What brand is my computer. How to find out your laptop model - eight easy ways

The following methods will help you find your laptop, workstation, or motherboard computer.

What is the exact model name or part number for?

The part number or exact model name is used to search for drivers or compatible components on the manufacturer's website.

Model and modification

Computer manufacturers rarely release one version of a particular laptop model. As a rule, several product modifications are produced in the same package. The most expensive modification may have powerful processor e.g. Core i7, 8GB random access memory and a powerful video adapter from nVidia. And the most budget one can be equipped with a low-power Celeron, two gigabytes of RAM and an integrated video adapter from Intel. At the same time, externally, the devices will look exactly the same.

At the same time, for many manufacturers, only the product line is indicated on the front of the product. For example Asus 500 Series. Or the HP Pavilion DV6000. However, it is extremely important for the user to know the exact model in order to download the correct drivers. And the exact model name or its part number is on the bottom of the product: for example, Pavilion DV6125.

In the case of HP, the term Notebook Model means the model name. BUT Product Number(he is part namber, part number, product number, code of product) Is a unique product identifier that identifies a modification.

Where to see the model name of a laptop (workstation)

1. On the bottom of the laptop

Turn off your laptop. Turn it over and place it on a soft cloth to avoid scratching the top cover. In most cases, information about the model and modification is contained on the bottom cover of the product:

2. Under the battery or on the battery

Turn off your laptop. Wait for the noise from the cooling system and hard disk will stop. Then remove the battery. In our case, the model and part number were found on the laptop case under the battery:

3.Using the command line

Enter the command:

Wmic csproduct get name

Click on Enter:

If you run this command on desktop computer, you will get either the name (if it is a branded workstation) or the motherboard model:

As you can see, in the case of the computer, we got the exact model of the motherboard. But in the case of a laptop, we found out only the general name of the series and this information is not enough for us to find drivers. Therefore, the command line will not always solve this problem.

4. In BIOS

Enter BIOS.

For different laptops, model data may be contained in different sections. Usually, they are called Main or System information.

It looks so Laptop BIOS HP G62:

And this is how the BIOS of the older HP Compaq nx6310 looks like:

5.Using software

The model and modification of the computer (laptop, netbook) can also be found using special utilities... For such purposes, AIDA64 is ideal.

Start the AIDA64 program.

Open the path:

Computer => DMI => System

Example # 1. We launch the AIDA64 program on a laptop.

In field Product displayed only base model laptop - HP G62 Notebook PC that we already know.
But in the field SKU # we see part number XU610EA # ACB, which is sufficient for complete identification of the device on the manufacturer's website:

Example # 2. Desktop.

By running the program on a stationary computer, we are in the field Product we see the model of the motherboard, because system unit not branded.

6. On the package

If you still have packaging from your laptop, find it and try to find information about the model and accessories on it. Very often, this type of technical information is printed on a white sticker or white rectangle on the end of the package.


The most accurate information about the model and modification of laptops can be obtained from the BIOS and special AIDA64 software.

Not every laptop owner knows its model. Yes, yes, it really is. Someone in their head only after reading the title of the article will ask questions: "How can you not know the model of your own laptop?" and "Who do you have to be in order not to know the simplest thing?" Be that as it may, such situations are common. Even specialists cannot always visually determine the model of a laptop for the reason that one company in almost the same case may have completely different hardware, which means that the downloaded drivers may not work, even if the devices look completely identical. We will not languish and propose to go straight to the consideration of all sorts of options.

Determining the laptop model

The first and most banal way is to find the original packaging from him, it always has all necessary information... But such, as a rule, do not live long and are sent straight to the oven. What to do in this case?

Carefully inspect the laptop for any sticker on the front, often this is where all the necessary information is indicated.

Some manufacturers place the sticker directly under the display, others on the right or left side of the touchpad, and still others do not glue anything at all on the front side.

If this time the search was unsuccessful, you should turn off the laptop and look at the sticker on the back panel. These are most often found on ASUS, Lenovo and Acer.

Some manufacturers, such as HP, manage to hide the stickers under a removable battery. Therefore, if you disconnect it without disassembling the case, it makes sense to look for the model number under it.

Determining the laptop model using Windows

Our favorite command line can come to the rescue. Don't worry if you don't know how to use it at all - no skills are needed. A minimum of actions are required from you.

Third party software

There are a huge number of third-party programs and through them you can get just a colossal amount of information about your laptop: from the frequency at which the processor and RAM work to stress tests for performance and behavior during their passage.

Among such programs, I would like to pay special attention to AIDA64. It is easy to operate, has a Russian-language interface and a person who is absolutely not versed in technology can handle it.

To view the laptop model through it you need:

Lenovo is currently ranked fourth in the world's top five PC manufacturers. The company's arsenal includes desktop PCs, laptops, Cell phones, smartphones, netbooks and even servers, monitors, tablets, video cards. And this despite such additions to all of the above, such as mice, keyboards, memory modules, optical drives, power supplies, software and accessories, as well as covers, bags for laptops. The breadth of the company's portfolio is impressive, and filling the consumer market with Lenovo's electronics requires significant support. Lenovo specialized service center carries out it in many cities, especially in large centers of the country.

Today there is a rather widespread tendency to go not to specialized service centers, but to little-known "but very understanding" repairmen of equipment. When making such a choice, it is worth understanding that the Lenovo service center is directly engaged exclusively in this type of technology and electronics and one hundred percent knows the intricacies of this particular company. Moreover, Lenovo Service Center has the ability to cooperate promptly with other specialized companies that supply the necessary genuine parts for Lenovo technology.

It is worth noting that most of the gadgets that are manufactured by this company have a wide range of non-standard and unique parts that can be found in few places. This is known issue Lenovo devices, but everything is decided thanks to specialists. Only Lenovo service center is able to get such necessary parts for a laptop as, for example, a matrix or original lamps for backlighting. In any case, if you have any problems with the electronics of this company, you should contact the Lenovo service center, and here's why:

1. Only specialists can guarantee the quality of the work performed, with a complete diagnosis and determination of the exact cause of the problem.

2. Exclusively in the Lenovo service center, if necessary, you will be offered to replace a non-working part with an original one. You can get an original part only by ordering it somewhere in advance, or from another phone, but in the center it comes directly in the shortest possible time.

3. Lenovo service centers service all the company's equipment, since they have selected and trained specialists directly for Lenovo service.

4. After purchasing one or another Lenovo gadget, the buyer purchases a warranty card or check, with which you can get free service. This service is provided exclusively at the Lenovo service center. This right is lost if the device has already been opened before the service specialist.

5. Service of any product of Lenovo manufacturer can take place in any of the services after the end of the warranty period.

On the service website Lenovo Center you can be sure in the list of gadgets that need to be repaired, and also see the pricing policy (if the repair is not under warranty) and the location of the nearest service department. Among them you will see services for the repair of tablets, laptops, netbooks, monoblocks for low prices... The foremen performing repair work not only replace parts, but also thoroughly understand the essence of the problem, doing everything possible to avoid a recurrence of the incident.

The Lenovo service center will offer you a wide range of repair services and determine the cause of the breakdown:

testing the entire system for breakdowns, the correct operation of all functions;
diagnostics of the gadget, including the operation of internal systems, heating, the operation of every part, which helps to accurately determine the cause of the breakdown, and also prevents new breakdowns of the device;
replacement of parts, including the matrix of an electronic device. The size of its diagonal is not important, since the Lenovo service center works directly with the company's suppliers;

repair of the matrix and other elements of equipment. Masters undertake repairs only after a thorough investigation and diagnosis of the problem, when the cause is found, and the repair solution becomes obvious to them;
complex repair of the entire device, which may be necessary in case of major breakdowns, for example, after a gadget has fallen from a great height, etc.

Repair of individual parts, not to mention a comprehensive repair, requires the intervention of a real professional, and given the originality and uniqueness of some of the company's electronics designs, only Lenovo service center can perform this work with high quality. In their daily work, craftsmen regularly use high-class repair equipment, which allows them to perform the most delicate tasks. Among such working tools, mention should be made of:

specialized digital microscopes that allow accurate diagnostics;
soldering stations of BGA class;

the hardware and software complex necessary for the implementation of complete repair and diagnostics.
Moreover, each Lenovo service center offers even simpler services, for example, qualified consultations to customers who wish to purchase electronics and equipment from this manufacturer. The specialists in the center have experience working with many devices, as well as deep knowledge in each of them, therefore, consultations on the correct operation, use of individual functions of the device, etc. also provided directly by Lenovo service centers. Among other proposals, there is also a change, an update software for laptops, netbooks or stationary PCs.

Thus, the decision to use the services of the Lenovo service center is the most correct if your gadget began to work incorrectly, or if specific functions are not revoked, as well as in case of absolutely any problems or questions in the field of technology and electronic technology Lenovo company.

Basically, in itself, this is not a problem. But, there are situations when it is simply necessary to know the laptop model. For example, when looking for suitable drivers. This article will focus on how to find out your laptop model.

Method number 0. Examining the box or laptop warranty documentation. If you still have the box or warranty documentation from the laptop, then you can see the laptop model there.

Typically, the laptop model is indicated by a sticker located on the side of the box.

Method number 1. Inspection of the front of the laptop. Open your laptop and examine it. You will most likely find stickers that indicate the exact model name. Most often, these stickers are located under the monitor and just below the keyboard.

Method number 2. Inspection of the bottom of the laptop. If there are no information decals on the front of your laptop, you can identify your laptop model by flipping it over and examining the stickers on the bottom. Stickers generally hold better here, so this way works in most cases. Also, in addition to the laptop model, here you can find out the key from operating system.

Method number 3. Inspection of the battery. If you were unable to recognize the laptop model by the stickers on the top and bottom of the case, then you need to remove and examine the inscriptions on it. In order to remove the battery from the laptop, you need to release one or two latches on the case next to the battery.

You also need to inspect the place where the battery was installed. It is not uncommon for manufacturers to post information about a laptop under the battery.

Method number 4. We use. Another way that allows you to find out the model of your laptop is the command "wmic csproduct get name".

To use this command, open the Run menu (Windows key + R key combination) or the Start menu and enter the command "CMD". After that, in front of you. In this window, you need to enter the command "wmic csproduct get name". After entering this command, the name of your laptop will appear on the screen.

Method number 5. We look through the information in the BIOS. You can also see the laptop model in the BIOS. To do this, you need to study the information on the first tab.

As a rule, here you can find out the model of the laptop, as well as its main characteristics, such as the processor model, processor frequency and the amount of RAM.

Method number 6. We use special programs. Also you can find out the laptop model using special programs to view the specifications of your computer. For example, you can use the Everest program.

In this program you need to open the "Computer - DMI - System" section. Here, the product line will show your laptop model.

Today we will consider several proven and most simple ways find out the model of laptop or netbook ranging from built-in operating system tools to specialized software.

Almost every user, in the process of using a laptop, is faced with the need to know the name of the device. This is useful not only for checking it technical characteristics, but also for the purchase of various components and accessories. Also, one should not exclude cases with repairs, when, when calling the service center, the operator can clarify the brand and model of the equipment in order to check the availability of the required parts in the warehouse and name the estimated cost of the upcoming work.

First of all, the information of interest can be found on the product box, in the attached user manual, on the warranty card or in the purchase receipt. If there is no packaging and documentation, stick to the points below from our article and be sure to find what you were looking for.

We look at the information on the panel and in the battery part

To date, the lineup laptops, netbooks and ultrabooks are incredibly huge. Manufacturers can sculpt stickers in different parts. For example, on most Samsung, Lenovo, HP, Asus, Dell laptops, the inscriptions are on the front side, not far from the touchpad.

Some MSI modifications, Acer aspire, Hewlett Packard, Fujitsu-Siemens, Sony Vaio received designations on the side or on the bottom. In any case, carefully inspect the equipment from all sides and most likely you will see the necessary information.

Another option to look at the serial number and find out the specific model of the laptop is the battery.

Turn off the power beforehand! After 10-15 minutes, try to gently turn your "iron friend" over, remove the latches and cover on the back panel and pull out the battery. Look for a label on your laptop battery, which can be located on the front or side, in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe contacts.

Standard method for determining laptop model in Windows 8, 10, 7

Please note that you cannot use this method in all editions of Windows 10 and 8.1.

A convenient way to find out the model name of a laptop using the command line

The method works for everyone Windows versions starting from XP and higher. By the way, in this case, the console does not have to be started with administrator rights.

System utility MS INFO

How to determine the laptop model using DirectX settings?

Where can I find out the exact information about the hardware in the BIOS?

Immediately upon restarting or turning on the notebook / netbook (until the emblem with the Windows logo appears), press one of the F2, Delete or F10 buttons several times in a row;

Using specialized software

The task under consideration can be realized with the help of the program AIDA64 or Everest... Both are designed to monitor laptop performance. They have an intuitive menu in Russian and convenient controls. By the way, the functionality and interface of these utilities is practically the same.

Another small but rather productive program is worth noting. Belarc Advisor, the main task of which is to diagnose the installed software, scan the work network card, video adapter, CPU, monitor, RAM, HDD / SSD, various controllers, as well as compiling OS performance reports. Despite the English-language localization, you get an extremely simple menu and a lot of useful options. Just one of these is the display of the line System Model and Notebook Name(as shown in the screenshot below).

If you are wondering how to identify your Apple laptop model, find this information on the About tab of your Mac OS X.