Windows 10 how to change language change layout. System keyboard shortcuts

Many novice PC users sometimes have difficulty switching the input language. This happens both during typing and when logging in. Also quite often the question arises about setting replacement options, that is, how you can personalize the change in keyboard layout.

Let's take a closer look at how the input language changes and how you can set up keyboard switching so that this process is as user-friendly as possible.

Method 1: Punto Switcher

There are programs with which you can switch the layout. one of them. Its obvious advantages include the Russian-language interface and the ability to set buttons for switching the input language. To do this, just go to the settings Punto Switcher and specify which key to change the parameters.

But, despite the clear advantages of Punto Switcher, there was a place for disadvantages. The weak point of the utility is auto-switching. Seems like a useful feature, but default settings, may fire in an inappropriate situation, such as when you enter some query into a search engine. You should also be careful when installing this program, since by default it entails the installation of other elements.

Method 2: Key Switcher

Another Russian-language program for working with the layout. Key Switcher allows you to correct typos, double capital letters, identifies the language by showing the corresponding icon in the taskbar, similar to Punto Switcher. But, unlike the previous program, Key Switcher has a more intuitive interface, which is important for novice users, as well as the ability to cancel the switch and call an alternative layout.

Method 3: Standard Windows Tools

By default, in Windows 10, you can change the layout either by left-clicking on the language sign in the taskbar, or by using the keyboard shortcut Windows + Space or Alt + Shift.

But the set of standard keys can be changed to others that will be more convenient to use.

To replace the keyboard shortcut for the workbench, you must complete the following steps.

With the standard tools of Windows 10 OS, you can modify the layout switching within the standard set. As in other, earlier versions of this operating system, there are only three available options switching. If you want to assign a specific button for these purposes, as well as customize the work for individual preferences, then you need to use special programs and utilities.

Hello! The question is. How to change the default keyboard layout in Windows 10? That is, on this moment on my laptop, the default layout is Russian, but I need it to be English. I also need the layout to be English when I log in to Windows 10. The thing is, I'm typing in text editors just on English language. On Skype, on Facebook, on Twitter, I also write only in English.

How to change the default keyboard layout in Windows 10

Hello friends! If you need to change the default keyboard layout, then in Windows 10 it's very easy.

In the taskbar, left-click on the "rus" or "ENG" icon and select - Language settings

Region and language.

Left mouse click on Windows interface language, which is not the default language in the operating system at the moment. For example, in my Windows, the default language is Russian, and I need English, so I left-click on the button English (United States) and choose - Use as primary language.

That's it, now keyboard layout in Windows 10 default will be English.

When you enter the operating system, the keyboard layout will also be English and you will enter the password to enter the operating system immediately in English.

If you need the Russian keyboard layout by default, then do everything in the same way and select the Windows interface language - Russian.

Friends, I hope you understand that by these actions we have not changed the control interface of the operating system itself and it will remain Russian, but in all text editors and various programs, as well as in the browser, you will print by default immediately in English.

The question is how to change the keyboard shortcut that changes the keyboard layout (input language), may become especially relevant for those who, like me, switched from Windows 7 directly to Windows 10, bypassing the G8. Many of us have long been accustomed to using the Ctrl + Shift combination to switch between languages. However, by default in the operating Windows system always used Alt combination+ Shift. If in the "seven" we are already accustomed to changing this method to our own, then in the "top ten", for example, I did not immediately figure out exactly how to change the keys to switch the keyboard layout (from English to Russian and vice versa).

The method I have described is just one of the options. Most likely, there is an even simpler algorithm, but I took advantage of this. Do you know the easier way? Write in the comments.

So, in order to change the keyboard shortcut for switching the keyboard layout from "Alt" + "Shift" to "Ctrl" + "Shift", you need to do the following algorithm of actions:

  1. IN search line panel " Start» type the word « Language».
  2. Click on the link that appears above language and regional standards».
  3. In the window that opens, click on the link " Additional date and time options, regional options". In the next window with the title "Clock, language and region" click on the green inscription "Language", and then "Advanced options" in the left column.

  1. In the window that appears, click " Change language bar keyboard shortcut».

Now we are faced with the window familiar from Windows 7 "Languages ​​and Text Input Services".

  1. In it, we select the item " Switch input language».
  1. Click below " Change keyboard shortcut».
  2. In the "Change keyboard shortcuts" window that opens, change the checkbox to CTRL+SHIFT.
  3. Click OK.

That's all. We have changed the keyboard shortcut for switching keyboard layouts.

In general, Yandex has an excellent little program Punto Switcher, which starts with the system and automatically switches the keyboard layout. I really like her. I've been using it for several years now and am completely satisfied. I encourage you to try it and see if it suits you.

In some cases, you need to change the keyboard shortcut that switches the keyboard layout.

Sometimes the keys on the keyboard stop working or start to stick.

Yes, and switching the layout with a combination of two keys is not convenient for everyone. For example, I like to assign a layout change to the tilde key below the ESC key.

In any case, it's a matter of habit.

In Windows, the standard keyboard shortcuts for switching layouts can be as follows:

  • Alt+Shift
  • Ctrl+Sift
  • win+space

How to assign a layout change key in Windows 7

In Windows 7, everything is much simpler. And there are fewer actions than in the eight and ten.

Right-click on the keyboard layout icon next to the clock.

In the menu that opens, select "Settings".

In the window that opens, switch to the Keyboard Switching tab.

Click the "Change keyboard shortcut" button

We put what we need and click "OK".

Then click "Apply" and "OK".

If you hover over the layout indicator next to the clock, you will see a tooltip about the standard keyboard shortcut for switching layouts installed in the system.

As you can see from the screenshot, the combination Win + space is used. Before looking for settings, I advise you to try if other standard layout switching combinations work.

In some cases, they are quite enough. In Windows 8, in addition to Win + space, the Alt + Shift combination also works - these are the default settings.

In any case, after setting up, Win + space and the combination you assigned will work for you.

We click on the layout icon next to the clock - a window pops up, in it we select the item "language settings"

In the “Text input languages ​​and services” window, click on the “change keyboard shortcut” button.

Then, in the “change input language” group, select the combination we need from the available ones and click “OK”.

On the window we opened earlier, click “apply” and “OK”.

In fact, the choice is not great - only 3 options, two of them are standard for Windows.

In older Windows versions the choice was much richer.

I have no doubt that in later versions of Windows the most inconvenient one will remain - Win + space

How to assign a layout change key in Windows 10

Left-click on the layout indicator on the taskbar.

We find the item “Related parameters” and click on the link “ additional settings date and time..”

In the paragraph "switching input methods" click on the link "change the keyboard shortcut of the language bar"

The Text Input Languages ​​and Services window opens. There we go to the second tab “switching the keyboard”.

Highlight the line “switch input language” and click on the button “change keyboard shortcuts”.

Select the desired keyboard shortcut and click OK.

In the “Text Input Languages ​​and Services” window, click Apply and “OK”

An ordinary Russian-speaking PC user may need to change the keyboard layout in Windows 10 to switch text input from Cyrillic to Latin and vice versa.

In rare cases, other languages ​​are used, which can be installed from two to several dozen - although it will be inconvenient to switch them, and the optimal number usually does not exceed three.

To simplify the process of switching layouts, all OS from Microsoft have so-called hot keys - combinations, pressing which changes the input language.

By default, in Windows 10, this change is set using Shift + Alt or Win + Space .

Another option is to left-click on the language indicator (usually located in the lower right part of the screen) and select the one you need.

But, if it is more convenient for the user to use other keys like Shift + Ctrl or even an accent sign (the letter Y in the Russian layout), the combination can be assigned at his discretion.

There are few ways to do this, and their implementation will take no more than 2-3 minutes.

Change keyboard shortcuts through the control panel

The easiest way to change the keyboard shortcut in Windows 10 is by going to the desired settings window using the control panel.

Here you select the "Language" icon (with this display method) or the "Change input method" item (with the selected "Category" view).

In the window that opens, select Extra options. After the appearance of a new tab, perform one of the possible actions:

  • Setting the language that will be considered the main one in the list and installed immediately after turning on the PC or applications.
    And, if the user constantly uses, for example, English (more often than Russian, which may be needed, for example, when frequent work with foreign interlocutors or clients, as well as in the programming process), you should select it by default.
    In other cases, the automatic Russian layout will be preferable, which allows you to switch languages ​​less often;
  • Change the keys to be used for fast switching from one language to another. To do this, click on the corresponding text highlighted in blue.

The next window will show which keys are currently being used to switch layouts.

Now you should, having highlighted the item "Switch input language", click on the button for changing the keyboard shortcut located at the bottom.

The final stage is the selection of the desired "hot keys" from the proposed list. In Windows 10, as in previous versions, there are only three of them.

After saving the changes by clicking "OK", you can switch languages ​​\u200b\u200busing a new combination that suits the user. Sometimes a layout change is also selected here.

But, since one layout per one language is most often used, the difference is insignificant.

Changing keys on the login screen

Steps to change the input language keys do not help when entering a password after loading the welcome window.

In order to solve this problem, the first item highlighted in blue is selected in the additional language options window (Fig. 2).

In the next window, you will need to select the "Copy settings" button. Although you need administrator rights to click it.

Now, when you log in to enter a password, the keyboard layout will be automatically set to match the default one.