Photoshop Alignment Tools, Alignment and Distribution of Layers. Leveling objects in the specified borders Center in Photoshop

In this lesson I will tell how to find a center image in photoshop. We will consider two methods: with the help of transforming and guides, as well as guides and bindings.

First of all, we include the ability to create guides. To do this, go to the View menu item and turn on the ruler tool. Also, it can be turned on through a combination of "Ctrl + R" keys.

From above and left a scale appears. By pulling this scale down or right, we pull out horizontal or vertical guides.

The next step we go into the transformation of the layer. You can log in to the "Editing" menu item. Free transform"Or press the keyboard key" Ctrl + T ". Special spans appear on the layer, for which we can transform it. We are most interested in the central point. It is what indicates the image center.

In this mode, we just have to drag the guides to the center from the line.

The second way to determine center in Photoshop - Using the "Binding" tool. To enable it goes into the menu item "View" and select the "Binding" item. You can also enable it through the key combination "SHIFT + CTRL +;". In this mode, if we pull our guide in the image, it will "stick" to the sides, as well as to the center of the image. This applies to both vertical and horizontal guides.

This method has one feature. It works only with the selected layer. If you have another layer in the palette of the layer, then the "sticking" will work only about its borders and will not work on inactive canvas.

Video Tutorial:

1. Enlarge history.
The default in Photoshop costs 20 returns, it is very uncomfortable, because sometimes we need to return to large quantity Steps back. Therefore, press Ctrl + K and change 20 to as much as you need, for example, 100

2. How to find a center of any document

Suppose you need to find the center of the random size. To do this, first turn on the display of the Linek (Ctrl + R or the View menu -\u003e rules) and guides (Ctrl + H or View menu -\u003e Auxiliary elements). Then you need to create a new layer and pour it in any color (this is optional, but it helps to visually determine the middle). Set the approximation so that the entire document is placed in the workspace. Then Mouse over the vertical ruler, hold down the left mouse button and drag the guide to the document center. When approaching the center, the guide will be automatically tied to the central point horizontally. The same should be repeated for the upper ruler.

3. To spend a straight line, click at point A, then press SHIFT and click at the point B.

4. How to find the unique layer from large number layers.

Often, when performing collages in the PSD file there are a lot of layers. And even if they are all signed and well grouped together to find the uniquely desired layer is pretty tinned - you need to select some element, and on what a layer is unknown.
a) You give V (Move tool). Click Ctrl and click on the desired object. So we will fall on the layer we need.

B) put a tick at the top, on the settings panel, in the auto-layer parameter - layer

Now it is enough just to click on the object, and the layer will choose the photoshop itself.

5. If you put a check mark here
Tick \u200b\u200bin the "Show control elements" parameter
That will automatically turn on the mode of free transformation.

6. How to change the background around the document.

In photoshop around the image is always gray background. It can be replaced by any other! To do this, select the desired color in the Main Footage window, activate the fill tool, hold the SHIFT and click on the gray background.

7. How to get color from another document or program

Photoshop allows you to obtain the desired color from the desktop or from other programs using a standard pipette (i), such as a browser.

To do this, it is necessary to reduce the photoshop window to minimum sizeSo that the desired color is visible on the screen. Then call the pipette (i) tool, click on the document in the workspace Photoshop, and, without releasing the left mouse, bring the pipette to any desired area of \u200b\u200bthe screen, outside the editor

8. When working with a brush tool for quickly changing brushes and access to the brush selection palette, right-click in the image window, and the palette will be displayed directly under the cursor.

Find in the top menu item " View". Check the box in front of the element Rulers»

Item "View" Element "Rulebook"

In the workspace of the program there will be a ruler on top and left

Prepare two guides

The rules help pull guides to navigate in documents, templates and layouts.

Guides do not change their position when switching a layer and do not affect the graphic content of the layer. Ruler remain only in working files photoshop programs. When saving a file, they will not be visible.

From the horizontal ruler pull the horizontal guide

To do this, hover the mouse over any place above the upper ruler (on the line itself). Hold the LKM and pull down. You will see how it starts to crawl a horizontal guide of a bright color.

From the vertical ruler pull the vertical guide

To do this, hover the mouse over any place above the left line. Press the LKM and pull the right. You will see how it starts to crawl a vertical guide of a bright color.

Slowly drag the guide to the left mouse button towards the center

Look at the numbers on the line and count in advance what value will be average. If you have a width of 1800 pixels, then the middle of the vertical guide will take place on 900 pixels horizontally.

The guide automatically closes to the middle of the sheet. You will feel it. She will run away from the cursor

Two guides will cross exactly in the center of the layer and document. So you will learn where in the PHOTOSHOP document the middle of the sheet (layer).

It is important not to confuse two concepts: " middle sheet "And" mid of the contents of the sheet ". In essence, the sheet itself is constant and unchanged. He always has some sizes. But in the process of work, we constantly change the contents of the layers of different sizes. The contents may be less than the layer, and maybe more. These things should always be taken into account in the process of creating their masterpieces.

The middle of the sheet affects the total outcome composition, and the middle of the content indicates the location of the content itself on the final composition.

Why do you need to know the middle?

If talking easier, then:

  • the middle of the sheet is needed in order to center the clothed photo of goods for online stores. (so that the user always watched in one place on Erane and was not distracted)
  • the middle of the contents of the sheet is needed for a proportional uniform re-image of the product under the entire field of the image (so that the product is completely climbed into the entire picture)

Hello everyone, in this lesson we will deal with how to align text or shape in a certain space. For example, take a clean document and insert some shape or text there. In our case, it will be a blue avatar.

With an active layer with avatar, press Ctrl + A.To highlight the entire document. Selection will play the role of the frame, within which the text will be aligned.

Then choose the instrument Move.

The following buttons will be active on the settings panel of this tool:

1) Alignment at the top edge.

2) Alignment of vertical centers.

3) Alignment at the bottom edge.

4) Alignment on the left edge.

If you click on the alignment of the centers vertically, and then on the left edge, it will turn out like this:

5) Align the centers horizontally.

6) Alignment on the right edge.

And now click first alignment at the top edge, then on the right edge. Our avatar will move into the angle:

Everything is fine, only an avatar is completely stuck to the edges, you need to make a little indent. Click Ctrl-D.To remove the selection. Then SHIFT + Arrow Left and Shift + down arrow. Pressing the shift and arrows on the keyboard, you can move the object at once on 10 pixels in the desired side.

Use these knowledge to move objects on your work document. It is very convenient. Using keys Shift + arrows You will have smooth gaps between the elements. And your designer work will look more organized and balanced.

See you in the next lesson!

As a rule, newcomers are made to the eye, which is not necessarily. Select the Move tool and pay attention to its parameter panel. There are a number of settings that are responsible for this task (see screenshot):

The first three buttons are responsible for alignment vertically (from left to right): at the top edge, in the center, at the bottom edge.

The following three buttons are responsible for horizontal alignment (from left to right): on the left edge, in the center, on the right edge.

Thus, to place the object exactly in the center, you need to select centering vertically and horizontally.

The most important level of alignment is: first of all, you must specify photoshop area relative to which the program should look for edges or middle. While you do not do this, the alignment buttons will not be active, that is, you can not click.

This also lies the secret of how to make an object in the middle of the entire image or its separate fragment.

So, the sequence of actions is as follows:

Suppose you need to place this picture in the center:

Option 1 - relative to all canvas.


We specify the photoshop area with respect to which the program should align the image. This is done by creating a dedicated area.

On the layer palette, we allocate the background layer and click on the keyboard, the Ctrl + A key combination (allocate all). As a result, you should see the allocation frame from "marching ants" around the background layer. (As a rule, the background layer - coincides in size with canvas).

You can highlight the background layer in another way - clamp the key Ctrl And right-click on the background layer. The method works when this layer is unlocked (the lock icon signals this).

Step 2.

Now you need to choose a tool Move. When we have a selection frame, the alignment buttons will become active, and therefore they can be used.

Select a layer with a picture you want to align, and now click on the buttons according to wherever you want to place this picture. For example, let's post exactly in the center. Then we need to press these buttons:

Another example. Suppose you need to place a picture in the center, but from the left edge. Then select such buttons on the parameters panel:

Option 2. - in a separate image fragment

Suppose, there is a fragment on the image, inside which you need to place any ideally accurately. In my example, I added a glass square. Let the other picture be inside it (by the way, in this article you can learn how to make such a glass square).


First of all, by analogy with the first option, it is necessary to highlight this fragment. How to do this?

If this fragment is on a separate layer (as I have a square, which I put it separately), then you need to press Ctrl and click on the layer miniature if it is not blocked).

If this fragment is in the image itself, you need to select rectangular and oval area selection tools and draw a smooth dedicated area around the fragment. How to use these tools.

Step 2.

Select a layer with a picture and select the buttons how would you like to place this picture. For example, in the center:

Council. In some cases, it is necessary to manually correct the location of the picture. Select tool in and by pressing the SHIFT key, press the directions on the direction on the keyboard. The picture will move in increments of 10 pixels.

If you do not clamp this key, but simply use the keyboard arrows, then the picture will move in increments of 1 pixel.