Development of corporate identity and logo for a beauty studio (salon). Need a beautiful sign for a beauty salon

The provision of beauty services will never lose its relevance, because both men and women want to look decent, find their own style and constantly maintain it. This factor is increasingly motivating start-up entrepreneurs, forcing them to act immediately. Competition issues come to the fore here, so it will be difficult for newcomers to make themselves known in an already established market, especially in large Russian cities. But there is a range of specific rules that will help you competently organize your own business.

The original logo of a beauty studio is the first, very important step towards your own goal. Its development will mark the beginning of entrepreneurial activity, as well as form the general corporate identity of the future company, so this step should be taken with all responsibility, seriousness and understanding. Our company is based in St. Petersburg, so anyone who wants to get into the image industry can do it with our help.

How to start developing a corporate identity and logo for a beauty salon?

The first stage in the formation of one's own handwriting is the organization of high-quality identification. What does this mean? The logo, in fact, is the face of each enterprise, something that immediately associates it with you, your company. And this face should be beautiful, memorable, causing a desire to turn. Without professional help, creating a logo turns into a real problem, because even its smallest details need to be carefully worked out.

As a rule, the logo of a beauty studio (salon) begins its own formation from the main color. A palette consisting of a harmonious mix of pinks, lilacs and blues is the standard, as these shades are more feminine and pleasing to our eyes. However, current trends indicate that the image industry is increasingly acquiring a more strict, masculine design. Ascetic fonts, the predominance of dark colors, strict, minimalist harmony - all this is actively used in the work of designers. Experiments are limited only by the taste preferences of the customer, so you only need to build on them.

The font is the 2nd point in creating a branded logo. His choice depends on the direction of the company's services. Men's barbershops are most often decorated in an old school style. Angular white letters, complemented by lines or stencil images - all this looks interesting and stylish. In the case of women's spas, the design takes on a more gentle, fluid character, and is also often complemented by rich patterns, in which you need to maintain harmony and not overdo it.

Development of an image for a logo

One of the most important rules when developing a logo is minimalism, however, images are often included in the overall composition. Each designer gives his advice on whether to use the whole picture in the process of work, but such an option can either complement or spoil the overall picture.

If you decide to use the finished image in the logo, it should be selected according to several criteria:

  • Targeting an age audience;
  • Targeting men or women;
  • The range and variety of services provided;
  • Approximate assessment of the social and material status of a potential client;

If in the course of work doubts creep in about the need for an image in the development of a company's corporate label, then you can resort to one simple thing. Remember the most popular brands, what do you associate them with? Adidas - three stripes arranged in the form of a pyramid, Apple products - a bitten apple, McDonald's - the letter "M", drawn in an original way. The associative possibilities of a person are directly intertwined with graphic images, so the use of small but catchy drawings is more than a winning option.

When the basic version is ready, you can resort to one interesting move. It is enough to color the logo in black and white and look closely at it. If the work still attracts attention, perhaps even gaining some zest - this is a very good sign. Almost all well-known designers resort to this practice, so you should use a similar procedure in order to more carefully refine possible shortcomings.

In conclusion, it should be noted that not only ready-made company logos that can be found on the Internet, but also modern trends can give additional ideas. Handmade calligraphy, the use of complex geometric lines, the layering of gradients - all this looks fashionable, without losing its own relevance over time.

Requirements for the appearance, texture and quality of materials used in the manufacture of outdoor signs for a beauty salon or studio- very high. Just as a theater begins with a hanger, so does the impression of an institution from its signboard.

And for a stylish, fashionable beauty salon, it is very important to clearly indicate your location, to distinguish yourself favorably among competitors.

Signage for a beauty salon-price?

And completely optional. price stylish advertising sign for beauty salon should be high: with well-chosen high-quality materials, a memorable, bright design, even the simplest light box can serve as an elite advertising for a barbershop or beauty salon.

In order for the sign for your salon or hairdresser to be really beautiful, fashionable, remained in the memory of the public for a long time, first you need to decide on its external performance - design.

When developing a project in appearance beauty salon signs it is important to take into account some of the established norms that have been created in the perception of outdoor signs by the target audience.

Font options for a beauty salon.

We can turn any font into light letters using absolutely
any materials: colored glass, stainless steel, mirror.

By choosing a font by number, you can order a sign from us for your beauty salon.

We will develop an individual font and logo for the salon individually!

On the streets St. Petersburg we are used to seeing advertising signs for hairdressers and beauty salons, performed, as a rule, in bright colors: red, burgundy, gold, pink, orange. Also in the glamor industry, combinations of gold and black colors or the same colors separately are popular.

Signboard for barbershops

It is not recommended to make signs for beauty salons in cold colors: blue, blue, purple, but again, nothing is impossible in advertising, and a favorable presentation will make a sign of any color readable, memorable and unique.

Another design tip outdoor advertising for beauty salons: in the signboard, focus on the words: BEAUTY SALON, BEAUTY STUDIO or HAIRDRESSER, while also making the name large, readable and memorable for a potential client. (

Satisfied visitors to your salon should know who to recommend to their friends)

The second step in the development of a project to create a unique sign for a beauty establishment is the choice of the advertising medium itself.

Whatever you like: whether it is three-dimensional letters, a light box (lightbox) of a complex or rectangular shape, our employees will find the best option for you according to the principle: “price-quality-external

Signs for a beauty salon - font.

For example, a beautiful capital or noble sans-serif font will make volume letters for a beauty salon, made according to the simplest, most popular and affordable manufacturing technology (acrylic plexiglass + PVC light-diffusing film) an unforgettable and bright sign.

Backlighting applied to volumetric letters or a lightbox of a complex shape will leave a slight feeling of understatement about your establishment and will definitely not let you pass by. Strict, noble letters or boxes with a cut-out image, made of stainless steel, will immediately declare to the consumer about the highest level of your beauty salon.

Elite look really stylish signs for a beauty salon or barbershop from color acrylic plexiglas and composite material - Dibond.

If you need sign for beauty salon or any other institution, we will be able to select for you an advertising model that perfectly meets all your requirements.

One of the main components of outdoor advertising is a beauty salon sign. When looking at it, a potential client has an understanding of what he should expect from your salon. It is the sign that most directly speaks of its level and prestige. We assure you that between two beauty salons that offer services using the most advanced technologies and the latest equipment, a potential client will prefer the one whose sign looks more expensive and presentable.

What should be the sign of a beauty salon

For companies that provide services in the field of beauty and personal care (hairdressers, nail studios and tanning studios), one of the most effective methods to increase demand is outdoor advertising. The client base will increase noticeably thanks to professionally prepared promotions and competent outdoor advertising.

Studies show that the vast majority, and it is about 80% of the clients of a particular company providing services in the field of beauty, either live or work nearby. Therefore, it is very important to take this fact into account when developing any advertising strategy, including when choosing and ordering a sign for a beauty salon.

The first thing that will attract the attention of a potential visitor passing or passing by your company is an unusual and beautiful sign for a beauty salon.

It's no secret that the vast majority of clients of beauty industry institutions are the fair sex. It is in the nature of a woman to take care of her appearance. In many respects, it is on the basis of the first impression, namely, from the sign of the beauty salon, that she decides whether to apply to the services of this company again, or whether this visit will be the first and last.

It is very important to remember the basic rules that should be followed when choosing a name for a beauty salon. The success of the entire business in the future largely depends on this. So, the name of the beauty salon should:

  • be beautiful, but at the same time moderately unusual;
  • have an unambiguous meaning;
  • evoke positive emotions in customers.

An even more complex and time-consuming process than choosing a name is choosing a sign for a beauty salon. According to many experts, if it cannot be read from a passing car at a speed of 60 km / h, then the sign is ineffective and could be dispensed with altogether.

So, what to choose when choosing a sign for a beauty salon?

  1. Signage should be as concise and informative as possible; the inscription is made in a well-chosen font (it must be well read and associated with the salon);
  2. It is important to install a sign in a place with a large flow of pedestrians and cars. It should not be obscured by trees, structures of small architecture, etc.;
  3. The sign of a beauty salon should be visible from afar and well readable at any time of the day. To do this, it is rational to use various kinds of lighting and volumetric advertising.

Successful signs of beauty salons

bad signage for beauty salons

What are the signs of hairdressers and beauty salons

Light box. The most common type of sign. Practical, easy to clean, one of the simplest.

Illuminated letters. It has a more complex structure. Here, each letter represents a separate light box.

Neon sign. This type of sign will attract the most attention of potential customers. Neon allows you to create a variety of shapes, running line, etc.

Outdoor sign, or facade. Such a sign combines any 2-3 types of those that we talked about above. We recommend making a frame with a replaceable banner and lighting. Such a sign will inform about current promotions and offers, since changing the banner is not difficult and will not take much time.

Pillar. Like the end sign, the pavement sign helps to attract the attention of people passing directly by the salon. If the sign is installed permanently, then the pavement sign largely depends on the human factor - whether it was taken out or not, whether it is kept clean and in good condition.

  • Checklist: 3 criteria to understand if an advertising module is well made

What color to choose for the sign

In order for the entrance to your beauty salon to be decorated with a truly beautiful and attractive sign, you should carefully consider its design at the design stage. When developing a layout for a signboard for a beauty salon, it is recommended to carefully observe the rules that are associated with the perception of outdoor advertising.

Colorful signs of beauty salons are a phenomenon familiar to the streets of big cities. Most business owners in the beauty industry favor orange, pink, and gold tones. Signboards for luxury beauty salons are often decorated in black and gold. It is not recommended to opt for cold shades: blue, purple and blue. However, if an experienced designer correctly teaches a beauty salon sign, its color scheme can be absolutely anything.

When designing an outdoor sign for a beauty salon, it is important to remember one more thing: the main emphasis should be on the words BEAUTY SALON or Hairdresser. The name of the salon itself should also not be lost, be well readable and memorable.

  • Word of mouth marketing: how to start good "gossip" about your salon

Strict requirements for a beauty salon sign

According to Article 9 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", information about the profile of the enterprise, its trade name and registered trademark (sign) is mandatory and is intended to bring to the attention of the consumer information about the manufacturer (performer, seller).

The sign of the enterprise should be located in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to it. Basically, this is the facade of the building, within 10 meters from the entrance, as well as directly the premises in which the company is located.

A sign for a beauty salon can be made in the form of a wall panel or a bracket. It is also allowed to place it on the roof or canopy if the enterprise is located in a one-story building, an extension to the main building.

The design of a sign for a beauty salon can consist of several elements, the information on which is not repeated.

According to Article 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the sign must contain information about the profile orientation of the information (without a list of goods or services provided). It is also allowed to place registered trademarks and decorative elements on the sign. It is required that the owner of the sign had the rights to use this trademark.

The letters on the signboard of the beauty salon must be at least 15 cm high. At night, signboards must be illuminated by internal light sources. In some cases, the use of internal power sources is allowed if the structure is not located near the windows of residential apartments, and also if sanitation standards are not violated.

The text posted on the sign must be written in Russian. This also applies to logos and registered trademarks. It is forbidden to write foreign words in Russian letters, as well as the use of abbreviations and abbreviations when describing the core focus of the enterprise

A beauty salon sign must be registered in the prescribed manner. To do this, you must submit the following documents.

  1. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (with company seal).
  2. Certificate of entry into the Unified State Register (copy with company seal).
  3. Information letter on registration in USRPO (copy with company seal).
  4. Certificate from the tax inspectorate on registration and assignment of TIN (copy with company seal).
  5. Certificate of ownership of the building, structure or other object (copy certified by a notary).
  6. Lease agreement with the owner of the property (copy certified by a notary).
  7. Certificate from BTI in form 1 A about the balance holder of the building (premises) of the current year (copy certified by a notary). This certificate is valid for one year.
  8. Conclusion of technical expertise.
  9. Technical design of the SNRI (copy).
  10. Trademark registration certificate and permission to use it.
  11. Approved design project of the SNRI in scale and color with reference to the location.

In addition, if the beauty salon signage area exceeds 6 sq. m, the height of the brackets is more than 2 meters, it is necessary to provide drawings and calculations of wind loads made by a specialized company.

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Three-dimensional letters (they are also three-dimensional elements) are three-dimensional structures of various shapes, equipped, as a rule, with backlighting. The phrase itself volumetric letter"implies a three-dimensional construction, but this term is usually used more widely - a three-dimensional construction can be any, not necessarily a letter. This could be, for example, logo or curly element.

Price list for the production of three-dimensional letters
Letters from ALS from 100 rubles/cm
flat plastic letters from 25 rubles/cm
Frontlit letters from 85 rubles/cm
Edge-lit letters from 90 rubles/cm
Backlit letters from 95 rubles/cm
Letters not backlit from 50 rubles/cm

Effective outdoor advertising is the key to the success of any establishment. Competition among beauty salons is especially high, which is why it is necessary to focus on external design. A catchy sign that reflects the style of the salon can leave a positive impression of the establishment and tell a potential visitor about what is hidden behind the door.

Even if the best masters in the city work for you, you can't expect a large flow of customers without proper advertising. An expressive and respectable sign made of quality materials will attract visitors. The success of a beauty salon primarily depends on what impression it makes.

The target audience of such establishments is large, so the development of sign design should be trusted to a professional. It will emphasize the individual style of your salon and add elegance to it.

What sign should you choose for a beauty salon?

The best way to attract attention is volumetric letters. They add expressiveness to the sign due to their three-dimensionality, reflect the respectability of the salon and adapt to absolutely any style. Volumetric elements are clearly visible from afar, especially when using LED backlighting.

Lots of styling options. A specialist can understand the variety of choices and help with the development of an individual design of three-dimensional letters for a beauty salon.

Our craftsmen are serious about their work, so the DvigTorg company is engaged in the manufacture of signboards of any complexity.

What is worth paying attention to?

If you need really effective advertising, it is important to pay attention to some details when ordering a sign.

  • First, decide on the size of the promotional elements. The installed sign should be perfectly visible to both passers-by and cars passing by.
  • Secondly, you need to choose a well-readable font. If the sign cannot be disassembled at a distance and up close, such advertising will not be of any use. Experts recommend using no more than two font options at the same time.
  • Thirdly, the color scheme of advertising elements is of great importance. Colors can be perceived and distinguished differently from close and far distances.

If you want to combine several colors, make sure that they are combined with each other and do not interfere with the readability of the text.

Hello. I present to you a selection - templates for the site of a beauty salon, SPA center and other women's topics related to beauty. Today we can tell about our services in a more colorful and interesting way, which could not have been done literally 5 years ago. Thanks to new developments, we can make colorful websites with animation effects, attractive graphics, parallax and other features.

Use these elements to impress clients, especially when it comes to women. Women are more emotional and often make a choice in favor of a purchase based on emotions. And these wordpress templates will allow you to speed up and simplify the process of creating a site at times.

30 top website templates for a beauty salon, spa, wellness center


Kallyas is a universal template, but there is one female-themed demo, namely a site for a personal make-up artist. The universal template makes offering services a relaxed and successful experience. The possibilities of the theme are limited only by your imagination. There is no need to know programming languages ​​to get beautiful pages in a few clicks.

Kallyas offers 12 unique designs, an efficient e-commerce platform, a beautiful slideshow customized to your liking, and SEO optimization. Fast site loading, one-click installation, ease of use with the admin panel are notable advantages of the theme. There are video tutorials to help you, how to customize the template, documentation, premium support. An unlimited choice of colors to create a territory of beauty and good taste.

2. TheGem

TheGem – WordPress theme beauty salon, SPA treatments, makeup, massage. It is a versatile aesthetic theme with great responsiveness across all devices. It is designed for a creative approach to page design, as convenient as possible for managing settings and visiting customers. More than 50 creative concepts to build the desired website, instant page loading, SEO optimization for indexing in search engines, you can make an online store on WooCommerce.

TheGem developers presented 2 beautiful demos:

  • for beauty studio or spa
  • for the master hairdresser or studio

Such a custom design will cost a lot of money, but you will receive it for free when you purchase a template.

Also included are plugins:

  • visual composer
  • slider revolution
  • layer slider

TheGem offers premium quality slides, Russian language support, 20 portfolio and gallery designs. The theme is ideal for developing a website that matches your ambitions and creativity. You can easily bring it to perfection, make it attractive and stylish.


Depilex is a beauty salon, SPA, fitness, yoga, meditation. After getting acquainted with the topic, there is a feeling of serenity, comfort and aesthetic pleasure. The template is suitable for offering services and selling goods. A large set of useful tools: beautiful slides, 4 homepage styles, SEO optimization. A convenient admin panel allows you to create a website with a beautiful design and providing full information about the service in a few clicks.

Depilex offers not to be content with little, but strives for creative implementation, creating a unique website that is an order of magnitude higher in level than that of competitors. You have an unlimited choice of colors, quick translation into any language, multiple gallery styles.


H-Code is a theme for a beauty salon, fashion, make-up and SPA that allows you to fully unleash your creativity when creating a website. Attention to the smallest details and the functionality of the pages distinguish the template from others. Guaranteed fast loading of the website, good SEO optimization, easy design customization.

It's easy to create something amazing, beautiful and memorable with this template. The best plugins available (Visual Composer, Slider Revolution and more) to implement bold ideas.

In addition to a beautiful spa demo, there are 31+ options for other topics.

5. Browcraft - a template for the master of eyebrows

Delicate design and professional structure of the template emphasize the professionalism of the authors. Designed for beauty themes, so it will look perfect in a SPA service role. The grid is easily customizable using the built-in editor, all elements are replaceable at any stage of customization. Fonts adapted to Cyrillic.

6. Jude

Another universal beauty template in which you should pay attention to:

  • excellent mobile adaptability - the authors show how it will look;
  • slider and swiper plugins for ease of viewing;
  • background with parallax effect;
  • SEO optimization.

In order for customers to quickly find an institution, you can connect Google maps, the functionality is in the template.

7. O'Nails - nail service

A simple and pretty landing page for manicure and spa services. There are two blanks to choose from, both are quite similar, but they look spectacular, if desired, you can always change thanks to the convenient built-in constructor plugin. The fonts are adapted to the Russian language, and SEO-optimization was carried out with automatic indexing of new pages in search robots.

8. Elaine - cosmetics

An interesting selection of templates dedicated to everything related to a healthy lifestyle and beauty care. Light "airy" design and elements of "natural" style evoke associations with freshness, pleasant emotions. Waiting on the inside:

  • simple admin panel with powerful features;
  • plugin for recording at a certain time;
  • one click color adjustment.

There is also an online store where you can sell related products.

Related Collection: 20 Cosmetics Store Templates »

9. Renewal - plastic surgery

The template is dedicated to plastic surgery, but the pictures are easy to change in the admin panel. But there are many nice features, such as signing up for a convenient time, contacting and asking questions using advanced feedback forms, the ability to attach Google maps. All settings can be done online. Optimized for search engines, SEO-promotion is automated.

10.Podium - modeling agency

Stylish fashion template with good built-in functionality. Several nested submenus are supported, adapted to the Russian language. Included are WPBakery plugins for online settings, a calendar with the option to choose a convenient time for a client to visit, as well as advanced slider features that will help show the services "in person".

11. Magna

Magna is the brainchild of the same developers as TheGem. High-quality WordPress template, narrowly focused, for women's topics. There are 2 landing concepts: in a dark and light version. Both are beautiful see the demo for yourself. High loading speed, presentation with vivid images, a complete SEO package for effective optimization, good adaptability for different devices are notable advantages of the template.

Magna offers a realistic slider that harmonizes with the overall design, a large set of plugins, additional settings. You have full control over the design of the page without changing the code. Simplicity and ease of management. A beautiful, informative, memorable template that complies with the rules of the selling site.

12. Brando

Brando - noticeably different from other options. Has its own style and flexible, creative design that your customers will love.

Brando offers a simple editor, an intuitive control panel. It is designed to quickly create pages of different directions. The presence of a unique portfolio and blog, a large number of thematic settings, high loading speed are notable advantages of using a template. It is suitable for beauty salon, hotel, restaurant, travel agency.

Tastefully designed, elegant and sophisticated, the site creates an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility, showcasing services and offerings in a favorable light. Unleash the full potential of Brando by creating something unique.

13. Spa lab

Spa lab is a flexible theme with an impressive set of useful features. Good adaptability for all types of devices. This is a template for a spa salon, hairdresser, medical center, yoga and meditation. A carefully thought-out panel makes it easy to customize the color, choose a header and logo, specify the cost of services, present the gallery in a beautiful way.

Additional plugins make it easier to create the desired site. 600 fonts for headings, text and menus are indispensable for the harmonious design of the page. Possibility to create a registration form for the procedure.

14. Alissa

Alissa - with the help of this theme you can make a site on the topics of fitness, SPA, make-up, health, massage, manicure.

When you get to the site, you discover a world of relaxation, beauty and sophistication. An important function is the appointment booking button with different visual effects. It can be added in several places on the page for the convenience of visitors. The top panel with company contact details is provided for quick submission of information. You can set a banner with a message to be displayed on every page.

Excellent adaptability of the Alissa template contributes to the correct display of the website on any device. Create a service page the way you want by choosing the right design in a few clicks.

15. Etalon

The theme is ideal for small businesses and private entrepreneurs. Due to its versatility, Etalon covers various niches, and among its 20+ demos you can find a website template for a beauty salon and barbershop. Both demos are designed in light beige tones, use parallax inserts, photo output with animation, stylish layouts for price lists.

16. Pearl

Multi-niche universal template. The Beauty Salon demo is a multi-page site with a light background, red and pink elements, sections with blue and brown backgrounds. There is a callback order form, an online appointment form, a calendar, cards with information about the masters.

17. Template for a beauty salon website

The theme is equipped with functionality for adding ratings and comments, reposting on social networks. The finished Ma Belle website is a one-page landing page for a beauty salon. The page contains a lightbox gallery, service price cards, an interactive calendar, and an online registration form.

18. Template for a spa or beauty salon website

Universal template with SWiSH animation. Of the 12 demos made on the template, 2 are devoted to the theme of beauty - this is a site template for a spa and a demo for a hair salon. You can add a blog, calendar, search / subscription / contact forms to the sites. There is a button to return to the top of the page.

19. StylePark - blog template

Trendy template theme "Beauty". The design of the demo is based on the use of bright blocks and duplex images. Images are not included with the theme, but by replacing them with your own photos rendered in the same style, you can maintain the original intent of the designers.

Related Selection: 45+ WordPress Blog Themes »

20. Nail salon website template

Responsive template with Power drag-and-drop builder, Cherry plugin set and custom widgets. High-quality thematic illustrations posted in the demo are allowed to be borrowed for your site. A photo gallery with hover effects will beautifully present the work of the salon masters: nails after manicure, hairstyles, makeup.

21 Newspaper

The first among the news topics did not disregard the sphere of beauty. Newspaper offers 2 demos for this niche: Heaven Spa and Beauty Blog. By applying special layouts, you can turn category pages into creative navigation interfaces to the desired content. The design uses parallax backgrounds and hover effects.

22. Paradise

Modern niche template for beauty business: nail service, massage / tattoo / spa salons, barbershops. There are 6 layout schemes for the start page to choose from. The Booked and WooCommerce plugins provide functionality for online registration for procedures and their payment.

An elegant theme for beauty salons and spas, which includes over 40 pages of ready-made designs. Online appointment for procedures with date selection in an interactive calendar is available thanks to the Booked premium plugin. By connecting WooCommerce, you can sell service subscription packages to customers.

25. Jacqueline

Premium theme for beauty centers and massage parlors, as well as personal websites of private masters, such as: hair stylist, massage therapist, orthopedist. Using a template greatly facilitates SEO promotion. The Booked plugin provides functionality for online booking.

27. Kendall

Stylish WordPress theme for spa salons, nail services and hairdressers, which paid special attention to the presentation. A huge number of unique layout options for the portfolio and individual pages of its elements will help to effectively present the portfolio of masters.

28. Template for beauty sites

WordPress template with responsive design on Power drag-and-drop builder. A lot of schemes for arranging page elements, a style library, 25+ modules provide full control over the appearance of the site. Content modules allow you to add audio, video, timers, sliders, counters, price tables.

29. Jevelin

Multipurpose collection with different themes. For SPA-salons, the authors offer:

  • several thematic designs - beauty salons, personal care;
  • the structure is suitable for a landing page and a large site;
  • very easy customization by the Elementor constructor;
  • advanced contact forms.

Among the many options, there is always the right one. Or you can create your own design based on the existing ones.

Beauty is a unique WordPress SPA template, a great option for a beauty salon, wellness center, fashion agency and hairdresser. Tasteful laconic design does not detract from the main concept and services offered. The atmosphere of sophistication, good taste, elegance will not go unnoticed by every visitor.

The demo is made very interesting, there is all the necessary information:

  1. Phone number and opening hours in the header
  2. Slider
  3. Related posts