Chassis error is lit on the display. Service mode of PHILIPS TVs on L01.1E AA chassis

TV signal systems: B/H/G, D/K, I, L.

Color systems:

  • SECAM;
  • NTSC 3.58 MHz; NTSC 4.43 MHz (video input only).

Received channels:

  • VHF: E2-E12, R1-R12;
  • UHF: E21-E69, R21-R69;
  • Cable: SO1-SO5, S1-S2O;
  • HYPER: S1-S41.

Power consumption from the network, W:

  • models KV-20WS1A/B/D/E/K/R-70;
  • model KV-20WS1U - 92.

Maximum output sound power - 2x8 W; subwoofer - 20 watts.

Other features: availability of teletext, fasttext, NICAM system audio decoder.

Structurally, the chassis consists of the following boards:

  • A - main board;
  • C - kinescope board;
  • U - blanking pulse generator board;
  • K - subwoofer amplifier board;
  • H - input/output board for audio and video signals.

Description of the operation of the TV nodes

power unit

The power supply unit (PSU) is implemented on the basis of a quasi-resonant converter IC600 (STR-S6707 manufactured by SANKEN). The microcircuit includes a master oscillator, a start-up circuit, protection circuits against overload, overvoltage, overheating, as well as an output stage based on a powerful bipolar transistor. The output voltage of the PSU is regulated by changing the frequency of the converter. The quasi-resonant converter has a significantly higher efficiency compared to pulse-width modulators, which ensures minimal power consumption in standby mode and low heat generation in operation. The block diagram of the STR-S6707 chip is shown in fig. 1.

The rectified voltage +300 V from the diode bridge D610 through the primary winding 5-7 of the transformer T602 is supplied to the collector of the key transistor (pin 1) of the microcircuit. The emitter of the transistor (pin 2) is connected to the case through a resistor R605. Resistor R605 acts as a current sensor and ensures that the microcircuit switches to protection mode when the output transistor is overloaded. The signal from the current sensor is fed to the pin. 6 IC600.

The microcircuit is powered (pin 9) in operating mode from a voltage regulator on a Q601 transistor and a Q603 zener diode. In the startup mode, the microcircuit is powered by resistors R604 and R651 connected to the D610 rectifier. A circuit is used to stabilize the output voltage. feedback through optocoupler IC601 and error amplifier IC602. For control, the output voltage +117/134 V is used. This voltage is supplied to the pin. 1 error amplifier. With pin. 2 IC602 error signal is applied to pin. 2 optocouplers IC602. Further, the feedback signal is fed to the pin. 7 IC600 chips.

On transistors Q604, Q603 and Q602, a circuit for switching the power supply to standby mode is implemented. When a low level STDBY signal is received from the pin. 3 microprocessor IC001 to the base of transistor Q604 opens transistor Q603, which shunts the feedback circuit of IC601 through diode D615, which leads to switching the PSU to standby mode.

The PSU generates the following output voltages:

  • +117/134 V (14/21") - for line scanning power supply;
  • +8 V - to power the sound circuits (the voltage is generated by the IC603 stabilizer);
  • +5 V - to power the video processor, sound processor (formed by the IC605 stabilizer);
  • +5 V STDBY - to power the microprocessor, control keyboard and photodetector (formed by IC604 stabilizer);
  • +18 V - for sound power amplifier, subwoofer amplifier.

Line scanning

Horizontal sync pulses with pin. 12 of the IC301 video processor through the buffer stage on the Q300 transistor enter the base of the Q801 transistor and then, through the matching transformer T801, to the output stage on the Q802 transistor. The load of the output stage is the primary winding of the 1-2 line transformer T802 and the line coils of the deflecting system. Voltages are removed from the secondary windings of the transformer to power the kinescope - anode, accelerating and focusing, filament voltage (pin 6) as well as the voltages necessary for the operation of other TV components:

  • +24 V (pin 9) - for vertical scanning;
  • +190 V (pin 4) - for powering video amplifiers on the kinescope board.

On transistors Q804 and Q805, a parabolic raster distortion correction circuit (E / W correction) is implemented. The P-DRV correction signal is generated by the IC301 video processor (pin 8). For synchronization, a feedback signal is used, taken from the pin. 11 line transformer T802.

On transistors Q617 and Q606, a protection circuit is made for the +117 V supply circuit. The resistor R608 serves as a current sensor. As the load current increases, the negative potential from the resistor is fed to the emitter of Q617, which leads to the opening of transistors Q606, Q803 and blocking of the horizontal pulses entering the base of Q801.

Personnel scan

Frame scanning is performed on IC301 microcircuits (selector, clock and sawtooth voltage generator) and IC501 (STV9379 - power amplifier). The block diagram of the STV9379 chip is shown in fig. 2. The sawtooth vertical scan voltage comes from the pin. 7 video processor IC301 on pin. 1 amplifier IC501. A potential of +1.8 V is applied to the second input of the differential amplifier (pin 7).

The purpose of the pins of this microcircuit is given in Table. 1.

Table 1

The current through the personnel coils is supplied through the following circuit: pin. 5 IC501 - L501 - cont. 6 CN801 - personnel coils - cont. 5 CN801 - C505 - R507 - housing. The flyback generator provides an increase in the span of the vertical scan output signal using the capacitor C504.

On transistors Q500 and Q501, a vertical raster position correction circuit is made. The correction signal VCENT comes from the pin. 22 microprocessors IC001.


The IC001 microprocessor (SDA5255-A031 manufactured by SIEMENS) performs the following TV control functions: receiving commands from the control panel and front panel keyboard, turning the TV on and off, controlling the TV nodes via the I2C bus, providing service mode, etc. The microprocessor is powered by +5 and +8 V STDBY voltages. The initial RESET signal of the microprocessor is generated by the IC005 microcircuit. The microprocessor has a ROM (ROM) for storing programs and factory settings and a random access memory (RAM, RAM) with a capacity of 1 byte.

The purpose of the main conclusions of the microprocessor is given in table. 2.

table 2

Output number Designation Description
1 X-RAY X-ray protection input. Circuit overload +117 8
2 ITT RST IC200 sound processor initialization signal. Active level ~ low
3 STDBY TV turn on signal. High level corresponds to the operating mode, low - to the standby mode
4 LED Operating/standby indication output
5 PROC DtS Service socket output
6 MUTE Mute signal
7 NVMWP Non-Volatile Memory Write Protection
8 SCL Clock bus I 2 C
9 SDA Address/data bus I 2 C
10,24,35 Vss General
11,28,37 vdd Power supply +5 V (STDBY)
12,13 XTAL
14,16, 43, 51 NC Not used
15 RESET Initialization signal (initial reset) of the microprocessor
17 HVSEL Selection signal of corresponding blanking signals HV BLK1 or HV BLK2
18 HVBLK1 Blanking signal 1
19 TV/YC Signal source selection - tuner/input Y (board H). A low level corresponds to receiving a signal from the tuner. The signal is applied to the transistor Q312
20 AV1/AV2 External video source selection: SCART connector/H board. High level corresponds to the SCART connector. Signal applied to switch IC401
21 HV BLK2 Blanking signal 2
22 VCENT Vertical position correction signal
23 RGBP Switching of external/internal RGB signals. Switching is done using the Q118 key and transistors shunting signals from the SCART connector (Q408, Q407, Q4Q6, Q405)
25 FIL 3 SLC Pin for connecting TTX/VPS/WSS PLL data filter
26 FIL 2 SLC Conclusion for connecting the TTX PLL filter
27 FIL 1 SLC Pin for connecting VPS/WSS PLL filter
29 Iref Bias current for PLL
30 CVBS Video signal input from switcher IC004
31 COIN Tuner video input
32 SWADC Keyboard login
33 SCART Control signal from the SCART connector
36 S1RCS Input from remote photodetector
38,39 LC Used to synchronize an external display
40 S1 Keyboard output
41 VBLK Personnel quenching impulses
42 HBIK Line damping pulses
44,46 VS Vertical sync input. The signal is coming out. 3 amplifiers IC501
45 HS Horizontal sync input. The signal comes from the output. 1 line transformer T802
47 R Red teletext and menu output
48 G Green teletext and menu output
49 IN Teletext and menu blue signal output
50 BLANK Blanking signal output
52 TV/AV Video switch control signal IC004. Low level corresponds to the signal selection from the tuner, high - to the external video signal from the IC401 switcher

To store the TV settings, an electrically reprogrammable ROM (EEPROM) IC002 - ST24W04F with a memory capacity of 4 Kbps (2 blocks of 256 bytes) is used. To protect information from random erase / write cycles, a pin is used. 7 chips -WP. If the pin is not connected, then there is no write protection.


The tuner is controlled by the IC001 microprocessor via the I 2 C bus. The purpose of the tuner pins is shown in Table. 3.

Table 3

Pin designation Description
SCL Clock bus I 2 C
SDA Address/data bus I 2 C
+33V It is generated from a voltage of +117 V using a stabilizer on the elements R030, D002, C008. Used to form the tuning voltage
GND General
+5V Supply voltage +5 V
AM Audio signal output
QSS Audio signal output
video Video output
NC Not used

video processor

The TV uses an IC301 video processor of the MC44002 type from MOTOROLA. Its block diagram is shown in fig. 3. The IC301 video processor provides processing and delay of the luminance signal, extraction and decoding of PAL / SECAM / NTSC color signals, the formation of RGB signals from decoded chrominance signals, brightness and contrast adjustment, automatic maintenance of white balance, beam current limiting, switching of external and internal sources video signals and RGB-signals, the formation of signals for vertical and horizontal scanning. The video processor is controlled by the microprocessor via the I2C bus. The purpose of the outputs of the video processor is given in Table. 4.

Table 4

Output number Designation Purpose
1 ACC Automatic control chromaticity
2 V2in Video input 2
3 I ref Control voltage of the vertical sweep master oscillator
4 SCL Clock bus I 2 C
5 SDA Address/data bus I 2 C
6 V-ramp Vertical pulse slope correction input
7 v-drive Vertical pulse output
8 EW drive Parabolic raster correction signal output
9 I anode Input for limiting the peak current of the kinescope beams
10 analog contrast Input for analog contrast adjustment. The contrast decreases to 12 dB when the average value of the current of the kinescope beams is exceeded
11 SCM SECAM decoder external capacitor
12 H drive Horizontal sync output
13 HFP Horizontal Feedback Input
14,15 HIF Feedback loop filter
16 S gnd General (measuring)
17,18,19 RGB RGB signal outputs
20 Facebook Auto white balance input. A balance is provided in white (beam current 100 μA) and in black (current - 10 μA)
21 FC Fast switching signal for external RGB signals
22, 23, 24 RGB in RGB input - teletext signals, menu display, RGB signals from SCART connector
25 Y2 Input 2 brightness signals. Not used
26 B-Y Delayed color difference input (blue)
27 R-Y Delayed Color Difference Input (Red)
28 Y1CL External Capacitor for Luminance Clamp
29 Y1 out Brightness signal output. Not used
30 SYS Color system selection signal output
31 SC Tri-Level Gating Output
32 NTSC Connecting a quartz resonator for decoding signals in the NTSC system
33 PAL, SCM Connection of a quartz resonator for signal decoding in PAL, SECAM systems
34 GND General
35 Vcc Power supply +5 V
36 B-Y Blue color difference output
37 R-Y Red color difference output
38 ID External Capacitor of Color System Identification Assembly
39 OLF Generator filter
40 V1 in Video input 1

The video signal from the VIDEO output of the tuner is fed to the buffer amplifier Q411, Q410, Q409 and is further divided into 4 branches:

  • SCART connector;
  • through the amplifier on the elements Q006, Q011 - on the pin. 31 microprocessors;
  • through switch IC004 - on pin. 30 microprocessor (switch IC004 provides signal source selection: tuner / external AV signal);
  • through the switch on the elements Q310, Q311 - to the V1 IN input of the video processor (pin 40). The switch provides a choice of the signal source: tuner / Y signal from the H board.

An additional switch IC401 switches the signals AV1 (SCART) and AV2 (board H) to the switch IC004 and the video processor (pin 2 and 13).

When processing the video signal in the video processor, an external delay line for color difference signals IC302 (MC44140P) is used. The luminance channel delay line is built into the video processor. From its output (pin 17-19), the primary color signals are fed to the kinescope board C. The power supply of the kinescope board amplifiers (+190 V) is removed from the pin. 4 horizontal transformer and rectified using elements D802 and C807. Transistors Q709, Q707 and Q708 provide current measurement of the kinescope beams for the automatic white balance circuit.

Audio processing path

The TV can be equipped with two types of sound processors: MSP3400 and MSP3410. Their main difference is that the MSP3410 can additionally decode NICAM signals ( digital standard stereo sound, used in Eastern Europe, England and France). The IC200 sound processor performs the following functions:

  • demodulation of received signals;
  • adjusting the volume, balance, timbre of low and high frequencies;
  • automatic volume correction;
  • frequency response correction using a 5-band graphic equalizer.

The purpose of the outputs of the sound processor IC200 is given in Table. 5.

Table 5

Output number Designation Purpose
1-5,8,11-17,20-23,30-34,64 NC Not used
6 ADR-SEL Address selection input I 2 C
7 STDBY Standby switching signal input. Connected to +5 V power rail
9 SCL Clock bus I 2 C
10 SDA Address/data bus I 2 C
18 DV SUP Power supply for the digital part of the processor. Connected to +5 V power rail
19,27,35,41, 48, 51,56 - General
24 RESETQ Initial reset signal input
25 HP-R AUX right channel audio output. Comes to pay
26 HP-L AUX left channel audio output. Comes to pay
28 SP-R Right channel main output
29 SP-L Main left channel output
36 SC1 OUT R Right channel output. Comes to the SCART connector
37 SC1 OUT L Left channel output. Comes to the SCART connector
38 CAPL-A Volume adjustment path capacitor (AUX channel)
39 AHVSUP +8 V analog supply
40 CAPL-M Volume path capacitor (main channel)
42 AGNDC Reference voltage of the analog part
46,47 SC3 IN Signal input for SCART3 connector. Not used
49, 50 SC2 IN Signal input for SCART2 connector. Not used
52,53 SC1IN Signal input for SCART connector
54 V REF TOP Reference voltage of analog-to-digital converter
55 MONO IN Mono signal input. Comes from AM tuner output
57 AV SUP Power supply for the analog part of the processor. Connected to +5 V power rail
58 ANA IN 1+ Audio signal input
59 ANA IN- General audio signal
60 ANA IN 2+ Input 2 audio signals
61 TESTEN Not used
62,63 XTAL Conclusions for connecting a quartz resonator

The selected audio signal from the tuner TU101 (pin. QSS) through the filters Q110 and Q210 is fed to the pin. 58 differential inputs of the IC200 sound processor. The other input (pin 59) is connected to the common wire through the capacitor C217. After processing in the IC200, audio signals from the pin. 28, 29 go to the buffer stage Q204, Q205 and then to the power amplifier 1C 1200 (pin 7.11). At the same time, these same signals are fed through the CN1202 connector to the subwoofer power amplifier (K ​​board). From the output of the IC1200 amplifier (pin 2, 4), signals are fed to the dynamic heads.

To play sound through headphones, the signals are taken from the pin. 25, 26 IC200 and through the Q201, Q202 keys (provide the mute mode when the TV is turned on - POWER ON MUTE) are fed to the IC201 amplifier (pin b, 7). From the amplifier outputs (pin 1, 3) through the filters R414, L410, C425 and the CN402 connector, the signals are sent to the H board.

The POWER ON MUTE signal is generated by the Q1200 transistor and prevents audible “pops” when the TV is turned on. The MUTE signal is generated by the microprocessor IC001 (pin b) and is fed through the Q1201 transistor to the power amplifier IC1200 (pin 5) and the subwoofer amplifier.

The subwoofer amplifier is based on the IC271 (TDA2050) chip and is structurally located on the K board. The signals of the right and left channels are added to the resistor R282 and then fed to the filter low frequencies on elements C282, R282, C286. After selecting the lower frequencies, the signal is fed to the input of the amplifier (pin 1). The second input of the differential amplifier (pin 2) is connected to a common wire through an RC filter. The output signal of IC271 (pin 4) is fed to the subwoofer. Transistor Q205 shunts the input circuits when the MUTE signal is active.

Service mode

To enter the service mode, perform the following operations:

  • turn on the TV to the network and switch it to standby mode;
  • sequentially press the following buttons on the remote control remote control(RC): Press the following buttons on the remote control (RC) in sequence: ON screen display, 5, Volume +, TV.

TT- symbols and TV status information will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.

To access menu items, press the MENU button. Use the NEXT (blue) and PREVIOUS (green) buttons to select a menu item. To change the selected parameter, press the "+" (yellow) and "-" (red) buttons.

To exit the service mode, turn off the power of the TV.

The name and range of adjustments of the parameters are given in Table. 6.

Table 6

Parameter Default value Adjustment range
V size 21 0-63
Vbreth 32 0-63
pin amp 12 0-63
para. Tilt 43 0-63
v linear 42 0-63
Corner corr 05 0-63
H size 34 0-63
Vpos 00 0-63
H phase 42 0-63
Blue 26 0-63
Green 32 0-63
Red 42 0-63
HV blk1 00 0-63
HV blk2 00 0-6
V cent 06 0-63
Zwei max 36 0-63
Zwei min 18 0-63

Test mode

Press the TEST button twice to enter the test mode. To exit test mode press the 0 button twice, then TEST and TV, or switch the TV to standby mode. The list of test mode commands is given in Table. 7.

Table 7

Team Description
00 Exit test mode
01 Set maximum contrast
02 Set minimum contrast
03 Set volume level to 35%
04 Set volume level to 50%
05 Set volume level to 65%
O6 Set volume level to 80%
07 Maximum brightness and contrast
08 Set analog controls to default values: program number - 1, volume - 35%
15 Read the factory settings (brightness, contrast, hue, volume, sharpness and color values) from the ROM of the microprocessor and write them to the non-volatile memory (NVM)
16 Save current settings as default
17 Enable/disable sharpness adjustment
19 Set priority of RGB signals
22 Additional color adjustment (different values ​​for PAL and SECAM)
24 Enable RGB signal priority
25 Enable D/K system
26 Enable I/U system
27 Enable I/I system"
28 Enable B/G system
32 Set contrast to 50%
36 Mute mode (MUTE)
37 Disable display of service information
38 Switch to G2 accelerating voltage setting mode
39 Additional brightness adjustment
41 Initializing Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)
43 Initialization of geometry settings
48 Set NVM test byte to 44h
49 Erase test byte
51 60/100 programs

TV settings

Accelerating voltage adjustment (G2)

  • a “black field” signal is fed to the input of the TV;
  • enter the service mode, then select command 38 in the test mode (see Table 7);
  • the lower potentiometer on the case of the horizontal transformer (screen) ensures that the arrow on the screen is practically invisible;
  • press the TV button on the remote control to save the data.

Video Peak Adjustment

  • a “white square on a black background” signal is fed to the TV input;
  • connect the oscilloscope to the pin. 7 kinescopes (red spotlight);
  • set the maximum contrast of the image - the command "01" in the test mode (Table 7);
  • in the service mode, select the RED HWB item;
  • yellow and red buttons on the remote control set the signal span to 85 V.

White balance adjustment

  • a “white field” signal is fed to the input of the TV;
  • set the default brightness and color level;
  • enter the service mode;
  • Adjust the GREEN HWB and BLUE HWB settings until the white balance is achieved.

Additional color adjustment

  • apply to the TV input a color bar signal in the PAL system;
  • connect the oscilloscope to the pin. 3 kinescopes (blue spotlight);
  • in test mode, select the command "22";
  • the yellow and red buttons on the remote control achieve the shape of the oscillogram, as in fig. 4:
  • repeat the adjustment for the signal in the SECAM system.


Errors detected as a result of the operation of the internal diagnostics system are fixed in two ways:

  • busy bus I 2 C;
  • A device is not responding on the I2C bus.

At the first moment after turning on the TV, the microprocessor tries to “free” the I 2 C bus (if the bus is not “freed”, then the light tries to establish communication with the corresponding device. If a malfunction is detected in the device, its number is indicated by the corresponding number of LED blinks. fatal error the TV remains in the state in which the error was detected. If other errors occur, the TV tries to continue. Error codes are given in Table. 8.

Table 8

Error number (number of blinks in a series of LED) Manual error code S-188-900-10 Description Note
No 0 No mistakes -
2 30 Video processor error when working with bus I 2 C
3 31 The video processor does not set the "OK" flag
4 32 Video processor error - no horizontal feedback signal Indicated when the TV is turned on and in standby mode
33 Video Processor Error - Stack Overflow -
5 40 Sound processor error when working with bus I 2 C Indicated in any operating mode, the TV switches to mute mode (MUTE)
6 91 Turns on protection mode - no personnel pulses Indicated in any operating mode, the TV switches to standby mode
7 10 Non-volatile memory error when working with bus I 2 C
8 20 Tuner error when working with bus I 2 C Indicated in any operating mode, the TV switches to standby mode
9 01 General bus error I 2 C - SDA1 or SCL1 lines shorted to ground Displayed only when the TV is turned on
10 90 X-ray protection mode - the voltage at the anode of the kinescope is too high Indicated in any operating mode, the TV switches to standby mode

Possible malfunctions and their elimination

The TV does not turn on, the mains fuse blows

They check the serviceability of the elements of the mains filter (T601, C602-C606), the S601 switch, the kinescope demagnetization system, the rectifier (D610, SbZO), the windings 5-7 of the T602 transformer, C611, the power transistor 1C600 (vyv. 1-3).

The TV does not turn on, the mains fuse is intact, the POWER indicator does not light up

Check the presence of a voltage of +300 V at the pin. 1 IC600. If there is no voltage, the serviceability of the elements of the mains filter, switch, diode bridge, windings 5-7 of the T602 transformer is checked.

Check the presence of supply voltage at the pin. 9 IC600 (chip trigger voltage: +8±0.4V). In the absence of voltage, the serviceability of resistors R604, R651, capacitor C610, transistor Q601 and zener diode Q603 is checked.

If the supply voltage is normal, check the feedback voltage at the pin. 7 (650 mV) and the voltage drop across the protection resistor R605 (no more than 1 V). Check the passage of control pulses from the pin. 5 IC600 through R607 and C614 to the base of the output transistor (pin 3). The maximum duration of the positive half-wave of control pulses: 33-41 µs, the minimum duration of the negative half-wave: 45-55 µs.

POWER indicator is on, TV does not turn on

Check the voltages generated by the PSU for compliance with the nominal values ​​​​(see the "Power supply" section). Check the passage of the STDBY signal from the pin. 3 microprocessors IC001 through transistors Q604, Q603, Q602 and optocoupler IC601 on pin. 7IC600.

Check the mode of transistors Q617, Q606, Q803 (horizontal scan overload protection circuit).

To determine the malfunction (power supply or line scan), solder R816 or L805. If the blocking of horizontal pulses is removed - a malfunction in line scanning or its load: vertical scanning, video amplifier.

There is no sound and image, there is a raster

Make sure the TV is in TV signal reception mode. Check the presence of supply voltages on the tuner: +33 V, +5 V. Check the I 2 C bus signals at the tuner's SCL and SDA outputs.

Check the video signal path: pin. VIDEO tuner - transistors Q411, Q410 - buffer Q107 - switch Q310, Q311 - pin. 40 video processor IC301.

No sound

Check the correct settings of the TV reception system (for Russia - SECAM D / K).

Check the presence of supply voltages at the outputs of the IC200 sound processor - pin. 7.18, 57 (+5 V), pin. 39 (+8 V). Check the presence of supply voltages on the amplifier IC1200 - pin. 1, b (-18 V), pin. 3 (+18 V).

Check the absence of the MUTE signal on the pin. 5 amplifier IC1200 (high level corresponds to mute mode). Check the audio signal path: AM tuner output - input 55 IC200 - pin. QSS tuner - filter Q110, Q210 - pin. 58 IC200 - pin. 28, 29 IC200 - buffer Q204, Q2O5 - pin. 7.11 IC1200 - pin. 2, 4 IC1200 - loudspeakers.

No sound on headphones

Check the supply voltage +8 V at the pin. 2 amplifiers IC201. Check the signal path to the headphones: pin. 25, 26 sound processor IC200 - Q201, Q202 - pin. 6, 7 amplifier IC201 - pin. 1, 3 amplifiers IC201 - filter L410, L411 - connector CN402 (pin 7.9) - headphone jack.

The TV does not respond to pressing the control buttons on the front panel

Check resistors R060, R073, R061, R071, R074, R063, R062 for compliance with the rating. Check the passage of the signal from the pin. 40 microprocessor IC001: transistors Q007, Q008, Q009 - input 32 of the microprocessor. Check diodes Q013, Q017 and inductance L003 for an open circuit.

The TV does not respond to commands from the remote control

Make sure that the remote control and its power source (batteries) are in good condition.

Check the presence of voltage +5 V STDBY on the pin. 2 photodetectors IC003. Check the signal flow circuit from the photodetector: pin. 1 IC003 - R015 - R058 - pin. 36 IC001.

Poor color saturation

Check that the saturation control setting is correct. Check the chain of passage of color-difference signals through the delay line IC302.

Teletext and service information not displayed

Check the presence of a control signal on the pin. 21 IC301 video processors. Check the chain of passage of RGB signals from the microprocessor to the video processor. For example, for the red channel, the signal flow chain is as follows: pin. 47 IC001 - Q012 - R088 - D005 - C317 - pin. 24 IC301. In the absence of signals at the outputs of the microprocessor, it is replaced. If there are signals at the input of the video processor, it is replaced.

One of the primary colors predominates on the screen or it is absent

They check the signal path of the corresponding color (for example, for red: pin 17 of IC301 - pin 4 of the CN081 connector - Q702, Q705, Q708 - pin 7 of the kinescope. Check the supply voltages of +5 and +190 V on the corresponding video amplifier of the kinescope board.

Small image size vertically

Check the supply voltage +24 V at the pin. 2 IC501. Check the serviceability of the external elements of the reverse generator - D501 and C504. Check the capacitance of the capacitor C505. Check the circuit for the passage of current through the personnel coils: pin. 5 microcircuits IC501, L501, cont. b, personnel coils, cont. 5, C505, R507, housing. If the failed element is not found, replace the IC501 chip.

Small image size horizontally

The serviceability of capacitors C801, C802, C813, C815, C809, C810 is checked by the replacement method.

Attention!Horizontal scan elements may be under high voltage!

Linearity broken horizontally

Check the health of the elements L808, L800, C803, C800, R800, L803, L806.

No sound when working with LF input

Check the sound signal path (for example, for the left channel):

  • AUDIO connector - cont. 1 connector CN402 - C420 -R421 - pin. 49 IC200 sound processors;
  • SCART connector - L408 - C403 - R403 - pin. 52 C200.

No picture when working with LF input

Check the video signal path:

  • VIDEO connector - cont. b connector CN402 - C416 -R417 - input b switch IC401 - output 4 switch - C347 - R311 - pin. 2 video processors IC301. They also check the control signal on the IC401 switch (pin 7);
  • SCART connector J401 - C417 - R344 - pin. 8 switch IC401 - pin. 4 switches - С347 - R311 -vyv. 2 video processors IC301. They also check the control signal on the IC401 switch (pin 7);
  • connector J902 - cont. 4 connectors CN402 - C332 -Q310 - pin. 40 video processor IC301.

Chassis Electrical Fault Diagnosis - General Information

A typical electrical circuit may include an electrical component, various switches, relays, motors, fuses, fuses, or circuit breakers related to that component, as well as wiring and electrical connectors that connect the component to the battery and chassis ground. To facilitate the task of troubleshooting electrical circuits in Section Wiring diagrams - general information.

Before you start troubleshooting any of the electrical circuits, carefully study the corresponding application diagram in order to understand its functionality as clearly as possible. Narrowing the troubleshooting circle is usually done by gradually identifying and eliminating normally functioning components of the same circuit. If several components or circuits fail at the same time, the most likely cause of the failure is a blown fuse or a ground fault (different circuits in many cases can close to the same fuse or ground terminal).

Electrical equipment failures are often due to the simplest causes, such as terminal corrosion, fuse failure, fusible link burnout, or a defective switching relay. Perform a visual inspection of the condition of all fuses, wiring, and electrical connectors in the circuit before proceeding with more specific component testing.

If using diagnostic tools for troubleshooting, plan carefully according to the attached electrical diagrams at which points of the circuit and in what sequence the device should be connected in order to most effectively detect a defect.

The main diagnostic tools include a tester electrical circuits or a voltmeter (a 12 V test lamp with a set of connecting wires can also be used), an indicator of the continuity of a segment of the circuit (probe), including a light bulb, its own power source and a set of connecting wires. In addition, you should always have in the car a set of wires for starting the engine from an auxiliary source, equipped with crocodile clips and, preferably, a circuit breaker, which can be used to bypass and connect various electrical components during the circuit diagnostics. As mentioned above, before proceeding to check the circuit using diagnostic equipment, determine from the diagrams the place of its connection.

Checking for voltage

Voltage checks are made in the event of a malfunction of the circuit. Connect one of the circuit tester leads to either the negative battery post or a well-grounded point on the vehicle's chassis. Connect the other tester lead to the circuit connector terminal, preferably the one closest to the battery or fuse. If the test lamp on the tester lights up, there is voltage on this section of the circuit, which confirms the health of the circuit between this terminal and the battery. Continuing in a similar manner, explore the rest of the outline. The detection of a lack of voltage indicates the presence of a malfunction between this point of the circuit and the last one previously checked (where voltage was present). In most cases, the failure is caused by loose electrical connections and poor contact quality.

Looking for a short circuit

One of the methods for searching for a short circuit is to remove the fuse and connect a probe lamp or voltmeter instead. There must be no voltage in the circuit. Pull the wiring while watching the probe lamp. If the lamp starts flashing, there is a short to ground somewhere in this harness, possibly caused by chafing of the wire insulation. A similar check can be made for each of the circuit components, including switches.

Grounding check

This test is made to determine if the component is grounded reliably. Disconnect the battery and connect one of the wires of the probe lamp equipped with an independent power source to a known well-grounded point. Connect the other lamp wire to the harness or terminal being tested. If the lamp lights up, the ground is OK (and vice versa).

Conductivity Tests

The check is made in order to detect breaks in the electrical circuit. After turning off the power to the circuit, check it with a probe lamp equipped with an independent battery. Connect the probe wires to both ends of the loop (or to the "power" end (+) and a well-grounded point on the chassis), if the test lamp comes on, there is no open in the loop. Failure to turn on the lamp indicates a violation of the continuity of the circuit. In the same way, you can check the health of the switch by connecting a probe to its terminals. When the switch is turned to the “On” position, the test lamp should light up.

Cliff localization

When diagnosing a suspect for a broken circuit, visually detecting the cause of a malfunction turns out to be quite difficult, since inspecting the terminals for corrosion or a violation of the quality of their contacts is difficult due to limited access to them (usually the terminals are closed by the connector housing). A sharp twitch of the connector housing on the sensor or its wiring harness in many cases leads to the restoration of conductivity. Do not forget about this when trying to localize the cause of the suspect's failure to break the circuit. Intermittent failures can be caused by terminal oxidation or poor contact quality.

Diagnosing faults in electrical circuits is not at all a difficult task, provided it is clearly understood that the current flows to all electrical loads(lamp, electric motor, etc.) from the battery through wires through switches, relays, fuses, fuses, and then returns to the battery through the vehicle ground. Any problems associated with the failure of electrical equipment can only be caused by the interruption of the supply to them electric current from the battery or return it to it.

The PHILIPS L01.1E AA television chassis has already been reviewed on the pages of our magazine (see Repair & Service, No. 10, 2004). In continuation of the topic, we suggest getting acquainted with the service mode of this chassis and mastering its hardware and software adjustments.

TVs assembled on the L01.1E AA chassis can be switched to the following service modes:

default service leveling mode (SDAM);

client service mode (CSM).

The SDAM service mode serves the following purposes:

Creation of built-in installations of all chassis nodes for carrying out measurements and electrical settings of the chassis;

Blocking protection circuit;

Starting the flashing procedure of the LED indicator for troubleshooting;

Setting options;

Display/clear error buffer codes;

Align settings.

The CSM service mode is not used for chassis adjustments and its options are read-only.

Service mode SDAM sets the following mode of operation of the TV:

the message S is displayed at the top of the screen;

the frequency of receiving the station from the antenna input is 475.25 MHz;

SECAM L color system for France or PAL-BG for other Western European countries;

the volume is set at 25% of the maximum value, other values ​​​​of the sound and image parameters - at the level of 50%.

In SDAM mode, the following modes are blocked: sleep timer, parental lock, blue background, hotel, auto power off (when there is no IDENT video signal for 15 minutes), skip unwanted channels, auto save personal settings.

To enter the SDAM service mode on the main chassis board, jumpers 9631 and 9641 are connected to each other, then the TV is turned on with the power switch. After the image appears on the screen (Fig. 1), open the connection between jumpers 9631 and 9641.

Rice. 1. Screen image in SDAM mode

Note. Note that when jumpers 9631 and 9641 are closed, the short circuit protection on the +8V circuit is disabled.

On fig. 1 The following symbols mean:

LLLL - operating hours counter;

AAABCD X.Y - software version number;

S - SDAM service mode indication;

ERR - error buffer, which stores the last five error codes;

XXX option bytes;

CLEAR - reset the contents of the error buffer (to reset, select this line and press the cursor button right);

OPTIONS - submenu for setting option bytes;

AKB - enable (1) or disable (0) the circuit for controlling the dark current of the kinescope beams;

TUNER - tuner settings submenu;

WHITE TONE - white balance adjustment;

GEOMETRY - submenu for image geometry adjustment;

AUDIO - submenu for adjusting audio parameters.

To navigate in service menu SDAMs use the up/down cursor buttons on the remote control. The selected line becomes brighter. Activation of the selected submenu (setting values) occurs when you press the cursor buttons on the remote control left/right.

If you press the MENU button in SDAM mode, you can go to the user menu (normal menu for parameter settings). To return to SDAM mode, press the OSD/STATUS button on the remote control. To return from the submenu to the previous menu, press the MENU button on the remote control.

To save the SDAM service mode settings, press the STANDBY button on the remote control.

Consider the hardware and software adjustments of the L01.1E AA chassis.

Chassis hardware adjustments L01.1E AA

Adjustment of the accelerating voltage Vg2

1. Activate the SDAM service mode and select the WHITE TONE submenu in it.

2. Set the NORMAL RED, GREEN and BLUE values ​​to 40.

3. Use the MENU button to return to the user menu and set the minimum contrast and brightness (so that the OSD image is barely visible).

4. Return to SDAM mode using the MENU button.

5. Connect the test signal generator to the antenna input of the TV and give a signal "black field". To control the adjustment, connect an oscilloscope (1:10, 0.2 ms / div) to one of the kinescope cathodes.

6. Variable resistor Screen (lower on TDKS) sets a constant voltage from zero to the quenching level (horizontal area of ​​the line quenching pulse), equal to 160 ± 4 V.

Focus voltage adjustment

1. Connect the test signal generator to the antenna input of the TV and give the signal grid.

2. Use the SMART PICTURE button on the remote control to select the NATURAL or MOVIES picture mode.

3. Variable resistor Focus (upper on TDKS) achieve optimal focusing over the entire screen area.

Chassis software adjustments L01.1E AA

These adjustments are made in the SDAM service mode. These include:

Setting option bytes (OPTIONS submenu);

Tuner adjustment (TUNER submenu);

White balance adjustment (WHITE TONE submenu);

Geometry adjustment (GEOMETRY submenu);

Audio path adjustment (AUDIO submenu).

Setting option bytes

Enter the SDAM service mode and select and activate the OPTIONS line in it. An image should appear on the screen (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Screen image in option bytes mode

There are seven option bytes OP1-OP7 in total. Setting the values ​​of these bytes allows you to customize the configuration specific model? tuner type, region, sound processor modes, possible systems broadcasts, SMART PICTURE and SMART SOUND presets, stereo/mono modes, etc. In table. 1 shows the fixed values ​​​​of the option bytes for various TV models. The required values ​​of the option bytes are set using the cursor buttons right/left on the remote control. The new values ​​are memorized after exiting to the previous menu.

Table 1. Fixed Values ​​of Option Bytes for Specific Models

21PT6807/01 DVD 216 247 249 184 208 54 3
21PT6807/05 DVD 220 247 249 184 208 54 3
21PT6807/58 DVD 216 247 249 184 208 54 0
24PW6817/01 DVD 216 247 253 184 208 54 3
24PW6817/05 DVD 220 247 253 184 208 54 3

Tuner adjustment

This adjustment is performed only after replacing the tuner or the 7602 non-volatile memory chip. In the SDAM service mode, the TUNER line is activated. A submenu appears on the screen, consisting of two parameters - IF PLL and AGC.

The first parameter is configured automatically.

To adjust the AGC parameter, a test signal “color bars” with a frequency of 475.25 MHz and a swing of 10 mV is fed to the antenna input of the TV. To control the adjustment to the output. 1 tuner 1000 connect digital voltmeter. Then adjust the value of the AGC parameter (factory value - 28), achieving voltmeter readings in the range of 2.33.8 V. To save the new value, return to the main menu using the MENU button and then switch the TV to standby mode.

White balance adjustment

In the WHITE TONE submenu, the cutoff points of the kinescope cathodes can be adjusted. It has adjustments for NORMAL RED, NORMAL GREEN and NORMAL BLUE. The factory settings are 40 (corresponding to a color temperature of 9600 K).

Geometry adjustment

To adjust the image geometry, a test signal "grid field" in the PAL / SECAM color system with a frequency of 475.25 MHz and a swing of 1 mV is fed to the antenna input of the TV. Set the image mode to NATURAL, enter the SDAM service mode and activate the GEOMETRY line in it. The parameters available in this submenu and their default values ​​are shown in Table 1. 2.

Table 2. GEOMETRY submenu parameter values

Options Description 21PT6807/01 DVD 21 PT6807/05 DVD 21PT6807/58DVD 24PW6817/01 DVD 24PW681 7/05 DVD
HP Parallelogram horizontally 31 31 31 32 32
HB Parallelism of vertical lines 31 31 31 32 32
HSH Horizontal shift 38 38 38 27 27
EWW Horizontal size 40 40 40 36 36
EWP Parabola horizontal 06 06 06 20 20
UCP Distortion in the upper corners of the screen 35 35 35 20 20
LCP Distortion in the lower corners of the screen 35 35 35 25 25
EWT Trapezoid horizontally 35 35 35 28 28
VSL Aligning the image and screen centers vertically 36 36 36 37 37
VAM Vertical size 63 63 63 30 30
VSC Vertical Linearity 23 23 23 20 20
VSH Vertical shift 31 31 31 31 31
VX Vertical zoom 25 25 25 25 25
H60 Horizontal shift for 60 Hz 09 09 09 09 09
V60 Vertical dimension for 60 Hz 64 64 64 64 64

Sound path adjustment

There are two parameters available for adjustment in the AUDIO submenu:

AF-M - sound quality setting, default value is 300;

A2T - A2 standard decoder threshold setting, default value is 25.

Hello dear car enthusiasts!
January 23 this year, I took my new friend out of the salon - Nissan qashqai. The car was purchased for a long time, it was paid back in December, but it was driving to me for more than a month. But I was initially warned and I was regularly informed about the situation by the employees of U Service + on the Simferopol highway. The situation on the market, as you know, was not easy, and I have no complaints about the delivery. The issuance of a car was also problem-free, and quite festive.
But the problems began a little later - on January 25, having driven a car for a total of about 300 km, carelessly calmly rolling along the Moscow Ring Road - it appeared on a beautiful color display on the dashboard - “ALARM! ERROR: chassis settings".
An unpleasant phenomenon when you gave so much money for a car and just started getting high from it.
I stopped, got out of the car - made a visual inspection, the wheels were in place, respectively, what else could I see, then, I began to listen on the go and, like a real master, to look for, invent sensations, signs of breakdown - did not reveal.
Of course, I, using the wonderfully executed function of controlling the phone through the “blue tooth”, dialed my car dealership. They listened to me and explained that such errors had not yet occurred, and that there was no so-called “diagnostician” on the Simferopol highway, but there was one at Service + on Kolomenskaya, where I was offered to follow. To the question:
- Is it possible for me to drive a car with such an error?
I was answered
- See how it feels! If he behaves normally - you can ride!)
I have been familiar with my car for two days already, but, unfortunately, I still had no idea what kind of behavior is normal for him.
Realizing that there are no sensible calls on the phone practical advice I won’t get it, I dialed “At Service +” on Kolomenskaya and signed up for diagnostics on January 29th.
Arriving on Thursday almost at the opening of a very beautiful and respectable salon "At Service +" on Kolomenskaya, I explained the essence of my trouble and gave the car for the whole day, in the hope that the guys would figure it out and went to work. Closer to dinner, my "Master" - Sergey, called me, and once again clarified the circumstances of the appearance of the ill-fated error notification. I repeated the meager facts already learned.
Then, after a couple of hours, another conversation took place with Sergey, during which I was told that they removed the error and checked everything there, and checked some sensors. I won’t lie - the device of a car, especially a modern one, is a dark matter for me, but if I explain it normally, I delve into it quickly. Here, I really didn’t understand anything, they explained to me about a possible accidental impact from the outside on the sensor ... In general, I concluded that the goal was to make the sensor not give an error, and not find a problem or malfunction.
To my question, what if I pick it up today and repeat again? I was answered
- Well, then we'll know that it's not an accident!
I smiled, the guys had more than enough confidence in their actions!
In the evening, while I was heading home through traffic jams, the error reappeared in its place ...
My call to Sergey took place immediately
- Come in the morning, we will continue to understand, Sergei told me ...
Considering that in addition to guessing the mistakes of a new car, I still have a lot of responsibilities, I could only come on Sunday morning.
On Sunday morning I was met by "master" Alexander!
During the dialogue, he said that he had read about what happened to my car. This made me terribly happy, although I expected that the "masters" communicate with each other and they, doing such a great common cause, in the face of fierce competition, are still one close-knit team.
I asked how much they would torture my car approximately.
I was told that I can safely go home, and here I can figure it out for a day, plus I still have to make a request to nissan. It remains a mystery to me why REQUEST In nissan could not be done on Thursday?!?!
So, I'm waiting, they promised to dial at 11:00, in two hours.
At 13:20 I dialed myself.
- We just finished and wanted to call you to get approval. We need to check the results of our work, but there is not enough gasoline in the tank. We will fill the car, and then you will give us the money?)
The situation amused me very much, soon, apparently, I will have to travel with my tool for diagnostics under warranty ...
Of course, I agreed, but I immediately realized that if I hadn’t dialed, she would have stood there without any action.
However, the level of loyalty to customers in "U Service +" is simply off scale!!!

In the afternoon of the same day, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I again disturbed the employees of the salon on Kolomenskaya. Apparently no one expected my return that day.
The tank was still almost empty, they told me that they drove 3 collometers.
The master explained something to me for a long time, but I did not understand anything, perhaps through my own fault, but his uncertainty was evident. From what was explained to me:
- That the error is floating and it is very difficult to identify it, although it seemed to me that there are some standard responses to errors that occur, for further troubleshooting ...?
- That I rush them to conclusions and they need more time, although it seemed to me that two days was enough, and besides, by my arrival no one was engaged in it and no one went ...
- I was asked to fill up the car and leave it for the guys to drive and find out the error, and when buying, I have to be prepared for the time and money spent on gasoline for such tests. However, they refused to give me a document confirming the transfer of my car, and (or) a document confirming my appeal to the salon, citing the fact that I had not paid anything, and therefore there was nothing to give me. I did not give the car without documents confirming the transfer to people whom I see for the first time in my life, and refuel the car so that they ride under the guarantee and look for an error (indefinite time). The only thing I managed to get was a copy of the car inspection card that is filled out before delivery. The first such document, which was filled out on Thursday, was not given to me, they said that it had already been taken to a warehouse ...
- I decided to devote this day to the problem to the end, and I offered the diagnostician to ride with me to identify the error of 30 kilometers. I was refused for lack of time by the employee. Went alone, rode around. The error arose after 52 km, when leaving the Moscow Ring Road !, I did not do any special manipulations and I had nothing to report something new on the problem.
- They said that the car is in good condition, but when I asked if they give me a guarantee that the car will not fail if I continue to operate with this error, and whether they will blame me for the subsequent serious damage due to ignoring this ALARM, I was told that even the manufacturer would not give me such a guarantee ...
In the evening, closer to 21 o'clock, the master called me and asked about the situation. I described to him the results of my experiments. I was told that some statistics were being compiled and as soon as a decision appeared, they would contact me.
What to do next - I have not decided yet, if someone has come across - I will be glad for any advice. Thank you.

Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2015

I drove 12,000 km. Over the past month, I encountered this error three or four times, only when the error appeared, the engine speed dropped sharply. I looked at the warning on the on-board computer - there was nothing. once I went to the diagnostics, right before the race, the indicator went out. I drove anyway, they said that there was a little water in the throttle valve block (gasoline quality). winding is gone. They can’t determine in the service, they say the board computer itself is reprogrammed after one-time errors and cannot read them, it shows completely serviceable systems.
To be honest, I am inclined to think that this is the quality of gasoline (this was the case on previous cars), and, as they say, turbo engines are very demanding on its quality. I will try to refuel at Lukoil.

Last edit: 4 Feb 2015

4 Feb 2015

The first thing you should have felt is whether the ABS and ESP are working, if not, then most likely our admin is right, this is the ABS sensor. But in principle, you should not bother yourself with this) There are two solutions:
1. Take a lawyer and go to this dealer, draw up all the paperwork, and leave the car for repairs, of course, in return they should give a replacement car if it's for a long time.
2. Really go to another dealer)))

By the way, your error lights up YELLOW (which means it is considered not critical), which means that you can continue to operate) Most likely, the ABS and ESP will not work (but keep in mind that you can drive without them in winter if the experience is not long , heavy). The car cannot be used if the RED warning is on (this is a critical malfunction in which the car cannot be operated further, as this may lead to the complete failure of a certain unit or unit)!

P.S.: I also think that the ABS sensor or the connection of this sensor is faulty, and it also happens that metal chips or dirt sticks to the sensor, and it does not work well ... It’s hard to believe in something more serious, but it can’t be ruled out either.

Should the indicators on the panel be lit in case of a malfunction of the systems indicated by you?
Thanks for the flower tip!

The Nissan Qashqai has become a landmark car for the market: having bought a nice compact, for the first time many of us got the opportunity to sit high and look far at the price of a regular golf class. Qashqai was bought into the family, given to wives, tinted and equipped with an all-burning "xenon" - a "jeep", albeit a small one. He was even nicknamed the vulgar word "porridge", like a beloved pet. It appeared at the right time - then, in 2007, the market was not saturated with small crossovers, and Skoda Yeti and Mitsubishi ASX existed only as sketches of designers. Now everything is different: the second generation Qashqai is forced to fight with twice as large an army of serious opponents, so Nissan has no right to make a mistake.

A rare manufacturer deviates from the standard strategy of fighting for a modern customer: more attractive design and more gadgets on board - that's the whole secret of success in the segment. Qashqai looks great, but at the same time it has completely lost its originality and is now confusingly similar to the senior X-Trail. The new generation, of course, and until it hits the market, the Qashqai will still stand out on the road. By the way, they created the design and designed the filling in Nissan's European development centers. One of the "chips" of the new generation Qashqai has become a fully LED head optics. We had a chance to test it out in the dark, and we have to admit that the Qashqai's light is amazing with this option.

Inside, unification is still more obvious - Qashqai and X-Trail received exactly the same front panels. But this solution is not new: a similar approach can be seen from another Japanese manufacturer - Subaru - with the XV/Impreza and Forester models. The cabin is cozy (there is even a trendy “ambient” lighting in warm amber), and there is enough space both in front and behind. Including in height - an additional centimeter of space appeared above the passengers' heads. However, there are small questions about the build quality - in some places on the test machines, plastic panels staggered and creaked, and the gaps were too big in places.

Sitting in the front seats is a pleasure, and the tight side support rollers hug you in corners and are unobtrusive on straight lines. By the way, for some reason the armrest is made monolithic, without the possibility of moving it forward. But under it there is a special channel for the wire stretching from the usb connector located there. Trunk volume has increased by 20 liters, and now this value is 430, and the floor can be installed at two different levels.

Another trend in today's automotive industry is that bodies are getting bigger and engines are getting smaller. The Qashqai is a great example of this: the new car is 47mm longer, 20mm wider and 15mm lower, but the smallest engine is downsized from 1.6 to 1.2 liters. The Renault-Nissan Alliance has developed a new all-in-one platform called CMF and the Qashqai is the first product to use this bogie. The Europeans were given a quartet of fresh turbo engines (two diesels and two petrol engines), but only half of this engine range will be available in Russia, and even then as a fashionable support group for the good old two-liter aspirated from the previous generation.

At the presentation, I managed to ride just on those machines that will be sold with us. Let's start with a small-capacity gasoline - 1.2 liters of volume, combined with supercharging, provide good performance on paper: the engine produces 115 horsepower and 190 Nm of torque. But if you look at the same paper a little lower, we will see that such a car picks up a hundred in a calm 10.9 seconds, and rests on a natural speed limiter at a speed of 185 km / h. In fact, when driving a version with a 1.2 DIG-T engine, you are unlikely to remember that a turbine is spinning under the hood - the nature of the thrust is so smooth that the engine is more like an aspirated liter of commercials 1.6. Peak acceleration is not impressive, and for a dynamic ride, you need to actively work with a 6-speed manual with too long backstage throws. But the clutch pedal settings for this transmission, on the contrary, are very pleasant.

Another gasoline engine is addressed to Russian retrogrades - an atmospheric two-liter engine with a capacity of 140 horsepower. Here, there is more power (the torque is almost the same), and any gasoline will digest, and it will be faster and easier to repair in which case. As in the previous generation, a variator is aggregated with this motor, which does not promise anything revolutionary, but successfully provides smooth and comfortable driving for the driver. In terms of extreme dynamic capabilities, a two-liter engine is quite comparable to a newfangled “turbo”, so the choice will depend on the price and available aggregate combinations. Other things being equal, the small-capacity has the advantage of lower fuel consumption, and the two-liter unit is preferable for those who prefer proven solutions.

In Europe, instead of the "Russian" two-liter aspirated, Qashqai is given a 150-horsepower turbocharged 1.6. with 240 Nm of torque. The Europeans will also have a second, junior diesel engine: a one and a half liter unit produces 110 hp, but another value is much more interesting: the level of CO2 emissions is only 99 grams per kilometer. However, we will smoke into the atmosphere with a more voracious diesel engine

For fans of diesel engines, the Russian office of Nissan is ready to offer a version with a 1.6-liter engine that produces 130 horsepower. This modification is especially interesting given the fact that a new Nissan variator is being installed on it. This is not the same node used on the two-liter version, and this becomes immediately noticeable in motion. It's no different from a conventional CVT during a smooth ride, but once you push it, the "gearbox" turns into a traditional gearbox, changing virtual gears to create a sense of greater dynamics. All manufacturers unanimously say that, according to their research, the very jerks that they are used to when changing gears on conventional automatic machines are important for active drivers. Wanted - get! Nissanovtsy created a successful design that combines the smoothness of the variator and the discrete acceleration of the machine.

The engine itself is also good: the diesel pulls confidently, but is moderately noisy. But for optimal traction control on a diesel-variator combination, it takes some time to study the habits of the power plant. Once you understand when the CVT goes into dynamic mode, you will no longer consider the transmission to be too twitchy, as it happened to me at first. But I liked the steering more on the gasoline versions - the “steering wheel” of the diesel car feels overweight, although the response to the steering wheel turns of the chassis works out adequately on all tested modifications. Qashqai is operated reliably and simply, and more than its target audience is required.

But smoothness is required, with which the new generation of the crossover has some problems. Even on smooth Spanish tracks, it is noticeable that the chassis loves good coverage, and small bumps are a big problem for it. In the parking lot, I seem to find the culprit - these are foppish 19-inch wheels with low-profile tires mounted on a car with a turbocharged 1.2 DIG-T engine! I am changing the car to a two-liter one adapted to Russia with 17-inch wheels and a large tire profile, but the situation is not changing radically. Now it no longer shakes on the cigarette butts thrown by the careless Spaniards, but the pits and joints are still felt more than we would like. And even though the chassis uses two-piston shock absorbers, designed to separately filter the high-frequency vibrations of smooth roads and the low-frequency movements of broken ones, they are tuned in a European way (remember where and for whom the crossover was created), so the ride on Russian roads requires additional checks on the spot.

The radical difference between the new Qashqai and the old one is the increased manufacturability at times. The new platform provides for the implantation of a mass of modern security systems and driver assistance. Just one question: why doesn't it provide for more than one automatic window lifter? But back to less prosaic things - Qashqai can be equipped with driver fatigue control systems, blind spot and lane control, traffic sign recognition, moving object recognition, frontal collision prevention, automatic switching of low and high beams, all-round cameras, as well as a multimedia complex with enhanced smartphone integration and advanced traction and brake control software for improved handling.

So why should you still want a new Qashqai when there are so many alternatives around now? First, it looks great on the outside and is really comfortable on the inside. Secondly, Nissan promises reasonable prices (which has always distinguished this crossover), which will become known in April. And thirdly, having received a lot of innovations in terms of technology and a radical change in design, Qashqai has remained itself - freshly reliable in motion, convenient to use and recognizable on the road. Are all the changes in the second generation Qashqai enough to beat all the competition again? To answer this question, let's wait for prices, and then we'll see what the market says.