How to open rtf format - simple tips. What is RTF format and how is it different from DOC? .rtf file

Many novice computer users, faced with files of an unknown format, including RTF, do not know how to open them.

What is an RTF file? Rich Text Format, translated from English as "rich text format" from Microsoft Corporation, supported by many versions of operating systems and text editors. These are text documents, for creation, as well as for opening, editing, changing, popular computer word processing applications are used. Using this format, text is typed, saved and copied for other operating systems. It is characterized by the content of only text data. However, they can be typed in any other format, but the final save is performed in the RTF extension. Transferring his text material from one program to another (Microsoft Office) is quite simple. The same applies to operating system versions.

Why RTF files are needed

They allow you to format the text, highlight its sections in italic or bold, underline some elements. Printed characters can be selected in different fonts and colors. With the RTF file format, it is easy to set a different spacing between lines, set the indent of text material relative to the edge of the sheets. It is in great demand among computer users.

Opening an RTF file using programs and services

This format has versatility, which is its undeniable advantage. You can open the program for RTF files using the Word application included in the MS Office package. It is the most successful product offered by this corporation and is used as a standard in word processing. It features an attractive interface with presented features. The Microsoft Office suite includes Project, Visio, InfoPath, Designer, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Excel, Access, Outlook. It is worth noting that Word is considered the best among text editors.
To open books in an RTF file, you can use the Kingsoft Writer application included in the Kingsoft Office suite. This is a free text editor. It is characterized by the same functions as the above Word program. The application can be installed both together with the entire package, but also as a standalone document. It has a classic interface similar to other text editors. It is used to create and format text material with the introduction of formulas, diagrams, graphs, images, three-dimensional symbols. Like Word, Kingsoft Writer is provided with a separate window for inserting a number of characters that are not on the keyboard. It allows you to instantly convert materials to a PDF file without resorting to the use of additional tools. The tabbed interface makes it possible to run multiple files in one window.
To open the RTF format, use the program, a multifunctional office application package with multilingual support. It is run by all major operating systems. The program allows you to store all data using its own open ODF format. It has been approved by the international organization for standardization ISO. One of the best features is the export of text to a PDF file with a single mouse click. Flash technology is supported here. The program interface is quite clear and convenient.
Note. A license is not required to install, which in turn allows each user who wishes to install it on their PC.
Notepad2 also supports RTF format. This is a small but fast enough text editor with syntax highlighting. Its interface is simple and attractive. The program does not require installation.
You can solve this problem with the help of AbiWord, a tool that processes text documents. It can print, edit, create various materials, as well as process letters and messages.

How to open RTF on a computer

The regular WordPad application located in the Start menu will help you open the file on your computer. Having launched it, you need to activate the main menu button with the mouse and select the "Open" item and specify the path to the document to be opened. The application displays the entire catalog of supported formats, RTF is not an exception.
Also, the context menu allows you to open the required file by right-clicking on the document icon. The menu that opens will display all the programs to view it.

How to open RTF on Android

The Smart Office program downloaded to a tablet or other mobile device will help you open RTF on Android.
The Cool Reader program supports this format quite well in this operating system. Good display of the table of contents, headings, images, which cannot be said about tables.

How to open RTF online

To open RTF online and make changes to them, you can use almost all text editors of popular operating systems (Mac OS, Windows) and many free office programs. Therefore, by sending documents in this format by e-mail, there is no doubt that it will be easy for the recipient to open and study them online, even if Office is not installed on his PC.
Opening a file online is easy in Google Docs. After going to their address, you need to click the "Open" tab. In the lower right corner, the "Create Document" box is activated. In the menu that opens, select "Open". In the "Download" tab, activate "Open" with the mouse and select the file of this extension on the PC.

How to create an RTF file yourself

To create an RTF file yourself, you do not need any special skills, you just need to download and install the free Microsoft Office Excel Viewer for Windows. Its interface is quite simple. For the Mac operating system, Apple TextEdit is suitable. This program is considered the main one for this OS. Having created a text document, select the desired format when saving.

Converter for RTF files

Converting documents from one format to another is possible with the converter for RTF files. Many services offer their services in this direction. Some do not even require special installation on the computer. The user needs to upload a file from a disk or other Internet resource to a special area for conversion. Next, confirm your actions. At the output, he will receive a high-quality document of the required format.

How to save a document as RTF: video

Many answers to the question of how to save an RTF document will be prompted by the video:

This format was defined by Microsoft as the standard format for exchanging text documents. Therefore, this format is similar in purpose to the SYLK format for spreadsheets. RTF is supported by many Microsoft products. For example, since version 2.0, it has been introduced into Windows as a Clipboard format, which makes it possible to exchange data between various Windows applications. In addition, the RT format is supported by WORD for Macintosh from version 3.X and WORD for PC from version 4.X.

RTF only uses character-representable codes from the ASCII, MAC, and PC character sets for document exchange. In addition to text, the file in RT format contains control commands in a readable form.

The document consists mainly of control commands for setting up a reader for files in RTF format. These commands can be divided into control words (control words) and control characters (control symbols).

The control word is a sequence of characters with a delimiter (delimiter) at the end:


The control word is preceded by a backslash "\" (backslash). The following characters can be used as delimiters:

  • Space (space), moreover, this symbol refers to the control word;
  • Number or "-" sign. These characters must be followed by a delimited parameter. A space or other characters, except for numbers and letters, can be used as a separator;
  • All characters other than numbers and letters. These symbols do not apply to control word.

The RT format uses the letters "A" through "Z" and "a" through "z" and the numbers "0" through "9" to specify the escape sequence. National characters do not apply to control information.

As, control characters separate letters are used. Each control character is preceded by a backslash "\":

\control symbol

Only a few of these symbols are currently defined. Therefore, unknown characters may be skipped when reading.

In the RT format, it is possible to combine individual sequences into groups using brackets:

(group start) group end

Such groups are created, for example, when describing footnotes, headers and footers, etc. If you want to place the characters "\", "(" or ")" inside plain text, then they must be preceded by a backslash:

\\ \{ \}.

This allows a program reading an RTF sequence to recognize that the character should not be interpreted as a control character.

The RT format also uses some character codes to control printing.

CR and LF characters within text will be skipped. Microsoft uses these characters for greater clarity when presenting an RTF file. Inside the control words, the characters CR and LF can have a special meaning, more about this will be discussed in the description of the commands.

Special control words

RTF has special-purpose control words. Let us briefly consider these words and their purpose.

Control word change page number displays the current page number.

Control word change footnote activates the automatic numbering of footnotes.

By using change date you can display the current date.

By using change time you can display the current time.


Indicates a change in the line separating footnotes from text.

This sequence is used to enter the text of the formula.

Indicates a sub-item of an index.

Text may be skipped when reading RTF format.

Specifies a hard (non-breaking) space between two words, i.e. in this position, the sentence cannot be split when wrapping to the next line.

Symbol stands for soft hyphenation (nonrequired hyphen).

Symbol stands for unbreakable hyphen (non-breaking hyphen) where the word cannot be divided.

The sequence allows direct input of hexadecimal numbers in the text. They are given instead of the characters hh.

This sequence sets the transition to a new page.

This sequence causes a line break in the text.

With the help of this sequence, the end of a paragraph is marked in the text. Subsequence \par can be replaced by the sequence \ 10 or \ 13. Wherein \10 matches ASCII character code 10 (carriage return). ASCII code 10 (CR) cannot be entered directly because it is ignored by the reader.

This sequence marks the end of a text fragment or text paragraph.

This sequence replaces the tab stop. You can also directly set the ASCII code 09H.

End of table (column).

End of table (row).

Destination control words

The control words described below can be used to perform basic configuration of the RTF reader. They can only occur at the beginning of a document or at the beginning of a group. All operators along with parameters must be enclosed in parentheses, for example:


The format of some operators is described below.


Specifies the start of the file. As a parameter, the program that creates the file can specify the version number. For example:


The label must be at the beginning of the file. This statement may be followed by other statements or a closing parenthesis.

Setting the type of encoding for the saved text is carried out using the following operators:

  • \ansi: text is stored in standard ASCII format. This format is used, for example, in Windows.
  • \mac:. text is stored in Macintosh encoding
  • \rs: the text output uses the IBM-PC character encoding.
  • \rsa: IBM-PC Code Page 850 (model PS\2).

To transfer texts between different systems, the \ansi encoding must be used.


Windows and other programs use palettes to determine which colors to use. Most often, the palette consists of 16 different colors, obtained by combining the primary colors - red, green and blue. Team \colortbl allows you to change individual definitions in the palette. For each color, the table indicates the value of the red, green and blue components. Each color is described by three parameters:

\red000 \green000 \blue000

Instead of 000, the value of the color fraction is specified in the range from 0 to 255. Example: in a table consisting of 16 colors, colors 0 and 2 must be redefined. To override colors, the following sequence can be given:

( \colortbl \red128\green64\blue128\;;\red0\green64\blue128; )

The color definition ends with a semicolon. Since the 1st color remains unchanged, there are two ";" characters in the sequence follow one after the other. The sequence ends with a closing bracket.

Operator \cfn defines the background color (with the default setting n=0), and the operator \cbn- symbol color (with standard setting n=0).


This operator is used to build a font table and correlates the name of a font (font group) with number font. When defining a font, you can use the following operators:

  • \fnil: the name of the font group is unknown. The output should use a standard font.
  • \froman: Roman fonts must be used (e.g. Times Roman)
  • \fswiss: this operator specifies the use of fonts from the Swiss group (Helvetica, Swiss, etc.)
  • \fmodern: Pica, Elite and Courier fonts can be used.
  • \fscript: italic fonts of the Script group are used.
  • \fdecor: when specifying this operator, fonts must be selected from the Decor group (Old English, etc.).
  • \ftech: selection of a group of fonts with technical and mathematical symbols (SYMBOL, etc.).

The command to create a font group can consist of the following statements:

(\fonttbl\f0\fnil default;) (\fl\froman roman h;) (\f2\fswiss helvetica;)

After keyword \fontbl followed by the first font number \f0. Next comes the definition of the font group. Here, after the number 0 is indicated \fnil, those. group name unknown. The next parameter specifies the name of the font to select (for example, roman h). indication default tells the reader to use the standard font. The font name is followed by a semicolon. In the example above, only fonts numbered 1 and 2 are defined. The entire sequence can be grouped with curly braces.

The font table must be filled with values ​​before the operator is encountered \stylesheet or text. The standard font is entered by the operator \defn.


This operator defines the font of the paragraph, i.e. the size, style, and name of the typeface, as well as how the text of the paragraph is aligned. It uses two key parameters:

  • \basedon000: instead of the characters 000, the number of the font type that is used as the current one is indicated.
  • \snext000: assigns the number of the next type of font (style), which - will become current.

An operator might look like this, for example:

(\stylesheet\s0\f3\fs20\qj Normal;) (\sl\f3\fs30\b\qc Heading Level 3;)

Fonts are numbered from 0 to n ( \s0...). In the first line paragraph style 0 ( \s0) is assigned the name Normal. Text output is done in font 3 ( \f3), 10 points in size ( \fs20). Parameter \qj says that the inscription should be format aligned. The second line defines font style 1, which gets the name Heading Level 3. The font has a size of 15 points, bold ( \b = bold) and the inscription is centered on output ( \qc).


This operator is used when describing a drawing in bitmap format. The following parameters contain the description of the picture as hexadecimal values. Parameters can be selectively used to define the geometry of a drawing or its format:

  • \pich000: operator specifies the height of the drawing in pixels. Instead of three zeros, a numeric value is substituted. If there is no operator, the drawing height is determined from the current drawing data. With the help of the parameter, you can set a certain height for the picture.
  • \piw000: operator sets the width of the picture in pixels. Everything said about the previous operator is true.
  • \picscaled: with this operator, the picture is scaled so that it exactly fills the area allotted for it.
  • \wmetafile: the parameter specifies that the data is stored in the Windows metafile format. The n parameter specifies the metafile type (1 = MM-text).
  • \macpict: parameter specifies that the data is stored in Macintosh Quick-Draw format.
  • \bin000:. parameter specifies the number of bytes. Instead of three zeros, a hexadecimal number is written.
  • \wbitmapn: the parameter specifies the format of the bitmap. The n parameter specifies the type (0 corresponds to a logical bitmap).
  • \brdrs: defines a simple frame for the picture
  • \brdrdb: defines a double border for the picture.
  • \brdrth: defines a bold line for the picture frame.
  • \brdrsh: defines a shaded frame for the picture
  • \brdrdot: defines a dotted line for the drawing.
  • \brdrhair: defines a thin line for the picture frame.
  • \picwGoaln: sets the desired image width in twips
  • \pichGoaln: sets the desired height of the picture in twips.
  • \picscalexn: sets horizontal scaling (n can take values ​​from 1 to 100, default is -10).
  • \picscaleyn: specifies vertical scaling (n can take values ​​from 1 to 100, default is 10).
  • \piccroptn: describes the top margin of a picture in twips. If the parameter n is positive, the upper part of the picture is cut off. Negative values ​​of n make it possible to draw a frame around the picture. The default value of n is 0.
  • \piccrorbn: describes the bottom margin of a figure in twips. For positive values ​​of the n parameter, the lower part of the picture is cut off. Negative values ​​of n make it possible to draw a frame around the picture. The default value of n is 0.
  • \pissrporrn: describes the right margin of a picture in twips. With positive values ​​of the n parameter, the picture is cut off on the right. Negative values ​​of n make it possible to draw a frame around the picture. The default value of n is 0.
  • \piccropln: describes the left margin of a figure in twips. If the parameter n is positive, the picture is cut off on the left. Negative values ​​of n make it possible to build a frame around the picture. The standard value of n is 0.
  • \wbmbitspixeln: defines the number of bits per pixel for a bitmap (default value is 1).
  • \wbmplanesn: specifies the number of bitplanes (default is 1).
  • \wbmwidtbbytesn: specifies the length of the bitmap in bytes

You "re here because you have a file that has a file extension ending in .rtf. Files with the file extension .rtf can only be launched by certain applications. It"s possible that .rtf files are data files rather than documents or media, which means they"re not meant to be viewed at all.

what is a .rtf file?

Files in the RTF extension are text documents that can be created, opened, viewed, edited or modified using popular word processing applications for both Mac and Microsoft Windows-based computers. Some of these word processing programs are Microsoft WordPad for Windows and Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac. RTF files provide users with wide cross compatibility support, which was the main objective for the development of the Rich Text Format technology, and these .rtf files can even be opened, viewed and used with database applications. The content of RTF files may include blocks of text with bold or italicized alphanumeric characters and symbols as well as a wide variety of typefaces. Images, tables or charts may also be embedded into these RTF files, and text documents saved in the .rtf extension have support for many font types and styling or formatting attributes. Some of these functionalities are no longer supported by Microsoft Word 2010, most likely because Microsoft decided to discontinue further development on the technology used for these RTF files.

how to open a .rtf file?

Launch a .rtf file, or any other file on your PC, by double-clicking it. If your file associations are set up correctly, the application that"s meant to open your .rtf file will open it. It"s possible you may need to download or purchase the correct application. It "s also possible that you have the correct application on your PC, but .rtf files aren't yet associated with it. In this case, when you try to open a .rtf file, you can tell Windows which application is the correct one for that file. From then on, opening a .rtf file will open the correct application.

applications that open a .rtf file

Microsoft WordPad

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a word processor program that is packed in the Microsoft Office Suite . It is developed by Microsoft Corporation, generating a .doc file extension when the file is saved. A document file format (.doc) is a text or binary file format for saving documents on a storage media, mainly for computer use, like typing text, charts, tables, page formatting, graphs, images and other documents whose content is created and edited. Contents of these documents are printable in any sizes and are capable to open in other devices provided that its operating system is able to read DOC files. This .doc file extension has become extensive de facto standard for office documents, but it is an owned format and is not always totally supported by other word processors. A variety of programs that is able to open this type of file, and different operating systems and have installed programs that can open a 1ST file are: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Notepad, Microsoft Word, IBM Lotus WordPro, and Corel WordPerfect.

Microsoft Notepad

Microsoft Notepad

Notepad is a basic text editor used to create plain documents. It is commonly used to view or edit text (.txt) files, and a simple tool for creating Web pages, and supports only the basic formatting in HTML documents. It also has a simple built-in logging function. Each time a file that initializes with .log is opened, the program inserts a text timestamp on the last line of the file. It accepts text from the Windows clipboard. This is helpful in stripping embedded font type and style codes from formatted text, such as when copying text from a Web page and pasting into an email message or other “What You See Is What You Get†text editor. The formatted text is temporarily pasted into Notepad, and then immediately copied again in stripped format to be pasted into the other program. Simple text editors like Notepad may be utilized to change text with markup, such as HTML. Early versions of Notepad offered only the most basic functions, such as finding text. Newer versions of Windows include an updated version of Notepad with a search and replace function (Ctrl + H), as well as Ctrl + F for search and similar keyboard shortcuts. It makes use of a built-in window class named edit. In older versions such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows 3.1, there is a 64k limit on the size of the file being edited, an operating system limit of the EDIT class.

Microsoft Works

Microsoft Works

Microsoft Works is an incorporated package software that was developed by Microsoft. It is less expensive, smaller, and has fewer features than Microsoft Office or other office suites. Its central functionality includes a word processor, a spreadsheet and a database management system. Newer versions have a calendar application and a dictionary while older versions included a terminal emulator. Files with WPS extension is utilized for output files of the Microsoft Works word processing application. These files are classified as text documents that can be created, saved, viewed and edited using the Microsoft Works program. Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Publisher 2010, Planamesa NeoOffice, and OxygenOffice Professional are some of the applications that are able to open and view the content of these WPS files. The contents of these WPS files can also be exported to other compatible word document formats. this promotes convenience and efficient document presentation, group collaboration and sharing between users of different systems and word processing applications; however, WPS document cannot be applied with macros and other formatting options available in Microsoft Word; so Microsoft discontinued support and development of the Microsoft Works application with its version 9 and the release of Microsoft Word 2010.


The Notepad2 application is a more advanced text editor for Windows developed by Florian Balmer. This program originated from the original built-in Microsoft Notepad which is why it is also effective and fast even when it is small. Notepad2 also has a lot of features such as syntax highlighting that allows a text or a source code to be displayed using different fonts and colors. This syntax highlighting feature of notepad2 allows users to write programming language easily and distinctly. This amazing function of Notepad2 is also owing to several other features it possess such as auto indentation, regular and expression-based find and replace feature, bracket matching, newline conversion, encoding conversion as well as multiple undo and redo features. These features make the function of the simple Notepad more advanced and it makes Notepad more interesting to use either to open files in - The extension (format) is the characters at the end of the file after the last dot.
- The computer determines the file type precisely by extension.
- By default, Windows does not show filename extensions.
- Some characters cannot be used in the file name and extension.
- Not all formats are related to the same program.
- Below are all the programs with which you can open the RTF file.

With the easy-to-use Caliber program, library management becomes truly convenient. Caliber helps you organize all your books into an organized library. The program allows you to perform these operations in a relaxed mode in a relatively short time. The program is also equipped with a useful converter function for text formats most commonly used in e-books. In addition to the various utilities included in the program that serve to convert formats, it also includes a news integrator, as well as a function that allows you to synchronize data with an electronic reader.

LibreOffice is a free software package for working with text, spreadsheets, databases, and more. At its core, this is a free analogue of the well-known Microsoft Office with the addition of new features that are not in a similar paid package. The interface of this package is similar to the old versions of the "office", so almost any user can figure out the application. Especially if he has ever worked with office applications. The package includes several applications that perform the same functions as their counterparts from Microsoft Office. For example, the Writer program is an almost complete copy of Word with support for all popular file formats, including ...

NI Transliterator is an interesting program that helps you convert transliterated text. Works with Russian and English languages. Provides minimal text formatting. Allows you to download documents in RTF format and save them after processing. Supports popular transliteration systems and user-specified tables. Works with GOST 16876-71 and Russian-English system. NI Transliterator supports converting characters in text to either uppercase or lowercase. The utility works with the function of changing the encoding of Russian words and helps to count the number of characters in any text. Count function...

Cool Reader is another good e-book reader that combines not only a multifunctional file viewer, but also a talker. In general, this program is very conducive to preserving your vision, because it adjusts the reading of the text to your eyes as much as possible and makes it smoother. The program understands paragraphs, headings, can change the font, use a smooth transition, etc. Another feature of the program is the support of synthesizers. Those. Cool Reader can use any synthesizer to read a book, in which case you can generally go about your business and not ...

WindowsOffice is a convenient and small analogue of the usual office suite. Includes the necessary programs for working with text documents, spreadsheets. Allows you to edit all documents, even early versions of MSWord. Suitable for daily use, does not require activation. Works much faster, save documents without freezes. Maintains a collection of templates. With WindowsOffice, the user will be able to perform the same operations as the counterpart application. Allows you to insert different images into the document. Has a version for tablet devices. Lightweight, fast...

Balabolka is a program for reading aloud text files in a wide range of DOCX, RTF, PDF, ODT, FB2 and HTML formats. Now you do not need to plant your eyesight while reading this or that book. Balabolka will read any text aloud, no matter what language. Auditory perception, as you know, allows you to learn and remember a much larger amount of information than ordinary reading. And most importantly, faster. Balabolka will read anything for you while you calmly do something else. Each book, while reading, creates a certain mood, but now you can create it with the help of Balabolka. The playback process can...

Calligra is a unique application that provides a set of useful utilities for interacting with various documents. Includes a range of useful programs for working with any text, databases, spreadsheets, presentation files. The application has a Flow editor for creating and modifying flowcharts, diagrams. To work with complex vector graphics, there is also the Carbon program, which is not inferior in terms of a set of options to other editors. Calligra includes a dedicated Author app for writing your own books. One of the programs in the package is responsible for creating and editing drawings (Krita). It is a great replacement...

One of the most popular office suites, characterized by an abundance of features, among which one can note the ability to check spelling. First of all, this package is remarkable in that it is completely free, which allows you to use it on any computer. Allows you to perform all common tasks. So, it includes a text editor, and a spreadsheet editor, and a program for creating templates or presentations, as well as slides. In addition, it is open source, which allows you to make changes to it if necessary. Also, the application can be installed on almost any opera...

WPS Office is another package for working with office documents, which is an alternative to the well-known application from Microsoft. This package includes almost all the tools you may need to edit files. So, for example, the WPS Office package contains a convenient text editor that can open almost all office application formats, such as doc. Also, this program can work with html pages and open other text files. There is an application for creating presentations, which is also similar to the popular package from Microsoft. It contains the necessary set of functions that may be needed by any...

Free Opener is a fairly functional viewer for the most popular files, including Winrar archives, Microsoft Office documents, PDF, Photoshop documents, torrent files, icons, web pages, text documents, audio and video files, graphic files including Flash and much more. The number of supported files exceeds seventy. The program lacks the usual settings and options for us, with the exception of changing the design. It should also be noted that there is no Russian language, but given the simplicity, do not underestimate the program. Free Opener is a versatile and very handy program for reading various types of files.

Rich Text Format (RTF)

This format was defined by Microsoft as the standard format for exchanging text documents. Therefore, this format is similar in purpose to the SYLK format for spreadsheets. RTF is supported by many Microsoft products. For example, since version 2.0, it has been introduced into Windows as a Clipboard format, which makes it possible to exchange data between various Windows applications. In addition, the RT format is supported by WORD for Macintosh from version 3.X and WORD for PC from version 4.X.
RTF only uses character-representable codes from the ASCII, MAC, and PC character sets for document exchange. In addition to text, the file in RT format contains control commands in a readable form.
The document consists mainly of control commands for setting up a reader for files in RTF format. These commands can be divided into control words and control symbols.
The control word is a sequence of characters with a separator (delimiter) at the end:
The control word is preceded by a backslash "\" (backslash). The following characters can be used as delimiters:
Ш Space (space), and this character refers to the control word;
Digit or "-" sign. These characters must be followed by a delimited parameter. A space or other characters, except for numbers and letters, can be used as a separator;
All characters other than numbers and letters. These characters do not belong to the control word.
The RT format uses the letters "A" through "Z" and "a" through "z" and the numbers "0" through "9" to specify the escape sequence. National characters do not apply to control information.
Individual letters are used as control characters. Each control character is preceded by a backslash "\":
\control symbol
Only a few of these symbols are currently defined. Therefore, unknown characters may be skipped when reading.
In the RT format, it is possible to combine individual sequences into groups using brackets:
(group start
) end of group
Such groups are created, for example, when describing footnotes, headers and footers, etc. If you want to place the characters "\", "(" or ")" inside plain text, then they must be preceded by a backslash:
This allows a program reading an RTF sequence to recognize that the character should not be interpreted as a control character.
The RT format also uses some character codes to control printing.
Code Meaning
09H Tabulator
0AH Symbol CR
0CH Symbol LF
CR and LF characters within text will be skipped. Microsoft uses these characters for greater clarity when presenting an RTF file. Inside the control words, the characters CR and LF can have a special meaning, more about this will be discussed in the description of the commands.

Special control words
RTF has special-purpose control words. Below are these words and their meaning.

The change page number control word outputs the current page number.
The change footnote control word activates automatic footnote numbering.
With change date you can display the current date.
With change time you can display the current time.
Link to note (text follows in a group).
Indicates a change in the line separating footnotes from text.
This sequence is used to enter the text of the formula.
Indicates a sub-item of an index.
Text may be skipped when reading RTF format.
Specifies a hard (non-breaking) space between two words, i.e. in this position, the sentence cannot be split when wrapping to the next line.
The symbol denotes a soft hyphen (nonrequired hyphen).
The symbol denotes a non-breaking hyphen, where the word cannot be split.
The sequence allows direct input of hexadecimal numbers in the text. They are given instead of the characters hh.
This sequence sets the transition to a new page.
This sequence causes a line break in the text.
With the help of this sequence, the end of a paragraph is marked in the text. The \par sequence can be replaced by the \10 or \13 sequence. In this case, \10 corresponds to the ASCII character with code 10 (carriage return). ASCII code 10 (CR) cannot be entered directly because it is ignored by the reader.
This sequence marks the end of a text fragment or text paragraph.
This sequence replaces the tab stop. You can also directly set the ASCII code 09H.
End of table (column).
End of table (row).

Destination control words
The control words described below can be used to perform basic configuration of the RTF reader. They can only occur at the beginning of a document or at the beginning of a group. All operators along with parameters must be enclosed in parentheses, for example:
The format of some operators is described below.

Specifies the start of the file. As a parameter, the program that creates the file can specify the version number. For example:
The label must be at the beginning of the file. This statement may be followed by other statements or a closing parenthesis.
Setting the type of encoding for the saved text is carried out using the following operators:
\ansi: Text is stored in standard ASCII format. This format is used, for example, in Windows.
\mac:. text is stored in Macintosh encoding
\pc: The IBM-PC character encoding is used to display text.
\pca: IBM-PC Code Page 850 (model PS\2).
To transfer texts between different systems, the \ansi encoding must be used.

Windows and other programs use palettes to determine which colors to use. Most often, the palette consists of 16 different colors, obtained by combining the primary colors - red, green and blue. The \colortbl command allows you to change individual palette definitions. For each color, the table indicates the value of the red, green and blue components. Each color is described by three parameters:
Instead of 000, the value of the color fraction is specified in the range from 0 to 255. Example: in a table consisting of 16 colors, colors 0 and 2 must be redefined. To override colors, the following sequence can be given:
( \colortbl \redl28\green64\bluel28\;;\red0\green64\bluel2 8; )
The color definition ends with a semicolon. Since the 1st color remains unchanged, there are two ";" characters in the sequence follow one after the other. The sequence ends with a closing bracket.
The \cfn operator specifies the background color (with default setting n=0), and the \cbn operator specifies the character color (with default setting n=0).
This operator is used to build a font table and correlates a font name (font group) with a font number. When defining a font, you can use the following operators:
\fnil: Font group name unknown. The output should use a standard font.
\froman: Roman fonts must be used (e.g. Times Roman)
\fswiss: This operator specifies the use of fonts from the Swiss group (Helvetica, Swiss, etc.)
\fmodern: Pica, Elite and Courier fonts can be used.
\fscript: Italic fonts of the Script group are used.
\fdecor: when specifying this operator, fonts must be selected from the Decor group (Old English, etc.).
\ftech: Select a group of fonts with technical and mathematical symbols (SYMBOL, etc.).
The command to create a font group can consist of the following statements:
(\fonttbl\f0\fnil default;)
(\fl\froman roman h;)
(\f2\fswiss helvetica;)
The keyword \fonttbl is followed by the first font number \f0. Next comes the definition of the font group. Here, after the number 0, \fnil is indicated, i.e. group name unknown. The next parameter specifies the name of the font to select (for example, roman h). The default statement tells the reader to use the default font. The font name is followed by a semicolon. In the example above, only fonts numbered 1 and 2 are defined. The entire sequence can be grouped with curly braces.
The font table must be filled with values ​​before the \stylesheet statement or text is encountered. The default font is entered with the \deffn operator.

This operator defines the font of the paragraph, i.e. the size, style, and name of the typeface, as well as how the text of the paragraph is aligned. It uses two key parameters:
\basedon000: Instead of characters 000, the number of the type of font used as the current one is indicated.
\snext000: Assigns the number of the next font style (style) that will become current.
An operator might look like this, for example:
(\stylesheet\s0\f3\fs20\qj Normal;)
(\sl\f3\fs30\b\qc Heading Level 3;)
Fonts are numbered from 0 to n (\s0...). In the first line, paragraph style 0 (\s0) is named Normal. Text output is done in font 3 (\f3), 10 points in size (\fs20). The \qj parameter says that the inscription should be format aligned. The second line defines font style 1, which is named Heading Level 3. The font is 15 point, bold (\b = bold) and centered (\qc) on output.

This operator is used when describing a drawing in bitmap format. The following parameters contain the description of the picture as hexadecimal values. Parameters can be selectively used to define the geometry of a drawing or its format:
\pich000: operator specifies the height of the picture in pixels. Instead of three zeros, a numeric value is substituted. If there is no operator, the drawing height is determined from the current drawing data. With the help of the parameter, you can set a certain height for the picture.
\piw000: operator sets the width of the picture in pixels. Everything said about the previous operator is true.
\picscaled: This operator scales the picture so that it exactly fills the area allotted for it.
\wmetafilen: The parameter specifies that the data is stored in the Windows metafile format. The n parameter specifies the metafile type (1 = MM-text).
\macpict: Specifies that the data is stored in Macintosh Quick-Draw format.
\bin000:. parameter specifies the number of bytes. Instead of three zeros, a hexadecimal number is written.
\wbitmapn: parameter specifies the format of the bitmap. The n parameter specifies the type (0 corresponds to a logical bitmap).
\brdrs: defines a simple frame for the picture
\brdrdb: Specifies a double border for the picture.
\brdrth: Specifies a bold line for the picture frame.
\brdrsh: Specifies a shaded frame for the picture
\brrdrdot: Specifies a dotted line for the drawing.
\brdrhair: Specifies a thin line for the border of the picture.
\picwGoaln: sets the desired width of the picture in twips
\pichGoaln: sets the desired picture height in twips.
\picscalexn: Specifies horizontal scaling (n can be from 1 to 100, default is -10).
\picscaleyn: specifies the vertical scaling (n can be from 1 to 100, default is 10).
\piccroptn: describes the top margin of a picture in twips. If the parameter n is positive, the upper part of the picture is cut off. Negative values ​​of n make it possible to draw a frame around the picture. The default value of n is 0.
\piccrorbn: Describes the bottom margin of a picture in twips. For positive values ​​of the n parameter, the lower part of the picture is cut off. Negative values ​​of n make it possible to draw a frame around the picture. The default value of n is 0.
\pisrporrn: Describes the right margin of a picture in twips. With positive values ​​of the n parameter, the picture is cut off on the right. Negative values ​​of n make it possible to draw a frame around the picture. The default value of n is 0.
\piccropln: Describes the left margin of a picture in twips. If the parameter n is positive, the picture is cut off on the left. Negative values ​​of n make it possible to build a frame around the picture. The standard value of n is 0.
\wbmbitspixeln: Specifies the number of bits per pixel for a bitmap (default is 1).
\wbmplanesn: Specifies the number of bitplanes (default is 1).
\wbmwidtbbytesn: Specifies the length of the bitmap in bytes.

The operator must immediately follow the footnote mark and refer to the text.

The statement defines the header of the current piece of text and therefore must appear at the beginning of the text.

The operator defines the header of an even page (left hand header), on which the header is displayed with left alignment.

The operator sets the header of an odd page, on which the header is displayed with right-alignment (right hand header).

The operator sets the first page header.

The operator sets the footer of the current fragment and must be specified before the beginning of the text.

The operator sets the even page footer (left hand footer), on which the footer is displayed with left alignment.

The operator sets the footer to an odd page, on which it is displayed with left-alignment (right hand footer).

The operator sets the footer of the first page (first page footer).

The operator defines the delimiter character for footnotes.

The operator defines a separator for a footnote that continues on the next page (continued footnote).

This operator is used to indicate the continuation of footnote text.

This keyword opens an information block at the beginning of the document. It may contain information about the title of the document, the date of its compilation, etc. Within an information block that begins with the \info operator, the following operators may occur:
The listed commands allow you to pass auxiliary information about the document, such as the author's name, text version, title, etc. The RTF reader is not required to process the information block commands.

Instead of 000, the statement contains the version number of the program in which the document was compiled.

This keyword determines the date and time the document was created. This data is encoded using the following operators:
\уr000: year of creation of the document
\to000: month of document creation
\dy000: the day the document was created
\hr000: document creation time in hours
\min000: document creation time in minutes
\sec000: document creation time in seconds

Specifies the time and date the document was last updated. Both parameters are specified as specified in the description of the \creatim operator.

Specifies the time and date the document was last printed. Both parameters are specified as specified in the description of the \creatim operator.

Specifies the time and date the document was last saved (backup). Both parameters are specified as specified in the description of the \creatim operator.

Stores the duration (in minutes) of the last editing session.

The above statements contain clarifying information about the document (number of pages, number of words and number of characters), as well as an internal identification number.

The title may contain text marked with the \comment keyword. In this case, we are talking about a comment in the text, which is skipped by the RTF data reader.

There is a group of operators that describe fields inserted into WORD. The group starts with the keyword \field, which can be followed by the following statements:
\flddirty: the field was changed during the last update
\fldedit: text was edited during last update
\fldlock: the field is closed for access and cannot be updated
\fldpriv: result not reported (e.g. picture)

This group of statements begins with the character sequence \xe and may contain the following keywords:
\bhe: page numbers are set to bold.
\ixe: Set page numbers to italic.
\txe text: Text is used instead of page number.
\rxe bookmark: Generate page numbers for the area containing the bookmark.

The group contains data elements for tables and can consist of the following keywords:
\tcfn: passed the table type (n can be A through Z, default is C).
\tcln: level number (default value is n = 1).

The group of operators that define bookmarks includes only two operators:
\*\bkmkstart: start of area
\*\bkmkend: end of area

Document Formatting Operators
The next group includes commands for text formatting. These commands can be divided into subgroups:
commands that apply to the entire text,
commands that change the format of the current paragraph only,
commands that refer to the current text output.
This section describes formatting statements for the entire document.

The command sets the sheet width in twips (1 twip is equal to 1/20 of a point or 1/1440 of an inch). The width value is specified instead of 000. If the command is absent, then the sheet width is set to 12240 twips.

The command sets the sheet height in twips. The height value is specified instead of 000. If the command is absent, then the sheet height is set to a different 15840 twips.

With this command you can set the width of the left margin when printing in twips. The default field width is 1800 twips.

With this command, you can set the width of the right margin when printing in twips. The default field width is 1800 twips.

With this command you can set the width of the top margin (margin top) when printing in twips. The default field width is 1440 twips.

With this command you can set the width of the bottom margin (margin bottom) when printing in twips. The default field width is 1440 twips.

The facing page statement defines the appearance of the page. It sets, for example, whether the header or footer prints on even or odd pages. If s; operator followed by parameter 0, the output is suppressed.

With this operator, you can set the width of the binder margin (gutter inside the facing page.

The command specifies the size of the tab stop. The default value is 72 twips.

The operator turns on the wido-control. If the operator is followed by a parameter of 0, the control is switched off again.

If this parameter is specified in the document, then the footnote texts are placed at the end of the fragment.

By default, footnote texts are displayed at the end of the page (footnotes bottom justified). This statement allows you to switch from the installation specified by the \endnotes operator to the standard installation.

Footnote texts are displayed in the text (footnotes top justified).

Instead of 000, the command contains the starting number of the first footnote. The default value of the number is 1.

When this operator is specified, the numbering of footnotes on each page starts from 1. Parameter 0 disables this setting.

Instead of 000, the command contains the start page number. The default value of the number is 1.

The value specified instead of 000 specifies the starting line number. The default value of the number is 1.

The command allows you to set the landscape orientation (landscape). Setting the parameter to 0 restores portrait orientation.

Defines the area, which is designated as - Hyphenation hot zone.

Specifies the delimiter that separates footnotes from text.

Specifies the delimiter that separates footnotes that continue to the next page from the text.

Mark for next footnote.

Footnote at the end of the document.

Passes (in brackets ()) the name of the output file or index file.

After the operator in parentheses () is the name of the template file (template), if it differs from the default.

Automatic creation of a backup file if the document is protected.

Tells the RTF reader that the document should be protected.

Includes change mark.

Specifies to mirror the descriptions for the left and right margins.

The value of the n parameter specifies the style and method of highlighting characters when creating editorial notes. An n value of 0 is normal, 1 is bold, 2 is italic, 3 is underline (default), 4 is double underline.

Depending on the value of the n parameter, the method of highlighting the text of editorial notes with vertical lines is specified: 0 - not marked, 1 - the left edge of the text is marked, 2 - the right edge of the text is marked, 3 - the mark is located outside the text (standard setting) along the edge of the page.

Section formatting
The second group of statements controls the section format and consists of the following commands.

The operator sets the standard setting of the section parameters.

The operator suppresses the transition to a new page before the beginning of the section (section break continuous).

When this command is specified at the beginning of a section, a transition to a new column is performed (section break new column).

When you specify this command (section break new page) at the beginning of the section, a transition to a new page occurs.

When this command is specified at the beginning of a section, a transition to a new page is performed if the page number is even (section break even).

Specifying this command at the beginning of a section jumps to a new page if the page number is odd (section break odd).

Page numbering starts from number n.

The command sets temporary pagination, starting from the value 1. Parameter 0 restores the previous numbering order.

Page numbers are displayed in decimal format.

Page numbers are displayed in large Roman numerals (upper case roman).

Page numbers are displayed in small Roman numerals (lower case roman).

Continuous page numbering (standard setting).

Page numbers are displayed in upper case letters.

Page numbers are displayed in lower case letters.

This command sets the X-coordinate of the page number for automatic numbering. The value is relative to the top left corner of the page and defaults to 720 twips.

This command sets the Y-coordinate of the page number for automatic numbering. The value is relative to the top left corner of the page and defaults to 720 twips.

The operator sets the amount of interval when numbering lines.

The operator sets the spacing between lines. It defaults to 360 twips.

The line numbering starts from the value n.

Returns the line number to the value 1. The command sets that the line numbering starts from 1.

On each page, line numbering starts at 1.

Line numbering continues from the previous section (previous chapter).

The command sets the Y-coordinate of the header. The value is relative to the top of the page and defaults to 720 twips.

The command sets the Y-coordinate of the footer. The value is relative to the bottom of the page and defaults to 720 twips.

Text is vertically aligned to the top of the page. The text is located at the top of the page (vertically align at top of page).

The text is placed in the middle of the page. Vertical alignment of the text is performed in the center of the page (vertical align centered).

The text is placed vertically to fill the entire page (vertical align justified).

Vertical alignment of the text is performed along the bottom edge of the page (vertical align bottom).

With this command, you can set the number of columns per row. The default value is 1.

This command sets the spacing between two columns in twips. The default value is 720 twips.

When this operator is specified, post-text footnotes are displayed at the end of the section. This output can be suppressed by setting the parameter to 0.

The operator specifies the output of the title page. Parameter 0 suppresses the display of the cover page.

Paragraph formatting
The following commands control the formatting of a paragraph.
The operator sets the default setting for a paragraph.

The command specifies the font for the given paragraph. With the help of a value substituted for 000, a selection is made in the font table.

The quad left command aligns the text to the left edge of the page.

The quad right command aligns text to the right side of the page.

The quad centered command places the text in the center of the page.

The quad justified command aligns the text to the page format.

The operator determines the amount of indentation of the first line of a paragraph (first line indent). The default value is 0.

The operator determines the amount of paragraph indentation on the left (left indent). The default value is 0.

The operator determines the amount of indentation of the paragraph on the right (right indent). The default value is 0.

The operator specifies the number of blank lines inserted before a paragraph (spaces before). The default value is 0.

The operator specifies the number of blank lines inserted after a paragraph (spaces after). The default value is 0.

The command sets the distance between lines in points. The default value is one line (12 points). The \sl000 command enables auto line mode.

A paragraph is part of some table.

When you specify this command, the text belongs to the current paragraph. The command is disabled by specifying parameter 0.

When you specify this command, the text is put in line with the next (next) paragraph. The command is disabled by specifying parameter 0.

Side by side mode can be enabled by specifying this operator. Setting the parameter to 0 disables the mode.

By specifying this statement, the page break before command can be included. Setting the parameter to 0 disables the command.

This command disables line numbering. Specifying a parameter of 0 suppresses the command.

Sets a line above a paragraph (boarder top).

Sets the line under the paragraph (boarder bottom)..

Sets the line to the left of the paragraph (boarder left).

Sets the line to the right of the paragraph (boarder right).

Sets a border around a paragraph.

Sets the normal line (single thickness) for the frame.

Sets a thick (thick) line for the frame.

Sets the shaded frame (boarder).

Specifies a double frame (boarder).

The frame is indicated by a dotted line.

The frame is indicated by a thin line.

The distance in twips between the frame and the object.

Indicates a tab stop, relative to which the text is aligned to the right (right flush tab).

Indicates a tab stop relative to which the text is centered (centered tab).

Indicates a decimal aligned tab.

Indicates a tab stop for which empty space is filled with dots (tab leader dot).

Indicates a tab stop for which empty space is filled with hyphens (tab leader hyphen).

Indicates a tab stop for which empty space is filled with underscores (tab leader underline).

Indicates a tab stop for which empty space is filled with bold
dash (tab leader thick line). \

This command sets the tab stop position.

The command sets the position of the vertical tabulator. In this case, a vertical line is drawn along the entire length of the current paragraph.

The following commands allow you to place a paragraph at a specific position on the sheet.
Positions the paragraph at a distance of n twips from the left edge.

The paragraph is horizontally centered relative to the specified element (page, column).

The paragraph is horizontally placed inside the specified element.

The paragraph is horizontally placed to the left of the specified element.

The horizontal paragraph is placed outside the specified element.

The horizontal paragraph is placed to the right of the specified element.

Positions the paragraph at a distance of "n" twips from the top.

Positions the paragraph at the current position (inline).

The paragraph is placed vertically at the top of the specified element (page, column).

The paragraph is vertically placed in the center of the specified element.

The vertical paragraph is placed at the bottom of the specified element.

The absolute width of the paragraph text in twips.

The horizontal distance, in twips, between the main text and an absolutely positioned object (a frame with text or a picture).

The vertical position relative to the margins.

The vertical position relative to the page.

The horizontal position relative to the margins.

The horizontal position relative to the page.

The horizontal position relative to the column.

The following commands are defined for formatting tables.
Bottom edge of the table.

Top edge of the table.

Left edge of the table.

Right edge of the table.

Sets the default values ​​of table rows.

Left alignment when placing table rows (columns included).

Right-alignment when placing table rows (including columns).

Centering table rows (including columns).

Half the spacing between table cells (in twips).

Line height in twips.

Location of the left corner of the table.

Offset of the right border of the table.

Merging (merge) the first cell with the rest of the cells in the table.

Merging a cell with the previous cell.

Character formatting
This group of operators is used to format characters (bold, underline, etc.).

This command sets standard formatting options.

Sets the bold style for printed text. To cancel, you must specify the parameter 0.

Set italic style for printed text. The setting is canceled by specifying parameter 0.

The printed text will be strikethrough. To cancel, select parameter 0.

Setting the outline font (outline) for printed text. To cancel, select parameter 0.

The printed text will be shaded. To cancel, the parameter must be set to 0.

Setting the printing of text in lowercase letters (small caps). To cancel, select parameter 0.

Sets the text to be printed in uppercase and lowercase letters. Parameter 0 must be selected to cancel.

The printed text will be replaced with spaces (invisible). To cancel, set parameter 0.

Sets the font setting by specifying the font number as a parameter.

The operator takes as a parameter the height of the characters, given in units of 1/2 points. The standard height value is 24 units (12 points).

The parameter allows you to change the spacing between characters by specifying the number of intervals of 1/4 point each.

Sets the text underline mode. Parameter 0 must be selected to cancel.

The operator allows you to specify underlining only words.

Setting dotted underline text (dotted underline).

Setting the mode of double underlining text (double underline).

Cancel text underlining.

Setting the superscript mode for writing characters (superscript). The size is specified in units of 1/2 points.

Setting the subscript mode for writing characters (subscript). The size is specified in units of 1/2 points.

Specifies the color number in the palette.

Setting the background color by specifying a number in the palette.

Subsequent versions of the RT format may be supplemented with new commands. If the program does not recognize the command, then it can be skipped. The end of each command is marked with one of the delimiting characters described above (most often a semicolon).