What does the RTF file format mean than how to open it. rtf File extension Program for editing rtf files

RTF is a format used for text documents. The abbreviation in its name stands for Rich Text Format. RTF files were once used to create Windows Help but have been replaced by Microsoft Compiled HTML documents which use the CHM extension.

What's in RTF files

The RTF format differs from a plain text document (TXT) in that it can contain formatting such as bold and italic text, as well as a variety of fonts and images of any size.

RTF files are useful because many programs support them. This means that you can create an RTF file in one program and on a specific operating system (for example, Mac OS), and then open it on Windows or Linux without losing formatting.

The RTF extension was first used in 1987, but in 2008 Microsoft stopped supporting it. Whether one document editor will display an RTF file in the same way as the second one in which it was created depends on which version of the format is being used.

How to open RTF file

The easiest way to open an RTF file on Windows is to use word pad, since it is included in the package of standard programs. Alternative options would be many other text editors and word processors - Notepad++, AbiWord, LibreOffice and openoffice.

It should be understood that not every program where you can work with RTF will read files "one to one". This is because some applications do not support the latest RTF format specifications. Other programs to open and edit RTF files - Microsoft Word or Corel Word Perfect, however, they are not offered for free. RTF Converter App: Convertin.io.

Some of these RTF editors for Windows also work with Linux and Mac. Mac OS users can also download Apple TextEdit or Apple Pages to open files with that extension.

I don't even know what to say to that...

200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");">This project was created by a novice Delphi programmer so I'm waiting for your comments.

Well, if you want - here's my opinion for you, but just don't be offended.
I will say that the project was executed badly. Why? Firstly, it looks ugly, and in our age of super-technologies, a beautiful shell is indispensable - no matter how many functions there are. Why is it ugly? Okay, the standard shell of a Windows application is fine for a beginner. But you can't scatter components like that! It looks crooked and creates the feeling that everything is sketched in a couple of minutes, anyhow. Specifically: the buttons on the panel are small, and there are no captions to them, no tooltips. The pictures are not very clear. The picture above the "open" button is wrong. The purpose of some is unclear, for example: an incomprehensible button (far right on the left panel), incomprehensible input fields with up and down arrows. The settings menu looks terrible and only opens on the "txt format" tab. And what are those tabs? It was impossible to make a simple window? Better yet, as an MDI application, they are still quite popular. I almost forgot - the program icon does not match the program ...
Second, it's inconvenient to use. As I said: tabs, settings menu (which could be done in the main pop-up menu). The "file" menu item is not yet clear. Where are the items "new", "save as"? And the item "actions" should be called "edit", because this is more understandable to the user. In the same paragraph there is no "cut" button - it is not convenient to copy and then delete. "Settings">> "Open settings" is terrifying. I already said - it was better to do all the settings in the "settings" item, in the drop-down list. But some (if there are a lot of settings), issue a separate form or frame (frame - such as the properties of the form and the panel at once, which is convenient). There is no help at all, at least about who the creator is, and even better describe how to use it. Each time you start the program appears somewhere at the bottom of the screen. It is better to do auto-centering at startup - it is not known which monitor the user has. And even better - saving the position of the form in the ini file... Well, that's it, for the future... And one more thing: it's better to hide the toolbars, depending on what format is currently being edited. And the inscription with arrows indicating on the panel - throw it out, only interferes. And yet, I advise you to use hiding or deactivating components, the use of which is not possible at the moment. And, of course, a window with the question "save documents before exiting?" never be superfluous, even if there is an autosave ...
That, in general, is all that I could notice. Good luck with your programming, you still have a lot to learn...

P.S. Here's another one I almost forgot:

200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");">Source Code: Yes;
License type: Do what you want;

Hehe, but there is no source code. I don't think you know where Delphi source code is stored. Or did you mix something up... In short, you forgot to pack Unit2.pas and Unit3.pas files. That's where all your source code is. Here, sir...
And finally: the program is small, but you used an installer, and some dubious one at that (Avast! suggested running in a sandbox). Use simple WinRAR archiving, or, if you want, make the auto-unpacker the same WinRAR (or other archiver). And to compress the program into exe, I advise you to use ASPack, usually a 400kb program is compressed to 100, but the code is unpacked into RAM before launch - this method is not very suitable for large programs.

The RTF or Rich Text file format was formalized in 1987 by Charles Simonyi, Richard Brodie, and David Luebbert of the Microsoft Word development team for cross-platform document exchange. So what is an RTF file? Let's find out...

Did you know?
RTF files mainly consist of commands written in ASCII codes. One file consists of only 7-bit ASCII characters.

Microsoft developed RTF to bridge the gap between text editor and system compatibility. RTF syntax 1.0 version was based on layout language markers. It was developed by Microsoft Corporation for the purpose of formatting documents. Layout languages ​​are formatting languages ​​such as HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). HTML provides formatting for documents on the World Wide Web. SGML is an enriched version of HTML.

In RTF files, characters outside the ASCII range are encoded with an "escape sequence". Escape sequences are categorized into: "Unicode escapes" and "code page escapes".

Unicode escapes: this word is followed by a 16-bit decimal number. This number describes the Unicode UTF-16 device number.

Code page escapes: is a word that contains a backslash and an apostrophe to represent a character used in a Windows code page.

These commands are mostly written to determine factors such as text formatting, text font, images embedded in text, margins, etc. Formatting is necessary for various documents such as resumes, letters, user manuals, etc. The main features of RTF documents include bold, italic, underline, font styles, indentation and alignment (left, center, right).

Concept of RTF reading and writing

The software that converts an RTF file into a formatted file is called a "reader". The software that converts a formatted file into RTF format is called a "writer". Its task (for the application) is to separate the information code control from the text component. It then writes a new text file and its associated RTF groups.

RTF code example

( \rtf1\ansi(\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;)\f0\pard This is some (\b bold) text.\par )

This file, when read by a program that supports the RTF format, will look like this.

This is some fatty text.

Component Code Definition

  • () (curly braces)

A piece of code written in curly braces defines a group.

This character (slash) is used to define the beginning of the control code for an RTF file.

  • \RTF

This is written to indicate that the RTF document is valid. A valid document is one in which the group starts with \rtf control code.

This indicates bold text.

  • \par

This is the control code for indicating the end of a paragraph.

The fragment ( \b bold) indicates that the scope of the "bold" style is limited to the word "bold". Group nesting is allowed in RTF files.

Benefits of RTF files

File Compatibility: The most important feature of an RTF file is its compatibility with numerous operating systems and word processing applications.

Virus protection: file attachments (with a .doc extension) are less trusted by business organizations or mail servers because they may contain viruses. Unlike .doc files, .rtf files do not contain macros or viruses that text documents can contain.

File size: a text file saved in .rtf format takes up less space than a .doc file. RTF files use text encoding. This is advantageous because smaller files are easier to download and upload, as well as save disk storage space.

Disadvantages of RTF files

Security: RTF files cannot be password protected. If the file contains confidential information that needs to be protected, then it is desirable to use other formats.

File size: If the file contains images, Word-Art, etc., the file size is incredibly larger than the corresponding .doc file. This is a disadvantage as it takes more time to download and upload and also takes up more disk space.

Many novice computer users, faced with files of an unknown format, including RTF, do not know how to open them.

What is an RTF file? Rich Text Format, translated from English as "rich text format" from Microsoft Corporation, supported by many versions of operating systems and text editors. These are text documents, for creation, as well as for opening, editing, changing, popular computer word processing applications are used. Using this format, text is typed, saved and copied for other operating systems. It is characterized by the content of only text data. However, they can be typed in any other format, but the final save is performed in the RTF extension. Transferring his text material from one program to another (Microsoft Office) is quite simple. The same applies to operating system versions.

Why RTF files are needed

They allow you to format the text, highlight its sections in italic or bold, underline some elements. Printed characters can be selected in different fonts and colors. With the RTF file format, it is easy to set a different spacing between lines, set the indent of text material relative to the edge of the sheets. It is in great demand among computer users.

Opening an RTF file using programs and services

This format has versatility, which is its undeniable advantage. You can open the program for RTF files using the Word application included in the MS Office package. It is the most successful product offered by this corporation and is used as a standard in word processing. It features an attractive interface with presented features. The Microsoft Office suite includes Project, Visio, InfoPath, Designer, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Excel, Access, Outlook. It is worth noting that Word is considered the best among text editors.
To open books in an RTF file, you can use the Kingsoft Writer application included in the Kingsoft Office suite. This is a free text editor. It is characterized by the same functions as the above Word program. The application can be installed both together with the entire package, but also as a standalone document. It has a classic interface similar to other text editors. It is used to create and format text material with the introduction of formulas, diagrams, graphs, images, three-dimensional symbols. Like Word, Kingsoft Writer is provided with a separate window for inserting a number of characters that are not on the keyboard. It allows you to instantly convert materials to a PDF file without resorting to the use of additional tools. The tabbed interface makes it possible to run multiple files in one window.
To open the RTF format, use the OpenOffice.org program, a multifunctional office application package with multilingual support. It is run by all major operating systems. The program allows you to store all data using its own open ODF format. It has been approved by the international organization for standardization ISO. One of the best features is the export of text to a PDF file with a single mouse click. Flash technology is supported here. The program interface is quite clear and convenient.
Note. A license is not required to install OpenOffice.org, which in turn allows each user who wishes to install it on their PC.
Notepad2 also supports RTF format. This is a small but fast enough text editor with syntax highlighting. Its interface is simple and attractive. The program does not require installation.
You can solve this problem with the help of AbiWord, a tool that processes text documents. It can print, edit, create various materials, as well as process letters and messages.

How to open RTF on a computer

The regular WordPad application located in the Start menu will help you open the file on your computer. Having launched it, you need to activate the main menu button with the mouse and select the "Open" item and specify the path to the document to be opened. The application displays the entire catalog of supported formats, RTF is not an exception.
Also, the context menu allows you to open the required file by right-clicking on the document icon. The menu that opens will display all the programs to view it.

How to open RTF on Android

The Smart Office program downloaded to a tablet or other mobile device will help you open RTF on Android.
The Cool Reader program supports this format quite well in this operating system. Good display of the table of contents, headings, images, which cannot be said about tables.

How to open RTF online

To open RTF online and make changes to them, you can use almost all text editors of popular operating systems (Mac OS, Windows) and many free office programs. Therefore, by sending documents in this format by e-mail, there is no doubt that it will be easy for the recipient to open and study them online, even if Office is not installed on his PC.
Opening a file online is easy in Google Docs. After going to their address, you need to click the "Open" tab. In the lower right corner, the "Create Document" box is activated. In the menu that opens, select "Open". In the "Download" tab, activate "Open" with the mouse and select the file of this extension on the PC.

How to create an RTF file yourself

To create an RTF file yourself, you do not need any special skills, you just need to download and install the free Microsoft Office Excel Viewer for Windows. Its interface is quite simple. For the Mac operating system, Apple TextEdit is suitable. This program is considered the main one for this OS. Having created a text document, select the desired format when saving.

Converter for RTF files

Converting documents from one format to another is possible with the converter for RTF files. Many services offer their services in this direction. Some do not even require special installation on the computer. The user needs to upload a file from a disk or other Internet resource to a special area for conversion. Next, confirm your actions. At the output, he will receive a high-quality document of the required format.

How to save a document as RTF: video

Many answers to the question of how to save an RTF document will be prompted by the video:

The RTF file format is familiar to many document users. A lot of business documentation, e-books and brochures, texts of various kinds and content - they all exist, including in the form of rtf files. When it becomes necessary to view the contents of such documents, the well-known text editor MS Word comes to the rescue, easily opening files of this type. But is this the only alternative? Of course not. In this article I will tell you how to open an RTF file, what programs will help us with this, and how to use them.

As is known, " .rtf' is a form of text file extension. This letter combination is an abbreviation for the words " Rich Text Format” (enriched text format). A document in this format supports the so-called "rich text" (rich text), which allows you to edit the document with several text formatting options, different fonts and their sizes, place JPG and PNG images inside the text, support custom tab settings, and so on.

The format was created by Microsoft in 1987, has gone through several modifications over the course of 20 years, and in 2008 Microsoft announced the termination of its support. However, "rtf" is now one of the most popular text formats.

Usually, the RTF text format is opened on almost any user's computer (usually using the installed MS Word text editor). If you do not have access to view files of this type, then I recommend installing and using one of the programs that I will list below.

The best programs to open rtf files

There are a sufficient number of programs that allow you to open text files with the rtf extension. The algorithm for opening such files is standard: you launch the appropriate program, click on the “File” tab in it, select “Open” there, and indicate to the program the path to the desired rtf file on your PC disk.

Among the software products of RTF viewers, I can recommend the following options:

  • Microsoft WordPad is a simplified text editor from Microsoft, usually included with Windows since Windows 95. Allows you to view, edit and save text files in the rtf format;

  • Microsoft Word - the popular text editor I have already mentioned, is part of the Microsoft Office suite of applications. The current version of the product is Microsoft Office Word 2016;
  • Microsoft Works is a simplified office suite for home use. The text editor of this package in terms of its functionality is something between the already mentioned WordPad and MS Word, providing effective support for the rtf format;
  • Atlantis Word Processor is a shareware text editor for Windows OS. Among its advantages are compactness (it takes only 3 megabytes) and speed of processing rtf files;
  • TextMaker Viewer is a free application for Windows OS that can open and view the vast majority of text documents, including the rtf format we need;
  • Corel WordPerfect Office X6 is a well-known office software package from Corel, which includes the WordPerfect X3 text editor, there is support for the rtf format. The product has a paid character;
  • Apache OpenOffice is a free office suite that is a great alternative to paid Microsoft Office. The text editor (Writer) included in this package effectively supports working with rtf files;
  • AbiSource AbiWord - a free text editor, similar in functionality to MS Word, can be an effective answer to the question "rtf with what to open";
  • TextMaker is a text editor included in the SoftMaker Office suite. Also has support for rtf format.

A file of this format is supported by other text editors that can work with formatted text.

How to open rtf file online

There are also several online tools that allow you to view and edit rtf online. I would note the Google Docs service, which allows you to view rtf documents online.

You can also install the appropriate extension (Docs Online Viewer) for Google Chrome or an equivalent for Mozilla Firefox, which allows you to open rtf files using the functionality of these browsers.

In addition, you can use online converters (for example, Zamzar), which allow you to convert your rtf document into a text format that is more convenient for you (for example, into the equally popular "doc").


The programs listed above will help you with the issue of editing RTF extensions. I recommend paying attention to free alternatives, in particular, to the OpenOffice office suite, which will allow you to work with files of this type absolutely free. For conservatives, I can recommend the template Microsoft Wordpad and Microsoft Word - many users, whatever one may say, choose them.

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