Zip firmware on a Chinese 8x4 inch tablet. Step-by-step steps for flashing the tablet

Question Description

Probably every owner of a Chinese smartphone sooner or later faces a problem that cannot be simply eliminated. Throwing away naturally is a pity, but not solving it is also not an option. A couple of weeks ago, my brand-new Chinese JIAKE G910 smartphone, running Android 4.2.2, recently purchased in June 2014, became pretty bluish. Due to its weak RAM, namely 256 MB, after three months of ownership, it began to slow down very much when working, programs hung for a long time, it was not possible to play games at all. Then they stopped receiving SMS messages. Sometimes the back button did not respond to my touches. It also happened that the applications started on their own, although I did not even touch them. All this is tired of me. There is only one thing left - to reflash your gadget with more recent or alternative firmware. In most cases, this method helps to get rid of many problems, the main thing is to find high-quality firmware, make sure that the feedback on it is positive, and, after that, you can install it. This art is very subtle, not everyone succeeds the first time, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it’s better not to take it on your own, but to trust a professional. But if you read the instructions carefully several times, you can do it in a few minutes. The main thing is to fulfill all the requirements and not to forget anything. But remember that everything you do - you do only at your own peril and risk. No one will give you a guarantee of success. It is possible that this procedure can lead to sad and irreversible consequences. But, in most cases, everything goes fine, with benefit for the device. For example, it helped my brick. He began to work a little faster and more stable. Perform this procedure only if it is impossible to resolve the problem in less radical ways. And I just have to wish you good luck.

Step by step solution

Download drivers to connect (YOUR!) Smartphone with a computer or laptop and install them.

Download the SP Flash Tool firmware program. It will not be difficult, on the Internet it is in the public domain. This article is written on the example of the version "SP Flash Tool v3.1344.0.212". Since you will be downloading the archive, be sure to unzip the program. If you work from the archive, you will not succeed.

  Download firmware. A prerequisite is to download a specific firmware, just for your brand and for your model, it is desirable that the firmware has a large number of positive reviews from people who have already installed it. Do not put the first one, so that later you do not have to mourn the death of your favorite gadget, it will most likely be impossible to restore it in case of no luck. Unpack it to the same place where you unpacked the program.

  Charge your phone to the maximum so that the battery does not drain during the firmware process. Otherwise, all data will be lost. Remove the battery for a few seconds and reinsert it. Do not turn on the phone! Run the program.

  Check the options, there should be a checkmark, as shown in the figure. If they are not - put it.

  The first line of the “Download Agent” already contains the necessary file, the window in the program is empty. Click "Scatter-loading".

  In the folder where the firmware is located, there is a file MT6572_Android_scatter. (After the letters MT there will be your number, depending on which processor your smartphone is based on). The file has the extension (.txt). We select it.

  The program window will be filled with graphs that indicate the parameters that will be reflashed. In front of each of them, a checkmark will automatically appear. Click on the button "Firmware-Upgrade".

  Hold the button at the bottom of the smartphone screen (to minimize programs), and hold it. With the other hand, insert the USB cable into the phone jack. Previously, it should already be connected to the computer. First, a split second, the line will be red, then green, then lilac. If it turns yellow and the program does not produce any errors, congratulations! So you did everything right. The firmware has started. The process may take several minutes.

  When a small window with a green circle appears, then everything is ready. The firmware is completed. We disconnect the phone from the computer, once again we pull out the battery. We return it to its place and turn on the smartphone. The first time it can load for a very long time, up to 10 minutes. Do not be scared. If it boots up and works properly, then everything went to “Hurray!”.

How to flash Chinese Android?

Many buyers choose Chinese devices at a more affordable price. Consider how to flash Chinese Android to update its software. To do this, you need a special firmware cable based on the pl2303 controller.

Firmware method

First, connect the cable to the PC and install the drivers. The pl2303 cable is a kind of interface converter capable of converting a USB port to virtual COM.

So, for the firmware you need:

  1. Download SP FlashTool. After launching it, click on Android in the list that opens.
  2. Go to the field below in order to select the following files: MTK_AllinOnу_DA.bin, as well as MT6516_Androoid_Scatter.txt. In the latter, in addition to the full address of the file system, there is a description of the firmware.
  3. Select the COM port number and determine its speed. The user can safely choose the maximum.
  4. Before flashing formatting should be done, clearing the internal memory of old files. This can be done after clicking the Format button.
  5. In a new window, you need to shave the memory address. All models developed on the MT6516 platform have a memory address of 0 × 200000000 and 0 × 100000000.
  6. After selecting the desired option, click OK and connect the firmware cable to the device. To format the device, the battery is distorted and then the power button is pressed for a few seconds.
  7. Successful formatting must be completed by re-jerking the battery, as well as turning on the device. After clicking the Download button, the flashing process will begin. In this case, the screen will be able to observe the red bar, which will be replaced by purple. Filling it out will indicate the need to disconnect the firmware cord and connect the USB cable. The PC will detect the new device, and a yellow bar will appear on the screen of the Android device. The longest part of the flashing process will begin.
  8. After its completion, the user will see an alert indicating the successful installation of the updated software.

Now you know everything about the necessary programs and devices for the independent firmware of any Chinese Android.

Many buyers are attracted to Chinese-made Android smartphones and tablets, and this is not surprising. It is creations from the "heavenly places" that have a low price, while providing the user with good functionality, and often even the latest hardware. But sooner or later there is a desire to reflash the device, that is, to update the software version. In this short review, we will briefly review this issue of interest to many.

Android firmware for Chinese tablet

So, the easiest option, if you need to update the operating system of your mobile device on Android, is to search for the necessary firmware, for this, of course, you need to know the exact model of the device. Often this should not cause great difficulties, since the new models of Chinese mobile gadgets have quite good support, almost at the level of major global brands, in addition, there is a whole army of fans, which also creates high-quality unofficial firmware. Firmware for Chinese Android phonescan contain a variety of changes, ranging from a modified user interface, and ending with significant changes in the kernel of the operating system. But what to do if you do not have the newest device, and no matter how you got it - and a competent guide to flashing the very first Chinese Android devices is not so easy to find, because at one time they were not so common and did not have such same support. So, to update the firmware of Chinese tablets or smartphones on the Mediatek MT6516 platform, which was once the most common, you will need a special firmware cable based on the pl2303 controller, drivers for pl2303 and the SP FlashTools firmware program for MT6516.

Firmware for Chinese Android phones

To begin with, of course, you need to connect the firmware cable to the computer and install the necessary drivers. The pl2303 cable itself is an interface converter, that is, it is able to convert a USB port to a virtual COM port, matching voltage levels with the connected device. The necessary circuits, by the way, can be removed from data cables from older Samsung or Siemens models. So, after connecting the cable based on the pl2303 controller in the device manager in the section of COM ports, an additional virtual port from Prolific will appear. His number must be remembered, since it will be needed in the process of flashing the Android device. A standard USB cable can also be connected to a computer - you will need it later.

Launch SP FlashTools. Android should be selected in the drop-down list in the upper right. In the field located a little lower and called the Download Agent, the MTK_AllinOne_DA.bin file should be selected, it is located in the same folder as the flasher. You must manually select Scatter-loading, this file is called MT6516_Android_Scatter.txt, it is located in the folder with the firmware for your Android smartphone or tablet. This file is a description of the firmware, and contains the paths and addresses of all Android file systems.

In the menu, select the COM port number - the one that was assigned to the virtual port a little earlier. We select port speed - it is quite safe to set the maximum. Before flashing, it is necessary to fully format the internal memory of the device. Click the Format button. A window will appear in which you need to specify the final memory address in the phone. For models on the MT6516 platform, the typical volumes are 512 MB - these have an end address of 0x200000000, or 256 MB - then the end address is 0x100000000. Press the “OK” button, connect the firmware cable to the device, juggle its battery for forced shutdown and hold down the power button for 1-3 seconds. First, a red bar will run through, then a green one, and we can see a window with the inscription “Format OK”. Bad blocks are acceptable, so don't be alarmed if a certain number of them are detected. Now you need to click the Download button, then again forcibly turn off the gadget by juggling the battery and turn it on by holding the power button for 1-3 seconds. The firmware process has begun - first we see a red bar, then a purple one. After the violet strip is completely filled, disconnect the firmware cable on pl2303 and connect a regular USB cable, which most often comes with a smartphone or tablet. The system will detect a new device in the system. Install the driver on it. If the program issued an error due to the fact that you did not have time to complete this action, do not despair. You need to do the above steps after formatting the phone. After connecting a regular USB cable, a yellow bar will run. This is the longest phase of flashing the Chinese gadget on Android. The strip will run several times, after which you will see a message about the successful installation firmware for Chinese Android phones.

For most tablet users, the question of their flashing is very remote and seems unrealistic. Actually, this is simple, even much easier than a telephone. In just half an hour, you will know how to flash a Chinese tablet yourself and quickly.

    The firmware itself is:
  • official (factory);
  • modified (custom).
    There are also several methods of firmware:
  • Via Recovery.
  • Via ODIN.
  • Through the programmer.

The easiest way to flash a tablet

In most cases, when people say that they need firmware for Chinese tablets, they, in fact, involve updating the software version. Updates to devices themselves come out quite often. In addition, when buying a gadget that came out a year ago or more, it is recommended to immediately upgrade it to the maximum existing version.

Automatic update

In order to automatically update the device you need to go to "Options" (Settings) / "Device Information" / "Software Update"  and press the button "Refresh". The device will show you if there are updates available and, after your consent, download and install the update automatically. The user will only be required to periodically agree with what is written and press the button "Further". It’s best to update via high speed internet. Also ensure that the battery level is at least 40%.

Manufacturer Update

For models on the Windows 8 platform, for updating, you need to download a special installer for your particular device model. To do this, go to the manufacturer’s website, find a category there "Support", select your model and download it directly to the device, and then run this file. Then everything will happen, as in the above method in automatic mode.

Installing the official firmware version

Before installing a new firmware, you need to prepare. To do this, you need a flasher program, drivers for the tablet and the firmware itself.

Preparatory moments

In order to download the official version of the software, you need to find your device on the manufacturer’s official website. After the text about what a wonderful device this is, there are versions of the system software and driver. You upload all this to a computer. If no drivers were found, then enter the query in any search engine "download drivers + model of your device". The drivers themselves must be installed on behalf of the administrator, that is, using the context menu. In addition, flashing in this way will require a special program. For example, consider ODIN. After downloading, the program does not require installation - it just needs to be unpacked to any folder. True, you need to be careful that there are no Cyrillic characters on the way to it. It is best to unzip it to the root of the disk.

Step-by-step steps for flashing the tablet

Installing a custom firmware version on a tablet

Flashing a tablet with a custom version is much simpler than the official one. First you need to download any version of custom assemblies. In addition, you will need a number of applications from Google, a file called True, in most cases this file is in the archive with firmware, but sometimes it has to be downloaded separately.

How to reflash a "completely" Chinese tablet?

This applies to infamous copies or gadgets of dubious quality, for which the manufacturer did not really try to do something, including in terms of software. However, you can flash it. To do this, write in a search engine: "download firmware + full name of the tablet and model". Be careful, because a small inaccuracy in the numbers can lead to the tablet turning into a "brick" and you can only sew it through the programmer.

If Yandex and Google do not want to find firmware, go to Yahoo or another English-language search engine. Type there: "firmware for + name and model of your tablet".

In the downloaded firmware, be sure to read the file redme.txtto know the difference and nuances of the firmware of a particular model. Next, we format the memory card from the tablet in the FAT32 system and unpack the contents of the downloaded archive here.

You don’t have to do anything else. You just need to reboot the device, which at boot will do everything by itself. True, make sure to charge it, as the process will take time.

How to flash a Chinese tablet: Video

   Date of publication: 02.10.13

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Kingdia Team 07/28/2016 10:45

I quote Anton:

hello, I have a pixus play three v4-0 tablet based on android 4.4.2 SN PP3V414110450
i'm looking for firmware on it, how can you help, on I looked there not a single link works

Hello. In order for everything to work fine on, you need to register on the forum. In general, I'm sorry, but I won’t help you find the firmware. Then you yourself try.

Now many are trying to learn how to flash a Chinese android, because a mobile phone is a small personal computer. Just like a real computer, a phone requires a program, a driver, and action algorithms. Often, gadget users are missing a set of programs or drivers.

  • Advantages of overclocking the phone: often new software functions better, which improves the performance of the device driver;
  • overclocking allows you to install new versions, which usually contain many additional features;
  • many bugs can be fixed;
  • new utilities and applications are added, as well as a change in the phone interface.

Beginning of work

Before starting the firmware of the Chinese gadget, you should remember a few rules:

  1. First you need to make a backup copy of the phone firmware. This is necessary, otherwise, if there are errors in the installation, the device will cease to function.
  2. The phone charge should be at least 50%. During the firmware process, the battery runs out, and if the gadget turns off during installation, it will not be possible to unlock it.
  3. In no case should you interrupt the installation of the update. This is the most obvious and most important rule that you should remember when flashing any phone or tablet.
  4. It is not worth starting the installation without having any knowledge in this area.

Before you begin, you need to decide if the new firmware for the damaged phone is worth it. In any case, everyone does this at their own peril and risk.

There are several programs that can help replace the firmware. Among them is the Color OS program. In order to get started, you need to download this program. You will need to install Mobileuncle MTK Tools, which is also known as Mobile Uncle, on your phone. However, simply installing it is not enough. In order for the program to work, root privileges are required. You can get them using the Framaroot or Root Explorer utility on the android, which can be found in the Android playmarket or downloaded on third-party sites.

After setting the superuser’s rights, Mobile Uncle will open, and with it, it will be possible to update the Recovery. Recovery is a task system for android devices that allows you to perform a data reset, reflash a driver, or install root-rights to a gadget.

You need to download the modified Recovery from the Internet by selecting your phone model. If such a model is not listed, updating the Recovery is not possible.

Task System Menu

The following features will be provided here:

When you click “Update Recovery”, a utility search will start. Then you need to select one of the options found and confirm your agreement - flash the driver. Next, you need to provide confirmation of the superuser’s rights and still answer the following questions in the “yes” pop-up window.

The phone will reboot and go to the Recovery menu, where you need to select the Wipe Cache Partition (clearing the cache for using applications). If the update is done through the standard Recovery, you need to turn off the phone and hold down the add sound button, then turn on the device. The control is performed by the volume control - to go up, press the volume up button to go down, respectively, lower the sound. After selecting the desired mode, the user must confirm it. The cache will be cleared. You can also do wipe data / factory reset (full data reset), but after that, Chinese phones may stop seeing the SIM card.

Once again in the task menu, select install zip from sdcard. A submenu will open where you need to find chooze zip from sdcard (select the .zip format file on the SD card). Next, you just need to find your firmware in the list provided and confirm the selection. This will allow you to continue to flash the gadget by running the necessary driver.

After the update, it's time to exit the firmware menu, and then run reboot system now. The new interface may differ from the standard. The user needs to remember that regular updates can turn the phone into a brick. The device will be different from the standard android. Re-flashing the system will give many advantages, but constant tablet updates will disable any drivers.