What should a gas station operator know? Job Responsibilities of a Cashier at a Gas Station

This is sufficient technical literacy, responsibility, attention, patience, communication skills and the ability to peacefully resolve conflict situations. The job description of the gas station operator is the main document regulating professional activity an official who receives, dispenses and records petroleum products at a gas station in accordance with the requirements established by the Rules for the technical operation of gas stations and other regulatory legal acts governing their (gas stations) work. The operator-cashier at the gas station is obliged to know and strictly comply with the requirements of the following Rules and instructions: Safety Rules (PTB) and Technical Operation Rules (PTE) of electrical installations. Rules for the safe operation of filling equipment. Fire Safety Rules (PPB). Labor protection instruction.

Working as a gas station operator

Gas station. Procedure for transferring money to collectors

  1. Pre-calculate and prepare the exact amount of money that is given to collectors during their scheduled visit to a gas station employee.
  2. Fill in and check the accuracy, relevance of information for three identical statements of a transmissive nature.
  3. Verify the identity of all bank employees. Often this is done by the senior operator of the gas station.
  4. Wait for the cashiers to fill out a receipt for receiving money, and also receive it from these employees, which will allow transferring responsibility for saving material resources to these employees.

The operator of the gas station must be attentive at the workplace, be distinguished by the position of competence, have all the necessary knowledge, which will allow him to successfully and flawlessly perform his own duties.

Sample job description for a gas station operator

As additional disciplines, the following can be studied: identifying signs of counterfeit banknotes, the procedure for accepting payment by plastic cards, protection against hypnosis, methods for determining the balance of petroleum products in tanks, filling out certificates for the return of money, drawing up a protocol for causing damage to the company by buyers, practical exercises on acceptance of coupons for fuel, use computer program for the release of gasoline and others. The form of training is full-time, it includes practical classes in paperwork. At the end of the training, a certificate is issued according to the profession of the established sample.

Remuneration The salary of a gas station operator depends on the type of gas station, its distance from the locality, the owner company, the region of location and the functions performed (category). The average salary for 2017 was 23-30 thousand rubles per month.

Gas station operator and his duties

  • Clarity and precise coordination in the work of all employees of the gas station.
  • Functional responsibilities
  1. Appear at work only in clean and tidy clothes, constantly maintain a pleasant appearance.
  2. Provide customer service exclusively in accordance with the rules regulated by the charter of the company.
  3. Perform all types of operations for the release of ordered goods, product sets and other elements, as well as accept funds, recalculate them and give change to the client.

Peculiarities of cash settlements

  1. The operator-cashier of the gas station carries out acceptance Money from the client, having calculated the amount by the number of liters or the final invoice of the purchase.

Gas station operator: job description, requirements, salary

  • All extraordinary events and situations occurring during the shift should be reflected in the log.
  • About all errors and violations, the operator in an explanatory note in writing notifies management.

Training The petrol station operator (occupation code: 15594) is trained in certified training centers. Preparatory courses for a gas station operator last 1-2 months (60-80 academic hours). During the training, students get acquainted with the basic safety rules for the operation of a gas station and the processes taking place at it, the fundamental principles of customer service, the rules for receiving petroleum products, preventing and eliminating emergencies.

  • check the completeness of the working documentation;
  • accept the fuel available in the tanks, fixing the volume and meter readings in the report;
  • accept cash at the cash desk;
  • evaluate the order in the working room and on the territory of the gas station.
  • While on duty, the operator must:
  • deliver fuel to customers;
  • carry out regular cleaning on the territory of the gas station and in the working room;
  • accept incoming fuel in the manner approved by the documents of the enterprise;
  • transfer to set time money to collectors;
  • upon detection of malfunctions in the equipment of the gas station, cash register and other equipment, immediately report this to the responsible person and call the master;
  • In the event of an emergency, contact the relevant services (police, firemen, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.).

Vacancies and work as a gas station operator-cashier at Rosneft

The more detailed and fuller the duties and rights of the gas station operator are defined, the easier it is for the employee to work and the more efficient his work will be.

  • Responsibility. This part specifies, in comparison with the legislation, the list of violations for which an employee can be punished.
  • Standard requirements for a candidate for the position of a gas station operator No special education is required for applicants for the position of a gas station operator. Rather, here we can talk about a certain set of professional and personal qualities.
    And if personal qualities are assessed, as a rule, at a job interview, then a list of the necessary professional skills of an employee can be entered in the job description of the gas station operator.

In the event of an emergency situation (robbery attempt, fire, etc.), immediately call the relevant services and inform the management (everyone you can call). Personnel to act as instructed by the circumstance. 3.8 Everything that is done and happens during the shift must be recorded in the shift log. 3.9 Leave workplace without the permission of the chief is prohibited. 3.10 For all errors and violations, it is necessary to provide an explanatory detailed description violations. 4. At the end of duty. 4.1 Transfer the shift according to the instructions (see

point 2). 4.2

All comments identified during the transfer of the shift are recorded in the shift log. After that, the operator, handing over the shift, signs in the column "handed over the shift." The operator, who has entered the shift, signs in the column “accepted the shift”.

Gas station operator - an employee of a gas station whose main duties include refueling vehicles with fuel materials. The operator directly communicates with the client, explains to him how to use the equipment, and makes payment for the service provided. In addition, the operator is in contact with technical equipment and must know exactly how to use it. Working with combustible material requires knowledge and compliance with fire safety requirements. The person holding this position must be a responsible person, since his work. Thus, a seemingly simple profession implies that its owner has a whole range of knowledge and skills that need to be correctly presented in the resume of a gas station operator.

Responsibilities of the gas station operator

The gas station operator dispenses oil products and keeps records of them in accordance with the requirements listed in the job description of the gas station operator. The main provisions of this document include the following points:

  • compliance with safety regulations;
  • compliance with the norms of technical operation of electrical installations;
  • safe operation of filling equipment;
  • strict compliance with fire safety rules;
  • Knowledge of and compliance with the procedure for working with fuels and lubricants;
  • observance of the procedure for the operation of treatment plants.

Also, the operator of the gas station is required to know how to accept and release oil products. In addition, he must be able to use a cash register. The petrol station operator is the responsible person. He is financially responsible for the oil products, funds and equipment at his disposal.

The governing body that controls the work of the operator is the head of the gas station or directly the shift supervisor.

Entering the shift, the operator checks the documentation, compares it with the approved list. Before starting work, the serviceability of the equipment and the cash register is checked, the shift acceptance documents are filled out, where the remains of oil products, meter readings are recorded, levels in the tanks for storing oil products are noted. If any violations are detected, appropriate marks are made in the shift log.

Having accepted the shift, the operator begins to fulfill his duties: he continuously dispenses oil products to customers, maintains order in the premises and on the site.

The applicant for the position must have a certificate of the gas station operator. In this case, he will have an advantage in hiring, especially in large, serious companies. Such a certificate is issued after passing the vocational training.

The skill level of the gas station operator is characterized by the corresponding category. There are four of them in total, the countdown starts from the second digit. The operator of the second category is obliged to carry out the minimum list of works. He must know the basic provisions of the workflow, have an idea about fire safety. An employee of the third category can work with radiators and maintain reporting documentation. After a year of work, the fourth category is assigned. Operator given level capable of servicing pipelines and tanks. A year later, the employee receives the fifth category, which allows him to work with automated systems, carry out the issuance of petroleum products.

When compiling a resume, you must indicate the availability of documents confirming the fact of training in the specialty. The operator also indicates what rank he has.

Have you ever written a resume?


How to write a resume for a gas station operator

The resume contains written information about the professional skills of the applicant for the position of gas station operator. A person lists his achievements, indicates the duration of work in the chosen field. It also indicates what salary a person plans to receive at a new job.

A resume for admission to the position of a gas station operator has a clear structure. information is presented on one or two sheets. A concise and concise presentation style is encouraged.

A sample resume for a gas station operator should look like this:

  1. First of all, you need to follow the formalities and write the word “Summary” in the center. It should also be noted on behalf of whom it is drawn up.
  2. The resume indicates its composition, in this case it will look like this: applying for the position of a gas station operator.
  3. The next step is to provide personal information. Here they write the date of birth, address of residence, contact phone number and marital status.
  4. Then you will need to provide information about education. This paragraph lists all special educational institutions where the applicant received education and years of study. It should also be noted in which institution the specialty of the gas station operator was trained.
  5. If there is work experience in the specialty, it is indicated in the next paragraph. Here indicate the name of the organization and the period of work in it.
  6. Next item: "Achievements" is the most important. It is on him that the employer will pay special attention. Here you need to indicate what was done at the previous job, what achievements helped to improve the workflow. For example: "increased sales by 20% in 5 months." This paragraph lists what innovations were introduced into the work and what they gave the result.
  7. Additional skills and abilities that may be required in working with the sale of petroleum products are listed in the next paragraph. The knowledge of a foreign language should also be noted here.
  8. Then, separated by commas, you need to specify

Preparation of cash documents according to pre-established forms and with additions, amendments recommended by the company.

  • Basic rules for the acceptance, collection, re-accounting, storage and delivery of all funds received from customers.
  • Instructions for the design and completion of all incoming and outgoing documentation.
  • Limits on the balances that can be stored in the cash container, which are individually set for a particular enterprise or even for its branch.
  • Features of maintaining a cash book, counting all funds and compiling financial reports.
  • Features and operational characteristics of cash registers, terminals for servicing a variety of electronic cards and control terminals.
  • Rules recommended for familiarization and impeccable observance by all employees of the enterprise.

Working as a gas station operator

Cashier at the same time). 3.3.3. for non-cash payments (electronic cards of TNK): - receive from the client an electronic card, as well as information on the number of liters filled, type of fuel filled and the number of the fuel dispenser; - insert the card into the terminal and check the availability of funds on the card; - clearly tell the client the number of dispensed liters (up to a full tank), the type of fuel and the fuel dispenser number; - enable fuel supply in the amount specified by the client (in case of supply up to a full tank, enable fuel supply in the amount not exceeding the funds available on the client's card); - after stopping the fuel dispenser, punch a check on the cash register. - give the client a card and a check punched by the terminal; 3.3.4.

Gas station operator and his duties

The structure of the job description for the operator of the gas station The structure of the job description is not established by law, therefore, instructions from different companies for the same position may differ both in the list of requirements for a candidate for a vacancy, and in the list of employee duties and other significant provisions. However, the structure in most cases remains general, defined by the rules of personnel records management.


Employers, when developing job descriptions for their employees, try to use this particular form because it allows you to take into account all the important points of a specialist's work in the company. What does she represent? Typical job description for the gas station operator includes the following main parts:

  1. General provisions.

This section contains the basic conditions that determine the labor activity of a gas station operator in a particular organization.

Gas station operator: job description, requirements, salary

  • check the completeness of the working documentation;
  • accept the fuel available in the tanks, fixing the volume and meter readings in the report;
  • accept cash at the cash desk;
  • evaluate the order in the working room and on the territory of the gas station.
  • While on duty, the operator must:
  • deliver fuel to customers;
  • carry out regular cleaning on the territory of the gas station and in the working room;
  • accept incoming fuel in the manner approved by the documents of the enterprise;
  • transfer funds to collectors at the appointed time;
  • upon detection of malfunctions in the equipment of the gas station, cash register and other equipment, immediately report this to the responsible person and call the master;
  • In the event of an emergency, contact the relevant services (police, firemen, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.).

Responsibilities of a gas station operator

The more detailed and fuller the duties and rights of the gas station operator are defined, the easier it is for the employee to work and the more efficient his work will be.

  • Responsibility. This part specifies, in comparison with the legislation, the list of violations for which an employee can be punished.
  • Standard requirements for a candidate for the position of a gas station operator No special education is required for applicants for the position of a gas station operator.

    Rather, here we can talk about a certain set of professional and personal qualities. And if personal qualities are assessed, as a rule, at a job interview, then a list of the necessary professional skills of an employee can be entered in the job description of the gas station operator.

Sample job description for a gas station operator

The filling station operator training program includes the study of the following topics: — legal norms and legislative acts regulating the work of the filling station operator; — types of petroleum products, their properties and characteristics; — description and principle of operation of filling equipment; - types of filling stations, options for their location on the ground; — ways to control the movement of fuel, organization of acceptance, distribution and sale (release); – implementation of measurements using metrological instruments (mernik, metrorod, cylinder); — checking instrumentation; — requirements for cash and reporting documentation; — labor protection and hygiene, principles of energy, environmental and fire safety; - rules for the operation of cash registers; - professional ethics of service workers.

Job description of the operator of the gas station

  • Clarity and precise coordination in the work of all employees of the gas station.
  • Functional responsibilities
  1. Appear at work only in clean and tidy clothes, constantly maintain a pleasant appearance.
  2. Provide customer service exclusively in accordance with the rules regulated by the charter of the company.
  3. Perform all types of operations for the release of ordered goods, product sets and other elements, as well as accept funds, recalculate them and give change to the client.

Peculiarities of cash settlements

  1. The operator-cashier of the gas station accepts funds from the client, having calculated the amount by the number of liters or the final purchase invoice.

What is the job of a gas station operator?

Home / Reference information / Job descriptions / 1. General provisions: 1.1 This instruction is the main document for the operator of the gas station and establishes the requirements for the operation of gas stations, the procedure for receiving issuance, accounting for petroleum products at gas stations.


The instruction was developed in accordance with the requirements of the rules for the technical operation of gas stations and other regulations governing the operation of gas stations. 1.2 The gas station operator admitted to work must know: - labor protection rules at gas stations; - fire safety standards at gas stations; — PTE and PTB of electrical installations; — Rules for working with gas station equipment; - Work on the cash register; — Operation of the gas station treatment plant; — The procedure for receiving and dispensing fuel. 1.3 Operators report directly to CEO petrol station and Executive Director. All emerging issues on the above sections are resolved jointly with the Gas Station Manager or the Executive Director.


  1. This instruction is the main document for the filling station operator and establishes the requirements for the operation of the filling station, the procedure for receiving the issuance, accounting for petroleum products at the filling station.
  2. The instruction was developed in accordance with the requirements of the rules for the technical operation of gas stations and other regulations governing the operation of gas stations.
  3. The gas station operator admitted to work must know: - labor protection rules at gas stations; - fire safety standards at gas stations; - PTE and PTB of electrical installations; - Rules for working with gas station equipment; - Work on a cash register; - Work of a gas station treatment plant; - The procedure for receiving and dispensing fuel.
  4. Operators report directly to the General Director of the filling stations and the Executive Director.

In some cases, operators supervise filling station attendants. In case of emergencies at the station, the operator must be ready to solve the problem on his own, and, if necessary, to provide assistance to the victims.

Conventionally, the duties of the gas station operator can be divided into three periods:

  • going on duty;
  • duty time;
  • change delivery.

Start of the shift Arriving on duty, the operator is obliged to: - check the correct operation of the cash register and tools, the availability of the necessary materials (cash tape, etc.); - make sure that the documentation according to the approved list is available at the workplace; - arrange receipt of cash at the cash desk; - check the meters and take the amount of fuel available in the tanks; - make sure that there is order on the territory of the gas station and at the workplace.

An example of a job description for a gas station attendant

Job description of the filling station gas station | Sample

Job description

Assistant to the operator of the gas station (refueler).


1.1. This job description defines the goals and objectives, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the Assistant Operator of the Gas Station (Refueller) further the Refueler.

1.3. The refueller must know: “Rules for working with clients”, “Safety regulations”, “Fire safety rules at gas stations”, “Internal labor regulations”.


2.1. Attention to the Client from the first minute of his appearance at the gas station, fast service that takes the Client a minimum of time, accuracy and accuracy in performing operations.

2.2. Quality service to the maximum number of customers.

2.3. Cleanliness and order at the gas station.


3.1. Come to work in clean uniform and be neat.

3.2. Refuel customers' cars. Serve in accordance with the "Rules for working with clients" all customers who visit the gas station.

3.3. Monitor the cleanliness of the external parts of the fuel dispenser and, if they are contaminated, clean them.

3.4. Check the technical condition:

3.4.2. external lighting of gas stations;

3.4.3. treatment facilities at gas stations;

3.4.4. fuel level measurement systems in tanks;

and if problems are found, immediately report them to the operator.

3.5. Avoid accumulation of water in the shafts of the tanks. Once per shift, and during periods of rain and heavy snowmelt, constantly (at least once per hour) check the presence of water in the reservoir shafts and, if it appears, pump out.

3.6. At the request of the operator, measure the level of fuel and water in the tanks.

3.7. Ensure that the movement of vehicles on the territory of the gas station complies with the norms of the “Fire Safety Rules at Gas Stations” and complies with the “Traffic Management Scheme at Gas Stations”. Do not allow parking of cars on the territory of the shopping mall sites. In case of conflict situations, act according to the "Rules for working with a client"

3.8. Comply with the "Fire Safety Rules at Gas Stations". In case of non-observance of these rules by the gas station customers, act according to the "Rules for working with the client". In the event of a fire or an emergency, act in accordance with the "Fire Safety Rules at Gas Stations".

3.9. Ensure order during the discharge of fuel from the fuel truck, namely:

3.9.1. After the arrival of the fuel truck, block the entrance to the gas station.

3.9.2. Hang signs on the guns notifying customers about the temporary impossibility of dispensing the drained fuel.

3.9.3. Measure the fuel level in the tank before draining.

3.9.4. After the operator fixes the fuel level in the fuel truck, open the entrance to the gas station.

3.9.5. Measure the fuel level in the tank after draining.

3.9.6. While draining the fuel, stay close to the tanker at all times.

3.9.7. 15 minutes after the end of the fuel drain, remove the warning labels from the guns.

3.10. At the request of the operator, block the entrance to the gas station or the entrance to individual fuel dispensers for repair work.

3.11. To clean the premises intended for rest and eating.


4.1.1. Use overalls and special means issued to him by the employer.

4.1.2. Take, relying solely on the "Rules for working with a client", appropriate actions to eliminate conflict situations and the causes that led to them.

4.1.3. Make proposals to the administration of the enterprise aimed at improving the work of the Tanker or the enterprise as a whole.

4.1.4. Inform the administration of the enterprise about the facts of incompetence or lack of professionalism on the part of operators and other employees of the gas station.


5.1.1. Failure to complete assigned tasks.

5.1.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the received tasks and instructions, violation of the deadlines for their execution.

5.1.3. Failure to comply with orders, directives of the direct management and administration of the enterprise.

5.1.4. Violation of the "Rules for working with clients", "Rules of internal labor regulations", "Rules for fire safety", "Safety regulations".

5.1.5. Loss or damage to the issued overalls and special equipment.

5.2. The types and extent of responsibility of the Tanker are determined by the orders of the administration of the enterprise.


6.1. The mode of operation of the Refueler is determined in accordance with the "Internal Labor Regulations" established at the enterprise.


7.1. This job description is made in triplicate:

7.1.1. the first copy for the Tanker;

7.1.2. second instance for the Operator;

7.1.3. the third copy for the head of the enterprise;

7.2. This job description is signed by the employee being hired and the head of the enterprise

7.3. The employer reserves the right to make additions or changes to this job description

Familiarized with the instructions:

"_____" ________________200

High-quality customer service at filling stations is an important factor in additionally attracting customers and increasing sales of petroleum products and related products. As a rule, the driver tries to refuel his car where there is an attractive appearance of the filling station, where there are clean gas stations, fuel dispensers, where there is a large assortment of related products on the trading floor, where operators are friendly, they provide truthful information about the quality of the fuel being filled, the motor oils sold and autocosmetics, where they offer additional services.

The work of personnel servicing each filling station is also an indicator of the work of the company - the operator of the oil products market as a whole.

5.1. Maintenance of facilities and equipment

Territory The gas station must be kept clean at all times. First of all, the area of ​​​​entrance to the filling station and the area around the dispensers are cleaned, and secondly, parking spaces and exits.

summer time

Collect all rubbish;

Sweep the gas station;

Collect dust and dirt in garbage bags;

Rinse with water from a hose;

Remove excess water into the drainage system;

If necessary, apply a special detergent to the surfaces of the filling platform to be cleaned;

Clean the surface with a brush.

Remove debris from landscaping.

Cleaning up the area in winter time (each shift), the gas station employee must:

Pick up all the trash

Shovels clear the area of ​​snow;

Remove icing with scrapers and sprinkle ice with a special reagent until dissolved.

It is forbidden to allow icing of the territory of the gas station.

During snowfalls, the territory of the gas station must be constantly cleared of snow.

Broadcasting Company and canopy supports it is necessary to wipe from dust and dirt as often as necessary to keep them perfectly clean (but at least once per shift).

When cleaning the fuel dispenser with the use of cleaning agents, it is necessary:

Protect the area intended for cleaning with traffic cones;

Apply the cleaning agent to the fuel dispenser from top to bottom (try to avoid direct contact with the filling nozzle);

Clean the filling nozzle tip with a clean cloth; wipe the nozzle, socket, hose with a clean cloth and insert the filling nozzle into the fuel dispenser socket.

Gently wash the speaker housing and wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Rinse the area around the fuel dispenser with water and remove excess water from the asphalt into the drainage system using a broom or a special brush; remove traffic cones.

Every shift it is necessary to check that all stickers on the dispenser bodies and dispense guns are in good condition. If damage is found, replace.

Premises, equipment, wells removed as they get dirty. The specific frequency of cleaning is established by the internal regulations of the enterprise, instructions to the staff.

Customer service culture

Operator Appearance

Filling station operators must wear uniform (corporate) overalls that comply with official position and time of year. Uniforms must be clean and ironed and match the size and gender of the worker.

During the cleaning of the premises and territory of the gas station, the gas station employee must be dressed in a change of overalls designed for cleaning.

The form in terms of the composition of the kit and the external design must comply with the recommendations for use. corporate identity filling stations of the enterprise.

The duration of the use of the form, the procedure for its issuance, storage, disposal is established at the enterprise, taking into account the current normative documents in the field of providing workers with overalls.

Gas station operators during working hours are required to wear right side chest badge, which must be designed according to a single model, contain corporate identity attributes, as well as information about the name of the gas station, position, last name, first name and patronymic of the employee.

The badge is an integral part of the uniform, and its absence from the uniform during working hours is a violation of the corporate style of the enterprise and labor discipline.

Gas station operators serving customers should look neat, have a neat haircut, and clean hands.

Operational control over the compliance of the filling station employees with the requirements for appearance carried out by the head of the gas station.

Behavior rules

Filling station operators, through their activities, behavior and communication, should actively contribute to increasing the competitiveness of filling stations and maintaining the company's image in the eyes of customers as a specialized seller selling quality goods with a high level of branded service.

Operators must be polite, friendly and helpful in dealing with customers, while at the same time requiring them to strictly follow the established rules when using the equipment of the gas station.

Operators must greet and say goodbye to visitors. They are obliged to speak respectfully with customers, to express themselves clearly and clearly, to say “Thank you” for the purchase.

When serving customers, the order must be observed. In the case of customer service out of turn (fire trucks, ambulances, law enforcement vehicles, etc.), the gas station operator must explain to customers who are in line for the reasons for out of turn service.

Operator Responsibilities:

1. In direct contact with buyers, at their request or if there are doubts about the choice of the required product, in an open and accessible form, give explanations on the characteristics of petroleum products and other products offered for sale (for example, if the client walks around the hall and cannot choose or find the item he wants). However, if the buyer refuses to help, you should not follow him around, as this can irritate the buyer and discourage him from making a purchase.

To be able in an accessible form, when contacting the buyer, to talk about the quality of the sold petroleum products, LPG and quality control at gas stations with the available means (for the presence of water, mechanical impurities, measurement and analysis of density, availability of samples, passports and certificates). Be able to explain the choice of packaged oils according to the information printed on the cans.

In such a situation, it is necessary to tell the buyer: "If you need my help, contact me, I will tell you."

When advising to purchase a product, it is not advisable to impose one type of product in the presence of an assortment, offer at least two, leaving the choice to the client.

2. Promptly serve customers, showing attention and interest to them.

When receiving business information over the phone, the employee should delicately ask the client to wait with the service and apologize for the delay in service, stating the service nature telephone conversation or, for example, if for some reason the seller cannot serve the buyer (for example, the cash register has run out), it is necessary to explain the reason for the delay and assure him of an early service.

3. Thank the buyer if he fulfilled your request (for example, gave smaller coins for exchange, etc.).

4. Quickly receive incoming phone calls. Responding to phone call, you must clearly state the number or name of the gas station, your name, position, invite the caller to continue the conversation with the words: “I am listening to you” (when conducting telephone conversations, employees must be attentive and accurate).

5. Explain to customers in a clear and comprehensive manner about the promotions carried out at gas stations with the use of drawings and the issuance of prizes.

6. Don't tell the customer "I don't know," "It's none of my business," or "See for yourself, it's all there."

Do not show your personal attitude to the buyer. Each customer must be treated with courtesy, regardless of nationality, skin color, gender, age or ability to pay.

7. Do not drink alcoholic beverages, do not be in a state of alcoholic (drug) intoxication or hangover.

8. Do not use profanity, swearing, rude expressions, raised tones in conversations with clients.

Do not criticize or blame other employees of the gas station or the enterprise during customer service.

9. Do not violate the established restrictions on the sale of certain goods (sell tobacco and alcohol products to children).

10. Do not sell to consumers or store at gas stations own goods or goods that do not belong to the enterprise, do not demand tips or take them.

Failure to comply with these requirements by employees refers to a gross violation of the corporate culture and is the basis for the application of disciplinary measures.

In the event that the buyer is given change incorrectly, the gas station employee is obliged to remember whether he really made a mistake when counting the change and, in case of an obvious mistake, recalculate and apologize to the consumer for the calculation error.

If the employee is sure that he is right, he must perform the following actions in the presence of the buyer:

Stop serving customers, apologize, close the cash register;

Call the head of the gas station (senior operator);

Fill out the claim registration form;

Write a receipt on the absence of cash at the cash desk of the gas station employee himself;

Reflect the presence of money in the cash register in the act of withdrawing balances;

Reconcile the cash receipts with the readings on the control tape. To do this, you should remove the financial report, which will reflect the amount of money passing through the cash desk from the beginning of the opening of the shift until the moment the report was removed and:

a) return to the buyer the money that was not issued to him, and apologize if during the verification process it is established that the amount of cash receipts is more than the amount indicated in the control tape;

b) politely notify the buyer if during the verification process it is established that the amount of cash proceeds is equal to or less than the amount indicated on the control tape, in connection with which the settlement and cash transactions were carried out correctly.

Filling station employees must take measures to prevent claims (claims) from buyers. To do this, gas station employees must check the expiration dates of the goods and the safety of the packaging and immediately remove expired goods, goods with defects or damaged goods from the shelves (daily records should be kept of goods whose sale period is less than 5 days, and weekly - for goods, the period which will expire within 15 days).

The employees of the filling station, prior to the supply of unit-packed goods to the trading floor, must carry out their pre-sale preparation, which includes: unpacking (freeing from the transport container), sorting and inspecting the goods. As well as checking: the quality of the goods and the integrity of the package (by external signs), the functioning of the aerosol package, the presence necessary information about the product, its manufacturer (supplier), instructions for the use of goods.

Pre-sales preparation of technical products includes, if necessary, also the removal of factory grease, checking the completeness, assembly and adjustment.

Facing and painted areas must be free of damage, rust and dirt.

Goods offered for sale, as well as visual advertising brochures accompanying them, must be displayed on shelves (counters) in accordance with the layout (planogram) established for each filling station.

The most consumed goods should be placed on the shelves at the eye level of the buyer. Heavy and bulky goods should be displayed on the lower shelves. The display of goods should contribute to the creation of comfortable conditions for shopping.

Price tags must clearly indicate the price of the product. The absence of a price tag is a gross violation of the rules of trade.

When working with price tags, it is important to place them in such a way that they do not obscure information about the product (brand, name, expiration date, etc.). When placing a price tag on a product, you must be guided by the following rules:

If the price of the goods is indicated on the shelf, and the product has a barcode, then the price tag is not attached to the product;

If the price of the product is not listed on the shelf and the product is provided with a barcode, it is necessary to indicate the price in the upper right corner of the front side of the product (this applies to products where there is no place for shelf price tags);

If the price of the product is indicated on the shelf, but the product does not have a barcode, it is necessary to mark the product with a special article and price tag;

On cans, the price tag should not be placed on the opening loop;

The reverse side of the price tag must be stamped and signed by the responsible person.

The equipment of trading floors and premises must be maintained in good condition and clean.