How to change ttl value on windows 10. Windows Phone TTL Meaning and Fixation

TTLPatch is a small application that allows you to remove the restriction on the ability to "distribute" the Internet from a mobile device to a computer. Similar restrictions are set by a variety of operators: Yota, MTS, Beeline, Tele2, and so on.

About the program

If you decide to use your portable Android or iOS device as a hotspot for your PC, or connect it "directly" with a USB cable, you might encounter the following problem. When you try to go to any site in the browser, a Captive portal opens, where you are asked to pay for the possibility of "distributing" the Internet to your computer. In some cases, the browser simply "refuses" to connect to the network.

To save you from such problems, the developer M0ONL1ght created this application. With it, you can make changes to the registry in a couple of clicks that will help you remove all locks completely free of charge and freely use your portable device as a modem or access point. Especially this program will be useful to those subscribers who have paid an unlimited tariff.


First of all, TTLPatch needs to be downloaded to your computer. There is no need to install it, because the application works great in portable mode. It is important to note that the program is compatible with all versions of Windows, but on 7 and above it must be run as administrator.

After starting, you need to change the TTL value to "65", click on the "Apply" button and restart the computer. After waiting for the reboot, you can connect your smartphone or tablet to your computer and start the distribution. If necessary, it is allowed to "roll back" all changes with the "Revert everything as it was" button or simply by setting the standard TTL value - "128". This operation also requires restarting the PC.

In general, using TTLPatch is quite simple. If you do not trust such programs, you can open the registry editor yourself and change the necessary keys (there are instructions on the network). But to do this with this utility is much easier and faster.

Key Features

  • the ability to remove the restriction on the "distribution" of the Internet from portable devices by pressing one key;
  • quick rollback of changes made;
  • work with any operators (MTS, Tele2, Yota, Beeline and so on);
  • run in portable mode without prior installation;
  • compatible with all versions of Windows.

Hello everyone, dear site visitors! After the recent publication of an article on how to make a SIM card work with SMART Unlimited and Yota tariffs via a USB modem, I received a lot of comments that, they say, everything works, but a new problem has arisen.

The fact is that when using the Internet on a laptop, people began to receive messages from MTS about withdrawing funds for distributing the Internet to other devices. This problem has a place to be, and in this article I will tell you and give you a solution on how to get around this MTS limitation.

How to connect to the closed tariff of the operator in order to significantly reduce the cost of unlimited Internet? [Advertising]

Friends, it is possible to connect closed mobile tariffs. These are the tariffs that mobile operators connect to large enterprises employing 1000+ people. In a regular salon, such tariffs cannot be issued. What is the salt, you ask? I answer - data unlimited tariff plans much cheaper than those available to "mere mortals". (Tariff, Unlimited and others). Savings on the Internet / calls are very noticeable. And most importantly - no troubles with the distribution of the Internet, and use in modems.

In order to learn more about these tariffs and how to connect to them, you need to write a message to Nikolay: Man running through Guarantee-service, which negates any risks of receiving a tariff. He will receive money from you only when you insert a SIM card into your phone and make sure that the tariff corresponds to the declared characteristics. In St. Petersburg - there is a delivery to the metro.

How to use SMART Unlimited on a laptop, distributing the Internet via a USB modem or a phone via wi-fi.

So, in the last article we. Thus, we forced the operator to think that our modem is a telephone. However, just changing the modem's IMEI is not enough. The “Unlimited” tariff, as well as in unlimited tariffs from Iota, has one “nuance”, which is usually kept silent when selling a contract.
As you know, many modern mobile phones have the function of distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi, USB and Bluetooth. Look at the terms of the tariff:

Using the modem as a phone, we, as it were, distribute the Internet from the phone (modem) to the computer via USB. Under the terms of the tariff, the distribution of the Internet from your mobile phone to other devices is subject to an additional fee. That is, for the fact Internet sharing from a modem, funds will be withdrawn from your balance every day, in the amount of 30 rubles per day.

And, of course, MTS will take money from you every day in case internet sharing from phone via Wi-Fi or BlueTooth.

Agree, not a very pleasant fact. But, don't get upset! This impudent ripping off of the people by "poor" operators can be bypassed!

To do this, you need to figure out how the operator knows that you are distributing the Internet to other devices.

How not to pay 50 rubles "for distributing the Internet" to a laptop. What is TTL?

Let's start with the fact that each data packet transmitted from your device (laptop, phone, tablet) has a special parameter called "TTL". It stands for "Time To Live", or the lifetime of the package. I will not go into details - for our noble goal (to deceive the operator), we need to know this about the ttl parameter:

  1. The default TTL given to the packet different for each device. For example, iOS and Android phones have a default ttl of 64. A Windows computer has tll=128.
  2. When passing through each gateway (router), Packet TTL is reduced by one. In this case, our router is a phone or a modem. That is, if we have the initial ttl = 128 (we are sitting with a PC), then when passing through the modem / phone, it will become equal to 127 (128 minus 1).
  3. The operator compares the TTL of the packets, coming from the subscriber, and sees different ttl values ​​for packets. For example, ttl=64 comes from the OpSoS smartphone (modem) itself, ttl=127 comes from the laptop, after passing through the smartphone/modem.
  4. The operator sees TTL of packets "jumps". 64-127-127-64-127-... Thus, he understands that the Internet is accessed not only from a smartphone, but also distribution to other devices is in progress, and sends an SMS with a notification that the distribution costs 50 rubles per day.

Schematically, all this is shown in the picture:

Accordingly, all we need to do is align the TTL values ​​​​transmitted from our modem (smartphone) to the operator. Most likely, your phone/modem is set to TTL=64. Accordingly, on the laptop to which you distribute the Internet, you need to set the value to " default TTL» by one more, i.e. equal 65 .

How to change TTL on a computer.

So, now I will tell you how to change the TTL on a computer or laptop running Windows 7, 8, 10. It's quite simple, you just need to do just a few mouse clicks:

So, The default TTL in our laptop is now 65.

When passing through a modem / phone, it will drop to 64, and the operator will not be able to determine that you are distributing the Internet to a laptop. And, accordingly, will not withdraw 30 rubles every day! Which is what we needed.

How to find out the current TTL on Windows?

You can check your ttl to make sure it has changed to the right one. To do this, we “ping” our own computer. First, go to the command line (press the Win + R keys and enter "cmd"). There we type the command "ping" - this is the address of your computer on the local network (localhost). As we can see - TTL = 65, which is what we needed.

If something remains unclear, watch the video on my YouTube channel:

MTS Unlimited - how to bypass the fee for distributing unlimited Internet to a laptop:

Good afternoon, dear blog readers, today I want to ask you if you can use the ping command to determine which device or operating system is responding to you, if not, then you have come to the right place and I will tell you another purpose of the ping utility. I think this material will be useful for both beginners and advanced users, especially when you are looking for the cause of a malfunction in a network or service, I have met many times that you think that one server is answering you, but in fact it is another, because someone changed something and did not document it.

ttl value

It is the packet lifetime (TTL) that will help us determine who is on the other side. Each operating system has its own indicator, for example

  • Cisco TTL > equals 255
  • ttl windows > equals 128
  • Unix ttl > equals 64
  • Android and IOS Apple > 65
  • Lumia > 130

As you can see, it’s different for everyone, and let’s figure it out, for example, I’m pinging a Cisco switch, for this we open the Windows command line, you may have linux.

We write ping (you may have a different address)

As you can see, the ttl value here is 255, which shows that the IOS of the Cisco device answers you, as you can see, the ping command perfectly recognized the host operating system from the other side.

Let's try to ping a unix system, for example, in my local network, the gateway is Kerio Control, on the linux version. Ping.

We write ping (you may have a different address)

As you can see here, the ttl value is 64, which means unix platform, so various D-link devices and other home routers can respond.

Let's check the Windows platforms, for example, I have Windows 8.1 on the local network, let's do a ping. And you see that it is equal to 128, as I said.

There you are. then the riddle, we ping Windows Server 2012 R2, it has a website What you see is that the ttl value is 120, but on Windows 128 is the default, not docking 🙂

It's all about hops, remember in the definition I told you that the ttl value decreases by one on the next step and passing through routers, let's trace to this address.


As you can see, the network packet passes more than one ho to the desired address, and at certain stages it loses one by one from ttl. Now you all know how to find out ttl windows.

How to change ttl windows

Let's consider the situation that you need to change ttl windows, believe me, there are such situations in life, an example would be Yota, with its stupid Yota restriction policy on Wi-Fi distribution. Let's imagine a situation that you took a Yota operator to your phone and decided to distribute Wifi to a laptop, but you didn't even know the pitfalls. in terms of filtering packets from Yota. It severely cuts the speed, and it cuts through the ttl value, it should be 64, and if you have an additional device, then this is an extra hop and it means less ttl, so to bypass this set-up with distributing Wifi to a laptop from Yota, we will change ttl. We will change ttl in Windows 10, but these steps are also suitable for Windows 7 and 8.1.

Press Win+R and type regedit

This will open the Windows Registry Editor. You need to go to the registry branch


In the section you need to create a value, it all depends on the bit depth Windows, if 32 bit, then create a DWORD (32 bit) parameter, if 64 bit, then QWORD (64 bit). I am creating a QWORD.

Give him a name DefaultTTL and value and set its value 65 for Android and iOS or 130 - Lumia, Nokia, Microsoft Phone and be sure to reboot!!!

this extra unit will just go for an extra jump through your phone from a laptop and Yota will not see anything, as you can see, changing ttl windows 10 is very simple.

How to change ttl Ubuntu, Debian

And so with Windows, we have already learned how to change ttl, but not everyone has it, there are people with Ubuntu, for example, let's learn how to bypass the restriction on distributing the Internet through a phone to a computer with Ubuntu on board, if your operator is Iota, you must do a few simple things.

1) Press simultaneously Ctrl+Alt+T. This will bring up the terminal.

2) Enter the first command:

sudo vi /etc/init.d/local.autostart

Click Enter.

3) Ask for your password, enter, click Enter, then click i- this will put the vi editor into edit mode.

4) We enter the Ubuntu TTL fixing script itself at a value of 65, if you have Android or iOS(they have standard TTL=64), if you are a Lumiya owner, where the standard TTL is 128, you need to write 129 instead of 65. All this according to the simplest formula, ttl on the computer should be 1 more than ttl on the phone from which you are distributing. I told you the theory, and now the script itself:

sudo iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j TTL --ttl-set 65 (change this value yourself, the theory above will help)

6) Now you need to give the script permission to run:

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/local.autostart

Click Enter.

7) Now the last thing, add the whole thing to autorun:

sudo update-rc.d local.autostart defaults 80

8) Click Enter. Everything will be done automatically and without your participation.

How to change ttl macOS

And of course, you can’t offend the apple people 🙂 To change ttl on mac, do the following

Let's go to /Library/StartupItems. Open terminal and type: ~> cd /Library/StartupItems/

Create a folder there (for example, it will be yota). In the terminal we write: /Library/StartupItems> sudo mkdir yota

Let's go there. Insert into the terminal: /Library/StartupItems> cd yota/

4) Create a script there ( it should be named the same as the folder) that we want to execute.
To create a script, type in the terminal:
/Library/StartupItems/yota> sudo vim yota
And then the Vim editor will open! Copy the script here:

# Script to change ttl on Mac OS X:

sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.ttl=65

And close vim while saving the result, enter in vim (editor): yota

5) Create a parameter file StartupParameters.plist.
/Library/StartupItems/yota> sudo vim StartupParameters.plist

And then the editor will open again vim! Here we copy the contents of the parameter file:
Most importantly, the Provides line should have the same name as the name of the script and the name of the folder:

Description = "Add static routing tables";
Provides = ("yota");
OrderPreference = "None";

And again we close Vim with saving the result, for this we enter: w! StartupParameters.plist

6) We set the execution rights for our script.
/Library/StartupItems/fuckingyota> sudo chmod 755 yota

7) as a result we get: /Library/StartupItems/yota> ll

9) And now, we will not restart the computer, but just start the script to make sure it works:
/Library/StartupItems/yota> sudo SystemStarter start fyota

Summarizing, we have considered what ttl values ​​each operating system has, we have considered what they are for. We have learned how to change ttl on the most common systems, if you have any questions, write them in the comments.

Starting around September 2015 (depending on the region, the month may vary), Iota has included a new method for detecting unwanted distribution of the Internet from a mobile device, which consists in analyzing the content of the traffic.

The essence of the new method

In the case of the old detection method (by TTL), the blocking worked almost instantly, since the provider receives TTL data in each data packet transmitted by the device. But he's pretty.

The new method complements the old one and includes blocking based on your activity, by analyzing traffic. From time to time, your computer requests system updates, antivirus updates, accesses the game servers of Steam, Origin,, World of Tanks and the like. All this traffic is not typical for mobile devices, and when it is detected, Iota quite rightly believes that there is an unauthorized distribution of the Internet.

I can assume that there is a certain quota for such "suspicious" requests to prevent false positives, after exceeding which you receive an offer to pay for the distribution. Thus, blocking does not occur instantly, but from time to time, which can complicate the diagnosis of the source of the blockage.

How to bypass the new blocking method?

To do this, do not show "suspicious" traffic to Yota.

There are several options for the approach:

  1. Block those servers that Iota analyzes through the Hosts file. The method is real, but you will stop receiving updates for the system and programs, and you will also not be able to connect to some games. If this suits you, then the current block lists can be found , and .
  2. Block some servers, let some through a proxy. Less radical, but also more difficult. You block part of the servers that you don’t need according to the first paragraph (for example, they can be Microsoft servers for updates), and in each program that you need (antivirus, Steam, etc.) you prescribe in the proxy server settings through which traffic will go. The most difficult thing in this method is to find a good proxy that will not cut the speed much and will be constantly available. Free proxies can be found on HideMe and HideMyAss. I advise only experienced users to use this method. Proxies are rather unstable and need to be changed frequently. Also, they usually have low speed and slow ping, so you can’t play games through them.
  3. Use a VPN and let all computer traffic go through it. The most versatile way. To do this, simply select a VPN server for yourself, download its client (or use the installation instructions) and run it. There are paid and free VPNs. Paid ones are good for speed, the ability to select a country (you can bypass regional blocking), guaranteed availability and the absence of restrictions on ports and types of traffic (at the same time, you can download torrents through Iota). From paid I advise

Before any action with the computer! On Android, Lumia and iOS WE DELETE THE OFFICIAL YOTA CLIENT, it fires hard!!! You just turn on the distribution, and at the iota base station you have already been burned through their own application 🙂 Like the post if you agree 🙂(like button on the left)

We are just bombarded with messages by people who are sitting on Windows 10. There is only one reason - they cannot get around the iota limit on distribution and distribute the Internet to their laptop via Wi-Fi. The point is that everything lies in one minor difference between dozens and other operating systems of the Windows family. You need to turn off auto-update that through Settings => Update & Security unfortunately this is not available. But nothing will stop us, right?

But this is all poetry, let's get down to business.

Bypassing Yota on Windows 10. What and how to do?

1) First, click on the Search icon and in the search bar type regedit.exe, right click and run as administrator. As a result, you will open Registry Editor:

2) Next to Registry Editor you need to go along the path - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters . Right click on the second column => Create => DWORD value 32 bit. name it DefaultTTL just like that and nothing else and save by pressing Enter.

3) Next, right-click on it => Edit => A window will fly out, there in Set the Number System to Decimal, and in Value 65 for Android and iOS, 130 - Lumia, Nokia, Microsoft Phone respectively and click OK! Result for Android :

As a result, you now have a parameter created at this address DefaultTTL with meaning 0x00000041 (65):

4) Now you need to go to this section − HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters . And do the SAME WITH TTL VALUE FOR YOUR PHONE— 65 for Android and iOS, 130 for Lumia, Nokia, Microsoft Phone respectively! This is what your result should be for android :

5) Reboot Windows 10:

This is the end of the first part. We changed the TTL of Windows 10 to the one we need, to 65. So that when the signal of the device to which we distribute wi-fi through the phone passes, the TTL value is equal to 65-1=64 . 64 is the default ttl value in Android and iOS , if you have Lumia, Nokia, Microsoft Phone put DefaultTTL equal 130 (decimal system).

In the second part we modify the hosts file in Windows 10. This is necessary so that the computer redirects to itself those addresses on the Internet that it should not visit, let's get started.

How to wean Windows 10 from firing itself through the hosts file?

1) Go to Explorer by the address - :

2) Right click on the link and click Save link as(This is in Chrome, you can also in mobile by the way!) Here is the link - :

This downloaded the edited hosts file in txt format!

3) Open the downloaded t9m2P.txt in Notepad. Further, if you have entries that are important for you in the old hosts, then transfer them to the new one by opening both the hosts file itself and our t9m2P.txt in Notepad. When all your editing is done, click File => Save As, a window will fly out, do the same as in the picture:

4) Saved? Great, now just replace the old hosts file with the new one. To do this, select the file you just saved and click ctrl+c, then go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, opened in the first step and paste with replacement − ctrl+v, at the same time, agree in the pop-up window for a replacement, since here administrator consent required.

Second stage completed, we replaced the old hosts file with a new one, which will prevent Windows 10 from crawling into unnecessary addresses that are blocked on the Yota base station. When you enter them, a blue window of greed flies out 🙂

The main thing in Windows 10 - Disable Auto-Update!

Now the very last and, his mother, the main touch in bypassing the iota restrictions on distributing the Internet via wi-fi on windows 10. Many do not know that the auto-update feature in Windows 10 is a tricky thing. She shoots us like bunnies when a computer crawls into the Microsoft servers in search of an update, when these addresses are blocked on the Iota base station firewall. At the same time, the Internet is quickly cut off and a blue window is shown. Let's fix it!

1) Right click on the shortcut This Computer on Desktop => Control:

2) Computer Management => Services and Applications => Services => Find below Windows Update:

3) Windows Update => Right Mouse Button => Properties. Launch Type change to Disabled And stop the service by clicking on Stop =>Apply => OK:

4) Reboot Windows 10:

Yes, we probably picked the most successful performance of him, but he cannot save everyone and everything! There are a few things you need to learn from our main article, namely:

  1. Install and configure a traffic analyzer.
  2. Select the necessary addresses to block in hosts from the list generated by the analyzer.

Video instruction:

Well, that's all, my dears, you have solved the problem with distributing the Internet via wi-fi on Windows 10, I was very glad to help 🙂

All the best and the Internet!

Apr 9, 2016 Just Blog