How to disable auto redial on android. The subscriber's phone is busy, or how to get rid of the collection autodial

Collectors set my home and mobile phone to auto redial. Now they call at irregular intervals. How to find control over them? What are the methods?

Answer: It is difficult to find control over these figures, but it is possible. We recommend doing the following:

  1. On your mobile phone, activate the feature that blocks calls from unwanted numbers. Its name is "Black List". You can download the special Anti-collector program, it will cut off all unnecessary calls even more perfectly.
  2. On a landline phone, you need to connect the Automatic Number Identification (CLI) function, then identify aggressive numbers and also add them to the "black list". If it is possible to connect this phone through a computer, and add unwanted phone numbers to the list of antivirus programs (Kaspersky, for example, provides such an opportunity). They won't let you be disturbed.
  3. Contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint about the illegal actions of collectors. Order a preliminary printout of calls, which would show that these specialists do not give life.
  4. Connect the voice recorder to the phone and carefully talk once with the person on the opposite end of the connection. Try to find out exactly the name of the agency, the full name of the caller, the essence of the claims, recommend that they go to court at the end of the conversation, because you do not agree with the amount of the debt. As a rule, after this, all politeness ends, and threats begin. It is they who you need to apply to the prosecutor's office, and then to the court.
  5. As soon as you find out the exact name of the collection agency that bothers you, file a complaint not only with the prosecutor's office, but also with Rospotrebnadzor. This department can be contacted online.
  6. You can also add a call to the police. Law enforcement officers will have to complain about telephone hooliganism.

As a rule, when using a set of measures, automatic calls will soon stop.

It's strange, but for some reason the developers do not consider it necessary to make the auto-dial function on the phone by default. Meanwhile, sometimes it is vital to get through to a subscriber.

Unfortunately, not many companies or government agencies consider it necessary to install a multi-line phone. And, for sure, many, trying to get through to the clinic, for example, or to some other organization, in response, endlessly hear only short beeps, sometimes leading to a frenzy.

This is a very typical situation when you only have to regret that your phone does not have such a function. But, the problem is quite easily solved by installing a special application on a mobile device. For those users who, by occupation or due to other needs, often have to contact subscribers whose telephone line is often busy, this will be a real relief.

Some manufacturers still make the auto-dial function built into the device. This applies primarily to Samsung and a huge range of Samsung Galaxy phones. To enable the function on such a device, open the application " Telephone", press the menu button and select " Call settings". Find the line " Additional call options"and put the checkbox in the paragraph" Auto redial».

In other cases, we will resolve the issue with the help of special applications, since they are usually free and do not take up much space.

Auto Redial

In addition to the main function of automatic dialing, the application offers to set the required limit for the duration of the call itself. After all, some mobile operators offer free calls if their duration does not exceed a certain barrier. And if you set certain parameters in the application, the system will automatically interrupt the call after a set period of time.

In the auto redial mode, the application will automatically turn on the speakerphone and will dial non-stop to the called subscriber.

Working with the utility is easy and simple: set the duration of the call with the first slider, the interval between calls with the second, the green button is the start of automatic dialing, the red button is the end.

Super Auto Redial

Another useful application that will help you get through to any place, whether it's a hotline, booking tickets, ordering pizza, etc.

Video about the work of the program:

You now know how to enable auto redial on Android, stay in touch!


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    In Russia, at the mention of collectors, even conscientious borrowers feel uneasy. After all, in their attempts to "get through" to the debtors, they are guided by the motto: "In war, all means are good." One of the most common collection methods of influence is auto-dial to the debtor's phone. And well, if only on him. Often his relatives, acquaintances and employers also have to fight back. "" figured out how legal it is and how to stop such "harassment" of collectors.

    Autodial is a call to the subscriber's number after a certain period of time. However, if you pick up the handset, the call is immediately dropped. It looks like a “dirty thing”, but when, for example, the telephone of organizations is blocked in this way, they willy-nilly stimulate their negligent employees to pay overdue loans.

    phone nightmare

    At the end of August, collectors paralyzed the work of the St. Petersburg company Trade House Petroalliance with their calls. First, an employee of the microfinance organization “Before Payday” called the company’s warehouse phone. He said that one of the employees of the trading house took a loan and did not return it. It is impossible to contact the debtor, so the telephone numbers of his place of work will be set to auto-dial. After the warning, the telephones of the Petroalliance Trading House office and warehouse began to receive every minute calls.

    Since the employee of "Before Payroll" left his mobile number, the head of the company, Inna Vigdorchik, called him back and demanded to stop interfering with the work process. Now, once every four minutes, her mobile was also torn from calls. It was possible to determine that the number from which they called belongs to a subscriber of the mobile operator Tele-2.

    Then the head of the company contacted the head office of "Before the salary", where she was promised that the telephones of the trading house would be removed from auto redial. But the calls didn't stop.


    Letter of the law

    Such actions of creditors and collectors are absolutely illegal, lawyer Vladimir Gorbenko notes. They violate the requirements of the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 230-FZ “On the Protection of the Rights and Legitimate Interests of Individuals in the Process of Returning Overdue Debts and on Amendments to the Federal Law “On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations”. As well as the right of the Petroalliance Trading House company to carry out entrepreneurial activities, since they do not allow outgoing calls to employees and receive incoming calls from customers and counterparties.

    The law in question was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin only in July 2016. Prior to that, the relationship with collectors was almost not regulated by law. And unlike European countries and the USA, where collection companies have a civilized algorithm of work, and the practice of bringing overdue debts to collection is the norm, in Russia everything seems to be allowed to collectors. And their methods of work, elementarily contrary to the law, did not surprise anyone.

    According to the new law, only credit organizations and persons whose main activity is the return of overdue debts can interact with the debtor. And no one else. Moreover, it is forbidden to people with an unexpunged or outstanding criminal record.


    To communicate with third parties, for example, relatives, neighbors, and any other people, collectors can now only with the consent of the debtor. Also, without the consent of the debtor, they do not have the right to transfer information about him to anyone.

    It became possible to meet with the debtor only once a week, and to call twice a week. Moreover, any communication from 20:00 to 9:00 on weekends, from 22:00 to 8:00 on weekdays was also banned.

    The law prohibits the threat and use of physical force, harm to health, damage to property, psychological pressure, misrepresentation.

    There is even a period when the debtor can stop communicating with the collector altogether, namely, four months after the occurrence of the overdue debt. In this case, further communication takes place through a lawyer.

    What to do?

    It is quite easy to deal with collectors, experts say. The main thing is to know your rights and not to panic. Since it is precisely due to legal illiteracy that a collector can intimidate a debtor to death or a distant relative who is absolutely not involved in the debt.

    How to deal with collection autodial? First, lawyers advise contacting a mobile operator. Providers can block the number from which the auto redial is carried out. Moreover, for many legal entities, such an item as blocking spam mailings is written in a separate line in the contract with the operator.

    You can also file a complaint with the Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office. True, the prosecutor's office will consider your appeal within a month, but then they will send auditors to the collection agency with a check that will stop the work. A complaint to the prosecutor's office is the basis for initiating a criminal case. According to the debt collectors themselves, if every third debtor wrote such an appeal, it would become impossible to work as a collector.


    It is recommended to apply with an application to Roskomnadzor, indicating the phone number from which the auto-dial is carried out. Then, having determined through the provider to whom it is registered, Roskomnadzor can also block it.

    There are other options for contacting the financial ombudsman or the police. But, as Vladimir Gorbenko clarifies, the Ombudsman does not have power, and he can only draw the attention of the country's leadership to the problem, while the police will not be able to promptly take the necessary measures. Only the operator and Roskomnadzor have the ability to respond quickly. Therefore, addressing them in the first place will be most effective.

    Instead of output

    Trading House Petroalliance did the following: the head of the company herself was able to block three numbers from which she was called automatically, thanks to Megafon's SuperAON service. Three letters were written on behalf of the trading house - to the Tele-2 operator, to the prosecutor's office and Roskomnadzor. True, it turned out to be unnecessary to send them, since the calls from the company “To the salary” had already stopped at that time. Perhaps the employee, who, by the way, is in the process of being fired, paid off his debt.

    All news headings

Despite the fact that almost all home / landline phones have an auto-dial function, the developers of the Android platform for some reason did not include such a useful feature in their operating system.

A good half of the "necessary" companies and municipal institutions do not bother to install multi-channel devices. And the higher the indicator of this need, the more difficult it is to get through to the place. Take at least a simple example with polyclinics: registration, appointment with specialists, laboratory and other departments are busy around the clock, and only short beeps are heard at the other end. Sometimes it seems that it is much easier to come to the place in person than to endlessly tap on the smartphone screen.

How to be?

It is after such moments that the understanding comes that auto-dial to Android is not just some kind of additional “trick”, but a really necessary attribute of the platform. For those users who, due to their line of business or for some other reason, need frequent calls to such “busy” institutions, the possibility of auto-dial will be a real salvation and a significant relief.

This problem is quite simply solved by installing third-party applications, that is, special dialer programs that work in the background in parallel with the main communication functionality. In some gadgets (more on them below), this feature is provided in the stock firmware, but these, alas, are in the minority.

So, let's figure out how to enable auto-dial on the Android platform and what applications can help in this matter.

Possibilities of stock firmware

Some scrupulous smartphone manufacturers still do not forget to add the ability to auto-dial to the Android platform in the factory firmware. First of all, this concerns the Samsung brand and its Galaxy series, where this functionality is implemented most competently.

In the menu, just select the "Phone" section, then go to the "Call settings", then "Advanced options" and tap on the checkbox with auto redial. After that, all your unanswered calls will be redialed, and if the connection is successful, you will receive a corresponding notification in the previously selected form (vibration or melody).

Similar functionality is also implemented in other phones of famous brands, such as Xiaomi or Lenovo, where both here and there the firmware is literally crammed with various “chips”, including auto-dial to Android. But, as mentioned above, this feature is a rare guest on smartphones from other manufacturers.

Third Party Applications

If your phone is not lucky enough to be on the list of owners of such a function, then you can install third-party applications that are no worse than stock ones, and somewhere even better. The main thing is to choose the right one.

One of these has the uncomplicated name "Auto Dialer" (developer Water). You can download it on the same Google Play or search on specialized resources and forums. The app is free, but the free version is loaded with ads. If the latter is very annoying, then it can be turned off by purchasing an extended version of the product (less than 100 rubles).

Program features

The application copes with auto-dial as it should: periodic calls to a busy subscriber with the specified parameters, a signal to the user when a connection is established and turning on the speakerphone, as well as detailed statistics of calls and conversations.

In addition to the ordinary auto-dial on Android, the utility can set limits on the duration of the call, set associated intervals, and blacklist the subscriber. The program has a clear and user-friendly interface, along with competent localization and an abundance of tips.

The rest of the competing fraternity of similar applications has similar functionality, but users liked Auto Dialer for its simplicity, convenience and efficiency. In addition, judging by the reviews, the program is not burdened with critical shortcomings.

Mobile operating systems.

Auto redial on a droid is a comfortable feature of modern phones.

Unfortunately, now far from all companies provide their users with such an opportunity as installing a multi-channel phone. Worst of all, many state institutions do not even think about it. The higher the importance of a company or institution, the more difficult it becomes to get through. Probably many faced the problem of a constant busy band: no matter how much you call, but in response only unfortunate short beeps. Sometimes it seems that it is easier to go to the place on your own than to sit and waste your nerves.

But do not rush to despair, because there is also a way out of this situation. The main inventory and assistant in solving this difficulty will be auto redial for droid.

Redial Auto Redial

The program is designed so that you don't have to do anything else redial numbers manually, as the automation will do everything for you. Whenever auto redial will encounter a busy line, it will immediately start redial this channel, and this will continue until the operator, in the end, picks up the phone, or the number of repetitions that are specified in the settings expires. All you need to do is to activate this useful feature and put your phone in speakerphone mode. Then you can relax and go about your business, and the loudspeaker will make sure that you do not miss the operator's answer.

Thanks to the auto-dial function, the droid has now become an even more comfortable and necessary platform for phones and communicators. You just call the children's hospital, which, sometimes, you have to knock more than a dozen times, but the line is still busy. And on Friday evening, you can easily get through to pizza or sushi delivery.

Options allow you to make your own number of repeated calls, as well as enter the desired interval between them. After the replays come out, auto redial stops. And then it's up to you to decide whether to run the machine in a circle or not.

All the same, what great opportunities the android operating system provides to customers, auto redial is a complete proof of that. Another exciting feature included in the set of this delightful program is an automatic call back to the designated number. If you have a friend or any relative who sits on a very expensive mobile tariff, you can put him on a special list. In this case, if one of them dials you, then just drop the call and the phone will call back without the help of others. In this way, you can save funds on the account of your interlocutor.

You can order the amazing auto redial feature on the Google Play website. The price will be only 99 rubles. Also, to test the program, you can first download a free trial version to get to know it better. The demo will limit you to five dials. After becoming familiar with its aspects and various options, you can purchase a paid application that will provide its enhanced abilities for use.

Technologies are developing year after year, this also applies to various software for Android phones. Auto redial this is really a step into the future, and therefore everyone who is interested in constantly establishing communication with institutions that have a permanently busy telephone line must have a program. Such a function should have been on all phones by default for a long time, but so far the developers do not consider this a necessity, and the program has to be downloaded separately. Fortunately, its price is completely low and now every client can afford it.

Short description

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