Learnable remote control. Learnable universal remote control with air conditioning controls

Universal remote controls allow you to centralize control of all your home theater components in one device. For less than 700 rubles, you can already pick up a good model. If you need more comfort, for about 2000 rubles you can find a universal all-in-one remote control.

It turns out even more convenient if you do not control each device separately, but by pressing one button you send several commands at once to different devices. These luxury options are available at a slightly higher price: 15,000 rubles. Either way, check out our buying tips.

Model Description Price
Seki Slim Available spare remote control: learner with simple controls. Runs on batteries. 500 rubles
Seki Easy Plus For the elderly: trainable with extra large buttons and simple controls. Runs on batteries. 870 rubles
Auvisio PRC-540 Entry level device: supports up to 4 devices. Programmable via USB connection, battery operated. 1500 rubles
One for All Smart Control Motion Comfortable middle class: the remote control supports up to 6 devices, is equipped with a motion sensor and runs on batteries. 2000 rubles
Logitech Harmony 350 Universal: supports up to 8 devices. The buttons are programmable and battery operated. 6000 rubles
Logitech Harmony Touch Luxury all-rounder: Supports up to 15 devices, features a color touch screen and rechargeable battery. 15 000 rubles

Seki Easy Plus & Slim: Simple, understandable and convenient.

Seki remotes: simplified to a minimum

Remote controls for TVs usually have more than 50 buttons of various sizes. Children, pensioners or visually impaired people cannot always cope with such devices. In this case, PDUs come to the rescue. seki.

Model Slim– a simple assistant in changing channels or adjusting the volume: a great replacement for another remote control. More buttons, and therefore functions, the model has Easy Plus, whose large keys are very easy to distinguish. For programming, it is enough to send a signal from the original remote control to the devices seki.

Price: about 500-800 rubles.

Remote control with "Motion" function: One for All Smart Control reacts to your movements.

One for All Smart Control Motion: with motion sensor

With universal remote control One for All Smart Control approximately you can control up to 6 devices in your living room. For setup, you have three options: quick programming (for equipment from large manufacturers such as Panasonic, Sony, etc.), search method and code entry.

The highlight of the remote is the function behind the term "Motion": the remote responds to your movements. For example, with a sharp movement of the remote control from the right to the center, the TV channel switches down the list, and from the left to the center - up. If you hit the side of the remote control twice with your finger, the sound will turn off, if you do it two more times, the sound will return. Practical!

Price: about 2000 rubles.

Logitech Harmony Touch: up to 15 devices on one remote.

Logitech Harmony Touch: multiple commands in one

Logitech Harmony Touch can serve up to 15 devices. In addition to the color touch screen, it has such a feature as “action control”. With this feature, Harmony is able to execute multiple commands at the press of a single button. For example, the "listen to music" function activates the AV receiver and CD player, and the TV switches to the appropriate HDMI input.

The remote also has a backlight, a rechargeable battery and a USB port through which it can be connected to a computer. Thus, using the "configuration wizard" Harmony Touch programmable quickly and easily.

Price: about 15,000 rubles.

How to choose a learning remote control?

There is a huge variety of assortment, so the question of choosing a remote control often becomes difficult. It is not worth buying a remote control according to the appearance you like.

The "universal remote control" includes a fairly large number of remote controls that are completely different in functionality. Therefore, before making a choice, you should decide - for what purpose you need a remote control at all.

Often a person is guided by the idea: if universal remotes are offered, then they should be suitable for everything in the house. It's a delusion.

Universal remotes are customizable. But this does not apply to all technology and not all functions. So, for example, a universal remote control may not support the “menu” and “program settings” function for a TV, and without this, the control will be incomplete.

Therefore, the best solution is to choose a model of universal remotes with a learning function. A learnable TV remote control is a modern solution for a modern home.

What are the remotes?

1. With presets. The manufacturer reads signals from native remotes into its database, then numbers these readings under certain codes. The user enters a code that corresponds to his brand into the remote control and controls the equipment first with one code, and then with another, etc. There may be an option when the code is not registered instead of a specific "dear" remote control, but a list of codes for a specific brand is indicated.

2. Remote control via computer. The setting is carried out using special software. The bottom line is that the manufacturer's server contains a large number of settings designed for various devices. You can select these devices in the program and click the "update remote" button. Then all the information you need will be filled in by the "smart" universal remote control. Moreover, you can check compatibility: this is done on the manufacturer's website. For example, Logitech is one of the leaders with a fairly extensive base of settings for a wide variety of equipment.

3. Learning remote control. At the same time, for each button of the new remote control, there is the possibility of a signal learning function from any button of the “native remote control”. The universal trainee console is able to perceive, memorize, and then reproduce signals from "native" consoles.

How is the learning process going?

It is necessary to place the remote controls opposite each other at a distance of about 5-10 cm. At the same time, depending on the number of devices provided in the "universal" and the number of buttons on each layout, the total number of buttons capable of learning is added up.

Attention: if you are the owner of rare brands of devices with initially “non-standard IR signals according to the protocol”, then not every universal remote control will be able to learn from the “native” remote control. Therefore, you need to choose a remote control with a fairly wide range of supported signals.

The consoles are able to combine all kinds of settings: programmable + trainable or PC-configurable + trainable.

When the best option regarding customization is determined, then a choice is made on the number of supported devices, design, color scheme, weight, cost and various additional options, such as the macro command function.

Depending on how many categories of equipment the universal remote control can manage, it has a name. For example, "3-in-l" is the ability to replace three remotes at once. It can be video + TV + satellite receiver. If the name is "6-in-l", then such a remote control already "manages" six devices.

How to use the universal remote?

Everything is simple. Select a program number and adjust the volume. When it becomes necessary to turn on, for example, video, then you will have to use a special switch or button. Thomson equips their devices with switches, and Philips developers have provided a special button that cycles through device types in sequence. Opposite the icon required by the user at the moment, a special indicator lights up. It also flashes when buttons are pressed, demonstrating the operation of the remote control and sending commands. Interestingly, such models often have two or three button fields. Each of the fields is directly related to a separate category of technology.

Manufacturer's choice

You need to look for manufacturers who are professional in the production of remotes and have extensive code bases, as well as a satisfactory range for learning.

One of the recognized leaders, Philips, offers a whole line of convenient remotes. We offer you to get acquainted with two Philips models.

Model Perfect replacement SRP5004/97 universal remote control - certified by Royal Philips Electronics. Setup is very easy and fast thanks to the innovative SimpleSetup function. Only 3 steps are required: 1. Find out the device code and enter it into the remote control memory 2. Turn off the device with the on / off button 3. Check the operation of all buttons. Buttons are backlit. Fully compatible with over 1200 brands.

The PHILIPS SRU940010 model is not only capable of performing all the functions of old remotes, but also much more comfortable to use. 5-in-1 control for audio/video devices is provided. There is a wide database of infrared codes for most devices or brands. The device is equipped with an LCD display and has a backlight. Performs an automatic search for the specified brand. Learned: + Touch: + Macro: + .

The Voto SRM-403E remote control is a new universal learning remote control. After a simple setup, it can control 4 devices: TV, SAT, DVD, Home Theater. Eat
built-in database of control codes. The search for codes is carried out in automatic and manual mode. The modern remote control learning technology makes it possible to program any key. The remote control retains the settings when the batteries are changed.

The Dr.HD universal learning remote control is a convenient and functional device with 2 modes. Only one of them has the ability to program 49 buttons to control various household electronic appliances. Features backlit buttons, incredibly easy setup, powered by two AAA batteries.

The Euston URC - 888L remote control is called the super-universal remote control - 8 in 1. It will replace up to 8 remotes. More than 1500 popular models are stored in memory. The control panel is easy to learn. Works with almost all brands of equipment. LED - glowing indicator of the selected device.

SunWave SRC-3820 - remote control with a touch screen, replaces up to 16 original remotes, it is possible to copy up to 48 buttons from one original remote control, copy up to 768 buttons from all original remote controls, edit banks and buttons with custom names for learning banks and buttons, 128 macros - programming macro commands called by pressing one button. There is a backlight of the display and buttons, the ability to add the necessary buttons and remove them, LIGHT outdoor light sensor; clock, calendar.

As you can see, there are plenty to choose from! We are glad that you liked today's topic.

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I have long wanted to have a small remote control for controlling various household appliances. And now, finally, we got our hands on it, and there was enough free time to create our own universal remote control! I tried to make it smaller, more comfortable, prettier ... in general, look what happened!

1 Principle of operation.

The universal remotes that I have for sale, for the most part, work on the principle of pre-installed IR commands. That is, a large database of protocols of various consoles is recorded in the memory of the remote control, and its code is driven in to select the desired one (a book with codes is attached to the remote control). The advantage of this approach is that to configure all the keys on the remote control, you need to dial one code. The disadvantage is obvious - the remote control will only be able to work with those household appliances from which it has commands stored in memory (in case the necessary model of household appliances was not found in the booklet, the manufacturer of the universal remote control recommends trying the nearest suitable model or everything in a row).

I went the other way. In order not to create a huge database of commands from various remotes, I decided to record IR commands from the original remote control into the memory of the microcontroller and then play them back (a kind of voice recorder for IR commands). The remote control being trained does not care what protocol the original remote control uses, it does not matter what format and length of the IR command, it records all the information transmitted by the original remote control in raw (RAW) form and reproduces it in the same way.

Of course, there are limitations, and some remotes cannot be learned for objective reasons:
- the learning remote control perceives IR-messages with a TSOP operating at a frequency of 36 or 38 kHz (the vast majority of remote controls operate in this range) - this does not make it possible to perceive a message from a remote control that operates on a carrier that is very different from the TSOP carrier (for example, 30 or 56 kHz);
- protocols of feedback control panels (for example, like air conditioners), for obvious reasons, cannot be reproduced;
- non-standard protocols that have a specific construction of the IR command (for example, the command is divided into several parcels).

2 The design of the console.

The learning remote is a small box with touch keys. The whole structure is powered by a three-volt 2032 battery. There are 9 touch keys on the body, 6 of them are used to control equipment (remote keys) and the remaining 3 - to select a set of commands (respectively, you can record and play up to 3 sets of commands for 6 commands each). There is also a clock button for transitions between operating modes. Structurally, the console consists of two boards:
- the first - control board -;
- the second is the sensor board (you will find its description below in the text).
Both boards are interconnected using connectors, forming a one-piece compact design.

2 Diagram of the remote control (shield of the universal remote control).

Diagram of a universal remote control

The figure shows a diagram of a universal board along with the shield of the learning remote control. Various microcontrollers from the ATmega48/88/168 series can be installed on the base board. The components of the circuit are not critical in terms of ratings and allow for slight variation. Probably, you will have to choose a quenching resistor for the IR LED. The lower the value of this resistor, the stronger the remote control signal, but the battery will drain faster.

The remote was originally going to be powered by three AAA batteries in a battery compartment attached to the bottom of the remote, but field tests have shown that a small 3 volt 2032 battery is sufficient for satisfactory operation. Of course, the power of the IR signal decreases somewhat, but remains within the limits of comfortable work. In this regard, the printout of the sensor board was slightly changed, where a place was added for attaching a 2032 battery.

But keep in mind that not all TSOPs are able to work with a supply voltage of 3V. If your TSOP doesn't work with 3 volts, or you need a powerful IR signal that can work at long distances, bouncing off walls and ceilings, then attach a three-AAA battery compartment to the bottom of the remote control (a closed battery compartment will not even spoil the appearance) and you will get a powerful remote control and long-lasting operation.


How to Assemble the Control Board - Making the printed circuit board for the learning remote's shield can be somewhat difficult due to the relatively thin traces and large polygons of the touch pads. After etching and tinning the board, it is imperative to view / ring all the tracks for breaks and short circuits between each other.
Here I leave the wiring of the base board and the board of the shield of the remote control together with the side walls in one place (for the convenience of manufacturing all the boards at a time).

Drawing of the printed circuit board of the remote control

4 Assembly of the structure

After you are convinced of the integrity of the shield tracks, we solder the components. There is nothing special to solder there, but there are some nuances:
- indicator SMD LEDs (there are two of them in parallel) need to be soldered sideways, so that their glow can be seen through the board.

Initially, it was thought that these LEDs should be directed inside the case and illuminate the entire plane of the sensors with reflected light, but to save the battery, the LED current had to be reduced and the backlight became hard to see.

By the way, LEDs don't have to be SMD. You can drill a hole in a convenient place on the board and install a regular LED there, pulling power to it with wires.

- Another problematic element for installation is a piezo emitter. The dimensions of the piezo emitter do not allow it to be installed in any particular place (it simply does not fit), so you will have to be creative in installing it. For example, I cut a standard piezo plate with scissors to a convenient size and soldered the plate to the bottom of the console.

If nothing works with the piezo emitter, you can install an LED instead, remembering to put a quenching resistor (300 - 1000 Ohm) in series with it.

— The sensor board has three side walls that are soldered perpendicularly (the fourth end wall is soldered to the universal board). When connecting the universal board and the sensor board, the side walls should not rub or wedge between each other. To do this, you need to adjust the boards to each other - you have to work with a file :).

5 Microcontroller firmware

The base board is flashed through the standard ISP-6 programming connector (it is the middle one on the side of the base board).
- Firmware for ATmega88 universal remote control
- Fuses of the ATmega88 universal remote control
I remind you: For Algorithm Builder and UniProf, the checkboxes are set as in the picture.
For PonyProg, AVR Studio, SinaProg checkboxes are set inversely.
How to program microcontrollers read in

After the microcontroller is flashed and the operability of the remote control is checked, we start working on the appearance of our device. Since outwardly the path is a rectangular smooth box folded from printed circuit boards, decorating will not be any difficulty. You can give the remote control a “presentation” in different ways, for example, paint it with spray paint and then apply a pattern of keys or print a picture of the front panel on paper and stick it, etc.

I chose the method described in . Using a color laser printer, I printed out drawings of the front and rear panels of the remote control on self-adhesive paper, glued the drawings to the remote control and covered it with a protective layer on top (glued a wide adhesive tape on top).

It turns out quite interesting, especially since you can choose the design of the keys in the context of your interests or the intended household appliances for which the remote control is intended.

Here are some general key design options.

Remote Control Touch Panel Drawings (DOC)

6 Learning remote control operation

The remote is ready, now I'll tell you how to work with it.

To get started with the operation of the remote control - the controls:

- hardware (contact) key set serves for various purposes, but the main ones are the transition between operating modes, putting the remote control to sleep and bringing it out of sleep;
- indicator Led(in the picture it is a little out of place, but everything flows, everything changes ...) serves to indicate various operating modes + sensor illumination;
- touch keys program changes And level changes have auto-repeat (functions: volume, channel switching, brightness, tone, ...);
- touch keys power And Mute do not have auto-repeat (needed for single actions: turn on-off, open-close, ...);
- sensors for selecting a group of commands make active one of three possible sets (6 each) of sensor commands (for example: 1-TV, 2-amplifier, 3-light);
- there is also a piezo emitter Buzzer (inside the case), it speaks keystrokes and performs a number of other actions.

Here is the algorithm itself:
— When the remote control is turned on for the first time (power on), it will start the automatic sensor adjustment procedure. Before tuning, with short pauses, two long and one short beeps will sound. Immediately after a short beep, the sensors will automatically adjust. At the time of automatic adjustment, the touch pads must be free. - Next, the console switches to the playback mode of commands from the first group of commands. A long beep will sound, followed immediately by a short beep (the first set of commands). Light up Led. If you now press the sensors command group selection then a long beep will sound and, immediately after it, depending on the group number, the number of short ones. Command group switches work the same in all modes.
— When pressed in playback mode command sensors, a short beep (peak) will be emitted and an IR command will be issued.
- If the remote control is not touched for a while, it will automatically go into sleep mode. You can put the remote control into sleep mode by forcibly pressing it briefly set. Short press on set in sleep mode, the remote control wakes up and it will signal the number of the active group of commands (so as not to poke your finger once again 😉).
- If in playback mode, hold down for a long time set, then the remote control will enter the learning mode by emitting two short beeps, and Led will start blinking continuously. When you press any sensor, the LED will turn off, a long signal will sound and the remote control will wait for an IR message from the original remote control. If the package is received, a long beep will sound, the remote control will remember the command and return to the learning mode. If there is no parcel for a long time, a short signal will sound and the remote control will go into learning mode on its own. Also, waiting for an IR-send can be canceled by a short press set. In the standby mode of the IR-send of the original remote control, you can select other sensors or groups. Actions selector sensors same as playback mode.
- You can return to playback mode by long pressing set(two short beeps will follow) or, after some time of inactivity, the remote control itself will switch to playback mode.

7 Troubleshooting. Structural debugging.

The sensors of the device are the thinnest and most sensitive element of the design. They need careful manufacture (flux that is not washed off or dirt on the board can significantly impair or even make it impossible for the sensors to work) and fine-tuning. The program has taken measures to make the operation of sensors more reliable:
- at startup, the program checks the sensor lines for the absence of a short circuit. In the case when the sensors will have a supply voltage (worst case, which can lead to “burning out” of the microcontroller ports), the program will stop its execution and generate an error signal;
- at startup, the program automatically adjusts the sensitivity for each sensor separately;
- upon successful initialization of the sensor ports and the first setting of the sensitivity of the sensors, the program will write the sensitivity levels for all sensor pads to EEPROM from the first address (zero address - general sensitivity) in the order:

&01 Up
&02 Down
&03 Plus
&04 Minus
&05 power
&06 Mute
&07 Sel1
&08 Sel2
&09 Sel3
By reading the sensitivity table from EEPROM using the programmer, you can indirectly evaluate the quality of the sensors and diagnose problems with their work.

— Normal sensitivity lies within the values: 20-50 . These values ​​are not absolute, as the sensitivity of the sensors is affected by a lot of factors:
— Values ​​close to 0 they say that the sensor pad has leaks on “+ power” (there can be no short circuit, since in this case the program simply will not start working (an error signal will be continuously generated). The cause of leaks can be a poorly cleaned board, “snot” between the tracks, the wrong size (less than 1 MΩ), pull-up resistors of the sensors, poorly etched gaps between the tracks on the board.
— Values ​​close to 255 they talk about leaks to the "ground" (up to a short circuit), or an open circuit in the sensor pad - microcontroller leg circuit, or a break in the pull-up resistor (the one that is 1 MΩ). The reasons for leaks to the "ground" can be: poorly cleaned board; "snot" between tracks; poorly etched gaps between tracks on the board.
— The sensitivity values ​​of the sensors should be approximately the same. Too large a spread of values, although it is not an unambiguous indicator of their incorrect operation (sensors are processed and adjusted individually), but indicates that there are some problems.

For the case of unreliable operation of the sensors, at the zero address of the EEPROM, using the programmer, you can manually set the overall sensitivity of all sensors. In this case, a zero value corresponds to the maximum sensitivity, 19 - the minimum, values ​​​​greater than 19 will set the default sensitivity - 5.

&00 Sensitivity

When flashing the remote control, EEPROM is cleared and all cells (including zero) receive the values ​​​​255, which automatically sets the nominal sensitivity.

8 Shield forArduino

Since the remote control is assembled on a microcontroller used in boards such as Arduino, Freeduino and the like, it is logical to make a universal remote control shield for them. At the moment, I have not yet bred such a shield (I haven’t gotten my hands on it), but if you manage to do it faster (and test it for performance), send the materials and I will be happy to post them in this part of the article. Here, to help, the basis of the Arduino shield board in Sprint Layout:
- Arduino shield blank (Sprint Layout)

This device was purchased for one specific task, but its functionality was unexpectedly pleasantly surprised.

And all due to the fact that I previously bought almost for free a very good programmable universal remote control (I'm talking about it). And, although he “does well” with “standard” TVs, he never managed to “make friends” with their “exotic” counterpart of domestic production, proudly bearing the label of the once world famous brand (neither enumeration of codes, nor automatic search helped).

Having stumbled upon the offer of the CHUNGHOP L403E remote control on AliExpress, I could not resist. Firstly, this remote control is trainable: it is guaranteed to be programmed for any device. Secondly, it is truly universal: instead of "1 in 1" - "4 in 1" (and even - "N in 1", where N> 4).

The remote control sent by mail made the most favorable impression.

It is packed in a neat box of transparent celluloid. Inside it is a colored cardboard insert. The remote control itself, in all its glory, "lyes" on a transparent plastic bed. The package includes English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Made for export. Both the packaging and the remote control itself are carefully made - industrially, and not in a handicraft-basement way. The build is good, the plastic is high quality and odorless, the overprints are even and seem to be durable. Everything is very solid - no "Chinese", there is even an OTK sticker on the remote control. Only a small inscription "made in ..." speaks about the origin of the goods.

The remote control has dimensions corresponding to conventional remote controls: 17.5 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm. It has an ergonomic shape, fits comfortably and confidently in the hand. Lightweight: weight without batteries - only 68 g.

Powered by 2 AA batteries (not included).

It differs from a conventional remote control, perhaps, only in the presence of two IR LEDs (obviously, receiving and transmitting) on ​​the front end of the case. In all other respects it is similar to conventional remote control.

At the top there are 4 device selection buttons: TV, DVD, CATV and AUX (their purpose is completely conditional). Each of them corresponds to a red LED-indicator.
The main keyboard is stylized as a combination of buttons common among modern remote controls, so it looks familiar and does not cause difficulties. It is noticeable, perhaps, only the absence of colored teletext buttons, but this is not important (including due to the universality of the remote control).

There are 32 programmable buttons in total. Taking into account 4 "devices", we get the opportunity to program 4 x 32 = 128 functions.

For programming, a working original remote control is required.

The training goes like this:
1. Press and hold down one of the device selection buttons (TV, DVD, CATV or AUX) for about 3 seconds until the corresponding indicator lights up continuously. We have a trained and original remote control with IR LEDs opposite each other (the manufacturer recommends a distance of 1-3 cm).
2. On the original remote control, press and hold down the button to be programmed. If the learning remote control "sees" the signal, the indicator of the device starts flashing.
3. On the learning remote control, press the button that we program for this signal. The device indicator flashes rapidly to indicate successful operation, then turns solid again.
4. To program other buttons, repeat steps 2-3.
5. To exit the learning mode, press the device selection button, and the device indicator will turn off.

Everything - the remote control is ready to work.

At first glance, it seems that it is time-consuming and time-consuming, but in fact it is not.

Firstly, in reality, this procedure is simple and does not take much time. The only thing I want to draw your attention to is that since the remote controls are turned 180 ° during training, you need to be careful not to confuse the paired buttons (up-down, left-right).

Secondly, for everyday use it is enough to program only the main buttons. Agree, usually on the TV we use the power button, volume change, channel change and, maybe, digital ones - to select a channel by number. Therefore, especially lazy people can limit themselves to this minimum set.

Well, and thirdly, the remote control memory is non-volatile - when the batteries are removed, the settings are not reset. Therefore, the training procedure can be carried out "once and for all."

After completing the training, the remote control can be used as follows: press the device selection button, while the indicator corresponding to it lights up briefly (the last selected device is remembered, so if the device does not change, then you do not need to press the device selection button). Further - we act as a conventional remote control.

Pressing the button is indicated by a brief flashing of the device indicator (convenient - you can immediately understand which device the command refers to).

And, finally, about the promised "N in 1". Since the four “devices” and their names are a conditional thing, you can program the remote control buttons in any combination.

For example, on the "device" "TV" on the buttons POWER, VOL + / -, CH ^ / v (green) program the control of the TV, and on the buttons ^, v,<, >and other gray ones - a player, etc. In this case, there is no need to switch "devices" on the remote control. However, this is a matter of taste.

I repeat: the remote control is really universal - it can be taught the functions of absolutely any / any remote control that has / has an IR interface.

I am satisfied with the purchase.

Thank you for your attention!

To date, various types of remote controls are sold in all specialized retail stores and online stores. In a chic assortment, buyers are often lost and cannot independently choose a remote control for their favorite equipment. The remote control must always be selected first of all by its technical characteristics, and then by its appearance. In practice, girls choose devices with their eyes and make ill-considered purchases, which they later regret.

Useful information for choosing the right remote controls

Product group universal remote controls extensive and contains a lot of devices that are very diverse in terms of functionality. Before buying, everyone should clearly define what is needed remote control station wagon.

  • First option

The device is purchased for the purpose of replacement in case of loss, failure. Users mistakenly think that universal remote controls tuned to any technique and will definitely fit. Always consult with the seller, and do not make unnecessary purchases. Experts recommend immediately looking for a native remote control in the presented assortment for the necessary equipment.

  • Second option

The device is bought in order to replace a huge number of remotes for all appliances in the house with one remote control. The choice on the Russian market of such universal remote control devices is huge. People from every far corner of the country have the opportunity buy universal remote control with delivery in popular online stores.

Classification of universal remotes

  • Remotes with preset

Leading manufacturers receive signals from native devices into a personal database and number them with specific codes. The consumer needs to enter an individual code that must match the brand.

  • Consoles with PC settings

Special software guarantees high-quality tuning of the universal type remote control. The user independently selects the necessary settings from a huge database and updates the device. After not complicated actions, the device becomes fully compatible with the declared technology.

  • Remotes with useful learning function

To configure, all the buttons of the new device are trained by signals from the old remote control. This type of remote control can receive, capture and reproduce signals from native remote controls. The learning process is carried out at a distance of 15 cm. Unfortunately, remotes with rare IR signals according to the protocol cannot be adjusted using this method. Experienced sellers always warn buyers about such nuances and always provide help in choosing a remote control.

The online store of remotes CLICK specializes in the sale of branded and universal remotes from leading manufacturers. Leading experts advise buyers to pay attention to hits-sellers:

The code base and functionality of these devices is huge.

In a situation where a person chooses universal remote control for all equipment in the house, you should approach the choice very thoroughly and seriously. It will not be superfluous to get professional help from leading specialists from the largest online remote control store in the country, CLICK. In a chic range of remote controls, it is very easy and quick to choose the right model. The cost of universal remote controls always compares favorably with competitors!