How to promote a group in. Use provocative headlines

Social networks are not just a portal where we can communicate with friends and acquaintances, share interesting statuses, photos and videos, and periodically visit our page with game applications. No, in fact, social networks can become a very powerful tool of influence in both business and politics. The main thing is to be able to apply them correctly and use them for one purpose or another.

In this article, we will talk about communities operating on the basis of VK. These are groups in which users with similar interests are united. Each of us is a member of at least 1-2 such communities that regularly send us recipes, funny pictures, smart quotes and aphorisms, and so on - depending on the subject of the group.

Basically, communities are a very powerful mechanism for finding customers. By launching, for example, a group with cosmetics recipes, you can unite self-care lovers in it. In the future, by offering these users to purchase some skin care products, you can receive sales, the volume of which directly depends on the promotion of the group, its popularity among other users.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to promote the VKontakte group. The attention of readers, first of all, will be drawn to the theoretical foundations, which we will try to supplement with practical recommendations (where without them!).

You have created a group...

Suppose you have a hobby - let it be knitting. You would like to find like-minded people, publish some information on this topic, exchange techniques - in general, conduct some additional socially active activity that interests you personally.

You decided that you would launch a special group for fans of this activity on social networks for these purposes. It actually takes a couple of minutes - you need to go to the "My groups" tab, click the "Create" button, select the type of community - and you're done! Thus, an empty field of your group will appear in front of you, which must be filled in.

Most likely, at first, you will begin to fill your group with material at a fast pace. If we are talking about knitting, then these will be different techniques, tips, where to get materials, etc. After you have a certain amount of content, you have a logical question: "How to promote the VKontakte group?" And really, what needs to be done in order for the first users to appear in it, who will be interested in reading your posts?

General Criteria

Let's start with the well-known rules. The question of how to promote the VKontakte group, according to them, is not entirely correct. After all, the communities themselves are not built to advertise services or make money on the publication of advertising records, but to establish communication among those who are passionate about something. It used to be very important.

Now the meaning of the communities remains the same, but, given the competition, you will not be able to promote the VKontakte group for free up to 100,000 subscribers in simple ways. We need to come up with something more original.

The general requirement for all groups is the purity of the content, the level of what is published here, the amount of advertising, and so on. Ideally, if the group you lead scores positively in these criteria (it has interesting posts, it doesn't overuse ads, it doesn't have a habit of stealing other people's content), then it will become popular. True, this will take a lot of time, and you will spend it looking for an answer to the question of how to promote the VKontakte group.

An equally important criterion in the eyes of users can be called the popularity of the group. After all, communities that have at least 100 thousand users get into the search form much more often than those that have a smaller number of participating members. Based on the manipulation with it, we will talk about the first trick on how to effectively promote the VKontakte group.

Appearance of popularity

Many users involved in community management go out to see that the group is really popular - they order filling it with bots. Such a service is provided everywhere, and although it is prohibited by the rules of VKontakte, it can really help you get your first real members.

The method of working according to this scheme is very simple. You, as we have already decided, have our imaginary knitting group. It has material on this topic, but no one who could read it. You order filling the group with, say, 10 thousand bots within a month. Gradually, you will see how new members are added to the community. This is the key to solving the problem of how to quickly promote the VKontakte group.

At their core, bots are empty pages that are created and managed automatically by a program on the server. But no one knows that these are not real people, but fakes. As a result, in a month your group will have about 10,000 members, which will make it more attractive in the eyes of other users.

Of course, if you are looking for information on how to promote a VKontakte group for free, this technique will not work for you. You will have to pay for 10 thousand bots to the one who will prepare them for work. However, the further effect will not be long in coming - you will see for yourself how new visitors begin to enter the community, this time those who really want to read it. So, the main thing for you is not to stop your publications and regularly write to the group.

Content quality

Do not forget what we have already said above - the high quality of the recordings. If you did not have experience in how to create and promote a group on Vkontakte, it is better to try to make each post as useful and attractive as possible in the eyes of the visitor. Later, when you get your hands on running different groups, you will know how to distinguish content by quality and, moreover, how to quickly and effortlessly find the best records for your group.

There are many useful services to increase group members, you can learn how to promote a Vkontakte group for free. To understand how sites for the promotion service work, you should watch the video. So, let's start our rating: services for promoting the VKontakte group and, promotion of sites and groups for webmasters, you can learn how to promote the group for free.

Service for free cheating of subscribers and likes in public. The project works on the principle of barter. By registering on you add your Vkontakte account and join groups of other people, put likes. For this, points are awarded that can be spent on promoting your community.

Dmitry has been using it for over two years. As advantages, he notes the high speed of work, a large selection of tasks for accumulating points and a responsive administration.

He refers to the disadvantages that there is a possibility of getting a blocking of a working account on Vkontakte.


The site has over 500,000 registered users. With LikesRock, you can attract live subscribers without any money investing in the group. To do this, you need to complete tasks to earn internal currency, which can be spent on promotion.

Maria runs a group dedicated to pets. For promotion uses LikesRock .

Among the advantages, she highlights:

  • attracting only live participants;
  • fast advance rate;
  • convenient and clear interface.

Maria's shortcomings include:

  • limit to 200 tasks per day when using LikesRock for free.


Young service for promotion. The principle of operation is the barter system.

To attract subscribers, you need to complete tasks from your accounts to earn money. The money you earn can be withdrawn or spent on increasing the subscribers of your sites, promoting vk online.

Alexander is the owner of a coffee shop. As a service for promoting a coffee shop group on Vkontakte, he uses. In two months, he managed to attract 5,000 live subscribers.

Among the advantages of using Alexander highlights:

  1. Convenient interface.
  2. Large selection of tasks for earning money.
  3. High speed.

The shortcomings he noted:

  1. Technical support takes a long time to answer questions.


Using this service, you can not worry about the safety of your group. Roboliker has 3.6 million live users who can join your community.

Oleg is an SMM specialist. Engaged in the promotion of publics. To attract participants, he uses the services of Roboliker.

He refers to the pluses a small percentage of write-offs of users, the absence of "dogs" (deleted pages). Of the minuses of using Oleg notes that
when there are failures in the system and funds are not charged for the implementation of projects.


One of the most popular sites for . To attract new members, you need to complete buildings on the service and earn points.

In this article, I will tell you how to quickly promote a Vkontakte group. Below are some effective options that will help you promote your community online.

Why promote a Vkontakte group

Hello, friends! To date, the social network Vkontakte has gained immense popularity on the Internet. Attendance of this resource has reached more than a million people. Initially, this project was intended for a narrow circle of people (friends, close relatives, students).

Why do you need group promotion? Mainly to attract loyal customers to the business. A promoted Vkontakte group will bring you not only partners, but also help organize a stable source of income. Next, detailed information will be presented that will help teach you how to quickly promote a Vkontakte group.

How to quickly promote a Vkontakte group

So, how to quickly promote a Vkontakte group? In this case, you need to apply more than one method that will help promote your communities. Here are selected only the most used for today, options for promotion:

  • free group promotion;
  • paid promotion.

Let's take them in order. The free group promotion includes the following methods:

(Picture 1).

In order for you to properly set up an advertising banner, contact a specialist who will help you set everything up correctly. It is this method that is the fastest in promoting your community. Just do not forget to find out how much it costs to promote a group on VKontakte so that there are no problems with finances later. If you want, you can see the article on the blog.

How to make money on the Vkontakte group

After you have promoted your group, you can earn money with it. But how can a beginner do it? In fact, there is nothing complicated, it is only important to properly prepare for this case. First of all, you need to consider the ways in which the user organizes a source of income.

Greetings, dear blog visitors. As always, Dmitry Smirnov, the author of the blog, is in touch with you, and in this article I want to tell you about how to promote a group from scratch, respectively, on the Vkontakte social network.

How to promote a group from scratch VKontakte? Vkontakte has about 100,000 communities. And this number is increasing every day. However, among such a huge number of groups and publics, only a few communities reach a large number of people subscribed to them. Often the enthusiasm of a community builder ends up with only a few hundred audiences. In most cases, this occurs due to lack of competence in promotion methods. Now we will consider the main ways to promote Vkontakte communities.
1. Half of the success of promoting a group or public will depend on high-quality and interesting content. But what people are interested in, Vkontakte is full. There are a huge number of large groups with wise sayings, recipes, jokes, and everything else. Therefore, it will be difficult to promote 1001 groups related to these topics. You need to start with the idea of ​​​​interesting, useful and unique content that people will want to watch and repost.
What then can be said about commercial groups, because no one is interested in reposting ads? Here, the success of the content will depend on profitable offers. It would still be wise to alternate commercial posts with useful information about goods and services related to your business. This also includes surveys and contests. It is necessary to constantly work on improving the quality of content.
2. The next step is to attract the group's initial audience. Even if these subscribers are not your target audience, you still need them. Most people, before subscribing to a community, pay attention to the number of users who have already joined it. And if this number of audience is small, then most likely a person simply does not want to join it. Therefore, it is important to create at least the appearance as soon as possible that the community is interesting to people and that it was not created yesterday. To do this, you need to attract at least 3000 subscribers to the group. This can be done in several ways:
For example, you can use subscriber cheat services;
There are also special groups on Vkontakte that are provided for exchanging subscriptions to communities;
If you use paid methods, then subscribers can be bought on special sites.
All these methods will attract bots and fakes to your group, which are only necessary for quantity. Of course, they will not increase the activity of the group, much less buy something from you. But to create the appearance that the community is interested, these methods will fit. It is important to note that these methods should not be abused, as they can lead to group blocking, and why a dead group is needed at all.
3. After the previous steps, you can start promoting the group with the target audience. It all depends on your budget or the amount of free time. If there is neither one nor the other, then it is not worth starting. It is difficult to promote a group to tens or even hundreds of thousands of subscribers. If you have both money and time, or at least some of these, then you will succeed. If you use the funds in promotion, then the following steps are for you:
The whitest and most transparent way of promotion is targeted advertising on the Vkontakte website itself. The targeting filter here is quite narrow and this allows you to more carefully select your target audience. You can pay directly for subscribers, or if you are confident in your content, then for views or clicks. This method is really effective, but it is recommended to use it if you have a sufficient budget, as it is the most expensive, because the cost per subscriber here can reach 10-15 rubles.
Another way to promote a group for money is to order advertising in other communities with similar topics, or the same target audience. There are several ways to advertise your community here. For example, you can order a post or repost from your group. You can buy a place in the "links" section and place your group there. In addition, in the products section, you can advertise your products, and at the same time your group.
Another way to promote is contests. Sometimes it brings good results. The scope of the competition and its interest always depends on the value and attractiveness of the prize. But since most people now promote their communities through contests, and often deceive their subscribers, this method is not always effective.
Among the free promotion, one can single out the promotion of the group through fake accounts. To do this, several accounts are created and people who are the target audience are added as friends through them. After that, they are invited to the community. But it is worth noting that that method only works if you have a group, not a public one. It is also not worth it to abuse it strongly, since this method is prohibited by the rules of Vkontakte.

Now you know how to promote a group from scratch easily and simply!

How to promote a public in VK: 7 ideas of good content + 3 advertising promotion methods + 3 dangerous but free ways + 6 useful recommendations.

Here you can watch movies, listen to music, play games, share photos. And most importantly, VK cannot be imagined without interesting publics, a diverse thematic focus.

By the way, do you know what the administrators of these communities are? If you also want to try yourself in their role, then the question is, how to promote a public in VK, should come first.

How to say correctly: group or public?

Many users in VK confuse concepts such as "public" and "group". Some even think they are one and the same.

In fact, these are 2 different types of communities that differ from each other.

Group- this is a community that is most often created on behalf of an organization or for doing business in VK (for example, selling clothes, accessories, etc.). Through the group, it is easier to establish feedback with your potential buyers, as well as show the entire range of goods.

Public- public page in VK. It is not as functional as groups, it has fewer sections + information is often “closed” (only the administrator publishes, and subscribers can only like and repost).

Publics are often created with the following topics:

  1. Informational.
  2. Entertaining.
  3. Cognitive.

But also publics perfectly act as online stores with not the widest assortment.

You can learn more about the differences between these concepts here:

What publics in VK are the easiest to promote?

Community promotion is directly related to the topic and target audience.

For example, if a public page is aimed at subscribers only in the face of schoolchildren, then it will be easy to promote it (teenagers quickly “peck” viral advertising, interesting content).

But it will be difficult to make money on a group with a target audience, consisting of young people. The audience is under 18 for more or less serious purchases, so it makes no sense to create advertising for them.

If you decide to create a public for making money, then you should focus only on adults. However, there is no such restriction for thematic communities.

To promote a public in VK was easier, choose a topic that is interesting to a wide range of people:

Based on many surveys, the most active audience in VK is women, so we will primarily focus on the “weaker sex”.

If you want to quickly promote a page in VK, then create it for women. For example, you can organize a public dedicated to fashion, clothes, tips for moms, etc.

There is also a big disadvantage - competition. There are many such communities, a large number of them “started” 5-7 years ago and now have a million audience. It will be difficult to become better than the existing public page or even reach its level.

Men over 18 are not as active in discussions and reposts as women. To promote a male public page quickly, you need to come up with truly unique content that can interest many.

The right content is the basis of public promotion in VK

Now let's talk about content. Without interesting content, no advertising will help promote your creation.

Your posts should be shared by your followers. It's good when there are active discussions on the page. If your audience is passive, analyze the content. Perhaps it is uninteresting or not chosen for this target audience.

This table shows statistical conclusions about what your reader will like and what he will immediately scroll further:

What attracts?What is repulsive?
Beautiful photos and pictures, without foreign logos, high quality. Images with animals and children are especially attractive.Quotes that are duplicated in all popular publics and do not carry any information content. It is especially bad if a mistake in authorship is made.
Memes, humorous pictures, cartoons.Entries of an advertising nature (especially those that go against the theme of the public).
Interesting facts about the environment, people, historical events, etc. (important: the facts must be verified by you!).Posts with referral and external links that redirect to other advertising sites.
Posts with a minimum amount of information (500-700 characters), but with a bright title.Posts that absolutely do not correspond to the subject of the public.
Pictures, postcards, congratulations for various national holidays.Photos and pictures of poor quality, as well as with other people's logos or watermarks.
Puzzles, rebuses, riddles (important: they should not end with the phrase “continue, see here” with a link to another public - this is already annoying advertising).Unfunny jokes (what “enters” in Odnoklassniki often causes only a sarcastic grin in VK).
Less common quotes of great people (historians, poets, actors, businessmen), whose authorship you have verified.Too long stories.

3 ways to promote public VK with the help of advertising

You can promote a public both by investing funds and without real investment.

The second option provides methods that are considered less safe for the community (first of all, we are talking about mass mailings), which we will discuss below. Also, economy promotion is always a slower process.

Public advertising is an effective method, but requires investment. If you really want in your community, then it is best to invest financially in the early stages. So you get a quick effect and start to "skim the cream" earlier.

Does your public have an avatar, description and at least 15-20 posts on the wall? We can take the first steps to promote it for money with the help of advertising.

No. 1. Community advertising

The first thing all novice administrators resort to is public promotion through advertising in other communities.

Previously, such a scheme was practiced: the owner of the community picked up some interesting story with a broken ending and a link at the end to his public. This entry was posted in another public (for money, of course).

After the VK user clicked on the “Show in full” link button, he got to the advertised public. If the page is interesting, then the person remained your subscriber.

Now this way to promote the community only causes irritation, so you should not use it.

It is better to create a simple, well-structured and bright post with an enticing picture:

For other publics, you can turn to the following sites for help:


These resources not only offer to promote publics / pages on social networks, but also give people the opportunity to earn money by writing comments, likes, reposts, etc. That is, if you do not have the funds to pay for advertising, you can earn money on it leaving the checkout."

Regarding the price: different groups put forward their prices, based on the reach of the audience and the activity of subscribers, topics.

With the help of these services, you can also "catch up" with the audience. But as practice shows, such an audience is not your target, but often a crowd of bots.

All cheated subscribers do not have a keen interest in your public: they will not like, leave reviews, repost. This is not only useless, but can even harm (cause blocking society).

At the same time, the prices for such a service are not the lowest:

If you need a "live group", then it is better not to use "cheat".

To effectively promote a public in VK using advertising in other communities, you need to:

No. 2. Mutual PR with other publics

Another effective method is mutual PR. How to promote the community in VK in this way?

You are looking for a community that is similar to yours in terms of subject matter and audience size. Further, you offer your colleague cooperation in advertising: you simply place advertising posts with each other, thereby doing PR for yourself and your friend.

The choice of a public for cooperation must be taken seriously. Pay attention to the number of active users who are not just members of the community, but also repost posts and likes. Feel free to ask the second admin to send statistics.

When you decide with whom exactly you would like to exchange ads, write a personal message to the administrator. In the appeal, indicate the essence of your proposal, the name of the page, give a link to it and write the number of subscribers.

If your community is closed, then open access for this person.

For mutual PR, you can use 5-10 communities - this will allow you to promote the page faster. But don't overload your feed with ads! Subscribers really do not like it and will begin to unsubscribe en masse.

If you yourself find publics for mutual PR, then you won’t have to invest money. Also, for free mutual PR services, a “partner” can be found in the relevant VK groups.

In the event that you seek help from intermediary sites (for example,, you will have to pay a percentage for the service.

Number 3. “You to me, I to you” - mutual entry into public

If you decide that you want to promote a public without a penny of investment, you should not think that you have become an exception to the rule. Many community owners are not able to pay for advertising, but they really want to gain a large number of subscribers. To solve this issue, communities for mutual entry were created.

To promote your resource for free in this way, you just need to make an entry on the wall of such a community that you are ready to join other mutual exchange groups. That is, a person joins your group, and you join his.

It’s easy to find exchange communities: type “mutual entry” in the search for VK groups and you will see about a dozen communities.

To increase your reach, use 10-15 of these sources at once. The promotion will not go quickly, but new participants are definitely real people who may like the idea of ​​\u200b\u200byour public.

3 dangerous ways to promote public VK for free

At the first stages of creating a public, not every admin has the means for paid advertising. After all, often young people, students, and schoolchildren create communities in VK.

Therefore, administrators are ready to go for dangerous ways of promotion in VK, for which money is not needed. We will talk about them.

Most free methods, reposts, subscribers are dangerous, because the site administration for using them in VK can simply permanently ban both the public and the administrator page. If you have already resorted to using this kind of promotion, then use it as little as possible.

Free, but effective ways to promote a VK public:

6 tips on how to properly conduct a public in VK to promote it

We decided to sum up the instructions on how to promote a public in VK with a selection of simple tips for maintaining a community:

How to promote a public on VKontakte from scratch?

Get comprehensive information from this video:

The fastest and most efficient way how to promote public vk- invest real money in it. If you are not ready to take such a step, use the slower, but still effective free promotion options described above.