The role of information technology in the professional activity of a translator. Have

1. Information technology competence of the translator.

2. Automated translator workstation

2.1. Working with a text editor. Automatic editing of the translation text.

2.2 Electronic dictionaries and translation. Electronic Libraries

2.3. Electronic text corpora and translation

2.4 Computer translators

I. In the opinion of many scientists, an important component of the professional competence of a translator is the technical component, which presupposes possession of the appropriate technical means, primarily electronic. A graduate in the direction of training 035700.62 "Linguistics" of the profile "Translation and Translation Studies" must have, according to the training standard, among other things, the following competencies:

Possess standard methods for solving basic typical tasks in the field of linguistic support of information and other applied systems;

Have computer skills as a means of obtaining, processing and managing information;

Have the ability to work with information in global computer networks;

Be able to work with electronic dictionaries and other electronic resources for solving linguistic problems;

Possess the basics of information and bibliographic culture,

Possess a methodology for preparing for translation, including searching for information in reference books, special literature and computer networks;

Be able to format the translation text in a computer text editor;

To be able to work with the main information retrieval and expert systems, systems for representing knowledge, syntactic and morphological analysis, automatic synthesis and speech recognition, processing lexicographic information and automated translation, automated systems for identification and verification of personality.

I name here those competencies where the knowledge of information literacy is expressed explicitly, and in addition, many other competencies include this concept implicitly, for example.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be argued that a modern linguist, a specialist in the field of translation, cannot do without information means for receiving, processing, storing and transmitting information in his professional activities. Such means include such electronic resources as:

Text editor,

Electronic bilingual and monolingual dictionaries for online and offline work;

The Internet;

Terminological databases;

Specialized terminological dictionaries and glossaries;

Automatic editing programs;

General and specialized encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries;

Electronic style guides;

Electronic corpuses of parallel texts and concordancers;

Electronic libraries;

Online newspaper and magazine archives;

Translation Memory Programs

Machine translation programs;

New communication technologies, etc.

II. Due to the fact that technical means began to occupy an increasing place in the professional activity of a translator in practice and in theory, the concept of an automated translator's workplace appeared. AWS includes such technical means as a computer, a scanner, a fax machine or fax modem, a printer, the Internet with all its components (e-mail), a telephone, and electronic resources. A translation made using computer technology is called an automated translation. The term CAT is used to refer to automated translation. English term - computer-assisted translation, computer-aided translation - CAT. With a narrow understanding of this concept, CAT includes such translation automation systems as SDL Trados, Deja Vu, StarTransit, Wordfast and others. According to Wikipedia, "Automated translation is a type of translation where a human translator translates texts using computer programs designed to facilitate the translation process." With a wide range of CAT technologies, electronic dictionaries and machine translation programs, the Translation Memory system, spell checkers, grammar checkers, terminology databases, full-text search tools, concordancers, etc.

III. The Microsoft Word text editor, with which translators usually work, has a number of functions that are important for a translator. This is Spelling and Grammar Checker - a spelling and grammar checker for text. The program allows you to control the spelling of words.

Programs for checking the correct syntax and style of text in a text editor included in the spelling checker:

1. Bullfighter checks spelling, syntax and style of text in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint applications,

2. English Writing Software

3. Grammar Checker 7.0

4. Grammar Slammer-Non-Windows 4.0

5. Grammar Slammer 4.2

6. Grammatica English

7. SpellCheckPlus

8. WhiteSmoke English 2009

The program included in Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007 makes it possible to find the following types of errors: spelling and punctuation (hyphenation, use of capital letters, non-observance of spelling norms of the selected version of the English language, etc.), grammatical errors (violation of the agreement of the predicate with the subject, incorrect constructed verb construction, double negation, etc.), stylistic errors (clichés, colloquial words, jargon, misuse of the word, etc.)

The Microsoft Office 2007 text editor has the function of translating selected text or the entire document from one language to another ("built-in translator") in the "Review" panel, here you can also track the differences between the two texts, i.e. changes that are made to the translation text after the translator has finished working on it. When is such a comparison necessary? If the translator works on the text alternately with the editor, the translator receives a piece of text from the editor and can compare and see the changes made.

The Thesaurus function allows you to find synonyms or antonyms that can be used to avoid duplication in translation.

It is known that

2.2. Electronic dictionary - a computer database containing specially coded dictionary entries that allow quick search for words, often taking into account morphological form and with the ability to search for word combinations, as well as with the ability to change the direction of translation.

Advantages of electronic dictionaries:

1. high speed of information processing;

2. portability of the storage medium;

3. availability of the latest vocabulary due to rapid updating, especially in rapidly developing areas (nanotechnology, computer technology, etc.);

4. simultaneous access to several dictionaries;

5. the ability to change the direction of translation.

Recently, there has been a growing interest in online dictionaries for translators. all of the above characteristics are inherent to them to a greater extent than offline.


1. Lack of verification / inaccuracy of some data

Famous dictionaries include Abbyy Lingvo, Multilex, Polyglossum, Context 7.0, Elsevier (Version 2002), etc.

Multilex Delux 6 is 28 English-Russian and Russian-English general, thematic and explanatory dictionaries, including the Oxford English-Russian Dictionary, the Large Russian-English Dictionary by A.I.Smirntitsky, the English-Russian Phraseological Dictionary by A.V. Kunin , linguistic and cultural dictionaries of the USA and Great Britain.

Abbyy Lingvo x3 - 150 dictionaries with a total volume of 9 million articles On the sites of users of this dictionary, you can find useful dictionaries and information and

In addition, Abbyy has developed a professional system for creating, storing and replenishing ABBYY Lingvo Content dictionaries. With its help, you can create, update, replenish and analyze dictionaries of any complexity, create dictionaries based on existing ones and export them in various formats.


Elsevier (Version 2002)

The forums of the City of Translators and the Lingvo Association of Lexicographers discuss the question of which dictionary is better - there is no definite answer ( and

Links to bilingual and multilingual dictionaries can be found on the Internet at the following sites:,,,,,

In scientific and applied understanding, the use of dictionaries is not an absolute delight for all scientists. So, BN Klimzo believes that they wean the translator from thinking. - Americana English-Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary - AnyLexic, Version2 - Babylon

www. - Context - English-Italian-Russian on-line dictionary on oil and gas - Lingvo ABBYY - WinLexic Microsoft Glossaries 2005 - New Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary

www. -Russian-English Dictionary of A.I.Smirnitsky - T. Harvey Ciampi website

The largest virtual library in the world is the National Congress Digital Library.

Library - free electronic online library

& Concordance - a list of contexts where the desired unit is presented in its lexical environment and is characterized by a set of statistical data.

In the simplest case, it is an alphabetical list of words in the text with the contexts in which they occur.

The modern period of the development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the spread of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of translation processes. Computerization of the translation process has become one of the important tasks from the very beginning of the use of IT in science. The dream of creating automatic machine translators has not left scientists from the very beginning. And although a complete transfer of the process to the sphere of machine activity at this stage of IT development is impossible - the presence of the human factor as the final decision-making authority is still necessary - the task of the developers has become all kinds of assistance to the translator through IT. The introduction of computer tools into a process initially focused only on a person, his ability to select a suitable option at the level of experience and sense of style, requires special attention to detail and technique. In addition to developing suitable software of various types for performing the corresponding related tasks, training specialists in the use of these programs and creating comfortable conditions for their use also come first.

Computer technologies are intended to become not an additional "appendage" in translation, but an integral part of a holistic process that significantly increases its efficiency, become the translator's "right hand", speed up the translation process and make it more technological.

At this stage, the possibilities of IT in translation are used in an incomplete and insufficient volume.

The main reason for this situation is insufficient attention to the possibilities of using IT at the stage of education. When preparing translators in our universities, there is completely no attention to the possibilities of IT - not only is there no separate course, but there is not even a question of studying this issue in the program. The teachers themselves are not always sufficiently familiar with the issue, so their advice also cannot fully meet the needs of the students. At the current stage, the search for opportunities to use IT in translation is 90% the task of the student-translator himself.

Relevance of the research: the modern period of the development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the spread of information flows in society, forming a global information space. There is an improvement in IT support capabilities in various areas, including in such an important area as translation.

The object is the achievements of modern information technologies in the translation process.

The subject is computer programs and Internet resources designed to help the translator in the translation process.

Purpose: to highlight the possibilities of using the SIT in translation at the current stage of development, to propose options for increasing the efficiency of using the existing achievements.

· Study the history of the development of computer technology in the field of translation;

Explore the available translation tools available, both software and R&D

· Consider the Lingvo electronic dictionary, the PROMT electronic translator.

· Identify the advantages and disadvantages of modern translation systems.

· Explore options for improving the efficiency of merchant use.

Chapter 1 The history of the development of modern information technologies in translation.

Computer translation is a challenging but interesting scientific task. Its main difficulty lies in the fact that natural languages \u200b\u200bare difficult to formalize. Hence the low quality of the text obtained with the help of MT systems, the content and form of which serves as an invariable object of jokes. However, the idea of \u200b\u200bmachine translation goes back a long way.

For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of machine translation was expressed by Charles Babbage, who developed in 1836-1848. project of "digital analytical engine". The idea of \u200b\u200bCh. Babbage was that a memory of 1000 50-bit decimal numbers (50 gears in each register) could be used to store dictionaries. Ch. Babbage cited this idea as a justification for requesting from the British government the funds necessary for the physical embodiment of the analytical machine, which he never managed to build.

And 100 years later, in 1947, W. Weaver (director of the natural sciences department of the Rockefeller Foundation) wrote a letter to Norbert Wiener. In this letter, he proposed using decryption techniques to translate texts. This year is considered the birth year of machine translation. In the same year, an algorithm for the implementation of word-by-word translation was developed, and in 1948 R. Richens proposed a rule for splitting a word into a stem and an ending. Machine translation systems developed rapidly over the next two decades.

In January 1954, the first IBM Mark II machine translation system was demonstrated on an IBM 701 machine. But in 1967, a specially created Commission of the US National Academy of Sciences recognized "machine translation unprofitable", which significantly slowed down research in this area. Machine translation experienced a new upsurge in the 70s, and in the 80s it becomes economically profitable due to the relatively low cost of machine time.

However, in the USSR, research in the field of machine translation continued. After the demonstration of the IBM Mark II system, a group of VINITI scientists began developing a machine translation system for the BESM machine. The first sample of a translation from English into Russian was received by the end of 1955.

Another direction of work arose in the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) on the initiative of AA Lyapunov. The first machine translation programs developed by this team were implemented on the Strela machine. Thanks to the work on the creation of MT systems, such a direction as applied linguistics has taken shape.

In the 70s, a group of developers from VINITI RAS under the leadership of prof. G.G. Belonogov. Their first MP system was developed in 1993, and in 1996, after a number of improvements, it was registered with ROSAPO under the name Retrans. This system was used by the ministries of defense, railways, science and technology.

Parallel studies were carried out in the Laboratory of Engineering Linguistics, Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after A.I. Herzen (now Pedagogical University). They formed the basis of the most popular nowadays MP system "PROMT". The latest versions of this software product use science-intensive technologies and are built on the basis of extended transition networks technology and neural network formalism.

Chapter 2 Classification of Machine Translation Tools (by Larry Child)

“New members of the CompuServe Foreign Language Forum often ask if someone could recommend a good machine translation program for a reasonable price. The answer to this question is invariably no. " Depending on the respondent, the answer may contain two main arguments: either that machines cannot translate, or that machine translation is too expensive.

Both of these arguments are true to some extent. However, the answer is far from simple. Studying the problem of machine translation (MT), one should consider separately the various subsections of this problem. The following division is based on the lectures given by Larry Childs at the 1990 International Conference on Technical Communications:

Machine translation systems provide automated translation of text. In this case, the units of translation are words or phrases, and the latest developments allow taking into account the morphology of the translated word. "Developed MT systems carry out translation according to the translation algorithms specified by the developer and / or user-adjustable."

To carry out machine translation, a special program is introduced into the computer that implements the translation algorithm, which is understood as a sequence of unambiguously and strictly defined actions on the text to find translation matches in a given language pair Yaz1-Yaz2 for a given translation direction (from one specific language to another). The machine translation system includes “bilingual dictionaries provided with the necessary grammatical information (morphological, syntactic and semantic) to ensure the transmission of equivalent, variant and transformational translational correspondences, as well as algorithmic grammatical analysis tools that implement any of the formal grammar ". There are also separate machine translation systems available to translate in three or more languages, but these are currently experimental.

Currently, there are two concepts for the development of machine translation systems:

1. The model of a "large vocabulary with a complex structure", which is embedded in most modern translation software;

2. The “meaning-text” model, first formulated by A.A. Lyapunov, but has not yet been implemented in any commercial product.

Today, the most famous machine translation systems such as

PROMT 2000 / XT by PROMT;

Retrans Vista by Vista and Advantis;

Socrates - a set of programs of the Arsenal company.

The systems of the PROMT family have developed a morphological description that is almost unique in its completeness for all languages \u200b\u200bthat the systems can handle. It contains 800 types of inflection for the Russian language, more than 300 types for both German and French, and even for English, which does not belong to the inflected languages, is highlighted. more than 250 types of inflection. The multiple endings for each language are stored as tree structures, which not only provides an efficient storage method, but also an efficient morphological analysis algorithm.

Instead of the accepted linguistic approach, which presupposes the allocation of sequential processes of analysis and synthesis of a sentence, the system architecture was based on the representation of the translation process as a process with an "object-oriented" organization based on the hierarchy of processed components of the sentence. This made PROMT systems stable and open. In addition, this approach made it possible to use different formalisms to describe the translation of different levels. Network grammars similar in type to extended transition networks and procedural algorithms for filling and transforming frame structures for the analysis of complex predicates work in the systems.
The description of a lexical unit in a dictionary entry, which is actually unlimited in size and can contain many different features, is closely interrelated with the structure of the system's algorithms and is structured not on the basis of the eternal antithesis of syntax - semantics, but on the basis of the levels of text components.

At the same time, systems can work with incompletely described dictionary entries, which is an important point when opening dictionaries for the user, who cannot be required to delicately handle linguistic material.

The system distinguishes the level of lexical units, the level of groups, the level of simple sentences and the level of complex sentences. All these processes are connected and interact hierarchically in accordance with the hierarchy of text units, exchanging synthesized and inherited characteristics. Such a structure of algorithms allows using different formal methods to describe algorithms of different levels.

An electronic dictionary is, as a rule, a computer database containing specially coded dictionary entries that allow you to quickly search for the desired words and phrases. The search for words is carried out taking into account morphological combinations (examples of use), as well as with the possibility of changing the direction of translation (for example, English-Russian or Russian-English).

The main difference between the ES and the SMP is that the ES provides the translator with the entire range of the values \u200b\u200bof the desired word or phrase entered in its database, leaving the choice of the most suitable option for the person, while the SMP itself selects the option from the database based on the algorithms built into it ...

Lingvo translated from the Esperanto language means "language", about which there are articles in the dictionaries ABBYY Lingvo (LingvoUniversal and LingvoComputer).

ABBYY Lingvo does not have a full-text translation function, but word-by-word translation of texts from the clipboard is possible. In some dictionaries in English, German and French, most words are dubbed by professional native speakers.

The program includes the Lingvo Tutor learning module to help you memorize new words.

In addition to the existing 150 professional dictionaries, the result of the lexicographic work of ABBYY employees and authoritative paper and electronic dictionaries, there is an extensive database of free user dictionaries for the program. The dictionaries are pre-checked and are publicly available on the Lingvo Association of Lexicographers website.

Varieties of ABBYY Lingvo х3:

· ABBYY Lingvo х3 European version - 130 general and thematic dictionaries for translation from Russian into English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese and French and vice versa.

· ABBYY Lingvo x3 Multilingual version - 150 general and thematic dictionaries for translation from Russian into English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Latin, German, Portuguese, Turkish, Ukrainian and French and vice versa.

· Mobile multilingual dictionary ABBYY Lingvo x3 - a dictionary for smartphones, communicators and PDAs, containing 38 modern complete dictionaries for 8 languages.

· ABBYY Lingvo х3 English version - 57 general and thematic English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries.

All versions contain explanatory dictionaries of the English language (Oxford and Collins) and the Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by T.F. Efremova

In addition to the software tools already described above that help the translator, there are also special IRs that allow you to search for a translation online, without the need to download and install any software.

IR can also be divided into two types: dictionaries and similar online databases and machine translators.

The most famous online dictionary is the Internet version of ABBYY Lingvo. In addition to the already familiar word-by-word translation and provision of dictionary entries, the site offers a wide range of additional features:

FineReader Online is a convenient online OCR service that recognizes your images, PDFs or photographs of documents and converts them to the required formats - Microsoft Word, Excel, TXT, RTF or Searchable PDF

Written translation is developed by ABBYY Lingvo representatives, which allows the customer to optimize costs. The type of translation and its cost are determined by the purpose of the document, the thematic area, the volume and timing of the project

Individual training by phone (or on the Internet - via Skype)

Online version of ABBYY Aligner for aligning parallel texts and creating Translation Memory databases

The Phone Translation service is a teleconference in which, in addition to you and your interlocutor, a remote translator participates

Additionally, you can pay attention to such a resource as Urban Dictionary. This online database was created to familiarize users with the constantly changing and rapidly updating sphere of English slang, phrases with figurative meaning, colloquial expressions.

As for online translators, it is enough to note that most MT programs have Internet versions, including PROMT. They offer the same set of functions as their software counterparts.


Nowadays, computers occupy an increasingly important place not only among programmers and engineers, but also among a wide variety of users, including linguists, translators and specialists who need to quickly translate foreign language information. In this regard, electronic dictionaries and machine translation programs are a very convenient handy tool in order to save time and optimize the process of understanding foreign language information. In addition, now there are translation programs that can produce more or less adequate translation of foreign language texts and can be of assistance in the work of specialists of various profiles.

This research topic can be considered quite modern, since the history of the development and implementation of personal computers in everyday life (and even more so that it would be "within the power" to implement more or less modern machine translation programs) is hardly more than fifteen years old. This topic acquires particular relevance if we take into account the fact that at present the Republic of Belarus is increasingly integrating into the international community and that, along with economic and political barriers, this is largely hindered by language barriers. At the same time, there are not so many professional translators who are capable and willing to carry out such a process of communication between communities in all spheres of science and culture. This was due to the fact that at this stage the process of training a professional translator takes a lot of time and is very laborious. Therefore, it is now especially relevant to find ways to automate the process of translation carried out by a person as much as possible, in order, on the one hand, to maximally facilitate the hard work of a human translator, and on the other, to make this work as effective as possible. This can be done only by integrating the efforts of specialists in the fields of cybernetics, programming, psychology, and most importantly - linguistics.

In this work, a study was made of the modern merchant market available to a translator.

Various types of translation using IT have been studied and described:

Fully automatic translation;

Human-assisted automated machine translation;

Human translation using a computer.

Various types of merchant have been reviewed, described and analyzed:

Electronic dictionaries;

Machine translation systems;

Online resources for translation.

A review was made of the specific products available at the moment, their capabilities, advantages and disadvantages were analyzed.

At this stage of IT development, the following conclusion can be drawn: the most promising area for using merchant is fully automated translation. Software development in this area occupies the minds of leading scientists and is one of the priority areas of research in the field of computational linguistics.

Now the most popular is the use of merchant as an auxiliary tool in the translation process. In this area, modern developments provide the widest opportunities for the search and interpretation of words and expressions. There are databases not only for individual words, but also databases of stable expressions, jargon, slang, etc.

The main task in improving the translation process can now be considered the introduction of merchant at all levels, from the primary process of training a translator at a university to popularizing merchant in the media. Now the existing capabilities of the RTP are used in an incomplete volume.

List of references to the abstract

1. Belyaeva M.A. Grammar of the English language / - M .: Higher school, 1987.

2. Blokh M.Ya. Theoretical foundations of grammar / - M .: Higher school, 2000. - 280 p.

3. Vaykhman G.A. New in English grammar // Textbook for institutes and faculties of foreign languages \u200b\u200b/ - M .: Higher school, 1990.

4. Ilyish BA Modern English // Modern English. Theoretical course: Textbook for ped. and a teacher. in-tov foreign. lang. / - Leningrad, 1980.

5. Kazakova T.A. Practical bases of translation / - SPb., 2002 .-- 324 p.

6. Kachalova K.N., Izrailevich E.E. Practical grammar of the English language / - M .: Vneshtorgizdat, 1957.

7. Kutuzov L. Practical grammar of the English language / - M .: Veche, 1998. - 200 p.

8. Semyonov AL Modern information technologies and translation // Textbook for students. Higher. Textbook. Institutions / - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. - 224 p.

9. Wikipedia - online encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Date of access: 29.12.2010.

10. Online dictionary ABBYY Lingvo [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Access date: 29.12.2010.

11. Online translator of the text of the company PROMT [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:– Access date: 29.12.2010.

12. UrbanDictionary - the greatest on-line American slang dictionary [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http: / - Access date: 12/29/2010.

Subject index to the abstract

database, 3 , 10

the Internet, 3 , 5 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 19 , 22

computer, 4, 5

machine, 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 13 , 14

transfer, 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 24 , 25

interpreter, 5 , 8 , 13 , 16 , 24

program, 5

resource, 3 , 13 , 16, 18 , 19 , 24, 25

vocabulary, 3 , 5 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 16 , 18 , 19 , 24

electronic, 3 , 5 , 11 , 18

Internet resources in the subject area research

ABBYY Lingvo is a family of electronic dictionaries. Created by the Russian company ABBYY. On August 13, 2008 a new version of x3 was released (x three The volume of dictionary entries is more than 8.7 million units.

The multilingual version covers 12 languages \u200b\u200b- Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Latin, Chinese, Portuguese. There is also a European version - 130 dictionaries in 7 languages \u200b\u200band an English-Russian-English electronic dictionary.

SMP PROMT is one of the most famous MT resources, it translates both individual lexical units and complete syntactic wholes: sentences, text.

The systems of the PROMT family have developed a morphological description that is almost unique in its completeness for all languages \u200b\u200bthat the systems can handle. It contains 800 types of inflection for the Russian language, more than 300 types for both German and French, and even for English, which does not belong to inflectional languages, more than 250 types of inflection are identified. The multiple endings for each language are stored as tree structures, which provides not only an efficient storage method, but also an efficient morphological analysis algorithm.

Online multilingual text translation and dictionaries. This resource is the largest complex of online dictionaries. It also provides the ability to translate text into 52 languages \u200b\u200bof the European Union in all directions (from any language from the list to any other language from the list). It is used in many international departmental and educational structures.

This online database was created to familiarize users with the constantly changing and rapidly updating sphere of English slang, phrases with figurative meaning, colloquial expressions.

This resource allows users to independently enter new words and expressions into the database, supplement the definitions of existing ones. Each article, in addition to explaining the expression, contains examples of its use, taken from popular texts, songs, films. The site also contains the sections "Word of the Day" and "Word of the Year", where the most popular words and expressions of the day and the year, selected by users by voting, are presented, respectively.

Wiktionary is a freely updated multifunctional multilingual dictionary and thesaurus based on a wiki engine. One of the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation.

An Internet system that includes 14 two-sided electronic dictionaries. It is currently one of the most complete and most popular automatic online dictionaries on the Runet. The English-Russian-English, German-Russian-German and French-Russian-French parts of the dictionary are most fully represented. The least complete is the Kalmyk-Russian-Kalmyk part of the dictionary. In addition to the Internet version, the offline version of Multitran is being distributed.

A valid personal site in WWW (hyperlink).

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

You can download a free work using a short link. Check out the content below.

Introduction 5
1. Actual problems of translation 7
1.1 Concept of translation, approaches to text translation 7
1.2 Types of transfers 12
2. Methods and tools used by translators 23
2.1 Common Methods for Translation 23
2.2 Tools used for translation 28
2.3 The specifics of working with a foreign language text - “false friends 32
translator "32
Conclusion 39
List of sources used 41

Translation at the moment is the most necessary thing that is in demand in virtually all spheres of communication and interaction of people: news, politics, economics, culture, etc. and, of course, speaking about translation activities, it is just as important to understand that there can be a lot of approaches and types of translation, as well as a text.
Text is a special system of symbols and signs created by man, and, therefore, is subjective in nature. The issue of creating texts under the influence of various external circumstances is especially important, which in our time is not something very unknown. But this approach greatly complicates the work of translators. Since the text can include various kinds of difficult-to-translate words, such as neologisms, jargon, slang forms, abbreviations, etc.
Today, only a few people cannot say about themselves that they do not know a second language; even at school, everyone studied either English or German, sometimes French and Italian. In fact, it turns out that society was in a state of mass need for knowledge of other languages \u200b\u200b- although in fact this is not the case. And many people have never been lucky enough to visit abroad or apply their knowledge in practice.
But, such a policy led to the phenomenon of the so-called "translation explosion", when people began to work with original texts for themselves - just to read, and then to get information from the original source, and then to broaden their horizons. So the number of people who know 2 or more languages \u200b\u200bgrew, and the need for translation has retained its position.
Thus, the topic “Features of written translation. Information resources in the work of a translator ”is quite relevant. This is primarily due to the fact that today people live in conditions of constant interaction with foreign language elements and the result of such interaction was the formation of various types of translation and methods for its implementation.
The subject of the research is the features of written translation.
Object - written translation
The purpose of this study is to describe the resources used in translation.
to define the concept of translation and approaches to the translation of a text;
describe the types of transfers;
to characterize the differences between written translation and oral translation;
consider common methods for translation;
list the tools and resources needed for translation.
Publications, educational materials and Internet resources were used to prepare the work.

Summing up the work done, we can conclude the following:
It should be noted that preparing for the translation of a particular text, the translator must be ready to face a number of difficulties. In particular, with the lack of analogues in the native language, since the language may include not only outdated, but also foreign words that may not do a good job to the translator, the so-called "false friends", which at first glance are understandable, but the other side have a completely different basis - different from the implied one. And, therefore, the quality of the translation will depend on the experience and qualifications of the translator. And, of course, it is important to take into account that the significance of translation today lies primarily in the fact that almost all people on the planet today need constant updating of information, and from this follows a significant interest of all countries in the development of translation activities;
translation is a social phenomenon that was formed in the process of development of society itself and as a result, today it is an integral part of the life of society. There are 2 main types of translation - written and oral translation. Each of them has its own branches and types of work with text typical only for this type. But be that as it may, these types can also include the artistic type of translation. yes, on the one hand, it will refer to written translation, but also interpretation can be performed in an artistic style or over a work of art. But on the other hand, it should be noted that translation has more positive aspects, which is expressed in a wide range of methods and tools used by translators;
all possible methods and methods will be reduced to making the translation as accessible as possible for the translator, and, therefore, it will be natural to look for analogs in the translator's native language or try to convey the semantic load. And as it was shown on the example of a literary text, it is this approach that is the most acceptable in working with proper names, since only with similar options is it possible to accurately convey the meaning to the reader. In addition, having considered the methods and approaches to the translation of proper names, we can assume the following: translation, transcription and tracing do not always save the translator;
despite the fact that today translators can trace the ability to use a large number of techniques, methods, principles and tools to work with text, the choice in one way or another will remain with the translator himself - this is his personal decision and, as a result, a personal path to improvement professionalism;
There are quite a few specific features of the translation of scientific texts from English into Russian, but the main difficulty and specifics of working with a foreign scientific text is that many words in a foreign language are either consonant in pronunciation with their native language, or are similar to those words that everyone knows and this results in an incorrect translation, as the translator may think that the word is easily translated and will translate it incorrectly. Such situations lead to serious violations of translation rules, lack of coherence of the text and other problems associated with the work on a scientific text. Even leading specialists cannot avoid problems, but it is possible to minimize them, provided that they are accurately and literally translated.


Penza State Pedagogical University
name, Penza, Russia

The article defines the stages of translation as a process and reveals the possibilities of using information technologies at various stages of translation activity.

Bakanova M. V., Soldatova A. V. The role of information technologies in the professional activity of interpreter.The stages of translation as a process are determined, and the possibilities of information technologies on each stage revealed.

At present, the activity of a translator cannot be imagined without the use of information technology. Already at the stage of job search, the translator addresses various websites, e-mail addresses of potential customers, sending out his resume, etc. Receiving text for subsequent translation, communication with the customer and all further activities of the translator are also mediated by information technologies. All this makes it necessary to teach students how to use a computer in their future professional activities. However, as the learning experience shows, the simple acquaintance of students with existing information technologies does not seem to be effective. At each stage of this complex professional activity, the use of information technology has its own specifics.

The first stage in the activity of a translator is the stage of obtaining a foreign language text and preparing for its translation. As a basis for dividing into stages, a developed model of teaching translation in the field of professional communication is proposed, which includes professional orienting, analytical, synthesizing and correcting stages. At the professionally orienting stage, the question of how the translation text should be presented (computer version of the text, its printout, sending by e-mail, etc.) seems to be significant, whether graphics, diagrams, etc. should be presented in the translation text. etc.

The next task of this stage, which also precedes the actual translation process, is to get acquainted with the subject of the statement, clarify the subject of the text and select the appropriate dictionaries and reference literature. If the text for translation is provided to the translator in printed form, modern computer capabilities allow you to scan it and use an optical character recognition system to translate it into electronic form. Only after this does the translator begin the next stage of his activity - understanding and interpreting a foreign language text in his specialty.

This stage in the activity of a translator is extremely important, has a pronounced specificity and significantly differs from the usual understanding of the text. A prerequisite for understanding is subject, linguistic, socio-cultural knowledge, i.e. the professional competence of the translator. To understand and interpret a scientific and technical text, the translator analyzes the incoming utterance. It seems important for him to understand all the information contained in the text, to understand the deep meaning, which requires the maximum activation of all mechanisms that ensure understanding of the utterance. The translator must have the highest level of understanding and be able to evaluate the incoming message from the standpoint of the recipient's linguistic, subject and background knowledge. At this level, the translator analyzes the statement and develops a translation strategy taking into account all known factors of the professional situation and the specifics of the translated scientific and technical text, that is, understanding and adequate interpretation of a scientific and technical text in a foreign language is the basis for its subsequent translation into the native language.

Science and technology are developing at a rapid pace, new concepts can be used in published texts. In this case, as translators and researchers note, a significant help is provided by the search for the necessary information in various scientific publications, encyclopedias, etc. Such a reference search makes it possible to get acquainted with the concepts used in the translated text, identify key concepts, and define the terminology used. One should start teaching information and reference search with texts related to well-known fields of science and technology, on the topic of which there is a lot of reference literature with established terminology, gradually moving on to texts related to new, little-developed areas of knowledge, with an unsettled conceptual apparatus. Therefore, at the first stage, the search for information is carried out in reference books and encyclopedias, then in specialized scientific and technical journals, in the latest information publications on the Internet, and consultations with specialists, etc. In the future, the information obtained helps the translator to find equivalents to the corresponding terms, which are entered by the translator into their own terminological card index.

At present, the narrow specialization of the translated texts is becoming more and more apparent, therefore, professional translators often turn to the specialists of the firm / enterprise that are the customers of the translation, to obtain the necessary consultations from them. Of course, a translator will use bilingual dictionaries in his work, but to understand and interpret a scientific and technical text, one should rely primarily on logic and context, and only then on a dictionary.

The use of a computer, the ability to request the necessary information via the Internet can significantly expand the information and reference search in the activities of a translator of scientific and technical texts. As the interviews with translators have shown, at this stage of his / her activity, a translator can:

1. Participate in professional chat rooms with native speakers.

2. Use electronic dictionaries and on-line automated translation systems.

3. Search for publications on the topic of translation.

4. Visit the forums of translators, ie, use the possibilities of the Internet for professional communication.

5. View the latest news on the translation topic to clarify the context and terminology.

The information obtained can be entered into an electronic dictionary, which is maintained by the translator throughout his professional career.

The next stage in the activity of the translator is the synthesizing stage, that is, the actual translation of the understood text. When generating a text, the starting point is a concept that predetermines the semantic structure of the text, and through it the logical structure. The logical structure and communicative purposefulness of the understood text dictates the choice of the repertoire of linguistic means that is actually used when generating the text. If at the stage of understanding the translator must as deeply, fully and accurately understand the semantic side of the statement, the intention of the author of the text, then at the stage of generating the text-translation the activity of the translator is associated with identifying various kinds of correspondences between two languages, two cultures, knowledge of the sender and recipient of the text. When generating a text, the translator must model its understanding by the future recipient, as well as take into account the discursive and genre parameters of constructing the text in Russian. When translating at the stage of creating a comprehensible text in Russian, a computer came to help the translator, which makes it possible to:

1. Find synonyms for words.

2. Use electronic dictionaries.

3. Use an electronic translator when translating some standardized genres, such as a patent or instruction manual.

4. Create a system of notes by the translator for the most controversial or requiring clarification of the context places.

The final stage in the translator's activity is checking and submitting the translation. Currently, all translated texts must be submitted in electronic version. The wide possibilities of computer technology greatly facilitate the editing and formatting of the translation text. Thus, using a computer at this stage it is possible:

2. Apply formatting templates (in accordance with generally accepted in the country);

3. Get statistics on translated and translated text (the number of characters, words, paragraphs, etc.);

4. Use graphic elements (graphs, diagrams, tables, pictures, etc.).

Thus, the training of students in the profession of a translator using information technology should be carried out in stages, taking into account the specifics of the tasks facing the translator at each stage. The result of this process will be the formation of translation competence, that is, the ability to extract information from a text in one language and transmit it by creating a text (oral or written) in another language and use a foreign language in professional activities and for further self-education.

Bibliographic list

1. Alferova teaching the translation of scientific and technical texts using information technology: abstract dis. ... candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.02. Grew up. University of Friendship of Peoples. M .: 26s.

2. "Possible ways of using information technologies in the preparation of a translator in the field of professional communication" // Bulletin of the RUDN, series "Issues of education: languages \u200b\u200band specialty". Moscow, RUDN. - 2008

3. Ryabova technologies in education: problems of machine translation. ict. edu. ru ›vconf / files / 3518.doc

4. Bakanova technologies in teaching professional translation: Theory and practice of forming a professional orientation of programmers in teaching a foreign language. Monograph. LAP LambertAcademic Publishing Gmb & Co. Kg. 174 s.


The translator's activity has always been to work with textual information. Now all spheres of human activity are inextricably linked with information technology, so it is difficult to imagine the translation process without the main translator's tool - a computer. Screen culture has replaced the culture of printed text, the functions and essence of translation have changed, the information itself has begun to be generated, transmitted and perceived directly through a computer.

Possession of modern computer programs aimed at optimizing the translator's activities, the readiness and ability to master these software products in order to increase the attractiveness for the employer and reduce the costs of the translation “production process” are the main requirements of the market today. If a translator is confidently familiar with modern computer technologies, then the ability to effectively use previously completed orders helps both him and the employer expect significant savings in time and money when translating repetitive or similar text fragments.

Modern computer technologies help in solving the following translation tasks:

- communication with the customer and obtaining the source text;

- perception of electronic foreign language text;

- information and reference search on the subject of a foreign language text;

- translation analysis of a foreign language scientific and technical text;

- creation of annotated lists of information resources;

- selection of translation matches and equivalents;

- creation of the translation text;

- creating translator notes;

- creation of an electronic information and reference base of the translator,

- editing, proofreading and layout of the completed translation of a foreign language text in accordance with the customer's requirements;

- assessment of the quality of the completed translation of a foreign language scientific and technical text;

- delivery of the completed translation of a foreign language scientific and technical text to the customer.

In this regard, the purpose of our manual is to help in acquiring basic knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of computer translation from a foreign language into Russian and from Russian into a foreign language.

The book consists of 10 sections containing information about the electronic tools of the translator: knowledge of the principles of work, the advantages and disadvantages of electronic dictionaries, automatic and automated translation systems contributes to the development of information technology competence of the translator, which is important for orientation in open and closed (proprietary) software and file formats; basic principles of computer text design. In writing the manual, books and articles by A. Solovieva, A.B. Kutuzova, A.L. Semyonova, G.V. Kuryachiy and K.A. Maslinsky, K.T. Volchenkova, M. Ivanov and many others (see List of sources used).

1 Computer technology concept

At the present stage of development of society, all spheres of human activity are inextricably linked with information technology (English Information Technology, IT). According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information Technology- is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods of effective organization of the work of people involved in the processing and storage of information; computing technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as related social, economic and cultural problems.

The modern economic dictionary defines information technology as the processes of accumulation, storage, transmission, processing, control of information, based on the use of computer technology, communications and the latest information transformation technologies.

In the environment of specialists, information technology is understood as a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to data management and processing technologies, including the use of computer technology.

Recently, however, information technology is most often understood as computer technology. In particular, information technology deals with the use of computers and software for storing, transforming, protecting, processing, transmitting and receiving information. If we are talking about information technology in such a simplified sense, it is also necessary to separately mention communication technologies, since often the computer is not connected to the local and global network. One way or another, regardless of the method or fact of connecting a computer to a LAN (local area network), the modern spread of computers has forever changed society, making it qualitatively different, informational. Let us explain such terms as "information society" and "informatization of society".

Information society- a society in which socio-economic development depends primarily on the production, processing, storage, dissemination of information among members of society.

By European standards, a society can be called an information society if more than 50% of the population is employed in the field of information services. Accordingly, Russia is only taking the first steps in this direction.

The information society differs from the previous ones in that the main factor in it is not material, but ideal factors - knowledge and information.

The term "information society" owes its name to the professor of the Tokyo Institute of Technology Yujiro Hayashi, whose term was used in the works of Fritz Machlup (1962) and T. Umesao (1963) that appeared almost simultaneously - in Japan and the United States. In 1969, the Japanese Information Society: Topics and Approaches and Outlines of a Policy to Promote the Informatization of Japanese Society were presented to the Japanese government, and in 1971, the Information Society Plan.

Informatization of society is not so much a technological process as a social and even cultural process associated with significant changes in the lifestyle of the population. Such processes require serious efforts not only by the authorities, but also by the entire community of users of information and communication technologies in many areas, including the elimination of computer illiteracy, the formation of a culture of using new information technologies, etc.

The term "informatization" itself was widely used only in Russia and China. This was due, firstly, to the insufficient development of a glossary on the topic “information technologies” and “information society” in the 1980s and 1990s, and secondly, to some specific features of the development of information and communication technologies in these countries. They were characterized by a high level of development of applied and specialized hardware and software systems and an extremely weak telecommunications infrastructure, which became a brake on the harmonious development of the information society.

The goal of informatization is the transformation of the driving forces of society, which should be redirected to the production of services, the formation of the production of an informational rather than a material product. In the course of informatization, the tasks of changing approaches to production are being solved, the way of life and the system of values \u200b\u200bare being modernized. Free time is of particular value, intelligence and knowledge are reproduced and consumed, which leads to an increase in the share of mental labor. Citizens of the information society are required to be creative, and the demand for knowledge increases. The material and technological base of society is changing, various kinds of control and analytical information systems, created on the basis of computer technology and computer networks, information technology, and telecommunications, are beginning to play a key role. As we have already noted above, the process of development of the information society begins with its computerization.

Computerization is the process of introducing computers that provide automation of information processes and technologies in various spheres of human activity. The goal of computerization is to improve the quality of life of people by increasing productivity and facilitating their working conditions. Along with computerization, there is a more specific concept of home computerization. Home computerization is the process of equipping households with computer devices. In Russia, home computerization is an element of the state policy of informatization, focused on meeting the needs of the population for information and knowledge directly at home.

You can meet your needs thanks to special search engines.

Information retrieval system is a system that performs the following functions:

- storage of large amounts of information;

- quick search for the required information;

- adding, deleting and changing the stored information;

- information output in a human-friendly form.


- automated (English computerised);

- bibliographic (eng. Reference);

- interactive (eng. Online);

- documentary and factual information retrieval systems.

In the information society, information groups merge into one community with the help of a network, i.e. society becomes networked.

A network society is a society in which a significant part of information interactions is carried out using information networks. Moreover, the composition of this society is constantly updated with new users.

The main factor that increases the number of users is, of course, the information needs of the population of the entire planet.

Information need is a need that arises when the goal facing the user in the course of his professional activity or in his social and everyday practice cannot be achieved without attracting additional information, which in this context is the World Wide Web. . World Wide Web, WWW, Web) - the main service on the Internet, allowing access to information on any servers connected to the network. The World Wide Web is organized on the principles of hypermedia (English Hypermedia) - technologies for presenting information in the form of relatively small blocks associated with each other. Of course, the World Wide Web allows you to access any information on any servers connected to the network.

2 Information technology competence as a component of the professional competence of a translator

In a modern society, to ensure the competitiveness of Russian translators, the latter must have the skills and means that are the standard abroad. So, the implementation of the process of interlanguage and intercultural communication requires a specialist to apply certain knowledge and skills in the field of information and communication technologies, the main of which today are:

- electronic document management;

- work with software packages;

- obtaining operational information;

- communication with remote partners;

- making competence decisions;

- data entry and systematization.

Therefore, according to V.V. Ilchenko and E.V. Karpenko, for professional training, a future translator simply needs to study information resources and technologies, software and network tools suitable for carrying out translation activities using a computer, in order to form the information technology competence of a translator.

Taking into account the new conditions of the translator's activity, A.A. Rybakova says that the professional competence of a translator (see Figure 1) is an integral set of bilingual, cultural-cognitive, professional-subject, translation and information technology competence itself, which is a complex complex of knowledge, skills, abilities, psychological properties and qualities personality (abilities), potentially necessary for the implementation of professional translation activities, manifested in it in the form of one or another degree of their actualization (professional competence).

Figure 1 - Information technology competence

Consequently, the information and technological competence of the translator is an integral part of his professional competence and is characterized by the following provisions, which were identified in his research by V.V. Ilchenko and E.V. Karpenko:

- goal-setting in the process of solving a professional problem using the latest information technologies, a clear and clear statement and formulation of the goal of this activity, planning a strategy for information technology activities;

- value attitude to information and information technologies, their choice in accordance with the purpose of the activity, to the results of information technology activities, achieved personally and in society; persistent interest in information technology activities;

- active use of information technology in professional activities;

- value attitude towards oneself as a specialist with a worldview corresponding to the level of development of society, modern knowledge and skills in the field of information technology; understanding the results of their activities, striving for self-improvement and self-development.

3 Electronic workstation of the translator

Over the past 10-15 years, the nature of the translator's work and the requirements for him have changed significantly. First of all, the changes concerned the written translation of scientific, technical, official and business documentation. Today, as a rule, it is no longer enough to simply translate text using a computer like a typewriter. The customer expects from the translator that the design of the finished document will correspond to the appearance of the original as closely as possible, and at the same time meet the standards adopted in the given country.

The translation industry of the 21st century places new demands on the translator, as translation volumes have grown, deadlines have become tighter, and more and more international teams have to work. The translator has to be a project manager, computer scientist, document clerk, publishing specialist, linguist-researcher.

Written translation of technical information has always been in demand. But according to statistics, a translator without the use of computer technology can translate no more than 2000 words per day, which entails a high translation cost. Automation significantly increases the productivity of the translator, allowing you to reduce the price of the final product.

Most of the electronic means are technology for accelerating and creating alternative versions of the translation text (Internet capabilities); others allow authoritative selection among alternatives (translation media and all kinds of dictionaries). Translators create and select among alternative options, and various new technologies do not cancel these tasks, they only expand the range of possibilities, allowing you to deal with a larger piece of reality in less time. The abundance of information nowadays makes it easy to create alternative versions of the translation text, which implies a greater focus on the choice of the possible version of the translation text.

It must be remembered that the main task of the translator is to ensure communication between people, and only then - work with electronic means. A look at the core element of competence should help to ensure that the objectives are not lost sight of and to find an appropriate place for the element in the system of the translator's competence and the use of information ”.

Information technology competence implies not just a transition to other tools, but a change in the very approach to translation activity as a translation process. Metaphorically, this can be expressed through the evolution of human movement in the area. The analogy is simple: first, to increase speed, a person masters horseback riding, this significantly accelerates the speed of movement, but does not allow transporting large loads, we associate this stage with the process of translation activities before the introduction of the concept of information technology competence, i.e. the presence of dictionaries can greatly simplify and speed up the translation process. The use by the translator of various types of electronic dictionaries, text editors with checking spelling and lexical errors is similar to the use of transport by a person with a draft principle, i.e. carts, carriages drawn by horses or similar animals. Undoubtedly, such a transition greatly facilitates the translation / movement process itself, but it is possible to speak of a completely qualitative transition only when using passenger cars or trucks, or, speaking of translation activities, using shells of electronic dictionaries, their grouping, using translation memory systems.

This comparison is successful because it implies the creation and maintenance of a certain infrastructure: in the case of an analogy, it is the maintenance of a network of highways and gas stations, and in the case of the object of our study, it implies both extensive and intensive development of IT means of translation.

The information technology competence of the translator can be realized in the information environment, which is the so-called "electronic translator's workplace". In this regard, it seems to us justified, first of all, to consider the issue of the so-called "electronic translator's workplace" ("computer translator's workplace", "modern translator's workplace"), which serves as the basis for the implementation of the translator's information technology competence and the basis for its formation in university.

As V. Grabowski notes, the translator's workplace has not essentially changed over the centuries. His tools, both handwritten and typewritten, in terms of their functional purpose, all this time, in fact, remained the same. Both labor intensity and productivity did not fundamentally change.

Before the information age, which was associated with the invention of the personal computer, the Internet, the means of the translator's work were mainly paper and pen. Of course, paper is understood in a broad sense as a means of manual cataloging, archiving, and searching among translator's records, bibliographic references, and a base of terminological examples. Other traditional translator resources include printed dictionaries and reference books, as well as reference materials by subject areas that needed to be read.

The situation began to change by the mid-80s of the last century - computer equipment was adopted. In 1984, the first commercial use of computer technology was announced in the United States (at Agnew Tech-Tran Inc.). In the early 90s, the computerization of the translator's work began in our country.

At first, as V. Grabowski notes in his historical review, the computer was perceived as a kind of advanced typewriter, very convenient for editing texts. Soon, however, the computer gave a new dimension to the work of the translator, showing its potential to an ever-increasing degree. It became possible to use not only programs for writing and processing words, but also electronic dictionaries, as well as all kinds of reference books. Work was under way on, relatively speaking, the mechanization and automation of the labor of linguists.

The first category includes software products of TM (Translation Memory) technology, which are large-capacity databases. These databases allow you to save fragments of the original text and the corresponding translation, not only individual words, but entire phrases. The first programs of this kind were Translator's Workbench (Trados) and Transit (Star). They allowed you to compare phrases of the translated text with phrases contained in databases and analyze the degree of their similarity in percentage. They greatly facilitate the work with texts, providing instant access to all previous developments. ”Bill Gates's famous expression“ Information at your fingertips ”is very suitable.

Attempts have been made to create programs capable of independently translating written texts. In this regard, we can mention the well-known domestic products in our country Stylus (Promt) and Socrat (Arsenal). The scope of these programs has been limited, and in many cases their role is supportive.

Work was also underway to make the translator's old dream come true - to create a fully automated workplace. The most interesting in this regard is the Interlingua technology, which was developed in the early 90s at the Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh), based on the theory of machine intelligence. The essence of this technology is that, based on specially developed algorithms, the program analyzes the meaning of the original text and translates it into an intermediate artificial language Interlingua. After that, the computer can automatically translate the source text into any language provided by the program and having the appropriate algorithms. You can imagine how convenient it would be for equipment manufacturers who issue operating instructions and other technical materials in several languages \u200b\u200bat once. This technology also provided for the potential for interpretation - with the help of additional human speech recognition programs and speech synthesizers.

Unfortunately, these developments have not yet led to the creation of a product ready for commercial use, primarily due to insufficient computing power and other technical problems. Nevertheless, work in this direction continues.

In the 1990s, translators began to use such means of communication as fax and e-mail. E-mail is now simply indispensable. A significant step forward has been the widespread adoption of scanners that allow you to work with graphics and illustrations, as well as recognize text data and convert it into electronic format. It is difficult to overestimate the importance for translators of such text-creation products as FineReader and CuneiForm. Translating text files is much more convenient than translating paper versions. There are programs that provide additional convenience and service at work. In this regard, we can mention the Libretto (analysis and annotation of texts), Pathfinder (search for text data on local and network drives), Punto Switcher, etc. The latter is especially convenient, designed to switch the keyboard language.

Punto Switcher

The program recognizes the language in which the text is written and automatically switches to it. This is especially important if you are typing without looking at the screen. If you absent-mindedly type zzz in the address bar of your browser, then Punto Switcher will automatically convert it to www.

With this free program you can:

1) switch the layout automatically (it recognizes the typed text) and a hot key;

2) change the standard system key combinations to change the layout;

3) correct the layout and case in the selected text and in the text from the clipboard;

4) use the autocorrect function when typing frequently used words.

In addition, the program provides sound signals for working with the keyboard.

Returning to the historical overview of the electronic translator's workplace, we also mention the rapid progress in the field of electronic media. 5 "floppy disks are a thing of the past. In addition to 3" floppy disks, MO-disks and all kinds of cartridges, CD-ROMs, including rewritable ones, have appeared and are increasingly being used. Recording equipment has long ceased to be exotic.

It should be noted that over the past ten years, along with the development of software and hardware that are in service with linguists, the final product of their labor has also changed. There is an opportunity not only to prepare translated and edited text data, but also to create original layouts for subsequent replication. The most common programs in our country are such programs for computer layout and creation of original layouts, such as PageMaker and QuarkXpress, which supplanted the popular Ventura Publisher in the first half of the 90s. Less well known are FrameMaker and Interleaf.

The original layouts included not only text, but also other components necessary for a printed edition - illustrations, graphics, subject indexes, etc.

This radically changed the nature of the interaction between the translator and the consumer of his product. If earlier the customer received only a semi-finished product - i.e. text data, and he himself had to bring this semi-finished product to the stage of a finished product, but now he receives products ready for further use.

Further, with the progress of multimedia technologies, it became possible not to be limited to the release of information on paper, but to prepare CDs and videotapes with educational materials, presentations, etc. in cooperation with recording studios.

Mention should also be made of the ever-growing role of the Internet translator in the work of the translator. The number of all kinds of reference resources in any field of knowledge is constantly growing. It is difficult to overestimate their importance. It is impossible not to mention the problems for the translator arising in connection with the work with e-mail and the Web. The main problem is viruses. Antivirus programs, first of all Norton Anti-Virus and Kaspersky Anti-Virus, become an inevitable tool of his workplace.

Having made a small excursion into history, we followed how the translator's workplace and its equipment have changed over the past ten years. Let's move on to a specific consideration of the content of the term "translator's computer workstation".

In the domestic literature, there is practically no concept, and there is no well-established term to designate the composition of hardware and software, as well as electronic resources, as a single complex of support for translation activities. In the English language literature, such names as Translator's Workstation or Translator's Workbench have long been used and are quite familiar to designate a translator's workstation.

What is included in the “translator's computer workstation”?

First of all, it is the computer hardware (system unit, monitor, printer, scanner, MFP, etc.). Since the so-called "hardware" part of the translator's workplace is rather the object of a diploma project of any technical specialty, we will not dwell on it in detail, having noticed only on the basis of our own experience that today most IT tools depend little on the computer hardware and the choice of both the hardware platform and the technical characteristics of the computer can be dictated by subjective preferences; it practically does not affect the performance of a single software and hardware complex.

The structure of the translator's electronic workstation also includes the corresponding software (software), which, together with the hardware, provide him with various possibilities and allow the translator to perform various types of operations necessary for him to perform tasks in the course of his professional activity. In addition, certain resources are required: dictionaries, reference books, corpuses of (parallel) texts. In our opinion, it is the choice and degree of mastery of the program part of the translator's workplace that affects the efficiency of translation activities.

Foreign experts note that it is necessary to separate the concepts of "electronic means" and "electronic resources", despite their closeness and interdependence in the work of a translator in modern conditions. Basically, “tools” are those tools or equipment (eg computer, software) that they need to perform a particular day-to-day work (eg concordance program, spell checker). Resources are no less important (for example, the already mentioned text corpora, dictionaries, glossaries, reference materials).