Digital tuner for guitar tuning. Tune your guitar with a tuner

Many guys, and even older men, are fond of playing the guitar. How nice it is sometimes to sit in sincere company and sing along to it. And by the way, few “gatherings” by the fire under the starry sky, and even more so a hiking trip, do without songs to the guitar. But not many people know how to tune a guitar on their own, for example, using a tuner.

How to properly tune a guitar with a tuner?

As a rule, many novice guitarists, until they learn to play, take a budget version of the guitar, and of course the cheapest tuner. So we will try to tune it with an inexpensive tuner. It usually looks like this: square or rectangular, with a display, a scale with an arrow on the display.

To begin with, we want to warn you against a common mistake that almost all beginners make. By pulling up a string and seeing “E” on the display when striking it, many believe that they have already tuned it. But this is not a fact, the string may sound completely in the wrong octave. A tuning fork is needed for fine tuning. This is a device that resembles either a fork or a whistle. For convenience, choose the one that emits MI - the sound of the first open string.

  1. So, the first string should correspond to the note LA clamped at the fifth fret, or the note MI open. After tuning it by ear, use the tuner to ensure that the letter E appears on the display, and the arrow shows 0 when you hit the open string.
  2. Second string. We clamp it on the fifth fret and twist it so that its sound matches the sound of the first open string. Those. in unison. Then, as with the first string, we tune it with a tuner. The display should show the letter B, the arrow at 0 - these are the indicators that should be when hitting the second string that is not clamped.
  3. We clamp the third string at the fourth fret and bring it to unison with the second open one. Next is the tuner. The display shows 0 and the letter G.
  4. Fourth string. Clamp on the fifth fret, bring to the sound of the third open. Tuner. The display shows the letter D, and the arrow, respectively, to 0.
  5. Fifth. Clamp on the fifth fret, unison with the fourth open. The letter A is on the tuner.
  6. The sixth string - clamp on the fifth fret, bring it to the sound of the fifth open. On the tuner we have E.

At first glance, this may seem like a very complicated process, but over time you will get used to it and will do it automatically.

How to tune a guitar for a beginner using a tuner?

There is a category of people who are fond of the guitar for a short time. As a rule, such people do not really want to delve into notes, into octaves, etc. They do not set themselves to become professionals, they just like the process of the game itself at the moment, which brings pleasure. Some of them don't even bother to tune the guitar, it doesn't matter to them, and some just don't know how it's done. And in order not to injure the hearing of others, we will tell you how to tune the guitar using a clothespin tuner.

How to tune a guitar with a clip-on tuner?

Such a tuner is perfect for everyone, even for those who are completely deaf, because. it is automatic. The only thing you need is a tuner with a clothespin in which a microphone is mounted, fasten it to the neck.

With the tuner attached, you can start testing each string by hitting it and looking at the display or the lights that light up, depending on the tuner model. On the screen, or by the lights that light up, everything becomes extremely clear, even to a person who, for the first time in his life, picked up a guitar. So it is very easy to tune a guitar through such a tuner and this type of tuning does not require any special skills and perfection.

We will not discover America by saying that playing an out-of-tune instrument is the last thing to do. And it doesn't matter at what level you are, just starting to learn or collecting stadiums, deviation even by half a step in the first case will lead to pointless attempts to find out why the seemingly correct chord does not sound, in the second - to general disappointment. Of course, there are lovers of old proven tuning forks and specimens with absolute pitch that tune the guitar by ear, but we are sure that they are in the minority. They will not be interested in this article. For those who want to quickly and accurately, and most importantly, very easily, tune a guitar, we will try to answer the main questions related to a guitar tuner, because without it it will not work.

The principle of operation of all electronic tuners is the same: they recognize the sound that an instrument makes (in our case, an open string of a guitar) and display how much it corresponds to a certain note. The first guitar tuners (by the way, the first household music tuner Stroboconn went on sale in the USA in 1936) displayed information using a scale, the middle position of the arrow on which indicated that the instrument correctly displayed the given note. Modern tuners are equipped with LED / LCD screens, but on most of them the style of displaying information has remained the same: the arrow on the scale indicates how much lower or higher the sound is compared to the desired note and in which direction the tuner should be turned. The middle position of the hand is the perfect hit to the note, while in many models the color of the backlight changes.

What are guitar tuners

Guitar tuners are divided into types according to the principle of receiving an incoming signal.

First of all, let's understand the concept of a chromatic (Chromatic) or non-chromatic (non-chromatic) tuner. A non-chromatic guitar tuner is only able to determine if the standard tuning of a 6-string guitar is EADGBE, i.e. 6 notes. It cannot detect other notes, so it is not suitable for tuning non-standard guitars or other stringed instruments. The correct tuning in such tuners is displayed either in the form of a scale or with the help of LEDs, three for each string: the middle one lights up when the sound of the string corresponds to the given note, the left one - when it is lower, the right one - when it is higher.

The chromatic tuner can match any semitone of the chromatic scale - there are only 12 of them. Therefore, it is suitable for tuning any stringed instrument: bass guitar, 12-string classical, ukulele, cello, violin, etc.

Stroboscopic tuners (Strobe tuners), they are also called "pocket" tuners, are smaller analogues of the first music tuners and are considered the most accurate. They determine the frequency of the sound wave and compare it with the reference value of the corresponding note. They are connected to the guitar using a regular jack.

Pedal tuners are an upgraded version of stroboscopic tuners. The principle of operation is the same, but in addition to the input jack for connecting to an instrument, they have an output jack for connecting to an amplifier, processor, etc. This is very convenient since it does not require unplugging equipment to tune the guitar - when the tuner is turned off, the signal from the instrument goes further along the chain. The pedal can be used for other purposes (for example, as a mute). The pedal tuners are designed for use on stage, they have a sturdy body, the on/off button is made in the form of a pedal, and the indication is bright and large enough for comfortable playing while standing. Note that many processors also have a tuner function.

Acoustic Tuners, or tuners with a built-in microphone, can actually “hear” the sound of your instrument, as if it were being tuned by a professional musician by ear. The obvious disadvantage of this type of tuner is the sensitivity of the built-in microphone to external noise, which greatly complicates the process of tuning with other musicians or in noisy places. To solve this problem, there are models that are mounted directly on the deck, and the pickup is placed inside it, but if this is not provided for in the guitar design itself, then mounting it yourself is quite problematic. Although the technology is outdated, acoustic tuners are the most versatile as they don't require a connection and can be used to tune almost any instrument.

Clip-on tuners or piezo tuners (Piezo Tuners), unlike acoustic tuners, do not pick up sound, but vibration coming from the strings. They also do not require connection to the instrument and are attached to the top of the deck with a clothespin. There are models of piezo tuners that are attached to the top of the resonator hole (socket) so-called SoundHole Tuners. The design of the SoundHoleTuners allows them not to be removed when transporting the guitar in a case, but in electric guitars there is simply nowhere to mount them. Since the principle of operation of piezo tuners is based on comparing the vibration frequency with a certain note, extraneous noise does not affect the tuning accuracy in any way.

Virtual tuners, online tuners allow you to tune the instrument thanks to the microphone of your gadget and the corresponding application. Of course, this type of tuner is more than affordable, but there are many complaints about the accuracy of such a setting, since the microphone, which is primarily designed for voice recognition, is not always capable of accurately capturing the sound.

How to tune your guitar with a guitar tuner

First, a short solfeggio lesson. As we know, there are 12 basic notes, they make up the chromatic scale. One chromatic scale forms an octave. If you look at the neck of a guitar, you will see that there are different inlays at the 12th fret compared to the 3rd, 5th or 7th. Two dots at the 12th fret indicate the end of an octave and the beginning of the next. The standard tuning for a 6-string guitar is E A D G B E, i.e. the open strings correspond to these notes. Reducing the length of a string by one fret corresponds to raising its sound by half a tone. Thus, if the thickest 6th string is tuned to E (mi), then when it is clamped on the first fret, it will give F (fa), on the second - F # (fa #), etc. The fifth string, tuned to A (la), when pressed on the first fret will give A # (la #), then B (si), etc. This principle underlies the correct tuning of the guitar.

After connecting the tuner to the guitar (installing it on the guitar) and turning it on, you alternately pull each string and tighten or loosen it by turning the corresponding peg until the tuner shows an exact match of its sound to a certain note of the standard EADGBE tuning or your choice. Most modern tuners display the nearest semitone to the sound of the string, knowing how much higher or lower it is in the chromatic scale of the desired note. You either tighten (if you need to raise the tone) or weaken (if you lower the tone) the string. The correctness of the tuning can be checked by pressing the string along the frets - with each fret, the note should change according to the chromatic scale.

Why can't I tune my guitar with a tuner?

The most banal - you got a useless tuner. If the tuner is not chromatic, it will not show you other notes than EADGBE.

The second reason is the strings. Old strings, due to the oxidation of the material, are not able to stretch evenly, or vice versa, do not hold the appropriate tension. Remember that new nylon strings need to be stretched, that is, tightened several times before finally tuning the guitar.

It is very sad when the guitar simply does not build, that is, the distance between the frets is incorrect and does not correspond to the scale - the length of the open string from the nut to the bottom. Then you will not be able to match the chromatic scale.

How to choose a guitar tuner

When choosing a tuner, you should first focus on your instrument. As we already know, there are tuners that need to be connected to the guitar via a jack in order to work. We are talking about a stroboscopic “pocket” tuner and a pedal tuner. Therefore, they can only be used for tuning electric guitars and electric acoustics. A pocket tuner is a more budget option for both home and rap. points will suffice for you. But if you have already climbed onto the stage, a tuner-pedal is really more convenient in many respects.

For acoustic guitar, there are also two types of tuners to choose from. When choosing between an acoustic tuner with a built-in microphone and a clip-on piezo tuner, we unconditionally choose the latter option. It is compact, conveniently and securely mounted on the headstock, does not react to extraneous noise. This is a great option for electric guitars, as the principle of its operation is the most universal.

With the widest selection of guitar tuners on the market today to suit every budget and every taste, staying away and using an old tuning fork is simply a crime. Tuning by ear is also not a panacea, all professional guitarists, regardless of their genius, still use it.

An expensive leather strap or tricky strings can wait, a tuner is a real must have for anyone serious about playing the guitar!

Electric guitar tuning compared to an acoustic guitar, the procedure is more subtle and requires special attention. This article will tell you about how to tune an electric guitar the best way.

Build a guitar.

First, let me tell you a little about the tuning of the guitar. In general, there are many guitar tunings, I will give here the most popular ones.
The first letter is the thin bottom string, the last letter is the thick top string.
Letter decoding: A - la, B - si, C - do, D - re, E - mi, F - fa, G - salt.

Standard tuning (used in 90% of cases):

Drop-D system:

Double Drop-D action:

Open D system:
D A F# D A D

Open G tuning:

Drop-G action:

Most often played in standard tuning. And heavy metal guitarists love the Drop-D tuning, which is one note lower than the standard tuning.

Electric guitar tuning.

Now let's move on to the setup itself. electric guitars .
We will tune in the standard system (E B G D A E).

Electric guitar tuning method #1 (using external devices):

We buy a tuner (for example such ) or search the Internet for a program for tuning a guitar.
A tuner is an electronic device with a built-in microphone that picks up sound and identifies its pitch. The information reflects on the screen with a slider. The slider moves as you turn the tuning pegs, allowing you to fine-tune the instrument even on the go.
Computer programs: usually represent a set of 6 sounds, each of which corresponds to a guitar string. You just have to tune each string to the finished sound.

Electric guitar tuning method No. 2 (classical):

You will need a tuning fork / piano / tuned guitar.
1st string - Tuned by a tuning fork (guitar, piano) - "Mi";
The 2nd string, clamped at the 5th fret, sounds in unison with the 1st open;
The 3rd string, clamped at the 4th fret, sounds in unison with the 2nd open;
The 4th string, clamped at the 5th fret, sounds in unison with the 3rd open;
The 5th string, clamped at the 5th fret, sounds in unison with the 4th open;
The 6th string, pressed at the 5th fret, sounds in unison with the 5th open.

Reference: Unison is a complete consonance of two or more sounds of the same pitch.

Electric guitar tuning method No. 3 (by harmonics):

The harmonics are taken at the 5th fret of the 6th and at the 7th fret of the 5th string (there should be no sound vibrations). Other strings are tuned in the same way, except for the third and second strings, because the interval between them differs from the intervals between other strings.

Electric guitar tuning method No. 4 (by ear):

This is not so much a way, but advice to beginner musicians on how to tune an electric guitar by ear :) Every time you tune a guitar, carefully listen to the sound of each open string, as well as the difference between the sounds of the nearest strings. Over time, you will develop an auditory memory, and you will be able to tune the electric guitar by ear :)

Adjusting the scale of an electric guitar.

A scale is the distance from the nut to the bottom of the guitar string holder. On electric guitars, the scale most often comes in two sizes: 629 mm (22 frets) or 648 mm (24 frets).
Scale tuning is a sequential change in the length of each string. It is best to use a tuner to adjust the scale of an electric guitar, but if you are a happy owner of a good ear for music, you can do without "tricky" electronics.

Adjusting the scale of an electric guitar by the tuner:

Hold the string at the 12th fret, its note should be exactly one octave higher than the note of the same open string. If the note on the 12th fret is higher than the note of the open string, then the scale should be increased, and if the note is lower, then the scale should be decreased. The tuning itself is performed by rotating special bolts on the guitar's tailpiece.

Adjusting the scale of an electric guitar by ear:

It is done with the help of flags. The sound of a harmonic received above the 12th fret should be identical to the sound of the same string, but clamped at the 12th fret.

Guitar neck deflection adjustment.

You need to be very careful when adjusting the flex on your own. If you overdo it, you can ruin the tool.
Before you start adjusting the deflection, you need to set up the tool. Then you need to clamp the 6th string on the first and last frets. Check the distance from the 8th fret to the string, it should be approximately 0.2-0.3 mm. Read more about adjusting the neck deflection here: Guitar truss setting: truss rod.

Adjusting the pitch of the guitar strings.

The height of the strings should be adjusted after adjusting the neck deflection. Although there is no perfect formula, most adhere to the following rule: the distance from the string to the top surface of the 17th fret on 1-3 strings should be 2 mm plus or minus 0.4 mm, on 4-6 strings 2.4 mm plus or minus 0.4 mm.

Distance from pickups to strings.

It is configured individually for each instrument, strings, pickups. Adjustable by turning the bolts that secure the pickup to the body. The distance from thin strings to the pickup should be less than the same distance from thick strings. If the pickup is too far away, the sound will be quiet and dull, too close - the strings may hit it. Look for the golden mean.

The tuning of an electric guitar can generally be carried out following these guidelines. However, do not forget that each tool is individual and requires a special approach to it. Experiment :)

For a visual example of tuning an electric guitar, we offer a good video lesson:

Greetings, dear friend! I can congratulate you if you became a happy owner. Your dream has come true, you have this cool thing at home and you dream of surprising all your friends and acquaintances, and maybe your girlfriend, with some cool song.

But all these are still plans for the future, which will definitely come true when you learn to play the guitar, and it will be very soon, believe me. If you are serious about becoming a great maestro and conquering women's hearts, and maybe even the stage with your talent, then you need to gradually, step by step, develop your playing technique and replenish your knowledge with new and new material.

Since you have landed on this page, you will definitely need my help. And since this article is called “How to properly tune an acoustic guitar?”, That is exactly what we will discuss further. Believe me, not only you, but also many beginners have a problem with tuning the guitar. After studying this material, you will learn:

  • How to learn how to quickly and easily tune a guitar by ear?
  • How to perfectly tune a guitar through a computer and with a tuner at home?

I will answer all these questions in this article. So get your guitar ready, sit back and listen.

How did I learn?

Unfortunately, not many people have an ear for music. In this regard, it was somehow easier for me when I got my first guitar, and I was just starting to learn how to play it. Maybe it was somehow inherited, because in my family there are almost only musicians. I learned to tune the guitar quickly, because it didn't seem so difficult to me from the very beginning.

Now I easily tune the guitar by ear and can do without any tuners. But if you need to record something on a computer, then I can still use the help of a guitar tuner to more accurately (tune it up, so to speak) to tune it. Therefore, today I want to consider two ways to tune the guitar, so to speak " aurally" And " with a tuner».

How to tune a guitar by ear?

Since I am not a supporter of looking for easy ways, so I will now talk about the first way to set up, which will be fixed in your head for life. You need to be able to tune by ear first of all, and then get acquainted with all sorts of tuners. This is an old way that will always come in handy even in field conditions, it will never let you down, because even by pulling the strings on a “naked” guitar, you can easily tune it in 5-10 minutes.

I must say right away that we will tune the guitar in standard classical ("Spanish") system E(Mi). Here is a table of the classic standard guitar tuning for orientation.

Classic tuning method (fifth fret)

This method is considered the most popular and common among beginners because of its clarity and relative simplicity. So, first of all we need to know how to tune 1 string?

  • String #1(the thinnest without winding, which is at the bottom). The most important, it begins with the tuning of the entire guitar. It tunes by note E(Mi) of the first octave. You can take the sound of another already tuned instrument as a reference (a piano or some program on a PC or smartphone is ideal).

Note E can be recognized by the beep on the telephone. You can also use a tuning fork for greater accuracy.

Fork- this is a portable small device in the form of a whistle tube (maybe even in the form of a keychain), which clearly reproduces a note A(La). Holding the string number 1 on the 5th fret, we get La, and in the open state it is Mi.

  • String number 2. This string will be tuned "based" on the first. That is, the second string must be clamped at the 5th fret and tuned so that it sounds in unison (equally) with the first open (not clamped) E string.
  • String number 3. This is the only string that is tuned when pressed, not at the 5th, like all the others, but at the 4th fret. That is, we clamp the third string at the 4th fret and tune it in unison with the second open one.
  • String number 4. Here we again need to press the string at the 5th fret so that it sounds like the third open. Further, even easier.
  • String number 5. We tune the fifth string in the same way - we press it on the 5th fret and twist the peg until we achieve unison with the fourth string.
  • String #6(the thickest in the winding, which is at the top). We tune it in the same way - we press it on the 5th fret and make unison with the fifth string. The sixth string will sound the same as the first, only with a difference of 2 octaves.

After you have tuned all the strings in turn, I recommend that you go through them again and make a little adjustment, as some strings can loosen and get a little out of tune due to the tension of others. This must be done until all the strings sound in unison. After that, your guitar will be almost in perfect tune.

You can more accurately and correctly tune a six-string acoustic guitar using harmonics, since sometimes it is not always enough to tune it in frets. flageolet- this is such a technique when you need to lightly touch (not pinch) the string with your finger in the middle of the fret and extract the sound with your right hand and at that moment remove your finger from the string. The setup sequence here will be a little different.

  • String number 1. The first string in this case is tuned in the same way as in the classical way, i.e. by the sound of another properly tuned instrument.
  • String number 6. The sixth is the thickest string, which is tuned with a harmonic at the 5th fret in unison with first open string.
  • String number 5. The fifth string should be tuned so that the harmonic at the 7th fret matches first open string.
  • String number 4. String the fourth string until the harmonic at the 7th fret is in unison with the harmonic of the fifth string at the 5th fret.
  • String number 3. We tune the third string in such a way that the harmonic at the 7th fret sounds in unison with the harmonic fourth string taken at the 5th fret.
  • String number 2. Tune the second string so that the harmonic at the 5th fret is in unison with the harmonic of the first string at the 7th fret.

How to tune a guitar with a tuner?

Almost perfect tuning of the guitar can be quite simple both through a computer (for example, from Mooseland or in the program), and using a conventional electronic portable tuner, as this is the easiest way to tune the instrument. If you do not have it installed on an acoustic guitar, then you can use a regular microphone, which, I think, will definitely be at hand.

To do this, the microphone (or pickup, if any) must be connected to a regular tuner or to a virtual one on a computer. If this is a tuner, as shown in the image above, then fix it on the headstock - the vibrations from the strings will be transmitted to the tuner.

Everything is pretty simple here! All that is required of you is to pull the string (for example, it will be 1st) and tune it until the letter appears on the display E, i.e. mi note. If it is a tuner with an arrow, then it (the arrow) should be in the center. This will indicate that the setting is correct. Similar actions must also be performed with the rest. This will be the most accurate and fastest way to set up.

How to check the tuning (system) of the guitar?

A feature of all stringed instruments, including the acoustic guitar, is that it is quite difficult to tune it perfectly. This is mainly due to the design features of the instrument itself, as well as to the sound extraction technique. After properly tuning the strings in the classical way, there is still no guarantee that, in general, the guitar will build 100% well. Some chords may not sound very clear. It's not that the guitar is not of high quality or bad, but even new and good instruments are always not built perfectly. That's why all guitarists try to carefully check and tune their guitar from time to time, using various techniques.

The easiest way is the tuning of the guitar by chords. After some time, when you gain more experience, and your hearing becomes more developed and will be sensitive to any falseness, then it will be enough for you to take any chord on the guitar and determine which string is out of tune. Once you know which string needs to be tuned, you can easily fix it with a tuner. After that, a few more chord checks and tunings will be required. As a result, you will achieve the desired result and the optimal tuning of the guitar.

In conclusion, I would like to say the following. Be sure to check the sound of the first and sixth open strings. The sound from them must be extracted at the same time - it must merge and be even, while it will be heard that the sound consists, as it were, of 2 voices - high and low.

Perhaps that's all for today, dear friend! I hope this article helped you solve your problem, and now you already know how to properly tune a six-string acoustic guitar quickly and easily. Write in the comments how quickly you managed to tune the guitar? If you have a friend who is also learning to play, send him this article, I will be very grateful to you. I hope this way I will help other people. Yes, and finally, be sure to watch the video tutorials right under the article on how to tune the guitar, I recommend it.

Tuning the guitar online is carried out using a special tuner application, which you can see on our website. What are its advantages? You do not need to spend money to buy a "real" device, just open the site, and you can already tune an acoustic or electric guitar at home.

But before we figure out how to tune a six-string guitar, we need to know what we will get at the finish line. The standard guitar tuning looks like this: MI - LA - RE - SOL - SI - MI, in the tuner it is designated as E - A - D - G - H - E.

The list goes from the top (thick) string to the bottom (thin). Just in case, I note that the extreme “mi” is not the same sound, together they make up the “octave” interval, that is, they sound at different heights. The guitar has such a small paradox: the higher the string is located on the fretboard, the lower it sounds.

Standard guitar tuning

Note Frequency Hz
E Mi 329.63
5 A la
6 E Mi

Tuning your guitar with an online tuner

How to use the tuner:

  • Click the "Allow" button.
  • We pull the string.
  • We tighten or lower it in accordance with the table above.
  • If nothing is clear, then read the text below :).

If you do not see a guitar tuner above this inscription and services below, then you need to download and install Adobe Flash Player and refresh the page after installation.

So, the necessary minimum knowledge has been obtained, now let's figure out how to tune a guitar using a tuner. It is available in two modes: by ear and by using a microphone.

Adjusting by ear

How to tune a guitar by ear? Select the appropriate mode in the tuner and specify the tuning, for example, standard. You see the strings with note lettering. Click on the one you want to tune, listen to how it sounds and make sure that the string on your guitar sounds exactly the same.

Smartphone applications

You are logged in from a mobile device and the tuners are not displayed? Then we recommend downloading a good, proven tuner to your smartphone or tablet.

A conditionally free tuner with great functionality (it can be expanded for money, but the standard tuning is free). To the features of the tuner, I would like to note a higher tuning accuracy and simplicity. We recommend for those who play in the standard system.

A free but limited version of the online tuner is available at this link.

How to understand that they sound the same? There are two methods. First, click on the corresponding string on the tuner, listen, and then play it on your guitar. If the sound does not change, then the string is tuned. The second is to find on the Internet what the “unison” interval sounds like, listen to it, remember and compare with it what you get.

If you still do not understand how to do this, we have prepared a visual video for you. But be that as it may, this is not an easy way for beginners. Then how to tune a guitar for a beginner?

To do this, the tuner has a second mode, select it and indicate the desired system. Now select the string you want to tune and at this stage you will need a microphone from your computer. Bring it to the instrument (or the instrument to it if the instrument is built-in, for example, in a laptop) and pull the string.

Now look at what the device shows. You see an arrow - if the string is tuned correctly, it will be in the middle. If it deviates to the left, then you did not reach it, i.e. the sound is lower than necessary, if it is on the right, it means that it was overtightened.

What to do if the arrow randomly jumps or does not react to you in any way? Try moving the microphone closer or farther. Remember, you don't need to bring it close to the strings, but at the same time, don't hold it too far. The ideal location is 30-50 cm from the rosette (round hole under the strings on the body).

It seems that everything is simple, but just in case, we recorded a video for you.

Perhaps you wondered why then the first mode if there is a second, which is much easier to use? Well, firstly, not everyone has a microphone, and it is impossible to use a tuner without it, and secondly, tuning a guitar by ear is very developing. So, if you are a beginner guitarist, the ideal option is to first tune the instrument by ear, and then check the correctness through the tuner.

In a word, tuning a guitar at home is a simple process, but at first it can be difficult for a beginner. But, as practice shows, each time you will get it faster and faster, and after a few attempts, the question “How to properly tune the guitar” will not bother you.

Types of guitar tuning

In addition, we decided to indicate alternative types of tuning for the guitar. they are used in different directions. For example, Drop D is more used in rock or hard rock styles. a Drop C In heavy metal and metalcore directions.

Drop C system

Frequency Hz

Drop D build

Frequency Hz

Open G action

Frequency Hz

We hope that the article helped you deal with the issue. If something is not clear, watch the video or ask questions through the comments.