Combining segments in AutoCAD. How to merge objects (2D primitives) in AutoCAD

To create complex 3d AutoCAD models, you need to use the so-called logical commands. They allow you to create new, more complex and non-standard 3d shapes from several objects of the same type. There are three logical commands:

An association;



As a result of the execution of each of the commands, a single composite object is obtained. These commands are located on the Body Editing panel (see figure).

Autocad. Combining objects of the same type

So, let's consider the "Combine" command. As the name implies, this operation allows you to merge objects in AutoCAD (bodies, surfaces and areas). The main condition is that the combined objects be of the same type.

Please note that you can merge objects in AutoCAD even those that do not have common points of contact. There will be no visual difference, but the object itself will become solid.

The command itself is very easy to execute:

1. Select the "Combine" command (see fig.).

2. Select all the objects that we want to merge and press Enter.

How to unmerge in AutoCAD

You can use the Split command in the Body Edit panel. However, keep in mind that you can split a composite object if there are no common points of contact.

Thus, the construction of 3d models in AutoCAD can be performed using logical commands. The "Unify" command allows you to combine the volumes of individual three-dimensional objects into a single whole. This significantly reduces the size of the file. Take note!

Very often there is a need in AutoCAD to connect 2D primitives into a single solid object, thereby converting it into a polyline or area. This is necessary, for example, to prepare an object for extrusion into a 3D solid. Consider an example (see figure).

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how to combine segments in AutoCAD, because There are several commands that allow you to do this. So let's take a look at them.

How to merge lines in AutoCAD using the "Area" command

The Marquee command is on the Home tab of the Draw panel. It allows you to transform closed objects into so-called area objects. To execute a command, it is enough to select it, and then specify all the objects that need to be connected.

How to connect lines in AutoCAD using the "Contour" command

Another very useful command that allows you to create not only area objects, but also polylines is “Contour”. Located on the Home tab, Draw panel. This command is executed as follows: after its activation, a dialog box appears in which you should specify the type of the end object (region or polyline), then after clicking OK you will be prompted to specify the internal point of the closed contour. If there are no gaps, then the command will execute correctly.

How to merge objects in AutoCAD using the "Connect" command

If your object consists of lines, arcs, polylines, or splines that together represent a closed object, you can use the Connect editing command to make it solid. The command works simply: you need to select it, and then specify all the objects that need to be connected (you can use the selection frame if there are many elements), and then press Enter.

As you have repeatedly seen, in AutoCAD, many operations can (and should) be performed on several objects at once. This approach allows you to reduce the number of operations and increase productivity in AutoCAD, but it is often associated with certain difficulties. In the previous chapters, you often encountered how difficult it can sometimes be to select all the elements of a complex object, especially if there are elements of other objects next to them.

This problem in AutoCAD can be solved using different mechanisms. In this chapter, you will become familiar with two of them − groups And blocks. In Chapter 12, we will return to this topic and discuss another higher-level mechanism based on the use of external links.

Groups and blocks have the following common properties.

* Drawing elements combined into a group or block can be selected by clicking on any of the elements.
* Groups and blocks can be given names that explain their purpose, as well as create detailed descriptions.
* Groups and blocks can be inserted into the drawing an arbitrary number of times.
* You can perform operations on elements that are part of a block or group as if these elements were one object. However, groups have the following differences from blocks.
* Drawing elements combined in a group can be edited individually. To edit the elements included in the block, the latter must first be exploded.
* The same element can be included in several groups at once. Two different blocks cannot contain the same element - each block has its own copy.
* Groups are stored directly in the drawing, blocks can be stored both in the drawing and in separate files on disk.

In addition, if drawing elements located on the zero layer are combined into a block, the color, width and line type will depend on the properties of the layer that is current at the time the block is inserted. If the elements combined into a block belonged to layers other than zero, they retain their original properties regardless of the color and linetype of the current layer. (Another difference between the zero layer and all the others.) Elements combined into a group always belong to the layer on which they were created, until the user explicitly moves the group to a new layer.

Since groups and blocks are very similar, but blocks are more convenient to work with, we will focus in this chapter on creating and using blocks. However, before moving on to the main material, let's take a quick look at the command to create and modify groups.

In this video we'll talk about How to work with polylines in AutoCAD.

From the lesson you will learn:

- What is a polyline in AutoCAD;

– How to work with a polyline in AutoCAD;

– How to convert a segment into a polyline;

– How to convert a spline to a polyline in AutoCAD;

– How to merge polylines into one;

– How to set the thickness of a polyline in AutoCAD.

Video version of the lesson:

Text version of the lesson:

Hello friends! Today we will analyze some aspects of working with polylines in AutoCAD!

But first, I propose to use the help of AutoCAD and find out what a “polyline” is!

So. polylineThis a complex primitive consisting of one or more interconnected rectilinear and arc segments. polyline in AutoCAD processed as a whole (for example, when editing or deleting).

Simply put, a polyline is several interrelated segments, when editing which the entire chain of lines will change. Here are some examples polylines in AutoCAD.

Question 1. How to set the thickness of a polyline in AutoCAD?

Step 1. Select on the “home” tab, in the “drawing” panel the command polyline.

Step 2 An important point. You can set parameters for a polyline as at the very beginning, i.e. before drawing a polyline on the drawing, and while working with it.

For example, we have drawn several segments and selected the parameter “ half-width“.

These commands can be found by clicking the right mouse button and thereby calling the context menu.

Step 3 Now we need to set the initial half-width, we set 50.

Step 4 We set the final half-width, also 50. Then we press “enter” or “enter” and start drawing with a thick polyline as in the picture below.

Perhaps you will have a question. “Why are we asking the width twice?”

The thing is that we can make the beginning of a segment of one thickness, and the end of another thickness, and then we get a kind of cone as a result. In general, this simply gives more options than if we were given a single width.

Question 2. How to switch to the arc setting mode?

A polyline can be drawn not only linearly, i.e. segments, but also with the help of arcs!

Step 1. To do this, select the "arc" parameter in the command manager while working with the polyline, or press the right mouse button and select the "arc" command of the same name.

Step 2 Now we can draw a polyline using arcs.

In addition, you can build an arc not through a point, but also through the center, radius and second point.

Step 3 To return to linear mode, select the corresponding “linear” command in the parameters.

Question 3. How to complete the construction of a polyline in AutoCAD?

To finish working with a polyline, you should press the spacebar or enter, you can also right-click and select the “enter” command.

Question 4. How to turn a spline into a polyline in AutoCAD?

If you have drawn a spline and want to convert it to a polyline, there are a few simple steps to follow.

Step 2 Once selected, right click the mouse. In the context menu, we are interested in the “spline” item in the additional menu, select “convert to polyline”.

Step 3 Now you should specify the precision from 1 to 99. Specify the precision either near the cursor (if dynamic input is enabled) or enter a value from 1 to 99 in the command line..

Please note that the more precision you specify, the smoother the polyline itself will be, and vice versa, if you specify a precision of 2 or 5, then the polyline will be more broken.

Question 5. How to merge several polylines in AutoCAD?

There are situations when you want to merge several polylines into one. This requires a series of simple steps.

Step 1. Select any polyline, click the right mouse button. In the context menu, go to the item “polyline”, there we are interested in the item in the menu “edit polyline”.

Step 2 Select the “add” item and select the polyline we need.

In our case, we select the bottom polyline and then hit enter twice. As you can see in the last picture, two polylines have become one.

Select the polyline we want to join.

Selected and pressed enter twice.

Now our polylines have become a single entity.

Question 6. How to merge segments into a polyline in AutoCAD?

The procedure is not much different from the previous question. Having several segments in the drawing, we can convert them into one polyline. To do this, you again need to take a number of simple steps.

Step 1. We open the “editing” panel, we are interested in the “edit polyline” command.

Step 3 The AutoCAD program asks to convert the segment into a “polyline”, we agree and press enter. With this procedure, we have converted one of the segments into a polyline.

Step 4 Now we need to again use the “add” command to select the remaining segments and then press enter twice. Thus, we have combined all our segments into one polyline.

Select the segments that we will attach to our created polyline.

To create complex 3d AutoCAD models, you need to use the so-called logical commands. They allow you to create new, more complex and non-standard 3d shapes from several objects of the same type. There are three logical commands:

An association;



As a result of the execution of each of the commands, a single composite object is obtained. These commands are located on the Body Editing panel (see figure).

Autocad. Combining objects of the same type

So, let's consider the "Combine" command. As the name implies, this operation allows you to merge objects in AutoCAD (bodies, surfaces and areas). The main condition is that the objects being combined must be of the same type.

Please note that you can merge objects in AutoCAD even those that do not have common points of contact. There will be no visual difference, but the object itself will become solid.

The command itself is very easy to execute:

1. Select the "Combine" command (see fig.).

2. Select all the objects that we want to merge and press Enter.

How to unmerge in AutoCAD

You can use the Split command in the Body Edit panel. However, keep in mind that you can split a composite object if there are no common points of contact.

Thus, the construction of 3d models in AutoCAD can be performed using logical commands. The "Unify" command allows you to combine the volumes of individual three-dimensional objects into a single whole. This significantly reduces the size of the file. Take note!