Electronic textbook of the Internet service. Types of servers Mail server

"1C-Bitrix: Marketplace" - Online gift shop. 1C-Bitrix: marketplace. Typical online stores. Online store of perfumery and cosmetics. Medical clinic website. New standard online stores. Website for a consulting company. Online clothing store. Launching an online store in 4 hours. Internet-shop of building materials.

"Creating websites" - Works performed in this genre often lack a scientific approach. Plan: 1. World Wide Web. Method: continuous observation and recording. Creation of a Web site. Theme of work: "Web-site". Project. A distinctive feature is the lack of a quantitative research methodology. Experimental work describes a scientific experiment that has a known result.

"1C-Bitrix" - Ready-made solutions - Online stores. Test all functionality of the product for free. CMS features. 1C-Bitrix: School website. Ready-made solutions - Information portal. Denis Donchenko Business Development Manager 1C-Bitrix. Online learning Interactive timetable Social network Security.

"Analysis of site usability" - The concept of usability. Links. usability metrics. Usability of online stores. The willingness of the user to wait for the download. Where have I been. A little about content. Response time. usability components. Main page. Various types of browsers. When to break the rules. Access for users with disabilities.

"3D-sites" - Economic visualizations. Product visualization. Limits of applicability of 3D. Web services for visualization of 3D models. Nokia phones. Web services for visualization. Main reasons. 3D games. Panoramas. three-dimensional interfaces. Features of Away3D. 3D web projects of large companies. Zoom-ing. 3D flash engines. 3D carousels.

"How to create your own website" - Hypothesis. Cons: Requires a lot of knowledge and time. There are paid and free CMS. Cons: Complete dependence on the service. Unknown. How to create a website? Website builders, CMS (Site Edite, Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, etc.). Services for creating websites. No need to buy hosting and register a domain.

There are 38 presentations in total in the topic

Means of providing certain information services for network users are commonly called Internet services. In addition to the concept of "service", there is also the concept of "service". It is often difficult to tell the difference between the two. The number of different services and services in the network is continuously growing. We will describe only some of the most famous services, dividing them into communication and information.

Once again, let's pay attention to the fact that all Internet services are based on the interaction of two programs. One of these programs - server, and the other program - client. They interact according to certain rules specified in the protocols.

Service protocol- a technical standard (a system of rules) that defines the technical features of the interaction of mail servers with each other and with the mail client.

If TCP/ I P is called the core protocol of the Internet, service protocols can be called application protocols (sometimes called second-layer protocols).

Let us clarify the meaning of two more terms that will be used further. Mode on- line - this is the mode of operation of the user in the state of connection to any server of the Network. The state of disconnected communication is called the mode about ff- line. Analogy: telephone communication always takes place in modeon- line. When sending a telegram, you fill out the form in the mode about ff- line, then the telegraph operator in the modeon- line sends a telegram over a communication line; and then the recipient reads the telegram in mode about ff- line.

Internet Communication Services

  1. Email Service - E - mail . This is the oldest and one of the most massive services on the Web. It is designed for text messaging between remote partners.

The scheme of work of e-mail is reflected in fig. nine.

Rice. 9. Scheme of functioning of e-mail.

Mail server- a program that provides the service from the Internet. This is a kind of post office, where incoming and outgoing correspondence of users registered on it arrives.

Mail client- a program installed on the user's computer and providing interaction with the mail server.

Email message - a logical set of data that has a structure. defined by the protocol used. The email message is not a file! More specifically, think of it as a database entry.

Email folders are logical structures designed to organize the storage of e-mail messages. Their purpose is only one - to make access to messages more convenient.

mail attachment - a mechanism for sending arbitrary files along with e-mail messages.

Electronic mailbox - this is a section of the external memory of the mail server reserved for the subscriber.

Each user receives a personal postal address to which letters will be sent to him.

E-mail address - a record that uniquely determines the access path to the recipient's electronic "mailbox". An email address is written in a specific form and consists of two parts separated by the @ symbol:

User_name@server_name .

The @ sign, colloquially referred to as "dog", is actually referred to as "commercial AT(et)". The first part of the postal address ( User_name - username) is arbitrary and is set by the user when registering a mailbox. The second part ( server_name - server name) is the domain name of the mail server on which the user has registered his mailbox.

The process of sending a mail message is similar to the process of sending a telegram described above. First, the user is in about mode. ff-line writes the text of the letter, indicates the address of the recipient. To do this, use the letter preparation editor included in the email client program. Prepared letters are placed in the Outbox folder. Then a connection is established with the server. Further, automatic operation takes place in the mode of n-line : the server determines the user by password, accepts all letters from the Outbox folder, transfers incoming letters, which are placed in the Inbox folder. Communication session ended. The folder "Outbox" became empty, the sent letters were saved in the folder "Sent". If a switched telephone line is used, then the user disconnects the telephone connection. After that, he can slowly view the received mail.

The mail server is constantly running. He periodically looks through the "mailboxes" and organizes the transmission of outgoing letters over the network. The mail server arranges the incoming correspondence into "boxes".

The client-program, in addition to the function of receiving and transmitting letters during a communication session, performs many more service functions: preparing and editing letters, organizing an address book, viewing the mail archive, sorting and deleting letters from the mail archive, etc. A popular client is E- mail is a programOutlookExpressincluded in the standard delivery of the operating system windows.

Any Internet user can register a mailbox on one of the Internet servers, which will accumulate sent and received e-mails.

For email, you can use Web technology. Web -sites offer everyone to register a free mailbox (for example, at: http://mail. ru).

The advantage of such mail is that it does not require special mail programs to work with it. Work with mail can be done using any browser after downloading the appropriate Web -pages. Messages are grouped into folders, you can send messages with attachments, simultaneously to several subscribers, and so on. Essential feature Web -mail is that all messages are permanently stored on a remote server and not on the user's local computer. For new users, a registration procedure is offered.

E-mail has gained wide popularity because it has several serious advantages over regular mail:

- message forwarding speed;

- an e-mail can contain not only a text message, but also attached files (programs, graphics, sound, etc.). But it is not recommended to send too large files by mail, as this slows down the network. To do this, some mail servers impose restrictions on the size of messages sent.

In addition, email allows you to:

- send a message to several subscribers at once;

- forward letters to other addresses;

- delivery of e-mail messages is almost free;

- turn on the autoresponder, all incoming letters will be automatically answered;

- create rules to perform certain actions with messages of the same type (for example, delete advertising messages coming from certain addresses), and so on.

  1. Teleconferencing service. The teleconferencing service is designed for open discussion of issues of common interest.

This is also mail. But if by e-mail you send your letter to any one person personally, then in teleconferences the letter is sent simultaneously to all conference participants. In turn, all messages that arrive at the address of the conference will arrive in your mailbox and be downloaded to the computer during the communication session. To become a participant of the conference, you need to subscribe to it (register). When registering, each conference participant receives a unique name ( NIC ) and a password to enter the conference.

Each conference is devoted to a certain topic, so the correspondence in it takes place only within the framework of the topic. According to some reports, the number of permanent conferences on the Internet has now exceeded 50,000.

The teleconferencing service is called by different names: newsgroups, service usenet . On the nodes of the Network, the work of teleconferencing is served by news servers. The client-news program must be installed on the user's PC. The program mentioned above Outlook Express is both an email client and a news client.

Teleconferences combine both communication and information functions. On the one hand, personal communication takes place here, on the other hand, the conference materials contain a large amount of useful information that is stored on the server for a certain time and can be considered as some kind of information resource (electronic newspaper). This is especially important for specialists participating in conferences on professional topics: science, production, business, trade, etc. In the conference materials, one can find valuable advice and consultations that will help in making important decisions.

The name of the teleconference consists of several words separated by dots, successively narrowing the topic.

Most conferences are governed by a special editorial board called moderator. The duties of the moderator include viewing messages and making a decision - to publish these messages (send them to group members) or not.

Example. Some standard teleconferencing conventions:

- comp- a conference where everything related to computers and programming is discussed;

- sci- everything related to science;

- rec- recreation, hobbies, hobbies;

- talkThis group is for those who like to argue.

  1. Direct Chat Forums – IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Recently, interactive communication on the Internet in real time has become more and more widespread. Increasing data transfer speeds and increased computer performance give users the ability not only to exchange text messages in real time, but also to make audio and video communications.

Literally translated chat - chatter in real time ( chat conferences). Communication between participants takes place in the mode on-line in writing. Like teleconferences, participants chat -conferences are divided into thematic groups.

Runs on the host computer chat -server, on the user's PC - chat -client. There are many different client programs that are distributed free of charge over the Internet. As in teleconferencing, participants chat -conferences are registered (signed) in a specific thematic group.

Young people are most interested in this service. They turn communication in the “chat” into a kind of game in which each participant usually comes up with some kind of “image” for himself and beats it. Between the participants of the "chat" it is not customary to enter into real communication. However, the chat service can also be used for serious communication - both collective and one-on-one.

If your computer, as well as the computers of the interlocutors, are equipped with a sound card, a microphone and headphones or speakers, then you can exchange audio messages. However, a “live” conversation is simultaneously possible only between two interlocutors.

In order for you to be able to see each other, that is, to exchange video images, video cameras must be connected to the computers. Ordinary analog cameras are connected to special video cards, while digital cameras are connected to the computer's parallel port.

Of course, the quality of sound and image to a large extent depends on the speed of the modem and the bandwidth of the communication channel, which must be at least 28.8 Kbps.

To organize interactive communication, special software is required (for example, a program NetMeeting , which is part of Internet Explorer).

In recent years, it has become very popular interactive communication through servers ICQ(this three-letter abbreviation is formed from the consonance of the words "I seek you" - "I'm looking for you").

Currently in the system ICQ over 200 million registered users, with each user having a unique identification number. After connecting to the Internet, the user can start communication with any registered in the system ICQ and the user currently connected to the Internet. The program notifies about the presence of subscribers on the Internet at a given time from a pre-compiled list ( My contact list ) and makes it possible to initialize contact with them.

In order to become a subscriber of the system ICQ just download the program ICQ -client from the file server and during its installation on the computer register.

Interactive communication system ICQ integrates various forms of communication: email, text messaging ( chat ), Internet telephony, file transfer, network search for people and so on.

Internet telephony - voice communication over the network in mode on-line . This is a new, growing service. Its main advantage over the phone is its low price. The quality is still inferior to telephone communication (time delays, sound distortion), but there is no doubt that over time this shortcoming will be overcome.

Internet telephony enables an Internet user to use computer-to-telephone, computer-to-computer, and telephone-to-computer telephony. Internet telephony providers provide this connection using special Internet telephony servers that are connected to both the Internet and the telephone network.

Mobile Internet . From a mobile phone to a computer connected to the Internet, and from a computer to a mobile phone, you can send SMS (Short Massage Service) ) - short text messages).

For wireless access from mobile phones to information and service resources of the Internet, a protocol is used WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) ). To work on the Internet using this protocol, no additional devices (computer and modem) are needed, one mobile phone with support is enough. wap.

WAP sites are located on Web -servers and presented in a special format WML (Wireless Markup Language) ). This markup language is specially adapted to the capabilities of a mobile phone - two-color graphics, a small screen and a small memory.

W AP sites contain a variety of political, economic and sports news, weather forecasts, exchange rates, and so on. You can also send e- mail and take part in WAP-chat.

Full high-speed Internet access from a mobile phone can be carried out using technology GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) ). In this case, you can work with WAP -sites directly from a mobile phone, and on a computer connected to it, you can view HTM L -pages, download files, work with e-mail and any other Internet resources.

In GPRS technology the maximum possible data transfer rate is 171.2 Kbps - this is approximately 3 times the speed of access over dial-up telephone lines, and almost 12 times the data transfer rate in mobile telephone networks of the standard GSM (9.6 Kbps).

Internet Information Services

  1. ServiceWorldWideWeb. This service manages the delivery and display of complex white papers to the user's computer.

This is a fairly new service compared to email. It was founded in 1993. Verbatim www translated as "World Wide Web". Today www this is the most interesting information resource - hypertext navigation system.

Navigation system is a set of programs that allow the user to navigate in all the variety of information posted on the network and find the actual data he needs, useful programs.

Hypertext- a system of interrelated texts. Communication occurs through hyperlinks.

Hyperlink -it is some keyword or object in the document that is associated with a pointer to navigate to another page on the web. Typically, the hyperlink image is highlighted on the page in some way, such as by color or underlining. When you move the mouse pointer over a hyperlink, it changes to a hand with a pointing finger. If you click the left mouse button at the same time, you will follow the pointer to the associated document.

Web-page -a document with its own address. It can contain a variety of information: text, drawing, sound recording. Each page is stored in a separate file, the name of which has the extension . htm or. html

Web-website(other name -Web-knot) -it is a collection of interconnected pages owned by a single person or organization. Web - the site is organized on Web the server of the network service provider. Every site has main page, which is a kind of title page of the site. As a rule, the main page represents the owner of the site and contains hyperlinks to various sections of the site.

Protocol,which is used by the service www , is called HTTP ( Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - Hypertext Transfer Protocol). Its main purpose is the processing of hyperlinks, search and transfer of documents to the client.

Technologywwwallows you to create links that implement transitions not only within the source document, but also to any other document located on this computer and, most importantly, to any document on any computer currently connected to the Internet.

Rice. 10. WWW technology

We have already talked about the addressing system in the computer space of the Net. This I R-addresses, domain addresses. The space of Internet information resources uses its own addressing system. Find Web -page or file on the Internet can be using universal resource locator URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Every Web -page or file has its own unique URL -address, which consists of three parts: the name of the protocol used for access; the name of the server where the resource is stored; fully qualified file name on the server.


Example. http://schools. keldysh. ru / info 2000 / index. htm

It consists of three parts:

http :// - access protocol;

scools. keldysh. en – domain name of the server;

/info2000/index. htm – file path and file name.

  1. Servicetransmissionfiles(File Transfer Protocol - FTP).

Information services provide users with the ability to access certain information resources stored on the Internet. Tens of thousands of Internet servers are file archive servers, and they store hundreds of millions of files of various types (programs, device drivers, graphics and sound files, and so on). The presence of such file archive servers is very convenient for users, since many of the necessary files can be "downloaded" directly from the Internet.

Access to files on file archive servers is possible both through the HTTP protocol and through a special file transfer protocol F TR. Protocol F TR allows not only to upload files ( Download ) from remote file archive servers to the local computer, but also, vice versa, to transfer files ( Upload ) from local computer to remote Web server.

Often this service is referred to by the name of the protocol used − FTP . From the Network side, the service is provided by F TP servers, and on the part of users - F TP clients.

After connection F TP client with the server on the user's screen opens the file interface of the storage of folders and files on the server (similar to Explorer Windows ). Further work is the same as with the file system on a PC: folders and files can be viewed, sorted, copied to their disks.

  1. search services.

The World Wide Web is rather unsystematic. Search andinformation becomes a major problem. The only coordinate Web -document is his URL. However, the URL The address has nothing to do with the content of the document.

Looking for information in www helps the user Internet search service. It lies in the services of search servers.

According to the principle of operation, there are two types of search engines: search directories and search pointers. Some search engines combine both principles of operation. Search directories

Organization of work with directories is quite simple. On the page Web The site usually presents a list of certain headings, each of which is connected by a hyperlink to other links, where there is either a list of subheadings or a list of documents corresponding to a given heading. The content of the search directories is formed manually by specialists who maintain this service.

The search is carried out within the thematic hierarchy of categories. On the main page of the search catalog there is a list of the main thematic sections. The lowest level category contains a list of documents on the selected topic.

The main advantage of search directories is the high degree of correspondence of the found documents to a given topic. The disadvantage is that it is impossible to obtain comprehensive information about network resources. Cataloged Web -document space is less than 1% of the total Web - space of documents.

The most popular Russian catalogs include: the first Russian catalog Rassia on the Net (http :/ www . ru ). One of the largest Russian-language catalogs List - ru (http :// www . list . ru ).

Search Pointers

Search indexes (search engines) are compiled automatically. Special programs automatically scan Web -sites and index Web -the documents. A huge directory-pointer is formed. It allows you to quickly find the addresses of documents containing certain keywords. The user specifies the words that should be contained in the desired document. The search index returns a list web -documents that satisfy the request. You can open any of these documents by clicking on a hyperlink.

The advantage of search indexes is the breadth of coverage. The information gathering mechanism works very effectively. Information about new documents gets into the search index pretty quickly.

The lack of search indexes is a large number of "extra documents" in the search results. Any keyword can appear in multiple documents. These documents may or may not be related to the desired topic. The use of rare terms or several keywords at the same time reduces the total number of documents found.

The quality of the search depends not only on the capabilities of the search engine itself, but also on the user's ability to effectively formulate their queries.

At present, the total volume of indexed Web -space exceeds 50% of the total Web spaces.

Types of sites By informational content Business card site Corporate site Personal site Online stores Web resources Search engines Postal resources Bulletin boards Forums File hosting Social networks By accessibility Open Semi-open Closed By size and level of tasks they solve Simple Thematic Multifunctional (portals) By Accessibility Open Semi-open Closed

The creation of a WEB site begins with planning its structure, i.e. site layout as a whole, general page layout, individual page layouts. The layout of the site sets the structure of the future site - the number and subject of individual pages, the hierarchy of pages. The structure (plan) of the site is the division of the general content into semantic sections and separate pages indicating the links between them.

Permanent elements of the site Each page of the site should have permanent elements that firmly hold their place on the screen when paging through the pages: Logo Site title Main menu On internal pages, the logo should be a link to the main page.

Main menu The number of items, their names and order in the main menu should not change when turning pages. The menu must contain an item pointing to the current page. This item, unlike the others, should not be a link. Menu item names should be very short. It is unacceptable to stretch one paragraph over several lines. The main menu is recommended to be repeated at the ends of the pages.

External links The site must have external links. External links need to be collected on a separate page and further distributed across pages based on context. In each case, external links must be written explicitly. External links must be commented.

Text on the site Break the text into small paragraphs. Paragraphs should be separated from each other by blank lines. Don't center lines of large text. On a complex background, place text inside solid-color areas. Do not write the main text in an increased font size and, moreover, in bold or italics. Try to use the default font. Structure your text using a heading hierarchy and paragraph division. Construct the text according to the principle of an inverted pyramid, first the conclusion, then the details.

Do not put a period in the names of the site and pages if they consist of one sentence Keep the names of menu items short Do not choose a colorful background for the pages Do not place too many informational and artistic blocks on the page Do not write too long texts Use the same techniques in each paragraph formatting Recommendations when filling site pages with information materials

Stages of site creation Site analysis and design. Analysis of similar sites highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. The site is designed based on the interests of the intended audience. Information content of the site (content). Attracts potential users. The information should be interesting for the target audience and well-formatted.

Stages of creating a site Creative. It includes the development of design, graphic elements, graphics processing and everything connected with it. Development is always carried out on paper in order to determine the best option for the location of typical elements. Because pages are designed in the same style, then a template is created. Code writing. Creation of Web-pages, programming, writing of the functional part.

Stages of site creation Testing. Checking that the site is displayed correctly by different browsers: texts are well read against the selected background, pictures are in their places, hyperlinks provide the right transitions. Testing is carried out before placing the site on the Internet.

Stages of site creation Publication. The site is hosted on the Internet. You can use free hosting or place a site with a provider Hosting - a service for placing a site on a server that is constantly on the Internet; can be paid and free. Promotion. Advertising company to recognize the site and increase its attendance - site registration in search engines, link exchange, etc. Support. Constant updating of the site. (at least once every 2 weeks).

Hypertext markup language HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) Text editor Visual HTML editor, site builder Text is marked with special marks - tags The document is saved as a Web page Microsoft FrontPage uCoz, Sitecraft, etc. Ways to create a site Site creation technology

What tools can you use to create websites? What is a website? Think over and graph the structure of one of the following sites: a) "Our group"; b) "My family"; c) computer science. List the main elements placed on the pages of the site. What recommendations should be taken into account when filling the pages of the site with information materials? What is the purpose of site testing? What is the main disadvantage of free hosting? Name an Internet server known to you that provides users with free website hosting. What is the site structure? Questions and tasks

Ways to create a site Hypertext markup language HTML Hypertext markup language HTML Text editor MS Word, MS Publisher, MS PowerPoint Text editor MS Word, MS Publisher, MS PowerPoint HTML editor, site builder HTML editor, site builder Initially, you should consider the content and structure of the site Before placing a site on the Internet, it should be tested. When filling the pages of the site with information materials, certain recommendations should be followed.

1. - hosting 2. html - site Video tutorials on informatics grade 8 html site free hosting "70mb" site "Guru-host.ru" paid hosting "ASCONT" site paid hosting "1Gb" Information sources

| Lesson planning for the academic year (textbook by GEF L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova) | §4.4 Website creation technologies. Content and structure of the site. Site layout. Placing a site on the Internet

Lessons 29 - 31
§4.4 Website creation technologies. Website content and structure
Site layout. Placing a site on the Internet


Site structure
site design
website page template

4.4.1. Website creation technologies

There are several ways to create websites.

First of all, the site can be created using the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). In this case, in a text editor (for example, in Notepad), the text that they want to place on the pages of the site is marked with special marks called tags. Tags contain instructions on how the text should look. To distinguish tags from text, they are enclosed in angle brackets (Fig. 4.7).

Secondly, you can save a document prepared in a word processor (Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer) as a web page (in HTML format).

Thirdly, you can use special software - visual HTML editors or website builders.

A web designer is a specialist who designs the structure of a website, as well as selects ways to present information and performs the design of a web project. A web designer must be familiar with modern web technologies; it is desirable that he had an art education.

Rice. 4.7. The simplest web page and its HTML code

You can try to master the basics of web design on your own by taking the distance course "Web Design" by A. A. Duvanov at Robotland University (http://www.botik.ru/~robot/ru/).

Regardless of what tools you will use to create a site, you should first consider its content and structure.

Suppose you visit a computer graphics club and decide to create a website for this creative association. The content of the site should be such as to reflect the creative life of the members of the association, to attract the attention of like-minded people.

Now you need determine the structure (plan) of the site

Obviously, the site may include general information (program and schedule of classes, location of classes, last name, first name, patronymic of the leader, etc.), a page of news and announcements, personal pages of the leader and members of the association, a gallery of works of members of the association, useful links to other Internet resources and much more. Let's depict the structure of the site in the form of a graph (Fig. 4.8).

Rice. 4.8. Hierarchical site structure

Representation of the site structure in the form of a graph provides a visual representation of the content of the site and helps to organize navigation - transitions from one page of the site to another.

4.4.3. Website design

Any site loads from the main (home) page (home page), which should first of all answer the question “What is this site about?”. To do this, the main page contains the name of the site, a thematic graphic image, a short text describing the content of the site, as well as the main menu - links to the main sections of the site. Also, the name of the author of the site and his contact information, the counter of visitors, news, etc. can be placed on the main page.

Each page of the site, as a rule, has several permanent elements that are always in the same places. This:

The title of the site, located at the very top of the page;
the main menu, usually located on the left side of the page (the number of menu items, their names and order are the same on all pages of the site).

It is desirable that the pages of the site are made in the same style. To maintain the style, it is easier to first develop a site page template on which to present the elements that are available on all pages of the site (Fig. 4.9).

Rice. 4.9. Sample site page template

When filling the pages of the site with information materials, the following recommendations should be followed:

Do not put a period in the names of the site and pages if they consist of one sentence.
Keep menu item names short; It is unacceptable to stretch the item name over several lines.
Do not choose a colorful background for pages; against such a background, the text is difficult to read.
Do not place too many informational and artistic blocks on the page.
Do not write too long texts. Break the text into small paragraphs, separating them from each other with blank lines.
Use the same formatting techniques in each paragraph.

4.4.4. Placing a site on the Internet

Before placing a site on the Internet, you should test it, that is, make sure that it is displayed correctly by different browsers: texts are well read against the selected background, pictures are in their places, hyperlinks provide correct transitions, etc.

Hosting - a service for hosting a website on a server permanently located on the Internet; hosting can be both paid and free.

Large companies usually use paid hosting to host their sites. At the same time, they receive an easy-to-read and remember second-level domain name, which can be the same as the company name.

Individuals can use free hosting for their sites, the possibilities of which are limited compared to paid options (small disk space, individual file size limit, only a third-level domain name, etc.), but they are quite enough for users' home pages and non-commercial sites. The main disadvantage of free hosting is that when hosting your site, the company independently adds commercial advertising to its pages.

A list of servers providing free hosting can be obtained by searching for "free hosting".


Site structure (plan)- splitting the general content into semantic sections and separate pages indicating the links between them.

The graph representation of the site structure provides a visual representation of the site content and helps to organize navigation - transitions from one page of the site to another.

Page Template- This is a page scheme that shows the elements that are available on the pages of the site. The use of page templates helps to maintain a uniform style of site design.

Hosting- service for hosting a site on a server permanently located on the Internet; hosting can be both paid and free.

Questions and tasks

1. Familiarize yourself with the presentation materials for the paragraph contained in the electronic supplement to the textbook. Does the presentation complement the information contained in the text of the paragraph?

2. What tools can be used to create websites?

3. What is the site structure?

4. Think and graph the structure of one of the following sites:

a) "Our class";
b) "My family";
c) computer science.

5. List the main elements placed on the pages of the site.

7. What is the purpose of site testing?

8. What is the main disadvantage of free hosting?

9. Name the Internet server known to you, which provides users with free hosting of sites.

A server is a computer that is constantly on and performs certain actions specified by users. It is located in the server room, where specialized personnel monitor and maintain its performance. Since the operation of this device is continuous, a huge flow of information is constantly processed and stored. In addition, the state of the data is monitored, and all sorts of system and server problems are eliminated.


The server is divided into several types, each of which performs its own function, which is its endless work. The so-called web server contains all the sites that are on the Internet and provides users with easy access to all pages. In fact, he is an intermediary between you and the site.

The game server is engaged in the collection, storage and processing of video game information and video information. It provides communication between players and allows you to communicate in a particular game. A striking example of the use of this server is the popular game "Counter-Strike".

The mail server handles incoming and outgoing emails. Often, to find the necessary site on the Internet, the familiar “www” is used. With such a request, the www server is activated, which instantly processes the information and produces a result.

The file server is necessary for storing, searching and distributing information. It stores the files that the Internet contains, including music files, pictures, various documents, and so on.

All information and data that this computer contains must be secured, and for this there is also a separate protection server.

When a computer or the Internet is running, several servers are simultaneously involved. With the help of one, a connection is made between all the others. It happens in the following way. One server communicates with others to work together to complete tasks quickly. All information is provided in accordance with certain standards of the global web.

As you can see, the server is an indispensable device that provides work on the Internet, organization between computers, as well as between users. The server services provided are not so noticeable, but extremely necessary.