Diary online personal blog. Personal diary

A personal diary, like a photo album, will help you save the brightest pages of your life. With a computer and Internet access, you can keep a diary anywhere in the world.

Do you keep a personal diary? Would you like to? If you think that diaries are only for schoolchildren or great people, then you are deeply mistaken. Personal notes have been made by people of all walks of life since time immemorial! For example, the diaries of the people of ancient Babylonia, made on clay tablets, have come down to us. From them now we can judge the way of life in the distant historical past!

Today, scientists unanimously argue that keeping a diary is a very useful activity not only for history, but also for the author himself. Firstly, you can capture (and therefore remember forever) any moments of your life. Secondly, by making notes, you analyze the described situation, which enriches your life experience. Thirdly, the diary acts as a kind of "interlocutor" who will always "listen" to any of your thoughts and feelings.

Ways to keep a diary

Before the advent of the computer, there was only one way to keep a diary - to write it on paper. It doesn't matter whether they were separate sheets folded into a box or a common checkered notebook, the essence was the same...

The computer made it possible to create an alternative electronic analogue of a personal diary. At the same time, the development of the Internet has also contributed to this matter. Therefore, today we can say that the user has two additional full-fledged options for keeping a virtual diary: online (using various web services) and offline (using specialized programs).

Supporters of traditionalism still defend the idea that the diary must be only paper. However, in Lately there are more and more adherents of its electronic analogues. I suggest you decide for yourself which type of diary you are most impressed with:

As you can see, the main arguments for using a paper diary come down to the fact that you are free to arrange it as you please and with it you do not need any additional equipment. An electronic diary requires, at a minimum, a computer (ideally also with the Internet) and is somewhat limited in design tools. At the same time, a virtual diary is much more protected from unauthorized access and the possibility of losing it.

If you decide to start an electronic personal diary, then I offer you several interesting options for its implementation.

Personal diary online

In my opinion, the form of an online service is the most suitable for keeping a simple personal diary. There are several reasons for this:

  • good security of the diary from outsiders;
  • almost ubiquitous access (depending on the availability of the Internet);
  • the ability to access the diary from any device that allows access to the Internet.

The main problem with online diaries is that various blogging platforms usually appear under this concept, the reading of entries in which is available to everyone. There are not so many sensible resources on which publications are really confidential. Here are some free Russian-language services that allow you to keep a personal diary online...

One of the most interesting projects in the field of online diaries is:

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is an organic hybrid of a diary and social network, in which you can publish public notes, search for like-minded people and communicate with them. In addition, in fact, a personal diary at your disposal are:

  • shared diary (active by default);
  • section of audio recordings containing music added by users of the resource;
  • daily horoscope.

Immediately after registration, you will be able to write in the "General Diary". Entries from it can be public, so the first thing I recommend is creating a new one by opening the "My diary" menu (on the left) and selecting "Change diary". There you can set the name of the new diary, its description, avatar and type of entries. We choose a new diary for keeping and now we can be sure that no one will read our personal information.

In the recording editing mode, you have access to standard text formatting options, adding images and audio files (there is a built-in player). There are no restrictions on the number of notes per day and their volume, so you can put there at least all the volumes of "War and Peace" :)

MoyDnevnik is a rather young project (less than a year old), so it hasn't gained much audience yet. However, it looks and works at a very modern level. I think over the years it will develop and, perhaps, acquire some additional functions.

If real confidentiality is important to you, and communication with other people does not interest you, then the project may suit you:

This is one of the oldest such services in Runet, which has existed since 2009. It is decorated very ascetically, but has a number of features that will undoubtedly find their connoisseurs:

  • opportunity to change color scheme designing your diary;
  • quick search for notes by keywords;
  • calendar navigation;
  • the function of exporting records to HTML, XML, TXT or as an archive with all attachments;
  • the absence of any restrictions.

After registering for this service I recommend immediately visiting the "Settings" section from the right menu. Here you can turn on the display of the formatting panel for the text of entries (with access to direct editing of the HTML code), change the theme of the diary design and, if necessary, make some additional settings. After all this, you can go to the "All entries" section:

It displays all the notes you have previously made, and it is also possible to quickly create a new one. In edit mode, after clicking on the "More" link, you can insert a number of popular emoticons into the text, upload photos (directly or as links to them), post links to media files and arbitrarily change the publication date of the entry.

As you can see, in terms of functionality, the service is in perfect order. He loses a few appearance. However, given that the project is supported by only one single enthusiast, then here, I think, you should not be so critical.


Another interesting, and part-time "self-made", personal diary is the DnevniX project:

Here we are also invited to keep strictly confidential records in chronological order, however, that's not all! At your personal disposal there are as many as three additional functional modules:

  1. A diary for recording important matters and events.
  2. Notes - an analogue of sticky reminder stickers.
  3. A reader that allows you to read PDF files online.

The benefit of the reader is very doubtful, since modern browsers can open PDF documents on their own, but the other modules deserve attention.

The registration procedure on the service is a little confusing: if you try to register using the link in the main area, you will be taken to a non-existent page ... Therefore, I recommend registering and authorizing using the sidebar (on the left).

In the "Diary" mode, we have a not very functional text input field, under which all our entries are displayed in chronological order. Alas, there are no additional buttons for inserting sound or video in DnevniX, but there is the possibility of direct editing of the HTML code, due to which all the missing functions can be implemented.

The disadvantage of the service is the lack of adaptability of its design, which can create inconvenience when using it on mobile devices, as well as some "braking". However, if we take into account additional functions in the form of the same "Notes", then DnevniX can be quite recommended as an interesting means of keeping a diary on a stationary PC or laptop.

Programs for keeping a diary

Computer programs for keeping a diary have much more functionality than online services, however, the interface is often more complicated. And most of them are paid...

Most often, a diary program looks like a hybrid of a text editor and a calendar. If there is no calendar navigation, then a tree-like organization of notes can be used as an alternative. Programs implemented using this principle usually have a simpler interface, but the functionality is simpler - approximately at the level of a regular Notepad.

I bring to your attention several examples of software personal diaries for Windows.

Finding a full-fledged and at the same time free personal diary on a PC, it turns out, is not so easy ... To do this, I had to delve into the depths of the bourgeois Internet :) The result of such digging was the iDailyDiary program:

First of all, I would like to draw attention to the fact that we are still dealing with a slightly reduced version in terms of functionality, but its capabilities are more than enough for comfortable work. Features not available include:

  • spell check;
  • rubrication and tree-like style of viewing notes;
  • creating stickers;
  • creating tables;
  • support for emoticons and visual styles.

There are a number of minor limitations on the little things, but they can be completely put up with, since we have at our disposal an almost fully functional text editor with calendar binding, HTML and full-text search support! For complete happiness, there is the possibility of exporting records to various text formats, automatic backup, password protection and a Russian-language interface (although it must also be enabled in the settings).

After installation, the program will start in English. To switch the interface to Russian, go to "View" - "Preferences" - "Languages", select "Russian" in the list and click the "Apply" button. English will remain only the default page with short instruction to work with iDailyDiary Free, which does not hurt to learn if you know English.

If you do not know the language, then I will explain a little. To navigate through the records in the program, use the calendar line at the bottom of the working window. Dates that contain entries will be marked with a color (set in Settings). The entries themselves in iDailyDiary are called pages. You can create an unlimited number of pages for each day using a special button or the keyboard shortcut CTRL+T. New posts will open as tabs.

Actually, these data are enough for you to get started, and then you will orient yourself along the way. Despite some old-fashioned interface and partially limited functionality, I believe that iDailyDiary Free is almost the perfect program for keeping a personal diary on a PC.


If you are a supporter of only domestic software, then you may like the Diary program:

This program is only slightly inferior to the one discussed above in terms of functionality, but outwardly it looks much more modern. It allows you to keep an unlimited number of password-protected (or unprotected) diaries, supports inserting emoticons, images (including background ones) and attaching any files to notes.

In addition to the main purpose, the program has a number of other functions:

  • built-in event scheduler;
  • built-in address book;
  • note editor;
  • possibility of full-text search;
  • import and export of backups.

When you start the Diary, you will be prompted to create account user with password. If you set a password for it, then the password will be optional for the diary and vice versa. Although, if you wish, you can password-protect both your account and your notes, after which you can start taking notes.

The advantage of the Diary is that it stores all the data in the folder in which it was installed. Therefore, the program can be easily transferred to a USB flash drive and used on any computer.

Fans of minimalism can appreciate the program:

This small (only a couple of hundred kilobytes!) portable program can be used, in principle, for keeping any notes. However, if you create a new node in the tree structure in the left sidebar with the current year number as the name, then MemPad will switch to diary mode and will automatically create new subpages with current date by pressing the F6 key or by calling the "Diary entry" command in the "Page" menu.

The functionality of the note editor is not particularly impressive. All you can do is enter plain, unformatted text and insert links to files (the "file:" construct) or websites (the "http://" construct). Notes are saved in LST format with the ability to protect them with a password and autosave at specified intervals (once every 4 minutes by default).

From additional features it is worth noting:

  • export of individual records and entire nodes to TXT;
  • creating new notes from TXT files;
  • setting the font and background color of site notes;
  • full text search;
  • setting anti-boss from the keys.

Advanced users will also find useful the ability to fine-tune the operation of some program templates (for example, setting the date), its behavior and implementation. additional points context menu by editing various files. You can learn more about these edits in the MemPad help.

Specialized diaries

Some users sometimes require more specialized recording tools than a regular personal diary. For example, many parents keep a child development diary, athletes keep a training diary, and someone may need a food diary...

In this section, we will look at several programs for maintaining specialized diaries.


In almost all maternity hospitals, parents are advised to keep a diary of the child's development, where it would be possible to record changes in any indicators of growth, weight, body temperature, etc. If you do not want to write everything by hand in the old fashioned way, you can use a special program:

The program is "sharpened" for keeping a diary of the height and weight of the child. According to these parameters, you can build graphs of the dynamics of changes in indicators, compare them with reference development standards, print them out or simply save them to a separate text file.

In addition to the physical parameters in the Baby Log, you can also make any daily text notes. The volume of these notes is unlimited, but only a small introductory part of the entry will be displayed in the main window. If necessary, you can create several profiles and keep a child's diary for several children at the same time.

If you are involved in cyclical sports such as running, swimming, skiing, etc., then you have a great opportunity to keep a training diary using a program that does not require installation and can work from any media:

This application allows you to keep track of the time spent on the distance, the duration of training, the dynamics of changes in loads and many other parameters. For any of the indicators, you can create a graph that will reflect your progress.

The program also allows you to keep track of mistakes made during training and make arbitrary entries. This allows you, as an athlete, to analyze your own results more deeply, identify weaknesses and adjust your plan for further development.

If you yourself do not know what adjustments need to be made to the training schedule in order to achieve the desired result, then using the program you can quite easily export any fragments of your diary, for example, to the format Microsoft Excel, print them out and show the trainer. By the way, if you are a coach, then the program can help you monitor the progress of your wards, as it allows you to keep an unlimited number of diaries!

Those who monitor their weight and want to eat right just need to get electronic diary supply :

This program will allow you not only to keep track of what you eat and drink during the day, but also automatically calculate the consumed calories, nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are contained in the products of the database. If necessary, you can independently expand the list of dishes with an indication of all their characteristics.

Due to the visualization in the form of charts and scales, MerryMeal allows you to quickly assess the balance of your diet and adjust it if necessary. According to the results of each day, you can get detailed statistics in the form of graphs and histograms, which allows you to see the qualitative and quantitative dynamics of the change in nutrition.

In addition, MerryMeal allows you to separately keep statistics on fluid intake, calculate your body mass index and your biorhythms. Add to this the ability to synchronize and backup program data using the Internet, and you get an almost perfect food diary for Windows!


Whatever you decide to keep a diary for, it will definitely benefit you! The diary teaches us to analyze our actions and delve deeper into the essence of what is happening. Accordingly, provided that you do correct conclusions, in the future you will be less mistaken in those or other situations in which you have already found yourself once!

Start a personal diary, keep it for at least a year, and then reread it. You will see that this year you have become much wiser... Therefore, I wish you all success on the path to self-improvement and let the diary help you with this!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

A personal diary is a very useful thing. Every great person had a diary. Maybe that's why they became great? The diary is a means of self-control. It helps to streamline your thoughts and ideas, analyze your actions ... Let's discard philosophy and standard phrases. You will feel the full value of keeping a personal diary (namely, you will feel it with every cell of the body) in years to come. It's like a photo album of your life, only hundreds of times more powerful. Get out an old, family photo or some thing, a trifle from the past. Yeah, do you feel it? Do you want to intensify this feeling many times over? To tears? Surely you tried to start a personal diary once - find it !!!

Over the years, memories are erased, only fragments remain. We are unable to remember everything. The diary will help us. Mankind has not yet come up with another way to save thoughts and feelings. First love, first kiss, first disappointment, resentment, hopes, fears... - all this will save your personal diary. You will be touched by your naivety, cry and laugh. What about your baby's first steps? Personal victories? Persuaded to start a diary?

It's never too late to do this. Any age. I know it's hard to force yourself, but you have to. Then thank yourself.

Today you have a huge advantage over the past. Agree, few people want their personal diary to fall into the wrong hands. But there is nothing easier. Get it on your computer. Close the password and that's it - no problem. This is where you will need the program "Diary".

It is simple, easy and free program in Russian. You can add photos, pictures and music to your diary. Emphasize emotions with live emoticons. Everything is convenient and with tips. Forward!

Do you want to create a personal diary on the Internet, post entries and share them with other users? A huge number of services provide functionality for creating a personal diary.

You've probably heard the word like A blog is a personal diary of an Internet user. This type of sites is now actively used, and from personal diaries, such projects turn into large informational resources.

How to create a personal diary on the Internet? As already mentioned, special platforms have been created for this, you can use them even if you do not know HTML language. In this article, we will look at the simplest services for free creation personal diary.

Where to create a personal diary?

  1. Livejournal is the most common personal diary platform on the internet. Immediately after registering on the site, you can add new entries to your diary, for this you do not need to create a site, configure any settings, etc. The address of your diary will be like workion.livejornal.ru. Quite a few interesting blogs have been created through this service, you can replenish their number.
  2. LiveInternet - the next project also offers the creation of a diary in a few minutes. After going to the site in the upper right corner, click "Create a diary", fill out the registration form and confirm your mail, after that you will receive a ready-made diary in which you can immediately add new entries.
  3. Ya ru - the next project is provided by the Runet search engine Yandex. If you are registered with Yandex, then you just need to go to My.ya.ru and click "Write down a thought". Like a simple blog, your entries will be posted in a diary.
  4. Blogger - through this service you can create a pretty attractive blog, there are several templates to choose from. If you are registered with Google, no registration is required, go to Blogger.com, click "new blog" fill out special form and in a minute you can add the first entry.
  5. Diary.ru is also a popular service for creating a personal diary on the Internet. Registration is simple, as is the site interface. The diaries are not very colorful, but on the other hand, there is no extra functionality, so even beginners will not get confused by the buttons.