Yandex Zen Connecting RSS tape. What is Yandex.Dzen and how to earn it

I tell how to create a new RCC FID to connect to Yandex.Dzen to the WordPress.

This week, a flurry of applications for connecting sites to the new Yandex.Dzen service was collected.

Unfortunately, the default RCC FID WordPress does not meet the requirements of Yandex. And for the successful passage of technical moderation, you must create an additional one.

It is done very simple. Especially if you take as a basis the instruction for creating custom fids on WPBeginner, link at the end.

1. In the file. functions.php. Active topic Create a new FID and call it zen., eg.

Add_action ("init", "customrss"); FUNCTION CUSTOMRSS () (Add_feed ("Zen", "CustomRSSFUNC");)

In this case, the FID will have address / Feed / Zen

2. In the topic directory, create a new file, call it rSS-Zen.php. - It will be the template of the new FIDA.

3. Insert the following code into the template.

"; ?> > <?php bloginfo("name"); ?> ru <?php the_title_rss(); ?> nonadult Technologies gUID. "" Type \u003d "image / jpeg" /\u003e ";)?\u003e ) / I "; $ replacement \u003d"

".get_the_title ()."
"; $ CONTENT \u003d PREG_REPLACE ($ Pattern, $ Replacement, $ Content); Echo $ Content;?\u003e]]\u003e

In the code change category. On your list of categories Yandex.Dzen:

Incidents, Politics, War, Society, Economics, Sports, Technology, Science, Games, Music, Literature, Cinema, Culture, Fashion, Celebrities, Psychology, Health, Auto, House, Hobbies, Food, Design, Photography, Comedy, Nature, Travels.

If the site content refers to the category for adults, be sure to change nonadult on the adult In this row.


UTM labels are added as follows:

? UTM_Source \u003d Zen

4. Connect the template to the new FIDU in functions.php..

Flector 5.

This is a plugin that creates a special RSS feed on your website for a new service. Yandex Dzen.. What Yandex Dzen. I will not paint, read yourself. Some time ago Yandex Dzen. He began to take RSS-tape sites as the channels, if they are properly adapted. I do not know if there is an additional traffic from this and whether the sites receive additional traffic from this service, since I have no tribal suitable for the service of sites. But adding your site in Yandex Dzen., you won't lose anything, so why not try? Moreover, now, with a plugin, no triggers for creating a special RSS tape do not do, the plugin does everything in automatic mode.

1 Unpack the archive.

2 Copy the folder rSS-FOR-YANDEX-ZEN in / WP-Content / Plugins /.

3 Go to the blog to the tab " Plugins"And activate the plugin.

You can configure the plugin in " Settings \\ Yandex Zen". Plugin, naturally, in Russian, so there should be no difficulties:

When editing records, you will have a new metabox:

It allows you to specify individual settings for a specific entry. Extremely carefully attribute to the option " Content for adults"- Yandex considers adults all the content that can be shown to children from 13 years. I personally have no idea what it is possible, and that it is impossible to show teenagers 13-16 years. And I do not know what criteria for the Yandex itself. Therefore, with any controversial content, it is better to reinforce and mark it with "adults". To avoid pessimization of your channel (ban, simply speaking).

Configured plugin? Add it to the service Yandex Dzen.. This can be done by filling in the contact form on this page:

You will get the answer very quickly. The testing of the plugin showed that the RSS tape, formed by them, fully suits the service developers. Small shortcomings of RSS were corrected in the latest versions of the plugin.

I'll say right away - you should not check the RSS tape intended for Yandex Dena, various third-party validators. It will not pass. Technical requirements Yandex Dena Violate the validity of the tape.

Another note - browsers cache RSS feeds. Therefore, if you changed the settings of the plugin and did not see the changes in RSS-tape, then refresh the page via Ctrl + F5 - this will force the browser to re-download RSS feed.

Here, in fact, all. If you have questions or wishes - write in the comments or I personally, I will definitely answer.

Plugin author: Flector
The version under consideration: 1.02 from 14.08.2017
Current version: 1.25 from 02/19/2019
Compatibility with WordPress version: 4.4 and higher
Active settings plugin: 6 000+
Download plugin version 1.25 (Total downloaded 28 512 time)

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. Today I have a rather important and useful topic - how to add a site to Yandex Zen. Many bloggers do not pay due attention to this tool, and in vain - at the end I will give an example of the results obtained.

What is Yandex Zen

In fact, it is just a tape of some sites that appears on the start page in the Yandex browser. First, simply random sites are displayed there, but when switching to them or when you click on the "More such" button, more and more sites that you are interested in the most of all appear in this tape. That is, Yandex simply analyzes your activity on transitions and tries to fasten more sites from those headings that you read more on this ribbon.

In fact, this is a rather curious thing. For example, I can always read that it appeared on the websites of interest to me on the topics of interest to me. In the tape, even those sites that I did not know about which I did not know. Here from this tape you go to these sites, adding traffic to them. Agree, it would be useful to add to this tape and your website or blog. So the site looks in the ribbon.

Pros add site to Yandex Zen

When adding a site in the Yandex Zen tape, you get some advantages over traffic from a simple search:

  • Your publications will appear in the ribbon almost immediately or after a very short time. From the search, the visitor will come if it finds your page in the top on some request what is not easy to achieve.
  • It is the target visitors who are interested in your subject matter, otherwise your website they will simply have no appear in the tape of Yandex Zen.
  • Such target visitors, as a rule, are browsing not one page, but somewhat - if the site, of course, is devoted to a certain topic. Whereas the person comes to some kind of request, reads or watching the page with a glimpse, and usually leaves. So visitors from Yandex Zen give the best behavioral factors, and this affects the position of the site as a whole.
  • It is necessary to configure everything only once, then your publications will appear in the ribbon themselves. This allows you to receive additional traffic with almost without hassle and additional television.

There is such technology and some drawbacks - there is nothing perfect in the world. I found only one, and it is also difficult to call a lack of:

  • Your articles will appear in the Yandex Zen tape after publication. They are taken from the RSS ribbon of your site. If you do not publish anything, then in the tape your site will not appear. Added an article - people with Zen will come, and not added - no one will come. That is, to maintain traffic from there, you need to write regularly.

Preparation for the addition of the site in Yandex Zen

First of all, you need to make sure that your site is suitable for the main requirements:

  1. On the website or blog should be at least 50 publications at the time of applying.
  2. In all publications there should be at least one picture with a width of at least 400 pixels.
  3. RSS tape should be prepared in accordance with the rules of Yandex markup. That is, the usual RSS tape, simply taken from the site or blog, will not suit. This moment and consider further.

If, on the first two points, your site meets the requirements, it remains to solve the problem with the preparation of RSS tape.

RSS Tape Preparation for Yandex Zen

As I said, the standard RSS tape from the site or blog to Yandex Zen is not suitable, but it can be the original source from which you can get the desired result. Here I will consider how to do everything on a WordPress-based website or blog. All of the above applies to sites on any engine.

So, RSS ribbon, which is on WordPress's website http: // site address / Feedcan be converted in two ways - by adding a special code or installation of the plug-in. The second way is much simpler and has, in my opinion, a big advantage - Yandex can change its requirements for the tape, and then the code will simply stop working or to generate incorrect data. Sooner or later it will happen, because Yandex Zen - the phenomenon is new and will probably change. Plugins, as a rule, developers are updated promptly, and it eliminates many problems and troubles. Therefore, I will not consider the code - if you wish, it can be easily found on your own.

Plugin, which solves the problem, is called - Yandex.Dzen.. It is free and is installed in the usual way - from the WordPress repository. In the admin site we go to the tab "Plugins", Press the button "Add new"and in the search string we write the name of the plugin. In the picture below it is already installed.

Install, activate, and go to the settings. They appear in the admin panel "Settings"Yandex.Dzen. In fact, set up a little there, mainly at the top. There you need to fill in the fields "Title", "Description", in "Number of records" Fix 50.

Then you need to choose the heading into which the site will enter the Yandex Zen ribbon. This largely depends on whether your site will see interesting people, so choose carefully. All settings in Russian, with signatures, so it will be easy to understand.

Below is a block of advanced settings. It does not need to touch anything here, but I want to pay attention to the item "Miniatures in RSS". Sometimes it happens here "Add a thumbnail to record" Included, however, in Yandex Zen tape, the record is shown without a picture. In this case, the checkbox must be turned off, and pictures, on the contrary, will appear. This moment you just need to check the experimental way.

At the very beginning of the settings block, you will see an inscription. "Your RSS tape for Yandex-Zen is available at" and link to this tape. This link must be copied and proceeding to the next step.

Submission of an application for connecting the site

Go on, miss a little down and see the item "Feedback form", reveal it. Here you need to send a message and fill the fields. Insert the address of the tape, which gave plugin in the previous paragraph. Yes, it is necessary to write that RSS tape has already been prepared, otherwise I did not write, a letter came with a question, if I adapted to the tape, I had to answer him again and wait again. So write immediately that the tape meets the requirements. It turns out something like this.

The application is filed, it remains to wait. How much will it last, I can not say. I came about the answer in about a week. They say may come in two weeks. In general, we must wait. In the meantime, you can correct the problem, which is below.

Problem with accessibility RSS

After filing the application, it came to me such a letter:

This means that the tape does not work, that is, Yandex can not read it and index. The fact is that many close the RSS feed from indexing in the Robots.txt file. Yes, it is right and so everyone is advised to do, only now it must be discovered.

Check if there is a robots.txt in your file, like a screenshot. Make it easily by clicking on the http link: // site address / robots.txt

If there is such a line, it must be removed. Go to your hosting to the File Manager, or use FTP access, open your Robots.txt file, and delete this line. Then save this file again and that's it.

How to see your site in Tape Yandex Zen?

After the site begins to appear in the tape, is not a fact that you will notice this personally. Maybe you will be shown completely different sites ... Therefore, it is useful to add your website into your ribbon manually. So it will be possible to control whether your articles are coming out and how they are decorated (suddenly the picture is not displayed).

Unfortunately, from the computer to do this will not work, but with a smartphone or tablet - easy. To do this, you must first go to Yandex to your account, and then follow the link if you do not log in first in Yandex, then the menu will not appear in the zen, and we need it.

Poke on the menu button on the left above and choose "We are interesting sources", and then "Add source". There they write a link to your site, you can without http, and that's it. Now, if your site approved and added to the tape, it will be released and added to your tape. If it is not yet approved, then there will be an inscription "Nothing found". So you can see when the site is accepted if completely innerpery.

The screenshot shows the search, and the desired site comes out, it means that it is successfully included in the Yandex-Zen tape. And adding a site in "We are interesting sources" It guarantees that you will see it in your ribbon.

How many visitors comes with Yandex Zen?

So just answer this question can not. It all depends on the subjects and your activity - the more articles you add to your site, the more they goes to the tape, respectively, more people will come.

I will give an example. We have a site of women's themes with attendance purely from a search of about 250-300 people per day. After publishing several small news articles on the day, we see such a picture:

Now attendance has become 1368 people per day, that is, it has increased more than 5 times! Where did they come from? We look.

Yes, most comes with Yandex Zen. Moreover, the growth of attendance can be seen very quickly - a maximum in a few hours a new publication falls into the tape and people begin to move to her.

Of course, much depends on how you place the title, how interesting will be the beginning of the article (the passage from the beginning and goes to the tape), and other factors. But the growth will definitely be, some topics cause such interest that literally thousands of people come. And on some - units.

Now you know how to add a site to Yandex Zen and get extra traffic. In general, try, everything should work out.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. A small note in addition to the article that allows you to add RSS to it with the materials of your site and get free traffic (The volume depends on the demand of the materials of the audience of Zen).

Actually, the whole problem lies in the formation of this RSS ribbon itself. The usual FID formated by the WordPress is not suitable, as well as the tape created for Yandex news (the format is significantly different). RSS for Yandex Zen became the first full-fledged plugin that all this allows to implement.

Installing and configuring RSS for Yandex Zen

Yes, there may also have troubles with a cashem browser when you want to see the updated tape. To see the changes made, you will need to update the page while holding the Shift on the keyboard. Problems with caching tape plugins such as hyperkesh and others can be solved by adding the address / Feed / Zen / to exclude these plugins.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Before adding to Yandex Zen, I heard about him several times from different sources. But to the end could not understand the principle of his work. In the network most often meet records on how to make a channel on Yandex Zen, and how to add a site through RSS to Yandex Zen information is still small. In fact, everything is very simple and easy and today I will tell you how to do it on WordPress.

First you need to make RSS feed for your site. But not ordinary, namely under Zen. For WordPress there is a plugin that is called Yandex.Dzen. Install the plugin, go to its configuration.
In essence, to configure your RSS feed, you do not need to deal with all the settings. The most important thing to do is fill out the title and description of your site, which is most often pulled up by itself. And the second is to choose the theme of your site. The remaining settings can not be touched. For clarity, make screenshots.

Connecting tape in Zen

After the tape is ready, it is available at the address - http: //vash. Site/feed/zen/ This link you need to send Yandex asking you to connect your site to Zen. Applications for connecting the site can be sent in this form.
In response to the application you will be answered about connecting or recommendations and comments that need to be corrected.
For all sites, I basically had such remarks:
- open a ribbon for indexing in Robotse;
- the tape issued a mistake due to the fact that in some articles we met JavaScript code.

How to watch your records in Yandex Zen

To do this, go to from a mobile phone. After, calling the menu, add your site to "sources interesting to you." If your site has already been added to Zen, but when searching you do not find it, wait, it happens that it does not immediately appear.

When the site is added, you can view the zen tape. But only new entries will appear in the tape and with a small delay. Therefore, if you have a new entry on the site, look for it in Zen's tape in a few hours or the next day.

What to do if the pictures are not displayed in Yandex Zen

I saw such a mistake in two cases. If you have included in the settings of the "Add thumbnail to recording" plugin. Surprisingly, but I have no pictures on the contrary. Perhaps I misunderstand this setting.
The second is your images too small. It is desirable that the first image of the record is at least 600 pixels in width.

How does Zen work and how much traffic can be obtained?

Zen works on a principle similar to Google Now. You are lying records that you like and dislaykayte that you are not interested. Zen begins to understand your interests and show you those records that you can enjoy. Accordingly, if your site is designed for a narrow audience, you will not get a lot of traffic.
The number of traffic depends also on how relevant and interesting is your entry. Also an important point will be the title of your article - he must attract a person to read.
How much specifically traffic can be obtained on 1 article - I have worn from 0 to 5,000 visitors. I think that it is possible and more, since it has not been engaged in specific experiments with articles.
It is also important to consider that there will be new articles to come out, so if your site is not filled, then the traffic on it can not get.
But if your site is filled, then in any case, Yandex Zen is a source of additional traffic, and it is simple enough to connect it to my site.

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