Rank up in CS:GO. From Silver to Global Elite: how the rank system works in CS:GO How ranks rise

Rank upgrades and how it works!

Hello guys! I A1rMike and today, I will tell you about how the system of ranks and ranks works in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. This article will be of interest to those who are just starting to play CS:GO, as well as to seasoned veterans.

Let's start from the beginning:

Firstly, in order to get our first rank, we need to reach the 3rd rank.
I advise you to download it in Deathmatch. it gives the most experience per minute.

1. Competitive mode (Competitive mode) give 30 experience for the won round.
2.DeathMatch score (number of points) divided by 5.
3.Casual (Public) multiply the score by 4.
4. Arms Race (ArmsRace) multiply the score by 1

Simple math. The competitive one is not yet available to us, since we have the 1st rank, but the 3rd is required.
In DeatchMatch "e, you will make a decent amount of frags (kills). This means that the increase in experience per game will be greater than for other modes, so we will get to the 3rd rank, playing exclusively on DeathMatch, but please note, you need to play official matches .
So we got to the 3rd rank. And then, we will download the rank mainly in Competitive games, because. there is the biggest increase, if you do not sit 24/7 in DeathMatch.
Now, we need to calibrate our rank, we need to win, mind you, just win 10 competitive games to get a Private Rank in CS:GO.

Only 2 games are allowed per day. This is done so that the system has time to process your indicators well and hand over exactly your title after 10 victories.
If you lose, it's okay, you can play competitive until you win 2 games.
After the victory of 2 games, you will have a blocking of competitive games for 21 hours.
In general, calibration takes 5 days, if not skipped.
After 10 wins, you will receive a private rank and will be able to play as many competitive games per day as you want (if you do not get banned, more on that elsewhere).

The picture shows all 18 private ranks. Ascending from left to right / top to bottom.
As of this writing, I'm getting close to rank 17 (Supreme).
On the calibration of the first account, I got "Kalash".
When calibrating the second "Kalash with Wreaths".
Some managed to get Berkut and even LEM when calibrating on the new rank system, but that's a completely different story.

Usually people get from Silver 2 to Gold Nova 4. So don't be upset if you get a rank lower than "Kalash". What, let's move on to the description of how the increase / decrease works and how the system calculates the utility for the game.

How to rank up and not be demoted in CS:GO.

Many will say that in order to level up, you only need to kill the most and win, this is not entirely true!
WITH Silver I to Gold Nova I, to level up you need to have 40+ points per game and win 2-3 games in a row.
From Gold Nova II to MGE(Two Kalash) you also need 40+ Oskov, but already 3-4 wins in a row.
Starting from DMG(Big Star) to LEM(Berkut with Wreaths) 40+ points, from 4 to 5 victories in a row.

From LEM "a to Global Elite it's a different story, you need to have 50+ points and win from 5 to 7 in a row, but other coefficients that we are moving on to now are very much affected.

WITH The system takes into account not only the Kill + Assist / Death ratio (Kill + Help divided by Death), but oh and things like:

1. Accuracy V percent. Divide the number of shots by the number of hits.
2. Headshots of all your kills as a percentage (for 1 game).
3. Beyond Plenty (mining) bombs and for herdefuse (clearance), but for the plant they give 2 times less increase than for the defuse.

D This system only works if you play alone in competitive mode. About the party (lobby with friends) I will describe below.

How, all the same, do not go down.

If the game is doomed to failure (although I still advise you to "sweat" to the end), they cannot be avoided.
G The main thing is to have 40+ points and a good KA/D, but you should not forget about additional coefficients.Those. even if everything is bad, someone left the game, and the rest are in afk, still try to score 40+ points and be inKDA(Kill+Assist/Death) 1 to 1 or positive.
Regarding the game in the party (In the lobby with friends, acquaintances, sweaty guys).

ABOUT I strongly advise against playing with friends if you have a wide range of ranks (or ability to play). For example, you are the Global Elite, and your friends are from Nova 2 to Big Stars. Atyou get a very strong spread. Guys can be thrown against you, who will also play in 4-5 and they may all have the same rank, but the average for yours.
Those. Global + Nova 2 + Nova 4 + MG2 + DMG, five Berkuts can freely get caught against you.

Think, 5 Berkuts will crush Global one way or another, and the rest in your party will simply not be able to defeat the golden eagles.

Balance? Don't think.

Dand Global "a will be taken away from you very quickly, maybe even for one such defeat, because the system thinks that you lost to very weak opponents and it doesn't matter to it that you played against the middle rank of your lobby of 5 people.

A here, 5 guys out of equal skill (skill) are very welcome, the game for you with such teammates will move to a new level of co-op and interactivity, which is certainly great.

IN party (lobby with friends) promotion works differently, it often happens that you need one and a half times more wins to promote.

One way or another, you have to calculate a lot in your head, all the pros and cons, and in fact, you often have to guess when it will increase or decrease. But with such a scheme, it is much easier than just predicting.

H and that's all, thanks to everyone for reading and happily in the vastness of CS:GO matchmaking. Raise your ranks, be civilized and friendly. Good luck.

Friends, hello everyone. The Gamebizclub team is in touch, and we continue to reveal the secrets of CS: GO. In the last article, we talked about everything, and today we will explain how to increase the ranks and ranks in CS GO. Having received a high rank, you will be able to play in a competitive mode with professional players, you will be called into teams and invited to various tournaments and competitions. If you want to become an experienced esportsman, participate in tournaments and receive prizes for victories, read this guide to the end.

From this article you will learn:

Need to know

Rank is an in-game indicator of your skill in CS: Global Offensive. It is displayed in the upper left corner of the CS:GO profile. Find the scale of experience and levels, look at the icon under it - this is the title.

Rank (or rank) is a subclass of ranks. With its help, the system selects opponents in a competitive mode. If the rank is low, the system will pick up weak players, and if it is high, you will play with the pros.

Ranks are similar to MMR in Dota 2, only without scoring. It increases after several victories in competitive mode, and can be lowered after a series of defeats. The calculation formula has not yet been published, but the principle of "career growth" is simple and clear - if you want a higher rank, win more often.

Rank system

The rank system can be conditionally divided into four types: low, normal, high and very high.

1. Low Level - The base level you are most likely to get after calibration. Looks like a silver badge with stripes. This rank takes into account "Silver" titles - "Silver (silver) 1-4", "Silver elite", "Silver master". It is believed that these achievements are received by the laziest and most inept players. But this is not the case – there are many beginners and even experienced people who occasionally come in to play one or two matches. Also at this level there are boosters - people who "pump" accounts for real money. And if they get a good profit for their efforts, then they should play well and quickly “pump” the account to the next categories.

2. Normal level - players who have overcome the silver threshold move to the next level and receive a gold rank - "Gold Star" or "Gold nova". The titles "Gold nova 1-3", "Gold nova master", "Master guardian 1-2" participate in this rank. Most of the experienced players who have completed several hundred maps in competitive mode are at this rank. There are fewer boosters, inadequates and cheaters, but sometimes they still come across in one of the teams.

3. High level - available only to Counter-Strike veterans with the titles of the categories "Master guardian elite" ("Master guardian elite"), "Honored master guardian" ("Distinguished master guardian"). Here everyone perfectly knows the maps, knows how to shoot accurately and quickly, acts clearly, quickly responds to changes in the situation and coordinates with teammates. At this level, the skill of the players is so high, as if everyone uses cheats.

4. Very high level - in other words, the elite of CS:GO. People should have the following ranks: “Legendary eagle”, “Legendary eagle master”, “Supreme master first class”, “Global Elite ” (“The global elite”). Cheats and boosters are rare here, mostly pros and top players who participate in international CS: GO competitions play at this level.

How to upgrade a rank?

Look at all the classes in order in the table above and decide what you will strive for. If you are a beginner, then you do not yet have a title - to get it, you need to go through calibration. To do this, win 10 times in competitive mode, but keep in mind - only two wins per day count, so calibration will take five days. It is also necessary to undergo calibration after a long inactivity - in this case, it will be possible to return it in one game, but only in case of victory.

Do you want to play with pro-players and quickly increase the rank? We already wrote above that no one knows the exact formula for calculating MMR, except for developers. And after the update, this system has shifted significantly - experienced players say that they were lowered by 3-4 steps. This means that from the rank, for example, “Gold nova 1”, a person switched to “Silver elite”. This has not happened to everyone, but there are examples. Now the title is more difficult to get, but more interesting - there is no freebie.

How to find out your MMR? There are only assumptions about the scheme of work and how the titles are collected according to this system and the rating is calculated, for example:

  • +25 for victory;
  • -25 for defeat;
  • one rank - a positive "balance" of 200 points.

But this is in theory, but in practice you need to improve your skill - then you can get titles with enviable regularity. Those who, at the end of the match, are on the top lines of the final table, move up the “career ladder” faster than inactive and ineffective players. This is logical - the better you play, the faster you will move to the next level.

A few life hacks

1. Don't play solo (alone). Gather a team of friends and acquaintances, and in extreme cases, follow other people, add friends to strong players and write to them if you see them online. Gather a team, coordinate actions and try to win. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a team game where one person can do a lot, but not everything.

2. Try to do as many useful things as possible. Destroy enemies, plant or defuse a bomb, make assists and rescue hostages. This is necessary to get more than 50 points in a match - more chances to increase the rank.

3. Increase your skill. Practice using weapons on aim-maps, learn to shoot accurately and hide quickly, watch matches of various tournaments and evaluate the tactics of teams.

4. Want to learn how to quickly downgrade? It's not difficult, you need to score a series of 20-30 defeats. We open the bad advice section and follow the instructions: interfere with allies, do not shoot, troll in the chat, if the team plants a bomb or defuse mines - do not allow this, in extreme cases, shoot at comrades, create kick votes. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will be kicked and the series of defeats will be over. As an option - work in a team and lower the rank in a company of 3 people.

At the end of the match, the order of obtaining is always the same - you can increase by one rank or go down depending on the results. The fastest ways to level up are through quality play and a streak of competitive wins.

Summing up

In 2017, the system of ranks and ranks did not change, the principles remained the same, and the number of pro-players slightly decreased due to the rebalance. You can look at online resources such as csgosquad and evaluate statistics in the context of the ratio of kills and deaths, the percentage of wins and winning streaks, the average number of points per match and much more. We recommend following high-ranking people, evaluating their game and tracking match statistics for several months.

Follow our life hacks and you can quickly level up and get a new rank. If you have something to add on the topic of this guide - write in the comments, you do not need to register for this.

That's all for today. All successful games and great victories. Bye bye.

Ranks... I have been looking for a system for scoring points and ranks for a long time, but I have not found anything. Everywhere the same thing: "you need to win how many times, shoot as many people as we don't know, but you will get the title." It sounds about the same as the guide on how to become a millionaire "invent something, sell, become a millionaire."

I am writing this for myself, but I think it will be useful for most of those who want to get their "legitimate" titles.

A working rank-up system for 5 people in premade (that is, for 5 in a party), what you need to know and what to do.
You need to collect 5 people with the same rank, you can with different ones, but then those with a lower rank will receive promotions.
As soon as you get a new rank, you get to the "zero level" (let's call it that for convenience). To get promoted you will need to win 3 games in a row. With each new victory, the opponents become stronger, with each lost - weaker. If you get a new rank and lose the game, then you get to -1 level, there opponents are weaker than in your ranks in general, lost again? got to -2 level, there the opponents will be even weaker. Lost 3 ? Sorry, we're downvoting you.
The same is true with victories. Win one game? Got to +1 level, one more? +2, but the opponents are already significantly stronger than you. If you win 3 times in a row, then the lowest ranks in your party for 5 people have been promoted.
It is not difficult to guess that if after the promotion you lost and ended up at -1 level, then you need to win 4 in a row to increase.
All fairy tales about the number of frags in the game, mvp, the number of clicks, etc. just fairy tales. Everything, that's it, is non-negotiable. You can be a ballast with -1 frags, but if your 5-man party dragged you through 3 win games, you'll get a raise anyway.

Perhaps these are 3 main points, and now a little about the nuances that, again, few people know.
If you play in a party alone, two, three, four, this scheme does not work. Here, most likely, the limit of required victories increases. Something like for one +6, for two or three +5, for four +4.
If a strong player “parasitizes” you, but at the same time you are in a party with five, then there is a chance that solo matchmaking will select players of exactly the same rank as your strongest player (you can imagine that even if you are the first Kalash, and the strongest player is your already an eagle, then there will be 5 solo eagles against you ... and it will just be a one-sided game ... yours;))

Question. I only play one, and now to go from silver-1 to silver-2 you need to win 6 wins in a row? Is not it too much? And if you lose at least once, then everything is +1.

Answer. Not certainly in that way. You don't need to win 6 in a row... you need to get to level +6 :). That is, if I won 4 and ended up at a +4 level, and then I lost one, then it turns out that I am at +3 and I need to win 3 more to get to the promotion
Unfortunately I can't find a clear pattern of boost when I play alone. Yesterday I got to +5 while playing alone. They didn't get promoted again, so I'm leaning more towards +6 for a single player

I am writing this for myself, but I think it will be useful for most of those who want to get their "legitimate" titles.

A working rank-up system for 5 people in premade (that is, for 5 in a party), what you need to know and what to do.

You need to collect 5 people with the same rank, you can with different ones, but then those with a lower rank will receive promotions.
As soon as you get a new rank, you get to the "zero level" (let's call it that for convenience). To get promoted you will need to win 3 games in a row. With each new victory, the opponents become stronger, with each lost - weaker. If you get a new rank and lose the game, then you get to -1 level, there opponents are weaker than in your ranks in general, lost again? got to -2 level, there the opponents will be even weaker. Lost 3 ? Sorry, we're downvoting you.
The same is true with victories. Win one game? Got to +1 level, one more? +2, but the opponents are already significantly stronger than you. If you win 3 times in a row, then the lowest ranks in your party for 5 people have been promoted.
It is not difficult to guess that if after the promotion you lost and ended up at -1 level, then you need to win 4 in a row to increase.
All fairy tales about the number of frags in the game, mvp, the number of clicks, etc. just fairy tales. Everything, that's it, is non-negotiable. You can be a ballast with -1 frags, but if your 5-man party dragged you through 3 win games, you'll get a raise anyway.

Perhaps these are 3 main points, and now a little about the nuances that, again, few people know.
If you play in a party alone, two, three, four, this scheme does not work. Here, most likely, the limit of required victories increases. Something like for one +6, for two or three +5, for four +4.
If a strong player “parasitizes” you, but at the same time you are in a party with five, then there is a chance that solo matchmaking will select players of exactly the same rank as your strongest player (you can imagine that even if you are the first Kalash, and the strongest player is your already an eagle, then there will be 5 solo eagles against you ... and it will just be a one-sided game ... yours;))

Question. I only play one, and now to go from silver-1 to silver-2 you need to win 6 wins in a row? Is not it too much? And if you lose at least once, then everything is +1.

Answer. Not certainly in that way. You don't need to win 6 in a row... you need to get to level +6 :). That is, if I won 4 and ended up at a +4 level, and then I lost one, then it turns out that I am at +3 and I need to win 3 more to get to the promotion
Unfortunately I can't find a clear pattern of boost when I play alone. Yesterday I got to +5 while playing alone. They didn't get promoted again, so I'm leaning more towards +6 for a single player

How ranks increase in CS GO.

Today we would like to talk about increasing ranks in CS GO. Namely, how you can raise it. How many titles are there in the game and everything connected with it. If you have played matchmaking at least once, then most likely you 100% had questions about this. So, let's begin.

Why do we need ranks in CS:GO?

The programmers from VALVE felt that gamers need to select opponents of the same level as their skill. The developers came up with all this in order to make your battles even more exciting and interesting. Few players like to play against a weak opponent or a strong opponent, when you can’t even hit them from two meters. Everything in the game will depend on your personal skill, skill level and, of course, luck. For this reason, titles are necessary in order to pick up an opponent in the teeth.

How can I quickly get ranks in CS:GO?

To get the first rank, you need to win at least ten competitive battles. After victories, your rank will be displayed in the main menu of the CS GO game, as well as in the lobby panel for creating a new game, and in the matchmaking itself at the moment you press the TAB button.

How to increase your ranks in CS:GO?

You must remember forever, your real rank in the game will depend on how much you know how to play. The more often you hit your opponent, the more chances you have to get a new rank. You kill more, you quickly get ranks. The increase in rank directly depends on the number of battles won, as well as on what statistics of defeats and kills "follows" you.

Why do many players in matchmaking not see titles?

During online battles, you will only be able to see the ranks of your friends who were previously attached to your steam account, and also those that were at the time the new game was created. As for other players' ranks, they can only be observed towards the end of the match.

Do I need to create groups whose rank is lower than yours?

Many gamers believe that in order not to decrease the personal rank, it is necessary to create groups with a rank below and play in them. No, you should definitely not do this, because it does not affect anything. For several reasons. Firstly. The game selection system itself will definitely take into account when creating all players with a lower rank. And secondly, the system itself will predict what kind of game experience each player is going to play in a team. So we want to say right away that losing a game with a less experienced gamer in the team will not affect your rank in any way. If your whole team plays well, then your rank (system) will be able to choose the most optimal players for you, with whom it will be interesting for you to compete.

It is also worth noting that if in your personal stack you have a very low rank among everyone, and you suddenly win a round, then you will be expected to add additional points, which, with the sum, can also give ranks. But at the same time, you need to win the mix from more experienced players whose rank is higher than yours.

How is the system for accruing ranks in CS:GO?

In addition to all of the above, many players are interested in the question of how the ranks are awarded in the system. The procedure for calculating ranks is quite simple, as in any other similar system, it has its own chips. The CS:GO rank accrual system is summed up by your victories and unfortunate defeats. Therefore, the more you win in the game and the less you lose, the higher your rank will rise and vice versa. If you win the first ten battles, then the system gives you the first step of the Cold Nova rank. Well, if you will go to ten victories for a long time, then your first step will be “Silver Nova”, since everything is in your hands and depends on your actions.

Let's imagine that you are playing the game alone. To get the first rank, you need to win at least 6 games. If the game takes place in a team where from 2 to 5 people, then in order to get the ranks faster, you need to excel in the first three games. But even here there may be nuances. In five different games, your personal teammates can be completely different, in which case the ranks do not increase. If you have the title of "Silver Nova", and all the other players in the team are "Master Guardian", then the titles for you will be awarded much faster than for your partners. It is worth noting that the system of ranks in CS:GO is a smart, thoughtful and at the same time dreary thing. Here you can’t guess when you can get a higher rank, and when you can “lose” it.