PSR safety in the conditions of blockages. Carrying out rescue operations in damaged (destroyed) buildings and structures

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FGBOU "Kaluga State University

them. K.E. Tsiolkovsky"

Institute of Natural Science

Specialty "Technosphere safety"

Department of General Biology and Life Safety

Discipline "Organization and conduct of rescue operations"



Prepared by:

student of BH-37 group

Nikishina N.A.


Ergolskaya N.V.

Kaluga 2014


Chapter I. Characteristics of blockages during the collapse of buildings.

Chapter II. Causes and consequences of the collapse of buildings and structures

Chapter III. The main technological schemes for conducting emergency rescue operations in destroyed buildings and structures

III.1. Actions in case of collapse of buildings

III.2. Methods and procedure for rescuing people in the rubble

III.3. Methods for evacuating victims from places of blocking

Chapter IV. Search and Rescue Directorate

Chapter V




Urgent work in the liquidation of emergencies is an activity for the comprehensive provision of emergency rescue operations, the provision of medical and other types of assistance to the population affected by emergencies, the creation of conditions that are minimally necessary to preserve the life and health of people, to maintain their working capacity.

Rescue operations include search and rescue, mountain rescue, gas rescue, anti-gusher (at oil wells), as well as emergency rescue related to extinguishing fires, work to eliminate the medical and sanitary consequences of emergencies and a number of other similar works, the list of which is in the necessary cases specified by the Government of the Russian Federation

Blockage is a chaotic heap of building materials and structures, technological equipment, sanitary devices, furniture, household utensils, stones. The reason for the formation of blockages can be natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms, landslides, landslides, mudflows), the effects of natural factors leading to aging and corrosion of materials (atmospheric moisture, groundwater, subsiding soils, sudden changes in temperature air), errors at the design and construction stage, violations of the rules for the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of destruction of buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, the degree of wear (aging) of buildings

Blockages are continuous and separate (local). The volume of blockages in the destruction of residential buildings is 35-50%, industrial - 15-20% of the construction volume. The height of the blockages of residential buildings is 1/5 - 1/7, industrial - 1/4 - 1/10 of their original height. The average slope angle of the blockages is 30°. The volume of voids in the rubble is 40-60%. Blockages are conditionally divided into reinforced concrete and brick. Reinforced concrete blockages consist of fragments of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal and wooden structures, fragments of brickwork, elements of technological equipment. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of large elements, often interconnected, voids and unstable elements. Brick blockages consist of brick blocks, broken bricks, plaster, fragments of reinforced concrete, metal, and wooden structures. They are characterized by high density, the absence of large, as a rule, elements and voids.

emergency rescue building collapse


It is customary to call blockages a heap of fragments of buildings (walls, ceilings, internal equipment, furniture, etc.) during their destruction. The configuration, dimensions and structure of the blockages depend on the characteristics of the buildings, the magnitude and direction of the destructive impact.

It is believed that a blockage is formed if the building receives a severe or complete degree of destruction. In case of severe destruction, up to half of the construction volume of the building turns into a blockage. In appearance, such a blockage can be one-sided (in foreign sources - lean-to), two-sided (tent), V-shaped (V-shape) or flat (pancake). The main types of blockages formed during severe destruction of buildings are shown in Fig.1.

Fig.1. Types of blockages formed during severe destruction of buildings:

A) unilateral; b) bilateral; c) V-shaped; d) flat.

When completely destroyed, the entire building turns into rubble. Outwardly, all such blockages are very similar, however, depending on the nature of the destructive effect, they can also be divided into 3 groups (Fig. 2): a) blockages formed during explosions outside the contour of the building; b) blockages formed during explosions inside the building; c) rubble formed during earthquakes.

Fig.2. Types of blockages formed during the complete destruction of buildings:

A) blockages formed during explosions outside the contour of the building;

B) Blockages formed during explosions inside the building

B) Blockages formed during earthquakes

Depending on the structure of blockages, they are conditionally divided into heavy, medium and light.

For a more detailed description of the blockages, their indicators are determined. The main indicators of blockages are:

Blockage height - distance from the ground surface to the maximum blockage level within the contour of the building, m;

Blockage voidness - the volume of voids per 100 cubic meters. m blockage, %; in heavy blockages, voids can reach up to 60%, and in medium and light blockages - 45-55 and 35-45%, respectively;

The range of the fragments of the building - the distance from the contour of the building to the border of the bulk of the debris, m;

The structure of the blockage according to the size of the debris; large fragments are considered to be fragments larger than 0.5 cubic meters. m, average - 0.1-0.5 cubic meters. m, small - less than 0.1 cubic meters. m;

Blockage structure according to the composition of elements; blockages vary depending on what building materials the building was built from, and can be brick, reinforced concrete, or mixed.


The sudden collapse of buildings and structures can be caused by design errors, deviations from the project during construction work, and violations of the rules for erecting structures. There is a poor quality of construction work and the use of substandard building materials. Significant influence is exerted by underground karst voids formed underground under the influence of water flows.

Houses stand for many years, buildings wear out, and, as a rule, there is not enough money for timely overhaul, sometimes it is carried out already after the destruction of the building.

In recent years, independent redevelopment of housing has become fashionable, especially for people with high material wealth, despite the fact that any intra-apartment redevelopment should be carried out taking into account the features of the building structure of the house, only after consultation with an engineer and with the permission of the housing department, confirmed by the relevant document. Inconsistent housing redevelopments can have disastrous consequences for a building.

In some cases, the collapse may be caused by: lack of reliable ventilation in the room where gas is used. The collapse is facilitated by explosions due to gas leakage, improper operation of household gas appliances, careless handling of fire, storage of flammable liquids and explosives indoors.

In addition, the collapse of the structure is possible due to man-made emergencies. During natural disasters, and, first of all, during an earthquake. Destruction can be the result not only of the forces of the elements, but also of the poor quality of buildings and their technical deterioration.

It is also impossible to exclude a terrorist act and local military operations with the use of various types of weapons.

The consequences of the collapse of buildings and structures are:

death of people and animals;

mechanical, burn injuries and electrical injuries, including prolonged compression syndrome and traumatic shock;

psychotrauma and acute conditions requiring emergency care;

fear, panic, erratic and illogical actions of people;

the formation of blockages under which people can be;

destruction of utility and energy networks;

the impossibility of living in a destroyed building, which requires the provision of temporary housing or new apartments to the victims;

in the event of the destruction of a production facility - a temporary cessation of its functioning, which causes material damage to the enterprise;

the cost of restoring industrial and residential buildings.

ChapterIII. Maintechnologicalschemereferencerescueworksindestroyedbuildingsandfacilities

III.1. Actionsatcollapsebuildings

Actions in the event of a sudden collapse of a building:

If you hear an explosion or find that the building is losing stability, try to leave the apartment as quickly as possible, taking documents, money, and essentials.

When going down the stairs, press your back against the wall, not against the railing.

Do not use the elevator, as it may fail at any time.

Do not panic and stay calm, encourage those present. Stop panic and crush at the door; stop those who are going to jump from balconies or windows of floors above the first, as well as through glazed windows.

· Staying in the building if it is impossible to leave it, take the safest place: in the openings of the main internal walls; in the corners formed by the main internal walls; under the frame beams. If possible, hide under a table - it will protect you from falling objects and debris. If you have children with you, cover them with you.

Open the door from the apartment to secure an exit if necessary.

If a fire breaks out, follow the generally accepted rules of conduct during a fire, and take measures to extinguish it. Get rid of tights and clothes with a significant admixture of synthetics, as they quickly melt and leave severe burns on the body.

Use the phone only to call representatives of law enforcement agencies, firefighters, doctors, rescuers.

Don't go out to the balcony.

Leaving the building, bend down, covering your head with your hands, as debris and glass most often fall from above. Watch out for cornices, balconies and windows - they may collapse.

Look under your feet: there may be live wires and broken glass on the way.

When descending from a height on a stationary fire escape, adhere to the following rules:

Do not be nervous;

Do not look down (!), Look only at your hands and feet: at any given time, at least one hand and one foot must be on the stairs;

Shoes with high heels are best removed;

Press your body closer to the stairs;

When descending, take breaks to relax tense muscles;

do not hold your breath, try to breathe with your stomach.

Once outside, do not stand near the building, move to an open space.

Actions of the victims who are in the rubble:

Once in the blockage, breathe deeply, do not give in to panic and do not lose heart. Focus on the most important - survival at all costs; trust that help will come. Experience shows that people, including children, were pulled out of the rubble alive even after several days.

Try to adapt to the situation and look around, look for a way out or a hole.

Try to determine where you are, if there are other people nearby: listen, give a voice, using the control breaks in the search work of rescuers, which they arrange in order to catch signs of the presence of people in the rubble.

Remember that a person is able to endure thirst and hunger for a long time if he does not waste energy.

If you happen to have a flashlight or a mirror in your pocket, if possible, give them light signals to find yourself. Look around for metal objects with which you can knock on a pipe or wall and thereby attract the attention of rescuers.

If the only way to get out of the blockage is a narrow hole, squeeze through it. To do this, you need to relax your muscles and move, pressing your elbows to your body.

The main and main task in such a situation is to search for the victims and provide them with first aid, since they may have injuries that are different in nature and severity. All those in need are also provided with all possible psychological assistance.

III.2. Waysandordersalvationof people,locatedinrubble

The method and technology of rescuing a specific victim is determined by the commander (chief) of the rescue team based on reconnaissance data and an assessment of the situation at the location of the victim.

It evaluates:

the conditions in which the victim is located (littered with fragments of building structures, blocked in a littered room, blocked on the upper floors or roof of a damaged building, etc.);

the structure of the blockage and its scale, the depth of the victim, the condition of the destroyed building, the availability of safe approaches to it, the main hazards;

the presence of contact with the victim, his condition, the duration of his stay in the rubble (blocked room);

the availability of funds necessary to rescue the victims in these conditions, their capabilities;

the presence of secondary damaging factors that impede the conduct of rescue operations, their nature, scale, sources;

time of day, year and weather conditions.

Based on this, a decision is made, which determines:

the most rational way to save the victim;

the necessary amount of forces and means to solve the problem;

technology for performing work, taking into account local conditions;

the time required to complete the task;

activities that need to be done first;

safety measures during work.

When determining the time to complete the task, the conditions for conducting work are taken into account.

Victims under the rubble of building structures, depending on the structure of the blockage, the depth of their location, as well as the capabilities of the available technical rescue equipment, are released by dismantling the blockage from above or by continuous horizontal dismantling, or by building a manhole in the blockage.

The technology of releasing victims by dismantling the blockage from above is used when the victims are located at a shallow depth from the surface of the blockage, at some distance from its edge.

In case of blockage from small debris, a unit (5-6 rescuers) with emergency rescue tools (hydraulic wire cutters, manual cutting machine, entrenching tool) is assigned to perform the work.

The work is carried out in turn, 2-3 rescuers disassemble and remove the debris, 2-3 carry them to the dump.

When the victim is in a blockage from large fragments of reinforced concrete, concrete structures and brick blocks, a unit (6-10 rescuers) is assigned to carry out work on unblocking with means of mechanization of work and rescue tools (a truck crane with a lifting capacity of at least 10-16 tons with a long reach of an arrow or a winch , bulldozer, dump truck, compressor station with a set of pneumatic tools, hydraulic wire cutters or manual cutting machine, jacks, entrenching tools, a pallet for removing small debris).

Upon reaching the possibility of further penetration of rescuers to the victim without the use of mechanization, their work immediately stops and the release is carried out manually.

The technology of releasing victims from the blockage by continuous horizontal disassembly is used when the victims are located at a considerable depth from the surface of the blockage and there are no cavities in the blockage that allow the release of the victims by expanding them or making a hole in the body of the blockage.

To complete the task, a rescue unit is assigned in the amount of 5-6 people, reinforced with mechanization equipment (a truck crane with a lifting capacity of at least 10-16 tons, a bulldozer, a dump truck, a compressor station with a set of pneumatic tools, a front loader, an emergency rescue tool).

The width of the formed passage in the obstruction should be within 3.5-4 m, to provide conditions for the operation of the applied technical means, the depth - from the surface of the earth to the surface of the obstruction.

Work to release the victims by dismantling the blockage should be carried out in combination with measures to prevent the displacement of the elements of the blockage, fixing unstable elements (using jacks, rods with varying dimensions, spacers, etc.), maintaining them in a position of stable equilibrium in order to ensure the safety of rescuers and victims in the blockage .

Means of mechanization, the work of which is accompanied by shock loads or vibration, should be used at the beginning of the dismantling of the blockage. At the final stage of work, the release of the victim is carried out only with the help of a hand tool.

The technology of releasing the victims by constructing a manhole in the rubble is mainly used when the victims are in the rubble, consisting of large fragments of building structures.

The main method of release under these conditions is the expansion of existing cavities and voids in the blockage body using special tools and simultaneous fixation of unstable elements.

The main ways to expand cavities:

expansion in the vertical direction using jacks;

expansion in the horizontal direction (one-sided and two-sided) with the help of jacks and pillows;

expansion in the spherical direction - along the radii of the hemisphere, the center of which is the axial line of the manhole - with the help of jacks and pillows.

Given the nature of the blockage, these methods can be used in combination.

Works on the expansion of the manhole are carried out in conjunction with the fixation of the displaced debris and the strengthening of the arch of the manhole using standard means of fixation (rods with varying sizes), as well as improvised means (fragments of structures).

Fastening methods should ensure the stability of the adjacent part of the blockage in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

Reinforcement is cut with scissors or a manual cutting machine.

Gas burners and kerosene cutters are used only in conditions where complete fire safety is ensured and gas contamination of the blockage is excluded.

The cross section of the manhole in the light should be at least 0.5-0.6 m 2, the rotation angles of not more than 90 ° should ensure the evacuation of the victim from the blockage on the drag.

At the location of the victim, the cross section of the manhole in the light should be from 0.8 to 1.0 m 2 and provide conditions for providing the victim with emergency medical care and preparing him for evacuation from the rubble.

5-6 rescuers are assigned to equip the manhole.

Technical equipment: jib crane with a lifting capacity of at least 16t, a manual winch with a lifting capacity of at least 0.25t, jacks with a lifting capacity of 30-50t, pneumatic jacks (cushions), hydraulic wire cutters, an oxy-fuel cutting kit, a hand-held diamond saw, spreaders, entrenching tools. If it is necessary to clear the approach to the manhole equipment site, a bulldozer or excavator is used.

Depending on the degree of destruction of buildings, structures and the location of blocked people, the main ways to release them from littered rooms are punching openings in walls or ceilings, making passages to littered doors or window openings.

The dimensions of the openings should ensure unhindered evacuation of victims who have lost the ability to move independently (the area of ​​the opening in the light is 0.5-1.0 m 2, the sides of the opening are 0.6 (1.0) x 0.8 (1.0) m, the lower edge of the opening at a height of 0.7-1.2 m above the floor (ground surface).

Punching of openings in the outer walls is carried out:

using a hydraulic hammer;

using a mobile diamond drilling machine;

using a manual cutting machine.

Passages to littered doors and window openings are equipped by dismantling blockages manually or using mechanized work, and in metal wedged doors - using flame cutting or a manual cutting machine.

When punching an opening in the outer walls of destroyed and damaged buildings and structures, the working site is preliminarily cleared or the blockage near the wall is dismantled in order to create conditions for the placement and efficient operation of the equipment used.

The demolition of the blockage under these conditions is carried out using a truck crane, a bulldozer or an excavator by the method of successively extracting fragments of building structures and moving them away from the formed passage. In case of blockages with a height of more than 2 m, a site with a size of at least 2x2.5 m is cleared.

When using an excavator or crane for dismantling the blockage, the working platform must ensure that the machine platform rotates by 90 ° with a boom distance from the building wall of at least 0.5 m. The digging axis should run parallel to the wall or at an angle of 10-15° to the wall.

When dismantling the blockage, a unit (8-10 people) with a hand tool is assigned manually. Large fragments are dismembered and removed from the rubble with the help of a winch. The winch must be installed no closer than 1m from the edge of the working.

For making openings in external reinforced concrete walls with a thickness of 300-500 mm, a hinged hydraulic hammer is used.

A unit of 4-5 people is assigned to punch the opening, one excavator with a mounted hydraulic hammer, and an oxy-fuel metal cutting unit. In the process of work (as the opening is punched), the reinforcement is cut and the knocked-out fragments of the wall collapse.

This method is used when there is no danger of collapse of damaged structures from vibro-impact when punching the opening, as well as the safe position of people to be released.

A manual cutting machine is used for making openings in stone and concrete walls and ceilings with a thickness of no more than 26 cm.

To perform the work, a calculation is assigned consisting of 2-3 people with a cutting machine, jacks (winch), entrenching tools.

The method of diamond drilling is used for making openings in brick, stone and reinforced concrete walls (ceilings).

To complete the task, a subdivision consisting of 4-5 people is assigned, including a mechanic-minder of diamond drilling.

Technical equipment: diamond drilling unit with an electric motor power of at least 2 kW, annular diamond drills with a diameter of 80-125 mm, entrenching tools, a jack (winch), a manual cutting machine.

Drilling is carried out along the contour of the opening. Holes are drilled side by side (conjugated) or at some distance from each other.

When drilling concrete and reinforced concrete structures with a thickness of up to 300mm, brick and expanded clay concrete structures with a thickness of more than 300mm, the drilling step is 30mm larger than the drill diameter.

When drilling brick and expanded clay concrete structures up to 300 mm thick, the drilling step is 50 mm larger than the drill diameter, and concrete and reinforced concrete structures - by 20 mm.

Drilling of holes with a depth of more than 300 mm is carried out sequentially, with a periodic withdrawal of the drill from the hole and extraction of the core using a core sampler.

When drilling, it is necessary to monitor the feed rate of the drill to avoid jamming, especially when drilling sections of structures where there is reinforcement.

Partitions between drillings are destroyed with a crowbar, starting from the upper left or right corner down clockwise.

Removal of the opening block from the wall structure is carried out by squeezing it out or pulling it onto the working platform with the help of a winch, while the winch hook is inserted into a specially drilled hole in the upper part of the opening and the block is overturned by pulling the winch.

Openings in the internal walls of buildings with a thickness of less than 250 mm are made by a manual cutting machine.

Disassembly of the obstruction from above is carried out only in cases where the victims are close to the surface of the obstruction. When disassembling, precautions should be taken to avoid sudden jerks when extracting large structural elements and their rocking, as this can break the connection between the fragments, as a result of which spontaneous movement of individual elements and the sediment of the entire blockage is possible.

Digging out the littered, if possible, is done, starting from the head, then the shoulders, torso and legs are released.

Making an opening manually begins with marking and outlining its contour. To perform the work, the tools and methods described above are used.

Extraction of the injured from under the rubble by arranging a horizontal or inclined gallery is used when other methods turn out to be unacceptable. Since the excavation of the gallery is an extremely labor-intensive work, it is very important to choose such a direction of penetration that would lead to the affected in the shortest possible way, make it possible to use voids in the blockage, pass through areas consisting of small debris, and at the same time ensure the stability of the blockage.

Galleries are arranged with a section of 0.8x1m. When driving the gallery, fasteners are installed, the elements of which can be prepared in advance or are made directly during the tunneling of the gallery from fragments of the wooden structures of the blockage.

The tunneling of the gallery is carried out by a group of 6 people. The work is organized in shifts, 3 people per shift, and is carried out as follows: one person disassembles the rubble, two people remove the debris and install fasteners. The change is made in 20-30 minutes.

The team should normally have a crowbar, two shovels, two axes, two picks, a hacksaw, a crosscut saw, two elongated chisels, a sledgehammer, a kerosene cutter, and, when working at night, two rechargeable lanterns.

III.3. Waysevacuationaffectedwithplacesblocking

The choice of the method of evacuation of the victims depends on the type and extent of the injury to the victim, his condition, the degree of external threat to the victim and the rescuer, the means of transportation available, the length of the evacuation route, the type of blocking place and the method of providing access to the victims. Victims are evacuated from blocking places to the casualty collection point in two stages: from blocking places to the work site and from the work site to the casualty collection point.

In order to successfully complete the task of rescuing the victims, the rescuers (personnel of the unit) must be specially trained for the skillful handling of the victims and for their evacuation from the places of blocking.

Each rescuer must be proficient in various methods of evacuation of victims, as well as the skills of making auxiliary means of transportation. Ignorance or choosing the wrong means of transportation can worsen the condition of the victims up to the threat of death.

Victims are evacuated both with and without means of transportation in such a way that they can see where they are being transferred. Rescuers can use means such as a stretcher and a piece of cloth (woolen blanket, raincoat, etc.) to transport the injured. Temporary transport aids may also be used. With the help of these means, taking into account various factors, the affected can be transferred, dragged (drag), lowered or raised. When evacuating the victim using a stretcher, his legs should be turned towards the carrying. Thus, the basic rule of evacuation is fulfilled: the look of the victim in the direction of travel (away from danger). The exception is evacuation along an ascending path. In this case, the head of the victim is turned towards the evacuation. Upon reaching the level of the horizontal surface, the stretcher with the victim immediately turns its feet in the direction of evacuation.

If a large number of rescuers participate in the evacuation of the victims (during their transportation), then they act on unified commands. Responsible for transportation and issuing commands is the senior crew of rescuers or one of the rescuers.

When carrying a stretcher, the team is given by the rescuer who is standing in front. If there are two rescuers in front of the stretcher, then the commands are given by the rescuer standing on the right in the direction of travel.

Teams are divided into preliminary and executive. The rescuers take their positions next to the stretcher (between the handles or on the outside of the handles) and look in the direction of transport. At the command "Catch!" rescuers take the handles of the stretcher. To the question of the one on the right in the head “Ready?” rescuers answer "Done" or provide a reason that prevents the transfer. At the command "Pull up!" rescuers carefully and evenly lift the stretcher. At the command "Group - March", the rescuers go out of step with mincing steps. Walking is prohibited. If it is necessary to stop, then the command “Group - stop!” is given. On the command "Put!" the stretcher is carefully placed on the ground or other surface, after which the rescuers can straighten up. When carried over long distances by four rescuers, they can, if necessary, change places, for which, after executing the commands “Group - stop!” and “Put!”, followed by the command “Change of porters!”.

The descent or lifting of the victims should be carried out only with the use of standard equipment: a rescue belt, a stretcher, a cargo rope (ropes, hemp rope). The use of a piece of cloth and transport aids for these tasks is prohibited. Victims can, depending on the severity of the lesion, fall (rise) in a vertical or horizontal position. In this case, the rescuer conducts the cargo cable using the “hand through hand” or “over the shoulder” method.

ChapterIV. Controlsearch and rescueworks

RPS management. The most important element of the successful implementation of the RPS in emergency situations is management. Management is understood as a set of measures for the organization, coordination, management and implementation of the RPS.

The main goal of RPS management is to create conditions for the effective operation of forces and means for the operational implementation of the entire RPS complex in the shortest possible time, with minimal costs and losses.

The main tasks of RPS management:

Collection of information, its analysis and processing, assessment of the real situation, decision-making, development of a work schedule;

Constant monitoring of the situation, development of a forecast and possible options for the development of emergencies;

Assessment of the real situation, determination of the scope, nature and optimal options for conducting RPS, prompt introduction of changes to the initial work plan in case of changes in conditions and situations in the emergency zone;

Determining the degree of danger of emergency situations, setting the boundaries of dangerous zones;

Calculation of forces and means for conducting RPS;

Setting goals, bringing them to performers;

Coordination and ensuring interaction between all RPS participants;

Analysis of the results of current work, making adjustments;

Monitoring the execution of tasks;

Organization of the final stage of RPS.

The main forms of RPS management: strategic, operational, tactical, normative.

RPS management must be sustainable and continuous.

RPS management begins at the moment of receiving information about the occurrence of an emergency and continues until the completion of work.

The highest link in the RPS management system is the Crisis Management Center (CMC).

The activities of the governing bodies are based on constantly incoming information about emergencies, the progress of the implementation of the RPS, and the conditions in the emergency zone. Decisions are made on the basis of study, analysis, generalization of a large amount of incoming information, taking into account strategic and tactical tasks. After the development and adoption of the decision, the task is set for the rescuers, the area of ​​the RPS is indicated, the methods for their implementation, the conditions for interaction, the composition of the participants, the working groups. The completion time of the RPS is determined.

ChapterV. Search and rescueworkinconditionsrubble

Quite often, RPS has to be carried out in the conditions of blockages. Blockage is a chaotic heap of building materials and structures, fragments of technological equipment, sanitary devices, furniture, household utensils, stones.

The reason for the formation of blockages can be natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms, landslides, landslides, mudflows), the effects of natural factors leading to aging and corrosion of materials (atmospheric moisture, groundwater, subsiding soils, sudden changes in temperature air), errors at the design and construction stage, violations of the rules for the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of damage to buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, and the degree of wear (aging) of buildings.

According to the degree of destruction of buildings, the blockages are divided into five types.

1. Light damage: thin cracks appear on the walls of buildings, plaster is sprinkled, small pieces break off, glass in windows is damaged.

2. Weak destruction: small cracks in the walls, rather large pieces of plaster break off, cracks appear in the chimneys, some of them collapse, the roof is partially damaged, glass in the windows is completely broken.

3. Medium destruction: large cracks in the walls of buildings, collapse of chimneys, partial fall of the roof.

4. Strong destruction: collapse of internal partitions and walls, gaps in the walls, collapse of parts of buildings, destruction of connections between parts of buildings, collapse of the roof.

5. Complete destruction.

Blockages are continuous and separate (local). The volume of blockages in the destruction of residential buildings is 35-50%, industrial - 15-20% of the construction volume. The height of the blockages of residential buildings is 1/5-1/7, industrial - 1/4-1/10 of their original height. The average slope angle of blockages is 30°. The volume of voids in the rubble is 40-60%.

Blockages are conditionally divided into reinforced concrete and brick. Reinforced concrete blockages consist of fragments of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal and wooden structures, fragments of brickwork, elements of technological equipment. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of large elements, often interconnected, voids and unstable elements.

Brick blockages consist of brick blocks, broken bricks, plaster, fragments of reinforced concrete, metal, and wooden structures. They are characterized by high density, the absence of large, as a rule, elements and voids.

The formation of blockages is accompanied by damage to electrical, thermal, gas, plumbing and other systems. This creates a risk of fires, explosions, floods, electric shocks. Particularly dangerous are the blockages of industrial buildings in which hazardous substances are produced or stored.

The destruction of buildings and the formation of blockages are usually accompanied by death, blocking, and injury to people. Of all the victims in the rubble, approximately 40% receive minor injuries, 20% receive moderate injuries, the same percentage receive severe and extremely severe injuries and injuries.

Fig.3. The degree of destruction of buildings: a - light damage; b - weak; c - average; g - strong; d - complete destruction.

Victims can be in the upper, middle, lower parts of the blockage, in littered basements and underground protective structures, in the technological underground and in the premises of the first floors. In some cases, they can remain on different floors of partially destroyed premises, in niches and voids, on roofs.

Fig.4. - A typical scheme for the organization of RPS in the event of the destruction of buildings and structures.

1 - cordon by the traffic police of the emergency area, posts on the roads; 2 - cordon by law enforcement agencies of the emergency zone and the object of the RPS; 3 - headquarters of the leadership (OG EMERCOM of the Russian Federation); 4 - point of medical care for lightly injured; 5 - point of medical care for seriously injured; 6 - platform for identification of victims; 7 - first-aid post for sorting the victims; 8 - path for through traffic of ambulances; 9 - path for through traffic of fire service vehicles and construction equipment; 10 - entry and exit coordination point; 11 - rest point for rescuers; 12 - point of heating of rescuers; 13 - food service for rescuers; 14 - reserve forces; 15 - point of reception of found documents and valuables; 16 - reserve equipment; 17 - platform for refueling fuel and lubricants equipment; 18 - forces and means of the necessary emergency services; 19 - areas of work; 20 - object of emergency.

Practically in all the blockages there are people, some of them die immediately, some are injured. On the first day after the emergency, in the absence of first aid, approximately 40% of the victims die in the rubble. After 3-4 days after the formation of the blockage, the living people in it begin to die from thirst, cold, and injuries. After 7-10 days, there are practically no living people left in the rubble.

Search and rescue operations in the conditions of blockages begin with reconnaissance, for which you should:

Establish the emergency zone and its nature;

Determine the location and condition of the victims;

Assess the condition of objects in the emergency zone (buildings, communications, engineering systems);

Determine the presence of fires, radioactive, chemical, bacteriological contamination, toxic and explosive substances, prevent their negative impact on people, eliminate or localize;

Determine the places for laying access roads, installing equipment, evacuation routes for victims;

Establish permanent monitoring of the state of the blockage.

Before starting the RPS in the rubble, you must:

Turn off the power supply, gas supply, water supply;

Check the condition of the remaining structures, overhanging elements, walls;

Inspect the interior;

Make sure there is no danger, create safe working conditions;

Determine escape routes in case of danger.

The technology of conducting RPS in the blockage includes the following main stages.

Stage No. 1. Study and analysis of the situation, assessment of the degree of destruction, establishment of the destruction zone, marking. Assessment of the stability of buildings and structures. Organization of safe working conditions for rescuers.

Stage number 2. Providing prompt assistance to the victims, located on the surface of the blockage.

Stage number 3. Thorough search for victims using all available search tools and methods.

Stage No. 4. Partial dismantling of the blockage using heavy equipment to provide assistance to the victims.

Stage No. 5. General dismantling (clearing) of the blockage after removing all the victims.

Marking is an important element of RPS organization in the blockage. The main markings are shown below.

The building has access and is safe for RPS. The damage is minor. The probability of further destruction is low;

The building has significant damage, some areas are safe, others require strengthening or destruction;

The building is dangerous for the RPS;

the arrow next to the square indicates the direction to the safe entrance to the structure.

The search for victims in the rubble is carried out in the following main ways: visually, according to eyewitnesses, with the help of search dogs, with the help of special devices.

After conducting reconnaissance and ensuring safe working conditions, rescuers begin to dismantle the rubble to provide assistance to the victims. First of all, RPS are carried out in those places where living people are found. In this case, two main methods are used: dismantling the blockage from top to bottom; manhole device in the rubble.

When conducting RPS in the rubble, the following tools, devices, machines and mechanisms are most often used.

Hydraulic tools: jaw spreaders, reamers, jacks, hydraulic cylinders.

Electric tools: chain and circular electric saws, angle grinders.

Trench tools: crowbars, shovels, picks, saws.

Machinery and mechanisms: truck cranes of various carrying capacity, excavators, loaders, bulldozers, trucks.

To obtain sound information during the RPS in the rubble, it is necessary to arrange the so-called "HOUR OF SILENCE". At the command of the head in the emergency zone, all work is stopped, traffic stops, all working machines and mechanisms are turned off. Only rescuers with devices to search for victims, cynologists with dogs, and “hearers” remain on the blockage. The duration of the "hour of silence" is 15-20 minutes. During the day, the "hour of silence" can be announced several times.

The demolition of the blockage from above is carried out to provide assistance to the victims, who are located in the upper part of the blockage and have free access to them. The blockage is disassembled manually using crowbars, shovels, shovels. Lifting equipment (jacks, winches, cranes) is used to lift and move large and heavy elements of the obstruction. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of sudden movement of elements of the blockage, which can cause additional suffering to the victims. After the victims are released, they are given assistance and transported to a safe place.

Often the victims are in the depths of the blockage. To extract them, rescuers make a special narrow passage (manhole), taking into account the shortest distance to people, in the most easily overcome sections of the blockage. It is not recommended to arrange a hole in the immediate vicinity of large boulders, as they can settle and make work difficult. Laz is done in horizontal, inclined and vertical directions. The optimal width of the manhole is 0.8-0.9 m, height is 0.9-1.0 m. Work on the device of the manhole is carried out by several groups (3-4 people each) manually or using a tool. Their task includes dismantling the blockage, making a manhole, preparing and installing fasteners, removing wreckage, releasing the victims, and transporting them. The movement of rescuers during the construction of a manhole is carried out on all fours, crawling lying on their backs, on their stomachs, on their sides. If the movement of rescuers is hindered by large reinforced concrete, metal, wood, brick products, then they must be bypassed, if this is not possible, then destroyed, in some cases a hole can be made in them.

When constructing a manhole, special attention should be paid to its reliable fastening in order to prevent the collapse of the walls. For this, a special, pre-prepared fastening material is used - racks, struts, boards, beams, shields, crossbars, struts.

When constructing a manhole, the movement of rescuers and equipment along the upper part of the blockage is not allowed.

After completing work on the device of the manhole and fixing the passage, rescuers begin to free people. First of all, the condition of the victim and the degree of his injury are determined. Then the pressed or pinched parts of the body are released with the simultaneous application of tourniquets and compressive bandages, the mouth and nose are cleaned, small fragments, debris, rubble are removed from the victim by hand. Depending on the physical condition of the victim, the method of its extraction and transportation is selected.

At least two rescuers must free the victim from the rubble. If there is such an opportunity, then it is pulled out by the hands or the upper shoulder girdle. If this is not possible, then the rescuers bring their hands under his shoulder girdle and lower back, and only then carefully release the victim. Sometimes it is advisable to use a dense fabric for laying the victim or a stretcher.

If the victim is under large and heavy elements of the blockage, then he is released with the help of spreaders, jacks, lifting equipment. In cases where the victim is pinned to the ground, he can be released by digging.

Injuries characteristic of people trapped in rubble are fractures, bruises, concussion. A specific injury is considered to be prolonged squeezing of muscles and internal organs - prolonged squeezing syndrome.

This type of injury is characterized by the cessation of blood flow and metabolism in compressed areas of the body, which leads to the intensive formation and accumulation of toxic decay products, tissue destruction, and the formation of under-oxidized metabolic products. When the compressed area of ​​the body is released and blood circulation is restored, a huge amount of toxins enter the body. It directly depends on the area of ​​the affected areas and the time of compression. Along with the outflow of toxins from the affected areas, a large amount of blood plasma rushes to these places (sometimes 3-4 liters). The limbs sharply increase in volume, the contours of the muscles are disturbed, the edema acquires a maximum density, which causes pain. The described redistribution of toxins and blood plasma leads to inhibition of the activity of all body systems and is the cause of death of the victim in the first minutes after being released from the rubble.

Simultaneously with the formation of toxic substances in the affected muscles, myoglobin molecules are formed. Together with the blood, they enter the kidneys, damaging their tubules, which can cause death from kidney failure.

In order to save the life of the victim during prolonged tissue compression, it is necessary to inject plasma-containing solutions into the blood before release, give plenty of warm drink, and apply cold to the damaged areas. Immediately after release, the compressed surface should be bandaged tightly to reduce swelling and limit the amount of redistributed plasma. Regardless of the presence or absence of damaged bones, splints are applied, cold, painkillers are applied, the issue of delivering the victim to a medical institution, which must have an “artificial kidney” apparatus, is promptly resolved.

It is very important for the rescuer to know the exact time of the onset of compression, since during the first two hours the consequences of this injury are reversible and not dangerous to humans. During this time, rescuers must release as many people as possible.


The quality of rescue and other types of work in the emergency zone depends on the life and health of people involved in emergency conditions in one way or another. In order to ensure prompt, coordinated actions of all services involved in the elimination of the consequences of emergencies, as well as to guarantee the professional and social protection of rescuers, the highest state bodies of the Russian Federation adopted a number of regulations governing the procedure for carrying out work and indicating the status of employees of rescue units. In particular, the Federal Law of August 22, 1995 N151-FZ "On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers" establishes a number of principles for the activities of emergency rescue services and formations, determines the powers of the leaders of the emergency response process, and introduces a set of guarantees for rescue workers.

To achieve the greatest efficiency of work at the scene of an emergency, a set of measures is required, including a legislative framework, economic support funds, special technical support, and communication facilities. No less important is the organizational aspect, which makes it possible to coordinate the actions of special rescue services of different levels in emergency conditions.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia has a fairly large experience in working in a variety of emergency situations, including unique experience in rescuing Arctic expeditions, eliminating the consequences of island and shelf earthquakes, major floods, etc. But, as statistics show, the number of accidents and other emergencies is not decreasing. In many ways, this circumstance is explained by the difficult economic situation, the depreciation of the main production and housing funds, and communications. Given the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to improve the system of civil defense and emergency situations, strengthen comprehensive state support for rescue services, and increase the process of exchanging best international experience in organizing rescue and other urgent work.


1. Federal Law "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies" (adopted by the State Duma on November 11, 1994).

2. Regional law "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies" (adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region on July 25, 1996).

3. Decree of the Government of the Kaluga Region dated 21.12.2007. No. 333 "On measures for the implementation of the Agreement between the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the Government of the Kaluga Region".

4. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 23.12.2005. No. 999 "On approval of the procedure for the creation of emergency rescue teams."

5. Emergency management of public health after natural disasters. Washington, Pan American Health Organization Scientific Publication, 1981. - 276 p.

6. Barinov A.V. Natural emergencies. - M.: Vlada, 2003. - 233 p.

7. Belov A.V. and other Safety of life. - M.: Higher school, 1999. - 189 p.

8. Disaster management: The role of local health personnel and the community. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1989. - 311 p.

9. V. V. Polishko, N. A. Buyanov "Fundamentals of life safety" Smolensk, 1995. - 89 p.

10. Gafner VV Dangers of a social nature and protection from them: textbook. allowance / V. V. Gafner, S. V. Petrov, L. I. Zabara. - M. : Flinta: Nauka, 2012. - 320 p.

11. "Civil defense" Akimov, Shirshiev, Atamanyuk. 1999. - 234 p.

12. Gubanov V. M. Emergencies of a social nature and protection from them: textbook. allowance / V. M. Gubanov, L. A. Mikhailov, V. P. Solomin. - M.: Bustard, 2007. - 285 p.

13. Korshunov A. A. Emergencies in Russia. - Obninsk: VNNIIGMI-MTsD, 2002. - 490 p.

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Conducting RPS can cause the need to move rescuers in the conditions of blockages. The route of movement is selected taking into account the shortest distance to the place of work, in the absence of unstable elements and additional obstacles on the way.

When moving through a blockage, rescuers must exercise extreme caution, as it can be fraught with many unexpected things:

Victims and material values;

Collapse of surviving, unstable fragments of buildings and elements of buildings;

Voids and their subsidence;

Explosions as a result of the accumulation of combustible and explosive gases in voids;

Fire and smoke;

Damaged utility networks, product pipelines;

Harmful substances, including AHOV.

When moving in the immediate vicinity of the blockage, special attention should be paid to the surviving fragments of buildings, since they represent an increased danger. This is due to the possibility of their sudden collapse. No less dangerous are damaged utility systems. In some cases, there is a risk of fire, explosion or poisoning.

When moving along the surface of the blockage, the optimal and safe route is chosen. Particular attention is paid to the choice of the place of setting the legs. You need to step only on securely lying objects. In some cases, the remains of buildings, boards, pipes, fittings should be removed from the road.

It is impossible to move in conditions of blockage, enter destroyed buildings, and be near them unnecessarily. Do not run, jump, or throw heavy objects at the blockage. This can cause injury to rescuers and create an additional threat to the health and life of the victims who are in the rubble.

In cases where partially destroyed buildings remain in the RPS area, it is necessary to provide assistance to the people who are in them. To do this, rescuers must assess the reliability of buildings, determine the methods of movement, extraction and evacuation of victims.

3.Search and rescue operations in the conditions of rubble

According to the degree of destruction of buildings, the blockages are divided into five types.

Light damage: thin cracks appear on the walls of buildings, plaster is sprinkled, small pieces break off, glass in windows is damaged.

Weak destruction: small cracks in the walls, quite large pieces of plaster break off, the roof is partially damaged, glass in the windows is completely broken.

Medium destruction: large cracks in the walls of buildings, collapse of chimneys, partial fall of the roof.

Strong destruction: collapse of internal partitions and walls, gaps in walls, collapse of parts of buildings, destruction of connections between parts of buildings, collapse of the roof.

Complete destruction.

Before starting the RPS in the rubble, you must:

turn off the power supply, gas supply, water supply;

check the condition of the remaining structures, overhanging elements;

inspect the interior;

make sure there is no danger, create safe working conditions;

determine evacuation routes in case of danger

The technology of conducting RPS in the blockage includes the following main stages.

Stage No. 1. Study and analysis of the situation, assessment of the degree of destruction, establishment of the destruction zone, marking. Assessment of the stability of buildings and structures. Organization of safe working conditions for rescuers.

Stage number 2. Providing prompt assistance to the victims, located on the surface of the blockage.

Stage number 3. Thorough search for victims using all available search tools and methods.

Stage No. 4. Partial dismantling of the blockage using heavy equipment to provide assistance to the victims.

Stage No. 5. General dismantling (clearing) of the blockage after removing all the victims.

Quite often, RPS has to be carried out in the conditions of blockages. Blockage is a chaotic heap of building materials and structures, fragments of technological equipment, sanitary devices, furniture, household utensils, stones.

The reason for the formation of blockages can be natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms, landslides, landslides, mudflows), the effects of natural factors leading to aging and corrosion of materials (atmospheric moisture, groundwater, subsiding soils, sudden changes in temperature air), errors at the design and construction stage, violations of the rules for the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of damage to buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, and the degree of wear (aging) of buildings.

According to the degree of destruction of buildings, the blockages are divided into five types.

1. Light damage: thin cracks appear on the walls of buildings, crumble
plaster, small pieces break off, glass in the windows is damaged.

2. Weak fracture: small cracks in the walls, chip off quite
large pieces of plaster, cracks appear in the chimneys, some of them
the roof collapses, the roof is partially damaged, the glass in the windows is completely broken.

3. Medium destruction: large cracks in the walls of buildings, collapse of flue
pipes, partial fall of the roof.

4. Strong destruction: collapse of internal partitions and walls, breaks in the wall
nah, collapse of parts of buildings, destruction of connections between parts of buildings, collapse

5. Complete destruction.

Blockages are continuous and separate (local). The volume of blockages in the destruction of residential buildings is 35-50%, industrial - 15-20% of the construction volume. The height of the blockages of residential buildings is 1/5-1/7, industrial buildings - 1/4-1/10 of their original height. The average slope angle of blockages is 30°. The volume of voids in the rubble is 40-60%.

Blockages are conditionally divided into reinforced concrete and brick. Reinforced concrete blockages consist of fragments of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal and wooden structures, fragments of brickwork, elements of technological equipment. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of large elements, often interconnected, voids and unstable elements.

Brick blockages consist of brick blocks, broken bricks, plaster, fragments of reinforced concrete, metal, and wooden structures. They are characterized by high density, the absence of large, as a rule, elements and voids.

The formation of blockages is accompanied by damage to electrical, thermal, gas, plumbing and other systems. This creates a risk of fires, explosions, floods, electric shocks. Particularly dangerous are the blockages of industrial buildings in which hazardous substances are produced or stored.

The destruction of buildings and the formation of blockages are usually accompanied by death, blocking, and injury to people. Of all the victims in the rubble, approximately 40% receive minor injuries, 20% receive moderate injuries, the same percentage receive severe and extremely severe injuries and injuries.

Chapter 3

Content | Index

The degree of destruction of buildings:

a - slight damage; b - weak; c - average; g - strong; d - complete destruction

Victims can be in the upper, middle, lower parts of the blockage, in littered basements and underground protective structures, in the technological underground and in the premises of the first floors. In some cases, they can remain on different floors of partially destroyed premises, in niches and voids, on roofs.

Chapter 3

Organization and conduct of search and rescue operations

Content | Index

A typical scheme for organizing RPS in the event of the destruction of buildings and structures:

1 - cordon by the traffic police of the emergency area, posts on the roads;

2 - cordon by law enforcement agencies of the emergency zone and
the object of the RPS; 3 - headquarters of the leadership (OG EMERCOM of the Russian Federation);

4 - point of medical care for lightly injured;

5 - point of medical care for seriously injured;

6 - platform for identification of victims; 7 - first-aid post with
rotation of the victims; 8 - path for through traffic of cars
ambulance mobiles; 9 - way for through traffic
fire service vehicles and construction equipment;
10 - entry and exit coordination point; 11 - rest point
rescuers; 12 - point of heating of rescuers; 13th item pita
rescuers; 14 - reserve forces; 15 - collection point found
documents and valuables; 16 - reserve equipment; 17 - platform for
corrections of fuel and lubricants equipment; 18 - forces and means of necessary ava
military services; 19 - areas of work; 20 - object of emergency

Practically in all the blockages there are people, some of them die immediately, some are injured. On the first day after the emergency, in the absence of first aid, approximately 40% of the victims die in the rubble. After 3-4 days after the formation of the blockage, the living people in it begin to die from thirst, cold, and injuries. After 7-10 days, there are practically no living people left in the rubble.

Search and rescue operations in the conditions of blockages begin with reconnaissance, for which you should:

Establish the emergency zone and its nature;

Determine the location and condition of the victims;

Assess the condition of objects in the emergency zone (buildings, communications, engineering

Determine the presence of fires, radioactive, chemical, bacteriological
contamination, poisonous and explosive substances, to prevent them from
negative impact on people, eliminate or localize;

Determine the places for laying access roads, installing equipment, evacuation routes
ation of the victims;

Establish permanent monitoring of the state of the blockage.

Before starting the RPS in the rubble, you must:

- turn off the power supply, gas supply, water supply;

- check the status of the remaining structures, overhanging elements
tov, walls;

- inspect the interior;

- make sure there is no danger, create safe working conditions

- determine evacuation routes in case of danger

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Chapter 3 Organization and conduct of search and rescue operations

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The technology of conducting RPS in the blockage includes the following main stages.

Stage No. 1. Study and analysis of the situation, assessment of the degree of destruction, establishment of the destruction zone, marking. Assessment of the stability of buildings and structures. Organization of safe working conditions for rescuers.

Stage number 2. Providing prompt assistance to the victims, located on the surface of the blockage.

Stage number 3. Thorough search for victims using all available search tools and methods.

Stage No. 4. Partial dismantling of the blockage using heavy equipment to provide assistance to the victims.

Stage No. 5. General dismantling (clearing) of the blockage after removing all the victims.

Marking is an important element of RPS organization in the blockage. Main

markings are shown below.

□ - the building has access and is safe for RPS. The damage is minor. The probability of further destruction is low;

0 - the building has significant damage, some areas are safe, others require strengthening or destruction;

^ - the structure is dangerous for RPS;

< -стрелка рядом с квадратом указывает направление к безопасному входу в строение.

The search for victims in the rubble is carried out in the following main ways: visually, according to eyewitnesses, with the help of search dogs, with the help of special devices.

After conducting reconnaissance and ensuring safe working conditions, rescuers begin to dismantle the rubble to provide assistance to the victims. First of all, RPS are carried out in those places where living people are found. This uses two main methods: demolition of the blockage from top to bottom; manhole device in the rubble.

When conducting RPS in the rubble, the following tools, devices, machines and mechanisms are most often used.

Hydraulic tools: jaw spreaders, reamers, jacks, hydraulic cylinders.

Electric tools: chain and circular electric saws, angle grinders.

Trench tools: crowbars, shovels, picks, saws.

Machinery and mechanisms: truck cranes of various carrying capacity, excavators, loaders, bulldozers, trucks.

To obtain sound information during the RPS in the rubble, it is necessary to arrange the so-called "HOUR OF SILENCE". At the command of the head in the emergency zone, all work is stopped, traffic stops, all working machines and mechanisms are turned off. Only rescuers with devices to search for victims, cynologists with dogs, and “hearers” remain on the blockage. The duration of the "hour of silence" is 15-20 minutes. During the day, the "hour of silence" can be announced several times. The “Hour of Silence” was successfully used by rescuers of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations during the RPS in the conditions of rubble after the earthquake in the village of Neftegorsk

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Chapter 3

Organization and conduct of search and rescue operations

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The demolition of the blockage from above is carried out to provide assistance to the victims, who are located in the upper part of the blockage and have free access to them. The blockage is disassembled manually using crowbars, shovels, shovels. Lifting equipment (jacks, winches, cranes) is used to lift and move large and heavy elements of the obstruction. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of sudden movement of elements of the blockage, which can cause additional suffering to the victims. After the victims are released, they are given assistance and transported to a safe place.

Often the victims are in the depths of the blockage. To extract them, rescuers make a special narrow passage (manhole), taking into account the shortest distance to people, in the most easily overcome sections of the blockage. It is not recommended to arrange a hole in the immediate vicinity of large boulders, as they can settle and make work difficult. Laz is done in horizontal, inclined and vertical directions. The optimal width of the manhole is 0.8-0.9 m, height is 0.9-1.0 m. Work on the device of the manhole is carried out by several groups (3-4 people each) manually or using a tool. Their task includes dismantling the blockage, making a manhole, preparing and installing fasteners, removing wreckage, releasing the victims, and transporting them. The movement of rescuers during the construction of a manhole is carried out on all fours, crawling lying on their backs, on their stomachs, on their sides. If the movement of rescuers is hindered by large reinforced concrete, metal, wood, brick products, then they must be bypassed, if this is not possible, then destroyed, in some cases a hole can be made in them.

When constructing a manhole, special attention should be paid to its reliable fastening in order to prevent the collapse of the walls. For this, a special, pre-prepared fastening material is used - racks, struts, boards, beams, shields, crossbars, struts.

When constructing a manhole, the movement of rescuers and equipment along the upper part of the blockage is not allowed.

After completing work on the device of the manhole and fixing the passage, rescuers begin to free people. First of all, the condition of the victim and the degree of his injury are determined. Then the pressed or pinched parts of the body are released with the simultaneous application of tourniquets and compressive bandages, the mouth and nose are cleaned, small fragments, debris, rubble are removed from the victim by hand. Depending on the physical condition of the victim, the method of its extraction and transportation is selected.

At least two rescuers must free the victim from the rubble. If there is such an opportunity, then it is pulled out by the hands or the upper shoulder girdle. If this is not possible, then the rescuers bring their hands under his shoulder girdle and lower back, and only then carefully release the victim. Sometimes it is advisable to use a dense fabric for laying the victim or a stretcher.

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Chapter 3 Organization and conduct of search and rescue operations

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If the victim is under large and heavy elements of the blockage, then he is released with the help of spreaders, jacks, lifting equipment. In cases where the victim is pinned to the ground, he can be released by digging.

Injuries characteristic of people trapped in rubble are fractures, bruises, concussion. A specific injury is considered to be prolonged squeezing of muscles and internal organs - long-term squeezing syndrome.

This type of injury is characterized by the cessation of blood flow and metabolism in compressed areas of the body, which leads to the intensive formation and accumulation of toxic decay products, tissue destruction, and the formation of under-oxidized metabolic products. When the compressed area of ​​the body is released and blood circulation is restored, a huge amount of toxins enter the body. It directly depends on the area of ​​the affected areas and the time of compression. Along with the outflow of toxins from the affected areas, a large amount of blood plasma rushes to these places (sometimes 3-4 liters). The limbs sharply increase in volume, the contours of the muscles are disturbed, the edema acquires a maximum density, which causes pain. The described redistribution of toxins and blood plasma leads to inhibition of the activity of all body systems and is the cause of death of the victim in the first minutes after being released from the rubble.

Simultaneously with the formation of toxic substances in the affected muscles, molecules are formed myoglobin. Together with the blood, they enter the kidneys, damaging their tubules, which can cause death from kidney failure.

In order to save the life of the victim during prolonged tissue compression, it is necessary to inject plasma-containing solutions into the blood before release, give plenty of warm drink, and apply cold to the damaged areas. Immediately after release, the compressed surface should be bandaged tightly to reduce swelling and limit the amount of redistributed plasma. Regardless of the presence or absence of damaged bones, splints are applied, cold, painkillers are applied, the issue of delivering the victim to a medical institution, which must have an “artificial kidney” apparatus, is promptly resolved.

It is very important for the rescuer to know the exact time of the onset of compression, since during the first two hours the consequences of this injury are reversible and not dangerous to humans. During this time, rescuers must release as many people as possible.

A rational method of assisting victims with prolonged compression syndrome is the following.

1. During the first 2 hours after the start of the disaster, it is necessary to mobilize all
forces and means to release the victims from compression, which will ensure light
minimizing the development of toxicosis.

2. After 2 hours, all victims should be divided into 2 groups (with mild and severe
desired forms of injury). The nature of the injury is determined by the mass of compressed tissues
and general condition of the victim.

Victims with a mild form of injury should be quickly released from squeezing and sent to a medical facility.

Victims with a severe form of injury must be released from squeezing so as not to stimulate blood circulation in damaged tissues for the period of transportation. Assistance is required slowly, consistently performing anesthesia, introducing plasma-containing solutions into the body, using plenty of fluids, bandaging the affected limb, cooling, tourniquet, splints.

3. Seriously ill patients need resuscitation therapy and surgery.
Therefore, they should be sent to stationary medical institutions.

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Chapter 3

Organization and conduct of search and rescue operations

If it is impossible to transport a seriously ill patient to a medical institution, then one should start amputating the limb on the spot without removing the tourniquet, having obtained the consent of the victim.

The described technique makes it possible to prevent the development of toxicosis and save the life of as many victims as possible.

Partially destroyed buildings and structures remain in the emergency zone. They are a potential hazard due to a possible sudden collapse. These structures must be reinforced with special devices (stops, props, struts) or collapsed. The collapse is carried out in three main ways using:


Traction device (winches, tractors, cars);

Explosive work must be carried out by specially trained rescuers. The areas where these activities are carried out must be fenced off.

Many buildings and structures are equipped with basements, shelters, technological underground, in which people can find themselves. The resulting blockages, as a rule, close the exits, impede the access of air, and make it impossible for people to independently exit these shelters. Rescuers are responsible for:

Search for littered shelters;

Finding out the situation inside the shelter (the number of people, their condition,
damage and shelter stump, availability of water, food, medicines);

Organization of the supply of air, water, food, medicines, dressings to the shelter
ny materials, means of protection;

Clearing, opening shelters, evacuation of victims, rendering assistance to them.
The search for littered shelters is carried out using the plans of the city, district,

streets, according to external signs (air intake pipes), according to sound signals (shout, moan, knock), using dogs.

After finding a shelter, contact is established with the victims (voice, tapping, radio or telephone). At the same time, rescuers begin to clear and open shelters. First of all, they are released and dis-

the locations of hatches, doors, heads, openings, air intake pipes are cleaned. If this is not possible, then the rescuers punch holes in the wall or ceiling. These works are carried out with the help of a concrete breaker, a jackhammer, a perforator, a crowbar, a sledgehammer, a chisel, a shovel. The holes are used to supply air, water, food, medicines. After their expansion, they are used to evacuate people.

Explosion wall collapse

When carrying out RPS in the rubble, machines and mechanisms are often used. With their help, passages and driveways are cleared, heavy structural elements are moved and collapsed, rescuers and victims are moved.

Work to rescue people located in partially destroyed ground structures at a height begins with an inspection and verification of the degree of damage to the external capital walls and overhanging structures, internal premises, determining the location of people and the possibility of their evacuation. If necessary, the walls, beams, trusses, floors are strengthened by installing props, racks, braces, stretch marks. The main means of lifting rescuers to a height is a ladder.

Making a hole in the wall of the shelter

When using the ladder, you must:

Securely install and secure it;

Put your foot on the step with the middle or front of the foot;

Cover the steps or side racks of the stairs with your fingers; - Keep
body body closer to the stairs;

Turn your knees behind the side racks of the stairs;

Move smoothly without swaying.

The movement of rescuers on the stairs is carried out in a one-sided or diagonal way. The one-sided method consists in the simultaneous transfer to the next step of the right foot and right hand or left foot and left hand. Diagonal way - in the simultaneous transfer to the next step of the right foot and left hand or left foot and right hand.

Chapter 3

Organization and conduct of search and rescue operations

Opening device in the ceiling

You need to move along securely fixed stairs, equipped with anti-slip stops, grippers and installed on reliable lower and upper supports. Safe installation angle - 75°. The stairs are usually ascended or descended one at a time.

The transition of the rescuer from the stairs to the window (opening) is carried out as follows. Having climbed the stairs to the level of the window sill (lower edge of the opening), holding on to the stairs with one hand, you should stand with your foot on the window sill (edge ​​of the opening) and at the same time, holding the edge of the wall with your other hand, move your foot from the stairs and lower yourself to the floor.

If the window is closed or barred, then the rescuer must attach himself to the ladder at the level of the window, open it and then enter the room.

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Chapter 3

Organization and conduct of search and rescue operations

The transition from the stairs to the roof is performed in this order. The rescuer climbs the stairs slightly above the level of the roof eaves. Holding his hand on the ladder (if there is a gutter - on it), he puts one foot on the roof, then the other.

To go from the window (opening) and from the roof to the ladder, the rescuer must go to the upper end of the ladder, grab the upper step from the outside with one hand, press against the ladder, turn 180 ° facing the ladder, put one foot on the step, take the other hand on the step and move the other leg to the step.

The rise of rescuers to the upper floors of buildings can be carried out using an assault ladder. It has 13 steps and is equipped with a special hook with teeth, with which it is fixed to the window sill (opening).

Installation of the assault ladder in the window of the second floor is carried out by raising it and fixing it with a hook to the window sill on the right side of the window. After hanging the ladder, the rescuer begins climbing it. When entering the window sill, the right leg should be in position on the ninth (tenth) step, hands - on the thirteenth step. Holding the step with your hands, the left leg must be moved over the window sill and sit on it astride, straighten the right leg, go into the room.

The rise of rescuers to the third and subsequent floors is carried out in the following order. In a sitting position on the windowsill, with your right hand, you need to grab the side stand above the twelfth step or this step, with your left hand - a hook or three

Evacuation of victims from a partially destroyed building:

1 - by helicopter; 2 - mechanical lift; 3 - on the assault ladder; 4 - on the ropes; 5 - on ladders; 6 - through the hole

Chapter 3

Organization and conduct of search and rescue operations

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eleventh step. With a strong jerk with both hands and extension of the body, raise the ladder and turn it with a hook towards you, moving your hands alternately along the side stand, raise the ladder to the hook position 15-20 cm above the window sill, turn the ladder with a hook into the window and hang it on the right half of the window.

Evacuation of victims from the upper floors of buildings using rope (cable) roads

The transition from the window sill to the stairs is carried out in this order:

Put your right foot on the first step;

Take the fourth (fifth) step with your left hand from the inside;

With your right hand, grab the fifth (sixth) step from the outside and under
go up to straighten the right leg, put the left leg on the windowsill near the side
howling rack;

Pushing off with the left foot from the window sill and pulling up on the hands, the right leg
put on the third (fourth) step and continue climbing.

Upon reaching the predetermined floor, the rescuer must sit on the window sill, lower the left leg to the floor, grab the hook with the left hand and move the right leg to the window.

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Chapter 3 Organization and conduct of search and rescue operations

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The descent along the assault ladder is carried out in the following order:

Move the right leg over the window sill;

Sit on the windowsill astride;

Grasp the top step with your hands;

Put your right foot on the ninth (tenth)

Straighten the body and move the left leg to
tenth (ninth) step;

Go down the stairs to the bottom

Move your left leg over the windowsill and sit down
riding on him;

Grasp with your right hand the left side post above the third step, left
hand - for the right side post above the same step;

Raise the ladder, turn it with a hook towards you, turning over the side stands with your hands.
ki, lower the ladder to the position of the hook overhead, turn the ladder with the hook in
window and hang it on the windowsill;

Exit the stairs and drop to the ground;

Grasp the side racks above the third step, raise the ladder by 15-20
cm, disengage the hook from the window sill, lower the ladder.

To rescue people who are on the roof, rescuers go up to them using:

Ladders (attached, assault, retractable, hinged, rope);

Rope systems;

Special lifts;

Surviving flights of stairs, fire escapes, structures.

In some cases, a helicopter is used to rescue people on the roof.


The main task of rescuers in the aftermath of emergencies is to organize and conduct a prompt search for victims and provide them with timely assistance.

Quite often, RPS has to be carried out in the conditions of blockages. Blockage is a chaotic heap of building materials and structures, fragments of technological equipment, sanitary devices, furniture, household utensils, stones.

The reason for the formation of blockages can be natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms, landslides, landslides, mudflows), the effects of natural factors leading to aging and corrosion of materials (atmospheric moisture, groundwater, subsiding soils, sudden changes in temperature air), errors at the design and construction stage, violations of the rules for the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of damage to buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, and the degree of wear (aging) of buildings.

The search for victims under the rubble of destroyed buildings is a set of actions of the personnel of search units aimed at detecting and clarifying the location of people, their functional state and the amount of assistance needed.

The search for victims is carried out by the forces of specially trained rescue search units (groups, units, crews) after reconnaissance, engineering reconnaissance of the lesion and the object of work.

RPS organization activities depend on the specific emergency situation and include the following main stages:

obtaining and analyzing information about emergencies, making decisions;

movement of rescuers and equipment to the place of work;

direct implementation of the RPS;

release of victims, their transportation;

providing first aid to the victims and their evacuation;

rescue of material values;

localization of the source of emergencies, carrying out emergency recovery work.

Search and rescue and emergency recovery work begins immediately upon the arrival of rescuers in the emergency zone. They must be carried out continuously and in any conditions that ensure the safety of the rescuers.

Carrying out search and rescue operations (PSR)

Depending on the availability of appropriate forces and means, search operations can be carried out in the following ways:

continuous visual inspection of the rescue work site (object, building);

using specially trained dogs (canine method);

using special search devices (technical method);

according to eyewitnesses;

A continuous visual inspection of the rescue work site (object, building) can be carried out by search and rescue, reconnaissance or a unit (platoon, group, crew) specially organized for this purpose. The composition of the assigned unit is determined based on the area and height of the surveyed blockage, the nature of the destruction of the building, its functional affiliation, the meteorological situation, the time of year and day at the time of the search, and a number of other reasons.

To survey the territory of the object or area of ​​work, a calculation consisting of 2-3 people is sent. The search area is divided into lanes assigned to each calculation. The width of the search strip depends on a number of factors (the nature of the obstruction, traffic conditions, visibility, etc.) and can be 20-50 m. The most rational way to perform work is to move the scouts in pairs zigzag (Fig. 1).

The speed of scouts can be 1-2 km/h.

The crew is equipped with means of communication and personal protection, entrenching tools, means of indicating the location of the victims, means of first aid. In some cases, search parties may be equipped with climbing and fire equipment.

During a visual inspection, within the boundaries of the search strip, the surface and voids-niches, recesses, free spaces under large debris, especially near the preserved walls of dilapidated buildings, are carefully examined. Inspection should be accompanied by periodic giving of the established sound signal or a shout.

Search area boundary

Calculation movement route

20 - 50m 20 - 50m 20 - 50m 20 - 50m 20 - 50m

Rice. 1. Scheme of a continuous visual inspection of the rescue area.

The search for victims using service dogs (cynological) is carried out by the search and rescue service (SRS), consisting of an instructor-cynologist (leader) and a dog, and is based on the use of high sensitivity of the olfactory organs of dogs, which can detect the exit points of the body odor of the victim on the surface blockage. A trained dog, after an appropriate course of training, marks these places with its characteristic behavior, for example: barking, whining or following the command “Sit”.

The search for victims using dogs can be used in the course of reconnaissance of the destruction zone before the start of the main rescue operations, during rescue operations in order to clarify and correct rescue operations and for control after the completion of rescue operations.

Depending on the direction of air movement in the surface layer of the atmosphere, the search includes three main tactics: search by “corridor” (shuttle), search by “fan” and search by “spiral”.

"Shuttle" search allows dogs to use the headwind from different angles. The other two techniques "fan" and "spiral" can be effective in more complex wind (climatic) conditions.

Depending on the complexity of the blockage, its size, fractionation, voidness and the number of calculations, various options for organizing a cynological search can be used: single, group and sequential. In a single search, one calculation is used to locate victims. However, this option is not reliable enough, as the dog may be injured or need to rest after working in a smoky or gassed room. All this can make the search difficult or give no result at all. In this regard, for conducting search operations with the use of specially trained dogs, a group or sequential option should be used.

With a group search option, all available calculations work, which, breaking the blockage into separate sections, gradually examine the entire volume of the blockage. This approach is expedient with a large number of cynological calculations, relatively small volumes of blockages (one or two destroyed buildings) and short search terms.

In case of large-scale destruction, when the possible terms of prospecting work will exceed one shift (10-12 hours), a sequential variant of the search organization should be used. To this end, the entire personnel of the search units is divided into groups of 3-5 crews each. The search is carried out according to a sliding schedule, according to which the calculations replace each other in about 40-45 minutes, while 2-3 calculations are constantly working, and 1-2 are resting. This approach allows you to maintain a high search rate at the expense of a fresh or rested reserve.

The calculation of forces and means should be made on the basis of the following main indicators of the performance of cynological calculations:

the time of detection of the victim in the territory of the blockage of 100X100 m at the height of the blockage of 3-5 m is not more than 30 minutes;

the time of continuous operation of the calculation is not more than 45 minutes;

number of search cycles lasting up to 45 minutes per 8 hours of operation - not

rest time between search cycles up to - 15 min.

Dogs are most suitable for these purposes, which, in addition to a good sense of smell, are distinguished by obedience, precise execution of commands and strong nerves.

The experience of search and rescue operations shows that the use of dogs is most effective during the first four to five days after the collapse of the building. In the future, the effectiveness of their use is reduced, both due to the fatigue of the animals themselves, and due to the high concentration of "cadaverous smell". The work of dogs can be complicated by the presence of a large amount of broken glass, fragments of concrete, metal rods in the rubble, which leads to their injury during work.

Search using special search instruments (technical method) is based on their registration of physical properties characteristic of human life. Among them, acoustic, radio wave and optical should be distinguished. At present, acoustic search devices have received the greatest development and distribution. In our country, to replace the former devices such as TP-15, “Vibrofon-3”, “Sound”, “Poisk”, at present, an acoustic device specially developed by ABIGAR is supplied to equip the civil defense troops and search and rescue units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia search "Bearing-1".

The principle of operation of such devices is based on the registration of acoustic and seismic signals given by the victims (screams, groans, blows to the elements of the blockage). Devices of this type, as a rule, consist of three main elements: a receiving device (microphone, sensor), a transducer amplifier and an output device (headphones, indicators). Search devices based on registration of oscillations are designed to work in media with elastic forms (building structures, rocks). They have seismic or acoustic sensors installed during operation on a solid surface or in a cavity (void) in a blockage. The impacts made on the structural elements of the destroyed building by the victims come in the form of elastic vibrations to the surface being examined and are recorded on the indicator scale of the device.

The search for victims based on eyewitness accounts consists in interviewing persons who are able to provide information about the location of the victims, whom they themselves saw (heard) or about their most likely location at the time of the destructive impact. Such persons may be: rescued (released) victims;

tenants of the house, entrance (neighbors who were affected); employees of enterprises and employees of institutions who were outside the buildings at the time of their destruction; representatives of the enterprise administration;

employees of institutions for the operation of residential buildings; teachers and educators of school and children's institutions, as well as other persons who have written and oral information about crowded places at the time of the destruction of buildings; eyewitnesses (witnesses) - bystanders and children who happened to be near the destroyed building.

Interviewing eyewitnesses is carried out by units assigned for this purpose or specially formed groups of rescuers. During the interview of eyewitnesses, the following data are clarified: the number and location of victims; the shortest and safest ways (routes) of access to them; the condition of the victims and the assistance they require; the conditions of the situation in the locations of the victims and the presence of a risk of exposure to secondary damaging factors.

The survey data is included in the reports on the results of the search for victims and is used to clarify and correct the actions of other search and rescue units and formations.

Representatives of units (groups) involved in interviewing eyewitnesses should work in the following places: at search and rescue facilities; at collection points for the casualties; in medical centers and medical institutions; in tent camps and in places of temporary accommodation of people; at the points of landing of evacuees on transport.

In cases where the zone of responsibility of such a unit (group) includes a residential building that has been destroyed, the commander of the unit (group), if possible, should have a list of its residents indicating their exact address (number of the entrance, floor, apartment) and place of work (study ). This list can be obtained from employees of institutions for the operation of residential buildings and supplemented with the necessary information with their participation.

When carrying out search and rescue operations in the zone of destruction of buildings of industrial enterprises and administrative buildings, such lists, in addition to the names of workers and employees, must contain information about the exact place of work and the time of work of each. Lists can be obtained from officials or administration (heads) of shops and departments, foremen, heads of other staff units, school directors and heads of children's institutions, and other persons.

Based on the results of the search by any of the considered methods, the commander of the unit (group, calculation) draws up a report in the form of a diagram (plan) of the area or section with a legend that includes the necessary information about the places and conditions of the victims (including the dead), their number and condition, the danger of exposure to secondary damaging factors, as well as possible methods and approximate volumes of providing the victims with the necessary assistance.

blockage called a chaotic heap of building materials and structures, technological equipment, sanitary devices, furniture, household utensils, stones. The reason for the formation of blockages can be natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms, landslides, landslides, mudflows), the effects of natural factors leading to aging and corrosion of materials (atmospheric moisture, groundwater, subsiding soils, sudden changes in temperature air), errors at the design and construction stage, violations of the rules for the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of destruction of buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, the degree of wear (aging) of buildings

blockages happen solid and separate ( local). The volume of blockages in the destruction of residential buildings is 35-50%, industrial - 15-20% of the construction volume. The height of the blockages of residential buildings is 1/5 - 1/7, industrial - 1/4 - 1/10 of their original height. The average slope angle of the blockages is 30°. The volume of voids in the rubble is 40-60%. Blockages are conditionally divided into reinforced concrete and brick. Reinforced concrete blockages consist of fragments of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal and wooden structures, fragments of brickwork, elements of technological equipment. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of large elements, often interconnected, voids and unstable elements. Brick blockages consist of brick blocks, broken bricks, plaster, fragments of reinforced concrete, metal, and wooden structures. They are characterized by high density, the absence of large, as a rule, elements and voids.

Education rubble accompanied by damage to electrical, thermal, gas, plumbing and other systems. This creates a risk of fires, explosions, floods, electric shocks. Particularly dangerous are the blockages of industrial buildings in which hazardous substances are produced or stored. The destruction of buildings and the formation of blockages is usually accompanied by blocking, injury and death of people. Victims can be in the upper, middle, lower parts of the blockage, in littered basements and underground protective structures, in the technological underground and in the premises of the first floors. In some cases, they can remain on different floors of partially destroyed premises, in niches and voids, on roofs.

Poiskovo-rescue work in the conditions of blockages begins with carrying out intelligence, for which you should:
- establish the emergency zone and its nature;
- to determine the location and condition of the victims;
- assess the state of objects in the emergency zone (buildings, communications, engineering systems);
- to determine the presence of fires, radioactive, chemical, bacteriological contamination, toxic and explosive substances;
- determine the places for laying access roads, installing equipment, evacuation routes for victims.

After conducting reconnaissance, rescuers begin to dismantle the blockage to provide assistance to the victims. This uses two main methods:
- dismantling of blockage from above;
- the device of a manhole in the rubble.
Demolition from above carried out to assist the victims, who are in the upper part of the blockage and have free access to them. The blockage is disassembled manually using crowbars, shovels, shovels. Lifting equipment (jacks, winches, cranes) is used to lift and move large and heavy elements of the obstruction. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of sudden movement of elements of the blockage, which can cause additional suffering to the victims. After the release of the victims, they are assisted and transported to a safe place.

Manhole device in the rubble. Often the victims are in the depths of the blockage. To extract them, rescuers make a special narrow passage (manhole), taking into account the shortest distance to people, in the most easily overcome sections of the blockage. It is not recommended to arrange a hole in the immediate vicinity of large boulders, as they can settle and

make work difficult. Laz is done in horizontal, inclined and vertical directions. The optimal width of the manhole is 0.8-0.9 m, height is 0.9-1.0 m. Work on the device of the manhole is carried out by several groups (3-4 people each) manually or using a tool. Their task is to dismantle the blockage, make a manhole, prepare and install fasteners, remove the wreckage, release the victims, and transport them. The movement of rescuers during the construction of a manhole is carried out on all fours, crawling lying on their backs, on their stomachs, on their sides. If the movement of rescuers is impeded by large reinforced concrete, metal, wood, brick products, they must be bypassed, if this is not possible, then destroyed, in some cases a hole can be made in them. When constructing a manhole, special attention should be paid to its reliable fastening in order to prevent the collapse of the walls. For this, a special, pre-prepared fastening material is used, - racks, struts, boards, timber, shields, crossbars, struts. When constructing a manhole, the movement of rescuers and equipment along the upper part of the blockage is not allowed.