SMART NONSTOP tariff plan. Description of the SMART Non-Stop tariff plan from MTS

Do not think your life without communication and the Internet? Especially for the active subscribers of MTS has developed a Smart Nonstop tariff with unlimited calls and unlimited Internet. The tariff operates throughout Russia under the same conditions as in the home region. The Smart Nonstop MTS fare provides a subscription fee of 500 rubles per month for Moscow and Moscow region and 350 rubles per month for most regions of the Russian Federation.

As part of this review, we present a detailed description of the SMART NONSTOP tariff, we will tell about its advantages and disadvantages. You will also learn about all hidden conditions characteristic of this tariff plan and will be able to familiarize yourself with the reviews about the SMART Nonstop tariff. The purpose of this article is to get a complete impression of the tariff, and not guided only by the information provided by MTS.

SMART NONSTOP MTS Tariff Description

In its advertising, MTS promises unlimited calls and unlimited Internet within the SMART Nonstop tariff. Of course, you will not cost advertising promises and they will always differ from reality. The Smart Nonstop Tariff MTS really includes unlimited calls, but only to MTS Russia numbers. As for the unlimited Internet, it is also not easy here. The Internet will be unlimited from 01:00 to 07:00, the rest of the time subscribers are available 10 gigabytes per month. The Smart Nonstop rate suggests truly attractive conditions, but without the pitfalls here it did not cost. Let's consider that MTS offers within the framework of this tariff, and after talking about its disadvantages.

The Smart Nonstop tariff from MTS includes:

  • 350 rubles Monthly fee for most regions of Russia and 500 rubles for Moscow and Moscow region;
  • Unlimited Internet at night and 10 GB of the Internet during the day (unlimited from 07:00 to 01:00);
  • Unlimited calls to MTS Russia;
  • 300 minutes on all home regions and MTS of Russia for most regions and 400 minutes for Moscow subscribers and Moscow region;
  • 300 SMS within the home network for most regions and 400 SMS for Moscow and Moscow region.

That's all that the subscriber receives within the SMART Nonstop tariff. Everyone decides, a lot or a little. If, then we can conclude that the Smart Nonstop tariff is not the worst offer from MTS. Frankly, not many tariffs can compile him to compete. Although it all depends on the preferences of the Subscriber. For example, if you are actively using the Internet, it will be more profitable to take advantage of the other tariff plan (or).

It is impossible to say that the minutes of minutes, SMS and the Internet will be absolutely available for all subscribers available within the tariff. If you spend much more than the SMART Nonstop rate includes, in addition to the monthly fee, additional costs will be waiting for you. To avoid extra spending, it is necessary before the transition to the Smart Nonstope tariff MTS to familiarize themselves with the prices for communication services that are not included in the packages.

Cost of communication services at the SMART Nonstop Tariff

Many subscribers make a mistake when without examining properly all the conditions of the tariff without thinking are connected to it. Quite often such people are waiting for disappointment. The fixed subscription fee does not mean that you will not have other expenses. Do not forget about additional cellular services that are not included in the package and are charged separately. For example, you will have to additionally pay for calls, SMS and the Internet over the package. In addition, the package does not include calls to the numbers of other operators outside the home region and SMS to the mobile remaining regions of Russia at home and on rides in Russia. To be subsequently not surprised not to understand the write-offs, we recommend in advance to get acquainted with the rates characteristic by the Smart Nonstop tariff.

Cost of communication services at the SMART Nonstop tariff:

  • Incoming calls at home and on trips in Russia - 0 rubles;
  • Calls to numbers of other operators after 400 minutes within the home region - 2 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to the numbers of other operators outside the home region - 5 rubles per minute;
  • Internet after 10 GB per month from 07:00 to 01:00 with option included
    Additional Internet SMART (one package 1 gigabyte) - 150 rubles;
  • After 400 SMS per month on the mobile home region - 1.50 rubles;
  • SMS on mobile other regions of Russia - 3.80 rubles.
  • Attention
  • Depending on the price region may differ. We used data, topical for subscribers of Moscow and Moscow region. Refine information at prices for your region can be on the official website of MTS.

Unfortunately, until the operators have created a tariff that will be ideal for all subscribers. It is unlikely that such a tariff plan will ever be created, because the interests of the subscriber and the operator do not coincide. For operators in the first place there will always be a profit, which for subscribers means spending. Smart Nonstop Tariff MTS is also not ideal, though, many consider it the best in the SMART tariff line. We are not entitled to solve for you, what fare is better, our goal is to show you a tariff plan as it is in fact, and not what the operator presents it.

To understand what this rate is present, first you need to get acquainted with its detailed description. Detailed information about the SMART Nonstop tariff information can be downloaded on the MTS website or from our resource by clicking on the link below. However, even this document does not displays complete information about the tariff plan. We carefully studied the reviews about the Tariff Smart Nonstop MTS, tested the tariff plan for themselves and revealed a number of shortcomings that share with you as part of this review.

The tariff Smart Nonstop is characteristic of the following flaws:

  1. The SIM card with the SMART Nonstop tariff cannot be used in a modem or router. If you set the SIM card in the modem, the Internet access speed will be limited to a maximum value. You will not even sit on social networks. Given the presence of night unlimited Internet and traffic package in the amount of 10 gigabytes, this restriction for many subscribers is very significant.
  2. Available as part of a tariff plan for calls for calls to other networks (300 minutes for most regions and 400 for Moscow) is consumed not only when calling calls to other operators, but also when communicating with MTS subscribers of other regions. That is, if you often call the MTS numbers beyond the home region, the available package of minutes can quickly end and you will have to pay 5 rubles per minute in the implementation of calls to the numbers of other operators of Russia or 2 rubles per minute, if the called subscriber is located within the home region. By the way, calls to MTS numbers after the package exhaustion remain free.
  3. MTS, like any other cellular operator, loves to be sick. Additional paid services are often connected in the customer's inattention. What kind of services will be connected to say difficult, always in different ways, but you may not be doubted. To avoid such expenses, we recommend immediately after the transition to the tariff check the availability of unnecessary paid services. It is most convenient to do this through the personal account or.
  4. After the exhaustion of Internet traffic available within the SMART Nonstop tariff, MTS will automatically connect additional Internet packages within the option "Additional Internet Smart" option until the main package is updated at the rate. The amount of additional package is 1 gigabyte and costs 150 rubles. Such an operator initiative causes dissatisfaction with many subscribers, which only night unlimited is sufficient. To prevent automatic connection of additional packages in advance, disconnect this feature by calling the operator.
  5. If there is a positive balance on the account and the date of writing off the board is suitable, even if there is a ruble on the account you will go to minus. It is very uncomfortable if for some reason you did not plan to use the tariff for the next month. In this regard, the Smart Nonstop rate eliminates the tariff that provides for a monthly subscription fee.
  6. When in the territory of the Sakhalin region, Norilsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka Territory, Magadan region and Chukotka AO, the speed under the included volume of 2 GB is limited to 128 kbps.

This is not all the shortcomings of the SMART NONSTOP tariff. If you read the SMART Nonstop reviews, you will realize that the tariff plan has many other, less common flaws. This is rather strange, but often disadvantages are individual character, that is, not all subscribers are found, which is relevant for all MTS tariffs. If you have been using the Smart Nonstop tariff for some time and you are known to be disadvantages that were not voiced in the article, share information with other readers in the comments.

How to connect the problem of smart nonstop on MTS

We hope our SMART Nonstop tariff review was quite detailed and you were able to decide, it suits you or not. If the tariff plan fully complies with your needs, you can safely switch to it. There are several ways to connect and we will consider them all, you will also leave to choose the option suitable for you. The fee for changing the tariff plan is not charged if more than 1 month have passed since the previous change of the tariff plan.

Go to the Smart Nonstop tariff can be one of the following ways:

  1. Dial the command on your phone: * 111 * 1027 # ;
  2. Enter the MTS personal account and in the "Tariffs" section, find the SMART Nonstop tariff plan, after which the tariff is pressed by pressing the appropriate button;
  3. The transition to the tariff can be carried out using the My MTS application;
  4. Call MTS Help Center by 0890
    And ask to connect the Smart Nonstop tariff;
  5. You can visit the nearest MTS salon and buy a tariff.

How to disable Smart Nonstop rate on MTS

Quite often, it is the ideal at first glance after some time turns out to be disgusting. If some time after the transition to the Smart Nonstop tariff, you understood that it does not suit you, you can turn it off. In principle, there is no need to disable the tariff yourself. Disconnection will automatically immediately after switching to a new tariff plan. If you have a desire to disable the Smart Nonstop rate, then you have already found him an alternative. Connect the new tariff and the old will turn off. If such an option for some incomprehensible reason does not suit you, you can try to independently disable MTS Smart Nonstop tariff.

If your current tariff at MTS mobile operator does not suit you, and you have chosen a new package called "Smart Nonstop", then for you there are three ways to go to this tariff: using the MTS application, on the official website of the operator and USSD teams. Going to Him, you will receive four hundred unlimited minutes per month, Internet traffic package 10 GB, as well as four hundred SMS messages to the home area. Look at all options in this article and select the best.

Connect Smart Non Stop using the MTS application

  • Download on your mobile phone or tablet Free application from MTS using Play Market. Go to the app or widget of the desktop.
  • On the main page you will see your balance on packages and accounts, as well as personal information. In the Left menu, find the "Tariffs" string. Click on it once.

  • In the "All" tab, select the subsection "for smartphone and tablet" and click on it.

  • In the drop-down menu you will see all the tariff plans that are suitable for use on the phone and tablet. It is here that you will find the desired option.

  • Scroll down the menu until you see the "Smart Nonstop" string, press it once.

  • To familiarize yourself with the packages of this particular tariff in your home area, click on small gray triangles near rows with information at the rate. So, if you click on the triangle near the words "Mobile Internet", then you will see the number of traffic issued to you for a month.

  • If all the options for this tariff are satisfied, raise back up the page.

  • The red button from the top "Go to this tariff" will allow you to change the tariff plan in one click. Please note that the fee for this tariff plan is a monthly payment. That is, from your account immediately spikes five hundred rubles and no more than a penny. The price of the SMART Nonstop tariff plan also depends on the region of your stay.
  • If this method is not suitable for any reason, try using the second step for an example of a tariff change using a browser.

How to connect the tariff Smart Non Stop through your personal account MTS

This method will allow you to change the tariff plan through the computer's browser, please note that mobile at hand with your SIM card will still need, since entering your personal account without it will not work.

  • Open the browser and go to the MTS Personal Cabinet view: Enter your mobile number in the top field and click on the "Get SMS Password" link.

  • Click "Log in" and enter the captcha to check the spam.

  • Immediately on your phone will come a message with a password for the entrance.

  • Entering the received password in the second field, you will find yourself on the main page of your personal Cabinet MTS.
  • Among the many clouds with information on your number, find a small with the words "current tariff". There will be a blue link with the phrase "Change tariff", click on it.

  • You will have many tariffs that are available to you for switching. In the "Other" section you will see the line "Smart Nonstop". By clicking on it, you will go to the confirmation page of your action.
  • After that, you will write up a monthly fee for using the Smart Non Stop tariff, and you can use your number.

Connecting the Tarif Smart Non Stop on MTS using USSD commands

  • The fastest way is the simplest. Take your mobile phone or tablet with sim card, enter the number * 111 * 1027 # call key.

  • The application will be processed within a few minutes, and your tariff plan will also quickly change.
  • If none of the above methods approached you, then try to call the MTS operator or contact the interlocking salon nearby. Consultants of the company will help you and carry out the transfer of the tariff.
  • You can find out the nearest shops on the link: Do not forget to choose your own region in the header of the site.

The "My Online" rate from the tele2 is the average price segment in the ruler proposed by the operator. Suitable users to communicate by phone inside the home region without restrictions. And also for calls to numbers of other operators, with restrictions on minutes. The Internet Package is designed to view video, surfing, listening to music and communication in messengers, traffic is enough for any of yours [...]

The tariff "My conversation" from tele2 is a budget option from the entire ruler offered by the operator. Suitable to users who prefer to communicate by telephone within the home region network without restrictions. It is also possible to call the numbers of other operators, in this case the minutes are limited. The Internet package is not designed to view movies and video. Traffic is enough to communicate in messengers and checks [...]

Tele2 company subscribers choose the "My Tel2" tariff due to the possibility without restrictions to communicate within the network and in various messengers. The tariff plan includes a package of the Internet, which is enough to check the post office and reading news. After the connection of the tariff "My Tale2" will examine its characteristics in detail, the cost of calls, SMS and other services included in the course of the subscriber is paid. You can [...]

Service for convenience to customers has developed a personal account. This feature that allows subscribers to manage services remotely in real time. Remote service is a noticeable time savings, as well as easy-to-control space for making independent decisions. Contents1 Personal Cabinet Possibilities2 Registration in the Personal Account at the Contract number3 Instructions for entering the personal account by [...]

As a rule, most of the new tariff plans always fall on the soul of mobile subscribers. New tariffs are almost always offering customers to get more favorable service conditions, a smaller subscription fee and other privileges. That is why many subscribers seek to track the news of cellular operators in order not to miss important news about the appearance of a profitable supply or a new tariff plan.
Here, the company MTS recently pleased its subscribers with good news, namely the appearance of the prospective tariff "Smart Nonstop", which now expanded the line of popular tariff plans from the MTS operator. With great advantages over other similar plans, a large amount of traffic included in the traffic charge and packages and SMS, the tariff may become a hit among subscribers across the country and to connect it at first will want many, and this can be done in one of the following ways:

1. The easiest way to go to the "Smart Nonstop" tariff is a combination or a USSD command that looks like * 111 * 1027 #. We type it on your mobile device, click on the send call button and expect notifications about connecting the new tariff plan from MTS.
2. The second no less convenient option is the activation of the tariff plan through the personal account on the operator's website. Come on the official website, find a personal account there, if you need to register and log in to the system with your login and password. In the section of the tariff plans you choose a new "smart nonstop" and activate it.
3. A similar previous one can be considered the method using the MTS Service application. If this application has already installed on your mobile device, a smartphone or tablet, then entering it into your personal account you can also change your current tariff for a new one.
4. You can connect the "Smart Nonstop" using the telecom operator by calling from your phone to the free number 8-800-250-0890, or from cellular MTS to a short number 0890. Explain the essence of your contact with a company specialist and you will definitely help change the tariff. .
5. In case you do not understand anything at all, how to gain, where to call and it is difficult for you to produce one of the above operations, we recommend that you ask for advice to the nearest MTS Salon, where you will definitely help in solving your question.
Thus, we found out all the ways to change the current MTS subscriber tariff plan to the new Smart Nonstope and hope that this issue now does not put you in a dead end. Good and good and new meetings.

The line of current tariff plans from modern cellular operators is systematically updated, and old proposals go to the archive, so it is very important to be aware of all the most favorable and comfortable packages available to use subscribers.

And today we want to offer you a detailed description of the "Smart Nonstop" tariff from MTS, topical to connect.

The main characteristics of the MTS "Smart Nonstop" tariff package

Smart Nonstop is an ideal solution for most MTS subscribers who want to make a subscription fee of one-time, and have maximum services and benefits for this amount.

Users of this package must make a fee in a timely manner in a monthly mode, its size is only 500 rubles, for which such packages of services will be provided:

  • Absolutely unlimited access to the World Wide Web at night;
  • 10 GB Internet for daytime use during the month;
  • Calls around the country on MTS numbers: free of charge;
  • Calls to all phones in the Connection Region: 400 minutes;
  • Text messages within the home region: 400 pieces;
  • The action of the tariff plan: throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

Note that this description of the tariff from MTS called "Smart Nonstop" is valid for subscribers from the city of Moscow, and for customers from other regions of Russia conditions may differ slightly.

Tariffs for calls on the "Smart Nonstop" tariff from MTS

If you in more detail to delve into aspects of telephone calls within the "Smart Nonstop" tariff plan, it is necessary to note the following conditions:

  • All incoming calls both in the home region and when traveling around the country: for free;
  • Calls to MTS numbers in excess 400 minutes per month across the country: free of charge;
  • Calls to the rooms of the rest of the operators in the extent of the quota provided 400 minutes: 2 rubles per minute.

Mobile Internet and Messages

As for the details of the use of the mobile Internet, the way we have already noted above, at night, MTS subscribers using the Smart Nonstop tariff is offered for unlimited access. Under the "night time" is meant the operator from 01:00 to 07:00.

If a daytime quota in 10 gigabytes of Internet traffic will be used during the monthly month, the "Additional Internet Smart" service will automatically be connected to it, within which 1 more gigabyte traffic for 150 rubles will be provided.

Subject to the exhaustion of the entire available SMS package (400 pieces), the subsequent sending of the mission will be charged by 1.50 rubles. For each SMS.

Tariff "Smart Nonstop" city from MTS

It is impossible to lose sight of the fact that the tariff plan under consideration is also offered by MTS subscribers for use not only in the federal version, but also in urban. When connecting such a proposal, subscribers are offered to highlight an urban number. All the terms of use of the sentence remain unchanged with the exception of the subscription fee - for the urban variation of the package it is 1000 rubles per month.

How to connect "Smart Nonstop" from MTS

Are you interested in the tariff "Smart Nonstop"? In this case, you can connect it by purchasing a starting package in the MTS specialty stores for 520 rubles. In addition, the current subscribers of MTS have the opportunity to switch to this tariff plan for free. To do this, use any of the available ways to choose from:

  • Initiate a change in the tariff plan in My MTS personal account on the official operator's website;
  • Enter the USSD request on your mobile phone * 111 * 1027 #.