How much will they pay for 1000 views on YouTube. Earnings on YouTube for watching

Last updated: & NBSP 12/29/2019

Reading time: 20 min. | Views: 27706.

Hello, dear readers of the Website Internet magazine. Today we will tell how to make money on YouTube and how much money is earned by popular jutupers, As well as other points regarding the earnings of famous and beginner bloggers.

YouTube. - This is a special service containing a huge number of videos of different topics, which was created in 2005 year in the United States.

The word "YouTube" is an English expression that means both "television production" or simply as "Your Production Video Content". By the way, this name for the site is quite explained, because everyone who visits this hosting can perfectly is free look, leave comments videos evaluate video various users and what is important download and share your videos.

Since the topic of earnings on video hosting becomes relevant, we decided to write interesting and useful information for most readers of the site site.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • For which the channel is created on video hosting and what is the essence of Youtube's earnings;
  • How to make money on your video on YouTube (YouTube) from scratch;
  • How much yatub pays for views and how much pay for 1000 views on YouTube beginners;
  • 10 most popular channels that earn in YouTube.

On how to make money on YouTube from scratch, what is the earnings on YouTube - read in the article where real examples of video brochor income are also described

1. The purpose of creating your channel on YouTube 🎦

Each person, navigating his own channel, is about it, for which he does it.

Practically All new owners of channels, drives inspiration which they got, looking at the success of popular video bloggers and desire to express themselves, creating your videos. This is a very common and interesting goal.

Subsequently such a hobby like video brochloging It may turn into something more and, for example, bring popularity and the army of fans. Although, you need to admit that you really remember and find fame in Youtube community will now be not easy.

Incredible, but every month on YouTube is registered approximately billion videos . It is clear that to stand out among other video techniques, you need to create something creative and unlike the other videos.

Some channels created exclusively for advertising its goods and services offered.

There are also people who create their own channel on YouTube, only to subscribe to the following channels of other people, follow their new video, and also comment on them.

The fourth attractive goal for creating a channel is the opportunity to make money. Many users will captivate the idea to work without leaving the house and the site of YouTube, they consider a suitable place to enrich.

Indeed, youtube you can rescue a certain amount for posting your unique content, however, for this you need to have some knowledge and minimal equipment for shooting.

In addition to the technical component, it will be necessary to be able to concisely expressly expressly, behave in front of the camera and be able to mount the video.

About the last paragraph and will be speech. Why many registered users create their own channel on YouTube and download their video there?

The fact is that any person who has his own channel on YouTube has the ability monetize your videos, in other words, receive money from the site for watching. And most importantly, it is very simple and interesting to start working on video hosting.

In fact, video broching is a hobby, which can be done well. In this way, the earnings use quite a large number of people.

For some, income from YouTube is a pleasant bonus, for others - earnings, allowing you to not get a job. In any case, you can try to express yourself in this area and get a new, valuable experience.

But you should not be limited to one dreams of earnings on YouTube. It is necessary to gain inspiration, determination and start acting. After all, in order to embody their ideas about the income on this popular video hosting into reality and fully reveal its creative potential, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to do it.

Without a technical component, it will not be possible to record videos, and without useful tips and accessible explanations - to navigate and create your own channel.

Just for this, this article contains all the necessary detailed information to help people who want to make money on YouTube without leaving home.

How to start earning YouTube from scratch - Step-by-step instructions for Earn Youtube

2. How to make money on YouTube from scratch - step-by-step instructions for earnings 🎬

As mentioned earlier, a person who wants to create his own channel, there are many different goals that he pursues.

The main goals are: selfism, advertise your services, the ability to "follow" for the activities of other bloggers and, of course, the desire to make money for watching. Just about the last point and will be discussed. In most cases, a novice blogger does not know where he needs to start. Below will be in detail and on the shelves are decomposed all the information of interest. By the way, about, as well as what blog formats are, you can find out the article on the link.

So, when the goal of creating a channel is clear, that is, the future video car wants to monetize his rollers, you need to disassemble the main components in order, which guaranteed Will help make money on their videos:

  1. search for creative ideas;
  2. directly shooting an interesting video;
  3. buying advertising from enough experienced users with a large audience;
  4. become a party to the affiliate program YouTube (subject to all necessary conditions);
  5. removing new videos, attracting subscribers due to improving content.

First of all, you need to find an idea and theme for future videos, and it is also worth thinking about how to draw rollers in what style.

It is very important here to catch major trends YouTube: Choose what will be popular, but what few people took off. This is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. Plus, Youtube's experienced users with a large number of viewers confirm that the visual component of video and preview is of great importance.

To facilitate the task of novice, submit ideas and inspire, can be said that the main directions for shooting video may be:

  • copyrights;
  • exciting shows;
  • sobs about their lives;
  • reviews and UnBoxing;
  • lettering and much more.

The more interesting the selected direction will be, the greater the likelihood that people look at the roller and sign on the canal. As mentioned earlier, decide on winning themes for shooting video, it is very difficult.

It is worth recalling that the main paramount task is the choice of such a video clogging niche, which attracts the audience with their inflammatory filling, but at the same time relative to Nova and free.

But even after determining the actual formats on YouTube, there are several mandatory rules, without which the channel is unlikely to flourish.

Only subject to regular shooting of new video of an interesting topics on its channel, it is possible to achieve popularity and a large number of signatory people.

1. Register on YouTube or how to create a channel on YouTube?

Before you start shooting videos, some formalities must be observed.

So, first you need to start registration of your channel on YouTube. Creation Channel will not take much time.

To do this, go to the main page of the site, further find the button " to come in", Click on it and consistently performing all instructions, create your account . Just a few clicks.

Instructions How to create a channel on YouTube

After that, you can go directly to the creation of the channel by clicking on the inscription " my channel"And filling out all the necessary fields with personal information. Each step is understandable, so after a few minutes the channel will be created.

It is worth noting one very convenient and useful detail: in special options it is possible to change some details, thereby configuring the channel for your convenience. After any changes, you need to click on the "Save" button.

Monetization Video YouTube, Video Manager, Settings

Also people who wish earn on YouTubeThe section "Video Manager" is very useful. Here you can find all information about left comments, likes, as well as here, even after downloading, you can edit His description.

On YouTube there are a huge number of bloggers that lead vlogi., blogs, show, remove letply, shows and much more.

Every video maker, even if beginning , I must know that the viewer opens his attention on his channel from all variety. in different ways to attract the audience.

There are many ways and ideas how to highlight your channel among the others. One of these ways is original design " happersΒ» . Here you can try and experiment. At the top of the channel, you can give the will imagination and creativity, to show yourself as a creative person and what is important, to designate the common orientation and style of coming video.

Brightand unusual The design will accurately attract the attention of the casual guests of the channel and may motivate them to subscribe.

2. What to shoot a video?

When all the formalities are met, the account and the channel on YouTube is created and the idea is found, you can begin to implement it, that is, to shoot a video.

Many newcomers in the field of video broching are asked: " what is better to shoot your first video?Β».

It is believed that the first video can be removed on the phone with a good chamber. If the shooting is done in one place, it would be nice to buy an inexpensive tripod and to make the phone on it. So, the image will not tremble, and watch the video will be much more pleasant.

A small advice from popular bloggers: Even if there is a financial opportunity to buy professional equipment for high-quality shooting of your projects, it is still recommended to start with a small one.

There is always the likelihood that the shooting of videos will get bored, it will be too complicated or just not like. At a later stage, you can think about acquiring an inexpensive Gopro camera.

3. Where to shoot rollers?

As for the place of shooting, the video can be recorded as on the street, so I. in room. Before shooting video in the room, you need to take care in advance that in the background there is order and it will be necessary to add any decorations.

It is enough to watch the video of popular bloggers with a large audience to see how they decorate the background. With this item, the main thing is not to overdo it. We must try not to overdo it with decorations so that the viewer's attention is directed, first of all, on what is said in the video.

Plus, that the video was pleased to watch, you need to choose the most illuminated place in the room, because, as mentioned earlier, very much depends on the video quality. Potential subscribers will be more pleasant to watch the video, where every trifle is thought out and everything looks aesthetic.

At a later stage, you can purchase special lighting or sofitawho are good because they give directional light Where it is needed.

If video recording is conducted outdoors, it is worth using some tips to help improve video quality.

Each blogger, respecting his subscribers, tries to shoot rollers in as good as possible, because often subscribers attracts the professionalism of the shooting and aesthetic component.

So, here are some tips to help when shooting video to your channel.

FirstlyBest of all, if the shooting of the video will be conducted with sunny weather and there will be no precipitation on the street. However, on a sunny day, you should not remove so that the sun shines in the eye and forced to pushed. It is better to shoot video in the shade, but so that it is not too dark.

SecondlyIt is desirable that the video will not have a windy on the day of recording. On many channels of bloggers, you can meet the video that were recorded in windy weather. At the same time, the sound quality leaves much to be desired, since the wind creates an additional noise, and the audience is difficult to understand what the saying.

AND, thirdYou need to decide on the shooting point. The ideal option will be the place where you can record a video on a picturesque background. To do this, you must try to find a beautiful place away from urban noise and people. Passersby can distract the novice blogger, embarrassing and video will not be so sincere as planned.

It is especially important that when shooting the very first video for your channel, nothing distracted from this exciting, but difficult process.

4. Sound video

In addition, you do not need to lose the type of such an important component of the shooting, as the sound with which video recording is being recorded. Of course, for a beginner in the field of video broching, a phone is suitable, with a high-quality sound entry.

Once a hundred or several hundred subscribers is checked on the channel, you can consider the purchase option inexpensive perekkkifixing on clothes. It repelly improves the sound, so the audience will be more pleasant to watch the released video and more people will begin to subscribe to the channel, and, therefore, the number of views will increase.

The cost of the above-described petrolery microphones has been established at the level 200 -300 rubles. Petakers at such prices for pocket to everyone, so for newbies YouTube, they are perfect.

4 ways to promote the channel on YouTube (YouTube)

3. Promotion of your channel on YouTube - 4 simple ways πŸ“‘

It is absolutely natural that every person who starts the Internet user who wants to make money on Youtube, wishes as soon as possible. achieve popularity and attract a large number of viewers on your channel.

The more subscribers on the channel, the greater the likelihood that the video blogger will be regularly visible. On the number of views directly depends on earnings.

In order to get a big audience in a short time, you need to know what free ways to promote your channel.

To help the novice blogger, it is worth leading these ways:

  1. use annotations;
  2. ask to subscribe to the channel;
  3. advertising through other channels;
  4. commenting video of famous bloggers.

Information about all these items is very important for the one who plans is really serious and consciously begin to fill their channel content. After all, the biggest ways the blogger will own, the higher it will be its earnings and the more numerous "army" of fans (subscribers).

Now, in order to clarify how one or another method is valid in the YouTube community, you need to explain a little more details about each item.

Method of promotion β„–1 - Use annotations

Every video is attached to abstract. It is under the roller himself. Here you can specify a brief description of the video, leave a call to subscribe to the channel, and here it is useful to leave references to previous rollers.

There is a chance that after viewing one video, the viewer will want to see the past, and as it is known than more views on the channel, the more you can earn. So this point better not neglected.

Method of promotion number 2. - Please subscribe to the channel

The second point on the way to attracting new spectators to the channel - in the video itself, ask them to subscribe to it. This can be said simply by direct text, and it is possible and unusual.

If you show creative and imagination, you can make it interesting that even more will increase the chances of subscription.

Way of promotion number 3. - Advertising through the channels of other bloggers

The third advice that gives experienced bloggers with a large audience, to cooperate with other Youtube figures. Before you take your video, you can invite interesting bloggers on the channel.

Joint video shooting with more popular bloggers will help draw the attention of their viewers and on your channel.

Way of promotion number 4. - commenting on video famous bloggers

The fourth way is not so effective as previous three, but nevertheless, beginners who wish to unwind their channel for free, it is also necessary to know about it. It is to comment on videos of popular bloggers.

Often interesting comments, attract the attention of other YouTube users, collect a lot of likes and climb into the top. They can get to the man's channel, who left a comment, clinging to his nickname.

In the event that the channel content is pleased to users, in the future, they will be able to subscribe to it and watch new videos. It must be remembered In the field of video broching, each view and every viewer is important.

7 ways to make money on YouTube

4. 7 ways to attract subscribers and earn on YouTube more πŸ“‹

Of course, every owner of his own channel, who wishes to achieve his prosperity, is looking for different ways to achieve this faster. Exist paid and free Methods.

Novice in the field of video clutching, you can advise you to choose free methodsSince they do not require costs.

For the convenience of interested earnings on YouTube, several basic ways will be described below.They will help you in enough short time to attract the audience and start earn On Youtube, without leaving home.

So, these are 7 ideas that will allow you to earn more:

  1. take into account the interests of the audience;
  2. "it is betterless, yes better ";
  3. compliance with the name of the roller content;
  4. regular roller exit;
  5. responsible approach to video blockging;
  6. monetization of the channel;
  7. partnerships and receiving money from advertising.

Method number 1 - take into account the interests of the audience

Before determined with the theme of the videos produced, it is necessary to take into account the main trends on the Youtube site (trends). After that, it is necessary to choose the most profitable direction of video clogging.

Note by video monitor: Today, those destinations are considered business, medicine, building and earnings. Bloggers have great popularity.

These topics are profitable for two reasons.

First : A few people fill their channels with rollers of such a content.

Second: The most expensive advertising is advertising just medications, sites where you can earn, and so on.

Method number 2 - "Better less, yes better"

The novice video blogger first it is necessary to understand that YouTube users have a huge selection of channels of various subjects, and they will not protrude their attention on where the video is written to skish.

It is worth making a choice in favor qualityvideos, A. not them number . Spectators will always prefer interesting videos in which the soul was invested, others who were removed " hastily" No need to be lazy to add various effects, suitable music, signatures, and correctly prescribe the script. Fortunately, bloggers now have a large number of programs for editing and editing rollers.

Each video camera, respecting its subscribers and potential spectators, has prepared a structured scenario in advance entry, the main part and S. ending.

By the way, at the end of the video, you can originally reminded looking, subscribe to the channel to keep track of the subsequent rollers.

Method number 3 - matching the title of the roller

If you look at the rollers of the famous Youtube figures, you can see that the video title exactly corresponds to its content. To find video with definite content, users enter key words in search string YouTube.

Among the proposed video, they choose the most interesting and browsing it. However, if the name of the video is different from what is demonstrated in the video, the viewer is unlikely to be satisfied, put dizlike and, perhaps, not good comment.

Channel's reputation is very important, so you need to invent the name of the video based on what it is. Thus, people interested in calling will not be disappointed with its content, they will put likes and may be signed on the canal.

Method number 4 - the regularity of the rollers

Yes, lay out the video "Through I don't want" - not an option, because the viewer will see everything and will feel. Many bloggers sin the fact that for a while "throw" their business, do not lay out rollers week or even months. Only should not be surprised at a large number of viewers unsubscribed and a small number of views.

Channel rollers must be released regularly. However, you need to observe golden middle And do not strive to "fill" into the network as many rollers as possible, because it was said earlier, it is better to give preference to the quality of video, and not their number.

Spectators are more likely to sign on the human channel, which always adheres to the video output plan, reports the release of the following than the one where the rollers are produced with different frequency.

Method No. 5 - a responsible approach to video blogging

So, as it became clear from the foregoing, regularly releasing high-quality video, you can find a large number of subscribers in a fairly short time. But the most important thing is that the video will gain more and more views.

As known, profit blogger depends just on the number of views of the clips over a certain period. This figure can be seen under the video. Also, how much person comes to the channel, and look through the rollers, and income from advertising.

Many have heard that Youtube has a phenomenon as " viral video" Such videos due to their needordarity or creativenessFor the shortest possible time, millions of views are gaining, naturally, bringing earnings to the channel on which they were published.

It follows from this that serious work on the rollers and interesting content will bring their fruits in the form of views and earnings.

Method number 6 - channel monetization

When a blogger has several hundred subscribers and shooting a video turned into a real inspirational hobby, you can think about getting an earnings from the channel.

Even if the channel has several rollers with a decent amount of views, then we must not forget about its timely monetization. After all, the video of a person who wants to make money should bring him profit.

What is the newcomer in the field of video broching can earn their first money?

First, YouTube himself offers an advertisement that will go before starting the rollers and bring a "penter". It is not so expensive, but as a pleasant bonus, you can agree to it.

Secondly, in the video themselves, you can mention your services or goods. There is a chance that people will become interesting and thus can attract customers or buyers.

Method number 7 - partnership and receipt of money from advertising

In this paragraph, it will be solely on the financial side of the video broching. In the video hosting YouTube, there are many opportunities for making money in addition to profit from your views. Finally, you need to own knowledge relative to different mechanisms of channel monetization.

For example, in earnings will help:

  1. direct advertising in the rollers;
  2. advertising from YouTube;
  3. partnership programs;
  4. advertising their products or services;
  5. filling your channel in other people's videos;
  6. integration with other social networks.

Little details about each monetization mechanism.

1. Direct advertising in rollers

When watching videos on YouTube, you can see this monetization mechanism. It lies in the fact that in the roller blogger presents various sites, goods or services and, as a rule, leaves the link in the description.

2. Advertise from YouTube

On advertising from the video hosting of YouTube (Google Adsense), you can agree, specifying it in a special menu. This method of earnings is small, but for a novice blogger, you should not neglect any legitimate opportunity to earn, because this one of the main objectives of creating your own channel.

3. Partnership programs

It is with the help of affiliate programs that you can officially become a partner of YouTube community. Do not miss the opportunity to earn and become a partner of different companies that can be trusted.

Favorable partnerships, for example, with private programs, directly affect the number of money earned from each video. Any YouTube can choose direct partnership or partnership through media intermediaries (VSP Group et al.)

4. Advertising its products or services

In fact, it is very convenient and profitable, since the blogger can earn on viewing from video and at the same time attract customers or buyers, and absolutely free.

5. Filling your channel in other people's videos

Surely everyone came across channels with " restress" If not, then here is a small description of how people can earn without releasing their own video.

Channel is created, registration is made, and then filled out, as a rule, entertainment content of various gears or video of other people. However, this method of earnings can easily be questioned by the administration of the Utub of the Community for non-compliance with copyright With further removal Total channel.

6. Integration with other social networks

In contact, on Facebook and other social networks, you can advertise not only your channel on YouTube. In addition, you can motivate people subscribe to various community, channelsShow. It is for the placement of such advertising that money will pay. How to create a group in contact, turn the subscribers to the VC and earn real money, we told in the article.

Thus, knowing the main money, regularly producing high-quality videos and using different ways to monetize your channel on YouTube, you can start earning without leaving the house.

How much can you earn on YouTube from 1000 views read below

5. How much can you earn on YouTube? πŸ’°

Today, the topic of earnings " without leaving home"And, in particular, on such a popular platform, like YouTube is quite discussed. People who have their own channel on YouTube with a large number of subscribers seem to do not deny themselves.

How much do you earn on YouTube?

Therefore, without exception, without exception, newcomers in the video blocking and simply visitors of video hosting are interested in: "How much do you earn on YouTube?". This question is not so easy to respond, since the number of money earned is influenced by many factors. Just about this and how much you can earn on YouTube and will be discussed below.

What makes up the total earnings of the blogger from his video? As you know, video cameras often advertise various goods and services and for this they receive a certain percentage. Each of us saw contextual advertising.

Sometimes before watching a video on YouTube, advertising from the site itself and the video will not begin until the advertisement is over. This advertisement is called context and the owner of the channel receives a profit, depending on how many views is typing his video.

So how many bloggers from their video can receive?

Youtube's Russian figures are awarded the curtain of secrets and share with their viewers so interested in their information. Of course, all the figures are relative, as the exact income per month cannot even foresee the bloggers themselves.

On average, from their rollers per month in popular Russian bloggers come out 50-100 thousand rubles income. This figure really motivates newbies to develop its channel and fill it with interesting content.

What affects earnings?

As mentioned earlier, even regularly releaseing videos, gaining a large number of views, it is impossible to accurately predict your income for a certain period of time. The fact is that the income of Utuber is influenced by some factors that will be discussed below.

To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with all the list of factors data:

  1. the content of the roller;
  2. the number of rollers on the channel;
  3. skillful introduction of advertising;
  4. collaboration with other bloggers;
  5. in what language video is removed;
  6. partnership programs.

Now you can go to a more detailed description of each factor affecting the profit as a novice in the field of video blocking and popular bloggers.

Also if the rollers are present commercial advertising In any form, it is paid in large sizes and brings a larger amount of money blogger.

2. The number of rollers on the channel

The basic earnings of the video brochor makes up from the number of views of its video for a certain time interval. It follows from this that the more video on the channel at the blogger, the greater the number of views in the aggregate it can collect during this time.

However, one should not chase at the number of rollers. If you need to lay out the roller, then it is better to work a little over it, and then "pour" to the network.

3. Skillful advertising implementation

These applies to them eg, advertising of other channels or the offer of your goods and services. If you need to subscribe to advertising from YouTube, you can specify your consent to it in a special menu. Of course, such a way to earn advertising from YouTube is small, but for a novice blogger, you should not close your eyes any opportunity to make money.

After all, this one of the main objectives of creating your own channel. Usually, advertising either appears before the jull roller, or is served in the video itself with reference to the advertised thing in the description.

4. Collaboration with other bloggers

No need to neglect the possibility to cooperate with other Youtube figures. Changing video with other bloggers can help attract their viewers on your channel and, as a result, will increase the amount of views and earns money. Plus, cooperation with other people in the video causes greater interest.

5. In which language video is removed

Many know that in the English-speaking youtube segment there is more potential spectators and any advertising is expensive there. Therefore, shooting video at the international, english languageThe total influx of subscribers and the development of the channel as a whole is accelerated.

6. Partnership programs

Do not stop your attention only on YouTube's partner programs. After all, profitable partnerships, for example, with private programs, directly affect the number of money earned from each video.

It is for this reason that you need to not lose the opportunity to earn, becoming a partner of various companies that can be trusted. Any YouTube can choose direct partnership or partnership through media intermediaries, but about what it is, it will be a little later.

Which video can be removed for YouTube - a list of examples, which videos to shoot for YouTube

6. 5 best ideas: how to make money on YouTube πŸ’‘

The fact is that any person who has his own channel on YouTube has the ability to monetize his videos, in other words, receive money from the site for watching.

There are several ideas for the successful development of your own channel on YouTube. The fact is that a lot of them depends on the thematic content of videos: on the number of viewers to the cost of advertising on the channel.

Therefore, experienced video sequers advise to listen to the main trends of today's YouTube. This will allow to receive as much recognition of fans, views and, as a result, money.

So, what videos can be removed for YouTube, in what directions it is worth moving a novice blogger?

List of ideas for video on YouTube:

Idea 1. Content about travel

Perhaps the very interesting and profitable Rollers are proized. Everyone is interesting to observe travel: be it tV Broadcast, or canal famous blogger.

By the way, video bloggers that fill their channel content about travel, they earn quite decent amounts.

Why are these high-pay videos? The secret of the success of video travel is that travelers bloggers can earn money with advertising planes tickets or on trains Those companies that offer to mention their services in video.

Plus, not all people have the opportunity to travel in different corners of the planet and touch the culture of other countries. But to observe the life of a blogger, can all without exception and with great interest.

Idea 2. UnBoxing + equipment review

A really very profitable idea that has become popular more than recently. Today there is a huge number of technological innovations. Again, on such rollers you can earn good.

This is easily explained, because each person is committed before making an expensive purchase, it will certainly make sure that the choice of choice. On video, you can see very detailed to see with your own eyes whether it is worth buying a technique or not, without spending not a penny and without leaving home.

Unboxing and equipment reviews seem to always be popular and in demand.

Idea 3. Beauty Blogs

Beauty Blog (from English - Blog about Beauty) This is another profitable niche for video clogging. In the overwhelming majority of cases, they are carrying girls, girls and women. However, with a rare exception, you can find men's blogs like this type.

In order to keep their beauty blog, you need to have a small arsenal of cosmetics, to be able to correctly and most importantly make Make-up, as well as share with your audience with small secrets and tricks of perfect makeup.

Idea 4. Future video blog and young mom

The name fully reveals the content of such videos. In such video, future mothers tell about how pregnancy should proceed, as needed to eat and care for themselves. And after childbirth, young mothers-bloggers share their useful ffeeding tips and toddler care.

As the baby grows and develops, more and more new topics for discussion and video recording appear.

Therefore, we can say that ideas for rollers will always be found. Such a blog is very useful for women who are preparing to become mother and psychologically also helps them very much. And for blogger - This is another opportunity to earn, advertising hygiene and food products for kids.

Idea 5. Rollers-reviews programs

Why not record the video where it will tell about how to set various programs to a computer? Especially since the channel with such rollers will surely acquire a large audience and will be very popular among the audience.

Plus, you are not so many real professionals in this area, and therefore this niche is relatively free.

All that will require is a little time, a good microphone and, undoubtedly, the ability to intelligibly explain to beginners and clearly disassemble even the most difficult things.

These include the main ideas for the successful promotion of your channel and earnings on it.

Newbies in the video broching environment can carefully examine them and, perhaps, find themselves a highly paid idea for video, in accordance with their hobbies. It remains to add only that with inspiration and painstaking work You can achieve truly impressive results.

7. How much does Youtube pay for watching videos? πŸ“ˆ

In our time of information technology, many people find different ways to earn money, including without leaving home. On the most popular video hosting - YouTube, you can find an endless amount of video on any request for different genres and categories.

YouTube is constantly updated with new video, especially actively recently. Every day is registered approximately 1 million videos. By creating your channel and downloading your own video on it, almost every user wants to become famous and a little earn.

In this regard, newcomers in the field of video broching arises an interesting question: how much Youtube pays for views?

Of course, the earnings on YouTube depends on many factors. Of the mains, you can allocate: roller content and number of views Under this video. However, if we talk about the so-called " viral video"The content in them will usually be no matter.

YouTube's video hosting is ideal for both the realization of its creative potential and good earnings and advertising promotion.

8. How much do you pay for 1000 views on YouTube?

For a thousand views blogger on average can earn from 2 to 5 $(English audience). If the roller is focused on a Russian-speaking audience, then 1000 views YouTube on average pays 1,5 $ .

A real example of a live video channel on YouTube. Themes - Finance, Money, Business

However, in this case, much depends on the content, the language of the roller, the coverage of the audience, etc.

As a rule, it is not very much on entertainment content. But, for example, on a channel that illuminates the topic business, medicine or finance, you can get rather big money.

But if several thousand people signed on the video brochor channel and they regularly browse new videos, then, if you count, a blogger can help a good amount.

It turns out that it is not quite so.

The fact is that impossible To accurately calculate the amount of alleged earnings, as in the same number of views in different months you can get different profits.

9. Affiliate program YouTube πŸ’Έ

In order to earn money on this popular video hosting, you need to comply with some rules.

First, be a registered user on YouTube, secondly, have your own channel with videos and the most important thing - Be able to monetize your videos. Just for the monetization of the rollers, you need to join the partner program of hosting.

It is necessary to understand that the conclusion of partnership with Youtube brings not only pleasant bonuses in the form of regular earnings, but also imposes certain responsibility on the Channel Creator.

Below you can find out all the details regarding partnership with YouTube.

Youtube rules

For any video cameer who has a channel that issues video and entering the partnership of YouTube, there are some rules that just necessary. All these community rules are directly related to content, that is, the content of the commercial rollers.

So, the video blogger should not be filled with frank sexual contentnot producing material capable relociate an interethnic hostility, demonstrate the scenes of violence And what's even worse call to repeat themis also not allowed express insult addressed to people in order to motivate to repristen video should not violate copyright and keep threats.

For non-compliance with the data of the video cell rules is responsible.

In case of violation of the rules

What responsibility can a person incur, trying to circumvent these simple rules are the same for the whole community of YouTube?

In case of violation of the rules, YouTube has the right and even should stop working with this blogger, remove its channel or simply limit in rights.

The best solution for the video camera that signed an affiliate agreement with YouTube will be impeccable fulfilling all the requirements in order to avoid unpleasant situations. Utuber's reputation - This is actually the face of his canal. That is why every person in the video hosting community carefully selects acceptable content for its rollers.

10. How to become a friend of YouTube? πŸ’»

Now that the main mandatory rules of YouTube are voiced, you can go directly to the beginning of the partnership with YouTube. How to do it? It will take quite a bit of time.

First you need to go to your account, select "Settings", and then "Monetization". After that, it will be necessary to apply for consideration.

There is a small trick that video brokers are divided: if you specify other countries in advance in the settings, for example, the United States, then the need for applying will disappear. Earnings will come the same as if you specify Russia and no one will check the accuracy of this information.

Pros from cooperation

In addition to basic advantages - the ability to make money from the affiliate program, there is another weighty plus. The fact is that the YouTube community itself will subsequently offer the content of its official blogger partner to its audience, and absolutely free.

What is a direct partnership?

Now it is worth touched upon the question of choosing a partnership. Exists two methods Conclusions of the partner deal with YouTube.

The first is a direct partnership, the second - through media media. To begin with, it is necessary to disassemble what is a direct partnership and what is its basic principles. This method of cooperation does not depend on third-party agencies and companies.

Indelible dignity - Getting the entire amount from profits without giving the percentage of media network. Accordingly, entering into a contract through intermediaries, it will have to give them some of their profits from views of videos.

Is it worth working through media intermediaries?

In some cases, it makes sense to make an affiliate relationship with YouTube through intermediaries. As mentioned earlier, mediates will need to give some percentage of their earnings, but sometimes it is not essential.

Preference to partnership through intermediaries is worth paying those bloggers that fill the channel not by their video. Such a channel is created, it is beautifully decorated, and then fill, as a rule, entertainment content of various gears or video of other people.

However, it is worth be careful, because you can get caught not to comply with copyright, and this is one of the basic rules of YouTube community, as mentioned earlier. Until then, you can work through intermediaries and monetize each "own" video.

11. How much users they earn - the top 10 most popular video channels in Youtube Russia πŸ“Š

Many Russian beginners in the field of video broching inspire examples of the most successful video techniques in the YouTube community in the Russian segment.

In most cases, cumiers and examples for imitation serve channels of bloggers who are included in TOP 10 first popular video channels. They collect a huge audience of subscribers and spectators, and their creators - get big income from views.

What exactly " crestedΒ»Ten of the first bloggers their target audience? Let us give below the statistics of YouTube channels, where the description of each channel will be given and exemplary figures are given.

1st place - EEONEGUY

Eeoneguy. or Ivan Ruda To date, the most popular Russian video blogger. The guy is only 19 years old, but he has already achieved a lot and on the expanses of YouTube are unlikely to eat those who have not seen a single video.

At the very beginning, when the EeNeeguy canal was only created, Ivan poured the passage of various video with the most primitive camera and a recording device.

Later, the sobs with everyday life, Challenge and many other funny videos were added to them. Then the quality of the video has improved. Eeoneguy independently mounts rollers, adds bright effects, as it was interested in this even at school.

Now on the channel Ivan Rudsky there are approximately 7.5 million people, and its income since the entire existence of the channel is 533 - 667 thousand dollars.

2nd place - AdamThomasmoran

The second place is held by the Maxima Holopolosov channel, which produces a popular transfer +100500 . In each issue, Maxim shows first, and then comments on funny videos, while being in front of the camera and thus contacting the viewer.

In the transfer there is a place for jokes below the belt and abnormative vocabulary. Some releases of the Maxim show were broadcast on TV, naturally, undergoing censorship, so almost every person at least once saw or heard about this transmission.

The +100500 project gathered an incredibly large audience. To date, the number of subscribers of the Canal AdamThomasmoran has reached a mark in 7 million 340 thousand people. In the entire history of the existence of the channel, it was earned approximately 457 - 572 thousand dollars.

3 place - Get Movies

This is a channel on YouTube, where you can find the releases of your favorite children's cartoons, as well as family films. Excellent analogue of television issues. On the canal Get Movies is now signed 6 million 725 thousand subscribers. From the beginning of the creation of the channel until today, managed to earn order 2.8 - 3.5 million dollars.

4th place - Masha and Bear

The channel with a popular baby cartoon about Masha and the Bear occupies an honorary place. On this channel, the releases of the animated series are published, which are a total of collected an audience in 6 million 182 thousand people.

As for the money earned, the channel Masha and the Bear collected about 2.6 - 3.2 million dollars.

5th place - this is good

Channel This IS is well ranked 5th in popularity in Russian-language YouTube. The format of the transmission of this is is well the same as the transmission +100500. The main difference is the absence of abnormative vocabulary.

This is is well leading Stas Davydovwhich also became very popular thanks to video hosting. According to the latest data, already subscribed to this channel 5 million 450 thousand people.

Since October 2010, this day, this IS has helped its creators to earn about 347 - 434 thousand dollars.

6th place - Frost

In the sixth place in the list of the most popular YouTube of figures in Russia, the position of Yuri Morodille and his Frost Channel is located.

On the channel there are videos of various topics: the famous Lets-Paul Frosta, video from life, blogs and more.

Now the blogger has an audience in 4 909 thousand people and income 637-797 thousand dollars.

7th place - Slivkishow

An interesting channel, which every week produces interesting and most importantly, informative video is the key to Slivkishlow success.

Today, on this channel is signed almost 4.5 million viewers. During its existence, the creators of the channel Slivkishow earned about 172 - 215 thousand dollars.

8th place - Thekateclapp

If you deepen in history, the channel Kati Clap was one of the most first created channels on the expanses of the Russian YouTube. More precisely, the first channel of Kati - Foggydisaster was created in the distance of 2008, but was abandoned. Later, in 2010, Katya got a new channel - Thekateclapp, where it began to upload his videos, which will later acquire the multi-millionth army of fans and fans.

In his rollers, Katya shares his experience with the audience, relieves blogs, motivates to improve and just makes smiling, shooting funny videos.

To date, thekateclapp channel has 4 million 368 thousand subscribers. During the existence of the second channel, Katya CLAP presumably earned 146 - 183 thousand dollars.

9th place - Thebraindit

Channel Channel Oleg Brain today is one of the most popular flyers in the Russian YouTube. Blogger also records the passage of games in collaboration with other charismatic wrappers. (We also recommend reading the article about, where they described how the author of the game channel can earn money)

Thebraindit channel subscribers regularly receive a dose of humor and high-quality video passing of popular games. By the way, the Abraindit channel signed 4 million 139 thousand users. Speaking about the profits of Oleg Brain for the total time, you can call the figure in 412 - 515 thousand dollars.

10th place - MrloloShka (Roman Firenakov)

Closes the top ten of the best bloggers - Roman Fires and his Mrloloshka Channel. On this channel you can find a huge number of reviews on the passage of the popular Minecraft game. His audience is just over 4 million subscribers, and earnings for the entire existence of the channel - 317 - 396 thousand dollars.

So we considered the statistics of YouTube Channels on request β€” TOP 10the most popular video cells in Youtube Russia.

Each of the described bloggers began with a small one, and today they are the most popular and their favorite occupation brings them a good income and recognition of fans.

It depends on how bloggers develop, begin with a small and reach unprecedented heights, unwittingly can be inspired by their example.

See also video - how much do successful jutups earn?

12. What are the pros and cons of youtube? βž•βž–

In general, the work on YouTube is difficult to call such. The fact is that all bloggers, posting video, do it voluntarily and for their pleasure. There is always all the advantages of remote earnings that video brochors use.

Advantages and advantages (+)

Consider the positive aspects of cooperation and working with the hosting YouTube.

1. Independence

Bloggers have no certain deadlines, strict restrictions on the manufactured content. Of course, there are basic community rules that everyone is obliged to perform.

In case of violation of the rulesYouTube has the right and even must stop working with this blogger, remove its channel or simply limit in rights. But all these rules are valid and they are not difficult to adhere to them.

2. Pleasure from "work"

Also, the bloggers do not need to go to any place to work and get up early on it. It is from the video blogger that depends on its earnings, reputation and number of subscribers on its channel.

It can be said that something that blogger does is a fascinating hobby that allows you to improve your skills and to make money.

All video content, which they produce, is removed with the desire, blogs with sincerity, and the show with genuine enthusiasm.

3. Devoted fans

It is also worth noting that often bloggers who have become popular with an innumerable army of fans. It is always nice, as it can be seen that everything that you do, like other people.

Many subscribers, looking at the example of more popular bloggers, are inspired by their example, what they are constantly writing in social networks. It is also nice that the fans recognize the blogger right on the streets anywhere, asked to arrange the so-called "gatherings" in their city, give up gifts, asked to take a picture.

All these attributes of popularity attract the young generation of bloggers and motivates them to follow their feet of their idols.

4. Useful dating

In addition, Youtube stars are often familiar with each other, share the valuable experience regarding the subtleties of filming, write joint videos and simply have fun.

Sometimes it seems that all bloggers - This is one big group of friends.because in the video of one video camera you can see others. Close cooperation, but at the same time competition helps to put new goals and seek them.

5. The ability to express yourself

It happens that a person has some abilities and deposits from nature, which with ease can be implemented, becoming a blogger.

Be a blogger - This is a creative path that helps director, vizazawi, designers, multiplicators and many other people show yourself and express yourself On the whole world.

Plus, if such a blogger notices any successful company, then in the future it is possible to conclude a profitable contract. It is no secret that many stars YouTube are invited to television.

6. Self-improvement

Removing his videos and laying out them on the video hosting YouTube, you can even need to read comments under the video from other bloggers or just registered users. It happens that in the comments you can meet constructive criticism. No need to be offended at it.

If a person has greater experience in video blocking, it is worth listening to. This will help you to remove better videos every time, and it will also be possible to self-improve, which is very important for the development of the personality.

7. Earnings

Many bloggers admit that they do not have work, since with the advent of earnings on YouTube, the need for it simply disappeared. As you know, the profits of the blogger depends on the number of views of the clips over a certain period.

If a blogger is responsible for the release of each roller, high quality removes video, regularly fills his channel with these rollers, then the popularity among grateful spectators will make no longer wait.

8. Additional earnings

You can also make money on YouTube with your authority. Different companies, the shops, agenciesOther less popular bloggers themselves will communicate and ask for the money for money to relocate their services.

Plus, you can get some money from advertising from YouTube. This way of earning is small, but a newcomer blogger should not be neglected, because receiving income from its channel is one of the main objectives of its creation.

9. Statement of his point of view

You can express your opinion if video content does not contradict one of the basic rules YouTube.

It is worth remindingthat the blogger should not be filled with frank sexual content, not to produce a material that is able to ignite the interethnic hostility, to demonstrate the scenes of violence or even call on to repeat them, is also not allowed to express insults to people in order to motivate to violence, video should not violate Copyright and keep threats.

In addition to these rules, the blogger is not limited in anything and can share their thoughts and experiences with the whole world.

Disadvantages (-)

However, video broching has a reverse side. Below the main disadvantages of work in this area will be listed.

1. Temporary costs

Dialing your audience and becoming popular, you must not forget about the fact that your channel on YouTube is constantly needed fill in interesting content.

Naturally, for this you need think and write script, choose a beautiful place to shoot, write a video, mount it, add effects, write description And only after that download it to your channel.

If you do not regularly download the video, then the audience will gradually unsubscribe, and the views fall.

2. Hayer

Of course, in any work you can find those who will unreasonably criticize others. But on the windows of YouTube, this is especially noticeable, since any authorized user can leave a negative comment anonymously, without fear of condemnation.

13. Some technical questions πŸ””

Before the earnings itself, you need to have some basic skills, for example, how to download video from hosting, how to create a channel, etc.

Question 1. How to download video from YouTube (quickly and free)

There are several ways to download video from YouTube. But we will look at the simplest and fast.

To quickly download video from YouTube, you need to open a video that interest you and in the address bar, to YouTube add Latin letters "SS"So that it turned out on the screenshot and click "Enter".

A simple example of how to download videos from YouTube through the SaveFrom service.

You can search for other ways to download videos YouTube on a computer for free on the Internet.

Question 2. How to create a channel on YouTube?

Create your channel is very simple, you need to register on the hosting, start the google mail and describe the channel nice. To do this, you download the necessary sizes of the "cap" channel, write a channel description and load interesting content to your channel. In more detail how to create the channel we wrote above.

Question 3. Is it possible to use the audio / video of other bloggers (Yutubers) in videos on YouTube?

You can use audio and video elements in your videos and videos protected by copyright if you have rights to commercial use. This applies to both your original materials and materials of all other copyright holders. As a rule, these are icons and logos, background music (final, introductory, etc.), program interfaces, games, etc.

To add materials to another blogger (jutuber) to your video content, you need to get permission to use and monetization in YouTube. So that in the future there was no problem better to get a written permission from all right holders whose materials you use in our videos.

Question 4. How to wind subscribers in YouTube?

There are many services for windows and subscribers in YouTube. All these services, as a rule, have cheaps and other social networks. For example, through them you can wind the "Likes", subscribers to the group, etc. This can be attributed to qComment , yuzerator etc.

It is extremely recommended to wind subscribers in YouTube, as well as watching videos. Google Analytics - Google Analytics has all the possibilities and settings for determining the cheating. This can be attributed here - "viewing time" in minutes, "holding the audience", etc.

According to these characteristics, it is immediately clear that the cheating is carried out. Those. If there is a winding of the views, then by the "Viewer" parameter - it can be seen that the user went to the roller, looked after a few seconds and left.

Recommended Record interesting, unique video content for a large audience. Only so you can attract subscribers to your channel, enlarge viewing videos, thereby increasing your earnings on YouTube.

Question 5. How much does it cost to buy advertisements from YouTubers? How to advertise your channel (video)?

Many popular video blockgers can be ordered advertising on their channel YouTube, website, group, etc. Each popular channel sets its advertising prices.

  • Separate video about the channel, community, site, etc.;
  • Link in the description of the video in the new blogger video;
  • Release Sponsor (Normal and Standard Advertising);
  • Communication sponsor in exclusive video (contests, Challenge, etc., which pays the advertiser);
  • Adding a channel to "Interesting Channels" (Sabboks);
  • Adding the playlist of the advertiser to the main page of the blogger;
  • Like on video (sometimes "like" + comment blogger);
  • Advertising in the group (community) of the channel itself;
  • Video for the manufacture (description) of your product, product (services) at home;

In order to find out how much it is worth buying advertising at Yutubers (what is the price for a particular type of advertising), you need to go to the channel itself, where you want to advertise and find the contacts of the owner or YouTube channel. Such information can be found both in the "On Channel" section and in the Channel Cap, where there are links ( group or page VK, OK, Google+, Instagram, etc.)

14. Conclusion + video on the topic πŸ“½

Video brooging is a real vocation, it is sincere desire to share our own world experiences, thoughts and creativity. Moreover, they will be rewarded with material well-being.

Therefore, if the workload and negative comments are not forced to collapse from the right track, it means that this interesting hobby can eventually grow into something more - in a matter of life.

We hope we were able to answer all questions regarding Youtube video hosting, namely, how to earn on YouTube from scratch, what is needed for this how much you pay YouTube for watching video, how much you pay for 1000 youtube visits, etc. But the most interesting answer from us turned out to questions - "How much do users earn?".

After reading this part of the article, you understand that many have already started trying to make money in this way. Therefore, we recommend creating an original and unique video content that will be yours and immediately recognizable.

In conclusion, we suggest watching video about Earnings on YouTube:

As well as the video on the topic - "How to become a blogger and where to better shine":

P.S. If you have any questions about making youtube or wishes on the topic, then leave them below in the comments after the article.

Video hosting YouTube is familiar to each Internet user. It uses millions of people: here you can not only view countless videos, but also to invite original videos on your youTube channels. And although most people perceive YouTube as a purely entertainment resource, for owners of many popular channels, it is a source of stable and high income.

In this article you will learn how much it costs 1 000 000 Views on YouTube and how much money needs to buy 1 million real views.

In addition, we will tell about 4 sources where you can buy inexpensive views in such a large amount.

By the way, be sure to look how much can you earn on 1000 viewsif you connect to youTube's affiliate program, or to one of the partner networks that place advertising in the video. So you can easily calculate approximate profits - if you buy the views cheap and earn on advertising more than spend on video passages.

We call this technique arbitration VideoTrappa.

What does Youtube pay for

YouTube develops very rapidly and actively uses advertising: it is logical to assume that considerable money is mixed here. So what needs to be done to start making a profit using youTube? How much costs 1.000, 10.000, 1.000.000 views on this channel?

Far from this topic, people do not always understand what kind of earnings? What is sold on YouTube and who pays for it? How much do you need to work for a high result?

Earnings of the owner of the canal is 68% of the cost paid by the advertiser for the same views or clicks; The rest is the Utub Commission. Below we will look at which types of advertising on YouTube, as you are paid, as well as other options for earning money on this resource.

You can select several factors that affect the ability to profit.

The main factors that affect the possibility of profit

  • the number of views of advertising and advertising clicks. If a person at watching the roller watched an advertising insert to the end, viewing is considered commercial and paid to the youth. If pressed the button "skip" - Not paid. For another type of advertising, only transfers on advertising links are considered.
  • view price or click. This price, YouTube establishes independently, depending on the subject of the channel, its audience and other factors. For example, foreign traffic can be paid more expensive than Russian-speaking.

Additional factors

  • Thematic direction of your channel. The price of each advertising click depends on the subject: topics such as business, medicine, construction is considered "expensive" and payable better than humor. On the other hand, to attract many users to the humorous canal can be much easier than on the channel of construction themes.
  • The number of visual views per month. The more visitors you have, the greater the earnings will be. Although the views themselves are not paid, their number is usually proportional to the number of advertising views on your channel.
  • The audience. If only schoolchildren or pensioners are watching you, that is, people with low purchasing power, other things being equal, this channel brings less profits than a channel that looks predominantly businessmen or at least conventional people of working age. And again, the country of residence of your subscribers is important, since advertising is more expensive in the USA and Europe. For this reason, Western jutups earn more than their colleagues from Russia and the CIS.
  • Number of subscribers. YouTube's subscribers also pay anything, but the channel rating is determined by this indicator. And then, subscribers, unlike random visitors, is your "army", which will return to the channel and browse your video more or less regularly, thereby ensuring the earnings of the channel owner.

YouTube becomes a global information machine. It offers payment for content, which is in demand and has high quality. And he really pays for it.

Types of advertising on YouTube

  • InStream. One of the most popular types of advertising, where the number of views of advertising inserts before video is taken into account. Such advertising see almost all users of this channel: before starting the video, a promotional video is played, which can be disabled 5-10 seconds from the start of viewing.
  • Overlay - She "leaves" under all the rollers in the form of a banner located in the lower part of the video. This advertisement is not paid by Youtube video hosting. Payment will be accrued only if the person clicked on it, went to the site, provided by the advertiser and lingered there for a while. If, going to the advertiser's website, the user immediately left him, the Youtube channel does not pay for it, no matter how much such goals were.
  • Advertising order directly from the advertiser. In this case, the earnings do not depend on the YouTuba itself - you directly discuss the amount and get it from the advertiser. Someone removes fully commercials, others make small advertising inserts into their roller, another option - use the symbolism of the advertiser (a cap, a mug with a logo), or put advertising links to the description under the roller.
  • E-mail newsletter. A fairly exotic way, but it can also be used. Subscribers leave the channel owner its addresses - on these addresses you can send letters with an advertisement for a particular product or service.
  • Placing banners on your page. This method also has little to YouTube. But from the channel, you can lure people to the desired page of your site, and there to place the banners of partners. Payment may be counted for each thousand shows or for transitions.
Develop your channel on YouTube WITH CALL:Find out how to unwind your Youtube Channel and earn on it from $ 10.000

Cost 1000 and 1000 000 views

Here, dependence on the thematic direction of the channel is traced. If the theme is quite common, the number of advertisers is growing, and the price also increases. Simple language - the wider the topics of the channel, the higher the cost of clicking.

The answer to the question how to make the calculation of the cost of a thousand views, does not exist - probably there is a certain counting algorithm, but YouTube does not disclose it. One gets to earn a dollar for a thousand, others have more.

On average, income from thousands of shows is from one to four dollars.

The amount is insignificant, but if the channel has more than 10 thousand subscribers, in the month of earnings can be decent.

Simultaneously with the popularization of YouTube, services began to appear, helping to collect statistics on their channels in one place. Including financial. For example, the SocialBlade service can show profits from any channel. Foreign bloggers, judging by statistics, get 250-4.000 $ for 1.000.000 views

If you enter the channel name in the SocialBlade search string, the service will consider the approximate size of earnings. This statistic is issued by SocialBlade on the channel of the world famous in Joutuber, Sweddiepie, having:

  • more than 57 million subscribers for YouTube,
  • 217 million views in the last 30 days
  • The total number of visual views for all time - 16 billion.
  • Income per month - from 54 to 868 thousand dollars.

It is impossible to determine the specific amount of earnings on YouTube, but to earn decent money on this resource, you need to score at least a million views within a month.

Affiliate program YouTube

To start earning on the downloads you need to connect to the affiliate program of the channel. This can be done if the channel exists at least 10 days and at least 5 videos are loaded at it.

You can activate the monetization in the "Creative Studio" of your channel, connecting to the YouTube Affiliate Program

How to increase your income on YouTube?

Remember that any success is a combination of many factors.

  1. Quality and interesting content. Do video of good qualityChoose interesting stories.
  2. Regularity. The video needs to be spread regularly, preferably - at least 2-3 times a week.
  3. Optimization. Invent original headlines And write descriptions for video.
  4. Advertising and promotion. Without them, you will spend a lot of time before you get at least the first thousand subscribers.
  5. The choice of topics. The more favorable topic you choose, the more income you can get from the channel in the future. On the other hand, you must understand this topic, and it should be interesting to you yourself - without this you will not get to post interesting videos.
  6. At least sometimes remove long rollers (from 10 minutes and longer) and make small advertising inserts.

Video accessories: how to buy a lot of views for small money

Sometimes the owners of the channels need to get a large number of views of your video. In this case, the views can be bought - this is called video service. There are several video message options:

Want to know how without paid advertising to bring the channel to the top?get a reactive plan for the launch of your money machine on YouTube on your own and other photos!

It should be understood that sometimes the cost of such a video settlement may be more than the potential earnings from YouTube.

And if the service moderators suspens the cheating, they can disable monetization or block the channel at all.

This method can be good at the initial stage when you need to collect a certain number of views / subscribers in the first weeks or months of the channel's existence to facilitate the channel's promotion in the future, because the canals have just created, people signed extremely reluctantly. If you want to use video care for earnings, it is important to carefully calculate your expenses and move them with the size of earnings from YouTube.

If you want to know more about earnings on YouTube and other ways to earn money on the Internet, here you will find the most useful information. 50 ways to make money on the Internet

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Kim Ahan.

Businesswoman, Investor
Coordinator 6 companies
Blog author with an audience over 400,000 people

Alexey Naumov

Updated: 2019.02.22

Font A A.

The American video hosting YouTube is largely due to its popularity of its own affiliate program, paying bloggers income for advertising ads next to their video. It stimulates users to create unique and high-quality content, attract an audience, look for new ideas. The income of large channels with more than a million subscribers is calculated by several thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands, dollars a month.

Of course, novice video bloggers on such earnings can only dream. But this does not mean that they will not be able to earn well even with a small number of subscribers and views. Let's try to calculate how many canal owners on YouTube from Russia and other countries for each thousand views can be.

Factors that affect the income from 1000 views of the video on YouTube

There are 3 main criteria:

  • Channel subjects. The first thing you want to know is that payment is charged not for the numbers under the video (the number of views can be quietly turned the specials. Services), and for clicks for advertising. Advertising is estimated completely different. Commercial topics are more expensive, and entertaining traffic is cheaper. When the target audience is insolvent schoolchildren, hope for a high income is not worth it - no advertiser will offer more than a pair of tens of cents for low quality traffic.
  • Types of advertising. Popular only two are in Stream and Overlay. The first is a commercial, played before the start of the main video. The lack of it is that in the corner there is a "Skip" key. Pressing for it by the user closes the advertisement, because of what income is not accrued. Overlay is advertising blocks shown next to the video. Clicks on them and the transition to the advertiser resource are a condition for obtaining payment.
  • Number of audience. Yes, payment is accrued not for watching, but for clicks. But with a small number of views with real users (and not accessed by bots), the chance of committing this very click will be minimal. Do not forget about the fact that many people are now actively practicing the use of advertising content blockers, so they can not even see the pop-up advertising unit.

If you adopt the information on the faith that some successful Russian video brokers shared with the Internet community, in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries the rates are identified as follows. Middle income from entertainment channels 0.5-1.5 $ per thousand views. Themes related to business, finance, loans and similar things can bring the owner of the channel 2-3 $ / 1000 or even more. Of course, this is not a net income. The author receives only 68% of the cost of advertising, and the rest takes the service as a commission.

Compare these indicators with the data of the VSPSTATS and SocialBlade statistics services, taking the basic channels of two popular bloggers in Russia "this is good" and Max +100500 for example. The first collected about 14 million views, which is estimated at about 3.5-9 thousand dollars, if you take an average of the indicator between the services. A simple calculation is obtained by about 0.6 $ for a thousand views, which fully confirms the data reduced by paragraph above.

Maxim Holopolosov (+100500) more subscribers, but slightly less climbing views recently. Let's check whether the ratio of $ / 1000 will remain. VSPSTATS and SocialBlade determined income of 3.4-9 thousand dollars a month, which is almost identical to the indicators of the previous blogger. And it is not surprising, because the subject and the audience they have almost the same. Both remove the entertainment rollers of the humorous direction.

For the purity of the experiment, take less popular, but with a more financially profitable field of the "Beast" channel, dedicated to reviews of various technical innovations, computers, smartphones and everything in this spirit. Now it has a little more than 750 thousand subscribers. Over the past 30 days, the video from the channel looked around almost 4 million times. Approximate income for this period is estimated at 1.5-2.5 thousand dollars. As in the previous cases, the price is a little more than half of the dollar per 1000 views.

How much are you pay for 1000 views YouTube abroad

Each country has its own prices. It all depends on how economically developed and attractive for advertisers. For example, in the United States, the average price between commercial and non-commercial thematic subjects is about 3.7 $ / 1000. Germany has $ 6. They are followed by the countries of Western Europe, as well as Hong Kong and Israel. Well show yourself in this regard and "resort" countries - Egypt, Turkey.

As for Eastern Europe and Asia, the rates are much more modest. In Armenia, for example, a total of 0.84 $ per 1000 views, and Ukraine boasts only ridiculous 0.42 $. In Afghanistan, Pakistan, most countries in Africa and other economically backward states, average income of 0.15-0.45 $, as they are outside the zone of interests of advertisers.


All the figures given in the article are only approximate indicators defined on the basis of average advertising prices, statistical data and statements of certain known bloggers about their income level. Your videos can bring both much more money, so much less, collect a lot of clicks and views in Stream advertising or not to collect them at all. Everything is relative.

In addition, in many countries, access to the YouTube affiliate program is still impossible. Bloggers are forced to enter into an agreement with private partner networks, working with which (including rates with commissions) can differ significantly, or resort to other ways to monetize their video - to insert direct advertisements at the beginning or along its roller, throw promotional links to description. In such a situation, the number of views is also important.

Greetings! YouTube's audience is more than a billion people - almost a third of all Internet users. Every minute, 100 hours of captured video is loaded onto video hosting. Every day, users browse about 2 billion videos.

Such crazy numbers even imagine difficult! And this is despite the fact that the first video (the legendary video, where Javid Kareem a couple of seconds something mirkers near the cell with an elephant) was loaded on YouTube only 12 years ago!

And what infinite capabilities of passive income opens Youtube! And today we will talk about how much you can earn on YouTube and what affects the amount of income.

"Multification" niche

Monetary topics online not so much: business, finance (), medicine, care, construction, repair, games. But such "botanical" niches like chess or cultivation of orchids will bring symbolic money. After all, it is unlikely that the number of views of such a video will ever pass for 1,000,000.

Although from this rule there are exceptions! This year the mega-popular series "Game of Thrones" ended. And some newbies managed to earn good on the crazy interest in the film. For example, the Channel "Black and White House" with reviews of each series, news about the series, interesting facts about heroes and actors has almost 170,000 subscribers. Since 2014, videos have looked almost 30 million times.

Why does the youtube income size depends on the topic? The fact is that the main profit holder gives advertising on the channel. The more expensive the topic - the more you can earn on advertising.

Proper selection of SEO-keys

On Youtube is doubly important that the description of the video corresponds to its content. If you removed the roller about business on rabbits or on the sale of goods from China - Klobbits must be in key, and "goods from China", respectively.

I will give a specific example of an irrelevant request. I think you have repeatedly come across something like that. In the description, the word "fresh output" or "novelty" is written to popular transmission. Come on the video and find out that "fresh" release, in fact, for 2-3 years. Believe me, a multi-million audience of such a "cunning" do not collect.

When promoting the channel, carefully select the keywords to describe the video and headers! It is by keywords that people will find your video. And maybe become permanent subscribers

Quality of content

The viewer today went bald. And earn on subscribers is not as simple as before. For each topic (even the most exotic), thousands of rollers were shot and posted. And if there is a choice between "excellent quality" and "so-so" - the user will certainly choose the first option.
In this sense, working on video is no different from work on the article. The roller should have a clear structure, useful (or interesting) content and 100% compliance with user expectations. We will not "decorate" the roller effects and titers.

Regularity posting new video

One of the 10 "commandments" of a successful Youtube-businessman sounds like this: "Regularity, regularity and again regularity."

You can not post on the first week 20 videos, and then "forget" about the channel for a couple of months. Much more efficient place one-only roller - but every week (four videos per month). The regularity of posting a new video will be appreciated by the audience, and YouTube himself.

Number Views

I am sure you know this simple formula: "More views is higher income from the channel." In my opinion, the number of views is the easiest, obvious and measurable criterion. You can earn at least something on the video channel if the number views exceeds 10,000.

Methods of monetization

You can monetize YouTube-channel in several ways:

  • Direct advertising (text, picture or video with reference to the advertiser at the beginning of the roller);
  • Contextual advertising Google Adsense (pop-up ads that YouTube picks up under the subject);
  • Affiliate programs (advertising of third-party products on the subject of the channel).
    For example, your channel is devoted to additional earnings on the network. In one of the rollers, you tell about this method as creating your own website. And immediately give a link to the training courses of a good author. If your visitor goes on the link and orders the recommended product - you will receive your commissions;
  • Sale of own services or goods. Perhaps this is the most profitable and "grateful" way to make money on the monetization on YouTube.
    Let's say you have long and successfully traded goods from China. Own video channel allows you to:
    1. To make reviews of goods (you can open the box, show how the goods looks like and how to use it, talk about the advantages and minuses);
    2. Share useful recommendations about the nuances of the order of goods in China;
    3. Make a selection of top 10 (the most popular, cheapest or most unusual goods);
    4. Create a learning course "All Secrets of Purchasing in China" or "Business for the sale of goods from China: step-by-step instructions for" kettles ".
  • Combined earnings (blog + YouTube channel or group in Facebook + YouTube). Combining text and video content allows you to increase traffic at times. Accordingly, your income is growing faster!

Specific figures of income

Surely you wonder how much the money can be earned on the youtuba channel? Unfortunately, I will not please the specific formula and numbers.

The amount of money depends on a dozen factors. You can influence some of them to others - no.

Let's say, payments for viewing depends on the quality of video, regularity of publication and promotion efficiency. But the cost of clicks and views of advertising will be different in each country. For example, in the United States 1000 views, on average, estimated at $ 51, and in Canada - at $ 16,48. In Russia, the same figure is much more modest - about $ 4.13 per 1000 views or $ 41 for 10,000 ($ 4100 per 1000,000).

In addition, the size of the channel is seriously affected by the size of the channel.

Cars, their tuning and repairs are considered the most expensive niches ($ 1-5 per 1000 views), business topics and finance ($ 1-4), as well as beauty and health ($ 0.25-3).

Well, and long-awaited specific numbers. Of course, I will give an example of the "best of the best." To be what to strive for.

The Wylsacom Blogger Channel (real name Valentine Petukhov) is dedicated to Apple's topics (translations of videos from an official English-language source, gadget reviews). Since 2011, he collected 3.2 million subscribers and 606 million views. Monthly video unit earns 2-3 million rubles on its channel.

And how do you earn on YouTube?

Each person wants to earn a lot, only everyone has his own techniques. It is possible to deal with difficult labor, and if you know a sense in Internet technologies, then earnings on advertising or on the World-known Youtube resource is a completely decent replacement, if you correctly engage in own PR.

How to check channel profitability?

Looking through the next video on the YouTube channel, most of the browsers ask a question, whether this person or group earns many, and how can I see what a blogger receives a month.

It is mistaken to believe that such information is strictly secret. There is a resource ""revealing all the secrets of the most famous people of the resource. To clarify how much the channel earns, you just need to enter his name in the search. If the name is entered correctly, information about the person is interested in the page will appear on the page. Two digits will be emphasized: the first is designated in red - the average static earnings on advertising and visits to the month, and yellow color is the total income for the year.

There is another way to see all the analytical data on the video on the YouTube resource. The extension for YouTube "Vidlq Vision" makes it possible to see all the data on the roller viewing and how much it was possible to earn a blogger for its placement. You only need to install a browser program.

How much do famous bloggers earn?

Many may seem like making money on the YouTube channel is very simple, the most important thing is not like everyone else. However, it is not so easy to interest the audience, maintain and increase your own rating. After all, competition in such an extraordinary business is sufficient.

Earnings of any blogger depends on so in demand. That is, how many views of the clips he has and what "quality" of his audience. Much depends on the visitors themselves, if they have good income, then the income of the blogger is higher than that of competitors.

It is worth understanding that no program or application will be able to give an accurate answer to the question, how many bloggers known worldwide, unless they call a specific figure. Or in an independent order, you can calculate the approximate amount of profit.

You can submit a whole list of advanced bloggers who have a whole army of subscribers and imagine what they have income per month from their rollers.

Blogger Topic Earnings per month
Petukhov Valentine Rollers are dedicated to technical devices and innovations in the field of gadgets. Reviews help to make their own choices and analyze the goods. 3 000 000 rubles
Mistter Max, Miss Katty. Children's channels dedicated to various games and review of new toys. Mister Max - 2,000,000 rubles,

"Miss Katty" - 5,000,000 rubles.

Kati Clep Popular among female half of the population. Fashion and style sphere. Unfortunately, there is no accurate information about earnings, but it is known that she recently bought an apartment and makes a chic repairs. Accordingly, these are several million rubles.
Spielberg Sasha Different activities, a large number of rollers in English. At least 1 000 000 rubles
Ivangai. Music rollers, the subject is interesting for the target teenage audience. 1,500,000 rubles
JOVE (K. Ladanan) Passing computer games, mostly "World of Tanks". 5,000,000 rubles
Academician Passage of test drives with comments. 6 000 000 rubles (+ indicator of software)
Amiran Sardarov Popular Blog "Diary Khacha". 1 000 000 rubles
Shary. Non-standard videos on the most popular topics. The so-called "malice of the day". 1,500,000 rubles
Cream Show Lifehak, bizarre home experiments with the participation of the beloved cat. 1 000 000 rubles
Afona Independent exposure of Pranker. There is no accurate data, however, according to mathematical estimates manually, this is the amount of at least 500,000 rubles
Oleg Brain Popular walker. 9 000 000 rubles

Since the popular occupation in the gray weekdays was not only the search for interesting rollers on YouTube, but also viewing online broadcasts with gaming arenas, so-called streamers also turn out to be honored among lovers to play. Each broadcast is directed not only to earnings, but also helps avid players in the passage of dangerous missions.

Unfortunately, the exact data on how much the most famous streamers earn per month, no, since statistics are constantly changing and dynamically developing. In this area, there are no such "crazy" numbers that were previously brought. However, it is possible to say with accuracy that it is quite real with the help of online broadcasts 200,000 rubles per month.

How much can you earn?

In reality, making money on the YouTube channel is quite possible only in the presence of contextual advertising. The opportunity opens only to those bloggers whose rollers are gaining at least several thousand views in the week. It is worth understanding that the entire income is obtained by the site itself, and the blogger is paid only percentage.

At the initial stage, each person may think that there is no point in the continuation of such a business, as the channel's income is just ridiculous. However, the essence is the popularity of the roller. The more views it will collect, the greater the opportunity to attract a secured audience. Therefore, the most popular bloggers today receive such a salary for a month, which even people of the most prestigious professions can imagine. Thus, you can make the following statistics as you can earn on the channel with different attendance.

Number of views Medium statistical indicators
1 view 0
from 10 to 100 views 0
from 100 to 1000 views For each thousand views, the canal receives about $ 2.
for a million views From $ 2,000, however, it is impossible to calculate the exact amount.
per month From 20 000 rubles. The indicator depends on the number of published video, quality and indicator views.
per year The universal indicator is impossible to calculate, however, with the positive development of the channel and a large attendance, an average of 2,000,000 rubles per year can be earned in the year.

How much did they earn in 2016, forecasts for 2017

In many respects, earnings on the Youtube channel depends on the blogger itself and how successful and in demand will be the subject of video reports and whether they will look.

Speaking of statistics for 2016, then for top-popular bloggers, he turned out to be "golden." Those people who were able to keep more than 2,000,000 subscribers, on average per year were able to earn at least 12,000,000 rubles.

Of course, the exact figures in this case cannot be submitted because it is necessary to study all analytics individually for each blogger.

Many experts believe that earnings on the affiliate program for 2016 has a small indicator, so it should not consider it as a serious adequate earnings. Speaking of forecasts for 2017, then in this case, expert opinions are divided. In the amount, YouTube will remain in demand for both advertising companies and for those who want to earn. But it is important to understand that in order to carry out full statistics of data and forming a forecast, it is necessary to analyze each channel individually.

Society always requires novelty, so in many respects the profit of each, even an advanced blogger will depend on whether as far as he can satisfy the needs of users. For those who have already been able to earn their first million rubles in just a month, may come like rapid growth and decayIf the content on their channel will contain a repeating material, or the use of an analog system in video blogs will take place.

If we talk about newcomers, then earn a month 20,000 - 30,000 at the initial stage in 2017 quite real. But it is necessary to constantly monitor your own dynamics of development.

The situation in the Youtube Monetization market and the dynamics for the coming years

The question of the market monetization of such popular video hosting as YouTube got up and earlier when the market analytics was carried out, and it turned out that Russia could not use it to fully, as the US or Europe residents do.

Today, many advertisers can run commercials without any restrictionsIt can sometimes save even the most unprofitable enterprise from heavy times. And although monetization is still being at the primary stage of developmentAccording to many experts, this function will give the opportunity to develop a completely new market.

According to the last estimates, the transitions from resources on the YouTube channel amounted to only 1% of the Russian market. For such a huge hosting, it is too scarce figures, but the dynamics of development movement in the coming years is quite positive.

Is it worth doing this?

Many are asked whether it is possible to earn normally, is it worth serious about such activities?

Earn on YouTube is quite real, as many say. But this type of earnings it is true and it is serious, And do not dream to get your first million a week after the publication of your first video materials. Throwing the main work and engage in the promotion of your own channel is unlikely to succeed, because much will depend on whether how quickly the views will increase and make a profit from this.

Make an average salary is possible, but, most importantly, it is a constant search for new ideas that will be to taste the audience. If a person has creative thinking and creative process visionYouTube is an excellent opportunity to realize your ideas and earn on them. Since a multi-time audience enjoys this resource, everyone can find their group.

Review on video

The figures analyzes Nikita Gavrilov. The author of the review rightly notes that there is only exact statistics among the specialists of the video hosting of Youtube, as well as Google search engine. However, Nikita made a good attempt to answer the question of possible earnings, relying on his own experience.