Russian cellular communication. Which telecom operator is better for the Internet

The ubiquity of the Internet has led to the fact that the range of mobile Internet services has expanded significantly. Now users themselves choose operators and tariffs. Cellular operators attract potential customers with profitable offers. But, sometimes, it is difficult to decide on the move what to choose. Consider which operator offers the best mobile Internet and compare the fundamental capabilities of mobile providers today.

The mobile version of the Internet is becoming more diverse, the services of operators are becoming more tempting. This is how it should be in a free market - the demand for improved services, taking into account good quality despite the price increase.

You can be in search of a suitable mobile operator for a long time, based on a number of factors. It is worth emphasizing that the selection parameters for each client are different. But there are also universal criteria by which it is worth deciding on the choice of mobile Internet.

What are these criteria?

  1. Declared and set speed.
  2. Possible amount of traffic.
  3. Product cost.
  4. The best mobile internet.

The price fluctuation of the mobile Internet today is not so significant. Payment for services is almost the same for all operators. But you can always find a cheaper connection option, taking into account additional options, for example. More attention should be paid to factors such as speed and amount of traffic (in gigabytes). When choosing mobile Internet, you need to look not only at the quality and quantity of gigabytes, but also at the features of using traffic.

The need to watch and download movies is taken into account, taking into account the speed of the connection. So, the minimum speed for video viewing on a smartphone today is at least 1 Mbps. Skype users will need from 512 Kbps. Online games "eat" prohibitively more traffic.

What mobile operators offer in this regard will be considered further.

Mobile Internet MTS

It is not the first year that MTS provides Internet to users throughout Russia, as well as in the CIS countries. The popularity of the operator is explained by a loyal pricing policy - there is a very flexible tariff scale. And a differentiated approach to providing services to owners of any mobile devices. MTS is a competitive company in the cellular services market. And has held this position for many years. Although other operators are also constantly improving their services. MTS, for example, has great deals on tariff plans for smartphones:

  • Maxi package;
  • Package Mini;
  • VIP package.

The difference in tariffs comes down to differences in the cost of packages and the volume of traffic.

The mini package includes 3 GB of traffic during the day for 350 rubles. Or according to the tariff - 12 GB at night and 12 GB during the day at a price of 700 rubles. MTS provides Internet according to the VIP unlimited tariff plan, with the possibility of using 30 GB during the day. The cost of the service per month is 1200 rubles. For many subscribers, this optimal solution. There are also packages of unlimited (mobile) Internet for smartphones and tablets. To connect, you need to select the Smart Unlimited tariff plan with a cost of 12.90 rubles. in knocks (you need to look at the regions, in some areas the price can rise to 19 rubles per day).

Mobile Internet Beeline

This mobile operator offers customers four great deals for mobile internet:

  • 300 sms and 600 min;
  • 500 sms and 1100 min;
  • 1000 sms and 2200 min;
  • 3000 sms and 3300 min.

An individual package of services for the price corresponds to: 500 rubles, 800 rubles, 1200 rubles, 1800 rubles per month. Offers for unlimited go for each tariff. So, you can choose unlimited (mobile) Internet at a price of 500 rubles. In this case, the account must have 500 rubles, which will first be frozen, and then returned to the subscriber.

Mobile internet Megafon

The range of offers of this mobile operator is quite extensive, with a wide range of customer coverage. The company has four unique offers in this regard in the All Inclusive line:

  • VIP package - for 2700 rubles;
  • package L and XL - from 950 rubles to 1350 rubles;
  • package M - at a price of 810 rubles;
  • package S - worth 570 rubles.

The price of the package of services includes a subscription fee and connection to unlimited. Mobile Internet from Megafon cannot be attributed to cheap tariffs, but in the process of use, all procedures turn out to be much simpler. When you first connect, you can use the Internet for free. And each subsequent connection costs 100 rubles. The subscriber can use other options by choosing the most advantageous option for the tariff plan of one operator. And you can find out which operator offers the best mobile Internet by analyzing the services offered.

Mobile Internet Tele2

This operator offers the simplest and most profitable options for connection. Of these, it is worth highlighting three main ones for using mobile Internet:

  • traffic volume - 7 GB at a price of 299 rubles;
  • traffic volume - 15 GB for 599 rubles;
  • traffic volume - 30 GB worth 899 rubles.

Many users choose this particular operator, noting good conditions for tariffs. Although, it will seem to someone that the grid is not the most profitable, although it is cheap.

Mobile Internet Yota

This provider provides subscribers with unlimited calls and messages (within the network). As well as special conditions for other numbers (for 100 and 300 minutes, for 600 and 900 minutes or more). It is worth considering that the Yota card cannot be used as a full-fledged modem. 3G on it does not operate at full capacity (and the speed only reaches 128 Kbps). But for most tasks, this operator is quite suitable, and works well.

Modem and Internet

For a number of reasons, many subscribers prefer mobile Internet with a modem connection. At the same time, it is important for them to know which operator has the best mobile Internet. Nobody argues that it is difficult to choose the right operator right away. MTS Connect 4 is currently in the top of requests. It has one of the most profitable tariff plans. To connect to the mobile Internet, you need to buy an MTS modem (with a data transfer rate of 21 Mb / s). The cost of the connection service is 699 rubles. Then the subscriber must pay 600 rubles per month.

Beeline and Megafon also provide good internet via modem at a price of up to 1000 rubles (the final price depends on the region). These operators offer profitable tariff-free connections to a large amount of entertainment content (for example, network games and exchangers).

Choosing the best mobile operator: video

What else to look for when choosing mobile Internet

When choosing which operator offers the best mobile Internet, you need to understand tariff scale be able to compare services by price category and capabilities. Anyway, in the end, each subscriber chooses for himself. In addition to the price for each provider, there are other factors to consider. And it should also be remembered that the cheapest offer is a priori not the most profitable. When choosing a mobile Internet operator, you should focus on the latest ratings of mobile operators in the Russian Federation. And, of course, it is worth considering the quality of communication in the region.

A few decades ago mobile phone was at the units, he looked like a huge box with an antenna, and he caught communication only on hills. Now it seems like a utopia, because many people cannot imagine their life without cellular communications and mobile phones.

Doing business, connecting with relatives from other cities and countries, quickly accessing the Internet - this is what becomes possible with a telephone and a good mobile operator. Many companies operate in Russia, but there are those that have gained great popularity and audience.


One of the best mobile operators Russia became "Beeline" - a brand of the company JSC "VimpelCom", which began its work in 1992.

To date, the operator has more than 235 million subscribers, Beeline catches all over the country, including in sparsely populated areas, such as the Commander Islands.

The company's goal is to make life easier for its subscribers by combining several mobile services, such as: Internet on the phone and at home, SMS, voice, mobile and home TV. Oddly enough, Beeline was able to connect everything in single tariff, available for use by several subscribers (family). Depending on the volume of available packages, the cost also differs: "All in One 2" costs 550 rubles per month, and "All in One 4" - 1500 thousand rubles.


In 1993, the North-West GSM CJSC appeared on the market, which has become the largest mobile operator in Russia with a subscriber audience of more than 76 million people, covering all regions of the country, in Abkhazia, Tajikistan, South Ossetia.

The developed tariffs provide for different needs of modern subscribers.

  1. Tariff "Turn on! Look” is an active use of the YouTube site (20 GB), daily viewing of 50 TV channels, as a monthly bonus, Megafon gives viewing of 4 films for free; 15 GB can be spent on any services, unlimited calls to the numbers of Megafon subscribers. Subscription fee- 800 rubles per month.
  2. Tariff "Turn on! Communicate” is convenient for those who spend a lot of time on social networks, it costs only 450 rubles a month. On Viber messengers, WhatsApp, eMotion, sites "VKontakte", Facebook, "Odnoklassniki" there is unlimited Internet traffic, there are no restrictions on calls within the network, and 650 minutes to Russian numbers.
  3. "Turn on! Listen!" - a tariff designed for music lovers. It includes unlimited use of music services, as well as instant messengers; 10 GB of traffic for other services and 350 minutes of calls within the network. Cost: 420 rubles per month.

Similar tariffs designed for different subscriber needs: “Turn on! Speak", "Turn on! Write!”, “Turn on! Premium.

Megafon is a mobile operator in Russia that develops convenient tariff plans for different categories of users.


This mobile operator began its history in 1993. Few people know that MTS stands for "Mobile TeleSystems". The company is in public joint stock management.

The mobile operator operates not only in Russia, but also in Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkmenistan. In general, MTS subscribers are more than 110 million people.

In addition to providing communication services, the company is engaged in the retail trade of specialized mobile devices and accessories, as well as conducts financial and banking operations for customers.

In order to ensure that communication is at the highest level, the operator has begun laying its own fiber-optic communication lines, the length has already reached 213,000 kilometers.

The company pays special attention to which device will use mobile communications, because it has long been known that a phone and a tablet consume service packages differently.

For phones and smartphones, the optimal tariffs will be:

  • ULTRA;
  • "Per second";
  • Super MTS.

For computers and tablets:

  • "MTS Tablet";
  • "MTS Connect-4".

Tariff " smart device» is designed for specialized devices: alarms, smart homes or smart watches.

"Tele 2"

Tele2 is a Russian mobile operator operating in 65 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. About 40 million subscribers daily use the services and options provided by the company.

One of Tele2's features is the active promotion of online sales through online stores. The main focus is on devices and smartphones.

This operator is one of the few that has a moderate pricing policy, especially in relation to Internet services.

The most popular tariff today is My Tele2, which includes 8 GB of Internet to third-party sites, unlimited use of instant messengers and social networks, unlimited calls within the network throughout Russia, daily payment - 10 rubles a day.


The rating of mobile operators in Russia is completed by, perhaps, the fastest growing modern brand - Yota. In 2007, the company began its existence, and in 2008 Scartep LLC (the official name of the company) has already started installing equipment for WiMAX data transmission, a new technology for Russia.

Yota is the first company to install equipment for 4G transmission of Internet connection. Today Yota is a wireless operator managed through an application on the phone.

The company is only gaining momentum in the country, but ease of use, the ability to create the most convenient tariff attract more and more subscribers. Everyone has the right to independently choose the number of minutes of calls and the amount of Internet traffic, depending on this, an individual monthly payment will be calculated.

Find freedom from wired internet And WiFi hotspots access, deciding which mobile Internet operator is better, and purchasing the most convenient package of services.

When choosing an operator, find out if there is coverage in the area. The information is contained on the official website of the company and is usually presented in the form of a map with marked zones of availability of 3 or 4G services. world wide web". If the card is missing, think about why the provider hides the information necessary for potential users, and look for an alternative.

By the way, when finding out which operator has the best mobile Internet, pay attention to the offer regarding the Internet from Wifire.

Algorithm for determining the best operator for mobile Internet

  • So, the operators you are interested in have the opportunity to provide a service in the area from where you plan to access the Internet.

Recognize goals. Do I need internet access to chat with virtual friends in social network, on the forum, send mail and type a message on Skype, or you are going to download blockbusters in HD quality, listen to online music, upload to cloud storage voluminous arrays of information? In the first case, you will hardly spend more than 1 GB of traffic per month. The second requires more traffic.

  • A small package is cheaper, a lot of traffic is expensive: what to take?

However, mobile Internet operators evaluate services differently. And the prices for the same amount of Internet traffic differ significantly. And it seems that you need to take what will hit the budget less, but do not rush - study the next paragraph of the algorithm.

  • Determine the speed of incoming and outgoing traffic.

Ideally, you should buy SIM-cards with the basic, cheapest tariff, and test it on one of the many resources (the popular one is Where the speed is higher, that company and best operator for mobile internet. The method is costly but effective. Want to save? Check out the reviews on the services of Internet providers on the network and risk being misinformed by custom texts of sellers, competitors.

If you have followed the previous recommendations, there is a complete set of information for making a decision. The best mobile Internet operator is a company with coverage at a point with certain geographical coordinates, maximum traffic speed and - if possible! - minimum rates for mobile Internet.

Surely Wifire is on the list of preferred providers.


– Is it possible to change the tariff plan?

The subscriber is given the opportunity to change the tariff plan, acting as follows:

  • go to the Personal Account on the company's website and make changes yourself;
  • inform about the desire to change the tariff by phone.

- There was no Internet for several days! Is it possible to recalculate?
Communication stability is a hallmark of Wifire. But force majeure cannot be ruled out. Lack of internet due to technical failure will be compensated.
Have other questions? Ask by phone 8 800 550 88 88. Consultations are free.

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services - in the "tariffs" section or by phone indicated on the site.

In the article:

Mobile communication is an integral life attribute of every person, providing free communication, correspondence and access to the global network. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of cellular services, as well as to choose a more efficient and convenient alternative for them.

At the same time, in today's market mobile communications Several providers are present at the same time, competing with each other and constantly improving the quality and conditions of customer service. Based on official statistics, the most popular providers in Russia include Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2, Iota. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which determine their general and subjective usefulness for subscribers. But in order for you to be able to make the final choice and decide for yourself which mobile operator is better, you need to know these weakest and strengths cellular companies.

Internet assistant will help you understand difficult question choosing the best mobile operator for you, pointing out the pros and cons of each of them.

We will immediately note your suspicions about the marketing component of our article. We are not going to advertise anyone, but we will operate only with facts and objective opinions experienced users. Anyway, the final decision on whose SIM-card will be installed in your device remains solely with you.

Which cellular company is better: a description of the features of operators

It is logical to assume that all the complexity of choosing an operator is based precisely on the determination of complex competitive advantages both in terms of communication quality and the size of the coverage area, as well as the variability of tariff plans and the level technical support. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the characteristic features of each of the providers.


The mobile operator MTS has been providing high-quality communication services since 1993 and has established itself as a reliable and affordable provider. The company has the largest subscriber base (over 100 million people), introduces advanced technologies in a timely manner, actively develops high-speed mobile networks, allows single Internet for all devices.


  • High quality connection. Thanks to extensive experience in customer service and the use of modern telecommunications equipment, the operator guarantees stable and high-quality communication among dense buildings, inside and outside buildings.
  • Thoughtful tariff plans with Internet. MTS is always ready to offer favorable tariffs with a large amount of traffic for subscribers who need constant and uninterrupted Internet surfing. In addition, night unlimited or completely unlimited mobile Internet is provided.
  • Developed roaming network. Long-term partnerships with national and foreign mobile operators allow MTS to provide its users with comfortable communication anywhere in the country and the world.


  • Relatively high rates for services. The question of the price of MTS communications is rather complicated and confusing. In general, the company offers affordable and favorable rates. But some tariff plans that have similar functional content with competitors, however, cost the user more.
  • Insufficient coverage area. Own network coverage is a weak point of the provider. According to this indicator, the company loses to both Beeline and Megafon. At the same time, the democratic cost of roaming services largely compensate for this shortcoming.
  • Poor quality of technical support. This problem is not unique to MTS, but is common to all operators. But it is in relation to MTS that it manifests itself most clearly because of the huge customer base. Getting through to a customer support center specialist is often not only difficult, but almost impossible. The same users who actively use the provider's self-service services (,) do not notice such a problem. This suggests that against the backdrop of the growing popularity of online services, the difficulties with dialing into the MTS call center are gradually losing their significance and relevance.


Megafon is one of the undisputed leaders in the Russian telecommunications market. The provider has been working for almost 15 years and during this time the number of subscribers has exceeded 90 million people.


  • The largest coverage area in Russia. Each subscriber of the company may not worry that in some corner of the country he will face the problem of lack of mobile communications. Even remote and sparsely polluted regions of Russia are equipped with Megafon base stations. It is clear that with a low number of users, the cost of maintaining the equipment cannot be fully replenished. But the company purposefully goes for it in order to have a clear advantage over competitors and become the No. 1 provider in Russia.
  • Active introduction of advanced technologies. Megafon carefully monitors global trends in the telecommunications market and immediately introduces promising technologies and services. It pioneered mobile video communication capabilities and provided users with high-speed 4G+ mobile Internet at 300 Mbps. The reliability and stability of the company is also evidenced by the fact that Megafon became the official provider of mobile services as part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
  • High internet speed. We have already mentioned that high-speed broadband Internet access is becoming Megafon's signature feature. True, the situation here is rather specific and unusual for Russian realities. No, high-speed Internet has not gone away, but almost all full-scale tariff plans associated with it went to the new Megafon brand - Yota.


  • Weak tech support. Let's not dwell too much on this point. Let's say that there are the same difficulties here as those of MTS, as well as ways to solve them using online self-service services. After registering on the provider's website, subscribers can use the functionality that allows them to independently solve a huge list of problems of setting up communications, managing an account and a tariff plan. These features are also implemented in mobile application"Megaphone. Personal Area".
  • The complexity of tariff plans. In comparison with other providers, Megafon has the most difficult system of tariff plans for an unprepared user to understand. Tariffs are quite confusing, they vary greatly in payment depending on the region, they provide for various tariffication schemes when additional options are activated, many of which have the status of archival ones. When choosing a provider, such a disadvantage can become a key one and force you to purchase a SIM card from another company.


Speaking of MegaFon, one cannot ignore the subsidiary brand Yota, which offers the best tariff plans in Russia with unlimited mobile Internet. Largely due to this, the current Megafon tariffs are devoid of built-in Internet traffic packages. The calculation is simple, if you want high-quality and inexpensive Internet, buy a Yota SIM card, and Megafon will provide affordable communications throughout Russia. But in Lately, this advantage was significantly curtailed by the operator itself, which has already provided packages of minutes, traffic and SMS for new tariffs.


  • High-speed Internet at low cost. For only 100-150 rubles a month, you can get unlimited access to social networks and instant messengers. The data transfer rate reaches 20 Mbps.
  • Affordable rates. Despite bundling services, Iota tariff plans remain inexpensive and well-filled. For example, 5 GB of Internet traffic and 150 minutes of calls throughout Russia will cost only 250 rubles per month.
  • Transparent prices. In this regard, Yota compares favorably with Megafon, offering clear descriptions of tariff plans.
  • Roaming-free space throughout Russia. This is an important and necessary feature of Iota for everyone. When leaving your home region for up to 30 days, there is no need to worry about increased costs due to roaming. During the month, the operator provides mobile communication and Internet services at the prices of the home region, regardless of where you are.


  • The virtual operator factor. Yota subscribers are completely dependent on the serviceability and workload of Megafon equipment. This must be taken into account when choosing a second SIM card in order to increase the reliability of communication.
  • Insufficient coverage area. Provider Iota is a developing brand and is not yet able to cover the same regions as Megafon. But the value of this disadvantage decreases every day as the service area expands.
  • Differentiation of SIM-cards. It is impossible to use the same Yota SIM card in a smartphone, tablet, modem or router. Each type of device has its own separate card, and it is impossible to “deceive” the network, since the equipment is identified by the IMEI number.


Beeline is also an old-timer of the domestic mobile services market, having started its activities back in 1993. The operator's client base exceeds 60 million people and is constantly expanding due to favorable rates and new loyalty programs.


  • A variety of tariff plans, service options. Each user can seamlessly choose the best tariff plan for himself within the planned mobile budget.
  • Promotions and bonuses. Beeline, like no other provider, constantly offers its customers various discounts, promotions and bonuses. For example, you can connect the Viasat premium TV package with a 25% discount, purchase modern devices on credit without overpayments, get additional package traffic for replenishment or an individual offer for tariffs, etc.
  • Timely and competent technical support. Despite the fact that it can be problematic to get through to the Beeline call center, subscribers can always count on a high-quality and professional solution to their problems. In addition, a mobile online self-service service is always provided to users.


  • Work failures. Frequent negative reviews on the Internet indicate periodic technical failures of the provider's equipment. It comes to the point that even checking the balance using the USSD command becomes unavailable. In fairness, we note that Beeline quickly fixes the problems that have arisen.
  • Expensive roaming. This is one of the main disadvantages of Beeline. Leaving the home region, the subscriber must be prepared for a sharply increased cost for a sick connection.
  • Poor communication quality far from cities. Beeline does not seek to install base stations in places that are disadvantageous in terms of monetization. Therefore, as you move away from the city, the network signal begins to weaken sharply.


We will not especially highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the Tele2 provider. It is a legacy of Swedish investors and is now owned by the Russian financial group VTB. The company has only one obvious drawback - a relatively small coverage area. As a result, subscribers had to constantly deal with rather expensive national roaming. Recently, this problem has been quite effectively solved by connecting the special service “Zero Everywhere”.

The low price of tariffs and high-quality communication allows Tele2 to constantly increase its subscriber base, which now has almost 25 million users and provides the operator with the 34th line in the ranking of the most popular mobile operators in the country.


We hope that this review of the online assistant site helped you in the difficult task of choosing a provider. The final choice depends on your personal preferences and the evaluation criteria you put forward for the reliability, availability and variety of mobile services you need. On our own, we add that many users use several SIM cards at once different operators to receive the highest quality connection and Internet.

Video: choosing the best mobile operator


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  1. Catherine
  2. Oleg
  3. Marina
  4. Alexei
  5. @@@@@
  6. Anonymous
  7. Olga
  8. Michael
  9. Irina
  10. Anonymous

The USSR, having waited for the appearance of the first generation of cellular communications, began to build a network using Delta Telecom. The symbolic call of Anatoly Sobchak on September 9, 1991 opened a new era in the development of the telecommunications industry. The Finnish handset Mobira MD59-NB2 (Nokia) weighing 3 kg looked more like a brick.


  1. MTS - 79 million.
  2. Megafon - 77.3 million.
  3. VimpelCom (Beeline) - 57 million rubles
  4. Tele2 - 41 million.

There are other operators whose number of subscribers remains low. The difference reaches an order of magnitude (10 times).


A significant part of the pioneering companies has been erased by time. The alignment of forces changed dramatically many times.

Delta Telecom

Today, the first company in the USSR presents infrastructure to the Sky Link brand (Tele 2 division). After dispersal of the State Emergency Committee, the operator took up the development of the North-Western part of the Russian Federation, introducing the Scandinavian standard NMT-450. We mentioned earlier the fact that there was a sincere response from the Soviet leadership regarding the mobile communications of the highest management. The Altai system (born in 1963) then (the collapse of the USSR) managed to occupy a number of cities. The first Delta Telecom radio tower bit off a piece of infrastructure. Altai used UHF frequencies close to the Scandinavian standard of the 1G generation.

The capacities involved in cellular communications are 15 years old. August 1992 presented the country that was starting a hunger strike with a second tower, Vyborg; the first four years of activity brought 10,000 subscribers. The analog standard was operated until 2005 inclusive, capturing the lion's share of the country. Pushing competitors forced to seek salvation by merging (2003) with other providers, primarily the Sonnet trademark, a Personal Communications company (formed on August 17, 1998).

The consolidated brand was named Sky Link and used 2G+ generation CDMA digital technology. Gradually, there was a tendency to take over the Russian Tele 2:

  • 2014 replacement of the management team by Tele 2 personnel.
  • January 2015 - decision to reunite.
  • October 1, 2016 - the official termination of the provision of CDMA services.


The founding of Vympel-Communication lasted for a year. Organized on the basis of THREE named after A.L. Mintz, a group of engineers was gathering forces. June 1992 brought the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Moscow) the first tower of the AMPS standard, serving 200 subscribers. A test call was made on July 12, 1992. There was already a digital version of the second generation - D-AMPS.

  • On July 16, 1992, Dmitry Zimin took the post of general designer.
  • On September 15, VimpelCom was finally registered.
  • January 11, 1993 received a license to provide AMPS services to the capital. In autumn there were 5 base stations, the number of subscribers doubled.

Having taken the initial steps, the team was puzzled by the development of marketing tactics. On August 6, they invented the Beeline brand (bee network), launched advertising. A controlling stake is immediately acquired by AFK Sistema (the founder of MTS). Created in the summer of 1994, the network with a capacity of 10 thousand subscribers began to be modernized by purchasing D-AMPS equipment. The transformation took 1 year, giving happy users of the company's services the first automated round-the-clock technical support service.

In the spring of 1996, AFK Sistema sold shares, Dmitry Zimin received a controlling stake. Part of the shares reaches the New York Stock Exchange. In parallel, the development of the European progressive standard GSM-1800 is underway. The 900 MHz band is occupied by competitors, the construction of the network costs a pretty penny. Beeline was the first to offer Muscovites (1998) a prepaid card payment system. On October 18, 1999, the kits (phone, $10 ticket) arrived at open sale. The result of the end of the year is the capture of leadership (352 thousand subscribers = 47% of the market).

June 2001 brings the country the Internet (GPRS), Dmitry Zimin leaves the post CEO, receiving a nominal honorary position of the company. Structural adjustment was caused by the sale of part of the shares to foreign investors. The consistent introduction of new technologies continues:

  1. MMS (2002).
  2. EDGE (2004) is a modification of GPRS.

On November 17, 2007, the obsolete D-AMPS technology is discontinued. Subscribers automatically received (finally) the second generation of mobile communications (2G). On September 1, 2008, the development of the third generation of digital wireless transmission information. Supporting the modernization, Beeline sells new customers Huawei phones. CDMA lasted longer (January 1, 2011).

The holiday brought by the general modernization was spoiled by Megafon, which lowered prices, grabbing a fair share of the bee network's customers. An observant expert noted that the lack of investment, flavored with increased prices, brings a stable result. In response, VimpelCom instructed Euroset to open at least 1,000 Russian representative offices. The following years, Beeline tried unsuccessfully to recoup. The company's policy provided for close cooperation with the state. The operator was the first to "remove" roaming (2017), similar attempts were made two years earlier (2015).

The transnational corporation VEON (Vimpelcom) is formed by a number of separate subdivisions (Ukraine, Russia, Algeria, Pakistan, Laos, Bangladesh). Enlisting parental support, Beeline tried to conquer neighboring countries. The Vietnamese experience is instructive, forcing the company to write off a $500 million loss of its own share of a subsidiary's infrastructure. The Eastern brothers received a completely finished network of the third generation. The brand is gradually losing value, experts blame the lack of attention paid to advertising during the period 2009-1010.


While Delta was mastering the NMT-450, Beeline was developing AMPS, the Radio Research Institute, with the support of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, investigated the possibility of using the 900 MHz spectrum. It turned out that mobile communication perfectly coexists with aviation navigation. On July 25, 1992, it was decided to master two bands 450, 900 MHz in parallel. Since it was decided to give the first standard to Delta, the MTS organizers were given the task of organizing a second-generation GSM digital network. The companies created the Mobile Moscow consortium:

  1. Moscow city telephone network.
  2. M-Bell.
  3. ASVT.
  4. NPO Astra.
  5. FAPSI.
  6. Canadian company BCETI.

MTS, being the brainchild of the mentioned organizations, was registered on October 28, 1993. Some participants gave a fight, the final line-up was replenished by Siemens, Deutsche Telecom. Russia received a controlling stake. The first base station decorated Yablochkova Street on a May day in 1994, on July 7 the total number was 8, calls were launched. In 1996, AFK Sistema bought out the Russian share of the shares, the next year is set aside for the conquest of the Russian capital company. At the same time, Beeline, the growing MTS, is mastering the second generation of GSM mobile communications, introducing per-second billing.

The middle of the 2000s was the heyday of the company, which had previously been inferior to Beeline. The apogee of the marketing policy was the introduction of the first free tariffs of the home region. Subscribers were given the opportunity to purchase SIM cards by their families, receiving 30 minutes of free calls to a circle of relatives. At the same time, the "identical" logo adorned the streets of cities, attracting everyone's attention. 2008 was the date of the appearance of third generation networks, MTS became a partner of the British Vodafone.

Imitating Beeline, the company conquers foreign countries (mainly the CIS). The fourth generation of mobile communication relies on the Yota infrastructure. 2006 launched a loyalty program. Years have honed the habits of marketers, some subscribers have stopped receiving bonuses, re-registration is required in personal account operator. Points expire regularly. This feature is vital to know for those wishing to receive a reward. Today, the operator is creating virtual providers together with Russian companies.


Evgeny Kesarev (1992) visited St. Petersburg, conceived the promotion software designed to simplify calculations for telephone communication. The entrepreneur began bypassing the management of companies. Alexander Malyshev (St. Petersburg MMT) accepted the proposal to create the Neva digital network. The partners started looking for an investor. Bou Magnusson (Telia International) agreed. Shareholders (spring 1993) desired to become Finnish Sonera, Swedish Telenor, Telia.

The company was founded on June 17, 1993, with an authorized capital of $17 million, and was originally named CJSC North-West GSM. Alexander Malyshev received the post of general director. Journalists immediately visited Peter, making up an audience. The organizers among themselves called the venture a gamble. Europe a few years earlier introduced the second generation, GSM was new to the Russians. The first stage of network deployment included 12 towers.

$10 million cost for core hardware Nokia networks(switchboard, 12 base stations). There was a shortage of equipment. The first call took place on August 25, 1994. After 17 months, on January 17, 1995, commerce began. The company gave the sales segment to the performing salon network using prepayment (unwillingness to collect debts). The first year, which brought the figure of 8 thousand subscribers, overtook the plan by three times.

Finnish (Telecom Finland), Norwegian (Telenor) companies received 49% of the shares. Residents of the Northern capital got the opportunity to talk from abroad, carrying heavy mobile phones. The company received time pressure: lack of money for the development of the network. The following steps demonstrate the ability of the new leader, Alexander Nyago, to spin:

  1. A loan of $3 million (for a period of six months) in the Finnish bank Merita.
  2. New money was immediately lowered by purchasing base stations.
  3. The next $9 million loan helped pay off Scandinavian debts.
  4. Along the way, Megafon covered Peter.
  5. The turning point was the taking of a $40 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

1996 bears fruit: the number of subscribers catches up with Delta (24 thousand). A year later, the company's share is 53% of the market. Nyago's successor continued the course. Then follows the historical move that changed Beeline's policy. On December 1, 1998, a marketing gimmick was launched: charging only on the days of using the phone. In the winter of 1999, the number of subscribers quadrupled. Megafon was the first to develop the St. Petersburg metro, bought up the competitor's infrastructure. National roaming (single numbers) has become an individual achievement of the company, replacing area codes. Russian operators provided the service later. Seeing Moscow competitors (Beeline, MTS), North-West GSM decided to create a memorable brand. The new name is devoid of regional binding.

This is interesting! The company's management meant the megaphone used by the speakers who filled the podium. The younger generation refused to accept the forgotten term of the Soviet era.

Modification of the structure of tariff plans quickly bore fruit. Flexible policy generated 150,000 subscribers (June 2001). For the first time there was a clash of interests: the mutual penetration of the two capitals into foreign territory. Megafon won 10% of the Moscow market. On January 21, 2002, the millionth customer visited the office and received a VAZ-2110 car. The draw continued.

The development of the third generation began on time - in 2008 (38.5 million subscribers), the operator was the first (October 2, 2007) to launch the UMTS network (Peter). In parallel with other providers. The company immediately began selling Huawei E680 gateways that support mobile gadgets by providing Internet access. The kit was supplied with a suitable tariff. The market share was 29%. Today Megafon shares the power of Yota LTE with Beeline. There has been a trend of consolidation due to the general economic crisis caused by the Crimean events.

Tele 2

The founder of Tele 2 Russia is a transnational telecommunications company. In 1981, a competitor to the cellular operator Televerket (Telia) appeared. The company was named Comvik, later born (1986) provider cable television Cablevision AB. In 1988, Comvik obtained a GSM license, changing its name. The updated Comviq took up work in 1992. Three companies have merged:

  1. Comviq.
  2. cablevision.
  3. Internet provider.

The concern was named Tele 2. The mobile market began to capture Estonia, Latvia, Russia (2001), France. The American roots of the parent companies led to the use of North American D-AMPS technology. In 2001, the US said arividerchi by selling a share of the business to the Swedes. Then they began to introduce the European GSM. The deployment of the network went, in addition to building its own infrastructure, by absorption. The new tactic became dominant - the Swedes bought ready-made infrastructure. On August 13, 2007, mutual cooperation between VimpelCom and Tele 2 began.

In the spring of 2013, the company was bought by the VTB Group, having resold a 50% stake in the autumn to Russian companies. On February 6, 2014, the integration of the Rostelecom-Tele 2 tandem began. Today, the operator continues to cover Russia with a 4G network.


The company ranks first in terms of the number of subscribers (over 100 million) of Internet access. The mobile segment is much more modest. Significant support is provided by the implementation of state programs. Legally, the company acts as a successor to the USSR Ministry of Communications. In February 2014, Rostelecom began capturing the mobile communications market by merging the infrastructure with Tele 2. Today, things are going neither shaky nor rolly.


The new operator (2012) is deprived of the legacy of a difficult past - the scourge of all successful companies. The coverage of the regions with a new type of equipment, 4G technology, immediately started. Now the assets are merged with MegaFon. The history of the opening of the company has 6 long years. Two entrepreneurs, Denis Sverdlov and Sergey Adoniev, agreed (2006) to create a WiMAX (3G+) network in Russia. Since the operators of the Russian Federation have barely completed the development of the second generation of equipment (GSM). In the fall of 2008, a test run was made in the capitals.

Noticing the global trend (2010), the owners decided to master LTE. Now the infrastructure table by region has formed a solid list (48 pieces). At the same time, the new federal operator was selling modern communication devices to citizens: telephones, laptops. In the summer of 2012, the accession to Megafon was completed. On August 13, 2014, they began issuing SIM cards ordered in advance by subscribers.