Radio amateur magazine simple HF frequency counters. measurements

Most amateur frequency counters are built according to a typical scheme, when there is a counting time during which the periods are counted for this time (while the indicators are usually off), then the indication time follows - the time during which the decade counter input is blocked and the indicators are lit, then the indicators go out and the counter is reset, and the process repeats cyclically. Despite its prevalence, this method of measuring frequency has significant drawbacks.

Firstly, the entire measurement process, in terms of time, to a greater extent consists of counting time and indication time, which, when measuring low frequencies, can be 2-3 seconds in total.
Secondly, the indicators are constantly flashing, which is also not very pleasant.

The proposed design is distinguished by the fact that there is practically no indication time - the indicators are constantly on, but after each time the counts change their readings.

As a result, the entire measurement process takes just over one second. This was achieved thanks to the introduction of one four-digit memory cell into each decade of the decade counter. In which, until the end of the measurement cycle, information about the result of the measurement in the previous cycle is stored, then it is replaced.

The circuit diagram is shown in the figure. Decade counter six-digit on D1-D18. As counters and memory cells, the same K561IE14 microcircuits are used, in the first case they are switched on in the counting mode, and in the second - in the preset mode.

Frequency meter characteristics:

1. Number of digits of indication ..................... 6
2. The range of measured frequencies ........ 1 Hz-1 MHz.
3. Measurement cycle time .................. 1.2 sec.
4. Input Sensitivity ........................... 250 mV.
5. Input impedance .................. 10 com.

Consider the work on the example of the least significant digit. The control device is made on D20 and D19. For its operation, pulses with a frequency of 8 Hz must be received at the input C D20. In the initial state, D20 and D1 are in the zero state. As soon as D20 goes to state "1" trigger D19.3 D19.4 is set to the zero state and opens the element D19.1, through which pulses from the input shaper to VT1 and VT2 are received at the input C D1.

This continues until D20 counts to "9". At this moment, the trigger is set to a single state and closes the element D19.1. Pulses are no longer received at input D1. At the same time, a positive pulse from pin 11 D20 goes to pin 1 D2 and turns on the D2 counter preset mode. As a result, the code from the D1 outputs is "copied" to the D2 outputs, and will remain unchanged there until the second pulse arrives at this pin.

Then, after a very short time (the charging time of C1 through R43), the counter D1 is set to zero. As soon as D20 returns to state "1" the process will be repeated.

Thus, the time of the entire measuring process is reduced by more than half and the flashing of the LED indicators is eliminated.

To obtain the frequency of 8 Hz, necessary for the operation of the control device, a multivibrator on a TTL chip - D21 - K155LAZ is used, the frequency of which (8 MHz) is stabilized by a quartz resonator, followed by a TTL divider by 10 - D22 - K155IE2 and five more decimal dividers on the D23-D27 - K561IE8 chips. The use of TTL chips is due to the fact that the K561 series does not work well at frequencies above 3 MHz. It is possible to use a more common 4 MHz resonator, but for this you need to turn on one of the counters D22-D27 according to the division by five circuit.

All frequency meter microcircuits are mounted on one breadboard printed circuit board with dimensions of 240X160mm with wiring only for power circuits and pads for each output of the microcircuit (such boards were widely available several years ago and were even sent cash on delivery). All other connections are made with mounting wire MGTF 0.12 in accordance with the diagram.

If there is such a nuisance, it is necessary to put a KM-type capacitor of 10-56 pF between this output and the common wire at the transfer output "P0" of the corresponding "hairy" counter, choosing its capacitance experimentally. In this case, "hairiness" will either disappear completely, or its level will not reach a single threshold. It is extremely rare to come across K561IE14 microcircuits with "hair" even on pins 6, 11, 14 and 2. You can deal with trouble in the same way, but it is better not to use such microcircuits if possible.

The same may be required if the counters D23-D27 are divided incorrectly (the output is not 8 Hz). Here you need to put a capacitor between pin 12 and the common wire. Power supply - stabilized for voltage 5V. Seven-segment LED indicators can be of any type, it is important that they have a common anode.

The frequency meter is designed to measure frequencies in the range from 1 Hz to 50 MHz. The available element base is mainly used. A feature of the frequency counter circuit is that it uses both TTL and CMOS logic chips. Indication - eight-digit. The frequency meter works according to the fast scheme, that is, there is no extended indication period. The indicator readings are updated every second. There are no switches or controls, just an input jack and a power switch.

The circuit of the input amplifier-shaper is borrowed from L.1. Amplifier sensitivity 0.1V, maximum input voltage 30V. Input impedance 10 kOhm. Transistor VT1 is equipped with a mitter follower that increases the input impedance of the frequency meter. The amplifier-shaper is assembled on a D1 chip, - K555LA8.

This chip has open collector outputs, so load resistors R7, R8, R11 are required. Element D1.1 is brought to the amplification mode by applying a negative bias through resistors R4-R5 (set during adjustment). On the elements D1.2 and D1.3, a Schmitt trigger is made, which can be blocked by applying a logical zero to pin 9.

From the output of the Schmitt trigger, the generated logical pulses are fed to the measuring eight-decade counter at D4-D11. The counter is made on TTL microcircuits K555 IE2, included in the decimal counting mode.

The output codes are sent to decoders on D12-D19 chips. The decoders are made on K176ID2 CMOS microcircuits. Level matching between TTL and CMOS is achieved by the fact that all microcircuits are powered by 5V. And the low speed of the K176ID2 decoders does not have any effect on the operation of the circuit, since during the counting the decoder inputs are closed, and open only after the counters D4-D11 stop, that is, after the end of the measurement period. Resistors R16-R47 prevent overloading of the decoder inputs with high-frequency voltage, which can occur when measuring high frequency.

Information is displayed on an eight-digit indicator, composed of eight single seven-segment indicators of the ALS333 type (the same as the more popular ALS324, but the numbers are larger).

The control circuit is made on a multifunctional chip D2 (K176IE12) and a decimal counter D3 (K561IE8). The task of this circuit is to form a measuring interval and pulses for writing information to decoder triggers, as well as a counter reset pulse.

Before developing this circuit, the author looked through a lot of amateur radio developments of “fast” frequency counters published in various amateur radio magazines, and found one common circuit solution, when counters are reset and information is written to registers or decoders by short pulses generated along the edge of the reference frequency pulse using a conventional RC chain.

At first glance, everything is correct - every second, for example, this impulse is formed and the counters are reset. But the problem is that this pulse has a certain duration, and during the duration of this pulse the measuring counter is blocked. And the measuring period has already begun.

Therefore, all frequency counters built according to such a scheme underestimate the readings by a certain amount, depending on the duration of this pulse. Moreover, this value is unstable, since the duration of the pulse that introduces an error depends on the parameters of the RC circuit that forms it.

Perhaps, for a low-frequency frequency meter, this error is not significant, but this is seriously reflected in the readings of a frequency meter that measures a frequency of more than 1 MHz.

And now let's look at the control node diagram of my frequency meter. Chip D2 (K176 IE12) consists of a quartz oscillator and a set of counters. In a typical turn on, the generator generates a frequency of 32768 Hz, which, to obtain a frequency of 1 Hz, is divided by a binary counter by 32768 (2nd).

Binary counter property in volume. that its output pulses taken from one of the outputs are always symmetrical. That is, since the output of the D-flip-flop, which is often used in frequency counter control circuits. That is, at an output frequency of 1 Hz, there will be two equal half-cycles with a duration of 0.5 seconds.

In addition, the output of the counter of this microcircuit is connected to the zeroing input (R) by the logical function "OR-NOT", therefore, when a unit is supplied to the R input, the output is set to zero, but immediately after the zeroing signal is removed (at the R input is zero), a logical unit appears at the output, and exactly after 0.5 seconds zero appears again.

This property of the K176IE12 chip allows you to make a relatively simple control circuit that works without the above errors. But for this, we need the output of the microcircuit to have a frequency of not 1 Hz, but 0.5 Hz. You can get such a frequency if, instead of a domestic quartz resonator at 32768 Hz, you use a resonator at a frequency of 16384 Hz from an imported pocket digital alarm clock. Now, at pin 4 D2 there will be 0.5 Hz symmetrical pulses. And at pin 14 - 16384 Hz

When developing this device, the task was to obtain a universal device that can be used both as part of an amateur radio laboratory and as a digital scale for a transceiver or HF receiver. An additional condition was the use of as little as possible a diverse element base, which is important for its repeatability. The device is three-input, it measures the frequency in the range from 10 Hz to 35 MHz, the resolution is 10 Hz.

Measurement time 0.8 seconds. The sensitivity of the inputs is 0.3 V, with an input resistance of 13 kOhm.

A feature of the device is the ability to send signals to three inputs, and, depending on the position of the toggle switches, the device will indicate the sum or difference of frequencies, thus - U=f1+ f2+f3 or U=f1+2-f3 or U=fl-f2-f3 or U=f1-f2+f3. The inputs on the front panel are arranged in a row, toggle switches are installed between them, the position of the lever of which - up means the action is "+", down - "-". In this way, you can set the lower mode of actions with inputs.

The device has a seven-digit display scale and operates in the entire range of measured frequencies without switching limits.

The schematic diagram of the input device is shown in Figure 1. It contains three input amplifier-shaper on transistors VT1 - VT6. The input of each shaper is connected to the corresponding input connector, designated - In 1, In 2 and In 3. The inputs are switched using three key devices, performed on the elements D1.1, D1.2 and D1.3 and the D2 combiner.

The outputs of the input board 8, 9 and 10 receive control signals from the control board (Fig. 4). At any moment of the Burden of Measurement there is a stake on one of these conclusions, and units on the others. Passes the signal only to the element whose input is zero. If a one is given, this input is disabled.

From the output D2, the input on signal is fed to the circuit for determining the direction of counting. The board of counters and indications (Fig. 2) has two inputs "+1" and "-1". When a signal is applied to its pin 2, the signal goes to input 1 and the counter readings increase with each pulse, to pin 3 - to input -1 and the readings decrease, the number of pulses is subtracted from the number already measured at the previous input.

To switch these inputs on the moisture inputs (Fig. 1), the D3 chip is used. Control occurs from the output of the 11 board. When a unit arrives at this output, element D3.1 opens and the pulses are fed to the subtraction input. When zero is applied, this element closes and opens D1.2, the pulses pass to the addition input. The counting direction control signal comes from the control board (Fig. 4).

Figure 2 shows a diagram of the counter and indication board. Directly, the pulses are counted by a seven-digit decimal counter on the D4 - D10 microcircuits. This counter consists of seven decimal counters with reverse, on K555IE6 microcircuits. They are connected in series. After each measurement cycle, the output of the counter is set to a code of a decimal number numerically equal to the measurement result.

This code is obtained in this way, for example, three signals are added to the inputs - at 1n1 - 1000 kHz, at 1n2 - 400 kHz, at 1n3 - 200 kHz. Set the action with toggle switches - 1n1 + 1n2 - 1n3. The control board generates three measuring pulses of equal duration.

During the first pulse, the first input is open and the number 100000 is written to the counter, the second input is turned on and the number 400 kHz is added (counted) to this number, it turns out 140000, then the third input is turned on and now the pulses go to input -1 of the counter, the recorded number decreases by 200 kHz. It turns out 120000x10Hz = 1200000Hz.

If one or two inputs do not receive signals, then operations are performed with those that receive them. On unconnected inputs, the number "0" is subtracted and added and does not affect the readings.

Settled at the output of the counter, after three cycles of measurement, the code is written into the registers on the microcircuits D11 - D17. Here it is more reasonable to use registers of the K555IR1 type, but the author had only K555IE6 counters. These counters have preset inputs. When zero is applied to pins 11 of these microcircuits, the code given to their inputs 1, 2, 4, 8 is transferred to memory and appears at the corresponding outputs.

It is stored this way until the next negative pulse at pin 11. The counting functions are not used in this case. Thus, the code from the outputs of the counters is written to the registers, from the outputs 1 of which it goes to the decoders on the chips D18 - D24, and then from their outputs the seven-segment code goes to the LED indicators H1-H7.

Then the counter is reset by a negative pulse received from the control board to the outputs of 14 counter microcircuits, and the cycle repeats. Again, three measurements and then the write pulse arriving at pin 1 of the counter and indication board erases the information recorded on the D11 - D17 microcircuits in the previous cycle and writes the code of this cycle. Accordingly, the indicator readings also change.

Thus, during the zeroing of the counter and three measurements, the indicators show the result of the last completed cycle, that is, the previous measurement. As a result, there is no blinking of the indicator, just its readings change with a period of 0.8 seconds.

For the operation of any frequency meter, a reference frequency generator is required, equal to the minimum of the measured value. In this case, 10 Hz. The diagram of the driver board for this frequency is shown in Figure 3.

A stable frequency signal of 100 kHz is generated by an oscillator on a D25 chip and a VT7 transistor. The frequency is stabilized by a quartz resonator Q1. In order to get 10 Hz, you need to divide 100 kHz by 10,000. For this, a four-link divider on d26 - d29 microcircuits is used, all the same K555IE6 counters are used. From pin 7 of this board, pulses with a frequency of 10 Hz are fed to the control board.

A schematic diagram of the control board is shown in Figure 4. It contains a counter D30 and a decoder D31, which divide the measurement period of the frequency meter indication into eight sections. In the initial position at the output of D30, the number "0" and the zero level appears at pin 1 of the decoder, at the other pins at this time the units.

This zero, through pin 4 of the board, enters the counters and indication board and sets its counters to zero. Then, with the arrival of the first pulse, zero appears at the second output of D31 and, through the VD7 diode, enters pin 11 of the input board and turns on a positive count. Then the next pulse turns on the first input. Then again follows the impulse to set the direction of counting.

In this case, the toggle switch S1 stands in the way of this impulse. In the closed state, terminal 11 of the board receives zero; in the open state, it is one, and the direction of the count changes accordingly. The next impulse turns on the second input, then again the direction preset, in this case, the toggle switch S2 participates, and now the third input is turned on.

When the eighth pulse arrives, the negative drop at pin 1 of the board turns on the recording of information in the microcircuits D11-D17 of the counter and indication board (Fig. 2).

Then the cycle repeats again. The device is powered by a stabilized power source, the circuit of which is shown in Figure 5.

All parts are mounted on four printed circuit boards, installation and wiring diagrams are shown in full size drawings. The power supply is mounted by bulk mounting, the A1 chip must be placed on the heatsink. You can use a source made before a different circuit, it is important to have a stable voltage of 5V and a current of up to 1A.

The power transformer T1 is wound on a ShL20x25 core. The network winding contains 1000 turns of wire PEV-2 0.2. secondary winding - 65 turns of PEV-2 0.68. As chips D11 - D17, you can use K555IR1, K155IR1, when changing the layout of the board, or K555 (155) IE7 without changes. If you use gas-discharge indicators, you can replace the K514ITs2 decoders with K155IL1, change the board pattern.

With a change in wiring, instead of D26-D26, you can use K155IE2 or K555IE2 meters, D30 can also be replaced with K155IE2. All diodes can be KD521 or KD522.

If the device is used as a separate device, its boards are located in a metal case with dimensions of 220x300x80 mm, a ready-made case is used, produced specifically for amateur radio designs. With self-manufacturing of the case, the frequency meter can be made more compact.


Aleksakov G., Gavrilin V.

1981, no. 5, p. 68.

Low frequency function generator

Aleksakov G., Gavrilin V.

1981, no. 6, p. 68.

Amplitude 0...10 V; frequency 0.1...1100 Hz; waveform triangular, rectangular, sinusoidal.

Simple LC meter

Stepanov A.

1982, no. 3, p. 47.

Wide range pulse generator

Ivanov B.

1982, no. 6, p. 56.

Direct and inverse signals of ECL and TTL levels


Prokofiev I.

1982, no. 7, p. 31.

sound generator

Ovechkin M.

1982, no. 8, p. 47.

Bulycheva N., Kondratiev Yu.

1983, no. 1, p. 37.

Schematic diagram.

Universal service oscilloscope С1-94

Bulycheva N., Kondratiev Yu.

1983, no. 2, p. 29.

Design. Details. Establishment.

Generator without inductor

1983, no. 4, p. 48.

Digital multimeter

Anufriev L.

1983, no. 5, p. 45.

Digital multimeter

1983, no. 6, p. 40.

Volt-ohmmeter on the op-amp

1983, no. 12, p. thirty.

Again about C1-94

Bogdan A.

1984, no. 5, p. 41.

Semi-automatic test probe

Smirnov A.

1984, no. 6, p. 17.

Simple GKCH

Egorov I.

1984, no. 7, p. 31.

Rectangular pulse generator

Teslenko L.

1984, no. 7, p. 28.

High frequency millivoltmeter

Stepanov B.

1984, no. 8, p. 57.

Digital capacitance meter

Pevnicki S.

1984, no. 10, p. 46.

Digital multimeter

Anufriev L.

1984, no. 10, p. 62.

K R 1983 No. 5, 6. Replacement of transistor assemblies.

Improvement of the radio designer "Quartz Calibrator"

Nechaev I.

1985, no. 3, p. 48.

Voltmeter on the operational amplifier

Shchelkanov V.

1985, no. 4, p. 47.


Mikirtichan G.

1985, no. 5, p. 38.

LF measuring complex. Microvoltmeter

Borovik I.

1985, no. 6, p. 47.

LF measuring complex. Semiconductor Tester

1985, no. 7, p. 43.

LF measuring complex. Phase meter-frequency meter

Borovik I.

1985, no. 8, p. 47.

LF measuring complex. function generator.

Borovik I.

1985, no. 9, p. 42.

Linear AC Voltmeter

Ovsienko V.

1985, no. 11, p. 43.

Audio frequency generator

Ovechkin M.

1986, no. 2, p. 43.

Pulse matrix oscilloscope

Sergeev V.

1986, no. 3, p. 42.

Multimeter on BIS

Anufriev L.

1986, no. 4, p. 34.

Spectrum analyzer

Skrypnik V.

1986, no. 7, p. 41.

Digital or analog?

Mezhlumyan A.

1986, no. 7, p. 25.

Spectrum analyzer

Skrypnik V.

1986, no. 8, p. thirty.

RC oscillator with digital control and countdown

Kornev P.

1986, no. 9, p. 46.

Low Frequency Digital Frequency Counter

Zasukhin S.

1986, no. 9, p. 49.

Universal Probes

Chanturia A.

1986, no. 12, p. 38.

Wide Range Function Generator

Ishutinov I.

1987, no. 1, p. 56.

Millivolt nanoammeter

Akilov B.

1987, no. 2, p. 41.

digital avometer

Efremov V., Larkin N.

1987, no. 4, p. 45.

Digital scale generator AF

Vlasenko V.

1987, no. 5, p. 44.

digital avometer

Efremov V., Larkin N.

1987, no. 5, p. 46.

Function generator on one op-amp

Nechaev I.

1987, no. 6, p. 48.

Low harmonic signal generator

Shiyanov N.

1987, no. 7, p. 52.

Frequency meter - capacitance meter - generator

Tatarko B.

1987, no. 8, p. 43.

Automatic range selection

Potapenko O.

1987, no. 9, p. 40.

Wide range voltage-to-frequency converter

1987, no. 10, p. 31.

OS phase meter

1987, no. 12, p. 50.

Control and measuring equipment

Mikhailov A.

1987, no. 12, p. 52.

From the 33rd All-Union Exhibition of Radio Amateurs-Designers.

Wide Range Signal Generator

Khudoshin A.

1988, no. 4, p. 46.

Reference frequency receiver

Poliakov V.

1988, no. 5, p. 38.

How to check the accuracy of digital instruments.

Oscilloscope Sweep Generator

Greshnov V.

1988, no. 6, p. 29.

Low frequency frequency response meter

Permyakov S.

1988, no. 7, p. 56.

Simple RMS

Grigoriev B.

1988, no. 8, p. 56.


Miniature Oscilloscope Probe

Sinelnikov I., Ravich V.

1988, no. 11, p. 23.

Active probe for oscilloscope

Grishin A.

1988, no. 12, p. 45.

Tester for low power transistors

Setalov V.

1989, no. 1, p. 42.

AF signal generator

Nevstruev E.

1989, no. 5, p. 67.

Oxide Capacitor Tester

Bolgov A.

1989, no. 6, p. 44.

Noise measurement filter

Orozov B., Angelov A.

1989, no. 9, p. 75.

Digital volt/ohmmeter with automatic range selection

1989, no. 10, p. 69.

Generator on a digital chip

Nechaev I.

1989, no. 11, p. 61.

LC Meter

Dorundyak N.

1989, no. 11, p. 62.

Electronic phase meter

1990, no. 5, p. 56.

Attachments for measuring harmonics

Dorofeev M.

1990, no. 6, p. 62.

Digital noise generators

Marder M., Fedosov V.

1990, no. 8, p. 68.

Digital multimeter

Biryukov S.

1990, no. 9, p. 55.

Sweep generator

Burtsev A.

1990, no. 10, p. 66.

Weighing filter

Vorshev A.

1990, no. 11, p. 57.

THD selector

Herzen N.

1990, no. 12, p. 67.

GKCH universal

Anufriev L.

1991, no. 2, p. 58.

Nozdrachev A.

1991, no. 4, p. 57.

Digital oscilloscope unit

Nozdrachev A.

1991, no. 5, p. 54.

Electrical measuring instruments of the magnetoelectric system

Starostin O.

1991, no. 8, p. 65.

Combined electrical measuring instruments

Starostin O.

1991, no. 9, p. 50.

1991, no. 10, p. 64.

Radio measuring instruments. Voltmeters

Starostin O.

1991, no. 11, p. 56.

Small multimeter

Snezhko V.

1991, no. 12, p. 54.


Oscilloscope probe

Semakin N.

1992, no. 1, p. 49.

Measurement generators

Starostin O.

1992, no. 2, p. 48.

Measurement generators

Starostin O.

1992, no. 3, p. 48.

Measurement generators

Starostin O.

1992, no. 4, p. 27.

Measurement generators

Starostin O.

1992, no. 5, p. 20.

RF probe

Shulgin G.

1992, no. 5, p. 22.

A simple function generator

Ladyka A.

1992, no. 6, p. 44.

High frequency millivoltmeter with linear scale

1992, no. 7, p. 39.

microwave generator

1992, no. 8, p. 45.

Improved crystal oscillator on logic MS

Tagiltsev K.

1992, no. 9, p. 42.

microwave generator

1992, no. 9, p. 39.

50-1500 MHz prescaler

1992, no. 10, p. 46.

Starostin O.

1992, no. 11, p. 46.

Radio measuring instruments. Oscilloscopes

Starostin O.

1992, no. 12, p. 46.

Ignatyuk L.

1993, no. 1, p. 25.

Combined Signal Generator

Ignatyuk L.

1993, no. 2, p. 33.

Broadband voltage controlled oscillator

Mikhailov V.

1993, no. 4, p. 23.

Switching attachment to the device Ts4315

Levashov V.

1993, no. 5, p. 40.

For the convenience of capacitance measurement.

capacitance meter

1993, no. 6, p. 21.

Chip Tester

Grechushnikov V.

1993, no. 7, p. 24.

For checking TTL MS IR22, IR23, IR27, KP11, KP14.

Chip RCL meter

Lavrinenko V.

1993, no. 8, p. 20.

IF generator for tuning receivers

Nechaev I.

1993, no. 9, p. 20.

Frequency burst generator

Karlin W.

1993, no. 12, p. 26.

Prefix for measuring frequency characteristics

Nechaev I.

1994, no. 1, p. 26.

Quartz calibrator

Biryukov S.

1994, no. 2, p. 20.

Measuring the frequency of signals with a long period

Kostryukov I.

1994, no. 5, p. 22.

AC Millivoltmeter

Ignatyuk L.

1994, no. 5, p. 23.

Audio repair tool

Storchak K.

1994, no. 10, p. 24.

Two simple devices

Dmitriev S.

1994, no. 11, p. 23.

Tester for RPZU control. Frequency meter-probe.

Wide range square wave generator

1994, no. 12, p. 28.

Prefix-GKCh for the ranges 300...900 and 800...1950 MHz

Nechaev I.

1995, no. 1, p. 33.

Dial indicator multimeter

Dorofeev M.

1995, no. 3, p. 32.

Semiconductor Meter

Vlasov Yu.

1995, no. 4, p. 34.

Amendment in R 1995 No. 6 from 31.

Probe for testing AM receivers

Vyazovov A.

1995, no. 4, p. 33.

LF signal 1 kHz and modulated IF signal 465 kHz

Capacitance and inductance meter

Terentiev E.

1995, no. 4, p. 36.

100pF - 10uF, 10uH - 1H. Amendment in R 1995 No. 6 from 31.

Capacitance-voltage characteristics of devices on the oscilloscope screen

Nechaev I.

1995, no. 5, p. thirty.

Attachment to the voltmeter for measuring the capacitance of capacitors

Nechaev I.

1995, no. 6, p. 25.

Nechaev I.

1995, no. 8, p. 32.

Millivoltmeter microwave

1995, no. 9, p. 40.

Monitoring the tuning of high-frequency resonant circuits with an oscilloscope

Kotsarenko A.

1995, no. 9, p. 42.

Microwave generator

1995, no. 10, p. 34.

Attachment to the oscilloscope for monitoring the frequency response

Suchkov O.

1995, no. 11, p. 24.

Digital capacitance meter

Biryukov S.

1995, no. 12, p. 32.

The second profession of a household dosimeter

Nechaev I.

1995, no. 12, p. thirty.

Transistor tester.

Digital Oscilloscopes: Features and Applications

1996, no. 1, p. 33.

The second profession of a household dosimeter

Nechaev I.

1996, no. 1, p. 36.

Capacitor capacitance meter.

Simple tester

1996, no. 2, p. 28.

Small-sized frequency meter

Bubbles S.

1996, no. 2, p. 29.

RCL digital meter

Biryukov S.

1996, no. 3, p. 38.

Digital multimeter

Biryukov S.

1996, no. 5, p. 32.

Digital multimeter

Biryukov S.

1996, no. 6, p. 32.

Meter switch

Gorodetsky I.

1996, no. 7, p. 31.

Simple digital megohmmeter

Biryukov S.

1996, no. 7, p. 32.

Precision analog calibrator

1996, no. 7, p. 34.

Forms stepped voltage levels.

Simple tester for logic circuits

Karabutov A.

1996, no. 8, p. 33.

Small Signal Generator

Nechaev I.

1996, no. 9, p. 36.

Six-channel electronic switch

1996, no. 9, p. 35.

For an oscilloscope.

Portable frequency counter

Tokarev Ya.

1996, no. 10, p. 31.

Ohmmeter with linear scale

Dolgov O.

1996, no. 10, p. 52.

Voltage converter for digital voltmeter

Romanchuk A.

1996, no. 10, p. 32.

Oscilloscope time base

Dorofeev M.

1996, no. 11, p. 32.

Compound Pulse Period Measurements

Bannikov V.

1996, no. 12, p. 34.

Logic probe

Semenov B., Semenov P.

1996, no. 12, p. 34.

Advanced TTL Logic Probe

Polyansky P.

1997, no. 1, p. 32.

Function generator with frequency range 0.1 Hz...10 MHz

Nechaev I.

1997, no. 1, p. 34.

Signal Generator + GKCh

1997, no. 2, p. 51.

Repair of combined measuring instruments

Feofilov A.

1997, no. 2, p. 32.

Digital voltmeters with microprocessor control. New opportunities

1997, no. 3, p. thirty.

Capacitance measurement with an ohmmeter

Biryukov S.

1997, no. 4, p. 33.

Frequency meter on a microcomputer

Krogers Ya.

1997, no. 4, p. 34.

Up to 350 kHz.

Frequency meter on a microcomputer

Krogers Ya.

1997, no. 5, p. 32.

Up to 350 kHz.

GKCH control device

1997, no. 6, p. 28.

Simple wideband RF signal generator

1997, no. 6, p. 48.

Noise generator

Trifonov A.

1997, no. 7, p. 31.

Measurement of microcurrents with an oscilloscope

Goncharenko N.

1997, no. 7, p. 32.

High frequency wattmeter

Trifonov A.

1997, no. 8, p. 32.

Counter as a frequency counter probe

Tikhonovsky V.

1997, no. 8, p. 33.

Broadband amplifier

Vlasov M.

1997, no. 10, p. 34.

For oscilloscopes with low impedance input.

Electronic ohmmeter "in haste"

1998, no. 1, p. 29.

Voltmeter with improved linearity

Khvalinsky V.

1998, no. 1, p. 29.

Capacitor tester

Kotlyarov V.

1998, no. 2, p. 41.


Refinement of the logic probe

1998, no. 2, p. 40.

Described in R 1996 No. 12 p. 34.

Capacitor capacitance meter

Vasiliev V.

1998, no. 4, p. 36.


Universal Function Generator

Matykin A.

1998, no. 5, p. 34.

Capacitance and inductance meter improvement

Ivanov V.

1998, no. 6, p. 33.

K R 1982 No. 3 p. 47 and R 1995 No. 4 p. 37.

Measurement of sweep voltage non-linearity

Dorofeev M.

1998, no. 7, p. 28.

What is OKS7?

Communication: HF, VHF And CB

Efimushkin V., Zharkov M., Ivanov A.

1998, no. 7, p. 72.

Common channel alarm system.

Delayed sweep in an oscilloscope

Dorofeev M.

1998, no. 8, p. 54.

Field strength indicator

Vinogradov Yu.

1998, no. 9, p. 31.

Methods for measuring audio signals and noise

1998, no. 10, p. 38.

The magnetic field ... what if it affects ...

Poliakov V.

1998, no. 10, p. 8.

A device for measuring an alternating magnetic field.

Digital Transistor Meter

Biryukov S.

1998, no. 12, p. 28.

Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes

Matvienko A.

1999, no. 1, p. 25.

Prefix for measuring temperature with a digital multimeter

Ratnovsky V.

1999, no. 3, p. 31.

Supercapacitor Powered Universal Probe

Nechaev I.

1999, no. 3, p. thirty.

Continuity, p-n junctions, LF and HF pulse generator.

Measurement of non-linear distortions on a noise signal

Syritso A.

1999, no. 4, p. 29.

Active probe on the op amp for the oscilloscope

Nechaev I.

1999, no. 6, p. 28.

Computer checks chips

Skvortsov A.

1999, no. 7, p. 31.

Device-attachment to a computer for testing TTL, TTLSh and CMOS microcircuits in DIP14 and DIP16 packages. There is no program.

Nechaev I.

1999, no. 8, p. 42.

Advanced TTL Logic Probe

Kirichenko V.

1999, no. 9, p. 26.

Prescaler improvement

Slinchenkov A.

1999, no. 10, p. 29.

To the article Zhuk V. "Preliminary frequency divider for the range 50 ... 1500 MHz" in R 1992 No. 10 p. 46.

Label Generator

Biryukov S.

1999, no. 11, p. 32.

Sweep generator from SK-M-24-2

Herzen N.

1999, no. 12, p. thirty.

Probe for diode-transistor logic

2000, no. 1, p. thirty.

Probe indicator for logic signals

2000, no. 2, p. 28.

High frequency wattmeter and noise generator

Fedorov O.

2000, no. 6, p. 32.

Frequency counter on the microcontroller

Bogomolov D.

2000, no. 10, p. 5.

Up to 50 MHz, 8-bit.

Two designs for a VHF radio

Nechaev I. (UA3WIA)

2000, no. 11, p. 62.

S-meter for Mayak. Low-noise antenna amplifier in the 430 MHz range.

AC ammeter with linear scale

Andreev V.

2001, no. 1, p. 25.

Linearization of a thermometer with a metal thermistor

Alyoshin P.

2001, no. 1, p. 26.

Digital Meter Linearization

Biryukov S.

2001, no. 4, p. 32.

Resistance mini-shop

Fedorov O.

2001, no. 6, p. thirty.

Two voltmeters on K1003PP1

Biryukov S.

2001, no. 8, p. 32.

For the lighting network and for the car. LED scale.

Small multimeter M-830V. Circuitry and repair

Afonsky A., Kudrevatykh E., Pleshkova T.

2001, no. 9, p. 25.

Power off timers in a digital multimeter

Nechaev I.

2001, no. 9, p. 28.

power switch for M-830V

Potachin I.

2001, no. 9, p. 29.

About repair of multimeters D-830

Mukhutdinov E.

2001, no. 9, p. 29.

Protecting the multimeter... from light

Sevastyanov V.

2001, no. 9, p. 29.

Active probe with CMOS chip

Samoilenko A.

2001, no. 11, p. 21.

M890C multimeter error correction when measuring temperature

2001, no. 11, p. 22.

LF harmonic generators

2001, no. 12, p. 26.

Capacitance meter for oxide capacitors

Dereguz A.

2001, no. 12, p. 27.

Frequency divider for the range 1...5 GHz

2001, no. 12, p. 28.

Attachment to the multimeter for measuring the capacitance of capacitors

Biryukov S.

2002, no. 2, p. 29.

Prefix to the frequency meter for testing transistors

Permyakov S.

2002, no. 3, p. 21.

Krmpensatsionny current sensor with a magnetic shunt

Aldokhin A.

2002, no. 3, p. 23.

Tone pulse generator in the control stand

Kuznetsov E.

2002, no. 5, p. 24.

New functions of the DT-308B multimeter

Kostitsyn S.

2002, no. 6, p. thirty.

Capacitance measurement and "ringing" buzzer.

Amateur radio frequency counter

Zorin S., Koroleva N.

2002, no. 6, p. 28.

Battery capacity meter

Stepanov B.

2002, no. 7, p. 38.

Amateur radio frequency counter

Zorin S., Koroleva I.

2002, no. 7, p. 39.

on the microcontroller. 1 Hz...50 MHz. And two attachments for measuring capacitance and inductance.

Frequency meter as a generator of fixed frequencies

Klepalchenko V.

2002, no. 8, p. 31.

Four-level economical probe

Stashkov S.

2002, no. 8, p. thirty.


LCD Mini Digital Voltmeter

Fedorov O.

2002, no. 11, p. 24.

Attachment to the multimeter for measuring temperature

Chudnov V.

2003, no. 1, p. 34.

Voltage divider probe for digital multimeter

2003, no. 1, p. 35.

Device for testing high voltage transistors

2003, no. 3, p. 22.

Simple temperature-voltage converter

Powdery B.

2003, no. 3, p. 23.


Savosin A.

2003, no. 5, p. 22.

Signaler's device

Sidorov L.

2003, no. 8, p. 24.

Oxide Capacitor Probe

Khafizov R.

2003, no. 10, p. 21.

Digital Multimeter Power Converter

Belyaev S.

2003, no. 11, p. 21.

In. Eg. 1.8...4 V; Ex. Eg. 9 V.

Audio and ultrasonic frequency signal generator

Stepanov B., Frolov V.

2003, no. 12, p. 6.

Microwave laboratory synthesizer

Malygin I., Shturkin N.

2004, no. 1, p. 19.

GIR with LED indicator

Gorbatykh V.

2004, no. 2, p. 24.

Remote sound probe

2004, no. 3, p. 22.

Increasing the input resistance of the voltmeter to 1 Gom

Korotkov I.

2004, no. 3, p. 24.

Tunable crystal oscillator

Volkov V. (UW3DP), Rubinstein M.

2004, no. 3, p. 8.

LeCroy WaveSurfer Digital Oscilloscopes

2004, no. 5, p. 72.

Small-sized dual-beam oscilloscope-multimeter

Kichigin A.

2004, no. 6, p. 24.

LeCroy WaveRunner Series Digital Oscilloscopes

2004, no. 6, p. 75.

Spectrum Analyzer GSP-827

2004, no. 7, p. 75.

LC Meter

Khlyupin N.

2004, no. 7, p. 26.

0.1 pF...5 µF; 0.1 µH...5 H.

Refinement of the multimeter "MY-67"

2004, no. 7, p. 28.

Increase the volume of the emitter.

Rigol DS5000 Series Digital Oscilloscopes

2004, no. 8, p. 75.

Special Waveform Generator GFG-3015

2004, no. 9, p. 73.

Extending the measurement limits of the M890G multimeter

Zagorulko A.

2004, no. 9, p. 27.

Introduction of low battery indication in DT-838

Shapovalov A.

2004, no. 9, p. 28.

Frequency meter with analog indication

Mezhlumyan A.

2004, no. 10, p. 24.

The simplest miniature avometer of Bortnovsky G.A.

2004, no. 10, p. 8.

Retro 1947

High frequency digital multimeter probe

Nechaev I.

2004, no. 11, p. 24.

Universal logic probe

Morokhin L.

2004, no. 12, p. 25.

About powering multimeters from the AC adapter

2005, no. 1, p. 25.

Device for testing field-effect transistors "PPPT-01"

Kosenko S.

2005, no. 1, p. 26.

Indicator for testing quartz resonators

Kovalenko S.

2005, no. 2, p. 22.

Laboratory meter MT-4090 from the company "MOTECH"

2005, no. 3, p. 77.

Ohmmeter with linear scale

Konyagin V.

2005, no. 3, p. 7.

Retro. 1976 No. 8 p. 46.

LeCroy SDA Serial Signal Analyzers

2005, no. 4, p. 73.

RF generator DSG-3000

2005, no. 5, p. 75.

Attachment for measuring inductance in the practice of a radio amateur

Belenetsky S.

2005, no. 5, p. 26.

Switching PSU with an acoustic switch for a multimeter

Kavyev A.

2005, no. 6, p. 23.

Instruments for measuring power quality standards

2005, no. 6, p. 76.

Stand-alone frequency divider for M890G multimeter.

A. Kaviev.

2005, no. 7, p. 25.

Digital voltmeter for laboratory PSU.

V. Bocharnikov.

2005, no. 8, p. 24.

Repair of combined instrument panel 43101.

P. Martynchuk.

2005, no. 8, p. 26.

Frequency divider range 0.1 ... 3.5 GHz.

I. Nechaev.

2005, no. 9, p. 24.

Repair of digital multimeters with frameless ADCs.

D. Turchinsky.

2005, no. 10, p. 23.

Device for testing oxide capacitors.

V. Vasiliev.

2005, no. 10, p. 24.

Speed ​​sensor DCHV-2 "Delta".

2005, no. 10, p. 25.

Attachment to the multimeter for measuring power.

I. Nechaev.

2005, no. 11, p. 23.

Capacitor probe on the MAX253 chip.

B. Sokolov.

2005, no. 11, p. 24.

Estimating the equivalent series resistance of a capacitor.

I. Nechaev.

2005, no. 12, p. 25.

A. Former.

2006, no. 1, p. 23.

Once again about replacing the Krona battery.

V. Wonderworkers.

2006, no. 1, p. 19.

Device for testing capacitors, pulse transformers and measuring frequency.

A. Former.

2006, no. 2, p. 24.

New measuring devices. New series of LeCroy digital oscilloscopes (WaveRunner 44i, WaveRunner 62i, WaveRunner 64i).

2006, no. 3, p. 24.

Powering the digital multimeter from the mains.

A. Mezhlumyan.

2006, no. 3, p. 25.

"Expanding the measurement limits of the multimeter M890G".

Y. Anferov.

2006, no. 4, p. 23.

Compact WaveJet (WJ) oscilloscopes from LeCroy (WJ312/314, WJ322/324, WJ332/334, WJ342/344).

2006, no. 4, p. 74.


L. Kompanenko.

2006, no. 5, p. 23.

What does an AC voltmeter show?

A. Long.

2006, no. 6, p. 23.

Frequency divider 25 MHz...1 GHz.

V. Bukreev.

2006, no. 7, p. 21.

Voltage indicator up to 500 V.

S. Kovalenko.

2006, no. 7, p. 22.

AC adapter for multimeter

2006, no. 8, p. 21.

Prefix to the multimeter for checking low-resistance resistors.

P. Vysochansky.

2006, no. 8, p. 23.

Attachment to the multimeter for testing oxide capacitors.

A. Panshin.

2006, no. 9, p. 26.

Construction of a digital kilovoltmeter with ADC ICL7106.

A. Mezhlumyan.

2006, no. 9, p. 27.

2006, no. 10, p. thirty.

Probe for high-frequency frequency meter.

I. Nechaev.

2006, no. 10, p. 32.

Determination of short-circuited turns in a network transformer.

I. Mandrik.

2006, no. 11, p. 31.

Digital multimeter with automatic range selection.

S. Mityurev.

2006, no. 11, p. 28.

Microwave generator with PLL - prefix to the RF generator.

I. Nechaev.

2006, no. 12, p. 24.

Battery powered high voltage probe.

S. Belyaev.

2007, no. 1, p. 25.

Q-factor measurement with digital readout.

V. Stepanov.

2007, no. 2, p. 29.

O. Shmelev.

2007, no. 3, p. 24.

Computer measuring complex.

O. Shmelev.

2007, no. 4, p. 21.

Multifunctional digital frequency meter.

2007, no. 5, p. 20.

Computer measuring complex.

O. Shmelev.

2007, no. 5, p. 17.

LED voltage indicators (a selection of two articles).

2007, no. 6, p. 25.

Computer measuring complex.

O. Shmelev.

2007, no. 6, p. 27.

Computer measuring complex.

O. Shmelev.

2007, no. 7, p. 23.

Universal measuring device on the microcontroller.

V. Nikitin.

2007, no. 8, p. 20.

Emergency voltage protection device.

A. Sitnikov.

2007, no. 8, p. 31.

Two humidity indicators.

I. Zabelin.

2007, no. 8, p. 42.

Programmer based on "Extra-PIC".

D. Dubrovenko.

2007, no. 8, p. 24.

Rectifiers on transistors.

E. Moskatov.

2007, no. 8, p. 34.

Determination of the saturation current of inductors-magnetic cores.

Yu. Gumerov, A. Zuev.

2007, no. 8, p. 34.

Automatic phase switch.

D. Pankratiev.

2007, no. 8, p. 44.

Once again, the control ammeter.

A. Moiseev.

2007, no. 8, p. 45.

Microcontroller decoder of computer commands.

M. Tkachuk.

2007, no. 8, p. 46.

Vehicle heater control unit.

I. Kuzenkov.

2007, no. 8, p. 46.

The program for the logic analyzer of signals at the inputs of the COM port.

V. Timofeev.

2007, no. 8, p. 27.


O. Baklashkina, E. Vaganov, O. Pivkin.

2007, no. 8, p. 38.

Voltage stabilizer 0...25.5V-adjustable current protection.

M. Ozolin.

2007, no. 8, p. 29.

Security signaling device based on a mobile phone.

2007, no. 8, p. 39.

Measurement of parameters of field-effect transistors.

V. Andryushkevich.

2007, no. 9, p. 24.

Digital scale for amateur signal generator.

A. Chernomyrdin.

2007, no. 9, p. 27.


I. Podushkin.

2007, no. 10, p. 26.

Measurement of ultralow resistances.

A. Mezhlumyan.

2007, no. 10, p. 28.

Fixed frequency generator-frequency meter.

N. Ostroukhov.

2007, no. 11, p. 24.

Cell phone-voltmeter-oscilloscope.

S. Kuleshov.

2007, no. 11, p. 27.

Computer control of measuring equipment mechanisms.

O. Shmelev.

2007, no. 12, p. 19.

Low-frequency measuring generator with analog frequency meter.

E. Kuznetsov.

2008, no. 1, p. 19.


A. Topnikov.

2008, no. 2, p. 19.

Small frequency counter.

2008, no. 3, p. 21.

Voltmeter-INI with automatic selection of the measurement limit.

E. Kuznetsov.

2008, no. 5, p. 19.

EPS indicator of oxide capacitors.

Yu.? Kurakin.

2008, no. 7, p. 26.

ESR meter for oxide capacitors.

I. Platoshin.

2008, no. 8, p. 18.

Probe of oxide capacitors.

S. Rychikhin.

2008, no. 10, p. 14.

Supply voltage converter for avometer TL-4M.

2008, no. 10, p. 16.

Self-powered automatic frequency meter.

S. Bezrukov, V. Aristov.

2008, no. 11, p. 18.

Tester of high voltage devices.

2008, no. 12, p. 23.

AF probe-generator for testing acoustic emitters.

I. Nechaev.

2009, no. 1, p. 19.

A device for determining the conclusions, structure and current transfer coefficient of a transistor.

S. Glibin.

2009, no. 2, p. 23.

Frequency meter - prefix to the computer.

V. Pavlik.

2009, no. 3, p. 19.

Miniature voltmeter on the microcontroller.

V. Kelekhsashvili.

2009, no. 4, p. 20.

Fill factor meter.

V. Nefedov.

2009, no. 5, p. 17.

Microcontroller capacitor capacitance meter.

2009, no. 6, p. 17.

Two analog frequency counters.

E. Kuznetsov.

2009, no. 7, p. 19.

Laboratory signal generator on DDS.

N. Khlyupin.

2009, no. 8, p. 15.

Measurement of the redox potential in a liquid.

S. Lachinyan.

2009, no. 9, p. 19.

Two sound probes.

2009, no. 10, p. 20.

DDS synthesizer on a microcontroller.

N. Ostroukhov.

2009, no. 11, p. 19.

Automatic low current meter. author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (EL) of the author TSB

From the book Mobile Phone: Love or a Dangerous Relationship? The truth that will not be told in mobile phone shops author Indzhiev Artur Alexandrovich

Standards and Measurements To assess the exposure of the user to a high-frequency (UHF) signal, we will use the world-renowned special absorption coefficient SAR (SAR - Specific Absorption Ratio). It is known that the irradiation of an object with a microwave signal is determined by two factors -

From the book Guide to the magazine "Radio" 1981-2009 author Tereshchenko Dmitry

Measurements Low-frequency function generator Aleksakov G., Gavrilin V. 1981, no. 5, p. 68. Amplitude 0...10 V; frequency 0.1...1100 Hz; waveform triangular, rectangular, sinusoidal. Low-frequency function generator Aleksakov G., Gavrilin V. 1981, No. 6, p. 68.Amplitude 0...10

From the book Best for Health from Bragg to Bolotov. The Big Guide to Modern Wellness the author Mokhovoy Andrey

From the book Autonomous Survival in Extreme Conditions and Autonomous Medicine the author Molodan Igor

1.5. Measurements on the ground Self-made curvimeter. For accurate measurement of small segments, you can make a homemade curvimeter. To do this, a circle with a radius of 16 cm (the distance between

From the book Emergency Survival Textbook the author Molodan Igor

Measurements on the ground Self-made curvimeter. For accurate measurement of small segments, you can make a homemade curvimeter. To do this, a circle with a radius of 16 cm is cut out of a thin but durable material (cardboard, wood, thick leather) (the distance between the tips

In any amateur radio laboratory, a frequency measuring device is simply necessary, which will allow the development, design, production, manufacture, repair, adjustment and tuning of various electronic devices.

Small-sized frequency meter

A diagram of a small-sized frequency meter of medium accuracy class is given, which satisfies most of the needs of a radio amateur, consists of a small number of parts, is designed in the form of a probe, which is very unusual for a frequency meter and convenient.

On the supply voltage of microcircuits DD6-DD10, DD2.

Drawing of a possible version of the printed circuit board of a small-sized Puzyrkov frequency meter.

Portable frequency counter

In any amateur radio laboratory, a device for measuring frequency is simply necessary. What is unusual, the design of this frequency meter provides for the possibility of auditory control of the measured frequency using a piezoelectric emitter, and there is also a service for self-diagnosis of a good condition.

Drawing of a possible version of the printed circuit board of Tokarev's portable frequency meter.

A modified version of the frequency meter, as a result of which it turned into a capacitance meter from 50 pF to 5 μF.


Electronic frequency meters assembled on widely used CMOS microcircuits, with all their advantages (simplicity of circuit design, low power consumption, small weight and size properties), have one significant drawback: a low upper frequency measurement limit (several megahertz), which greatly limits their scope. But for these purposes it is not necessary to acquire a high-frequency device. It is possible to adapt an existing amateur radio frequency meter by first reducing the frequency of the input signal by a certain known number of times, thereby raising the cut-off frequency of the device to 250 MHz. The described device can also be used in conjunction with an oscilloscope for the same purposes.