In what category is a fictional character. Fictional characters: a list of the most famous

    Chen Zhen is a fictional Chinese martial artist created by Hong Kong author Ni Guang. He made his debut in 1972 in Fist of Fury, which starred Bruce Lee. Since 1972, Chen Zhen has been the subject of numerous ... ... Wikipedia

    Ah, wine. and already; m. [French. personnage from lat. persona person]. The protagonist in an artistic, dramatic work, in genre painting, etc. Fictional paragraph. Introduce a new paragraph into the novel. As a minor character ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    character- a, wine; a and a/g; m. (French personnage from lat. persona personality) The character in a work of art, drama, genre painting, etc. Fictional character. Introduce a new persona into the novel. As a minor character... Dictionary of many expressions

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For many years, the well-known Forbes magazine has been annually telling readers about the most significant creatures (simply, not all of them belong to the human race), which never existed in reality. Of course, this list includes the richest fictional characters. The main selection criterion is their capital, no matter how it is received and for what needs it is spent.

Some of these characters inherited wealth from wealthy relatives, and they did not need to lift a finger. Someone rose on his own, someone first lowered the status of entire generations below all possible norms, and then, like a phoenix, was reborn in a new image.

In this article, the richest fictional characters are selected. The list includes those that are known to most people and who came to where they are now in completely different ways.

15. Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby book/movie) – $1 billion

While many other fictional characters were already born with a golden spoon in their mouth, Jay Gatsby began his journey as a janitor and went to wealth through far from legal methods. Smuggling helped him acquire solid real estate on Long Island and capital, which allowed him to get into this list of the richest heroes.

Gatsby prefers to spend most of his money throwing noisy parties that the whole city and three neighboring ones are talking about and, of course, trying to impress Daisy Buchanan - the main love of his life. Jay was lucky that Sherlock Holmes did not get in his way. Fictional character or not, debaters from many countries have not yet decided, but, having got into the universe of the Great Gatsby, the great detective would definitely have reduced this list by at least one item.

14. Lady Mary Crawley (Doughton Abbey) - $1.1 billion

The eldest daughter of the Earl of Grantham was one of the richest from birth. Mary's fortune increased many times after the death of her first husband, Matthew Crowley.

She does not particularly think about exaggerating her condition or any development. As a member of the high society, Crowley spends heavily on expensive outfits, gourmet meals, unique jewelry and occasional trips to London.

13. Mr. Monopoly (Monopoly game) - $1.2 billion

Mr. Monopoly is in this list thanks to its incredible success in the real estate business. In different periods, he even became the man of the year, according to many reputable publications.

He actively invests money in hotels around the world, while remaining modest enough for a billionaire in everything related to everyday spending.

12. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series) - $1.3 billion

Being, like many other fictional characters on this list, the heir to the huge fortune of a family of aristocrats, Lara Croft, without hesitation, goes anywhere in the world.

Of course, it overshadows the situation that she inherited wealth as a result of the death of her parents. But this did not turn the girl away from a life full of dangerous adventures, ancient caves and a constant sense of incredible danger.

11 Walden Schmidt (Two and a Half Men) - $1.3 billion

Ashton Kutcher's hero made his first million at the age of 19. Then he actively worked on his own startup, which he was then able to sell for an incredible amount - $ 1.3 billion.

The character appeared after the departure of Charlie Sheen, who played the main role. Schmidt spends his entire fortune on a house in Malibu, an ex-wife and friends.

10. Charles Montgomery Burns (The Simpsons animated series) - $1.5 billion

Fictional characters in The Simpsons are incredibly similar to real people. Surprisingly, not only the main characters, but also the secondary characters receive their share of popularity. Mr. Burns was born into a poor family, but at an early age he was adopted by an unknown millionaire. After graduating from a prestigious university, he headed the Springfield nuclear power plant.

The miserly Montgomery Burns is to some extent the main antagonist of the series, but in one of the episodes it was announced that for all his bitterness and greed, he is the only one in the whole town who pays taxes.

9. Tywin Lannister (Game of Thrones book/TV series) – $1.8 billion

The head of a family that always pays the bills. He was able to raise the family almost from the bottom and make it one of the richest and most influential in all seven kingdoms. In many ways, wealth was returned thanks to countless gold mines throughout Westeros. Tywin Lannister was actively involved in managing the estate and increasing the family's wealth. However, the rich also cry.

The death of his beloved wife forever erased the smile from his face and made him hate his youngest son, whose birth was the cause of this terrible tragedy for the whole family.

8 Christian Gray (Fifty Shades of Gray book/movie) $2.5 billion

No wonder why this successful man has become an ardent BDSM enthusiast. After all, thanks to his mother's friend, who brought him into the world of submission and domination, he received his start-up capital (yes, fictional characters manage to get their fortunes in a variety of ways).

100 thousand dollars Gray was more than enough to create his own corporation, which, as was announced in the second book, began to bring him 100 thousand dollars per hour. Christian spends most of his income on luxury goods: expensive cars, a helicopter, apartments ... and, of course, quite specific addictions.

7. Richie Rich (Richie Rich Comic/Movie) $5.8 billion

Poor rich Richie is the heir to a multi-billion dollar fortune, the only son and a joy for his parents. This child knows everything about the quirks of the rich. No wonder, because the vault with the most valuable things of the family is located in the rock, on which their profiles are carved. Not to mention various technical inventions and his personal McDonald's.

But why then "poor thing"? Because, looking at the games and entertainment of ordinary children from families whose wealth cannot even be called average, Richie feels lonely and so desperately needs a friend of his age who does not care about his huge bank account.

6 Batman (comic/movie series of the same name) $9.2 billion

Under the guise of a thunderstorm for all of Gotham, Bruce Wayne is hiding - the heir to a huge fortune, who had to grow up at a very young age. He lost his parents too soon, he became a billionaire too soon. However, his desire to eradicate crime is not revenge, and besides, he never kills anyone.

It’s just that, while still very young, Bruce Wayne realized how rotten society can be and, perhaps, trying to get rid of childhood grass, invests most of his fortune in the creation of unique weapons and various equipment used by Batman.

5. Charles Foster Kane (Citizen Kane) - $11.2 billion

The newspaper media tycoon is an example of how a person can lose himself in the pursuit of power and money. A boy from a poor family was successfully brought up by an American journalist, and after that he began his journey from deceit, gossip and cruel decisions.

This character is in many ways the embodiment of the real-life media mogul Randolph Hearst, who, trying to remove the film from public access, unwittingly made it so that the picture became one of the legendary in modern cinema.

4. Iron Man (comic/movie series of the same name) - $12.4 billion

The heir to the multi-billion dollar weapons empire, Stark Industries, was able to turn in the eyes of society from a "death seller" into a "protector of the planet." At least I tried.

A quarrelsome character, lack of sociability, a tendency to alcoholism and sarcasm do not honor him in the eyes of others. However, his incredible intellect (Tony Stark already received two master's degrees at 19) and charisma allow him not only to become part of the Avengers team, but also to firmly settle in the hearts of comic book lovers first, and then, thanks to the amazing performance of Robert Downey Jr., also films.

3. Cullen Carlyle (Twilight book/movie series) $46 billion

Of course, when you live forever and don't need many of the things a common man needs, it's easy to amass a fortune. Especially if at one time it is successful to invest a large amount. Nevertheless, Carlisle Cullen became a famous and beloved character not because of his condition (not very attentive readers might not even notice this fact), but because of his humanity. Strange term for a vampire, isn't it?

But nevertheless, it was thanks to him that the whole Cullen family appeared, he saved all his “children” from certain death, giving them life and teaching them to do without bloody human victims. In addition, Carlisle Cullen himself has learned self-control so much that he successfully works as a doctor, saving lives. Perhaps this is a way to atone for the sins of the past? Certainly not in order to increase the state.

2. Dragon Smaug (the book "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again") - 54.1 billion dollars

As befits any self-respecting dragon, Smaug is the owner of countless riches, which he, of course, received by shedding a lot of blood in the battle with the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain.

He is not a fan of long shopping and senseless spending. In fact, the dragon has not spent a single grain of gold over the past 200 years, because the main thing for him is to accumulate, and then you can fall into a long sleep and wake up only when someone dares to encroach on all these treasures.

1. Scrooge McDuck (DuckTales animated series) - $65.5 billion

Who among us has not dreamed of having such a huge vault and diving like a pool into an endless sea of ​​gold coins?

In fact, this character is an example of diligence and determination, which, of course, is seasoned with a grain of greed, because he spends practically nothing, causing unceasing interest in his colossal safe. Scrooge McDuck has come a long way from a Scottish shoe shiner to the richest drake in the world.

By the way, the character himself in the Disney universe has also come a long way, appearing initially as an auxiliary character and slowly but surely becoming not only the richest, but also the most famous drake in the world.

This is where the list comes to an end. If during the reading you feel poor or begin to experience burning envy, then stop immediately. Fortunately for us, all the finances of these characters are drawn or written on paper. Although, who knows, maybe the development of technology will sooner or later lead to the fact that we will have our own hero like Tony Stark. The main thing is not Scrooge McDuck. Many will be embarrassed that their childhood idol is walking the streets and helping to increase the crime rate.

Fictional characters often help sell a product or service. Therefore, they are part of the characteristic of bourgeois society. In the cultural life of the Land of the Soviets, they simply were not invented. The only exception, perhaps, is the chicken Murzilka, presenting the children's illustrated magazine "Funny Pictures". However, the solvency of Murzilka was not reported by its inventors. A prosperous character was impossible in a country of "universal equality." However, such a bias, such an illusion did not exist in the countries of the market economy. In practice, people can never be equal either in their abilities or in human qualities. Accordingly, in the world since ancient times there were poor and rich.

Know-how from Forbs

The attempt of the Bolsheviks to level this difference ended in a civilizational failure.

Perhaps that is why the fictional characters of modern mass culture also, according to the intention of their creators, have different states. Who knows why Forbs, along with the real rich, has been forming a rating of virtual, invented images since 2002? Perhaps so that its employees are not considered finished crackers. Maybe to add a subtle touch of humor to the statement of modern business peaks. Who are they, the richest fictional characters? We will present, following Forbs analysts, their rating and present their brief description to readers.

Uncle Sam

This image has long become a household name. It symbolizes the only superpower today, whose status is characterized not only by a powerful economy, but also by the ability to import social standards and modern technologies. The image of Uncle Sam reflects at the same time all the wealth and all the power of the country of the Stars and Stripes. According to experts, the current national wealth of the United States is about 100 trillion. dollars. Can this be formally assessed as the state of Uncle Sam? Formally, yes.

This character, by virtue of his status, is initially beyond any competition. Obviously, therefore, he does not fit into the "Forbes" fictional characters. The list of billionaires cannot compete with the wealth of the entire country - the USA. How and when did this character appear? His face, known to everyone from the posters, resembles the face of a certain Samuel Wilson, a food merchant who supplied the US Army in 1812. On the boxes and bales supplied by him under contracts concluded with the government of this country, there was an abbreviated inscription U.S. (United States). The soldiers jokingly interpreted the inscription in their own way. They say that this brand was launched into the world by an illiterate Irishman, a watchman who unloaded food. He sincerely assumed that the U.S. indicate the supplier's initials.

Fictional characters sometimes get a name first, and only then - appearance. A hundred years later, in 1917, artist James Montgomery Flagg created a poster that depicted a gentleman with the appearance of Samuel Wilson in a star-striped top hat. His image was given the characteristic gesture of veteran Walter Boats. Drawn drafted fellow citizens into the army that fought on the fronts of World War I. During the war with Hitler, the image of Uncle Sam gained unprecedented popularity.

Scrooge McDuck

Not always the richest fictional characters portray people. An example is the Disney cartoon character Scrooge McDuck. He was created by the famous Disney illustrator Carl Barks as the hero of one of the comics in December 1947. According to Forbes experts, the wealth of the world's richest drake exceeds $64 billion. Why does he have a Scottish name? To create his image of the artist Barks was prompted by a real person. He was a businessman, a well-known Scottish industrialist in America, the creator of a steel empire. The name Scrooge McDuck is taken from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Fictional characters sometimes get their names in a paradoxical way.

However, the drake, whose name has become a household name in the sense of business acumen, luck, is still a collective character. His manners, fabulous greed, resourcefulness in business, as well as some phrases, Disney wrote off from the most famous investor in the world.

Using the example of the miracle drake phenomenon, one can only wonder how fictional cartoon characters can turn into the favorites of the whole nation. The cult animated series "Duck Tales" is evidence of this.

dragon smog

The second in terms of the existing wealth of fictional images is also a non-human being - the dragon Smaug. According to financial experts, he owns a fortune in excess of $54 billion. This fire-breathing creature is a character from the saga "The Hobbit: There and Back Again". He lived in the Lonely Mountain, expelled the dwarves from it, was distinguished by deceit and hypnotic influence on people. The dragon scooped up the jewels of the dwarves in the central grotto of the Lonely Mountain. This eminence of diamonds and gold was used by Smaug as a bed. Further, this fabulous marauder devastated and robbed the city of Dale.

Magician Gandelf the Gray has developed a plan to destroy Smaug. For its implementation, he attracted thirteen dwarfs and a hobbit. The latter, using the ring of omnipotence, managed to penetrate unnoticed into the lair of a fire-breathing creature and took out a two-handed bowl from there. Then he re-penetrated the dragon and managed not only to lead him, but also to notice the only place in his armor that was not covered with scales.

Subsequently, Smaug, who attacked Lake City, was hit by the archer Bard with the magical Black Arrow. So this fictional character died. The computer game "The Hobbit", created based on the film, according to gamers, clearly benefits from the dragon character.

Flinthard Glomgold

Another character bears this name - a drake from Duck Tales. His business is diamond mining. However, this unscrupulous character does not shun theft. His wealth, according to Forbes, is $51.9 billion. He is the main business competitor of Scrooge McDuck. The unscrupulous drake is trying with all his might to surpass Uncle Scrooge in wealth. At the same time, Flinthard is not burdened with moral principles. In his affairs, he often resorts to the help of scoundrels. For example, such as the Gavs brothers, bandit dogs.

If at first this swindler tried to destroy Scrooge McDuck physically, then in the future he chooses other ways. For example, substitute your competitor before the law. The hallmark of this cunning drake is a kind of mental reaction to the next failure of his intrigues. Frustrated, Flinthard, presenting a list of the richest fictional characters, begins to eat his hat.

Carlisle Cullen

This vivid image was remembered by readers for the Twilight trilogy. It was created by a writer. His wealth, according to Forbes experts, is 38.2 billion dollars. According to the plot of the trilogy, Carlisle was born in the 40s of the XVII century. He was the son of a priest, but the bite of a vampire turned his life upside down, turning him into a dark entity. At first, he tried to commit suicide so as not to bring disaster to people.

To his joy, once killing a deer and drinking his blood, Carlisle felt that he was not disturbed by the thirst for human blood. Cullen was able to settle down in human society. The vampire even became socially useful by working as a surgeon. Wealth came to him as a result of investments. Adopted daughter Alice, being a seer, prompted him to buy securities of Google corporations and the Wal-Mart chain of stores. Obviously, the head of the vampire clan, and indeed all the characters, are fictional in this saga. Although next to fiction in the work there are elements of real life.

Jet Clampett

Finally, we have the opportunity to talk about a humanoid fictional character. His fortune is estimated by Forbes specialists at 9.8 billion US dollars. The hero of the comedy film "Beverly Hills Hillbilly" directed by Penelope Spheeris suddenly becomes a billionaire. A fountain of oil suddenly gushed out on his land. Jet's eccentric family (daughter, mother and nephew), realizing that they suddenly got rich, decides to move to the elite area of ​​​​Los Angeles - Beverly Hills.

Here, a wealthy farmer decides to get married. His wealth is trying to take possession of a swindler named Laura Jackson, who settled in his house as a governess. The mother of the newly-made rich man guesses about her intrigues, but the cunning candidate for the bride sends her to a nursing home. She is assisted by an accomplice, Tyler. The criminals' plans are frustrated by Jed's financial adviser, Jane Hathaway. The mother is returned home, the wedding is cancelled, Laura and Tyler are handed over to law enforcement. The Jet Clampett-like names of fictional characters are beloved in America by all categories of television viewers.

Tony Stark

This character is also a product of fiction. It is spawned by the comics united in the Iron Man series. His fortune is almost the same as that of the previous character - 9.3 billion dollars. However, Tony Stark is a character more typical of action films than comedies. He lives in the Californian city of Malibu, being a professional in military technology. He can be described as a real superman: IT genius, brilliant physicist, philanthropist, billionaire.

Richie Rich

The image of an intellectually disadvantaged billionaire child, according to the script of the film, owns a fortune of 8.9 billion dollars. He inherited wealth at a young age.

The young man turns out to be a "hard nut to crack" for those who want to profit from his wealth. He skillfully and consistently manages his company, Rich Industries. And no wonder: his company produces products in which he really is an expert due to his age: donuts with gold powder, robot servants, scooters.

Charles Foster Kane

This character was created by director Orson Walls. His personal wealth, according to the Forbes rating, exceeds $8 billion. He is the owner of a media empire: television, newspapers, radio. Foster is engaged in journalism like the yellow press.


Wealthy fictional characters are not yet represented in abundance on the domestic commercial market. Their list is poor. Why is this happening? It's all about the mentality of the post-Soviet civilization. The social role of a wealthy philanthropist, an investor with real social responsibility, has not yet become an indispensable requisite of society. There are a lot of swindlers, anti-social people among the rich nouveaux riches. Perhaps that is why images of the “new Russians” prevail in the national culture over more constructive ones, like Scrooge McDuck.

At the same time, fictitious characters of fairy tales, artificially exploited by business, are beginning to play an increasingly important commercial role. They are increasingly present in advertising, in trademarks, in logos.

Relatively recently, Instagram allowed its users to change their profile status (personal blog, athlete, musician, etc.). The function is available only to business accounts, so changing the category on the personal page will not work. Their list is constantly updated, so from time to time there are very interesting ones. Today we will tell you what a fictional character is on Instagram, and how to make or change it.

Also, don't forget to read the article.

What it is?

Fictional character is a category that was available for selection on Instagram. On this moment removed. Available only to those accounts that managed to take it. The function itself is still relevant, users can change the status of the profile, indicate the field of activity.

  • allows you to distinguish an account from other profiles;
  • serves as an additional reference point by which potential customers can find you;
  • emphasizes the status (sportsman, blogger, musician);
  • shows subscribers that you are an expert in the specified field;
  • looks good;
  • allows you to quickly wind up subscribers and likes through special services for complex promotion ( , ) because determines the target audience, which is potentially interested in the selected area.

The function is available only to confirmed ones (it must be open). The number of subscribers doesn't matter.

How to choose a category

Selecting the profile status is available only to company profiles. You can make a business account from your personal page through the "Settings" menu. To do this, you need a Facebook community where you have administrator rights. If it doesn't exist, then create it. After that, follow these steps:

Save your changes and make sure that the specified information appears on facebook page. After that, you can proceed to the setting Instagram Profile. Here:

  1. Log into your Instagram using your login details.
  2. Go to the "settings" menu and click on the line "Linked accounts".
  3. A list of available social networks, select "Facebook" and specify the data of the page that you recently created and configured (indicated status).
  4. Enter your login (address Email or phone) and a Facebook password. Click Login.

If you did everything correctly, then a light gray inscription with the name of the subcategory will automatically appear on the Instagram page. Sometimes this happens after a while (maximum in a day).

How to change category


  1. Go to your Facebook profile.

  1. Click on it. Select the current status from the list or start entering it manually (hints will appear). Several can be noted.

Save your changes. Information is updated not only on Facebook, but also on related pages. This may take some time. If after a day the category on Instagram remained the same (but changed on Facebook), then try re-entering Instagram, disconnecting, and then linking the community to your Facebook profile.

Attention!"Fictional character" is not available for selection. If you change it to another one (personal blog, athlete), then you won’t be able to put it back.

If you use services to cheat subscribers (,), then for pages that have a category, you can quickly find users potentially interested in the content. So don't forget to change the information there as well.

We remind you that statistics are extremely relevant for a business account. Therefore, we recommend that you read the article on


Be sure to include a category in your profile. This favorably distinguishes your account from the background of "ordinary" ones. Make sure that it exactly matches the theme of Instagram. If in doubt with the choice, and the profile content is different, then put " Personal blog". This is a general category that will emphasize the status of a blogger, but will not constrain you when choosing content.