • satin or durable nylon ribbon;
  • two old laser CDs;
  • glue or glue gun.

First of all, glue the mirror in the center of the CD, then glue the first kind of tape around the mirror.

Part 1 - Vinyl Specifications

The first part of the glossary is devoted to technical terms used to describe the “quality” of the disc, that is, the design features of vinyl. These functions are selected by the record company, and we find them in all copies of a particular disc, regardless of the state of a single copy.

Part 2 - Vinyl Defects

This part is divided into three sections: General terms, General terms of coverage, Terms of use of disks and tags. The importance of the technical dictionary, in addition to describing the characteristics of the disk, is, as said, a description of the state of conservation and any defects.

We outline the white color with dots along the edge of the laser disc and in the bends of the braid. After the contour points have dried, turn over the blank and glue the lace braid along the edge.

Glue a loop of kapron or satin ribbon - this will be the top of the mirror. On the reverse side, glue the second disk (you can replace it with a cardboard circle to fit the disk) to close the glued part of the lace braid

Having nearly 50 years of vinyl in the 1960s and being a consumer product, it is very important for collectors to have common terms that give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe conditions of the disc; especially for those who sell by correspondence, on the Internet or through other means that do not allow you to see the album in advance.

Therefore, this section is devoted to terms describing the terms of use of the disk. Along with the need to describe the features and conditions of the album, in fact, vinyl talents have always tried to create a scale of values \u200b\u200bthat could give an overall impression of the album.

Box for little things

A nice box for jewelry or any little thing will become an indispensable helper. To create it you will need:

  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • pVA glue;
  • decor for the cover.

The creation process is as follows:

You can put your “memories” into such a cute box (tickets from the cinema, theater, reminders of a pleasant time and love notes).

There is one topic in this thread.

In essence, objective evaluations may not be objective, but if you are looking for just good music, it has nothing to do with it. Well, instead of throwing them away, we can use them in an original and creative way to fulfill some of these fantastic ideas.

You can decorate them with scraps of fabric, and the result will be protected. If you are looking for a creative idea or want to give a gift to several friends who celebrate a new birth, here is a great idea. To decorate the frame, you can also use pendants: the result is guaranteed.


Do you like watches? Do you already have a watch from the CD? You just need to insert the clock mechanism into the central hole of the disk and fix it, for example, with a strip of cardboard on the back of the watch.

After you cut the media into small pieces, we can use them to create a decorative mosaic on frames, flower pots or mirrors. You are not sure where to start? Take a look at this handy guide that will show you how to turn a trivial mirror into a fun and functional piece of furniture.

Creating jewelry from garbage items may seem like a daunting task, but it's easier than you think. Thanks to this guide, you can add a touch of creativity to your wardrobe. There are few materials, but the results are surprising. Here is a tutorial to help you.

If you put the disc in the microwave for 15 seconds, you can achieve artistic cracking of the disk. Or just print the image to the size of the compact, and stick on top.

You may well change the look of the watch at least every day!

Large-scale creations

You can approach the issue globally and create your own curtains from old CDs or a bewitching coffee table. And the French-style door will shock your guests.

If you want to touch your bedroom, this is “an original idea, especially suitable for a child’s room”. This guide will help you step-by-step to explain how to decorate your home in an economical, fun and environmentally friendly way. And here is the idea to decorate a house suitable for children, adolescents and lovers of years. Of course, you can also use smaller balls such as tennis.

This way you will also receive sparkling Christmas decorations. So, here is an eco-smart idea to decorate the wall of our house. We will need twenty old cases, a high-resolution image and the help of a photo editing program to create a pop task to turn our heads. Try to believe it.

CD has accumulated too much? No question, make a wallpaper! They visually expand the space of the room. Mosaic drinking bowl for birds will be not only a useful attribute, but also a decoration for the garden.

Useful little things

It’s easiest to make cup stands with your own hands. They can be performed using various techniques.

Although Christmas is still far away, here is a good idea for decoration. You just need to melt the media to get sparkling candlesticks worthy of the prestigious interior design magazine. If your acquaintance is a fishing enthusiast, and this is especially related to the fly, here is the "original idea for a creative and economical gift." Following the suggestions of this guide, it will be easy to make an “original fake case”.

In the age of technology, when there is fast access   to any information on the Internet, less and less you need to save and store it on hard drives. You do not need to discard old garbage disks. You could inspire them to life by turning them into something practical or even a masterpiece of art.

They can be made using decoupage technique. Such masterpieces are created using a disk, beautiful napkins, glue and varnish. And funny ladybugs will live in your home if you use felt instead of napkins.

It’s not difficult to make coasters with your own hands.

  • old wheels
  • coffee beans,
  • glue,
  • some inspiration.

And if you attach magnets to the stands on the back, you will get unique gifts for your friends.

Placed on a pole, a disk can serve as a sign for the beginning of a rural road. The disc is an excellent reflector, especially for cyclists in the dark. Placed one above the other, the discs become the original lamp. Disc Box - A lunch box in an office or school sandwich.

A machine gun disc will protect your garden plants from birds. Turn a regular chair to the throne. Drive like a fog cleaner. Drawing, as a result of hard creative work. If you have a lot of discs and a desire for creativity, create power and create a great artistic setting.

By the principle of a box without a cover, you can make a stand for stationery. Using the CD, you can also improve the napkin holder.

Ladies usually do not have enough space to store jewelry, earrings in caskets are confused. With the help of CDs and reels, it’s very easy for them to make a decent stand for earrings with their own hands.

As reconstructed, the sculptures were organized in groups around the interior of a large natural grotto overlooking the sea, used by Tiberius for dinner; many scholars believe that he installed sculptures. The groups show incidents from the history of the Homeric hero Odysseus and are in the Hellenistic style of “baroque”, “loud, full-scale baroque”, but, as a rule, they are believed to date back to the early imperial period.

On a niche in the rock above the entrance to the grotto was Ganymede worn by the Eagle, disguised as Zeus, apparently from the same period as the Odyssey groups. The sculptures were designed so that they could be seen from a triclin or dining room with couches, presumably inside at least a tent or a “light pavilion” set up on a rectangular island in a pond with fish running into the mainsail, and presumably the mainsail itself and maybe swimming in the pool. Presumably, they were artificially lit, especially at night, since the back of the grotto would have been rather dim even in daylight.

Are bike reflectors too expensive? No problem. You will not need anything but a blank and a rope.

A box from the disk can be used instead of a snack for a snack and called the buzzword lunch box.

Winter always comes unexpectedly. Old CDs can even replace a scraper for icy glass.

Needle bed

Such a thing in the household is very necessary. You will need:

DIY crafts from disks

The grotto was also decorated with “artificial stalactites and inlays”, as well as colored floor sex, and the “room” to the left of the Polyphemus group had many theater masks mounted on the walls intended for back lighting. The execution of the sculptures is significantly different in quality and should require a large team, as well as three masters named in the inscription. But the variation is both within and between groups and numbers, and scientists acknowledge that the entire ensemble was made as a single project.

  • cD;
  • dense fabric or felt;
  • threads in color;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • scissors;
  • a large package of yogurt or something of a similar size.

To make a needle bar:

Extravagant use of disks

Is there always a holiday in your soul? With the sounds of music you can not stand still? Especially for you, do-it-yourself disco ball! And let the parties at your place do not end. Here the basis was a paper lamp of this type

Beautiful DIY crafts from disks

They are marked by the exceptionally wide use of simple marble struts between the sculptural elements left to strengthen the figures; even the fingers of Polyphemus are bound by them. It was used to argue about off-site production, possibly in Rhodes, with racks needed for protection during transportation. Many elements are only finished to be viewed from certain angles, and their “back” remains roughly processed.

The four groups of the Odyssey show different sides of their complex nature, both good and bad: In general, the synthesis looks literary and Alexandrian, with its exaggeration of the chameleon-like personality of the hero and his emphasis higher than that in Homer, at the two extremes of his personality - his courage and his treachery.

Do you like to attract the attention of others? You can glue the discs, for example, a helmet for a motorcycle, in which you will not go unnoticed. If there are too many CDs and energy, create a real art object with your own hands.

Creative inspiration and creativity! Do not be afraid to turn your own fantasies into reality.

The “Paskino Group” is the name given to the Hellenistic-style sculpture group, depicting a warrior supporting the dead body of a comrade, from a fragmented but famous sculpture called Paskino, still erected on a street in Rome. Usually, as in the case of Paskino, the subject is perceived as Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus, which was proposed here as the subject, but most scientists agree that it is intended to show Odysseus carrying the body of dead Achilles from the battlefield outside of Troy.

This is an unusual item, not Homer, but one that Ovid mentioned, and is suitable for the rest of the program. Four legs, two lying on the ground, and the head of a living warrior are the main elements restored so far. Diomedes, and he seizes the Palladium.

Almost every house probably has a bunch of old CDs and DVDs lying somewhere. When we, as a rule, download or buy films, music and TV shows on the Internet in digital formats, there is no need to store and collect them. So what to do with these old CDs, which simply have nowhere to store? You can make them useful again by applying a little imagination and creativity. Here are some ideas that can be made from old CDs that will help turn them into something beautiful.

Ideas for using old CDs.

Decorative coasters for glasses from old CD discs

Have you ever thought that CDs are ideal in size for cup holders or mugs? We suggest using stencils or self-adhesive film to create stunning patterns on CDs. Thus, they can be in harmony with your interior.

Watch dial

One of the most interesting ideas for using old disks will be turning them into a dial for an analog clock. If you liked this idea, you can try to make one yourself. The mechanism is easy to find in creative stores.

Embroidered flowers

If you have any knitting, crocheting or embroidery skills, you can experiment with using CDs as a basis! Disks tied with threads look like bright flowers against a shiny surface. Such an unusual chain will certainly become a decoration indoors or outdoors, giving a soft light that reflects the rays of the sun, and a variety of colors.


Here is probably one of the simplest projects that you can do from old CDs. Just stick a candle of the appropriate color in the center of the circle. This is an interesting solution for the simple. You can also do with old vinyl discs.

Wildlife Mosaic

Cutting old CDs into small pieces to create has become fashionable, because they always look amazing! Such a creation looks beautiful when light enters. Why not do something to decorate the yard? These mosaic pictures on stones depicting animals will be a beautiful addition to any garden or paths.

Hot Stand Base

Here is another stand design. But now the disk is used as a base on which you can glue small flat stones to use as a stand for dummies and hot dishes.

Wall decoration

Old CDs and DVDs are ideal in size and shape to use to create unique wall decorations. Not too big, not too small and completely round. It is enough to stick wool on the surface and add bright feathers.

Transparent pots

If you have many old discs, probably many plastic boxes   from them. This interesting project shows how to make a flower pot from such boxes with your own hands. It looks great even without additional decorations.

If desired, you can add a little paint, stickers, stencils or something else to create a more colorful look!